HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-10-12, Page 6:1=S
ill be
l person -
arae ty
:antle cloths
to order,
)bes, etc.
ted and
the latest
eeley's, etc
e or Enam
:ler kinds.
Ogra0- - a tees t s t. see-sps
salteien schoolxts_1AuOLia3emer
tiaperinlentlent l;otta pr tyerme ;ting -Wednes-
day 'eveznng a 7:30. Voting People's meeting
'Pussy evening at 730. Choir practice Friday
evening at S o`clock: Bev. Mr. Mast, 2asttor.
DPESB TEBTAN.-Services 10.30 a.m. Sab-
bath School 9:30 a.m. J: H. Moora,_Superin-
tandent. Prayermseting, Wednesday evening at
o'clock. Rev. R. W. Gallagher, Pastor.
se 0. CHURCH, Sacred Heart of Jests. -Rev.
Father Way, P. P. Services every Sunday,
alternatively-e.t 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. Vespers
every other Sunday at 3 p.m. Sunday Sehool at
2:30 p.m. evary other Sunday.
T UTHER. N. -Rev. Dr. -Miller, pastor. Ser-
vieee the last three Sundays of every month
at 3:30 p.m. Sunday School at 1:s0 p.m:
ETHODIST.-Services 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m
If "I' Sabbath School2:30p.m. G. Curie, Superin-
tendent. Prayermeeting,Thursday 8 p.m. Rev.
W. B. Damara., Pastor.
M.B.A., No. 70 -meets in their hall on the
• evening of the second and fourth Thurs-
days in each month.
Ii. WLn.FR, See. GEO. HERRINGER, Pres.
O.1 .-Court Mildmay, No. 186, meets in their
Kan the second and last Thursdays in each
month. Visitors always welcome.
E. N. BurcHAET, C. R
Terms :-X 1 per year in -advance ;
Otherwise $1.25.
One Sia Three
• Year. months. months.
One colemn eb0 430 018
Haff eOiWflfl.............. 30 18 - 10
Q sari er eolun:n...... -18 lA 6 -
nghr t coluuic - 10 6 4
Legal notices, Sc. per line for first and 4c, per
line for each subsequent iilsartion.
Local business notices 5c. per line each laser-
Contract advertising payable tlus,rterly.
Grand Trunk Time Table.
Trains leave Mildmay station as fol;
lows .
GOI\"G 5Ob d.
Express 7.15 a. m.
Mail 11.55 "
Mixed.. 5.20p.m
Tiived 10.55 a.2n
Mail - 2.52 p.m
Express:9.35 p.m
New Advertisementes
$1C,000 stook -A. Moyer.
Astray steer -Geo. Roswell. _
School Books -N. McLaughlin, Corrie.
MULHOLLAND for First-class Photo-
graphs, Mildmay, Clifford and Fernensa.
100.0 pairs pigeons wanted at once.
Highest price in cash. W. G. Lieserner,
Mr. Zing and family, of Hanover,
spent Sunday last visiting friends in
.Mr. W. H. Schneider shipped a car of
flour from -his roller mill for the eastern
markets on Tuesday..
Miss Marie Butehart, who- has been
quitejll lately, is -now recovered, and is
at present in Walkerton- on a visit.
Mr. J. Steinmiller, of Otter Creek
Tilts, purchased two cars of wheat from
amen & Co., the Mildmay buyers;this
week. -
s Mr. A. Schultz, who has been reppaie
In. sewing machines in Mildmay the
past couple of eveoks. -left • for. Walkerton
this week.
A larb number o€..Formosa� .- ladies
and gentleman startfrom this station,
on: Friday morning to enjoy Chicago's
big show. -
Messrs. - Charles Nichols and Jos.
Zettel, of Jordan, Minnesota, . are in
Mildmay at present, visiting with rela-
tives and, friends.
Mr. Jas. Titmus, one of Carrick's pio-
neers, but
io-neers,-but now of Teeswateer, has ;Lust
returned home front a twomonth's tour
through Manitoba and the Northwest..
Nearly eight toy -f grapes have been
unloaded at Mil y sta�twn for coo-
s mep$ion in wtfliin the -past
week or -so. It took 750 baskets to hold
The topic -ter the Chnstir: Worms
meeting,- to be held in the Meth
eh eh t Monday evening, will be
"Christian Courtesy." Prov. 10-1&;
li. ii,: 2-5.
Rev. M. Danard started last Monday
a trio -weeks vacation trip to Owen
Sound, , atecompart.tea by his lighter.
3dring his: absence his pulpit will -be
unpplied,by appointment.
si essrs. G. Herrrnger Viand.
Liesetwers, and MrsAlitterr ;of Mild-
miay,,and Mae. Jasper, 12th con.,:
cariekare la bl # is wee . S-
ten:dingthe t rld's Fair.
Rt+flusters of Nor% Bruce have
B arden John_Pie , of
ti - the pine of the late
Perter, :P ` ase,
in the fields- _-
he denoe -efT r 4 le Rosiell,
res s€as rax- intto
S y rano n whit; the Wanly were
and -mite -4p was 40bn.;
s the Iliitglara were -tram
A1:1403! �21iaPpyy'
eu ip theViliaiii,
A. son of Mf: Peter " a =r, a_few miles
north of Mildmay, had several of his'
fingers badly lacerated in a cutting box
last Sunday morning. It is feared that
one or two of the fingers will require
amputation, although strenuous efforts
are being Made to save them.
There is no truth in the reports lath-
ly circulated here to ,the effect that a
gang of tramps had taken possession of
the cainp meeting grounds, just east of
Mildmay. A band of Gypsies which
were camped near there recently no
doubt gave rise to the rumor.
Miss Ada Teskey has been -engaged
to teach in S. S. No. 8, Carrick, for next
year: Miss Rusk, the present teacher
has had thatschool for the past three
years and is intending to take the Nor-
mal School course. Miss Teskey
now teaching near Mount Forest.
Last Thursday the old horse "Gyp,"
which has for so many years been con-
nected with the 'bus in this village, was
led out and, shot. The funeral pro-
cession Was an imposing affair, -headed
by "Uncle" leading the "corpse," then
came the pick and spadosmene then the
executioners with guns, symyathizing
mourners bringing up the rear. During
the ceremony one of the guns was brok-
en, but otherwise nothing occurred to
mar- the solemnityofthe scene.
At the time of the burial of the late
Mr. Jacob Bilger, a week ago last Sun-
day, the appearance of the body caused
some of the friends to imagine that
possibly life still remained in it. In
order that all the friends might be sat-
isfied with regard to the matter, a party
went to the grave_onTuesday aneex-
hunred the remains, when it was found
that: there was .no cause for the suspi-
cion whatever, the body lying exactly
as it was keit,: except that decomposition
was taking place.
Pathreaster Rome is -putting in a
6 -inch tile drain ou. Elora St, from the
-pond-hole opposite the Presbyterian
"church to Me.Scl tsalm's residencela dis-
tanaee of bout 35 rods, ; which well be of
much benefit. to the residents of that part
of town. The drain.atits d our -st point
is over 6 feet and Will di.a, n all the
cellars along its.touto,. besides cleaning.
out a cesspool on the street which has
long been an eyesore: The work has
all been done by statute and gratis
labor, and the: tile were furnished by
the council at a. cost 6f -about $3 0.
Mr. A. Brohman, wagon maker, has
.;st'compleied what appears to be the
finest thing in the line of- a road -cart
yet placed on the market. The action
-which- is -his own invention -is- one
which permits the axle to Fermin al-
ways, stationery . so that the wheels
never get "out of set;" the shafts -work
'entirely free from the axle, and the body
remains at its level independent of the
shafts, so .that not only is the "horse
motion" overcome, but the, disagreeable
tilting in going up - and -clown hills is
entirely avoided, The_ mechanism-
echanim is
simpleand strong and the . cart will
prove a very desirable one.-- Those who
have rested it are laud in their praises,
and- Mr. B. Teas evidently got a cart=
which -will command a large : sale.
The Tara Leader has the following
kind words to say of the new Principal
of theMildmay Public School, who .has
been in charge since Monday of last
week : 'E -Mr. A Cameron, of Tara, -left -on
Monday -horning to take charge of then
lwifdmag - School. He has -a. fine school
house , -a _graded_school and an increase
oil salary. Mr.. C. is a faithful, pains-
tarns and successful teacher,_ W
visit- - him snecess - at Mildmay. Ilia
family -will remain here:till-was. Mr.
will be missed in,:church work and
Christi* Endeavor circles." The In-
vermes*_ correspondent of the . Leu -lo
says "Mr. Cameronore-Monday to
take - the principalship. -of .Mild:nay
'school.:- Hews -been with us fornearly-
six years, during which time he has..
proved bim$lf a good -general teacher
hiss qualitieJ of ren and- Heart have
endeared -him inthe_hearts.of: all -bis
pupus, as`well -an firs-inanyJr egds in
the`vicinity, who regret -his departure
Tie toot etfor rep a ng thelybridge
A alo a St., at the -foundry has
13,e,en ;et tg Mr: - John -Butler:- The
.were of the same ;robiistiet d
ity as our delegation we wonder -how
they all squeezed into the grounds,.
Corrections in the Carrick Pall Show
Prize List. -
The Seccietary has -handed us_ the
following corrections in the list of prizes
awarded at the Fall Show held here
two weeks ago ;
Class 1. -Gelding or filly, lst Jno.
Bilges ; spring colt (special, "Gay Lad")
2nd a. M.Fisher ; filly (special "Pride of
Neilston")lst Thos. Parker; spring foal
(special, "Gay Lad")2nd Wm. Lncas.
Class 4. -Ball any age(special)lst J.
M. Fisher; cow, any age,(special)lst
Wm. Dickinson ;-
_Class 5. -Heifer calf,
Dickinson ;
Class 11. -Red fall wheat, 1st H.
Class 12. -=Summer radish, 1st Jos.
Class 13. -Bag of floor, 1 C Schurter.
Class 14. -Union flannel, 1st A Gissler
Class 16. -Hooked 'Mat 2nd John
Hair.es;braiding in cotton, 2 J Haskins.
Class 18. -Partridge cochins, 2nd P.
Pletsch. -
Class 19. -Culverts, - 1st Wm. Lucas,
2nd J. D. Kinzie.
°Class 20. -Landscape painting, Wm.
Dickison ; pencil drawing, W. Diekison.
grade, 1st Wm
On Sept. 27th, the wife of F. Smack, Formosa,
of a son.
In Fermosa,,.pn Sept. 26th, the wife of Joseph
Bette, of a daughter.
In Walkerton, on Oct. let, the wife of Dr. G. J.-
:Dickinson, of a son. .,
In Formosa, oatept. 23rd, the wife of Peter
Zimmer;of a son.
In Formosa, on Sept._ 30th, the wife of Jos. Ben-
ninger, of a daughter. - -
WonTn-WILLIE.-In Formosa, on Sept. 27th,
1393, by Rev. Father Brobman, Mr. Robert
Worth, of Wingham,to Miss Marguerite Willie,
of Formosa.
Mildmay Market Report.
Carefully correctedevery week for
Fall wheat per
Spring "
Potatoes... ,..............
Smoked meat ger lb........
Eggs per dos
Butter per ib
57 to 59
27 to 28
61 to 51
85 to 85
45 to 50
8 to 10
14 to 15
17 to 18
$10 Reward.
T will pay the above reward for information
that will convict the party or parties who
stole my stoneboat from the front of my carriage
works, Mildmay, on Saturday night, Sept. 23rd.
Mildmay, Sept. 27th, 1863.
.mss.. Mur
Carries an immense stock of
House Furniture
Elegant Parlor Suites
All kinds of Bedroom Sets
Choicest Hail Furniture.
Stylish Diningroom Sets.
Lounges, Rockers, Chairs, and every-
thing in this line.
Prices Lower than ever for Cash.
Full Line of -Self-acting Window Shades
Picture Framing Done to order.
Lowry a full stockof
A First-class: Heeree lir connection.
Rates Moderate.
A. Murat
Elora - st, - Mildmay.
Callat JASPER -'S
Flour and Feed Store
For anything youavantJn
4Gt)2 "esaiaicosn r -
huts aniSCHN,_
- Fs-iait.
PER'S and a 'S -Flour.
airways in -;Stock. -
sP CtRrels too be pa€ ally..renew
a raised about 18 e xes=and the -
T l&ed thiondy-
wIth alrea
n and the oh be finished:
a Meeh or a the road
uud h ' Inrter's .grist`
ding aro -
ticPEOPLE'S ' FWD`..
iR iA:
er . $2000 worth of
Felt :Shoes.
Rubber Boots, Rub-
bers, Overshoes, Shp-
Ail kinds of
Men's and Ladies' Fine shoes
will be sold at small
Every attention given
to Ordered Work:
and Repairing at
uonr? fle,sssgnevtls4
Next to Commercial Hotel.
Elora St.
Kftildmay Jewelry Store.
Chas. Wendt
Takes the liberty to draw the attention of the
Public to the following 1:1` .c r s
That we are selling Goods CHEAPER than any
other House in the Dominion.
Compare our Prices with others and see if we
dont. Watches at half the Regular Price. Our
eight day Walnut and Oak half hour gong strike
Clocks knock the old styles out complete, both
in Workmanship and Price.
Our stock of Fine GOLD RINGS from ®e. up
will surprise you, In SPECTACLES we can give
you the FINEST LINES as well as the CHEAPER
ones as low as 1Me.
We also keep a large stock of Fancy Goods
Purses, Bill Books, Pipes Mouth Organs,;Hairpins
Combs, Albums, Fancy Novelties in Glassware, We Barry a first-class line of
Rolled Plate Chains, Charms, Lockets, Brooches,
etc., at Rock Bottom Prices. Harness Saddles Whips
All -goods Warranted as represented. > > ,
Repairing Watches, Clocks and JewelryRemember the place : CHAs. WENDT, Mildmay
Specialty and satisfaction guaranteed.. Mountings, etc.
A full stock of Ladies' and Gents',
Trunks and Valises.
Woolen i
l f oplietor.
Tweeds, Blankets and
all - kinds of wool-
en goods
A large and complete stock
always on hand. -
for which the
Highest Price
will be paid.
Mild ay
0 0
Come with the crowd to
the cheapest B RCOIT- and CONEECTIONTRY
house in town,
Full lines of
Q-1,4130 ee,3pqaes,,Teae, 'robaoa
ave and Csgare
FIilUR3 'and FEED always on hand.
11111N11/1!Fruits of all kinds fn their season.
C7STE1•C8 iu bulk, or served in any style.
Everybody` welcomed.
Elora st. - Mildmay.
We make a specialty of
The Trimming of Buggies,
Carriages, Cutters, _Sleighs.
Harness made to order and Repairing
done in First-class Style.
We carry a large stock in all lines and,
are prepared to give perfect satis-
faction in Styles, Prices and
C -11 oriel Mae',
L. A. Hinsperger.
,,am ,-fteAS
The lines of goods we
cut on during August
To Order
Anything in a summer
suiting will be quoted
at a Liberal Discount
Boys', Spring and
Summer Suits -
Also Quoted At Reduced- Prices.
sitramr fkr�
The nrioes of what we have left in=
Men's or Boys' Straw Hats; sells at
verynear half the regular pride.
We have still a good selection of parasols, in fact a few too-
many. ` In order to reduce the number we will Snell:
you a cheap one for very little money, or -a good one -
for the price of a cheap one.
=Bevan e- rev_ make -the Best I -Vis:
#awn, snaour is dug i