HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-10-12, Page 8l L Air l• year. 93 100, t)00 Jexico are ;uinea•pig �❑ of :he ro�urnan:s Aboutr.:3 nine, the nauz'a f r :e33 than .3ouritifl is about of manu• counted r.n;. erred on At, The t in _tia- ,I3.:l3 into the rBritish o-day the ';eam and the parr the oa,d- enevole:is steamers ,.ipposo 1. iarne:er. ro:estanli >,t $t3,, pf N >rth• and about coal. nine noes-, in leek them sf every Legion of e de,ora• Soars ho- bo from :dig ceiiy country rker3. both said Pi3ord the fruit, t,. at Seats hal ao the effect iciness to e British tinuously wen^y to posed to :or long he chief ll Rivers £72,305, le entire ,rear gold arced for tted her pn both ead out " es are to petition. rising then :ay hours ai pintails bm 16:;, mmenced pire, en• hair asa e queu. le happy super3ti- e bezoar r by her by her a very ure pre - salary of lowances term of y be re- ks of re- e largely month( ild a neve try, it it ons of the essara.bi& r:reyarda acre; the e bushels at expea- in gloves ncome of der ; for s on his pnting :n Isiant�3, Refuge. Fore cap - ns there. rith food e, but he :ma tribe test eater r comes a mania. and al. .ng to the despatct. fully.pre R one o betweei. i is 3136 Ing Hum. W 18 tate A Mesmerist's Mysterious grime. A Soy of Sixteen Stolen for Half a Tear.— Ile Tarns up in a Montreal Hospital. There is a.e present in one of the Montreal city hospitals a you/1g man whose story is very strange, indeed. Up to February last he lived with his parents, in a town in Michigan, where he attended school. Sud- denly he disappeared from home, and the whole State was vainly searched in the hope that a clue would be found as to his where- abouts. However, a short time ago his parents were surprised when advised by the authorities of one of the Montreal hos- pitals that their son was very sick in their institution, and wished to communicate with them. The mother came here, and she is still in the city, caring for her boy, and trying to solve the mystery of his dis- appearance. The young man is so sick that he can hardly speak, and it has so far been impos- sible to get a satisfactory explanation of the affair. From what can be gathered it appears that he was spirited away, through force or otherwise, by two individuals, one of whom is supposed to exercise a mesmeric influence over him. While active searches were being made; they took him back to his native town, and kept him concealed there for several weeks. When calm was somewhat restored over the matter, they took advantage of the first oppartunity,and came to Canada with their victim, finally landing in Montreal. It seems that here they secured a place for him in a bar -room, but exacted that he should go over to their own quarters every night. Finally he fell sick, and was re- moved e- moved to the hospital were he now is. The boy is abut sixteen years of age, and the most serious suspicions exist as to the motives of his abductors, whose where- abouts are at present unknown. The authorities have the case in hand and some startling revelations may still come to light. ONTARIO'S STATISTICS. Reports Respecting Births, Marriages an Deaths. The anual report of births, marriages an deaths in Ontario for 1892, just issued, con tains much interesting and valuable infor 'nation. The statistics given are of spec'; -a value as throwing light on the discussio that has taken place the last few month relative to the actual increase of populatio in 1891 over 1881, as given in the Domicio census returns and the natural increase a the English rate of 11 per cent. per year, i given. This shows the total increase o population in the whole province to b 199,106, while the natural increase alon would have been 349,314. The differenc in some counties is somewhat startling Bruce, for instance, should have increase 10,399, while its actual increase was oul 171. Grey shows an increase of 6S6, against 11,323 natural increase. Th method of estimating the natural increase i by taking the excess of births over deaths for the year and finding what percentage the increase bears to the total population. This, as above stated, amounts in England to 1.5 per cent. while in Ontario it amounts LOS per cent. This increase is chiefly in the rural districts and towns, being but .0076 in the cities and 1.1 in the rest of the prov- iu ce. d d 1 n s n n t s f e e e a Y a3 e 3 BIRTHS. The total births registered in the prov• ince in 1891 were 44,754 ; a decrease of 3,019 from 1890. The rule which prevails in every country of an excess of male over female births holds good in Ontario, the rate being 1,061 males for every 1,000 females. In 1890 the ratio was 1,057. The English average for the past ten years was 1,037 to 1,000. The number of illegit- imate births was 637, which is about the average ratio to the total births, being 14.3 to 1,000 births. This is exceedingly low as compared with other countries, the average in England being 42 to 1,000 in 1891 and this was the lowest recorded in England for many years. This illustrates the high moral status of the people of Ontario. Dur- ing the year there were 374 pairs of twins born and seven cases of triplets. MARRIAGES. During 1891 there were 14,159 marriages in Ontario, or 28,318 persons married. This is a decrease cf 274 marriages as compared with 1890 and 691 less than in 1889, equal to 4.9 per cent. The marriage rate in On- tario is less than in every country in Eu- rope except Ireland and Norway. Contrary to the general opinion the marriage rate in Ireland is the lowest in Europe bower thirty per cent. being but 9.2. The birth rate is also low there, though not propor- tionately as low as the marriage rate. As is usual December is the favorite month for marrying and May the lowest. Of those married 10,112, or 35.6 per cent. were Meth- odists ; Presbyterians 5,827, or 20.5 per 'cent. ; Episcopalians 4,820, or 17 per cent. ; Roman Catholics 3,9S3, or 14 per cent. There were 47 bridegrooms and 2 brides who were over 70 years of age when mar- ried. The greatest disparity in ages were in the case of a couple where the bride- groom was 85 and the bride 40 years old. Of the whole number of marriages` 12,549 were by license and 1,649 by banns ; 157 bridegrooms were under 20 years of age and 2,420 brides ; 11,397, or nearly 40 per cent. of the whole number married were be- tween 20 and 25 years old. DEATHS. The number of deathseahows a large de- crease, being 21,538 in 1891 and 24,013 in 1890, a decrease of 2,455. This is greatly due to the fact that the rate in 1890 was .abnormally large owing to the prevalence of lagrippe. This falling off is very great in the cities, being in 1890 at the ratio of 16.09 to 1,000 of the population and in 1891 14.87. There has in fact been a steady de- cline since 1883. The death rate for the whole province was 10.2 compared Kith 19.7 in Scotland and 17.8 in Ireland. The principal causes of death in the cities of Ontario were, phthisis, 10 per cent.; ane? mia, 9.24 ; heart disease, fe 75 ; pneu- monia, 5.5 ; old -age, 4.34; diarrhoea, 4.52; diphtheria, 4.02 ; typhoid fever, 2.4. - -...0111114111111.-MIN The inhabitants of Thibet are the dirtiest people on earth. Not only do they never wash, but when once full growth has been attained they never take their clothes off. When the garments"they wear become old $hers are pat over them. l AN DLA-' l _� His Friends lia—dilivest mit of His Ree.vtg'y. air. George Rage or Rednersville, Relates the Story or His Suffering anil Release —Feels as Well as he did at Forty. ' From the Daily Ontario, Belleville. Four miles west of Belleville, in the coun- ty of Prinoe Edward, on the southern shore of the deautiful and picturesque Bay of Quinte, is situated the village of Redners- ville, a charming place of about four hun- dred population, composed quite largely of retired farmers. Of late years the pictur- esque location of the village has given- it some prominence as a summer resort,where maybe enjoyed thecoolhealth-giving breezes of the bay. But even in this charming lo- cality disease finds its way, and when the epidemic of la grippe swept over Canada, Rednersville was not spared a visitation. Among those attacked was Mr. George Rose, a life-long resident of the village -who had already reached. the allotted span of life. DIr. Rose had enjoyed remarkable health until he was taken down with an attack of la grippe, when grave fears were entertained for his recovery. In a few months he recovered sufficiently to again move about, but not with his accustomed vigor. Mr. Rose had scarcely regained his health when he was seized with another attack of this dread disease, worse than the first. This had a telling effect upon him and his family feared consumption had claimed him for a victim. A physician at- tended him regularly but seemed unable to give him any relief. However, all that i medical skill could do for him was done, but daily Mr. Rose's condition grew worse, and in March of this year his condition was so low that his family, like himself, had given up hope of his recovery. Dur- ing the last month the general talk about the village and the surrounding country has been the remarkable cure of Mr. Rose by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The case created - such a sensation that a reporter of the Ontario, personally acquainted with Mr. Rose, determined to call on hint and learn the facts of the case from his own lips. Mr. Rose was found a.picture of health and activity for one of his years, and expressed his entire willingness to tell his story for the benefit of others. "I am," he said, "a well man, and do not hesitate to give the .redit to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for saving my life. I had three attacks of la grippe and continued to grow worse pp to March of the year. At that time I was reduced in flesh and strength I could hardly stand alone. In fact I was a mere skeleton. I could not eat because I had no appetite. I could not sleep because my legs and feet became so badly swollen and cramped that my wife would have to rub them before I could rest. The pain was at times so violent that I could not refrain from screaming, and I would tumble about in bed and long for day to come. If I attempted to get up and walk I was apt to fall from all dizziness. I took medicine from the doctor, but it did not help me and I was so discouraged that I felt death would be preferable to my mis- ery. I did not think I could live more than a few months when one day I read in the paper of the cure of a man whose sym- toms were like mine. I must say I did not have much faith in the remedy, but felt as though it were a last chance. I sent first for a box and by the time it was -half gone I fcnnd that my appetite was getting better, and in other respects I could notice an improvement in my condition. By the time the box was gone there was a still further improvement. I continued the use of the pills, found that I could now get a good night's sleep and that the cramps and pains which had formerly made my life miserable had disappeared. The swelling left my limbs, the dizziness disappeared and I felt better than I had in four years. I knew that it was Pink Pills and them only that brought about the change. be- cause I was taking nothing else. I have taken in all seven boxes and I feel as good now' as I did at forty years of age. Last winter I was so bad that I could not do my own chores, and now I can do a good day's work. My friends congratulate me on my regained health and I don't hesi- tate to tell them that I owe my life to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Many others hereabouts have found similar benefit. Last spring my niece was looking pale and eeling weak, and I advised her parents who were very uneasy about her to try Dr.Will- iams' Pink Pills. The result is that she is now the picture of health. You may say that I would not be without Pink Pills in the house, for I firmly believe they will do all that is claimed for them if they are given a fair trial." In fact it appeared that Mr. Rose could not say too much for Pink Pills and as the reporter drove away he again remarked, " do not forget to say that I owe my life to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." In conversation with several res- idents of the village the statements made by Mr. Rose were fully corrobor- ated. Druggists say that Dr. Williams' Pills Pills have an enormous sale, and from all quarters come glowing reports of results following their use. Iu very many cases the good work has been accomplished after eminent physicians had failed, and pro- nounced the patient beyond the hope of human aid. .An analysis shows that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain in a condensed form all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood, and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor at- axia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe, pal- pitation of the heart, pale and sallow com- plexions, nervous prostration, all diseases depending upon vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood and restore the glow of health to cheeks. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of- whatever nature, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are manufactur- ed by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Com- pany, Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady N.Y., and are sold in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hundred, and the public are cautioned against numerous imi- tations sold in tbis shape)at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company from either address. ' • - -$ison'a_ Hods* Hu DissppSgl'ad. Nation's home at Meru, in the London suburbs, the house in **WI& a great ad- miral iived,was said, the other dry, to have beat purchased by a Londonbarrister. Not so, however, say some writers, who have evidently the best means of knowing. Nel- son lived at a house known as Merton Place, which was long ago demolished by the spec- ulative builder, who has covered its site and the site of its grounds with cheap shops and cottages. Not a vestige of the house was Ieft, and everything that could be sold was put up to auction. Lady Hamilton liv- ed for three years in the houso after aTelson's death.' So completely has it disappeared that there is nat,perhaps, a man in London who could point out precisely the spot where the historic residence stood. It is described as having been " one of the most charming and noted " houses in England. No Disappointment Can arise from the use of the great sure -pop corn cure—Putnam's Painless Corn Extrac- tor. Putnani's Extractor removes corns painlessly in a few days. Take no substi- tute. At druggists. Great British Victory. At the time of the war in Egypt the editor of the " Deadwood Roarer" attended church on Sunday for the first time. About an hour after the service com- menced, he rushed into the office and shout- ed to the sub -editor, " What in blazes are you fello a's doing ? How about the news from the seat of war ?" " What news?" " Why all about the Egyptian army being drowned in the Red Sea. The minister up at church was telling us about it just now, and not a word of it is in this morn- ing's paper. Bustle round you fellows, and get the facts, or the Telegraph will get a beat of us. Look spry, there, and run an ,extra edition, if necessary, while I put the poster in hand for ' Great British Victory in the Soudan !' " What Your Great Grandmother Did. She heteheled the flax and carded the wool, and wove the linen, and spun the tow, and made the clothes for her husband and ten children. She made butter and cheese, she dipped tallow candles, to light the house at night, and she cooked all the food for her household by an open fire -place and a brick oven. Yes; and when she was forty years of age, she was already an old lady whose best days were over. Her shoulders were bent and her joints enlarged by hard work, and she wore spectacles and a cap. Her great grand -daughter, with all the modern conveniences for comfort, refinement and luxury, niay be as charming and attractive at forty-five as at twenty. Especially is this true if she preserves her health and beauty by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which wards off all female ailments and . irregularities, cures them if they already exist,keeps the life cur- rent healthful and vigorous,and enables the woman of middle age to retain the freshness of girlhood upon brow and cheek, the light of youth in her eyes, and its elasticity in her step. Sold by all druggists. amesseemaeareeesems Mrs. Sutherlltd. II Had COltre Or swellings in the neck since I was 10 years old; am now 52. I used Hood's Sarsaparilla re- cently and the swelling has entirely disappeared. It has been very trouble- some. When I began I was feeling so discour_ aged with the goitre and rheumatism I felt that I would as soon be dead as alive. Whenever I caught cold I could not walk two blocks without fainting. Now I am free from it all and I can truly recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla. I received a letter from Mrs. Jennie Bigelow, now of Fremont, Mich., asking if my testimonial in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla was true; I replied it was; and sent tarticulars. I have another letter from her hanking me very much for recommending Hood's Sarsaparilla and stating that she also has been cured." MRS. ANNA SUTHERLAND, Kalainaz00, Mich. HOOD'S PILLS are the best after-dinner Fills. They assist digestion and cure headache. START A FACTORY IN YOUR TOWN Ordinary genius required. Particulars free. M. Thornbcr, Keokuk. Iowa, U.S.A. TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL OFYERS unprecedented facilities for acquiring a thorough knowledge of Cutting in all its branches; also agents for the McDowell Draft dng Machine. Write for circulars, 123 Y ongo street AGENTS HERE YOU ARE.—Samantha at the World's Fair by Josiah Allen's Wife Over 100 illustrations,nearly 600 pages, No Ter- ritory assigned. Send $1,00 for prospectus and push the canvass if you want to make money. WILLIAM BRIGGS, Temperance St. Toronto. SAUSAGE CASINGS 1 Importations • of finest Eng- isb, constantly on• hand, also prime American Hog's Casings. Full lines. New Hams, Long Cigar Bacon, Robs, Cheese, Lard, etc. PARI:, BLACKWELL & Co. LTD., Successors to JAMES PARK & SON, Toronto. The High Speed Family Knitter Will knit 10 pairs socks per day. Will do all work any pin circular knitting machine will do, from homespun or fac- tory yarn. The most practical family knitter on the marker. A child can -operate it. Strong, Durable, Simple, Rapid. We guarantee every machine to do ca good work. Beware of imitations. Agents wanted. Write for par ticulare. r� Dundas Knitting Machine Co.. Dundas, CntarIo. ERAZER AXLE Best inthe World! Get ,the Genuine! Sold Everywhere ! E ASKYOUR SEINING-MACIIINEAC,ENT FOR IT, ORSEND A •CENTSTARP FOR PARTICULARS.PRiCE LIST SAMPLES, COTTON YARN.&c. HIS IS GOOD FOR $2°:._ SEND TO LMN-a3Ros,Tru EORGETQW N, ONTO An _ ivlpdr : nt'Scientific Discovery. Nerviline, the _ latest discovered pain remedy, may safely challenge the world for a substitute that will as speedily and promptly check inflammatory action. The highly penetrating properties of Nerviline make it never failing in all cases of rheuma- tism, neuralgia, cramps, pains in the hack and side, headache, lumbago, etc. It pos- sesses marked stimulating and counter irritant properties, and at once subdues all inflammatory action. Ormand & Walsh, druggists, Peterboro', write : " Our cus• tomers speak well of Nerviline." Large bottles 25 cents. Try Nerviline, the great internal and external pain cure. Sold by all druggists and country dealers. His Opposite. He—" 1 shall never marry until 1 meet woman who is my direct opposite." She (encouragingly) : ";Veil, Mr. Duffer there are numbers of bright, intelligen girls in this neighborhood." - Arithmetical notation by the nine digits and zero was used in Hindostan in the sixth century. A.P. 678 ACUTE or CHRONIC, Can be cured by the use o SCOTT'S EMULSION of pure Cod Liver Oil, with the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. A feeble stomach takes kindly to it, and its continued use adds flesh, and makes one feel strong and well. "C AUTION. "—Beware of subetitnte3. Genuine prepared by Scott A Bowne, Belleville. Sold by all druggists. 1 50c. and $1.00. IT IS A GREAT MISTAKE To think that you must wear wide, ill -looking shoes to have comfort. Our shoes are both easy and elegant nice to look at and comfortable while in wear. The J. D. KING CO. Ltd 79 KING EAST. "August Fiower" This is the query per - What is petually on your little boy's lips. Aud he is no worse than the big- ger, older, balder -head- ed boys. Life is an interrogation point. " What is it for?" we con- tinually cry from the cradle to the grave. So with this little introduc- tory sermon we turn and ask: "What is AUGUST FLOWER FOR ?" As easily answered as asked : It is for Dys• pepsia. It is a special remedy for the Stomach and Liver. Nothing more than this ; but this brimful. We believe August Flower cures Dyspepsia. We know it will. We have reasons for knowing it. Twenty years ago it started in a small country town. To -day it has an honored place in every city and country store, possesses one of the largest manu- facturing plants in the country and sells everywhere. Why is this ? The reason is as simple as a child's thought. It is honest, does one thing, and does it right along—it cures Dyspepsia. G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr,Woodbury,.NJ. It For? (;000 1 000 ACRESOF LAND for BRI e by the SAINT PAUL & DULUTH RAILROAD COMPANY in Minnesota. Send for Map_ and Circu• ',are. They will be sent to you Address HOPEWELL CLARKE, Iand Commissioner, St. Paul, Minn. BAY ST., IS THE GREATEST OF ALL EARTHLY P OSSESSION 0 FOR YOUR DRINK Royal Dandelion Coffee ASK YOUR GROCER. ELLIS & EEIGHLEY, ROLE MANUFACTURERS, TORONTO. COMPLETE COURSE IN SHORTHAND; ISAAC PITMAN 71WSIC!I Every Music Teacher in Ca- nada should know where they can get their Music cheapest. Write us for Catalogues; also sample copy of the CANADIAN MrsIcrAN, a live monthly jour- nal with $1.00 worth of music in each issue. $3 to $3 per clay madeby canvassers. See prem- ium list. We carry everything in the Music line. WHALEY, ROYCE & CO. 158 YOKE Ti RONTO, ONT. SHORTHAND The Complete System thoroughly taught by Mail for only 1 Dollar. The chance of a lifetime --Every boy and girl in Canada should, commence it at once—The ar- ticles will soon commence— Success guaranteed—Send in ycur dollar immediately, to commence at the beginning. Best Method in the World for Imparting Instruction. BARKER & SPENCE'S SHORTHAND & BUSINESS SCHOOL, TORONTO, IL Your machinery with he standard ana reliable Peerless Machine oaf We will give a substantias reward is anyone bringing us proof of Other Oil bein' sold as our Peerless Machine Oil. None genuine except from p ickages bearing full brand, and our name, and sold only by re- liable and regu'ar dealers. Sole Manufacturers, SA11IJEL ROERS &Co TORONTO, IF YOU WOULD SAVE TIME AND MONEY BUY A NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINE Agents everywhere. Lacrosse ! Lacrosse ! Ilave you seen the latest Parlor Game ? By purchasing this new game the fierce struggles of the summer can be repeated at your table. owe Matic® $a. Write us for Price List, and if your local dealer does not carry our games, which is unlikely, upon receipt of price will send post-paid. THE COPP CLARK CO., LTD., TORONTO, ONT; "THE IMPROVED STANDARD CHOPPER." "-USES BEST FRENCH _ BURR STONES. FJIItI%IEIIS,RAISERS, Feed your Steck chopped grain. To do this ecnomically buy a STANDARD CIIOPPER: Can be run with any 4 to 12. horsepower _ SIMPLE, _ DURABLE, VERY FAST= SEND FOR CIRCULARS. ATE8OIISJ &antford, Canada, e.