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The Gazette, 1893-10-26, Page 5
We have s. at line We ping in ns. e lett'! tle c!oths order. s, etc. d and e ,atest d the s sure latest velve- charge. nkets ZEE. ery, mets v'vA.S ar LICAf.�-=services iO a.m. and 7 pens L cr,hath School atm a p.m. G. Liesemer, .6npe2 ietendent. Cottageprayerineeting Wednes- aa . a iig at 7:30. Young People's meeting I aes,.s7;3 y evening at 0. Choir practice Frida ecen� �' at 8 o'clock. Bev. Mr. gam, Pastor. .DRF 13yTEBI iN.—Services 10;30 a.m. Sab- i:bath School 9:30 a.m. J..H. Moore, Superin- tendent rayerm6eting, Wednesday evening at a'cloc2. iiev. R. W. Gallagher, Pastor. .C. f g,`$CH, Sacred Heart of Jesus. --Rev. a ti or W ey, P. P. Services every Sunday, alternadvc y at 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. Vespers every other Sunday at 3 p.m. Sunday School at 2:30 pan. every other Sunday. t UTHE1tAN.—l1ev. Dr. Miller, pastor. Ser - dices the last three Sundays of every month at 2:30 p in- Sunday School at 1:sQ p.m. -,TETHODIST.—Services 10:30 a.m.. and 7 pin Sabbath School 2:30p.m. G. Curie, Superin- tendent. Prayermeeting,, Thursday 8 p.m. Rev. W. B. Danard, Pastor. SOCIETIES. •M.B.4., No. 70—meets in their hall on the evening of the second and fourth Thurs- days in each month, li. WEILER, Sec. GEO. HERRING g,, Pres. O.F.—Court Mildmay, No. 186, meets in their hall the second and last Thursdays in each mouth. Visitors always welcome. E. N. BUTCHART, C, R. ---- — -- ----- JAS. JOHNSTON, R. g, THE MILDMAY GAZETTE, DE'9OTED TO THE INTERESTS n EAST BRUCE ANIP :AST HURON. �' Tei ni, :—$1 per year in advance ; Otherwise $1.25. ADVERTISING RATES. One Six Three Year. months. months; Gine column $50- $30 $ 8 Half column 30 16 10 Quarter column...... 18 10 6 Liohth column 1® g 4 Legal notices, 8e.per line for first and 4c. per line for each subsequent insertion' Local business notices 5e per line Each inser- tion. Contract advertising payable quarterly. J. W. GREEN. Grand Trunk Time Table. . Trains leave Mildmay station as fol- lows : GOING SOUTII. Golfe NOIt'191 Express ...... 715 a. m. Mixed 10.55 a.in Mail nee " Mail 2.82 par, Mixed.. 5.20p.m Express 9.35 pan New Advertiseinents. -s_ House Wanted.—This Office. Flour and Feed—P.C. Jasper. 'i obaecos—The Oasis, Walkerton. Dress and Mantle Milking—Miss Fry. House and large lot for axle—R. Berry. Great Fall Stock—Herringer & Schein/. Who's going tp be Reeve2—W. Armour. Rev. Father Kelly, of Walkerton, was in town on Monday. Mr. Jas. Titmils, of Teeswater,was in Mildmay one day this week. Mr, H. Wendt, Clifford's popular jeweller, was in town early this week. �� _ljQ�Haxry Chittick was in Toronto for a couple of days this: week'on a business trip. Dalton McCarthy has promised to bold one or more meetings in Bruce county soon, Mrs. H. P. Harrison, of Delmore, was visiting friends. in this village daring _. st week. An effort is being made to organize a cheese and butter company near S. S - No. 7, Culross township. Mr. D. Sullivan, ofElmwotd, accom- panied by bis sister, Miss i aggie, spent Sunday last in this village. Mr. L. Stiegler is having his resid- ence. on Elora St., rt shi'1g1ed and other- wise improved this week. Mr. G. Loos has sold his bla,cksmith- ing business iu Clifford and returned to Mildmay dere he will remain for the win ter. _ Mr. Berscht, of the filth con. Carrick, has rented Mr. John Hnnstein's farm for a terns of years, the latter intending to move to Mildmay, Mr Geo. Carle, hardware merchant, who has been � for aver a month past with typhoid fever, . is now, Ire are pleased to report, /wove -ng The Jubilee number of Tlae: ies Home Journal is to hand. l ,iu-s splendid: magazine, both in a ,limey and typogbical point view.. Mr.Eand spent a few -days of last and is week- m bra,. where he was ving - with a brother from Kansas: whom he had not since 1873.= Mr. Frank Hesch intends to-,+ com- mence the erection of a -brick residence on the property next to his carpenter shop tin this village e -y' witting, Deputy -Siders$ hereon has -void his fine brick residence iii Mildmay; n: )42f Occupied by the ir-o this paper, to Mr. -Tao. Huatstein, of the 1� con.3 -Carrick. The pec -$1150, Save your wheiiyou hrs�e��OatP-�wrapp�rs.- �oatxaorlfl!Jti OO ppe=' sender us apd_` tent stamp for:lea,nd you free ahanitctat A of 1'ict�uiih.N Ammonia Some me=ad it W *.he ide app a packers.areet wort in fps -section at -present. The crop is not a prolific as last year, nevertheless they will be a considerable quantity shipped. e tMrs. Beaver, of Morriston, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. Schneid- er, for a short time past. Messrs. Sebum/ and Beingessner, of Formosa, left r. Geo.. Schwalm has been ill -the s past week or so, but is now 1mpreving. e Mr. and Mrs. Martin Huck, and fam- ily, of Walkerten,were the guests of Dr. n .Huck, in this village, early in the week. Mrs. Vafght and Mrs. McCurdy are in London this week attending the funeral of their mother, an account of whose ter€ible death is given on the first page of this issue. Mr, J. D. Miller has been quietly col- lecting eggs the past season, and as an evidence of the business done at the Beaver store we might state that there are now over 10,000 doze. eggs pickled and stored there which have been taken in trade over the counter. This is ex- clusive of what have been sold to local customers and to the egg -buyer. The pickling process is an intricate and se- cret one, the eggs being packed in i m- mense tanks where they remain as fresh and sweet as when first put in months ago. The firm intends to dispose of the eggs during the winter when the prioes will be higher than in the summer months. It requires a large capital and business energy to undertake such a venture. Mildmay on Monday to eke in the world's Fair. Mrs. Wolf, of Harriston, spent- a few days visiting with Mrs. G. Herringer and other friends here this week. The bridge on Absalom St. is now completed and opened for traffic. A good job of work has been done and the structure is now staunch and reliable. Deer hunting came in on the 20th inst. Those who can afford it are pre. pk,ring for a trip to Muskoka or the Bruce peninsula to build up reputations as deerslayers, Mr. Cameron, teacher, spent Sunday last with his family in Tara; Mr. C. has secured the residence lately vacated by Mr. Thomas and expects shortly to take up house -keeping here. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cameron, of Port Elgin, and Mr. and Mrs Grief, of Clif • ford, were visiting at the home of the ladies' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schneider, in -Mildmay, over Sunday Last. It is expected that the Hoefling & Mertz foundry will be converted into a ash and door fgetory -to be run by Werner & Hesch in a short time. Steps with that end in view •are already being taken, - - Great anxiety is felt by the friends of Rev. M. Banard here, tatting to the painful rumor' that he had- started on a trip' on the Georgian Bay in an open boat about ten days ago and has not sires been heard from, Perhap3 your snbsciptionttoJ the GAZ- ETTE is in arrears. Forgot it, no doubt. Well, there are -over 300 of these for- gotten or neglected dollars lying around in oar subscribers' pockets, and you're Neither doing yourselves or . us justice by keeping them there. - - In the absence of the pastor, Rev .Mr. Tindall, of Walkerton, occupied the pulpit of the English Methodist church,. in this village at both services- on Sun- day last. At the close of the evening service an interesting temperance meet- ing was held under auspieesf the WC.T.U., Messrs. re °Qre and Woods &dencl;-, giving stirring addresaa� Canada is -•still capturing the lion's share of the prizes at the World's Fair. Out of every $100 awarded in cheese Canada got $95, and had 150 samples at the Show which were better than the first American sample.that won a prize. Poultry prizes, too, are - being awarded to Canada in large lit cabers, this week. Two weeks ago Mr. Geo. Roswell- ad- vertised an estray animal in the Eez-' I;'T Before the second appearance of the advertisement Deputy Reeve Fer- guson, of Howick, who is also a sub- scriber, recognized the animal as his and went at once and secured it. - We are always pleased to learn of the quick ivork a Gaznrrs advertisement does. 25c. plug T and -B, 20c. 7 ten cent plugs McDonald's Smoking or chewing, 550. ; , 3 ten cent packages T arid °B or Old Chum cut smoking, 22c ; 1.000pipes all styles, sizes and`materiats,half-price, All 10c. , cigars, 50. 3 Highland Lassie cigars; 10c. Ogees, . by box at whole- sale :prices; American high gra*. smoking tobeec os, also imported cigars. - 0Asis, We1kert9a. - The mission services which are being held -in the RSA Church here this week, by Rev. Father Hauser; a Jesuit priest from- I1ale, are attracting immense audiences daily. Services are held -in the forenoon,.. afternoon and evening of each day, the afternoon : -being -devoted- to the young. -0n Friday-- next the large mission -+massa°is to be erected in the cewetry sic we usual ceremonies Next week Father Hauser will hold a similar series of servces at the Deem- ert©n Church. At:the meeting ofthe Union Christian Farideav' r--Rocaeties of the Presbyterian and Met ist Chnreh of Mile -limy,, held !ate -Monday►_ staining. It was arranged. that_the-meetings te Meld every Friday `every, /during the winter season, in e Methetitst church, colltmenc.ng at ` cordialinvitation to alt £t n ed. Tie- following--; officers installed; .- 4a�rieron. Two new brick residences ar course of construction in Mild 1r. Henry Eackel is patting one next to the new Hinsperger reside back of the R. C. chis iih, and Mr. C Eackel has one started on Absalom a short distance south of the -stats Five brick buildings have thus b added to the assessed value of the lags within the past four months. demand for buildings still continues it is likely the early spring months n year will see several more erected. Incompliance with the instracti of the Union Prohibition Conven held in Toronto on October 4th, to ganize all counties for' the Plebis campaign now open, :t oounty tion tion of the friends of Prohibition will held in the Town Hall, Paisley, Tuesday, November 14th, 1893, e mencing at 10 a.m. It is -earnestly quested that all Churches, Wome Christian Temperance Unions, Indep dent Order Good Templars, Royal Te piers of Temperance, Christian E deavors, Epworth Leagues, . You People's Christian Associations and a other organization of Christian a Temperance Worker send delegates_ e in may. up, nce kris St, on.' eon The and ext ons tion or - cite ven- be on tarn-_ ye- n's en- - n- - m- n - ng ny nd to this Convention. A `urge representa- tion of all interested in the overthrow of the liquor traffic is expected, to make this the most interesting gathering of moral reform - workers ever held- in the county. A mass meeting will be held in the hall at 7 p.m, when a collection will be taken up to aid in carrying on the campaign. Delegates wishing billets. are requested to send in their names, before Nov. 10th, to Mr. C. E. Mahon, Paisley. A committee will be at the Town Hall to accompany delegates to their billets. The Carlshne correspondent of the Hanover Po st don't appear to be very thankful for municipal favors. Last week, complaining of a $25 grant made to than village by the Carrick council, he says: "It seems to be the custom to treat the Carlsruhe people to the crumbs that fall from the table of their lordships at Mildmay." If the Post correspondent means to insinuate that Mildmay is receiving _more than its share from the council he is badly mis- taken. Mildmay pays this year nearly $600 into the treasury for -township and county purposes, about one-half of which sum was expended in th4 village and the greater part of this half was required to repair bridges- and culverts used -a great deal more by farmers than by the villagers. .We are not saying this in a complaining spirit, bat merely to show our:--garlsruhe friend his mit tale in thinking that our village is get- tinn the lion's share_ from :the council. We are informed that the -.township ex,- penditure in Mildmay last year was much less than this, so that it is poss- ible that our taxes would ' not be in- creased, as many suppose, by village incorporation,. - BORN. In:lliiidmay, on Oct, Filth, the wife of Mr. B McIntyre. of a daughter: In Carrier On Oct. 85th, the wife of Mr. Ch se Illebrun,-of a daughter. - islildmay Market Report, Carefully corrected every mak for the GAzsz s : Sp eat. Rer bu. 8 5. to t• 5.7 ,7, p s i s ,,,- 55. to 57 ats ...• ..=v. 27 to a y 50 to 51 toy, . *se e,....g, 35 to 38 .Potatoes , . 45 tc 50 Smoked -meat per IL.. . . 8 to 10 Eggs-pcxtdoz.. 15 to 16 Wiper b ..... , 16: to. 18 JNo. HESSENAUER Ov $2000 worth of B TS, FELT Boots, Shoes, Felt Shoes. Rubber Boots, Rub- bers, Overshoes, Slip- pers. ALI kinds of Men's and Ladies' Fine shoes will be sold at small profits, Every attention given to Ordered Work. and Repairing at fIenLisr,g Next to Commercial Hotel. Elora St. PRODUCE TAKEN. Mildmay. Chas. Wendt - Mlldrnay Jewelry Store. For Watches, Clocks,- Jewelry and Fancy Goods. Large stock to select from. 100 different designs in Brooches. 50 " chains. 30 " kinds of Purses,. 15 " " of Wallets. 25 - " " of Pipes, 15 " " 15 different kinds of Mouth Organs. Solid Gold Rings from 90c. up. Also Fancy Chinaware, Vases and Novelties. Stock well selected to meet all requirements which I offer at lowest Prices to make room for Christmas Goods. oin9 with the crowd to J. L. TITMUS'S 2 the cheapest aisOuBe in cu antod CONFECTIONTRY wn, Full linos of - G rooere, 'resars, 'T`obta.o.• ooe3 and Cigaroo FLOUR and FEED always on hand. l/ii///l//IIl— Fruits of all kinds in their season. OYSTERS in bulk, or served in any style. - Everybody welcomed. Elora st. - Mildmay. Cil�.rriC Woolen tt . GISSLE Props ietor. Tweeds, Blankets and all kinds of wool- en goods manufactured. A large and complete stock . always on hand. - WOOL WANTED, for which the Highest Price - will be paid. MHldmar HARNESS ktrl SHOP, , he As fliqnsrAer, 1 Proprietor._ 0 l: We carry a first-class line of Harness, Saddles, Mountings, etc. A full stock of Ladies' and Gents' Trunks and Valises. 1/111/1 We make a specialty of The Trimming of- ffuggies,'. Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs. Harness made to order and Repairing done in First-class Style. We carry a large stock in all lines and, are prepared to give perfect satis- faction in Styles, Prices and Promptness. Call 08� L. A. Hinsperger. Mildmay Drug Store.. Complete stock of Drugs, Patent Medicines and Druggists Sundries. In Perfumes - We have Lubin's, Ri,;hsecher'si Woodworth's, Seeley's, etc. We alio have Sachet powder, a delightful and, lasting perfume. DIAMOND DYES. All the different shades and colors kept constantly -on hand. TRUSSES: --we have a very large assortment—New York Elastic, witheither Water, Spiral pring or Enam elled pads. Hard Rubber Trusses and several other I inds... If in need of a Truss call at the Drug Store, R.. Ciapp1 1V[D._ Proprietor J. URGOTT & CO. zkn a d� 1 Manufacturers ofTlifRESHING MACHINES, ENGINES NEWMe DELL MOWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERS, FT Repairing of Threshing machines a Specialty. All kinds of Plow points kept constantly on hand. Castings made to order. We have the Fizzest Machinery and Most Skilful Workmen and are prepared tr = , give the best of sat elzeewion to ..ar customers. ji The GAZETTE. Is fitted out with New Type in the latest designs, all on. the "point" system, and with a splendid, rapid jell press. and we are prepared to compete with the cities for fancy printing. DON'T send your away, until you see our Sampl,W ea?d •