HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-10-26, Page 8enel Temperance Column. ' Edited' by the Msldniay Branch of the W.C.T.II "I drink to make me work," said a . • yot ig man. To which an old man re h phed : "That's right 1 thee drink, and it will make thee work. Hearken to me a moment, and I'll tell something that may do thee good : I was once a pros- perous farmer. I had a good, loving wife, and two as fine lads as ever the sun shone on. We had a comfortable - home, and lived happily together; but ••we used to drink ale to make us work. -Those two lads I have laid in drunkards' graves. My wife died broken-hearted, • and she now lies by her two sons. I am seventy-two years of age. Had it not been for drink I might have been an independent gentleman ; but I tined "to drink to make me work ; and mark 1 I am oblidged to work now. At seven- ty-two years of age it makes me work for nay daily bread. Drink ! drink ! and - t will make you work." landed high-andlie-beachT. Enterprise is a staunch little a. keel, partly loaded nth !'timber a evidently crossed from the North Wfth- the breeze aft when she w turningfrom a trading trip north. siderable merchandise, some cr ries and a tin box were found hull. On opening the box abort in cash and cheques, a bill of Do feed from Andrew's mill, Thorn to Robt. McAllister, a tie with a M emblem and other such trinkets found. Nothing further at pres indicate the owner or number of A small black and tan dog was w ashore Sunday morning which no belonged to the boat. As soon sea calms down a diligent searel made for the bodies. Anbre Thornbury was telegraphed to, to the present no one has arri look after the effects or search dead. We trust the government now take warning and place a pe nent light on our dock,that preve accidents,and loss of life will not again. M.C. Cameron and T.T. Garrow already been selected as the Re candidates for the Commons and respectively at the next election West Huron. Aterrible railway collision occu at Battle Creek, Mich., last Fr night by which 28 people lost their ives in a horrible manner and as many more were seriously wounded. The two rains were ordered to cross at a long switch and the west -bound train dis- beyed the order. The jar of the col- ision caused one of the lighter coaches o "telescepe" the one adjoining, crush - ng its way through the other care and ipping up the floor and seats as it went long, thus carrying the passengers with in a fearfully maimed and bruised ondition, to the far end. The cars ught fire from the overturned stove d in a moment were a mass of flames, their helpless, penned -up condition the unfortunate passengers were enable to extricate themselves so that only a few- minutes were required to reduce their bodies to cinders. One poor woman managed to get her body out of a window but her limbs were held fast in the debris and she had finally to be left to burn to death before the eyes of the horrified spectators. The fault of the accident appears to lie between the conductor and engineer of the ill-fated train; As they disobeyed positive orders to go onto the siding at this point, and the collision occurred immediately on their having passed the switch., T, Dewitt ` Talmage, the great preacher,' is moving in. the matter having "aa world's celebration of th 1900th anniversary of the birth of Chris He chooses New York as the'spot an in an axle sermon gives reasons wh the celebration should be held. craft 38ft:- nd had 'The Christian Inquirer, of New York city, a conservative Baptist paper, has come strongly against high license. A ecent editorial contained these words : "Well, gentleman of the high license Utopia, what next ? You have asked u4' to wait until high license could be fairly tried, and come back to us with the broken fragments of your beautiful sys- ntem in your hands, and with sad and rueful countenance say to us, 'It don't -work." Of course it don't. Nothing will work that leaves the liquor traffic to manipulate our courts,_frame our legislation, defy our laws nd defeat :..the ends of justice. What next gentle- men ? What else shall we try before we kill the liquor traffic ; What new ex- periments. A saloon keeper in Yuba city, Sutter "county, Cal., ran his saloon without a license. He was arrested, found guilty =acid fined, and sent to prison until the tine was paid. The county court . sus- tained the justice of the peace, and the saloon man got out a writ of habeas cor- pus from the supreme court. The court decided that "the judgment of the lower court was in proper form and >valid," and the saloonkeeper was re reeled to the custody of the sheriff of Sutter county. The Sutter County Farmer reports the case. Saloon men, ._after all. do not own all the earth and `the sky. The Metropolitian police commission £ers of Leavenworeh, Kansas, and the ,assistant attorney general having about closed or run out of the city all jointists, rave turned their attention to the druggists, and as a result suit has been begun in the district court against fifteen -druggists for violating the state prohib- :itory law, and selling intoxicating liquor 'contrary to a druggists permit. A suggestion comes from a writer in the St James Gazette far making methy- :,;pirits undrinkable. He says: Why mot add an emetic ? Then, if the palate huts up with such objectionable liquors the stomach will have something to say npan the question." He wants the echemists to devise "an irresistible and :instantaneous emetic." This is a pro - 'position for the misguided drinkers `which should inspire them with terror ; 'but it certainly would put a stop to the 'consumption of the maladorous stuff, 'possibly by doing away with some of the patrons ; eit least, it would create a feel- ,ing of profound distrust for a beverage 'which was so unreliable in its staying ;power; few people would waste their 'tittle on an unfriendly spirit which re- .mained within them for a brief space "only, and the vendors also might have :something to say if the emetic was irre- • sistible and, above all, instantaneous. 'To ordinary creatures methylated spir- t, as it is, is einetic enough:. News Notes. 'The Lyon's Head correspondent of -the Wiarton Echo says: The trading boat "Enterprise" of Thornbury was wrecked opposite Dead Man's Cave only a few - rods above the Lion's Head breakwater and all on board -drowned. About 530 a.m. George Brooks . saw a light inside; the Lion's Head Point and expected shortly to hear a whistle thinking -it was a tug coming in. At that hour it was impossible to see the dock, and as there was no light on our doek to guide mariners entering our - harbor the ill-fated crew got too . far north and into the breakers before they discovered their mistake, the centre lv^ard struck the rock, split off and im- fuediately capsized, the -boat- being Shore as re. Con- anber in the t $200 ur and burry, asonic were ent to crew. ashed doubt as the t1 will ins of bat up ved to for the will rma- ntible occur have form Local s by rred iday t 0 1 t i r a it c ca an In How Women Increase Caren ter.. •,. Oh, woman, if you will have carpets somebody must propel the sweeper; if you must have stuffy curtains and hang- ings some one must fight the invading moth ; if you will make your house an art gallery, a museum of modern curios, a furniture warehouse, a china empor- ium, a toy shop and a World's Fair in miniature—why, you do make it a dim_ ple of loveliness, but know this, my daughter, and hear it for thy good, she that increaseth bric-a-brac increaseth care, and much bijouterie is a weariness to the flesh, writes Robert J. Burdette in his own inimitable way on "The Taskmistress of Wom n ' in the Novem- ber Ladies Home Journal. But all this is your own doing. Wherefore, do not come around the den of the man, wail- ing that woman's work is never done that you are tired to death, and that you have no time to read or improve yourself. Go to your mirror and make faces at the responsible party. Of course, the monster enjoys all these things—the exquisite taste and the art and the loveliness in his house. He en- joys the toothsome breakfast and the dainty china. the elaborate luncheon and the great dinner. But he doesn't really need so much, and I doubt very much if it is good for him ; he is alway apt to get more than is good for him. `e As we intimated in the GAZETTE last week the preliminary trial of Hooper on a charge of murdering his wife re- sulted in his acquittal,although the ver- dict "that the said Georgina Hooper came to her death on Sept 18th, at Terreboune station; P, Q., under suspicous circumstances and from caus- es unknown to this jury," was not as satisfactory to the prisoners friends as they could have wished. There have been a couple of engage- ments between the government forces and the Matabeles in South Africa, in which the British were successful House Wanted. A COMFORTABLE house wanted to rent by Dec. lst next Apply at this office. 1.0. JASPER Elora st. Mtldm ay THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR �`lour and Feed AND CONFECTIONERY. A full stock always on hand:—Any Any orders you favor us with will receive our prompt and careful attention, and FflC¢g R3$lHT, 0-0 Shaving and Hairdressing. Parlor in of connection. Well equipped with Razors e Clippers, and Scissors, and a GOOD t' BARBER to use them. y w�. Shooting A Burglar. here is a variety of opinion as t far a householder is justified in ing with an intruder, - suspectin to have burglarious intentions. week or so ago Mr. Clark, the col saw a burglar entering his canal e at Port Dalhousie and after warn he men Clark fired and killed th w. The St. Catherines Star coin ds the act saying if there was more at kind of work there would be less glarisnas. On the other hand the Loud Free Press thinks, "the legal will doubtless be held 'as against ct of the collector. If he found the at his bedside he would have no to shoot hint dead. He may only uch force as would be necessary to n him under arrest or eject him the: place. He had no right to e that if he did not kill the in- dex first he world himself be killed. in this particular case .the man, " was not a certainty to the man fired. the first shot. He could only e that there was but one man to with, and he was justified in reason at he came to the house prepared y desperate act of offence or de - But' the law will not justify ng to kill on any such assumption uoh a procedure were to be -recog- in Canada, as in Texas or Ari the bills of mortality would be increased. The trouble is that erson waits to find out just how I egal aspects --will be developed he ely be himself killed or robbed, yway, in the excitement of meet - burglar one should not be judged verely for not -using the best gm ent that a calm reasoning out of se afterwards would sust. gge to shoot quick and bei sorry: rwards than fig let the other fellow shoot-and-be-sorr Wit. how deal him A lento offic ing t fella men of th burg Lon view the a man right use s dotal from assure tru That "pais who assum deal ing th for an fence. shooti Ifs nized zona, vastly if a p the will lik and an- ing a too se jtld the ca Better afterw the 0 g e Furnitu.re. Bedroom Suites, Hall Suites, • Dining Room Suites, Parlor Suites, Drawing Room Suites, Rockers, - Easy Chairs, office Chairs, Involid Chairs, -Any kind Chairs, Bedsteads, Sideboards, Ranks, Dressers, Cupboards Murat Sells anything -you want in the Line of Furniture, And Sells it Cheap. Undertaking Department well supplied Throughout. GOOD I310AreS3ru. A. Murat, . Elora st, Mildmay. For Sale. PURE bred Leicester ram and ewe lambs. Bred from Heily and Whitelaw stock. Prices reasonable. JNO. STEWART, Lot IC, eon. 9, Gorrie g O. Howick. NOTICE. 'TENDERS will bereceivedfor the purchase of the frame cottage lately occupied -by Mr John _Berry. together with four and three fitfhs acres on the south-east corner of lot 26, con. C. townseip of Carrick. There is a good: stable and workshop on the premises, also Et. good well. • Terms. One half cash,'balance a 6% interest Tenders will be opened o h November, 1893. The lowest nor any tender not necessarily ccepted. Address. ROBERT- BERRY; Abldmsy. It have on hand a supply of: the following New Books just out for Public Schools : New P. S. Physiology and Teinperaace. " Leaving Exam. Book-keeping bla 6iPrimary 66 66 -_Algebra and Euclid Combined. ` Scott's Quentine Durward (literature for 1894, Sykes Lessons in Entrance Literature for 1894. And a full supply of other school books and Stationery sc Cheap Wall Paper. I will make great reductions in -wall paper this fall to clear -out the balance of my present stock --to make room for spring shipment. Papers with borders to math from from 5c. to 50c. per roll. �1.. AUG -. Druggist and Stationer, - c3 O�i R (E, O N T. Jus. Rr_eow, 13coX and COCHK BTOVIfiB Stove Furniture, Tinware etc., in every style and at lowest prices. A fine line of Plow lines cow ties, etc. Don't go past us if you want a good -deal. Mttnter ZSt lelenryls, The Fordwich Hardware Men. As the students say : What's 'the matter with Gorrie ? G -o -r -r -i -e, - GORRIE. Gorrie leads in Powick And We lead in Gorrie. You havn't got a dollar so crisp or shiny as to be worth more than the big dol- lar's worth of goods we give in exchange for it We bought our goods to sell ; we've g'ot what you need, and we've marked -them down to prices that will open your eyes. Just come and see, • We carry every line of general merchandise, but just now we're mai; ing-a specie'1 drive in Furs, Seasonable Dress Goods, Suitings and Gents' Furnishing$:;; The place is Gorrie and the SPOT is Cilasgot7 Having purchased a'first-class full plate glass Hearse 1 am in a-; to do the undertaking of this coiumunity than before, and owing is the wholesale prices of our goods lam in a position to give the nom. Q: nifcent Hearse free, that is to say mycharges will be rte mor ess than before. Furniture Dealer a Member of Ontario School of Embalming.