HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-10-19, Page 1Vol. 2. k,_16._;11311/4, iriateitsts• 11 eNrooted -to- the rw14-444-+ Etml. Eat3133ru.ciet• MILDMAY, ONT., THITRSDAY, OCTOBER 26t14-1893. CII1JRCH DIREC,TORY. • NGLISH.—Serrices at Fordwich, 10:30 a. in.; at Gorrie, 2.80 p. m.; at Wroxeter, 430 p. m. Yev. Mr. Brownlee, Incumbent. Sunday 8 -ebAW, one hour and a 4ruuter before each service. THODIST.--Services at MOO a.m., and p. m. Orange Rill, 0,1130 p. m.evMr. e, pastor. Sabbath School at __m. S. Bean Superintendent. ERSBIZTURTAN.- -Services at Pordwich at It &.m.; at Gerrie, 30 p. m.: Bible iaaw Fordwich in the evening. Sabbath School ik 1 GorrieL15p.m...Tas.MeLaughlin, Saperiatendest • Wir ETHODIST-Serviees in thePordwieh Metho I'V't diet Church, it' le.30 a.m. and 7 p. m. sabbath Scbeol at mop. ra, Pray IT -meeting on Thursday eveeingalit 130. Rev. htr. Edmunds pastor. N. lircLAUGHLIN, SfEtIBR OP MARRIAGE LICENSER a witnerses required, . -011iee:-At the Drug Store, Gonnin. J. A. TUCK, M. D. MEMBER of College of VICydeian LTA pone, Out. • No. 45, • JOHN J. BRADLEY GEQ LIESEMER l'ASIIION.A13T_AE - The Leading Blacksmith. rrt •• vitrzittaMiti3Z1se- • .. Ties just commenced ouaa408a in Vogt's Block Citatisifes Of all Wade kept on hand. i have a number of kimerly occupied by Mr. Martin's shoestore, Selig a practical and experienced workman, I unable to guars,tee introlani work in the lat is the place where. yeti cam get yonk liOrse Shoeing sad all lands of General Black - =Jibing done right Cheap and Neat. ,_zierart full stook of Wagons, Buggies. and Ityon: want min, not!lelita. : tiniel to bu. • ing with. them. -.0n -Saturday evening the men at the null were rewarded by seeing it cut the first log, everything working:smoothly. •It igprondUnced a good article all through and the proba: bilities are that everliatisfaen will be given...Sure enough the new black- smith is herel He came on Wednesday an is pounding at something since. No neceied*,for tinsliod-horses or scar- city of anything in the iron 'line 110W Crovnlin, fanners, and give the boys a - _•- , yshow. Jack is a!gjost sagood as either mrtr Aisoa tew useeila,lisnd Briaiss and of 43- — -2 — — NM= anti we d like to see the trircOrr-t - • three get- itand hard.... - - Mr. Robb, the. Ins r, accompanied Seleitlfle A/forfeits by 3f.r. Shearer, of Orange Hill, made the -School a, call o Monday afternoon. poon oi owick and TurnherrY to do when Mr.- ,Rbbb'e task of 1iising •twice each ichool in his inspect:slate is $T. LEON ature's Healing. Witelr; • Life's Nourisher of Blood,- • Realties Restorer. R. E.-- CLAPPr M.D. • raltiarigslealEdax and fikliniessim C..RADITATE, Toren to University and m •1-1 College Physicians and Surgeons, 0 •. Residence, Absalom St., nearly opposite t ••ery stsb:e. Office in the Drug Store. ne • to Carrick Banking CO. MILD 0. Pb• Neat GRAD - i ....' 1- ,. • ' tiONO - - ..-f.-"-‘",k Tor te A - 4 m ... *Prices •tietisfac f' RADU aad aiiirAssoe • Ne Arantar 11 OCTO8EIZ 1213 SSIIE Ss is soon told. Mrs. Smith, of Centre street, London West, was assisting Mrs. Slater, wife of William Slater, the well. . - known tailor, on the "V" formed by the convergenoe of Park avenue and Rich- mond iatreeti whose hours adjoins the •tailor shop. Being in a hurry she went to stimulate the fire with a five -gallon can of coal oil. The flames sprang up like a flash, igniting the oil in the can and a terrific explosion followed. All who heard the rep.rt oompare it to the discharge of a heavy piece of artillery. The can was dined as if a locom- otive had run over it by the force of the explosion, and the showers of oil satur- ated Mrs. Smith's clothing and set it on fire. One eye witness states that she was knocked down by the force of the explosion, and lay on the floor for the k the flames eilraYlbe, aritand was Mr. Slater tin tried to tom Mrs. ids, but as r, back for mv over her Mr. Luke Aumsmonseneenhi 'rEGS fin A. style, rooms, sO every fa' traveling The her - and cigar. Free Bu Geed Sta .F. X. GUITTARD, -• • maiNAGNIL Carri.eit FIRANgiAh cC)i • Gaxenakilisinito Busniess Dom Drafts Issued an all parts of • Canada and the United States, •tbans made on GOOD SECURITY, Good Notes Discounted. Interest allowed on Deposit& References: Canadian Bank of Coinmaros. Bank of Buffalo. 0. SCIEURTEI, A. GISSLER, C ih • neMemberthesne42 - - The -Corner iliirdware Store., • * 1 fae, Iro 011*STO SH --AND-- 4 full istook-ot • Tweeds, Worsteds, Cottonades, • Shirtings, Ladies Wear, • Men's furnishing, Linens, • Honey Comb Quilts, Satin Quilt's, - Lace Curtains, Flannelettes Prints and Ginghams, Mesh • Groceries, Boots and Shoes Highest market pipe paid fee Butter aid Eggs Cash. or rl'racifta Call and see goods and prices. Jas. Johnston, $10,000, Private Funds to loan on • Foam property at tow rates. lunar of Marriage Licenses. - .i.(1 § :Idio Ai• promptly done. All . to insetjnsetnq largo dock • The burg Was lively on Saturday- tut -Monday it waarather quiet. The united• 'effort* .of the sturdy farmer and -44 sous will This 'mak be devoted to clear- ing the fields of the turnip crop...Many from here drove to Clifford on Tuesday evening to hear Rev. Mr. Irwin relate his withdrawal from the Roman Cath- olic ranks and his conversion at the -age of seventeen....Mrs„ Wigkins, an old and much respected 'lady living at Orange. Hill died very suddenly on Sunday .morning at the age of 77. She was in her usual health up to Thursday night when she suddenly took 111 and a doctor's skill or teinhir nursing oould 120t undo that which an all wise Providence was to bring about. In her last momenta -she was attended by her two ions and five daughters whose heart pangs at parting with &Another was soothed by her joy at the anticipation of a better Homeleyond. The funeral will leave her late residence on Tuesday at 10 o'clock for the McIntosh cemetery... Some half dozen of the farmer's went through here on Friday on their way to 'Clifford with their stock of lambs. ' The price realized is so low. Compared with the four or five years proceeding that farmers are in no way inbilant--at part. where will- conduct business as usna. , Burned to Death hi London. - •-{The lady whose,terrible death is re- corded here. wasthe inother of Mrat. FerdiaandIVoigt, of - Mildma,y, Mrs. Anglia McCurdy, of Fordwich, but form- erly of this village, and Mrs. Henry Hoffman, jeweller, of Hanover.- The unfortunate lady has quite a few ac- quaintances- in Mildthay where she has spent some time, visiting with her daughter.—EDO" - From the London Free Prem. ' •An awful sight was valnestoilLirar_. mice. and Richmond streets on'Thurii: day morning last. A terrific explosion like the -report of a heavy- cannon, was neard in a small shed behind Mr. William Slater's' residence, and ,then, With screams of mortal agony, a woman rushed forthr- completely euveleped in flames, and standing upright in the boulevard for a lnief instant, fell head- Folig to the ground While the -fierce flames consumed her clothing, and burned away the flesh. As the wAntan rushed from the shed -into -the ipen air' the flamee,In which her fereti:e com- pletely bidden, blazed p Die torch 10 to 3.2 feet high, and made it almost impossible far the agonized spectators -to render any, assistance. The history of the shoal:Jig trVedal - inc es long can be found. [Later on the same day the unfortunate woman breathed her last.] - Mrs. Smith was born in the township of Blenheim and has- lived lu.140nden many years: She was an earnest work 'or in the Salvation A.rmy and her - remains wereinterted by that teligious - body on-Monds.y leat. • - An alarMing accident occurred on the 7 - Niagara Falls Electric Railway on Sat- unlay. The observation car, which - - should leave Chippewa at 2 o'elocii, was twenty minutes late m starting, and the - motorman intended to• make the rodud trip in twenty minutes less than the nsual,,time. The car started at a ter, - rifle rate of speed, whichdid not dioxin,. ish on the down grade taker& the sus- pension Bridge. When jest opposite the whirlpool rapids the c.sr left thd trick, jumping toward f.ne Niagara _ gorge, only ten feet away, In its wild' leap down the hill the ear struek the - trolley pole with such force that it turned at right angles with the track . and the rear end of the oar lay within three feet of the- brink "of the awful gorge of the Niagara. .Tae pole /NM shattered and the passengers were thrown from the car. The motorman jumped as the car left the track. The passengers were badly shaken up, but none were seriously injured. Another ear was sent after the wreck, and the passengers were brought back to Chip3 pewa. -it