HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-11-30, Page 1- '
Sale '11
ber dur-
Vi,GLISIT.7-Servicee at Fordwich, 1039: a. m.; FASHIONA13
%rroie, altZrestunergirsotot
one hour and a quarter before eaoh service. -
1,TETHODIST.—Services at 10:30 vim., and 6:59.
ILAp. m. Orange Hill, at 2:30 p..M. Bev. gr.
Greene, pastor. 'Sabbath School at 2:30p.
W. S. Bean Superintendent. 1-
-VRESBYTERIAX.--Services at Fordwieh at it
a.m.; at Gerrie, 2:30 p. m.: Bible Class -a
Fordwich in the evening. Sabbath " School a-
Gorrie pan, Jas. McLaughlin, 8npeintenden
Alf ETTIODIST--Bervices in the Fordwicli liethe
AY -A dist Church, fe:30 a. m. • and T .;
Sabbath School at 2:30 m. Pray v -meeting on
Thursday evenings at 720. Bev. Mr. Bdra unds-
Pastor._ _
F -Or
DVBE bred Leicester ran an ewe Iambs.
Bred1earguaorteN. AMY an& Whitelaw ,stock
Lot IC, cOn. 9, Gorrie P.O.
Estray Steer.
rAM cute the premise of -the subscriber, lot
8. con. 13, Howick, about the first of Oct0-
ber last, a gra,y_kintrinv steer. The owner is re-
quested to isAtte- i-propertyj pay expenses and
take it away: 7r EDWARD JOHNSTON.
Nov. 91.1868.- ", Huntingfield P. O.
A. witnesses required.
Office:—At the Drug Store, GOBBLE.
For infoftiatitai and free AMA
CO.. 361 BROADY/UM.:
*4E4- taki°"ene•ogiatag'ut bY usPatirbro
io O. 1*4 4A1 falto! free
.1 ittific
e rush.
1:72,1-1.3nroactia.irs. and ilatzirgege.m.
RApUATE. Toron to University and member
‘-3" College Physicians and Surg&e, Outario.
Residence, Absalom St, nearly oppost the Liv-
ery stab!o. Office in the Drug Storo:; t-bra:tr
te Carrick Banking Co.
-- •
ill tell
HLONOB Graduate of Toronto ThilttrOitY
Meddeal College. Member of ":7_Collega- 'of
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
, week -
/feat door,,to Wendt's Jewellery store:. -
W. Hi-HUCK; Y. S.
Mildroay. Ont
- -
c_RADUATR cf Ontario Veterinuff %wogs,
`-. and registered member of`Optartogeojtical„
Assoeiation. Also Honorary FellaWebwir tiO
Veterinary Medical Society. GIP*
attended to *friend day.
TS, FELT Boots,
Felt Shoes.
ulal?er Boots, Rub-,
bersi Overshoes, Slip
All kinds of
gen's and Ladies' Fine shoes
will be' sold at small
Every attention given
to Ordered Work.
and Repairing at
In and Around Gerrie.
(proweea ottt last weak)
Mr, ,tasi221,60 has returned -Jim* fro*
fvfauitoba where he has been for most
of the sun:lner.
The Foresters ate making -Arrange-
ments fer a fird-class concert, to -be
held on Jan. bth next, at wraith Sco2O; of
Canada's stars will appear.
Mr. W. Bentley, if Blyth, spent Sun-
day with Mr. S. Greer, in this Place.
Miss Campbell, of Wilighani,- 2cas
visiting here last week. -
Mr. W' G. Strong paid Briktford
visit last week. -
• ,
The revival meetings, -have been pro-
diietive of much good to the large
crowds constantly in attendance.
Mr& Welch, of Brantford, is visiting
friends in and about Gerrie.
Municipal • politics are Ullllustially
quiet this year. Scarcely a word is
heard as to the. candidates for the Jan-
uary elections. Thepresent-Board has -
done a big years work at a very small
cost, and will be able to present a
strong case at the nominations
Do yon remember that for Hardware,
Tinware, Stoves, etc., A. M. McCurdy's,
Fordwicb, is the place. Eavetroughing
and all tinsmithing promptly done All
invited to inspect my large stook.
DR. MUER, Dent14---
.. _Walkerton •
ONOB Grisdntitis bepartnientof Deinistrf.
Toronto ilmiXereitY4'GraduMe Boyar col-
lege of Dental- $4sgeOtIofrantarlo. •
AT sommEtta4104.21LWcirr
Prices 'niodlate;74147-77aik00*- 7.0.4#4f00.04'
satisfactory. •
J. J. viisgBil, r.413-.3;
tieleoied to meet- all iequirenients Or cheapest BISCIffT and con-Fiellerree
r tisvest, Price(' trir,inicke room for
on town,
FuJi nes of.
Qraaren."rszsgssa, Prol;asse.ewa
, .
r_RADVATH „ Ontario Veterinary OtillSte,
and registered member of Ontario Veterin-:
ary Association. -
Or Residence el
Next to Methodist Asonags,-
in a better position
g to reductions in
e use of this mag
no more and some :
1-111a One Stone Hotel is fitted- tip In Arst,elatur„
style, with large and convenient 'sample
rooms. spacious parlors: and .ohitnibers.--and
every fiscility for entertainnient.p1 the
ve p g .
The Isar is supplied 41i •
and cigars. .
-Pres-Bus to anst_fromall trains.
-F. X. GU
e. long etpnrience 'at thObnabie,sa
A -A-. I feel- confident of being able to- give first class Satisfaction. •
Repiiring Done.
g in want of a goed•riggiVe mea call.
r_ .•
Absaldiri St.
- • Mildtgay,
- We haveijust rewired_
and_ assortrlient-ef---,--
_ , ,• _ _
esplits and oltgesiosis
- Fruits of -all-kindian their season.
stings fn bulk, or- served in any style.
Everybody welcomed.
Elora st., _ Mildmay
Temperance Column.
he 'vas suffering toter
-miters. We spoke kindly 40
asked why be was there._
answered-- in broken' sentence
sorrowful tones, am here
chose evil companiOns' and
their influence, broke my
pledge. God knows I did not
steal as I am *mused but was
company sitity those who
'short time the act." -
a fine example of what time: -
do for each other. If oompanic
not equal in character the w-
yield to the stronger influence,
stronger influence be for the
master, then the weaker is led.
very depths of vice and crimet:
on the other hand, if the strongc
igh in morals and christian
trying to serve the Master, op
verse, his influence ,te the level •
Edited by the Mildmay Branch of the
Upon a visit to:a fantail American
town in one of the United States, I
chanced with a few other friends, to
visit the comity court house and jail.
That visit and -its associations are
stamped upon ray -memory in such a
way that the "Sands of Time can never
deface." Even now the dark stone
walls loom rep before. me and I can hear
the sepulchral- sound:Made by the mss-
sive iron door as it clii-std bei
shritting out all- the, bitatisar
outer world and closincus in t
e side of life
upon the misera.b.1 , picturep
in- all its wretchedness. - I shall not -at
tempt to describe the weird appearance -
of the outside of the building, with its
huge walls and iron grated windows but
- will try to give the reader the benefit of
what I saw there, and the train of
thought that succeeded my observations.'
We passed through a narrow 'corridor,
then entered a large apartment, which
seemed at first sight to be- divided into
'stalls and cased with iron, but upon
closecxaminatien 1 found that one
large iron barred or latticed crate
was in the room and subdivided into
several apartments both on the lower
and upper floor. _ It resembled the
cages for wild animals that are seen in
shows, but stronger and larger. There
Was -a passage all around this aliment ,.horses ran away and thfe,
on the lower floor and in. going through out. Mr. Waddell was con
the • passage, a view -of each cell was jured and returned home
obtained. I had gone the length of the Waddell pro:Urea anoth
passage without seeing any of the pris- their farm on the 5th con
online andowas returning to ascend the and accompanied by
4 boy, earcke
.• • • -
wliloh eau be bougbeat MODERATE PBIOES.
-.I. ASO' HARDWARE. Of. all kinds,
Tinware Au"' Sewing Machines
constantly kept On land.
C. 0kile
. .
enough for felnr to stator in,- then the
light was all shutoff aid mse were in
thedark while one 'of. Ug.- jestinily
quotedMilton's words, or *4*
rebelliOneliefotheir prisen ordained'his •
•utter --darkness." What Mist be- the --
feelings of those doomed; shut upin -
reality in*durigeott;'in buitrp franca with
the law. What must the:* feelings bit
when they, think of their prisoncd son:
about to be launched
To be eoulisied.
On Tuesday.: of last week gr,
Mrs. Joseph Waddell, of 4th eon;
loss, left Jame for Teesvtator. 'Ono
team of horses. • While on
-upper floor when -4e caught a
cruo1uug figures in th est corner
o the nearesteell, trig keep out of
sight and hide his diAgricelztehind the
rude -couch_ placed in the celf I stood
and peered betyeen the bar* •I; the
soner tu.rned'his back and e &he
manly, well formed shoulders see
to try to escape My gaze The hand,
were placed to the head, one on each
business left 'or home.
-proceeding by a bye -way
from the 4th Con. of Cul
farm- inT. kinioss, and. were
short distance.- of the -farin
when a second runaway.
The- unfortunate woman as
against alree receiving terrible in
from the effects of which she -
aide in the very, posture of torture and
orris ?
re than the big dol.
it •
we've marked them
and see.
're making a, Special
is' Furnishings.
ir John Thompson has lately been
Member of the Iinperial,--Privy.
enneilby the, _Queen for his - services
as iarbitrater itt cemiectien with- the
Behring.ca - - •
• EnglishSpavin Linimentreni ltes.all
hard, soft or - ca-lloiised Lumps and
Ak *ShenhQtjieS,43kood:Skavin;.-_Ciirbs-,
Sweeney, Stifles.
• few minutes. The boy ascapek
aespaireind the words of -Dryden,
but slight injuri4--,•the harisai
"Oh winds bear irae to some_barren
- Where print of human foot was never Seen,"
eatne to My mind...and: seemed to des-
cribe the wish of.the prisoner at that
moment. Ppm rnqulry 1 learnedlrOm
the keeper the namo.of: Vile forlorn
to have been -a pant yery
brutes, and have run awa.
occasions during the past s
two occasions Mr. Waddell4ini
severely hurt on one of
creature andthe nature of his ernne. being despaired of for soMe
No wonder hewishedto hide for he had victim of tilts-miasmal0-y faceic1e
'been branded as a true son of -Cain and also injured more thaE4 pre
accused of Spilling the blood of a fellOw to This terrible eireig-ok
creature.- After this inlorniation' 1 so Suddenly into anoth
-water News. r
Wished to leave the rooin•ler:-thokVery.„
itintatpliere seemed_ of
vietenalef4apeCtial nature._••
;We:Avere then, directed totheAfter
passed :-'-around. the cefls
on;ii.-srailt-niiiiaiite o iron work We -
saw three prieOnerelnit none of iese
seerned to realize their positions, prQb. -
l)g-CikttSprit4pirietittibit,46t-# mipor
iittiae as and the