HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-11-09, Page 6" ON any. -hu found other aJoe* �'Sb has a noo a ion. A BI- X19110 Fidda-Z o ce o DI, r com 0 -BUT -0 NOT WISELY, r ut-' w -e& ess tries to, spring up, b k CL oj�i the North -eurse of hell kq Upon! do Night was creepiniz Owl overpowers him.*. "The Across th4 6 -devil, temptress and Branch. 3 rivir,the dim proiale Po g she stands at the window of her herm-fiend, sh sprin wa,3:-,fAdiug into fte Mundr4ol of es penned th the ravings (if delirium of the raged montains CHAPTER XXXIII. morning -room and reads those Ifn en once again jilight. The ER OWN TOMS- reat darkness crowd his brain, an& he knows nothing of the parple duskiness of tv CAUGHT 1, in he Rue Victoird and a g is semi. IT H r apetow-a spec r her. berwho, is beside him. stars were. co ning out one by one, and the C -rt V'ie An hour later. a --ems! to come ove wria n sits alone in her boudoir. Her All her energies seem paralyzed: sho It i'a terrible, time for Lmuraine, She East was silvery With the glow of the com- ilitary column sent -ant ta. Lady Jea husband to operateagoinstiting flush of excite- cannot think, cannot decide. Her r takes searoely food- or rest. Shetendsand moon. of on-Obtobar 16 de. g dangero, ugly k t the _-:644017 ,nests have all gone. A ment burns on her -cheek, her eyes look alone in a foreign land watche the ale man. with untiring Our tent was staked undee a cump bale warriors niel ugggement a u� 'An r for who�r he has atience ; -all the -more stern is she in her. pines, and we sat aboat the - blazing camP* near Indianas melu tAi of serted by the woman P triumubant. -Keith dy-. 9 as and watching was fought, wbichx�iull, , 113bury column a to her- rouged his wife, and Keith task of self-denial because slit know it is a fire, smoking our briar pip e ti es. The Fatt Sal �Ictory at last!" she murmur W 4-a k,because she will not spare herself. one, the grotesque shadows thit-1overed around th na V self. 4, When she hears he is dead, and has ing. te bodv of - the a �ieww -- - d her'- the riness spread out on nd fought with i 7 �- If the first he -sunlight seems to, blin V jots -of thepin and we& that her our canvas canoes,,. wd defeate.- -A, strumentality, T the MAtabelei '61)118 0 met his death through my ir will, know that I too can av cruel. Her heart feels Il' 0 a demand. The' physicians praise to dry. The loge crackled in- the flames. 3 near the'is -dinus a light of day is than- ab ur engageme two coil I think she ave taken her husband and Ueer numbed and dead, And in her brain a her devotioh, and in his lucid moments the but on the river the fiih isplaibea noisily, ut;nentioned. The owardis I insult, I h rough orn some far rei6citen0ok in the then united, and acivandea., t lover from her. I said my hour would come. sand hammers seem to beat, And th sick man murmurs biessings on her, and an d fr ag cry of a is It has come." all that nambness and. discord one thought utters such vows of penitence and remorse mountains came the long, wayo,-King Lobenguelis�!. footst,eps with- alone shapes it.,qelf in stern and terrible dis- al� might gladden th6 heart of any wife- wildcat. At intervalswo- heard the-cle4r expected that'the Tati There is a stir, a noise of , , columns. The One -thought; it is D.uty!. in the quaint old the other tM out. The deor'is thrust hurriedly open, tinetness. iose lov6 and Patience. had reclaimed her notes of a bell, wafted fro Juntion with simultaneous lected her. he 'has outraged her,' husband fro his errors. But they do'not Moravian village of combined forces will W, ond Count Karolyaki comes in. Be neg and- re9pect. Buys," exclaimed old Dick, suddenly# attack on Lobenguela'i The forces arily Lady Jean rises. She is -he has forfeited all lionour gladden Lauraine. Involunt p ves supporting e the less is he -her husba;nd,. none The weary burden presses more heavily; "do you see that grass ,tch out 'yonder of 1 500 nati ilie BrUish aft annoyed and troubled, and a little afraid. Yet non iati projoacting the now I do not rec . eive the less is he the father of her child. the iron enters more deeply into her soul on the river ? . Waal, years- ago, when�,l stili At where they are, at 94 Monsieur, you k -6h a nod other Her child ! ho -lay- in-- her,bosom, and 'But she has resolved to go t1irough with her was a , youngster 'I seed somethin' that, miners employed on the Mcic� at this hour." saw afore or So your people told me, but mv busi- �smiled into her eyes, -.'And made _66ifth -ar -task, and she olares not count the cost. that PlI bet no man ever gold reefe. the British South U. I will noi detain paradise foi just a little apace He is better,"S&y the physicians. "He since." It is the intention of effort ness- pleads an excus %Y I But Reith ? Keith,. Whom she loves ; will live." "Tell us about it, Dick," we cried, eager African Company to make a vigorous long, madartie. I have come to a Keith The- news comesto her, and sheis silent,' ly. to crash Lobenguela's power before the YOU -luver -0on one -condition." Keith, whom she has wronged ; - Will spare your her knees and hides her face Dick was an old settler -&-dweller among rainy season sets in. Should' t1i'a ra"'s 96 t to -night I do not understand Y0112" falters dying, and she cannot be near him, cannot then sinks on ery pale. e the look of the bad blue fromsight. They think she is overpowered these mountains all his life,_an� come on before any decisive advantage sd Lady Jean, turning v, meet once mor and leave he had come down from.his cabin to visit gained by the company's. forces, they coul He smiles his cold and evil smile. eyes, canhot whisper peace or comfort to with emotion, and go softly awa, a wo�ary battle, our -camp. do nothing for four or five -months &a -it C6 No? Well, I Will Put it more plainly. the young and passion-wreek.-d soul her -leave her fighting out an I don't mind if I would be impossible for them to keep the a. This duel shall Her heart feels breaking. The awfulness sick at heart with Shame that in her mind Waal " he beg I will retract my word gadder de- do. You's�e, 'in them days, powder an' field in the season. The rains still hold wife." of this decision seems beyond her strength is np gladness,. only a duller, an' when I needei f the British- not take place if you ill be my I- any I ff much to the, satisfaction o to make ; and yet she knows--4he cannot spar. shot was scarce, She. turns on -him, angry and amazed, hed. ter piddle thirty miles with a canoe Dr. Jameson, administrator of the British u do me much honour. But but know-w.hich-is the right course, be 3ersonally tak- 41 Morisieur, yo an' then paddle South Af r ican Company, is I I will seareel full of skins far trading, what I have refund to love, Y cause of its very hardness. CHAPTER XXXV. the hull way up the river ag'in. So, nater- Ing part in thovoperations in the field. He to intimidation I have sinned; 1 must suffer," she yield No 'ee3 ally I was savin'with Ammunition, an' when took an active part in the engagements ,7 roans, despairingly, and then moves away I wa He draws his breath sharply. Beyond he gods ananf rate. tween the. He roole nted game I uster try other ways be Take heed before with half -blind eyes, and feels as if her with the natives. Stay ; listen to me. - olit, and in the sick room. all is the fill, an' the In you I have scoffed heart must break at last. How can she live it is nig of gettin' it. It W&3,1 in columns and - sured their co-operation. you refuse. I have told hushed and still. wild geese was a-goiu� south night an' day. Capt. Campbell was shot in the leg and, my life till you taught -me to I on and -endnre sucla misery . at love all 119 Often.they would stop t does Lauraine, in her soft grey dress,is sitti er feed along the it was necessary to amputate the limb. ant my error. A man at my age In an hour her prepirations are complete, rec beside the bed. She is alone the first three river. I reckon not. many persons li�now This vrs the only casualty reported -as not love lightly,nor is he easily turned from and she starts for London. A thought hours are her watch. that wild geese are fond of Yonne frogs, having happened to the entire force. It ispurpose. To win you I won hi ld do anY- strikes heron her way. At the first le She thinks her husband is- asleep; he but that's just what they stop on the grass is estimated that the Fort Victoria column. t drives me (lesperate. If hing-to lose you station she gets out and sends a telegram, lies so still, and his eyes are closed. She I ;Aught a lot of killed 100 Matabeles. your bay- patches fur. One evening y -nig to Lady Etwynde, bidding hbr meet her at y. tier o at ideatiareal The Fort Charter column is said to -have on refuse my prayer to looks white and frail as a� broken Ill hogs, an' paddled over -t, th lover sball never see your face again. I the London terminus. ke in fought a successful engagement*with the less fatal than it* head leans on her hands; the whole e res- grass patch yonder. I drove -a sta, -ear it, and my oath is no xp art. Then I made aw inns her friend is wal ing he ve adition. of the --At the term sion of her face is one so sad, so the gravel deep and solid. natives, but the defecti co, my hand can be." UPI Carlisle also. in wfew hurried,. strong cords telegraph line has prevented the receipt of of and Colo anyone half a dozen lines o crushed, that it might have made ut of She turns aside there is smile broken words Lauraine tells them all. who loved her weeIN read it� .1 put news regarding the number of natives Whov n her lips. Has she fooled him so going to him!" put hookdon 'am baited with frogs. triamph a. 11 And you ar6'autually it to fell in the fight, The officials of the com- Ily believes Keith Athel- Saddenly she looks at the quiet figure' all the links on one line an' hatched well that he actua cried Lady Etwynle, amazed. I knowed I pod pany at Fort Vicroria reporr, that if the col- to do 't fal. His eyes are fixed on her face. Hehasbeen he stake. had a, purty @ must ; it is what I ought '101 - stone is his rival ? watching her. trap, �u I when I got up at sunrise the next umns are given ordinary good ilent and thought- ters Lauraine, piteously. `I c%�aot leave Will Yoxi ever forgive me, L was dead sure of e ri� they will be capable of copop t X� As she stands there, a auraine," 6' morning g 'ti the door and enters After, aightiong I had hear fal, a servant knocks at him to die there alone, uncareZI for he says, faintly. "I have been such a. n methin', fur all i umber of the enemy. 00 with atelegram. a my husband." and you -I always said you were too onk all, he i A SECOND.IiSM;. brut( the geese a6-goin' honk honk 1 4 reads the con- She hastily seizes it and Et- an You are right!" exclaims Lady good a woman. It must 'have needed - - Was -1, boys, I paddled out on the rivet, tents, slid all the blood seems to forsake A Jobannesbur wynde, hurriedly. "Bata thought strikes angel's heart to do what you have done." iist came near the -grass patch up g her face. Trembling, she sinks into a kin'their has been learned here th= me. I -will go to Paris and see Keith Z"It was nothing -nothing," says flew three slappin'big geesei a-wor was wounded on OctobO, chair. me, Will you not hurriedly. 11!§Ick-i�ursing was always !py wings, an� sol nawkiii' fur. all they was Athelsto ne. You will let If all should be lost even now?" she as tight ' their ering. Shortly after g 'Va: Cyrilr? Perht t fiend is lying. 1) forte, you kno Besides, I only did-iny U Inr is af ter all tha W. worth, B t the books momentary thinks, and her eyes turn in a But as amputated he died from shock. Lmuraine looks at her with unspeakable uty.1i throats, 'an' I was sure I had 'em. the stern, cold face of the Count. a, with some. 6 big jerk. bant, commanding 400 of Chi i 6ppeal to duty!" be echoe I leaptut of t4je -canoe they gave red a strei de Your -1 will think of what you ago ! Beehuanas, encounte ati" you would -if yoji only would!" thing of the old bitterness. "-It is well for eirilacaxed. By Ji Matoppo al�e falters. "But, believe me, you Oh on account of their b Matabeles in the she hu -i. I hat vou-hive so strong a sense of it. close ter the stake, au',8WaY tone is she cries passionately. you t the line �rokii' mgement we,__ wrong when you think Keith Athelst Colonel tten whathe w9rd mean geese a-sailin', -the other three 15 and fought an eng rLw*-11304 anything tome. Hes not; he never will "Certainly we will!" exclaims I have long forgo went the of the Matabelessm rlisle. I'Etwyndo is quite iight. Andl Sheissilent. There is a long pause. ul over the Twenty-seven hookswith the frogs on traili As for his life, I would not spare it if CA on and 200 their cattle Va be. h ulda't al�-go as far as After a while he speaks again. 'em. I jit stood 100hia' do not see why we a o W, and water behilho: were reinforced wid 1 could." r life, I kno L latabeles Paris -together. Wehave two hours to 11 I'hmve rained. you der, until all of a sudden I N in damb won to retire. The Hatabeles ' pup - What?" he cries. amazed. the water. Then the was forced Ti seen'a big-spl a me enough to get what we Want now it is too late -too late to make ae ' nds. asli. in -We-he has insulted me," staram ers sp re. All the rest we can Still, the best amends I coald make� geese -in', kept flYin' sued the Beebuanas for ashoM -money and wraps. Col. B"w myself -a down. This then, evident -hty I I cannot tell you -1 caun0t ow y fearing that would be to slow an' mig Lady Jean. nd begin to holler, get in Paris." free you from ke, ting to draw them e the Cases Diaraine, Hush a emplain; only if youlove me you will avenge nged, and the that will soon b e at first; -but putty soon a So it is*.butriedly arra puzzled in they ab -I would not Utedr the thing. 0 open country, is death, that sees them all en route for the Do you suppose I believe what' those toOLS S me big fish had me -r --not by h gay I wish yon to wound him, night- express cumve her n' rogs an' got and reti ll and his wife said to -day -that EL man cannot tell when bit at one of traili L capital', the Colonel in Frech and in such a manner- that the issue may be hber Laur' hisendis near? I shall not Plagae You hooked I , ow them three geese was A London special says: -The represen- -to console and a an n doing their best the United Press to.day had an 01 fatal-oroth6rwise-bat inany case that neer-i YOU may bs happy ag through the water. In tative of oner of the original R-ashou il aine, wh -)se, atter- 'prostration and despair mu6h lo draggin' him al -be' aneertain enough to allow of 0. . . S. ch&sin' 4 may secouds� 1. Wa interview with jist it two thoroughi�v_ yet.. abof- , alarm 4em.- aries, who was ar being sent to England to -&-a as say I land concession Messeng 11 Don't tha," entreats raine, our in- 11L3 a spel At Paris, Colonel Carlisle aecid that Lau �,pinoe,. Fur the percessi dcusteing.,of friend of his. Do you understand?" n ng the hand nd takii ei she is really in no fit-. couditio -to travel kneeling beside him, a r ant I could U the geese fiew down the riv rt- be extends so feebly. 'There is every splashi, "That I am to be a tool for you? Per n'on the Matabeles, and having this k alone; and havipg seen his wife fairly sta make out the fish a-leapin a upon thomolf-the -reward?" e moral effect featly, madame. And my a d prob- You shall ask for it when you 11ave ad for the address Lady Jean has given, he hope now the worst is over. You are only behind. Than the pesky geese headed fur said that tb -Laura makes yon dispirited about made that fish recent fighting will b, enormous an U takes charge of bae, and goes on with weak' and that shore, an' I tell you they to tearrus- with and ause them to come donemy bidding," she murm rs sof tly, it mighty - qaick., I was, ably will a at one her to the Riviera. yourself." turn -around moi ; I know. v an' I seen they the British. The killing of 100 of --their holds out her hand for the clasp of th know nolons influence whose stains of blood-juiltiness are to re- When the long, fatiguing urney is over He shakes his head.. party close onto them noi , Jo You will not leave could hardly fly. numbe, will have a treme Monte Carlo, they find Sir Promise me one thing. was most played- out an erAtitious Matabeles, who have her 'bidding. and they reach ceive yet another addition, a' I stay Zith me to the end. I come ter shore, an' upon the sup n worse than the telegram had me; you wil Nigher an' nigher He takes hers, and bends dou I thought-, I was 11 I believed that ith the help. - of their',gods wn and press- Francis evC led them to imagine. Lauraine will not List night I hai a dream. slower an' slower them geese ffevv ti ore than a match.for any white of; his lips upon it fervently. ne 11 alone, and itWjs black and dark, -a thought they was surely g6in' ter drop. they were in I will do your will," he says: he shall hear of Colonel Carlisle staying with her alo sent againat them ef t me ; and look where I The fever must take its and you had I B tit �they kept on a-flappin' feebly, an' - jist force the, could be live to suffer. - But, madame, remember, I any longer. fiends grinning at me, would there were &a I got a yard -_from them they skimmed ool to be trifled with. If. you course ; there is nothing but pa!eful nursing at sins seemed a burning fire over.the shore. an' pulled the fish out onto am no f and so and all my Pa of the bargain it will and watchfulness to be exercised fail in your part an upon my soul. It was horrible. Bad as kapin' far breath, A WORDERFUL 0PBRATT-09. ack to Paris, and take the pelables, har he lay ge b p k it quick, -?.n� be at your own peril. Neither man nor she sends him on't foross a jumped ot am, and hae been, an' kitkin' hard. I the bedside of the man who woman has ever baulked me of my will, her stAtion by ne ;it is some epm- You may have has wronged and outraged her so oft __; me till the end, Laurai preese by the Realieving eri I Can grabbed. the g A Deat Hate Made to PeAlk by who has not lived to rue it. an's prayers. - the fish I chucked ans even now, are all for fort to have a good wom was, clean dond:.t an' the Larynx. fretful mo bat You-. shall not whose feel that at fooled a score of men, inter the canoe. foolme ! Love like mine i tQ that other woman. 'A mute has been operatedn by a Frenoh nay be Play Y was a daisy It arite watching beside WiLl not 'leave on, do not fear, Waal ; boys, that fish e rouse, but it is death when roused." The Scaur de Ch res him earnestly. was a big sabn6r,'an' it weighed jest thir, surgeon, r., Perier, of the Lariboigliar the face. I him looks up- in surprijis as the slight young Lauraine assu lessly': a 'go nabled -to exp She looks him calmly in a. Ire olleat Hospiiail far s to be e k d over the un- But promise, childs he says, rest teen pounds au�. eleven ounce lmodnIated.'� beautifuUace ben -8 r b speech, or 69 - yesterday , Y it � have no intention of deceiving you. Prom. figure and promis all as thong an! g6lf his idea e. rhit happened sound a totally remove& lee methat KeithAthelitone shall have conscious man. a. Tb� larynx.wa 46 And With a great wonder, bat most gentle darlyfifty. years ago. It is madame -for Whom he has been Yet it were n rmed in but a few days' life left -and I must be off. God-niglit �nd the Akillful'autgeon fo estoess, she promises earn Waal, boysi eek 6. small orifice h it, has always asking 9" she aqks, hesitatingl . y. ' 11 - terior wall of the n Her glance promises the rest. Another hour'. U T zuraine looks gravely up. ter Thia morning, consequentl all theintoxication, the responsive meaning, L I am his wi*` she says, simply. She kneels there still, He has fallen Into a es aDick knocked the ashes from hi pip he left open. e 'extefibir a at nfl and slowly vanish X, Day after day passes d for expedi4tenti thi &me men's passions -that has as reserve wearily, slowly, by. a fitful doze, from which he starts from ed in the darkness le&V_L communi ating with both th ever swayed them -to her, will. It $ways his unique aiid� the pliary�n Ing de. time to time, to be reassured only by the .. a to meditate over -establishment of the voice hv him now. Then comes a letter floom. Lady Etwyn, assure of her hand -some Murmur from is Keith has pr intereatitqyarn.. i1p6n the re It is all true shf3 writes - a He draw& her to h heart with a fierce mof &U'artificial larynx, etuat-d I for som her lips. and sudden tenderness, and she lets his lips -been shot and al e blowing)de,dei, and -not by the air isswo , Another hour. But XIOA MINING ed upon her own. "I prom- scrape n which that woman is mixe. lillmly rest unrebak W1j, iton thetrachea. The apparaus,rels; gThe darkuess of the night creeps. on, t &dopt,tauat he is in iiiet" he murmurs; and sher knows he heis notat herhouse; 9 her simple, that they- decided to tit The'prayer 31r.r T. WAtte"'L of Ot"Wa Secures au 'inclosed in a tube, and Lady Jean has gone off with the man'L Slowly, Wearily enough. He it. are hushed now. erty. of a metallic reed F, 9 of it. Keith is in the ips bae framed Xtenstve Prep The; t.ebgram that has reached Lady Everyone is talking quilly, thap he plates of which, arran Yed- in comifffl dispatched from Monte utmost dancrer ; but if skill and care can do sleeps more calmly, more tran -Prob Tean -has been An Obt�ffla special says: ably the difectionstobliterate balfof the lightat anything, I do not.despair of him yet. The e has: done ye trangactioti of the past year largest mining exftemity. Thiatube terminattas above, 4arlo. It contains these lines : I - hair 9:breadth of piercing Another h.our. urday last, when urfaeeapable Of being b'ed' shot -was within a 16pp.! Sir Fraiicis Vavasour lies here, 1 lanaef 'The Sister who relieve3r,her, comes softly was consummated on Sat He ',-knows me,. Mr. W. R. Ell , he and I Montreal-, sold the fr.bntl iously ill -it is feared with typhoid a erl Tic fever, his left 'lang. something in her hand, nonhorat, ot hp etics131y to the., orifice in here by your desire. She holds whispered to him I was the lauds,,mining.rights,. cted with rest in He -&.ski constantly foryou. Come atonce." allhis inte a nick. Below,it isconne aveseen the look in the bay's hick she gives to La iipment and rdsery . oirs, . 04 to�d p6a. _U mined material comprising she You Shoald h DUpled and U1I W Lady Jean is,ouce more one es rest on eqt -J.-' d armature, permit I feel so sorry h so fain I to Mr.T. - tin' tuous eyes'l for him ; e is For a second's space, as her ey LMica.-Sistem, ape mp. ape Lauraine t "TheLake-Girar� motillic S-sh .-reads the message with a conte al state, -the little yellow P Ir 6iy. f r r�sld be lids therein this awf By. this operation in 0 laugh. young, at countable dread. Watters 0 icajing with tteatfier,, &a onercommun rt ii Aching for sight of with a great and itif run she says. %ad read the Mr. Wit ositS fe'must be mad, Ito and 1. know his hea a Then she opens the euve pe ters becomes Abs&ute owner of the ocontinuous tar in yolt. Lmuraine, I see that woman"A sche valuable, micai deP 11n n sidk-�nurse ! : I&rg must 4k4*` tensity. One -of the -1 -IMS n. Y theLrisk of infection -I to joation �rith b 6V' I you to make a false step message WLthi eat 4Ud to eheild b -1 to run the gauntlet of scandal and discus- n(,w. She wantei rovoid-properties, know They say there is no hop., -you cau and,p 130t iu�aommun come Any si . ng. e at j" formed- of 1 'judividital on' t to 'r to �fiW7 Zer _th come do a Of asionfor-4him I. PshaWf�f h� wants a -min.- one that.would have� ruined you for ever. Franc 8, ahi r6a left yoUr. husband's house to by -any means leave Sir the doipo 3" L�Urainoa. Had ked AS if YOU had here. - His one prayer is for a ight of you Thilde�,el6l)ni6vt Of erie actuate vapom angrel. fet'bim send to R is her metier, no mine. to Keith it would, have 106 tionhasbeen steadilyontinubdAur � current of he metall Uld have before he dies." es the aouditious%� -your er -'Sir Francis wo -hand. .She Ing vibration an a' and fled to W. years,:wrkw-�. a edhlig lov The paper flatters from her T to'- her wri L hen she goes Bat how the past -fthevatioue d "proxinm takeg. pelli and and writes these lines: boen jastified in doink-anythi tioii are such that witb�& nial to t does not- speak or -move, only -,stands ther proper f6r�i tonsat v-, which- is i L Ill on had the courage, the self -de ac 1i will, The y, ren6W ),n -h 'Or' --is. dangerously ill. &Irof the odueed is- e Keith: as eie- long A w - -, - _;� n O' I Your , d as if frozen: to dam Vormio%.�Whio stone." 'mer I Could ot -you telegram, Will h&vi aone puzzles go!*! she- says in�her doubti'ass akise 'Output Of this 'thought I dosed must go, I must e believed it, though 1, -knew restricted. Ir _t _.L ­athaWonewas,sever ,Dying Oi rat *lIkh-has-been:greatly . M � hen elyounded in a duel hav , my love, my love mie _V' t4roaui be _1[v -Bat- &91 have told. you be enorniou o-Paristhis evening, and he his ou. so well. Will t fe er d -iii ving me, thas -0 110A -for the pas _t _Ilve. If you 0 is, it brings its own re-. re -you 141A arrange . wish t lore, hard as dut Itauhaeratbod that &few days to )ity on you. increase 'under In _y d God will surety bless your life have I mbnts Are I itedf whereby Lady ward, an in 6, dream, she as Woman less- e 13, Rue With i hh'n ave jolme at once. He is Art Nechanically, like one ows whiher',l propert- t onamoni is' house, No. peace at last." she scarcely. ku ease of all Said ic. the busind 0ril pop-. wWh treiming moves away P w, Loaraine'reads the letter Oaly that mut ode -impulse is in of �6- The Lake Alca System-�` will 1jiQ,t100a.,_th- d' liusbaud's _filix1ettershe semb-aud addresses ano srale a eyes, sitting there slie is goina. the beside her at I -to fly to- Kdthtls SiAV lit Ia. to y the Wake ne w t - ith agony, her min& couch. Het heart Wru ver'she had ajig _jinmediately. titn6 V Then, ith th4 -bid im eyes are full of anguish iYautterah h' firewell. on earth as ne ro Duty, 'before her ghtof -trittinph in her eyes, that same hw thdoght to bid it to- kiisor "Ah; Wh'&t%L. the last poor he sighs. Ar er- si, falla on her lho�se eyes t tring hate in b dutylooks,"and e list Sh seenid(Vto see, W "tfi cold thing to- her room no -and torest� even. *�r-tender.'tridmphiut, 49 life sh e Areims itees bes6e -disturbi h6r-no sleepless k And, prays for. the had been h1a,words r We- trenib W VluAiiL She 1*asuevw We' "W-jalsi*4t On&j.�f$ P & Ii and for that Othe st --ea & AS 40 a -M, JL She rises f -ones drea 4v*ast an d_. in, her -itilhos- Plup"rcmS --u rung h law Wan e.- an - her husb as of h rom erL ki aLees I Voiogt�, of His eyes Un as" oul Console a& 't - - Ihor.�brsm: -were'. -to-w tir .- ��peV h- AiA her ,na.'Vearl y on IS P solduls.� a at ' r LL t "eight -ifip only cri il faint gleaut Uh sAP Of con sA aLa e her 'husban t J le, he sighs, mbu a-- her' �b�6,g 166k: engganewis mW 0 last �r and nh-6 murmur -fr& h i his - f ever over, -She e4las J4. I-ov. dti IV 6CY sit. is7I she Say y LO% 46ig DOWA r io D MUS -VV' Lhii� 4iinfoo. its A&VA-w- t_wi�w My I __0 stv And, on its bl D its Aiwni the pr Tell it - lionu�_- toongawns biDnor lto min C, S tWoft the N,�' Wax dim C. imeits tre a can heal iL-i t he dulle�. AhL -who will to S 1 we_tread tile 1� be golden L A Diseme Of I Its- S�id by those in that it is of no use t:) d fact that intemperatic among woman than it i more general, and m poylt Of physical an In It. makes us shudder the ewe, to listen e%,en cone,arDing its 01111:SeS - C tilit suddenly le the opportunit at a great pace, me �&eyghould re3ort to maintain. the gait -ti itnoney they must ut, and spending era pleasures to wh Strength is not equ, of the excitin and Another cause I's 'said absence of both religi( ment, t'he disdain for not te seen or felt, the and raujigm, the custoi ff one- wants a, thing 4 antilat fl -pre should -VV,dsdesire� further gratify therr. A thi r -garettg, it b -more yotLnp_p and mid( Uve dream ed of h; brafashion forthe t artiele,and itsuse c h onlv s, There are instances, V M evil has bee a broug scrip Wn of phvsic:LaE avIng tb* habit esta, 0"re of what isdoiie. c:�am VW LU tbwoa which resuft frog nt glass taken atl .14tasteonee formedl 4-d-th all the other V&SIA ­Zt.opping-tour or in tj ur&nt or in the pri wheretroubleor depr tile Qti uiul&nt Tcv I h tl tits teMPON I love na over the gloom. These are perilous tii stances of life are rap - - - - - - -draining. Th,, great; we live occasions a i nerves, and the swift sour:ae then is the s this, knowing t.hat V013 , �such degeneratdon. it ortaut that they sho� P e of a public, the fore in&ke it, at any rate., C begin the drinkiu�� hal -lous and delicate first is to be remembered t' giurangy that the dang of_thei� know what is heredity from an unfoi kjVe them a fatal in tmo heredity can if jthey refuse to take ft'ihi4a impossible to The first 91 ppetite. expapt In its relation u is an incredibly short, how many instances rinks aud death from ease of the nerves, possibly delirium tretz The Gare cular attent1011 h3me to the car( Nomestic Monthly. n there is generall' -e all thrown in Iffiese al tovether et V W Whi -wilen es moiA. sometim ben damT) 16hrl) ,wn in w t�" are of no earthly t are hoarded ur W' they will be need as they o re Pat I dition that when Uerally unfit for III if car( regulsrlyq than it neglec if kicked aroual -Under the bed, will no one inferior wet as �,_,�39ared for. When shoes are tak� With a soft clot� little, while, oiled or p! by themselves, or� 6��jLuted for use can be A war. It is not advIsl msings so fashi ;iLt9ibe dry ................ -p-Au ren t5 shoes, as h "ejeat er and rum it Ve StIoes the Was All month by the d e an f1i unless you c it is be-t,e� �aoiored with blach For some Years P 'Considez md that it presel keepint ba&S to W1 at once lemw adee trath It Th at. Vto thy kno-W 'To its A&VA-w- t_wi�w My I __0 stv And, on its bl D its Aiwni the pr Tell it - lionu�_- toongawns biDnor lto min C, S tWoft the N,�' Wax dim C. imeits tre a can heal iL-i t he dulle�. AhL -who will to S 1 we_tread tile 1� be golden L A Diseme Of I Its- S�id by those in that it is of no use t:) d fact that intemperatic among woman than it i more general, and m poylt Of physical an In It. makes us shudder the ewe, to listen e%,en cone,arDing its 01111:SeS - C tilit suddenly le the opportunit at a great pace, me �&eyghould re3ort to maintain. the gait -ti itnoney they must ut, and spending era pleasures to wh Strength is not equ, of the excitin and Another cause I's 'said absence of both religi( ment, t'he disdain for not te seen or felt, the and raujigm, the custoi ff one- wants a, thing 4 antilat fl -pre should -VV,dsdesire� further gratify therr. A thi r -garettg, it b -more yotLnp_p and mid( Uve dream ed of h; brafashion forthe t artiele,and itsuse c h onlv s, There are instances, V M evil has bee a broug scrip Wn of phvsic:LaE avIng tb* habit esta, 0"re of what isdoiie. c:�am VW LU tbwoa which resuft frog nt glass taken atl .14tasteonee formedl 4-d-th all the other V&SIA ­Zt.opping-tour or in tj ur&nt or in the pri wheretroubleor depr tile Qti uiul&nt Tcv I h tl tits teMPON I love na over the gloom. These are perilous tii stances of life are rap - - - - - - -draining. Th,, great; we live occasions a i nerves, and the swift sour:ae then is the s this, knowing t.hat V013 , �such degeneratdon. it ortaut that they sho� P e of a public, the fore in&ke it, at any rate., C begin the drinkiu�� hal -lous and delicate first is to be remembered t' giurangy that the dang of_thei� know what is heredity from an unfoi kjVe them a fatal in tmo heredity can if jthey refuse to take ft'ihi4a impossible to The first 91 ppetite. expapt In its relation u is an incredibly short, how many instances rinks aud death from ease of the nerves, possibly delirium tretz The Gare cular attent1011 h3me to the car( Nomestic Monthly. n there is generall' -e all thrown in Iffiese al tovether et V W Whi -wilen es moiA. sometim ben damT) 16hrl) ,wn in w t�" are of no earthly t are hoarded ur W' they will be need as they o re Pat I dition that when Uerally unfit for III if car( regulsrlyq than it neglec if kicked aroual -Under the bed, will no one inferior wet as �,_,�39ared for. When shoes are tak� With a soft clot� little, while, oiled or p! by themselves, or� 6��jLuted for use can be A war. It is not advIsl msings so fashi ;iLt9ibe dry ................ -p-Au ren t5 shoes, as h "ejeat er and rum it Ve StIoes the Was All month by the d e an f1i unless you c it is be-t,e� �aoiored with blach For some Years P 'Considez md that it presel keepint ba&S to W1 at once