HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-11-16, Page 6e Strad moues that --you dam big a ready - made. Tweed- men's -suits lined with cot- : Faamers' S � k Worsted, .:bound 111 lined .a> overcoats, stitched„ ,::.,- S 50 ereoats 5 50 tl worsted pants........ 3 00 lack worsted suits.... 14 00 up scotch tweed suits 12_ 00 17 00 -scotch overcoats 19 00 15'00 colbi d waisted overcoats 9 00 15 :00 Corduroy, Moleskin, Cot- ttenade and Blue Derry. We can give you what you want. Overcoating you will have your i choice of about pieces, and in Fall Suits about thirty pieces. 'Come along with -your CASH and SAYE MONEY. late - `showing latest styles always on Best workmanship guaran- teed. H. Lieserner, Absalom St. r Goods Departis .re rete with everything " i agin 3T renal from a spool of thread to a -Cone1 v ; Our Qroo a ry Dep€�rtmeiit Is in the bes. possible .. shape with only- t he . 'ocds.have the latest goods in Teas, Sugars, Spices, etc. Our Millinery Department Is now at its best and ever choice t . . that line is at the command of our l patrons. u lady � - No trouble -to show goods mall and Ceiling Papers, Bcrderings, etc, in the lat- est designs. A. large range, still left. - . anoy Goods Toes Qv�eltiess, Base and ' Foot Balls. School Books, Office Books, Hymn and Prayer Boots of every desclption. .elephone Exchange. r HURT Mildmay. That means $20 $15 worth for $10 WORTH FOR -$8_ It means the best stock of goods in IxlIL,I)S.7� about COST; for CASH! 111healthrenders this sacrifice necessary to effect a rapid cleara -.+ of .�the stock. NITURE consisting of S. . and Kitchen Furniture, lure of all kinds, Easy chairs, etc. etn. 1hiees-kway Down. - Toms while to give us a call. N. Scbwalnt. 1;4 o * CaLosT Through the € il.ure of - a mozifrir ; we are enabled to make. c�ir� ri THE -PRICE. o�your- �winter - ----- _ -__ overcoat The price of a song. : Come = Early. €011; SAUSAGE*, F#S1%' k'ND WIRES!! taut& 1KER't•"0fN, ift ANTES ,Off HAN& ` -supply of HALT Ice pa dfor first-cifurs fat and poultry.. eel FREE to all parts of ; the village. .BOOKS.. on hands. sup ply of the following New Books just out for Public Schools: New P: S. Physiology and Temperaace. s{ - {► Leaving Exam. Book-keeping blanks. i{ _ . Primary g _ • ifs _ {i fi4�: - q Algebra -and Euclid Combined. -Scott's .Quentin Durward (literature for 1894. - Sykes Lessons_ in Entrance Literature_ fpr :1804. And. a full supply of other school books .an Stationery. CAH EAP' -'.ilir,ALL PA1wERs I`wiltmake great reductions in wall paper this fall to clear . out the Wince .of - my present stock to make room for, spring shipment. Papersrcvtth-borders to match from. from 5a. to -50o. pm roll.. . . Mer-wALILTGIIIIIAT., DRUGGIST AND STATIONER, - 4 �a1 3 rtii Fact =a Lk _ expeiimiee Tfeei con8.-, fmug perfect_ satisfaction to all il?e.witit their. orders: - - •. 11a�ary. Afanufacturers:of THRESHING 11ACHINES,,ENGINEES -NEW MODEL , MOWERS, (TRAIN CRUSHERS; STRAW CUTTE, _ETCH .•� Repairing of Threshing machines a Specialty. , Ali kinds of Plow pointe kept constantly on hand. - Castings -*lade t arde i. We have the Finest Machinery- and'Irost t kilful Workmen -Add- prepared`to ve hest of �a se142.amon to ,,qr tom rs, A LE� The Terrill Thr. Joseph er, is it after N7 Abando as aBm From the L Mr. Jose the first c. about a mil almost ever years pas victim of p his case wa by himself tors who h= To one w condition a- -degree of s gently saw quite erect wagon, an. horses. H - had brough and asked publication rare. Reps be a mean lie know ho been broug the story of as follows : "About state of Ohi attack of fe between life conscious co I ventured being that I cold. Duri, I was able t. ,ty,but the di on me and I becoming pa pacts in life I owned a - Toledo, on home, and I I continued experts from whom prom which they s case they le - a orae than t certainly wo ing in this m Included the do me gcod, - settling wher however, pro found me w. my misery. hue and I kne less to my fri myself as my - Ihave freque. trying to put was only ace.". around at all, crutches. I my pov. er of s members of in stand what I wt►it3� $yetem s abandoned all any use to my dueed to try D from that date Improved until my place with while my ha able to do a day in the to walk a co nervo-1s syste There is uc-t thew results ar of Pr. fidert that nad *wonderful re:ne svitb the disease where I was. of tie facts as I can - e verified b . and neighbors, o own tautily. ' As to much of Mr../ Rohson's ihimielf bur evi. one year ag , cou is now nerf:ctl' dropper! :i lis c held quite r:int a walk across a roc tear or tai. 1, w -out difficult.,-. W called upo • gist, and interro the case. Mr. S Mr. tot>son's ail fere(' for years -doub. that it was that ured him. Smit., have a seem due to the" cerin d -= ses ar -ed cerci'rioftit of th ter: .,us Sys near: g partia :taxi , ?* Vitus' xierv. 'a urostratio thert r< ..,. he at nza a,.3 seve oi hurr_;•rs in tl -asho:,c a=ipelas, to pal -and: e a specific to th+£o Ie syste they fleet a radica from mental worry 'of art nature." Di Williams' Pi lboxc bearing the -carat-Fera (printedi 'that ')r �', iliiams` inb•i,,o'lvthe • -any 1•^ater who o fora is trying to d be a aided. Ask = iatiis Pink Pills fo --all l iirations and Bs. W iiliams' Pi all e•uggtsts or di Wiiiatns' Medicin Wit. or Sehenecta tog, or six boxes f Whitt these pills ar treatment cam 'dem :.red with o trearnent. gl Nothing -mac tight hoots. such certaint3. Cor ftoractor. atititia Ask for Teta iorn Extractor are on Vticknefl