HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-11-16, Page 8• Have been Overtaken by a great Blizzard AU classes of goods were picked up by the MASSES " of PEOPLE by storm ; each day has been a Hustler-- Bedroom Suites, Hall Suites, • - • Dinino-Rpona Suites,_ Parlor Suites, Drawing Room Suites, Rockers, Easy Chairs, office Chain, •Invalid Chairs, Any kmd Chairs, -Bedsteads, Sideboards - Racks, Dresien, Cupboards, Oarpets, Stair Carpet. - Window Carpet, Window Hogan& Lace Curtains, 40o. to ta par t. _ _ Art AT evidein. bleached and colored. Tabling. Cretonnes. • Salisbury Cloth. VeronaDords, Printed Minim Wool' Delaines• . Plak•andereare Cashmere and. every other shade Nuns' Veittags-, Net Navy and brkDrossEterges Lawn Victoriei%, Lawn *sets. ' Blouse stripes. Plannelittts—Pipattorna Shakenriannals. Car wap NIIIaiirressartlik. • Black•Sateens. Velvets andPlushes. rown_ Holland. Ltinoli Baskets. • Churns. _ Butter Trays gild Ladled Washtubs. Gassware. Hardware. retold Medicines. Top Onions. • Potato Onions. Duteh seta Garden Seed$ 'Brush, all kinds. • Washing Soda. Paw a - tiye. - Cr L4 Turpentine. VI` Castor Oil, by the ib. StoueCrooks. isecilkm3Eartikhprilus.enans.ware Moan. b1) Witsh-Baliers. $.4 TeaBettlea, (t), do copper. k- U Dish -Pans. 4w„ Falt,Hats, ivied° han4L • .=.1.4 Straw Hall or 500 head. i.4 _Cke • .1.0 -1Th cp - et • 04 uk• Sells anything you want in the dine al 'Furniture, And Sells it. Cheap • • tr Undertaking Department well supplied • Tbronghoat. r ca.00k. ta Having purchased a first-class full plate glass Hearse I am in a bejter p0: to do thaandertaking of this community than before, and owing to r-eIi.jjo „the wholesale prices of our goods I am in aposition to-gite the- use ofthjs uificent Hearse free, that is- to say my eharges2*ill b no inoxiant - . ls rs: VI -our a4.reed • AND eiNFECTIONERY: 0 11-1 - _ 12- A. fun stuak aliraYs on band Any orders you . tit a).•,- favor us with will receive our prompt an& • taireful ettention,elid PRICES MOOT. . _ 17) Shaving and Hairdressing Parlor in 0 - • all connection': Well-equipped with 1azors Oa Clippers, - and SO/880113) and- a GOOD AIGKER to use them. T'his thegplace,wand ahnertir oftkiflda letaitetivirrat: sinithing done rioskti4Sakau4-44iit.'