HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-11-09, Page 8S.CHI.TEIDEE; &-MI I s . Great Fall Sale of Dry_r Goods commences On Wei'-nadaNry. duce : our tre- only,as we are bound to re of cost. You want the goods and we want tie men A line of Dress goods at 5c. per yard. Another line all wool dress goods at 14c. per yard. Still another line, in double width, at 18 cents per yard. Black Henriettas 15, 18, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 6o1 65, 70: 75, 8o, 85, go: 95: A job lot buttons at re. per dozen. A line Teazle Flannelettes, figured.. and stripe, former price i tic, sale price 7c. Washing dress ginghams former prices from. Izic, to 2oc, sale price 8c. Cretonnes, former price Iz to_ 18c, sale price gc. All ".wool tweeds at 25, 3o, 35, 40c. up ; we do not mean cottonades. Cottonades from Ile.- up. Flannels that will command quick sales. Underclothing for cold weather, a union at 25c ;. in wool at 45c. Mantle cloths at reduced prices and cut free of charge, but remember we don't give the cloth away free of charge. 36 -inch apron gingham, checks and stripes, sale price • roc:. Clover Flannels for skirts, 36 inches wide, former price 20c, sale price 14 cents All odds, ends and remnants -in Pry Goods at any reasonable o A small lot readymade clothing on a table in the corner will be cleared out at 50c. on the dollar. . Full range new Overcoats at 25% discount during sale only. 330.0ts i rod ► lac) , reduced prices on all footwear during .eases A secal lime men's Fine Shoes at $1.12. GROCERTE : Complete line groceries at close prices. See our lines of Tea,'7 lbs for $1. OUR0134.7MOrr in having this sale is to Reduce our stock, and all goodswi t be :sold positively at prices advertised, duningasale: only ernember The Great Sale-;— ooU 13 - ` member The Place,— I 3Di . %, Remember The Store,-- Temperance toro Vol. 2. CHURCH G LIFH.—Services - at Corrie. 2:30 p. ev. Mr. Brownlee, Inc one hour and a quarte 1 TETHODIST.—Sers-i p. m. Orange Greene, pastor. Sabb W. S. Bean Superiuten PRESBYTERIAN.- a.m.• at Corrie, Fordwich in the ev Gorrie l:15 pint. Jas. Mc }/4- ETHODI`T—Serei din C;.urch, Sabbath School at 2:39 Thursday evenings at pamtor_ N. Mc gr,UFR OF MAIM it witnesses required. Office:—At the Dra l,A.TU 1\ (EMBER of Colleg peons, 0:::. R. E. C P'izyisici� C RADUATE, Toron College Pbysi::ia, Residence, Absalom S erg stable. Office in t to Carrick Banki'ig C J. A, WI HONOR Graduate Medical College Physicians and _ Surg Blest door to Wendt's W.H.H Hildm GRADUATE of On and registered m Association. Also Ho Veterinary Medical attended to night and CR. WIS Iva 01 OR Gra:'lu: to ,Ipro.nto L;nitier Of Dental Surged DEME4'TriiO ces moderate, sa ' 'factory. J. J. WI Temperance Coln. tldited by the Drlildmay Branch of the W.C.T.II. THRIFTY TRIOFRIVOTOR TOWNS. • Greeley, Colorado, was _founded on : temper bnc3 principles. .It . has been a success from the hoar of its planting. Not a drop of liquor can be obtained'. in the town unless sold bby the rnggsts-upon a physician's certificate: outld any landholder violate the pro - the clause "contained in the �de4. he forfeits the property. The 'town has 2,500 population, no paupers, tuo city jail, no police magistrate, no 4 orhoitse. -: As a further evidence of • °'t .rrift, they have three newspapers, six :Churches, and a fine school -house which - over $30,000. The town of Pullman, near Chicago,: -seeittitins most of the characteristics of - great city Arid yet lacks certain nes,. which mast cities have. Pull- x has no saloons, no jails, no poverty -suffering from hunger,=cold, naked- ss,homelessness,oricdleness,' Alady d. there relates the following ereenai experience.. She Says: Y {•i n i# a year ago mg life was one of onar t anxiety and, dread. ay hus- �¢ nd, aysirillful machinist; earned good but the saloon took a greater and 'left little for food and cloth - t €or the family We lived here ar_d a in miserable tenements, surround - 'disease and vice, and the children the true. meaning of hofse. ago lily 'husband secured work an, with: the understand Must 'Atop drinking. With t : ttemptatimi of the :open__saloons, } he:.:41id step and now we=have `a . -home, with the comforts and s we never dreamed of enjoying s day's work,: my Amhara mento, :takes a bath, puts on his: 2<W tom_ - enjoysdinner with the �d Vie. and then sits. down at tMth us along g the= me: Oulairous to the library destroys the mint of man; because. it encourages gaznbl ng, _idleness, profs - ity, and every -phase of.imumortality ; be- cause it °hinders the advancement of thrift, of education, of trade, of good order in soeietyF and of religion be- cause it destroys -the peace, the welfare, the happiness of home ; becauseit re- duces vast numbers of wives and child- ren to pauperism and want, to widow; hood and orphanage; because it tempts men to _trample on their good-reselutign and prevents the reform of the drunk- ard because it bur.._ . _ , -he non-drink- er, as well`as those who drink, with op- pressive taxation ; because it grossly insults a thoughtful and sober columun- ity ;: because the best people desire the temptation to drink removed because the idle and .the vicious are inspired by drink to the commission of crime,.mak- ing them noisy, _ quarrelsome and corn= batiive; . because_nature, experience, his- tory, andthe Scriptures utter theirpro- test against its lei,di-n g men into temp. t,tioii; because. the licensed traffic builds up a -class, a favored few, at the cost of the -people ; because it is an in- sult to earthant' to Heaven and should. not bo protected by a license. DISCOVERED HIS WEAKNESS. A so-called lmoderate drinker was once very angry witila friend who claimed that safety is only in totally abstaining .from the use of ardent spirits, -and• ask ed' him to -try - his strength by .abstaining,; tor,ones month and_ not touch a drop dur- s that -time. Said the other: "To satisfy you mnd, sir,I will_with pleas- :ort, the ugh ;I know myself ; I.will do as. you ask to -cure.. over -wrought ideas." He kept` b is promise ;= but at the end of the=month he came -to his ' friend,, with tears. in his _eyes,, and` thanked him; for saving him from a drunkard's grave. k: Saidhe: ` 1 never knew : before that I was hiany sense -a slave to drink; but -the . h peen the fiercest of e now, "low: I was almost ae; o�%ira r fidbsafeomauFthalnowould ranatnohha edwtepvdseebrait1emoepnllwredtnd hadliven is no , eturn ng JAMES A Bedroom Stitt -es, Hall Suites, Diablo Room Suites,. Parlor Suites, Drawing Rootn. Suites, Rockers, East Chairs, Office Chairs, Invalid Chairs, Any fund Chairs, Veterinar GRADUATE of 0 and registered. m arty Association. ,1-..�'- Residence • Next to Het` ALBERT STREET, Bedsteads, Sideboards Ranks, Dressers, Cupboards, Gorquier Sells anything you want in the Line:of.Furniture, And Sells "it Cheap. Undertaking Department well supplied Throughout. GGobi> ]F og2miEc: Having purchased. a first.class full plate glass Hoarse 3 in a -to do the undertaking of this community than beforn,° an mg to.reduct i the wholesaIeyprices of our goods I am in a position to eVe • ase of 's that is to . say n -charges- :ill nic€tt �'earse. fry,my S6 than b or . Corner Elora and T$IS,ftne Stone Ho style, with large rooms, spacious par every facility for t traveling public. The bar is supplied and cigars. Free 'Bus to and fro Good Stabling and F. X. G Natures- Healing 'Fater.. Life's `I4Nourisher of Blood, • Ilea .i's Restorer. :' The Greatest Mineral Water Known. Pleasant to the taste: Healing to the system. Ca r F1PAN GENERAL BARN 'Drafts Issue Canada and t Loans ma • a JASPER, Elora at triad ay THE PEOPLE'S: POPULAR :. AN-& 7CObCIUN€RY. A full std always on hand Any orders you; favor ns oath will receive our am careful attention, and PRICES tt GOOD Good No ' Interest allowed References : Canadian Bank of C. SC GISS