HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-11-16, Page 7s e e that line lit. goods. We thing in. ,cons. ftr1 12, Y at ock, LY. usE arty, of Pi',i1- es. . etc; eat,f r A LEAMINGTON MIRACLE, The Terrible Effects of Typhoid Fever. Dir. Joseph Robson, a well-known er, is Restored to Stealth and Stre after Nine Years of Terrible Sniff —All Hope of Recovery had Abandoned and he looked upon as a Burden. From the Leamington Post. Mr. Joseph R-bson; whose home the first -concession of Mersey town about a mile from Leamington, is know almost every resident of this section. years past, Mr. Robson has bee victim of paralysis in its worst form, his case was regarded as hopeless not by himself and his friends but by the tors who had attended him. To one who knew Mr. Robson's pitiable condition as we did, it was with no small degree of surprise and pleasure that we re- cently saw him drive through town sitting quite erect on a cross board in a lumber wagon, and controlling a lively team of horses. Hailing him we asked what miracle bad brought about this changed condition, and asked if he bad any objection to the publication of.the facts connected with his cae. Replying he said he would indeed be a mean man if he refused to let the pub- lic know how his wonderful recovery had been brought about. Mr. Robsbn then told the story of Ilia illness and recovery about, as follows — 'Aboutten years ago, while living in the state of Ohio, I was taken down w'+h an attack of fever, and for three months hung between life and death in a perfectly un- conscious condition. Recovering from this I ventured out to work too soon, the result Mpg that I was taken down with a severe cold. During the first stages of my trouble I was able to move about with some dif&cul- ty,but the disease gradually fastened its hold on me and I found one.tense after another becoming paralyzed. At this time my pros- pects in life were by no means discouraging. I owned a magnificent farm not far from Toledo, on which we had a comfortable home, and I owed not a dollar to any one. I continued to doctor with specialists and experts from all parts of the States, each of whom promised to cure me of the disease, which they said was paralysis, but in every case they left' me as bad and sometimes v orse than they found me physically, and certainly worse financially. ' After suffer- ing in this manner for two years my family concluded that a change of climate might do me good, and so we removed to Canada, settling where we now reside. This hope, however, proved a delusion, and each year found me worse and if possible added to my misery. Life itself became a burden -to me and I knew that I was worse than use- less to my friends. I was unable to feed myself as my head and hands shook so that I have frequently left stabs in my chin when trying to put my fork to my mouth. It was only occasionally that I could move around at all, and then only with the aid of crutches. I lost almost entire control of my power of speech and got so bad that members of my own family could not under- stand what I was saying. My whole nese- '''. 'masa system seemed- undermined, and I abandoned all hope of ever again being of any use to my family. Last fall I was in- duced to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and from that date my condition has steadily improved until to -day I am able to take my place with other men on the' farm, and while my hand shakes. a trifle, I am able to do a good day's work every day in the week. I am now able to -walk a considerable distance, and my nervous system seems fully restored. There is not the slightest doubt that these results are entirely due to the use of Pr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I am con- fidett that had I been able to procure this wonderful remedy when I was first taken `with the disease, I would never have been whe e .1 was. The absolute truthfulness of t a facts as I have given them to • you can to verified by hundreds of my friends and eighbors, or by any.member of my own tamily." - - As to much of the evidence contained in Mr. ; Robson's statement the writer can himself bear evidence. His speech, which -one^year ago could scarcely be understood, is now perfectly distinct; his head "then dropped on his chest, whereas now it is held quite firm and erect; then he could not walls aoss a room without holding- - to a ehaisor tablet -while now he can walk with- out. difficulty. Wt eall`ea upon Mr. ,W. J. Smith, drug- gist, and interrogated hint in reference to the case,, Mr. Smith said that he knew of Mr. ltobson's ailment and that he had suf- ferec!'for years as stated, and he had no don that it was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that inured him. "Pink Pills," said Mr.. Smits, "have a remarkable sale, which wee due to their remarkable efficacy in curia diseases arising from an impoverish- •ed-ctnditfou of the blood, or an impairment of th3 nevous system, such as rheumatism, neural,' partial paralysis, locomotor atazu, Vit. Vitus dance, nervous headache, lto susprostratioit, and the tired feeling titer., the alter effects of la grippe, 'n!O and severe colds, diseases depend-. ors in the blood, such as scrofula, d-e; sipelas, etc. Pink Pills give a heal y gl to pale andsallow complexions,. -mild iret pecific for the troubles peculiar to tl female system,. and in -the case of men f b 'effout ss radical cure in all cases arising fretilziient4 worry, over work or excesses e •anon' Pink Pills aresold only in g the &sirs trade mark and 2iinted in red: ntk 1 B3ear-in iniad lliamsz k rilis=are_never sold 'or --by thedozen -or -Kindred, and arm - nob Bring been Life is on ship, n to For n a and only doc- in'lef any forn-ii r who alf4F s i4isfi es in this g to defraud yt u-. and should Ei Asle out ere for Dr. Will- >t Pink- Pills; for rap i a ; a and substit Bans` Pink iStis edicin meetad . .axes >flor,. a• 1 r -.ate} and.- refuse y=be had of iii from -Dr.' , Brookville, t 50 cents a rhe price at acourse•of xpensive r meds : v'es corns ' est linen r,, TRADE AND OO11MERCE. Items or Interest to Business People and Others. St. Louis has just sold $1,250,C00 twenty. d yearonmar4 perketcent. bonds at par in the Lon - Both the Customs and the Inland Revenue collections at Vancouver for the month of September showed an increase over last year. The customs returns for the month were $29,332.90, against $26,820.81 being an increase of 2,512.09. The collections of the inland revenue for the month amounted to respon$9,361ding.14,magainst of $18,SS81892.62 for the cor- : indi- cate a sl ghtsiinpi ovementin the the Pacific coast business situation. Some grain vessels have been taken up -at from - 30s. to 33s. 9d. The lumber freight market, though firm, does not show much change. The demand from Australia seems to be reviving slightly. At the close of the month a highly successful canning season was reported, there being Eastern no less th 550,000 cases put up, and it is already wel provided for in England and Canadal.. Large beds of oysters have been discovered in the Pacific waters of Alaska. It hadbeen thought that the water was too cold, but there are places where . it is warmed by the Japan current, which modifies the temperature of the Pacific coast more than the Gulf stream does the Atlantic coast. The Alaskan oysters are pronounced a very superior variety, much better than the small oysters grown near the coast of California. Asa result of a. steadily increasing co petition there is a strong tendency to prices in nearly every line of busines and some ostensibly honorable busin men will not even talk business unti special " cut" is offered them. Both man facturers and wholesale merchants find a mistake to sell goods below cost, a should not encourage travelers having t tendency even when promising large sal As a rule, when some goods are sold bel cost this is made up by increasing undu and sometimes unreasonably the price others. The entire blame may not alwa rest with the traveler, who frequently hea mall directions that other houses are givi concessions, and he purposes not to be o done even though he feels sure the me chant is simply bluffing him.Even when is true that other houses are undersellin travelers - : should, instead --of sacrifici goods and: demoralizing the market, repo the matterto the house- and let "them a as they deem best. This, in ,many ;as would have a salutary effectaupoli -bus ness. -- Since and.dfiring the epoch of financi depression in- the United states, a god deal of comparison had been made.between their banking system and that which is vogue in Canada;; : and the most of the had been fly :ter ing to the Canadian system The only valid objections that even Amer cans can raise to it is that the system o charerting`banks would be styled monopol in the United States.- In reviewing th subject the Rhode's JournalofBanking de plores that the Airerican banks cannot hay branches, and suggests the -" extending o the clearing liouseprinei`rile Waalntry bank bringing them by` that means into- clop relations with' their: city correspondents, s that each could better understand and mutu- ally support their affairs." A clearing house association made up of banks allover the country, could maintain by means of the proper office" a scrutiny into the business done by ;each that -would pro- tect all. There is nothing that will prevent lack of confidence better -thin accurate knowledge. Tills is: evidently suggested to offset unquestioned advantage of our branch system. A bank with branches all over the. country can send the surplus money gather- ed in one branch to be loaned at another, thus establishing a general level throughout its territory. Naturally there are places where capital is plentiful, and not so much in demand,. and the branch_ -established in lsuch a place receives more deposits_ than it makes loan. Altogether, a parent bank and branches form one institution with greater - strength than can be expectedofany bank without branches having but one locality to draw from. No bank in the *United States can have the same knowlea of its country' 'correspondents that Canadian parent -bank can have of its branches,•sincethey are part of itself. This fact has lately. become ap- parent at home and abroad, and has done not a little towards sustaining the good credit of Canada and the, good sense of her financiers. m - cut 8 ; ess 1 a - it nd his es., ow ly of ys rs ng ut-- r- it' gl ng rt of es, 1- al in se. i- f e e s er 0 Post Offices and Railway stations. What a convenient thing it would be to have a list of all the Post Offices in Canada, with the Railways on_which.they arelocat- ed or nearest railway station. Would not - every shipper and traveller appreciate such a list ? - Well, - this is exactly what the editor of the CANADIAN ALMANAC has prepared for the 1894 edition, which will be . out next. month. The CANADIAN ALMANAC isa standard publication and goes everywhere. More than one million copies have been sold since -it was first pub Batted. = he -first. American counterfeiter, "so - far as known, was one William Buel, of Ver- mont, . The orators in days gone by,. Were known as " silver-tongued," But now our Renate orators Ar -three-ply silver lunged. The brusque and fussy impulse of these days_of false impression would rate down all worthless because= one is unworthy. As if therewere :no motes in sunbeams ! Or. comets among stars'! Or cataracts in peace- ful rivers! Because, one remedy professes to do what it never was adapted to do, are all remedies worthless? Because one doctor lets. his paati it die, are all hum' ugs ? ' It requires a fine: eye -and a finer brain.to diiaerimivate--to draw . the . differential" eyy say" that Dr Pierce's,'Golden Medical; Discovery and lir. Pierce's Favor o ssc ription have cured thousands. Tiley._ say" for.a" weak :system `there's. n better than the "Discovery," and that the "I+av:_oiite Prescription" is the h debilitated, eeble women who need a estore'ttivatonic and bracing nervine. here'a a proof if they doll's help you Dispensary -Medical As._ Y. nd you,get fi a r: Interesting to Housekeepers. The name of David Morton & Sons, Ham- ilton, is now so well known throughout the Dominion that a short sketch of their busi- ness career will prove interesting. Thirty- four year ago the senior member of the firm commenced business as a soap manufacturer in Hamilton, with a thorough knowledge of the business, having had a practical ex- perience of about fifteen years in Scotland. and the United States. The beginning was on a small scale,but by indomitable per - reverence difficulties were overcome, and trade steadily increased. Twenty years ago their "Victor" brand was placed on the market, being the first wrapped soap in Canada. It proved a grand success, bring- ing the firm into note as manufacturers of the highest grade of laundry soaps ; this brand is still one of their leaders. Seven years later their " N. P." brand, now a household word from ocean to ocean, was placed on the market, being the first three - pound bar in Canada, and still holding the lead. Their latestproduction is the "Wide Awake,"a line destined to surpass anything ever attempted for a general purpose soap. It contains a combination of washing in- gredients recently discovered by the senior member of the firm, which for every use is simply marvellous. It excells as a laundry for all classes of goods, while for the bath and toilet it is perfection, as it leaves the skin with a pleasant sensation, unlike the large majority of soaps. Messrs. Morton & Sons are placing this brand of soap before the public, feeling assured its merits will soon win for them the commendation of every thrifty housekeeper in Canada. - Choose such pleasures as recreate much. and cost little. Heat and Cold. Are never -failing causes of disease. At this season of the year neuralgia, tooth- ache, and a host of similar diseases are. rampant. The great question, then, is to find the quickest, surest, and most econom- ical remedy. Poison's Nerviline exactly fills these requirements. It is prompt, efficient, and most economical, for it ex- ceeds in power every known remedy, and is as cheap as inferior articles. A 10 cent sample bottle will give `every person a chance -to test it. Large bottles only 25 cents. -- A. P. 683 . Mr. Geo. Ti?. Turner mfy Awful Worst Case of Scrofula the Doctors Ever Saw Oompletely Cured by HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA. "When I was 4 or 5 years old I had a scrot ulcus sore on the middle finger of my left hand, which got so bad that the doctors cut the finger of, and later took off more than half my hand. Then the sore broke out on my arm, came out on my neck and face on both sides, nearly destroying the sight of one eye, also on my right - arm. Doctors said it was the Worst Case of Scrofula they ever saw. It was simply awful! Fivt years ago I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Gradually I found that the sores were begin- ning eginning to heal. I kept on till I had taken ten bottles, ten dollars! Just think of what a return I got for that investment! ,A. thou- sand per cent ' Yes, many thousand. For the past 4 years I have had no sores. I Work all the 'Fere. Before, I could do no work. I know no* what to say strong enough to express my grab 'tude to Hood's Sarsaparilla for my perfect cure." GEORGE W. TURNER. Farmer, Gales. way, Saratoga county, N. Y. HOOD'S PILLS '..cation anA t.-. - - h.,;Tr: them. ?5c. AGENTS HERE YOU AItE—Samantha at the World's Fair by 3osiah Allen's Wife Over 100 illustrations, nearly 600 pages. No Ter- ritory assigned. ,Send $1,00 for prospectus and push the canvass if you want to make money. WILLIAHM BRIGGS, Temperance St. Toronto. - do not weaken, but air' SAUSAGE CASINGS of finesImportationsgt En- lish, constantly on hand, also prime American Hog's Casings. Full lines New Hams, Long Clear Bacon, Rolls, Cheese. Lard, etc. PARK, BLACKWELL & CCU LTD., Successors to JAMES PARS & SON, Toronto. ONTARIO BUSINESS COLLEGE BELLEVILLE, ONT., •(25th YEAR). Most widely attended - business college in America. SENDfor the new 144 page catalogue. 19 Address ROBINSON & JOHNSON, Belleville, Ont. AAGENTS WADTED9 T sea oLur Se le .Cleaner. Entirely new; sells to every konaekeeper. Also our Bread, Cake and Paring Enver, Carver, and Knife and SciSSoia Sba honer. No capital required. lies; scalers, big profits. CLACSS Sf SAS CO.„ Look Bas 324, Toroate O t. • AVIV NEIELEILIa a The very best thing to have on your table is a good supply of St. Leoq Mineral Water If regularly used at meals Dyspepsia and Flatulence will never make their appearance. Sold by all principal -druggists, grocers and hotels. St. - a' dural Water Co'y, Ltd 'Head O1Bc—King St. W. Rraaeli 44$ Tenger St. :C E. A, Langlois: General Manager. The Grocer Couldn't See the Joke- M'Kinnon was talking in his shop to two or three customers,when a blind man enter ed and solicited alms. The grocer, who was disposed to show his superior knowledge of human nature, remarked : "D'ye no' ken, my freens, hoo vera deli- cate is the touch o' a blin' man. I aye think Providence has mak'it up the lose o' ane sense by makin'ane o' the ithers o' mair'cute. Noo,jist see hoo this puir man can tell a thing by the touch," and, put. ting some fine sugar in a scoop, he held it out to the mendicant, remarking, "Whit's that, ma man ?" The blind man extended his hand, took up a pinch with his thumb and finger, and, without hesitation, said : "That's sand I" Everybody laughed except M'Kinnon. 01" CHROMIC PAINS SUCCUMB TO ST. JACOBS OIL IT HITS THE SPOT AND CURES. Take care that your drafts on your physical endurance don't'come back to you some day marked "no funds." Take - SC'TT'S EMULSIO Of Pure CodhiverOil&Hypophos hites to increase your energy and so make good your account at the bank of health. IT CURES CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS and a// forms ofWastingDiseases, Almost as Palatable as Milk. Be sure you get the genuine as there are poor imi- tations. Prepared only by Scott & Bowne. Belleville, TONT Buy a Watcii nY Jewel y before seeuua ode New Catalogue. IT'S FREE. Write for one to—R. B. MOWRY & Co., -Toronto, Can, OUNG MEN! Learn to cut, no better trade. Good wages and steady employ- ment. Write for particulars. TORONTO Cuu- TING SCHOOL, 123 Yonge St. Also agents for McDowell's New York Drafting Machine. The High Speed Family Knitter Will knit 10 pairs socks per laid ilii l j day, 'Will do all work any ala a i, is+" plain circular knitting machine will do, from homespun or fac- tory yarn. The most practical family knitter on the market. A child can operate it. Strong, Durable, Simple, Rapid. We guarantee every machine to do• good work. Beware of imitations. Agents wanted. Write for par ticnlars. ,n Dundas Knitting Machine Co.. ()nodes, Ontario. DR. L C. CHAMBERLAIN 3BY» SPECIALIST. Has examined 50,- 000 eyes and has 1 had 20 years ex- perience. By request will be at Hugh Miller & Co s D ug Store, 167 King St. East, Toronto, Ont„ Oct. 18 to Nov. 7 only. He has 10,000 pair of Specta- cles with him. You can get his circular free. Cares Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore - Throat. Sold by all Drtim. en a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, Back or C, Shiloh's Forme Plaster will give great sat.sfaction,-25 Cents, S ILOH'S, 'AFRR n --r REMEDY Have -lou Catarrh ? This Remedy will relieve and Care you. Price SOcts. This Injector for its successful treatment, free. Remember. Shiloh's Remedies are sell on a guarantee. J,00O,000 ACRES OFFLAND for sale by the SAINT PAUL & D1LUTIL RAILROAD iokrpANY in Minnesota. Send for Maps and (`nen. 'ars. They will be sent to you Address HOPEWELL CAKE, Land Commissioner, St. Paul, Minn, COMPLETE COURSE IN SHOOT IANDI ISAAC PITMAN SHORTHAND -The Complete System thoroughly taught by Mail for only 1 Dollar. The chanceof a lifetime --Every boy and girl in Canada should commence it at once—The ar- ticles will soon commen e - Success guaranteed—Send t your dollar immediately, t0 commence at the beginning, Best Method in the World for:imparting Instruction. BARKER & SPENCE'S SHORTHAND & BUSINESS SCHOOL, TORON T 0' Canadian Almanac & Official Directory Xr'oi, 2.8992, The Forty -Seventh Annual Issue of this book will soon be ready and will contain an fms mense amount Of informationof great value, A prominent feature will be a Post Office Gazetteer of the Dominion, giving the name of every Post Office with the Railroad on which located, or nearest Rail- way Station. Political Epitome of • the Ilotae Commons. - Very useful to everyone in- terested in political matters. The Canadian National Flag All about the Flag of our country on land and sea. The Directory of Officials of all kinds is as complete and accurate as eve; Price 20 cents -30 cents -50 cents, seeks. ing to binding. The Copp Clark CO. a 'ileioraa1bo, fwRUpTU G v1/4t-sA ILLUSTRUT: ED- BOOK- FREE HAS CLUTHE DPPD ITE RDS5JNHQti5= TORONTO, CAN. 13 E _TABL I S H E -G 1871`_, Ask your Stationer for the "Chester Series" of Writilig Tablets. Monastery Ivory White Irish Linen Queen Cityoak Vellum Paper Rite Paper Linen Paper Cream Paper Manufactured, by THE COPP CLARK C.O., LTD., TORONTO, ONT JDEJIWAKE SOAP. i lY 1 WILL 01_0- manufactured only by DAVID MORToN & SONS HAMILTON }ON's cattetss