HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-11-23, Page 6Is -of he TRE VALE Awhoenjoys'' e, good that tbi siibces� ere will, and t w doubt, h kK K, zdem :um"ailked by.,%he _]ffo A Unman ion will find in--hini a man fitted in every where There- a DoZi LO wTORY-'', .,VrR A way for the first pl"e in the world and that '4aut Demoeracy—the Freest 4e will prove himself every incha King. 'lions Fuder the Suit. good Bisho, D#CHF,88;" IN LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE. The p Urgel; who exercises iu:the-- vale, --has vated The English people are ery odd- to supreme authorit PEOPLE YOU KNO`W- n as satanic the M� troductik- Of,',plegzapbs gtA'out of one's possession loaded; and you American eyeL Visitors from this side of and,telephones to that; primit 'e gion. the deban find a doinivarit *democracy In Intereatinam Xtems About Well "own Per- readers a�ryoyr brothers, are coming The Vale of Andorrais, as anc most an rose 1alM_ng'-OdAei cheeks� FAugh d, :so -far" -the extend4bil 2h� Oh, bother your'gun 1" cries Terry. a6re probably aware ne of the three rs4lv -power in thebands of the populaces cauplace el- ksbiftl-1 wbof a radical democracy or onle, .lam ad is bou�d as a volume The other two are the prificiP%UtY Of MOn' Queen Victoria's will is engrossed in v States urope. Look here.,f If you won't help ine, ru happy and contented -in F ei�ks, but 4.t is not ten hor s;ui 5P quarto size, a givi masses mi on SUn_L P aco and the small republic of Saint marmal an to change. The iLy meet - in I beg you won't do that,-. saya--Mr. Tre- And secured by rivate lock. jalge forsake. Hyde Park or Trafalgar Square ung day and applaud the most incendiary speech - h fusis,:coming,quicklylo her. He has A Thomas.Slingland, of Paterson, N.J.,shot Andorra, which figares as a mere speck (a t1ii decay that both the gun and the cartridges noon the Fran pi --e ce on th,3 archy that himself, well nigh fatally, and then asked the map, Stands between ver. south, a6ad es, masy assail so 0 penly the men -s determined to die. north and Spain on the isiawq us r is looking lovely groundl He has unloaded it, howe for a ci is toght go away with garette. He We unaccustomed listeners mi - 0 noon sun wall, he e -seen it. one o wra, -5 ot h t shine. The Now, placing.one foot against the ' f the would be. Lord Dunraven, of yachting fame,derives oned by those who hav the impression.that the throne ALblazling, as reaches -up his arms to her, and she, though- on fire h m the Pyrenees. There Cate most charming spots i m �h, ing his hands, springs light an a feather , to the next a goodly portion of his income from the overturned before night,, but. comfoTt- #0 round xhorning all-EnglaniLgoes peaceably to work' Proceeds of his farming operations in Amer. are 9,000 inhabitants, who, with a few �464greeirof the;iv� hat is haDgAig the ground. ceptions, are either shepher& or cut ex and 06ffais gUde -along in the same old path.. ica. the* -74&mingthenrt, as, it were,—hanging is Den, V she cries, triumphantly. tivatorsof the soil. 1,The­Emperor with Like the sailormani-the Britisher likes his ug Pere Hyacinthe,for whom the French are -Ua -closily, indeed, to some Of them, Is' She breaks into s. burst of merry la hter the flowing Beard',—Charlema6pe---gava lie- 146- t"t a'UiPPing as the boys' heads now appear, at the I top growl and he must. have it out uninterrupt 7 collecting a popular subscription, has been them their autonomy, and most admirable gg""g.t w edly. Tryto priventhita andhe breaks' obliged to t -Ake pupils in ordertoearn aWbi-g4od, of the wall. In a momentthey have swang has been the use they have made Of their into riot, but let him vent his grievances to livelihood. uneil fDecidedly-lbw ivy' does, want 'd1iPPing ; themselves over and xre­`b4id6 her.' I've will subside liberty. The State is governed 1)y a co the top of � his bent and he elected Aiui alaq, th -old house wants B& many won !" he cries gayly� That's nother -like the quietly and go about his avocation The death of Marshal MacMahon leaves composed of twenty.foui members a --yesterday. It's ---tld is difficult fo-grow Old 'grace peany. It . but a single officer, Canrobert, wearing Oat each year, and from among the elders in geml - It was five -pence happiest man in the world. He knows in highest of French military itles, 11 Mare- Wy,".vaya Madame de Suel in one of. her aixpence now. " She laughs again; her laugh ha";Vor cQuir,%' is like music, sweet, spontaneous irrestible. his heart that the system of government -chal& France," instituted in 1185. the community be who considered the chahnil I under which he lives �a the wisest and is the most respected is chosen �di6tedb,&, and Judeed, tl�a old house, so 11 Oh, it isn't fair !" cries the eldest boy Thomas Murphy, the son of Francis Mur.. as President.for life. Ve , inueb th6;*�ise !at zwear, s, aa U911" Max, -who has, the face _qfjm angel, -but FREEST AND MOST STABLE IN vhy,. has taken up the temperance work of It appears that the State has been free M9 a t- -On. bar side. Yet there are some naturethat I'm afraid. even the strongest. venteenth tading. minded angel would disown. 11 Mr. T the world, and though be may breathe his fatheri and last week held a series of from crime since the end of the se alluded beautiful features about its refusis threats against it, yet he would be the first large and successful min Waterbury century, and when that m&tt46r is ,—or rather helped you ; we saw him. Of course if we to spring to its d6feftce were it assafle to by any of the inh .The terraces, for one thing a by Ct. abitants they invaris Jroi-t�wo. thiftgs 49' Aeli�jhtful' - had people to help us, we'd have won." ably make Wasn,t an am by the coaching accident tioular crime day. They tooftre -;bathjlph� in- the lovely 91 He only gave me his hand. yone but himself. Public utterance there. James Gordon Beni who b as been con the sign of the cross. The par - '00 appears to have been the nght all thd'flaws and ruined that all, Mr. -Trefusis is the Safety valve of the peop le, and under fiiied to b . i . a ro R public duties. its ample provisions 'things ate said openly 'in Paris, is to be taken to the Riviera, but result of a love. affadr. . A i sdisorimin&WF on the Trefusistegards her curiously. oes she which in Francei in Germany, and even in hisfriends are reported hopeless that he are performed gratuitously-, with the ex--' 46f tb:e Diiiii bir i'thefe,on the know how -anxious he is to give her his free America, would be considered, wi a er and in 11 over recover. ception of services rendered by the two ome cases6u1A actually'be, a danger to T on has always been a nota- notaries who practise (fixis corner, on the ex, hand forever ? But her question is still un. there, and who he Ld Early in his married life obtain payment when they quishe- old -6edar on -the lawn below, and on I 'The reas'on''of this is that if the- r are employed answered, and, being an Englishman, the state. ble hoyusekeepye -tke. two baTerspaceg in the balustrade where I answers it to the letter. the late poet la re%te said, jestingly, that but pray think of it, only two notaries in IS Britisher, when he�sbarta out to growl, does the-, pillaft have-' ;been, - br 0 -ked kwayv- an not know how tp.hold his, tongue,,ho has Should literature fail, big wi al h which -the boys now Sometimes bow the answer seems t militate g ...... I om poverty by. d Bothhands, I -think,", says he. ; Some- fe - could keep pop ationof 9,4000! 4ir the family fr bar culinAry The head of every family, whether repre- o full,com, lo 99 maud of his faculties and he ves weeP, to the terror of the old nurse (who is her in the eyes of the two pursuqLrs. deeply that which 16 is contenteX toubuse. skill. is Supreme. Seated by father or eldest son, as b1d, so overythffig else in this sweet for- There I you See- 11' -says. Geoffrey, the � What struck the foreign visitors -to Lon- Roberb Penistan, who died last- Monday Either the one or the other is implicitly -Siken slj6 - aifd 0i -�Smber down by the ivy second bby, Who is the very image of his don during the festivities incidental to the in the Forrest Ho -me at Philadelphia, was obeyed, as it has always been the custom briawhiij�mmfng,aa a rule, to the end of sister. 11 He thinks it unfail, too marriage of the Duke of York was the in� the winner of the grandprize of $500,000 in in patriarchal families. Andorra is too near ihoi-r -Jouftey with a. tumble to the turf Do asks the girl, turning to for its inhabitants ou tense enthusiasm of the crowds ter the reign- the Roval Havana lottery drawn Atiril 22, to the Spanish frontier Y Oh, Y si"�resentin have entirely escaped the influence usis e g his hotl in nily. The streets around and a-djacerit 187. jet in legs than six years he had been to Tr itatio Y. ch arises,only from a desire characterizes the -jarcioni-biyond, ,die fountain is to r strippedof his easily gained wealth,and of pride of caste which het n hi the oyal residence were packe4with the understand the situation,—',' I can see London multitude 4sin-ging G d Save the 0 has* iai4 his playing.' to died a recipient of charity. former nation. Indeed, there ia�wo prouder u do - I indignantly, I'm ver sorry than the Andor.raus,, Eris lies idle in his mouth 'one of his YO ant., race in the world pip Y Queen us an assurance to the august, van- Charles P. Graves, of Helena, M 'on k' where I asked you to help me at all. I ld hdve they could give points to the noblest hidal- IQ& lsikgone;and the big ban 5 erableand splendid woman who fills the who was married at Lexingtonj Ky., the -aed to'He in profusion, enrichin jumped it quite easily by myself." nd, and throne that the hearts of her subjects were other day, is one of the'wealthiest colored go- The Andorran's word is his he 461 am glad, however,f was oa the Spot,' one might very naturally ask. What can and dull, -they are dead too, with her. The Russian, notables were men in.the United 3tates. He is president a Trefusis, caluily,—with, indeed, e h par g companies in Montana,, an ticulatly impressed by this incident. of. two minin l the two notaries possibly hav to do? T e Yet, them is about thise return , . iting calmness. You might annals, -air most aggravE as if some one had been said to'b men are all soldiers, but in their Coming from a country where the sovereign is e a millionaire. He married t have seriously hurt'yourself -if yon had fears to venture into the most frequented a well-known colored woman of Lexing. which are all in manuscript, there is ne r,ee oring, their fallen glories. A fought a -her(ki a prOdding there. A boyish jumped clown here sprained your ankle, mention of any battle having been: -g paths lest he should -be;..assassinated by his ton. ;Au,-inateur's-h&n,,:beyond or within the last ten centuries. They tell Per The'Duke of Westminster, who owns a unruly and discontented �Laubjects, this popi estion. �, It mig". be a girl's. Whatever Nonsense says Terry, shortly. ular ebullition of the love of a people for large number of houses in the fashionable t4e time principally by sun clials, and do dL riot :18, it Seems to -have 4oue little good. There have been cases of the kind, how- without ators, brokere, and policemen. their ruler, which expresse only the district of Mayfair (London), has declined 4 violets a14fte have proved grateful for eve r," continues Trefusis, coloring slightly. - feeling of London, but what London. to'lease to any Burgeon, physician, dentist The imprei3ion pro ia,--ed at -sight of the "And, besides, to run so much a you do, utains in the -Ndfiest care bestowed, �upon magnificent pine -capped moa NeL slight "men in genera. if era are pleased to call the provinces, do you think it Ladylike "was or medical I He gives no. Vale of Andorra, split up here'and there - a spring, year. i Lfter.. year, they thern - in'th which includes all that is not London, hing down their to. deck this sad and lonely bank, on the tip of his tongue, but Providence revelation to those who knew �xplanation for it, but the accepted opinion. by torrents which come rUS was a is that it is simply a fai. -�w'aking� 0aafthe world around- them by, came to his aid and suppressed it. teful conse- sides, and form at their base two rivers the it SayA Miss only despotism and all its hr IkI don't think bout it at all, Mme. Alice Le Plongeon, who, with'her, Ordino and the Embalir is one Of enchant. Itbeir priceless quenc�es. Socialistic ideas permeate the O'Moro, with i little tilt of her chin there ment. The Lowlands of the valleyA, border- J`ust beyond. this -wilderness of sweeta" mass in England as they do in many other :husband,Dr. Le-Plongeon, -spent along' is distinct resentment in her glance. "if -term of Yeats in Yucatan and Central 6 :Wooded rotifid.by ntries, but it is nt the violefft. and de- ed by gigantic chestnut and walnut trees3 al4en-'Hea, all con unning, then don't run. As America searching for relies of past %ge red-Abw- you object to r Is are rich in crops of golden corn, among 1;ud' the, , . . tru-.tive socialism of the continent, because for -me, I am now going to run agaiu—home a paLe,sien4cler,d4�licate-looking Woman �i ni flowers grow —the which the vine and olive trees spread -their ered, ei M-8611-10 -k ke C boys." the latter is mheistical and -murderous I -lastone, wouldselectas having a phys' rds of cattle browse . hnoagh weeds om' while the socialism of Britain is tempered ique twisted -branches. He papet The boys are at her aida in a'moment. fitted toi undergo -the perils of the wilder on the gre plains, che snow-white fleeces flower en dear achings of Christianity which by the te If ou-. thiuk'� I di4ri't, win that last nesses. --ep, shining like silver beAeath -the pra chil4hood, her 'Scottish ; of the sht penny fair THE rEortE RtvF,-RF, The qu�eu!sla,06rite among +tihat would ly, says she,"I'll race Yea -all rays of the setting sun. Interseting over ve up to,"howev6� short they chaplains is said Donald Mae- trout ; and any again. Butyciii must give me the and strive to li to be Dr. streams are redolent of U'-Vket, --aiid same odd& To � that tree over there, ' may fall of -the ideal. Even their religion leod, of Glasgow, the brother of the famous agantity of game—grouse, patridge§, nd SO, 8w-eet W, __��so be- ��.tha-y�t are V . C ". pointing to a distant bireb. art -of their conservatism, and they Norman. Macleod. , Though not a man of ther birds, fly unconcernedly within a money 'a k to us is a P 0 All right," cry the boys in a breath.. who look for radical change must regard the genius or a specially eloquent preacher,he is stone,s throw f h plipy mrftAw-livw'-g breath, a living ­uty.anda 0 uman beings, at They have thrown themselves into running tenacity with which this people have clang sagacious and, able, especially ia matters of ad- -with -d. thousain at were never i4terfer- - 'fij 4 JLeitd, memories, pastgri a, Pa attitudes, and Terry is about to start, when totheir formithrough' the centuries, and business', and' deservedly occupies a high smelt -powder, which.� to 0 'it, y Joys- Trefusis comes 4itijkly-forward: still cling tothem., If they are not the chosen �Uosition. 'doin nr =r have. it. T Mi fiLTerry's, garden. Miss O'More a word. I have a letter Imleaccording totheScriptures, they have, helate'Luey-Stona Was the eighth, of if th e only rom r yo= "Tfwas going- 0' bt least, inherited a promises awn before the f 70 have 'nl�ie' ehildreg, and 'the night before her ar oduaii �TQ th and .b;ia Qds'. 'broad and place� w - ith ii.' She hopes you will d--bli!th-�iim"'oifier,-iiiilke-deight':cows. When your workedouta civilization uniqueinbistoryan. an app reading their strong and- great, are sp came up to dinnerw to-niaht." have gonear and suffered much.in c g he learned the,childs sex she said: �10h, wanches, berse'ath them shadows lie. - Pair, arry1n; efitfich of AnA., jXA andA ­1� 0 ife I' -bey6nil theii, J Whatever Terry's eoasi� may be feeling their belief, their virility, and their love dear,. I atn.'pOrr tt`s�agirl—a; woman's I _q-^ glimpoe of -the ocean, , on the subject, there is unmistakable hope of all which is upright and manly to all parts' fasb hard !" Lucy, even when yet. a child.,, It, is -iii this areadian spot, that enterprise- siler gildigtdon 'but -no srand -come's 'fro � 9 in in the face of Trofusis. of the- univers became indignant at the inj astioe done to "turally 'anxious in view of progressive itlo-4y. This day is so Still that hardly 1 Vs You -1 may tell her you are coming women tel graph -poles and The- sandalled legions of Rome in the y�, e be wox4d and resolved. with, in, eventualities of erecting e*elk a, autile a irit to -,r 0 matter when . q.�he-birds-disturbs, the� Says he, seeing with a burious. pang at his days of her erial power may have carried f emedy th affixing.wires which,,at All event4, for tjie imp von cared to OPeM respect an r to all parts of the th'en she grew tip. present, coild serve v , purpose heart that'shehas not e fea no usef'l' Silenca liqs on ever r. ythinL the letter he has given her. wn world, but in -her palmiest dav4 her' bey d pi-6viding a perch f�r the -numerous- - 'A ailg&& brokeu-tfdw, 'ho*ever, an&,M' a kno on Oh, I don't know," returns she careleS - .4 fashion. , Oqt from one t: pGwer'was infinitesimal compare(l.with that RoMau Walls in Germany nd England. bi)rds, flying about the;c9uhtry.: Moreover, ly.: "I'll think about it., At all. even of the Britain of to -day. Wherever the An. where it is a question of directing the elec. 'windo- biushin Of th�e­ dt-&-l' 4 -room WS tric current, a ciroumferen& of a, win 'An important discovery has lately. been la red - I'll. send hervord.' glo-Saxon has penetrated, 'there th made by the,German a few hand iside, obtrusive ivy that looks as if relimblogists who a6re h Bat--" coat has been prepared to fellow him, to- red miles more or leis in. ransit -can make� rauddetain exploringthe remains of the Roman frontier There- isn't time for buts cries she uphold him against opp ession and'wrong, no difrerence. Owing. to geographical 4blight"'girlish figure; after her J r - 'her 90NAgO we I rks, locally -tyled 11 Pfahlgraben or with arather malicious little laugk at hirn-. and to emphasize the. principle that fear. and pastoral con ditions the Vale of Aticloiia -two,14a.' For a moment, like a birdf d6Xow—Geoff—Max-"I'3n off!" Teufelsmaner," which cross Western Ger- and turmoil-' v has'ptospered outside the stfr 'ghla- upoil the terrapei poising her-, exacts what ci ility might -not be prepared the Rhire 'near Coblenz to the, she, all second Atalanta, away she to pay. man m of busy world, satisfied withit own tradi- And, like a. t -Steps, aad' lyan I urg. ese works Aiea %gain, like an arrow&om its bow. The monarchical system will survi d unregretfal of having U'l Ybe aiRME�d, ilien f6si a the' ve, in a iear Regensb' Th consist ofaubstantizl rampart and ditch ori, tional history, a (To BE CO- deeds to record.' Great Britain because the people know glorioui *vay. acresq,#4 near the Danabe, of rough stone wall, 4qnM TaWn ; away over in 'ApaAAng'stieam, her two houndA that it, is the safest and'best form which t Suitable intervals -the t* th.fco�ta. and towers a V U cident? hVis, I be adopted. Some; may hint at a hitoAlid'odifitedwocid bb.' and the Germa�n Gbvernment has latelly ap' and out a Acro%& -the ropid.now� i. gradual growth of opinion iciverse to the gain. TO the non -legal migd. the tq)rrn '&a( pointed a, Reichlimes Commiesion to explore Giving the Clerk 'a Tip. woiAjlkp� -d6fined,but m011arc the.!�Vhole scientifically. hotel clerk.Wt� that he'had d thro rh an, 1M fiedge dent pear o' e easi &y, but we -do -not believe that it ug� openinfAid and, a -on, and the late d Chief Justice Cockburn will ever manifest,itself to the extent of The swell la od and Lor speedy result'hag been i6 addition of' tA measure very � .,U �. I taken hii gues onsinsur- such a drastic change as is- suggested., The to the wo' a. In front, that on. thought not, and on several oce"i * a new feature rk as the newcomer set down -his - bag1by the 'mark elds the 'is -on the i hostile side, a . small ditch has counter a4 reached- for the register. -Swift as Atalanta shilheo; nolaugb upon ance companies have iddilit a defifiitioi; in ib able woman who now wi B - Ike d that se6ptre is bowel down with year's and it r parted 11" 1 his is business. ut oh, the courts of law. It has been decide discovered, which contain large stones Pa. be very long, though we hope it may, been 46 What- are the prices of your rooms?" hzr ia an obstae1w 1 vustroke is -not an: accident, but that cannot e set up edgeways in c6ntinuous line, wedged inquired the stranger. before she must surrender the rule to her Y -Ak high wall enshe injftry to the a pright by-small�stbnos and bottomed with 41 Two dollars and upwards.'. upreaA itrelf- befllore'h' . pine tbrough lifting a heav son, the Prince of VV ales, and we believe u weight is on( -r things which AWA - h - oci the wrong Even if physical ailmente coal, Potsherds and othe 11 Two dollars and dowaw iirditake, as at& you mean, contribute to an accident, it is covered by that his accession to the throne will be re - I Q quired the guest meekly. "a back��her bin a eyes full clearly did not grow on the pot. This don't you'?" in ceived with satisfaction by the people c discovery corresponds to certain statements 'air : it is just as Isaid.- If -you ofth4i d for victory, tb ex 99 No,- itement of the policy. while bath- without prejudice to the affection with rendering every terize tense. Yes, in the writings of the Roman land survey- want cheaper rooms yoa will have to go The relatives of a man who, chase in: shallow wateri was seized 'With .6 fit which they now regard his royal mother. ""Th foe, they era, and seem to show that the demarcation eleswhe e." oy Are -gaining on her. e r r Viewed through the Americam press, His of the frontier was originall' a civil affsir. �i . anc, affocated, sustained their claim,as did rene as a May morn. -e 'me.!" th - Y The guest was as Be onw - ey�cd larly seized, -Royal Highness is a reckless spendthrift and The line of the rampart suggests the $sme those of a man who, when simi --Her,eager and (it T 4is dreadfpL �wall ing. fell under a train and was killed. Again, a an immoral man. It must be remembered MR86 'b-600 Y -es On what floor re your 82 rooms he W., h6igised conclusion, _Oeri6ded eyes asarch for it pursues a straight course formed for the p�itions or posi a m is de.;---��There is very little Person haing fallen- and dislocated his that this estim te of hi reg asked. -ai without ard to to. purpose of feeding the hostility which ob. sibilities of defence. 'The frontier line was Top floor." shoulder was put to bed and'earefully nurs" e for search foes. and Ithoie of her but in -less than a -month -he died of tains in certan parts of the States agai a civil, military matter. every see. ' e nst Anything on the TOOf V Pneumonia. Th6 conneciihn beteen, that the roylal family and the British establish. The clerk looked surprised. Curiously enough, says an English paper, hich are' "Ofcou enot." 4iPl4int and a dislocated shoulder is not ment generally. If half the things w we have lately li�d roasor� to form a very bianahmi old of her arms e rs 9t once visible, but on tbeground thatthe said about His Royal Highness in the Amer- si - ilar conclusion wi dl r th respect to -oar own Ojectigg stone in in Where are your high-price&,r46ms restlessnes� and suscel�tibility to'cold pro-. ican press were true -it. is hardly possible R that up to this had ea ','-On the lower floor." oman frontier which crosses England from7 daced b u py Newcastle to Carlisle, and is usually called e $2 -,rooms to get whicli -liill6d in Itfie rolativeibra held to hi THE HIGII,�LACH Hadrian's Wall. General Von Sarweythe to, them do you V ig and, catching I _y the that he she 'Id oced 'You don't go up from th by the mesa. cideni led to. the.diseas hatAecorate -the wall's old excava- 'jj&oera-to the -top of it, and -rta be entitled to claim. director of the German Ce - inly not." tion of the people, military The inAuence of intoxi ating liquor" he does in the eatima i'England in July -to visit this ifqjy odt whom he will be,king one.day. is tiOns, came tc -a d at the other look Own 91, You go down from the $2 rooms to.get has been authoritatively define&. as "inAu a pan was accom W to them, don't you ? means . resorte -ence which distu ­mau�s -m -e.,p Eagerly she rbi Ae Wane p altion is such that he cannot, adopt the wallp and ied on his tour bv to' �Zhdrribly steep. A to by ordinary persons to party of a f Oxford and local archipologists. h The clerk began to cate on. -6rcise- of'. bk-fa& k mind or the intelUg0ji -said. If You--�- ight - The general result of the observatiolis .4VY w Re r no hope. s eagerly njuries received while in t protect himself from vicious attacks of th4 eal air, he: tba -the theory that -the keyea.. ;,- 7, ulties "liChd i made Wco firm and, therefore, he is meexposed WAS n That is to say," interrupted -the, guear", er condition are not cov ed by an accident nature r are $2 and-downwarcL iGi to sl�naer and sneers. But no'reputable vallum, or eartfr*ork-hich: tins south of It your prices ve by running teji�4,t m6me,d i0licy. Nor are those, caused e Of civil' e the best -yoti've'got &B -W papetA England gr the Qo1oriiea'a'66-OPts� apivatstone wall, was a pie.c use iibd-L' isk, as crossing a . I a1vol railway, evdii-it `n' of mil' tee� -has.-something that of obvious F the fre'quentrep' d ot itary engineering, and it �ew * orts of him in, the Am the clerk bowed- do low that.Aiii dt6 roper place, wiphoat exercising, due care e n od -X0 er"a Ion' in 1: - WL P at it preceded eing in any, way th stud wai thro*ivn comple d to, dpassi trains. �[`C ully'.iheir columns with-ne -words the Rom . &us first b ttut seems p the stone hainb�rs's Jour. press i as liful, lVe 'Fr I ifiti. '&vOi 49 alL � In othek shadow. they do pot a peti- naL lront4er on-. the principles of civil rr 1 'Help me down -P -oihe inade, a y tion,of,tbem.,.The ri&e is like any r ta - the moment tZ�. notice ing, i�irklng it bY wirthworks and d t, I th gentidnidi in his con' ucii,, bu e words engineei butafter -Cehsure is th ditch,' d We then V"ted to go 8 tone in hid v ,He Well Deserres It. c6mp�lled to ff*rCif­ a an re V oms*her' e tax a mau.p4v3 1, whioh� in many pLaces toll, in it with 9, stone wal M, W�F Ae�newly-eleeted mayor 'or a country. to the public ior being eminent..', The to- Little Boy—"' May I go out to. osition keeps him deviates from the earlier line in order 'town *asat r4ey -day� fu-% Second ;*ut to make -his first. jou i ominence'of hisp -11.141- h� I ­ 1 .1 - - I great pr amma-11 1,�ot to k ass ;ShGE take, a strong position. owto,;,'. liAhat c a-pfikity 'throug Ifle Place - in the public e all the time, but . . . . . . . it ik - t ey The. townspeciple- had arranged that from -speaks, highly for the understancli The'conclusion to be -derived from both a6ud I would not have it get I ng world." m ell dh io, - -for the English and'the German instances sug-, hat it o to the store an arch -offlowers under v�hi be was to, &ad honor of the British press, t H Y to a. shWilder. WIL , , gests that in the'earlier days of the Empire May I g e. pass a floral wn phoold be bung siar- does not give cutrenc uswfia' sh ans cared little for a cro he miseiabb 0 cientific fron- 11H close by, Ton know o6t-a' e w-oll.deserves scandals which are!pbneocted for American the R m -now. monnt6dby the words: I don't need anything a m4 ters. Minute as their frontier organization tion: and brazenly published. On consump -have h T%:Tovember 90, the Prili -reached his 1p May I go id azaar- and fifry. was, it was: notessentially'a military mat - But the,wind blew� away the crown, ce so you'll know how 16ok e_ a hO41 - oji�j - . when the Pompous mayor passed under the second birthday. Thathis days have But they had no cvilizel e 'en dead ter. -nemy to taken, �grest joy of 'those who had userul, tba he has g ven much time aua contend against. am -eriiw Terry, arch, to the -1 Mircy no. You had yof ktb too�_ Ca' dy last wei�k." K �baok­�Ilthey voted against him, only-& rope with.anoose attf-ntion to the wants of the people, ther takenon -d used a Hattilton ci, W611, e- testimony.;- Indeed, judging from ampl , rink m it dang1ea:,--*ith He well de One e 'man'to as -ftuak' in hfir garden., He W You might W. -R -the accounts.6f his work,' thereare few b Ff. -9 9tkt iii bold relief above. u tooth -.0ulleds an ho �19 all one more in England th' :be and n valiantly attacke44t*,.*-ithL an axe- nd in a ier men d ing-W, so he --thez monate T e sli*'er Morning -ne- ted bi the very fu 'dud to popular. He is -received everywhere witlit few- n&u ei iei*16d h -think, ft Y th4greetirgs usually�-beStd*ed7u oAJ IL Ci - his inthe !at the respect. -hie pos, ton. --with, 12ext 11S U � a ; covered: that, he had" No P to W e pn i e�s 4 i f I -A -5 1� I--, -- -7 11'1'0 T W P CHAPTEA 4 THY HEART Dear, clear i -Now, daimi -Nlrs, Br&dshaN tolemn con3lave of a fe the ecmmencerneut of " You ought to know, your daughter really g Athelstone after all"?" .; After all"' echoes " All what '�" Well, I guess yo what people said two think things should tui a romance ! My—only 11 It is not so unr Douglas, loftilv, 11 '. always deeply attach( and, in fact, came hoT the intention of prol just too latre. Niv dea Sir Francis Vava'sour " Is that so ? shaped tP.11e about tha; Sir Francis was a brut well anyone who kno she's got real dow.morl and as for Vavasour—c' national paets says : became li�m like his lei about his sort for an el No offence, I hope, �i he was your son -in -lam speak my mind right no nonsense about me " I am not the least Douglas, ,wectly. "I and '�ir Francis Val not as devoted a hus 'I had reason toexpect rather cold and prudi be—well he had been must excuse him for really thley got on vei nothina could exceed erosity �o Lauraine. everything, and quit, And she�s voillo, T stone next fall " Well, her hustbam ly a year, and dear cate since that accid ordered to winter at will induae him to gc also." "That was a qu( Mrs. Bradshaw B.1 "Never could make � Lady Jean was kind I wasn't sbe�" "Really," says K� most stately ai�, ,I anything about that has been quite tot) di� "Her conduct wai, hat I can see, when ij answers Mrs. \Vocill� bad, though, of cour until Joel Salornius i and blown his brains a good word of her sil Mrs. Douglas looks "Of course, as Iona, liely outraged, as U show of decency, it deal ; but when it enough to overstep that, quite alters the Of course," agree a smile: " It's onli what suits our convei Ladv Jean has never since she married th what's his name ?1� 11 Count.Karolysk� sure. But I think il one in her old set her. 11 Well, your E�agl exclaims Mrs, bra "Guess you're the i on the face of creatia going ?" 11 Yes, I must. I Carlisle's day, you � look in and hear -a child. She corresl with her friend. 01 nalural." "01 Id. cat," mur the satin skirts trail "You could not blac enough once, and n, and dear Keith.' 'C with such humbue. her husband. Nan, Keith Athelatone and whom do you th 11 Lady Vavasour, young Countess of 1, 11 Wily you knew! Shaw Woollffe disapi -I didn't ; I on thought it would Keith !" She sighs, and thi little dim. A vision and ficure of the m girlish hero rises su� contrast to them --h( burly frame of her 0 11 Well, fretting's with a little laugh was awfully fond of he'll be happy at las of—the other thinz. And meanwhile w in the plot that was piness—that was to vengeance perfect as skill c3uld make it Theworldofsociet which she delights i knows Lady Jean n4 If she had never r her life before, she r. Count Karolyski. and jealous ruler. We among the gloo possessions in the G was neitber peace D( ipan. Passionate, ex&ctii, t7jis man, who had 7-.,Esion, but neither ,c 1 that she should n, hl her chafe and frd When she had ' Vavasour's death a herself on her prude, other man, more el thathis action bal lover, and poisoned sudden release. But when in courl' Keith2s recovery, h( no bounds. Then, yet in their married band a SPOC414611 Of.