The Gazette, 1893-10-26, Page 4Sas et dist_ --'. KNOO Ti/EM ALL OUT AT E. E. Liesemees- Yon can buy a suit made to order for the same more/ that • you can buy a ready made. Good heavy Tweed men's suits lined with cot- tonade, $7: good BIack Worsted, bound, lined with Farmers' Satin, .$ 11 50 Black worsted overcoats, stitched, g 50 Boys Tweed Overcoats 550 Men's black worsted pants 00 ". fine black worsted suits 14.00 Sup " ., scotch tweed suits 12 00 17 00 " scotch overcoats 12 00 15 00 " colored worsted overcoats 9 00' 15 00 In Corduroy, Moleskin, Cot- tonade and Blue Derry. We can give you what you want. • In Overcoating you will have your choice of about 35 pieces, and in Fall Suits about thirty pieces. Come along with your CASH and SAVE MONEY. Plate 3LOwing latest styles always on hand, Best workmanship guaran- teed. FI.:Liesemer, Absalom St. MmDMAY. Mildi1Y1$3T hook .Store. Wall and Ceiling Papers, Borderings, etc, in . the lat- est designs. A large rang still left. Choice lines of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Writing Material. Fancy Goods, Toys, Novelties, Base and Foot Balis. School Books, Office Books, Hymn and Prayer Books of every description. Telephone Exchange. C. t3CHURTER, Mils.may. 1\/-,:ILDMAY Planing Mills. AND--- +'urniture Warerooms 0 0 0 0 G. & • Schvlalrn. ¥anufaeturers of and Dealers in Sash, Doors, Lumber' and all kinds of lig Matezt.rIal, - 1ening and Sawing done to order. CASH paid for all kinds of saw logs. CONTRACTS for Buildings taken. Plana ?Specifications, and estimates furnished on application. 0-0 A large and well assorted stock of PURNITITILE et:misting of Parlor Suites. bedroom Suits 1411, i'arnitare, Office Faenitur- = of al Easy chairs, at dot. kriees Away Down. ' It's worth your, ajg giveus a can. G. SrN. Schwa'. N41.1401%,PicirAiei Aircoct .Choices i TOIL SAUSAGES, FIStt -AND sSH MEATS SEPT SON - IVfrt_ Pr:el`.�,ss fat �,K..,,�. , ;paid for first. mals and poultry. _ - - 3s delivered r ii EE_ to alf parts. of the villages - 0 IIERRINGRR. sea FRY) rens and Mantle . Walter VINO bad a large experience Z feel ce>$8 en of-'givinglierfect attisfaetcon to all '-fru§ me h _their orders. pee s> sttenttengive to D3sau na. fitoneto order, We're fixed for it ! Our shelves are loaded.- -Our counters are groan' with the crush of seasonable something nobby and cheap to suit the tastes of everybody. Our prices.are:an open defy to the trade Flannels, Linens, Cottons, Woolens, in the most extent ixe and choice ranges HUM School e.t Cottage pr t 9:314 Yon' riot at 7:30. C ti Clock. Bev. 1 IAN.—Servic ool 5:30 a.m. rat eeting, R. W. Galla; have Our Dry Goods from a spool of thread to a complete suit. Department is replete with everything imaginable in that line Our -' Groo8r3r 131pEILX•trjrierrit Is in the best possible shape with only thepurest oods. We Sugars, the latest goods in Teas, ugars, Spices, etc, p g Our Millinery Department No trouble to show goods Produce taken. OLI En Is now at itsbest and every choice thing in, that line is at the command of our lady patrons. Her Inger & :ce.ftc.r, Fall E$took Oompl,ete I $5000-tworth-of New Fall Goods! Dress goods in endless variety! Heavy Tweed Dress goods double fold at 25c per yd. All wool. Whipcords, in 44 p all shades inch at Soc. Mantle cloths from 75c. to $4.00. Mantle irrataci.t? to order 'wbedS,all wool', 25, 3o, 40, 5o, 75c, to $3.50. Suits made to order FURS, FURS,. FURS, Feather Boas. Fur Sets from; $- .00 toetc. � $20.Fur coats, Robes, eke. Bargains in Overcoats and Ready-made Clothing. We Invite all Ladies to visit our MILLINERY ,.L RWS and enjoy the displ ay of our Trimmed and Untrimmed Millinery, _ of all the .atest English, French and American Styles, Remember we will not be undersold by any one. All kinds of Produce taken. • Th -e-, Latest .1N ovelties in DRB A � GOOD at- e t e eaver ouse. Thegreatest collection of new Dress Goods in Mildmay is under this roof . We aim at having the best assortment, the largest variety, the newest - styles choicest effect. Be - as careful as you please in making comparison. t and the to be in our"favor. The same can be said of Dress 'RIMpMINGS. We h verdict is latestt novelties such as Shot Velvets, Silk thread Plaids, Silk velvets Fane have the teens, Satins, etc. y shades, in verve- Another consignment of handsome Mart e Meths just "opened, and all garments c - I g lit. free of charge. S`.`APzi00033S.-Hovekeepers do not need to be told where Linens, FlannelsCottons, B.riiike -The .balance of our Men's Ready-made suits at Cost. A first-class Dresea and Mantle nnaker , in connection with the storms ehncic�r Mi1drnay, al I - 'pepC o L'H, Sacred A Wey, P, P. Se tern ti' ety at 8:30 a.m. a revery other"`8unday at 3 p.n I,30 p.m. every other Sunda' t tJTHFRA1I.-Rev. Dr. vimtelast three Sun 8t 2:30 p,fil: Sunday School Tor ETIiODISP.—Services LY' Sabbath Behool 20 p.v tendent. 3'nayermeeting, Ti W. B. Danaad, Pastor. SOCIETI' 1,-,.3i.B.A., No. 70—meets evening of the second days in each month. 3i WEn4.vn, Sec. GEo. C.O.F.-O0UTt Mildmay, hall slie second and lase month. visitors always wcl: E.I.j _ THE MILIYIVIAY ornn Te_TEE it TEi1STs ,LST Etit, Tesins1 per year in ADVERTISING 2Pl v�) lh One eolm o - 1,if corm Quarter OO1Uma Eighth whim?, i,egai wilt/0es, 8e. per line line for a subsequent inr: ''Deal ids notices Sc. Paan. i ,outset advertising para mid Tank Ti Trains leave Mildma lows Gotv€43011Ts. E=xpress .. 7.15 a, m. lsii Mme. . 11.55 " M red ...5 .m Ex New Advertis House 'i ted. This Office. iejour andYeed—F. C. Jasper lohaccos—The Danis, Waike Dress and Mantle Ma.ki.ng_- Ottse andi&rge lot for Bale ;fit F Stock—Herringer I Who's going tp be Reeve?— Eev. I+zther Kelly, of in town on Monday. Mr. Jas. Titinzs, of T �dmay one day this 1r. H. Wendt, Cliff jeweller, was in town ea _...„1141flarry Chittick w couple of days this w trip. Dalton McCarthy ha hold one or more m county soon. Mrs. H. P. -Harrison, o friends in this tom. An effort is being mad cheese and butter comp No. 7, Culross township. Mr. D. -Sullivan, of El panted by bis sister, Mis Snndayst in this villa Mr. L. Stiegler is ha ems. on Elora St., reship e improved this wee Mr. tI. Leos has sold lug bnsiej (fiord dinaymere he will meter. - _ Mr. Baht, of the 11 - nted Mr. John H fora feria of years, the _fp move to Mildmay. Mr Om ale, hard ho has beau ilt for.over with tyid fever, is import, recov The Jubnee number ono Izat is to mstazine, bo YP0Aftbioal point st.slas14 a few •- . meek in Elora, g with a brother h $ not seen Prank _ iesch in ce #s3lttion of a nest to e early Mildmay. . DISccD allI Goods, Hats. Caps, Boots - - hoes, Clot Glassware and Mil nery. Discowit Over the- usual I- pmakes - - � per cent. .•about -1000 -will receive free -of Cost: Continued ill health necessitates my retire &th. 09.3. y Weekly romp s drone and-Sits,&ai > e a 1 >ne pict.� f WW1 110 eq 0113* i. wrap •"%src x.,45 �# Sold