HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-10-26, Page 7�.� Cut aid
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ESQ date „ I [, THE
rowerCti and Terrible, the New British
The designs of the two new British cruis-
ers PsWerfid and Terrible, says the New
York Tres, have been given out in brief
These two -
b the d signet o be e 1 rgest cruisers
sh pg a
rworld, and the intentions of the
iz the
British authorities concerning them have
been watched closely by naval experts ever
since the firs fannouncement
d m was. made of
tileir prose..
The principal dimensions of the Power-
ful and the Terrible are ; Length, 500 feet
beam, 75 feet; mean draft, with keel, 27
feet; displaCen'ent, about 14,000 tons. The
continuous sea -steaming speed is to be
twenty knots an hour. On an eight hours'
natural daft contractors' trial the speed
will do about twenty-two knots an hour.
The :,ells of the two -ships will be steel,
wood sheathed and ceppered. It is pro-
posed that the ships shall be able to take
the sea and keep it for long periods, and in
order that niether shall suffer in speed for
want of coal, the designs call for a coal
supply of 3,000 tons for each ship. On the
14,000 tons displacement and twenty-seven
feet draft called for in the designs a coa
eupplyof only 1,500 tons a ship is consider-
ed. The bunkers, however, will hold 3 ,-
000 to.
Th batteofrycoalof each ship will consist of
two 9.2 -inch breech -loading rifles mounted,
ane in the bow and one in the stern, as
chasers, twelve 6 -inch rapid fire guns in
broadside, eighteen 12 -pounder rapid-fire
guns, twelve 3 -pounder rapid-fire guns, and
a number of small machine guns. The 6 -
inch pid re breadside guns will be in
such a position as to permit four guns to
be fired right ahead and four right astern.
Armor protection will be provided for all
the 9.2 -inch and 6 -inch guns. The 12 -
pounder guns on the upper deck will be fur-
nished with strong shields revolving with
the guns. The torpedo armament will con-
sist of four submerged torpedo. discharge
tubes placed in two separate compartments.
The engines, boilers, magazines, and other
vital portions of the ships will be placed
below a strong curved steel deck, having a
thickness of four inches for a large propor-
tion of the length, with a slight reduction
of thickness toward the extremities. This
deck will be associated with minutely
subdivided coal bankers exl;ending up to
the height of the main deck. This latter
feature is identical with that seen in all the
late first-class cruiser designs for the British
Careful attention has been paid in the de-
signs to the transport of t he ammunition
from the magazines to the gun -fighting
positions. The armored conning tower is
on the after end of the topgallant fore-
castle. A great height of freeboard has been
provided in the new ships in association
with a long poop and forecastle. This fea-
ture will, it is calculated, admit not only of
maintaining high speed'; in a seaway, but
permit of fighting the bow and stern guns
in heavy weather.
It is not known how touch , horse power
has been allowed to the . new ships, ' aa the
designs have not yet been fully completed.
It is announced, though,, that twin screws,
and not trni)e P.;°a'ews, will be used. The
British Admiritay deem- the experience
had with the cruiiirs Blake and Bleintieiili,
as well as in the lame twin-serewssteamers
of the mercantile marine, _establishes the
efficiency of such propellers within the
limits of power and draft contemplated.
The construction of the cruisers Powerful
and Terrible was authorized in the navy
estimates of the Admiralty approved for
1893.4. It has been decided, however, to
,postpone the commencement of work on the
Terrible until the next financial year of the
British navy. The tenders for the construc-
tion of the Powerful will be invited, it is said,
as soon as the designs of the two ships are
fully finished.
Two Experiences in Kemptviile of Interest
to Others.
Mr. Hugh Brownlee Tells Bow He Was
Cured °1' erotica Ater Much Sufferin_
-Miss Delia slain Suffered From Trou-
ble Incident to Girlhood—Eder Case
Critical—How She Found Release.
From the Inemptviile Advance.
One of the best known men in the county
of Grenville and the adjacent county of
Carleton, is Mr. Hugh Brownlee, of Kempt-
ville. Mr. Brownlee was born in Carleton
county in the year 1834, and until about
five years ago remained in the township of
North Gower. Having by industry and
good business ability acquired a competence
he determined to retire from the somewhat
laborious life of a farmer, and taking up
his abode in • a beautiful home in the village
of Kemptvillo, has since continued to reside
here. It is well known to Mr. Brownlee's
friends and acquaintances that he has Buf-
fered for years from Sciatica of a violent
form, and it has lately been understood that
he has at last been relieved from the pangs
of this excruciating disease. Recently while
in conversation with Mr. Brownlee, a re-
porter of the Advance asked him togive his
experience for the benefit of other sufferers,
which he gladly consented to do.
" You are aware," said Mr. Brownlee,
"that most of my life has been spent upon
a farin, and in addition to farming I follow-
ed the business of buying cattle, sheen and
Iambs. In doing so I was exposed to all
sorts of weather and over exertion, which
brought on severe attacks of sciatica. I
suffered for about ten years, trying all sorts
of powerful remedies, but without doing me
a particle of good. During this long period
of suffering I was deprived of much sleep
and many ,a night I tumbled about in bed
nearly all night long suffering the most ex-
cruciating pains. In fact I was rapidly
approaching the con.dition of a chronic
cripple. I had tried so many remedies that
I was becoming.. discouraged, and almost
despaired of obtaining relief. \1 hfie in this
condition I was induced to try Dr, Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. I took the pills for some
time without any noticeable -results, but
feeling . as if they were a last resort I
continued their use. Then came a slight
change for the better, and every day added
to my steady improvement, until now after
the use of about eighteen boxes I am nearly
as well as ever Ives, being almost entirely
free from pain. I am still using Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills and feel confident that my
cure will be -permanent. Yon may be sure
that I am grateful for what Pink Pills have
done for me and I am only toe glad to bear
testimony to their merit. Indeed I believe
they are deserving of every good thing that
can be said of them."
Mrs. Brownlee was present and said that
slie, too, could vouch for the beneficial ef-
fects derived from the use of Pink Pills.
She had suffered for nearlyfour years with
terrible soreness and pains in the back of
the head and neck, accompanied by frequent
attacks of dizziness which caused great
distress and inconvenience. Having observ-
ed the beneficial effects Pink Pills had upon
her suffering husband, Mrs. Brownlee de-
termined to try them, and from the outset
found relief, and after the use of four boxes
found that the soreness was all. gone and
for the past three months she had, been
almost entirely free; from pain. She has
the greatest confidence in Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills and believes them the greatest
medicine of the age..
a this shape) at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2 5Eand may be -had ol.all druggists ar
direct by mail from. the Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Company from either address. The
price at which these pills are sold makes
a course of treatment comparatively inex-
pensive as compared with other remedies or
medical. treatment.
A Business Head.
Old Bullion (on his deathbed) c " All my
property is willed to you, but -I'm afraid
my children by my first wife will make a
contest, and then the lawyers will get it."
Young Wife : " Don't worry, my love ;
I can easily fix that. I'll "marry one of
the lawyers."
"A Back Number."
This is the slighting remark that is often
applied to women who try to seemyoung,
though they no longer look so. Sometimes
appearances are deceitful. Female weak-
ness, functional troubles, displacements and
irregularities will add fifteen years to a
woman's looks. These troubles are remov-
ed by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre-
scription. Try this remedy, all you whose
beauty and freshness is fading from such
causes, and no longer figure in society as a
"back number." It's guaranteed to give
satisfaction in every case, or money paid
for it returned. See guarantee on bottle -
What is Needed
By every minandwoman if they desire to
.secure comfort_ in this world is a corn shell -
en Putnam's Corn Extractor shells corns
in two or three days and without discom-
fort or -pain. A hundred imitations prove
the merit of Putnam''s,Painless Corn Extrac-
tor, whichis always sure, safe, and painless.
See signature of Polson. & Co. on each
bottle. Sold by medicine `dealers.
Strange to say many brokers are best
pleased with the stock market when it is
simply unbearable.
Eleven ltlntinons Sepoys Hurled into
A London special says :—A dispatch to
the Times from Calcutta says that serious
disturbances occurred at Cabul, the capital
of Afghanistan, previous to the arrival there
of the mission under the command of Sir
Mortimer Durand. The assistant command-
er-in-chief, it appears, abused a sepoy of
the Seriti regiinent, upon which the reg?
ment becameterribly enraged, loaded their
rifles and fired a volley killing the assistant
commander-in-chief. A terrible disturb-
ance followed. The mutinous Sepoys fled
from Cabul, but were pursued and captured
by the Ameer's royal troops. A number of
the mutinous Sepoys were tried by court-
martial, and eleven of them were sentenced
to be blown to pieces from field guns, which
sentence was promptly carried into ef-
All the troops at Cabul were thrown into
a state of excitement by the execution of
the 11 Sepoys, and it was found necessary
previous to the arrival of the Durand mis-
sion to make allthe-Ameer's troops swear
on the Koran to behave well in view of the
coining of the British mission.
But the disturbance does . not seem to
be at an end, as Gen. Forsmus Khan has
been arrested, and the Governor of Herat
has been orde red to melee -further arrests.
Having heard that Miss Delia Main, a
young lady who lives with her parents not
far from Yr. Brownlee's residence, had also
been greatly benefited by the use of Pink
Pills, the reporter next called upon her.
Miss Main is a handsome young lady, eigh-
teen years of age, with the glow of health
in her cheeks. In reply to engniries, Miss
Main said that some two . years ago she be-
gan to be affected with weakness peculiar
to many young girls, Her face was pale,
she was troubled with heart palpitation,
anti the least exertion left a feeling of great
tiredness. She had good medical treatment
but without getting relief, and at last her
condition became so bad that her parents
and friends feared she was goiug into a de-
cline and almost despaired of her recovery.
At this juncture Miss Main was induced to
try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which are an
unfailing specific in cases this kind.
Having lost all confidence in medicine,
Miss Main took Pink Pills irregularlyhelping
first, bat finding Y p g_.
she began to take them regularly according
to directions. From this time out improve-
ment in her case was steady and rapid, and.
after the use of a dozen boxes she found her
health fully restored. " I believe," said
Miss Main, "that if it had not been for Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills I would not be alive
to -day, and I strongly recommend them to
ill girls who find themselves in a condition
similar to what mine was." -Miss Main's
mother was present and fully endorsed
what her daughter said, adding that
she fully believed Pink Pills had saved her
life. f
Mr. Angus Buchanan, druggist, who
is also reeve of the village, was asked if
many Pink Pills are sold. His reply
was that they had a larger sale than any
medicine, and still the demand steadily
increases, =which is the best evidence that
Pink Pills are great remedy, and --there
-can be no question of the great good they.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain in a
condensed all the elements necessary
to give newlife and richness to the blood
and restore shattered nerves. .They are
an unfailing specific for sttch diseases as
locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St.
Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rhenma-
tism, nervous headache, the after effects of
la 'grippe, palpitation of -tile heart, restore
the'glosv' of. -health to_ pate and sa[low-'com
p.egions, and relieve. the tired feeling re-
sulting from nervous prostration ; all ells-
-eases depending uponvitiatedhumors in the,
blooii, such.; as scrofula, chronic " erysipelas,
etc. 'They are alsoii specific for troubles
peculiar -to females, such as suppressions,
irregularities and all forms of weakness.
In the case of men they effect a radical
cure in -all cases arising from mental
worry, over -work or excesses of whatever i
,nature. -
_ese• ills are manufactured byY
the Dr.
Williams' , MedicinenGompany,. Brockville,
. Y., and are sold;
Onfe� and Schenectady-, . N
ininalianno-aeoverCde.iivith the firm's wrapper
and trade tuark, ;(never in loose form -'by
the.dosert.or. hundred and the public are
cautioned, against numerous imitations sold
England, India, and the Stick.
If there is one thing that hurtsthe ten-
derfeelings of those who -meddle with things
Indian more than another it is to be re-
minded that what we represent in India is
" the stick."
From Travancore to Hunza, with very
trifling exceptions, we got it by the
stick, and from Hunza to Travancore
we must keep it by the stick. And,
as may be seen in this remarkable in-
stance, it is for the exercise of the stick that
the very natives themselves look to us. They
—that is to say, the Hindu part' of them,
and a part of that part only—may congress
and conference and write leading articles
and cram for Gcvernment posts and culti-
vate a taste for representative institutions.
Bat when it comes to the pinch, it is they
who cry to us to -come and protect thein
from the adversaries they would be so glad
to rule, who actually " complain that we do
not come soon enough to their protection.
Now are cow protection societies, and
things of that kind, to be overlooked and
sneered at. We know, by unfortunate ex-
perience, that it is quite possible for Hindus
and Mohammedans to be ,at each other's
throats one moment and at ours' the next.
And it is equally indisputable: that nothing
but our presence prevents them from being
chronically itt the first. state, and that it is
impossible to strengthen our rule too much,
in order toe prevent disaster to them as well
as to ourselves.
Every one who knows the -facts,` who is
capable of drawing inferences .from them,
and who has the courage and honesty to
look his own inferences in the face,' knows
that we. are, and always must he,. nothing
in India but a garrison an army of_occupe-
We cannot teach the natives of ,India -to
govern' themselves,for-if they had been op -
able of that they would long ago have
been governing us. ° lint we can give them::
perfect freedom, in every- anise in: which
freedom is not a. mere -term of -cont and
gabble ; we can see fair play, between them;
we can offer careers of, reasonable brilll:ancy
to their most promising representatives,:
and we can be " good.load o geode marl,"
not the least reasonable and'not the "least
noble, on both- sides; of possible;-relatiouss
between human beings
All else is bosh and mare's nest, `the lat-
ter sure too soon to undergo - change iii
a nightmare's :nest-off=tom 7 tpyp- [The
Saturday Revi$gr,�
They Speak for Themselves.
PIOTON, Feb. 17.—This is to certify that
I have used Poison's Nerviline for rheuma-
tism, and have found it a valuable -remedy
for all internal pain,and would greatly
recommend it to the public.—N.T. KINGS -
LEEDS COUNTY, Jan. 9.—We are not in
the habit of puffing patent medicines, but
we cannot withhold our testimony as to the
great value of Nerviline as a remedy for
pain.. We have pleasure in recommending
it as a never -failing remedy.—REv. H. J.
ALLEN, BENS. DILLON, and .many others.
Sold by druggists.
One of -the pat
a man ying ;-
kno a'9
A.P. 680
of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphites
is both a food and a remedy. It is
useful as a fat producer and at the
same time gives vital force to the
body. It is beneficial in
because it makes fat and gives strength.
It is beneficial for
because they can assimilate it when
they cannot ordinary food.
It is beneficial for
because it heals the irritation of the
throat and builds up the body and
overcomes the difficulty.
acAirainyoN."—nniesre of substitutes.
prepared by Scott 8; Towne,
Belleville. Sold by all druggists.
6,10: and $1,00.
To think that you must
wear wide, ill -looking
shoes to. have comfort.
Our shoes are both
easy and elegant
nice to look at
and comfortable
For Dyspepsia.
A. Bellanger, Propr. , Stove Foun-
dry, Montagny, Quebec, writes : " I
have used August Flower for Dys-
pepsia. It gave me great relief. I
recommend it to all Dyspeptics as a
very good remedy."
Ed, Bergeron, General Dealer,
Lauzon, Levis, Quebec, writes : " I
have used August Flower with the
best possible results for Dyspepsia."
C. A. Barrington, Engineer and
Gelaeral Smith, Sydney, Australia,
writes: "August Flower has effected
a complete cure in my case. It act
ed like a miracle." -
Geo. Gates, Corinth, Miss.,writes:
" I consider your August Flower the
best remedy in the world for Dys-
pepsia. I was almost dead with
that disease, but used -several bottles
of August Flower, and now con-_
sider myself a well man. I sincerely
recommend this medicine to suffer-
ing humanity the world over." E-
G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer,
Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A.
The J. D. KING CO. Ltd
The Complete System
thoroughly taught by
Mail for only 1 Dollar.
The chance of a lifetime --Every
bocommencceand rit at once—Theshouldl in Canada
ticles will soon commence
Success guaranteed—Send in
your dollar immediately, to
commence at the beginning.
Best Method in the World for imparting
The High Speeid Familyknit 10iris Knter
Wsocks par
day. Will do alt work any
' plain circular knitting machine
wilt do, from homeanun or fac-
tory yarn. The most practical
family knitter on the market. A
child- can operate it. Strong,
Durable, Simple. Rapid. We
guarantee every machine to do
o good work. Beware of imitations.
a : - "Agents wanted. Write for par•
titulars. h
Dundas Knitting Machine Co.. Du ndas, Ontario.
for sale by the SAINT PAUL
Mrs. 11. D. West
of Cornwallis, Nova Scotia.
5200 WOr-th
Of Other Medicines Failed
But 4 Bottles of Hood's Saarsaparttt&
"It is with pleasure that I tell of the gi . 1
benefit I derived from Hood's Sarsaparilla.
For 6 years I have been badly afflicted with
breaking out with running sores during hot
summer months. I have sometimes_ not been
able to use my limbs for two months at a time.
Being induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, I got
one bottle last spring, commenced using it; felt
so much better, got two bottles more; took
them during the summer, was able to do my
tiousework, and
Walk Two Mules
Which I had not done for six years. Think I
am cured of erysipelas, and recommend any
person so afflicted to use
Hood's Sarsaparm3
Four -bottles has done more for me tha 1 $200
Worth of other medicine. I think it ane best
-blood- purifier known." MRs. H. D. WEST,
Churchstreet, Cornwallis, N. S.
HOOD'S PILLS cure liver ills, _constipa
Son: biliousness, . iauudice, sick headache. 25c.
Ordinary genius required. Particulars
TEN Lents, coin
or stamps, for a
o f TEE ths'tIof TEE,forLADIES'
JOURNAL,alarge illustrat-
ed fashion and household monthly36page. Regular
subs cription one dollar per year, A first -cuss
Sewing Machine, retailed at $50, will be giv-
en Free to anyone sub-
scribers with the Cash. sending
Ladies' Journal,
73 to 81 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Canada.
1OMpiY in Minnesota. Feud for Maps and Circu-
'ars.. They will be sent to you
free. M. Thornber,Beokuk, Iowa,
1 unprecedented #aciiities for acquiring a
ttiorongh knowledge of Cutting in all its
T„nd f;nmm astmn.r, r t. Paul. Minn
Best in the Woad!GREASE
Bet ,the Genuine !
Sold Everywhere !
le and feale,
^10 ren our nen Setts
Entirely nen; cells to every k000et 'Per. Also our
gBreeead, Calm, and Paring Saves, Barrer, and Ent 5 and Scis,ot.
Sharpener. No capital manna- Easy renew, big Pr06te.
Ce., Lock Laos 224, Townto,oaa.
-res —
2 • r—
• E
1 -- -
It has STOOD THE TEST for over
YEARS which is a record no other mill can
We still GUARANTEE it to be MORE RE
LIABLE IN STORMS than any other wind
mill made.
We mcke several other styles both for
for large descriptive catalogue b=fore purchas-
ing' elsewhere. ONTAF O PU1SIP CO
LTD., Toronto, Ont• Mention this paper.
Dg4gMgFG. C0. L'TD
branches; also agents for the McDowell Draft
ng Machine. Write for 'circulars, 123 Yonge
the World's Fair'by Josiah Alien's Wife
Over 100 illustratioa:s,uoariy 600 pages, No Ter-
ritory assigned. Send $1,00 for prospectus
and pushthecanvass if you want to make
yr 1
m W1LL BRIGGS, Temperance St.
"17 43103EVICSIMTWO, C3:2,41 -TE.
S Importations 1
CE CASINOS of finest Eng-
lish, constantly on hand, also .prime American
Hog's Casings: Full lines New Hams, Long
Clear Bacon. Rol,s, Cheese. Lard, etc. PARR,
BLACKWELL & Co. IGD., Successors to JAMES
PARK & SON, -.Toronto`
Feed your Stock chopped grain.
To do this ecnomically buy a
Can be run with any 4 to 12 horsepower
WATEROUS, Brantford, Canada.
Easy to learn—Exeiting to play. A great favorite with lovers of Winter Evening Game
��3E40� 011..x+®•
If your nearest dealer bas not this Game in Stock write u . i lust receipt
cataof price wi'
send post-paid. Sond us your address and we will mail