HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-11-23, Page 1Ilewrottecli to • tlage Irtterestm of U -a -I rota
Voj. 2.
JOHN. -J.- -8RBRADLEY For -Sale.
' -
d akelet thisi the il-the.False' och of
Bing -the centre Bharte �otiu-.
p 1 ;it. -services alt rerdwin$,'10.30 a, m.;
a Goraze, 2 O p.m,:.at Wroxeter, 434 p, m.
ev, Mt. Brownlee, Incumbent. -.8unday Scheel,
oma hear and a quarter before' each service.
_- ..
(� ! .. t RE bred Leicester ram and ewe lambs.
`r �•'-� 1- Bred t from Helly and Whitela� stock.
_ '- Prices reasonable. �
/� T STi;WART,
` - . .I 3Jo� Lot 7 e, con. 9, Gorrie,P.O.
,• . Howick.
of sae hundda'
The s ecial services Which at: one vo a enrs sl areci=,tihe lg o _ l "-'
p -- Y- - : I r
,.nab" - -' i : -'�✓`^ Y .-
time were: -houeli� to be held bele this pethtlou, of wham �� �i�� � - ,
Autumn, have been est tail. d till "after This is;
P e . Due Orl3ebest t11I1$5 .
Christmas. The Rev. Mr. Irwin, wwio 'by a C.anadiall:. -Illustratedby
ETHODIBT.-.-services at io:saa.nl., and 6:3t!
p, in. Orange -Hill, at 2:30 p. ni, R v, -Bir.
Greene, paster. Sabbath School at 2:30 'if.
'. S. Bean Superintendent.
_ �Z]+ttoiltiV i°B:1€e~
muse Wanted..
HAs lust co/bikeatced business in. Vogt's Block
Beu.g a praetieel and experienced workman, I A COMP O'iTA LE house wanted to rent by
Dec. lst neat Apply at this offtee.
am stile to guarantee first-class 'Work in the fat �.�.�.
°_ ��
was to take the greater - part - of the' Etherard English artists.
work has another a ointment which Two Old Hunters,byO- _ �~
he could not cancel. 4
one of the best short sto w n3
- rg Titer
The date for the in::the
�?iiESBYTERIAN.- services at Fordwieh`at it
4.m„ at Qorrie, 2:30 p. m.: Bible Class a
Irorriei;1 in the evening. sabbath School a
Goa'rie1:15p•m,Jas. McLaughlin, Sup erintenden
o .
In and Around Gorrie.
I.O. day. , Illustrated b3' Feraiid. a - -"� '
G.T. hall has been set for Dec. 8th. Old Diekson'sYoung Lady, b - r
,�' F
AA RT IODIST-Servicesinthe-PeidwiehMe`tric
ab dist Sch of a, ; p m a. m. and 7 p:, m;
Sabbath school at 2.34 p. m. Pray s -}nee • on
Thursday evenings at 7:30. Rev..lFir. Isdm da
.n j Tac
ler 2__ We regret to learn that Miss Barber,
has long boon a resident of Gorrie,
will be put forth to make this Durand, one 'of the very ie -vete _ - '
one surpass previous undertakings: Canadian short story writers, }}'L-----te
None but home talent
��TROXE i 'p who
is lying seriously ill at Mr. Alex. Smith s
will to employed. ed by Frau and arid Etiael ah
Programmes will be circulated in about In poetry the number is the- Ii . - <
Seit�iill, erkan
. fit
�� i i i lJt ` =
t ,
, `i� ,i 0 ``
i is { ,� £'
' _�T,.;f-
. _•.� -TRADE MARKS,
For tnfoematten asad tree Handbook write to
MUNN & co., WI osnwei, xsw foss.
oldeetbureae for sediniag patents in America
Every patent taken not by us is brought before
the public byanoucegiven free of ebargein the
r, tr an
L eet airoolatwnof any scientific paper in the
word. spleadidwlli iaat it. pi. Ko intelligent
�; s$L50alz menthe; Address MIN is&eco;
year; St3i Baosdway. New York vary.
where she Las made her home recently
with but little hopes of her recovery.
1�'resh oysters at Allison's.
Mr. John Cruikshanks north of the
village, held an auction sale of stock
and implements on Tuesdaylast. He
has rented his farm to Mr. E. Day and
intends going to Manitoba or the north-
west in the spring.
Mr. 1). S. • Taylor is away to Maryland
ou business in connection with the
estate left to his family there last year..
Las,°ouser move
James Md into Clerk
Dane's house, south of -Mr. Fennell s.
Mr. J. B. Camdbells, principal of th®g
P ublic school ,was confined to his bottle
last bad
a week. yet: Among those contributuig
„ a are
Our Second Jim Fax will be in Pauline Johnston, Charles Gun' Y
good shape for your ccincert on ':Eburs= Rogers, Ernest Hawthore, E •iib
day. He is getting in some solid prae- Gus M.Beers, George Moffat; uebe7
tics these nights and those who have Butchart - and G. E. D. Fly.
not heard him before will be delighted.. _ wig -ravines adorn the num
Miss Etta Scott,. who is atttendin_ of which is by M. Hearn and another
the Model in Mt. Forest, •was at home the talented Louis Wain.
last week. - She has engaged for 1894 - The pride Of the number rein aa:
in Petherton school, Arthur Township, in previous dears, 50 cents per .
and will doubtless r
prove a faithful and Buy it of your bookseller, or on ,reem�
painstaking teacher. of that sum at the Ss rsnAv:. _
. The Bible Society meeting was fairly office, 9 Adelaide street .west, T
well attended last Friday evening.The a eo (alongwith reirdi �' ,
y Py p e i :pi+stls' .
agent, Rev. Mr, Fraser, ave a stirring will be sent, postage aid fo an .,
address on the work of the society, and dress in the world. Buy it,a> a
all left in possession of facts which send it to your friends as a salt
st?u2yR ® MARRIAGE >� LICEN8 B No
• witnes°es
OtHoe: At the Drug Store, Gostus .
I. A. TUCK, M. D
mbMBuR of College of Physicians and Bur-
geons, but.
& d
-11.- G ' C LA P P, M.D.tet se D
IP.i><y+elioi+gora and uargepr1,
RADUATE. Torous to Unieeraity and member
G College Physicians and Burgeons, Ontario.
Residence, Absalom St., nearly opposite the Liv-
�y stab' -e. Office in the Drug 'Store: next door
to Carrick Banking Co. Bi7LIfl[A:.
1. A. WILSON, M.D.
Off OGrate of Toronto University
H College. Member of College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. O lee--
Next door to Wendt'a_Jewelle store.
week with a cold, necessitating
the closing of his department..
v�lo is to be REEVE •
before was unknown to them. The Canadian art.
officers for the Pres. z y ;
J, H. McConnell is billed to give a
for 1894 ?,,
lecture in the town hall on Wednesday
year : ,Mr. '�.
Vice Pres., Mr. M. Scott,Sec. Tress., '
J. Temperance Columm
I ea the best man deserves the
y position• evening, 22nd, lust., the subject being
HO- should . handle the farmers' flutter' "Protestants .in Politics.".
"y ' Eggs, Dried Apples, Pork, Potatoes etc. ?
Darroch • DP alter Mr. A. W. Hall&- -
day. The Collectors appointed are ; Edited by the Mildmay Braatch'tlthe GY
Misses, E. Carson, L Gregg - S.. For- ,
About twelve o'clock one mmght,.tbr-
W. H. U C K V.S.The
Mitdmay, Ont.
xA1 vers of Ontario Veterinary college,
a$dyegistered member of Ontario Medical
Association.. Also Honorary Fellowship of the
Veterinary Medicyi Society calsis promptly
attended the night itnd day.
Misses evangelists, are
b son L. Greer H. San ster and M
y' g •: weeks ago, just as-my,eldest - sister
conductingrevival services in the Meth.
�/�'� � odist church this week. - A large eon -
W. 3/1 f dear
Scott. I were preparing to retire, . - fancied
P P g S ,. > > .
The heavystorm on Wednesdaycould detect,- something -Me a the-edo
gregation were out to them on
Of Col se Sabbath evening.
v Cowse
Dison,of McKillop,has been"visit-
the man who ,gives the highest price
in his sister Mrs. J. B. Campbell„
fur them: P
Extra prise for Mr. Much, has recently purchased
butter lade 'into 22 lb. rolls. file butchering business from Mr. J. A.
Frain.. He has moved his family here
,�. z -
spoiled Mr. MCConnell's wood -be. from cloth f t j F . ��
Yi B
got verylittle cat.',J.,-
�i y sister r=� ' s. ,,,--
A great of the children in this do I -Oh ,
g many
- y '
section are ill with h ox fMrr- thorough3 gat1 F 4 = x
Wm, Hubbard ` rete ., fated to Mr. then scei' l `. . • . ,4$'
John Haiiistock i th? - - -' rc = v �, `' r Cr ° `•
.:. Sisal e*' J
DR. ', BSER, Dentist.
HoNoF tlraduate Department et Dentistry,
ioront4 University .Graduate Royal: Dol-,
lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. _
Friees . Moderate, land- all. work guaranteed
J. -J.-WISSEER, D fl S , 2. `'
move •tri- . other farm a. young sig -0?-
4`t and commenced operations.
little east, He- i' a saale in about, aroused moi o
Mr. Jas. Lucas has to the
three week. �`":• --:.. v t-
to some c+c that
. - � t�• , ,
...� _,,., �. -- _ _ _ : ;� _
moved out
_ ria recentlyurchased byMr. W
_ _son
}ice>i7i, )'hair °will run
pened pull _ctowir�
Mrs. Roast in and Mrs. Robt. Ferguson were hanging ...-behind the dour •zit
are ill at present- under a doctor s ` bay an if °ou leve
_ :. _ ,. , . �. ,
�'` �`n e Oil
Veterinary urge
the lime kilns the coining season. Mr.
- -
of those coats Vis =: a}errost ab e.
b along esperience'at the
I feel_ aoufidout of being stile to give first
class satisfaction.
Wrri: - Adair has moved.into Mr. Jas.
Lucas' house and Mr. Hammond-, ,the
What had can ei -it to • burn 1 a-,....":„
; or rather, the contents-: of fit
Repairing Promptly Done.
If you are in want of a good rig give-- me a call
Absalom St•
new sawmill proprietor, will_occupy the
house -Mr.- Adair vacates.
A great rush for -.millinery just now
at Allison's, as he. is giving great bar-
gains- in hats and bonnets. Call,
and secure one before they are all gone.
Cash or trade taken.
- The anniversary services in connec-
'tion with the Scarff's Corners congre-
gational Church will be held on Blh ,y,_
Dec: 3rd, Services in the , morning at
11 o'clock and in the evenin ; at 7 A
tea meeting will be held on the follow-
ins Monday evening at which there will
black pipe. And _when the young man E
who had been puffing at that pipe probe-,
abl less than half an hour before saw= `
_- y
what in ht eve
r ;
of tob he
„eco' -
j. ..-au4�I elle e `• }
' - ---
earnest. - ::�
%-• ariIIATE of Ontario veterinary college,
slid registered.member of .Ontario Veteran•
ary Association.
tss• Residence
Next to Methodist Parsonage, . -
and Absalom sts.
.E'ot�ei la,$taed_ap
litirs :.cud- ehara
o �e iriment
:• - - -
9tt1 a choicest
', • . a+g•
lap a,•, .live hostlera.
X...: � � � ��R�./,
i flxet-clsas:
ere and
of --the
We: have Ind -received
be excellent addresses delivered- besides
good- singing, etc. Tea served from 4
. - 4,-1.4.1--.. _. - _
An inveatigathorr at one of t
-grand assortment of
Lamp Stoves
(Received too late for last week.) to 7 p. m. Tickets' 25c., children, 150.
ublic hos itals ":lin P till
showed that -of _ eiglfree: patients
and Silverware,
• 1 ir. Robinson, editor of the HarrisonHarrisoih , .-gym �,.
Tribune, spent a few .ihours in town What Canadians Can Do.
who suffered from ephlepay, stray were
wbieh can be bought at MODERATE PRICES.
IsoHARDWARE.of all kind SI
Tii -urate "xD Sewing a.chines
Constantly kept on Hand:
Remember the Stand
Corner -Hardware Store. - "
: w - 14_ . e �� $'y .
Saturday last. - - -. ,-
Mr. Hunter, .Of the hustling .firm of. TELLING, POETRY, AND PICTURE -MAKING. -
the.;:"hammer :. and hatchet," is on a -- " •
• We take pleasure in directing the at,
business trip io Toronto this week. P
tendon of our readers to Taront,o Sat-
Miss Mahood has returned to her`
home, Fordwich, from a visit to Iowa. uraley iaight a Christmas Number, which
is just agpearino on the market., Every
We notice an attempt to light up our ear that enterprising paper isssites a
main - street has been made by,
y . y
Messrs. , Number.
Christmas and every year the
Harter,.Henry and Mr. Steins, the pro- P angrier to all; previous
production is s
a -
children of parents,.': Axioms.: ios, ; -
pleasing: hospital: -report =1s � just ---1,-..-_,r,
- -
issued bythe National. -fes ranee-
hospital of the rInited ti ,,, elated_'
in Chicago. It shows t act die non=_
alcoholic treatment of cb1S success K�
While, dor j -
mortality a��
t Y`
lower ercenta a th e -
P g ' ��
other ho pitals, `�
rietor of the Arlington in. the -she of
P Arlington, r P - ones and to anything similar attempted
two street lamps, . Oti�ers"should follow in Canada. Constant progress is-3nade
this good example .. ' -towards
a quarter per cent. '
� '�:
- , �: • _
_ C oS`
�, �'y : '
Produce ttz more:-
full ,tock,of
Tweedt},'G orsted% Cottanades
_ :
. an ideal.The _preuiitiin sic-
.Mr. David Fennel- has erected a cozy tore this year is a large oleograph 2(3$28
frame.honse and: expects "to be abler to`" inches, entitled A_Aiomeut of Suspense
re sevones. purchased from -,its owner in Germanyr fthe
occupy it. befoere weather c
$e P: al 'eni I,xrs-:of Tein eranee ata very large soul. In reproducin
intend,- p "At in this icture t est coleus are galled: iris
intend "giving` an i the p y
Foresters Hall-. en Thanksgiving 'night. to use_ the lithographers." This in-
There will be a program- of singing, - formation is techincal, and only those
recitations and dialogues : besides who know something of the= picture-
speeches by the resident ministers and ma ling: art will grasp its full import:
member_ be The represent a group. Of ladies
� _
"The man who first brewer lkr 'fig
-.a pest for .Germany - I have - -:-.811
of genuine'. beer, for it ha`
become small in every se f
have prayed.: to God mat i*':,,, ,
destroy the whole beer•brew g
ness. There is. enough':_barley �
troyed in the-bieweries"to-feed . ,,0-
many. �
.r 4 =
The temperance convention
=� ..
�� _ `
._ - ,
t •
. z
-- "*United''
B sass Dolm.
pY1 aYt o
-S tes.
D�sccili�l�d ~. _ -
. _ ..
e.Posits,.. : :
L di War
. a es, a
Men s -furnishing, Linens, --
ane Comb; uiits S tin ':}ts
Honey 9: Q $ ..-m Quilts-,.:
ce Curtains Flans,, ,. '
, el les,
Prints and Ui>7 hangs Fresh
g ". ;-The
Groceries, Boots and: nes:.
,' •- . -
-Highest market- price paid' fo i
- .._t - . -..- .: , - ... ':
't�:t F`r 1+t
.., -I Z
s.` = Everyone should present picture
and sopromote a_good cause. - and One gentleman :of the.;.. period of
of France,dressed: in thewere=
'pipe; quarterly services were held lir Louis IV.
superb attire of .that ,tie,- in a; splen;-
the. -,Methodist church . last Sunday. p -.
- = idl furnished room. Ever-. thin -.calls
services. were well attended both d y y g .,;
- :. - _ _ . .• . ti art of the
m ng `and evening. into play the subtle co}ci-rirt.<.
o2nay t
':" .- - ° _ The. entleman with a stie ,-is opening..
.Do ou remember that:for` hardware, is a alga
:171 Whleli s
i $ ra41 e , a ca.,
Tinware,. Stoves etc, A. M: ;s ., t
e,_McCurdy crouclhes near by -to, ,spring: upon _the'- J,
Fordwich is the ' lace. z Eavetrot bin
. p g ca tive, while the ladies stave flown fox,
_ � P. _ �_ .ergs
thnsmithm ti done. All . - ---
-. -.
ley 1'st week was a. grated : -_,
Made,- -
.�rrangelnents m e. s g�y
our the temperance -vote as, •
possible- on tlie- occasifnl.-f th = g, : ,� -
lh �`_
- ;ate .�
cite newt January:
- _
� .`,v
,!: -' it Tsz s.
THE _A'Dv�ITAri;; o
, .: •» _
In oouuectiou witll talo a regia . a a
thousands of a e iiii�71 s._>i
miss t onsPx; * *$
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- bodies of mead hi,vs.been�lacand
- Y
_ �-
,' = a Bart of
��.= F . � .(:
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:... , _ , - ,.< ."la.
tea.: � .. ->
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and all Tom _ t bat - "
.. g P P " safes to the top of chairs, la ate .
invited to•ins Bet. m lar e stook. " : r
_ -P Y g _ _ ��nc�.hes. � ruts:
c picture_ frames -ivy
. ;
ave led'.to-the- ream tfl'd, i, 3A eat r X _
lave 4.
� F r..-
in eve etiliiate,_ in`lr _=1
_ g ,_ : p ccs: _ �'
a1L s cods:' �
- _ 'C and.see aid-.
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� _ �: ' n ' r effect.
s. ala
. i.akeiet.
he leading lea. Christrrae
a �- � ..
soldiers � s; ' <� �.� = .: -
in, so er yrs b„er e xa
tile. fdt''ire - the'.7iias#r}� .�:
. - _
_ ,- ,
A11- he lafio boys men in the Number The:Randorn IZ;tscenees of
g {
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-- a _h : - :. .. • u A7 : Charles RV YYi Y,. _».'.
- rk now. a 1eT11e Yo .age �. _.,
ur . are< hav,n oceaahs of wo Y - _ �
�. _ ;... t thrillm
hers being humorous asirl
J n`
r�tFle ireh'irind _b tiie month,. o� :. � �
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di.,itf� f"t<t
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b :the- - a _ -whale others. tak P'�
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