HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-11-16, Page 1'ffaZareaa ai.77,A;aaaaaa-a-Usea ••sa-
Vol. 2.
Lutterests of East-- 1111irori. and It .131'11LOOo•
N`GLISH.—Services at Fordwich, 1030 a. m4
1-, at Gorrie, 2:30 p. ma at Wroxeter, p. m.
ev. Mr. Brownlee, Incumbent. Sunday,School,
one hour anda quarter before each service.
ETHODIST.—Services at 10:30 a.m., and &30
1'1 p. Ia. Orange Hill, at 2:30-p. m. Rev. Mr.
Greene, pastor. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m.
W. S. Bean Superintendent.
10DRESBYTF,RIAN.--Services at Fordwich at it
a.m.; at Gerrie, 2:30 p. m.: Bible Class a
Fordwich in the evening. Sabbath School a
Gorrie 1:15 p.m.. Jas. MoLaughl in, Superint enden
11„T ODIST—Services in the Forawich Metho
diqt Church, s7 10:30 a. m. -and 7 p• m.
Sabbath School at 330 p. m. Pray Ir-meetin&a.an
Thursday evenings at 7:30. Rev. Mr. Edliunds
1- witnesses required.
Office:—At the Drug Store, Goan's.
1. A. TUCK, M. D.
EMBER of College _of Physitians and Sur-
-01- geons, Ont.
1-1--.3rm1i.a.r2. and alatirac,itax-A.
RADUATE, 'Peron to University and member
-7 College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Residence,. Absalom St., nearly opposite the Liv-
ery stable. Office in the Drug Store. next door
to Carrick Banking Co. MILDMAY.
LIONOR Graduate of Toronto University
-t Medical College. Member of College of
Physicians and _Surgeons of Ontario. °like—
liest door to Wendt's Jewellery store.
W. H. HUCK, V. S.
milan3ay1 Ont.
r_RADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College,
and registered member of Ontario Medical
Association. Also Honorary Fellowship of the
Veterinary Medical Society. Calls promptly
atteudedto night and day.
DR. WISSER, Dentist.
OR Gradnete Department of Denlistry,
oro_nto UniversityaaAradirate Royal Go! -
Dental gpoof Ontario. -- ,
es moderate, and all work guarantied
Vetarinary Surgeon
GRADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College,
and registered member of Ontario Veterin-
ary Association=
Nex.t to Methodist Parsonage,
Goninitiscial 11016.1,
Corner Elora and Absalom sta.' .
Tais.nne 13!,one Hotel -is fitted up. in first-eittes
•'• style, with large and convenient sample
rooms,, spacious parlors and _chambers and
every facility for the entertainment ,of the
traveling public.
The bar is supplied with- the eheitesilliquere
and cigars.
_Freet to andliern all traink --_-
tabling andattentive hustlers. -
HAS just commenced business In Vogt's Block
fcrruerly occupied by Mr. Martiu's shoestore.
_ Beirg a practical and experienced workman, I
am able to guarantee first-class work in the let
est styles.
For Sale.
pIIRE bred Leicester ram and ewe lambs.
4. Bred from Keily and Whitelaw stock.
Prices reasonable.
Lot 1C, con. 9, Gorrie P.O.
House Wanted.
ACOMFORTABLE house wanted to rent by
-Deo. let next Apply at this office.
John J. Bradley
Seientifio American
Agency far
For information and free Handbook write to
MUNN & CO., 361 BROADWAY; Naar Your..
Oldest bureau for securing patents in America.
Every patent taken out by us is brought before
the public by a notice given free of charge in the
itUtI• lif ,•• •
Largest eirculation of any sc• ientific paper in the
world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent
man should be without It. Weekly, *.3.00 a
veer; g1.50 six months. Address MUNN & CO,
Pumasnens, 361, Breadvn,y, New York City.
Who is to be REEVE
for 1894-?:
I say the best man deserves the position;
WHO should handle the farmers' Butter.
Eggs, Dried Apples, Pork, Pot-atoea etc. ?
Of aourse
the man who gives the' highest price
for them.
• • ' •
Extra price for
hatter maae Infos% lb. rolls.
is a staunch structure, without flood
In And Around Gorrie.
- —
(Too late for last week.
Tho Orange concert was a regular
Gorrie success. Before the entertain-
ment commenced about all the reserved
seats were taken, and when the per-
for:nonce commenced the crush was
fearful, a large number being compelled
to stand.
The annual- Bible Society meeting
drew out- a very good attendance the
other evening. An interesting and in-
structive address was delivered by the
Agent, Rev. J. B. Fraser, M.D., after
which interesting remarks were made
by the resident ministers, and a good
collection taken up. Collectors were
appointed as follows: Mrs. Rev. Brow -n -
lee, Mrs. Dr. Armstrong, MissesBurns,
Jardine, Henry, Annie Perkins,. Edith
Evans, Mary E. Dane. The committee
-is composed of Messrs. Jas. and T. 11.
McLaughlin, Jno. Stewart, Wm. Evans,
Samuel Greer, Chas. Irwin, P. P. Ayles-
worth,Henry Townsend and R.McGrath.
The following officers were elected :
Pres., Ja. Perkins; Vice -Pres., W. S.
Bean; See., J. M. Kaine ; Treas., 11.
Ross ; Depository, W. J. Greer.
Mr. Wm. Dane and Miss jennie were
in Toronto this week.
- The Misses Hall, evangelists, will
hold a mita of revival services here in
the Methodist church commencing on
Sunday, 19th inst,
The -mill-- dam is now completed.. It
Iliragon.-Maker, gates and will stand the strain of many
years to come. Mr. Dane has had a
a liang experienceat the business
I feel eonfident of beingable to give first
class Satisfaction..;
Repairing Prc.4nptly__
If you are in Want of a good rig give me acall
fk: F. m I SSERE, -
Absaloni St. -
We have just received
A. grand assortment of
Lamp Goods, Stoves
and Silverware,
heavy expense in connection with it
but is now again in full wooing order,
and we are pleased to learn that he is
doing a large trade.
ci,C.s. •
Mr.D. Fisher, of Mount Forest, has
been engaged by Hunter & Henry to do
their tinsmithing, work. Any one want-
ing anything done in that line, would
do well to give 'them a call.
Miss Wilkins, of Minter), is at present
visiting at the home of her sister, Mts.
Dr. Spence.
Mr. C. A. Strathy spent Sunday last
with his brother of this place.
Miss L. Mahood, who has spent the
past year with her brother in Sioux
City, Iwa, arrived home lastSaturday
The R. T. of T. intend holding an
open temple on Thanksgiving night, the
23rd in the Forester& Hall. A good
program is being prepared, consisting
-- dialogues, instrumental inusic by the
which canbe bought at MODERATE PRICES.
Also HARDWARE of all kinds/
Tinware AND. ewing; Machines
Contantly kept olihand
-Beraembar the Stand
The Cotnet Hardjvare Store.
-selr'inite Jr,
Canada andW‘ Uiflte Saes•
thiie• 'c,
tiiittaoka, Cottonades,-4
„ '
aing;," Flaigtelettes,
;-„;;;.„, iughat_tesiloes
Booth an
et priie paid for
' .
orchestra etc also addresses by the
resident rainisters. A silver collection
Will be taknto defray expenseS. Come
- and help a good cause.
Mrs. G. S. Armstrong, of Fergus,
- , spent part of last week visiting at hei
daughter's, Mrs. A. Wyness.
Mrs. J. Steis is having a neat veranda
and other improvements built at the
- Arlington House.
- -A travelling company under the title
,"Ed and Lela Russell" gave a con-
'dert is Ilutchison's hall on Thursday
night under the anspicesof the Brass.
One night last week the mill -dam
here-brolte: away, involvinga, he,avyloss
the Messrs. Wil-
:Tweeds, Worsi
Men's furths'
r,414mat„, a iv 4
to out Popular -Millers,
son. . l'emporary-_ -repairs- ire being
made so tht very little delay will be
occasioned by the mishap.
A pleasant gathering of friends oc-
cutr etl_at the hoinenflar. and Mrs. A.
_ynese the other evening; some being
wtvsetc AMMcCurdy's,
p• lace. drin
VetroueAll gi::hring
sn• nthmgp
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Orr, of Toronto,
who have been at Chicago all summer
in connection with the World's Fair,
were visiting his mother here the past
There is quite a scramble for the post
office. While several from here are
working hard, there is a strong feeling
that the position will be given to Mr. T.
K. Boddy, of Howick, who has certainly
done more for the party in the township
than any other person in it:
The death of Robt. Dic kson, Esq.,
our postmaster octurred at his home
in this village on Wednesday of last
week. Deceased has acted as post-
master here for over a qurater of a cen-
tury and has alWays held the highest
respect of everybody. His fuaerat took
place on Friday and was very largely
Mrs. Jno. Brethour has been quite ill
with quinsey the past week, but is now
improving nicely.
Mr. Dane has retired
of Robinson & Dane and
stand, take a position
wholesale house.
from the firm
will, we under-
in a Ha znilton
(Too late for last issue.)
We wont very wide 9f the mark re-
garding our statement of the prospects
of a disagreeable time for turnip pick-
ing. The past week has been simply
delightful and now we do not think
there is a turnip out in this vicinity.
We must quit prophesying hencefortlu.
The farmers are out of a job now as
they have all their fall ploughing done
and these fme 'days find them basking
in the sunshine meditating deeply on
—we know not what.
Our burg is quite deserted to -night.
At present the greater number of our
inhabitants are listening to the funny
concert at Gorrie whiko the rest of us
owing -to the want of money and rigs to
take us there are here Whiling our time
in loneliness.
Mr. Dunnage has his apples nearly
all packed and on Wednesday he is
shipping from „Gerrie. Liverpool (Eng-
land) is the place to which they are to
be exported.
Messrs. T. Inglis, H. Halladay and
Connell, who, some time ago, went
across the Atlantic' with their cattle,
arriied home last Thursday. All look
well and say they made a pretty good
thing by going. •
Mrs. A. Dnlrcia.ge is unwell these days
and confined to her bed. _
There was a good attendance at
church here last night. Mr. Potter in-
thnated that a series of special meetings
will be held here in about two weeks, a
more definite accountio be given next
The names of those elected to the
various offices in our -I. 0. G. T. lodge
C.T.—J. Darroch.
PC.T.—Miss E. Gregg.
• V.T.—Miss M. Gregg.
R.S.—Mr. D. Harkness.
A.S.—Miss M. Scott.
Chap.—Mr. I. Bunston.
F.S.—Mr. M. Scott.
Treas.—Miss L. Greenley.
Marsshal.—J. McConnell.
D. M.—Miss J. Renwick.
Guard.—Miss C. Dennis.
SentineL—Mr. Jas. Wright.
The concert is coming off sure. Next
Saturday night the date will be'set.
Twenty-two head of cattle, bought by
Mr. W. Wallae: of the 17th. Howick,
up near Chesley, passed through here
on Wednesday' eveni g They are a
fine lot now and by tliermonth of May
they -will certainly netaa nice sum.
Mr. Robt. and Miss J. McLaughlin_
went visiting down South of Harriston
on Saturday.
Farmers,do not forgekthe days setby
Mr. Scott for chopping: they are Thurs-
day, Friday and SAteday. Note the
change also lopk out for printed bills
winch will -he circulated in a short time.
A telegram received by Miss Ella
Gregg, Springbank, intimated the death
of her cousin, kri. John Whitner,
daughter -of kn. Thos.- CrawfOrd, In-
gersoll. Miss Gregg left for -that place
The wig -mill y; 044* imat titzewly
sawn lumber these days.
much to the appearance of the b
when viewed from the road.
The farmers ' whose bush - suffered. -
from last spring's storm are anxiouate-
dispose of their logs to Mr. ThUaday
Some deals are being made and a li
sleighing will find the logs streaming 4.
No mischief whatever was done here --
on Hallow e'en. The boys are becom-
ing better.
Alex. McDonald who worked with'
Mr. T. B. Carlton last winter and sum --
mer was in the hamlet on business last
Tuesday and Thursday.
Temperance Column.
ESiten by theMildmayBranch, of the W.C.T.U.
It costs one billion dollars a year to
pay the judges, lawyers, police, doctors,
jailors and excise men made necessary ,
by the license -system.
By Mrs. (Rev.) Gallagher.
Idleness is a powerful yet a small
word. It means laizness or inaction
which weakens the word, mental and
physical strength of humanity and leads .
to evil.
It is the greatest enemy of youth and
and finds the youths of towns, villages
and cities, itsspecial prey; those of the
country being protected by an impene-
trable coat of mail called work. We
should all try to oppose this enem, of
bringing up a strong force of employ
ment to act against him or he will act
strongly in opposition to as.
Life is a, sacred trust from God to be
returned with all the gains of faiwoor----
use but if idleness prevails 'Welife is
a failure. Now there is a work for
every one to do and just at present
there is a large field for labor in the
Temperance cause. It is very import
ant that every moment be employed.
for idleness brings nothing but vain: ,
regrets, sorrow and discontent. Vtitifikr
perance workers, I ask you to be more:
zealous in the cause. A great reform •
is being carried on but there i.`' ta-
great work to do before the obje
hibition, is attained, The Rum -
must be crushed, his agents scattered
and Satan's great servant destroyed
before our hand will be free from a
a great curse.
It is the duty of every Christian ha
our land to help to raise the falln, t
rescue the perishing and to. encoarag.e
the weak in the right path. - Then I
say to every -mmber of the W.C.T.U.,
seek out some youth or some pop)!
creature, over whom -Satan has a riflii*
power through the Rim Fiend, andtry
to rescue hitn, set him in tlaeright pith -
and work faithfully towards getting the
government to prohibit licenses for .
making the awful beverage that &uses
BO much evil and misery in our fair -
By Mrs. (Rev.) Gallagher. _
The Rum Fiend halted a moment or two
To reckon what coarse was best to pursue,
I've snares, thought he, for the student's time,
And tills for the laborers' hard earned dim.
The grapes are filled with luscious juice.
The grain is sprouted and ready for use;
My servants are ready to still and brew
And he smiled as he thought of his profitsdue.
My profits are great and expenies small.
Yet I've provided for customers all,
I've rags for the drintkards wife to wear
And crusts and tears for her daily_fare.
I have lonely garrets and pallets of straw
To which myscustomers may withdra*.
Then when prospects are dulletnd intellects fail
I willingly assist them off to jail.
My business is flourishing, filling the till,
I've -license to make and to mast will,
I've agents scattered throughout the land
Who are gathering for Satan a migity-band.
So I'll continue my work, I'll brew and I'll make
And ine.ny.a comfort from poor children take,
Mother's hearts I shall bresk, happy homes
And in life and its measures -F11 out the
As thus the Rum Fiend gloated o'er
His prospictsgrim, of wretehed lore,
murmaring on the winds Was born
That made him feel wretched and very forlorn,
It whispered I Warn you the day Mamas hand
When your agents and you must forsake that
band. ,
Your opponent hasagonises well airyourself
But they labor for Christanot for liatim or self.
The fruits of their labor now slew bid sure;
Their work, honest toil with sentkuentmire.
They make happy homesseteue serds nearly lost
While from life and its measures they haaish
the dress. - .
Theirobjfict just nw-a-Til whisper it here,
Li to arinth out your Acensellinenspingyeas4"
TheGoverinnentloo3hoy indite to thiarrazet
To 'madder again thst:t9SW.theit Waiatiadea/4
Which lieensed.yoni-i*ents te litt1P-Soas t4) 1
Agce-xutn-410glibfi7krii#te=M/BilglaudfYtio drTytsttoGmzt