HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-10-12, Page 1- : ILIN.rot‘eirl to ttaoaiji rests of :Etst FitinkAA. amid.413,4"*.t 3131-tiee• Vol. 2. MILDFLAYI ONT., TIITTRSDAY, OCTOBER 12th, 1898. No. 42. CHURCH DIRECTORY. rNGLISH.—Services at Fordwich, 10:30 a. m.; Gorrie„ 2:30 p. m.1at Wroxeter, 4:30 p. ev. Mr. Brownlee, Incumbent. Sunday School, one hour and a quarter before sash service. ETHODIST.—Services at 1030 a.m., and 6:30 p. rn. Orange Hill, at 2:30 p. m. Rev. Mr. Greene, pastor. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. W. S. Bean Superintendent. pRESBYTERIAN.—Services at Fordwich at It a.m.; at Gorrie, 2:30 p. in.: Bible Class a Fordwich in the evening. Sabbath School s Gorrie 1:15p.m. Jas.licLaughlin, Superintenden METHODIST—Services in the Fordwich Metho A"- dist Church, 10:30 a. m. and Y p. m. gabbath School at 2:30 p. in. Pray -u--meeting on Thursday evenings at T:30. Rev. Mr. Edmunds pastor. N. McLAUGHLIN, SSUER OT 1/1AERIAGE LICENSES. No witnesses required. Office:—At the Drug Store, GORRIO. la A. TUCK, M. D. VI -EMBER of College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Ont. GORRIE, ONT. R, E. CLAPP, M.D. and .-a_ax•asacrors. RADUATE, Toron to University and member ki College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Residence, Absalom St., nearly opposite the Liv - dry stable. °face in the Drng Store. next door to Carrick Banking Co. MILDsuar. •J. A. WILSON, M.D. T..T ()NOR Graduate of Toronto University " Medical College. Member of College- of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office— Next door to Wendt's Jewellery store. -MILDMAY. W. H. HUCK, V. S. Mildmay, Ont. GR -k')• HA.Tn of Ontario Veterinary College,- and registered member of Ontario Medical Association. Also Honorary Fellowship of the Veterinary Medical Society. Calls promptly a,:tended to niejbt and day. JAMES ARMSTRONG, Veterinary Surgeon • JOHN J. BRADLEY FASHIONA.BL TAILOR vrarlcomc.Wirs4rFte• T...T AS just commenced business in Vogt's Block A. a ft rmerly occupied by Mr. Martin's slaqestore. Boii g a practical and experienced workman, I am able to guarantee first-class work in the lat est styles. John J. Bradley, WROXETER. Scientific American Agency for (LEAD -GATE of Ontario Veterinexy College,„ N--1 and regisiamed-raelniber ol Ont_ario--Yetkrin7 are Association. - - • , = , a." Residence Next to Methodist Parsonage, ALBERT STREET, Gonnnt, niercial otal, Garner Elora and Absalom sts. Mildmay. Tl'HIS fine Stone Hotel is fitted np first-elass style, with large and convenient earhple rooms, spacious parlors and chambers a everyfacility for- the entertainment - of tbe traveling public. The bar is supplied with the choicest liquors I and cigars. Free 'Bus to and from all trains. -- Good Stabling and attentive hostlers. F. X. GUITTARD, ILUTAGEIL Carricit INR'I co CAVEATS,- TRADlARES, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIONTS, etc For information and free Handbook write to MUNN es CO.. 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Oldest Muesli for securing patents in America. loyaly patent taken out by us as brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the tientific Anteriran • Largest circulation of any scientifie paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. intelligent man should be Without it. Weeklyaa.00 a year: 31.g0 six months. Address litUNN & CO, aimasusgs, 361 Broadway, New York Qtr. W. ARMOUR'S, CASH and -PRODUCE STORE, Elora St.. • Mildmay. Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs and all kinds of Farm Produce. Come on and get the cash f4:your pro ducze and don't rob the Store -keeper - by taking frem them more than • your egs are werth. f\ Live and Let live,. Come on and save the lives and- reputation of your store -keeper who offers 33% More for eggs than they are worth GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DONN. Drafts Issued on all .parts of Canada and the United Sates. Loans_ gratit - GOOD SECURITY.; Good Noes Diiouted - Interest allowed onDepbsites - - 7 - RefOelleeS - CalladiTY,B $ank of- Ceniraeices Basis of litiffAtee - - 0. Se1:111 TER, Preerylent,- GISSLiEl? -7 Camillo% _es MISSERE, . , agoiiMaki BAL3 ion . CiEO. Ef-TAIkSEMER The Lea -cling Blacksmith. rrhis is the place where you can get your Horse I Shoeing and all kinds of General Black- stuithing done right Cheap and Neat. Always a full stock of Wagons, Buggies, and Carriages of all kinds kept on hand. I have a -number of FIRST CLASS I-Ieki•rcrwsr, which I will sell CHEAP. If you want one, now is the time to buy. LT axing had a long experience at tote business I feel confident of being able to give first class Satisfaction. Repairing Promptly Done. If you are in warti of ` a good rig give me a call NOTICES e Cess or - rzrautie ,TOTICE is -hereby given; Oats court wa.0 be . 141.1 corpit.held pure4yultx:eoteetpnaLyai,TERLL-7tildT.:QALT,..:. - birtaftipner the "judge_ el the 'County Conit--wf ouWE v of Bruce, at the. Town Raltlitildmay • kink day. 101ot* And deter Call andseegoods and prices. . Wat(IPel- ss ass rrors s.__47 -9_44s on R. T. M ISSERE, Absalom St. •Mildmay. Also a, few second hand Buggies and Wagons. GEO. E. LIESE1V1ER. ST. LEON, Nature's Healing Water.' Life's Nourisher of Blood, Health's Restorer. The Greatest Mineral Water Known. Pleasant to the taste. • Healing to the system. a By the glass or in quantities, at .A.1.11.JISON99 Grocery and Ice Cream Parlors, Gorrie. Howick Fall Show Although the weather looked- very threatening last Saturday morning,he afternoon was fine and- a very large crowd attended the Show. The various departments were well represented al- though• some of the displays .were -meagre. Horses, cattle, and stock gen erally was plenty, but a few slatted dry We have just received • A. grand assortment of • Lamp Goods, Stoves and Silverware, 1711'4110Sn be bought at MODERATE PRICES. Also HARDWARE dal! kinds, Tinware AND Sewing Tvla.Qhines Constantly kept on hand. Remember the Stand The Corner Hardware Store. 0. 1.(14a JOHNSTON'$ CA.S,1-1 Produce .8 Store. good e boxesfurnishedthe whole poul, try exhibit. - Ili the hall there was a hne show of roots and- grains, fruits and vegetables, blit the other branches -were somewhat slim. - 'The Gorrie-Brass Band was present Johnston ; heifer 2 years Old, J L Wil- son, S Johnston; yearling- heifer, S Johnston, J L Wilson ; heifer calf, S Johnston, no Campbell; fat animal, 1 and 2 S Johnston. SHEEP. Liecesters.—Ram, Donald Fisher, Jno Stewart ; ewe lambs, D Fisher; J Scott ; shearling, J M Johnston ; ram lamb, D Fisher, J H Johnsten ; ewes, J H Johnston, D Fisher ; sheering ewes Jas Sanderson, J H Johnston ; pen sheep, J ELT01212St011 ; ram any age, J H Johnston, D Fisher ; ewe, any age, J 11 Johnston. Shropshire Downs.—All the prizes in this class were captured by -w 11 Web- ber, except 2nd for aged rai and 2nd for ewe lambs, which were awarded to Robt Pirie. Grades.—Ram lamb, 1 and 2 Alex. Littlejohn ; pair ewes, A McIptosh, A Littlejohn ; ewe lambs, 1 and 2 A Lit- tlejohn. taull stock of 'Tweeds, Worsteds, Cottonades, Shirtings, Ladies Wear, Men's furnishing; Linens, Honey Comb Quilts, Satin Quilts, Lace Curtains, Flannelettes, Prints and. Gingharas, Fresh G-roceries, Boots and Shoes Highest market price paid for Iter andEggs XtbesevVral-complain -ol-phu Atatir.fipanty- of 'Tovnithir sotia-avingbesksees-Pt.he-0611r 100 SO.itite.,4-Eit141WORia time and place. *Al:4*a, this .disyvfltept:1693"._ - - -EV10113. evle OtCsarelek-; - - - (a-POde-tolean-on --Farn- - es :Ter0erTO at et:NF-nagoideeliEes: SWINE. Berkshire.—Aged boar, Jos Ridley ; boar under 1 year, Smith Bros, Alex Robertson, jr. • • Chester white.—Aged boar, Thos. Manderson ; boar under 1 year, Alex Robertson, jr., Thos Manderson ; brood soweJno Sharpin, S Greer ; ,spring pigs 13 Greer, A Robertson, jr. s and erilived the occasion by very good music dating the afternoon. Mse Hepinstall, the indefatigable Sec- retary of the Society, has perhaps, the best' system of making entries, in vogue with country fairs, and was able to en- tirely avoid the loss of time in properly entering articles which is the bane of one -day fairs. In every way the show was a success and a nice balance will remain after paying all the prizes. The following is the PRIZE LIST. MESE& Agricultural.—Span, 1 Jas. tell, 2 S. Jhnston. ; 2 year old filly, 1 Jno., Coop- er; yearling gelding, Is Wee. Evans, 2 Jas. Bell; 2 year old filly, 1 Jas; Be11,2 Jas. McEwan, Clifford; brood mare, Jno. Cooper, Jas. Bell ; horse foal, Jas. Bell; mare foal, Jno. -Cooper, Adam Scott. " • •-General Purpose.—Span, John Hain- . stock, F. Davidson ; 2 -year-old gelding, W H McCracken, W Strong ; top onions Robt. Edgar ; yearling gelding, J. L. E Sperling; parsnips, W 11 McCracken, Wilson; 2-yeTeesold filly, P. McEwan, W Strong; pumpkins, A. Littlejohn, W Jas. Wright; yearling filly, Ja,s.Hunter, II Clegg; citrons,- Wm Stinson, WII Alex. Littlejohn ; brood mare, R. Har- McCracken; beets, W Strong,W Me - "rig, R. Edgar ; horse foal; R. Harris, N. Cracken ; tomatoes, no Barrett, E Spar- • Hallman ; mare foal, Jas. Wright, R. ling; cabbage, S Greer, Wm Evans; Edgar. , cauliflower, E Sperling, W Strong ; • Roadster. -2 yr old gelding,J Barrett; watermelon, W McCracken; °mum - Ps Edgar, ' yearling golding,lt FedgareMel bers.J II Johnston ; squashes,W H Mc - Johnston ; 2 -year-old filly, A Holt, .R Craeken. Edgar, yearling filly, J. Darroch, FRUIT. brood mare, Jno Larethkiin R Edgar, Winter a,psiles, 4 of each, named.— horse foal, R -Edgar ; mare foa, 1 and 2 Northern spy, A Fortney, J John - Jim( Lambkin. - • sten e greening, , H Johnston, A Little- • Carriage team, Mel Johnston, R Ed- john ; King of Tompkins, J H John - gar; carriage horse or mare, Wm Mur- ston; russett, A Littlejohn, J W ray, Dr. A. M. Spence. sten; baldwin, A Littlejohn, S Greer; IMPLEMENTS AND MANUFACTURES. Ben Davis, Thos Manderson, E Spar - Iron beam plow, Gillies' & Martin, R ling ; Mann, J Henohnston, S Greer ; Ross ; gang plow, B Ross ; straw cutter, Tallman Sweet, R Harding, J. John - Gillies Martin ; root cutter, Gillies & ston Martin, W II Tate; single carriage, Jas Fall apples, 4 of each, named.—Cul- Walker, W H Tate; wagon, W II Tate ; yetis, A Fortney, A Littlejohn; 20 oz organ, A McIntosh. • pippin, Thos Manderson; S Greer_ ; Thos M nderson Jno . POULTRY. Geese, S. Greer; dueks, F Davidson ; light Branmas, Clegg ; pencilled Homburgs, J H Johnston ;- stuffed birds, D Sanderson. Red winter Avheate,.7s-Davidson, Jas Sandersalrf VIrttieer wbeat, F Day- illeen, Wins-Evatie; other kind fall Wheat, rs' Diviastii, 4 Speing; fife „spring wheat,- A Scott ; --Oyether kind Jas McENtaii, F Dax#IsOrk;::barley, Wm •Evans, Jos APndelse21:-esrlarke peas, Jas McEwan, . Jas 8andera*.-ihite oats. F made mitts, and hand made gloves, 1 & 2 in each W H McCracken; fancy shirt, WStrong,- gee Gregg ; log cabin quilt, W H 1VIcCracken ; patched guilt, W Dane, sr, W H McCracken; knit quilt, Geo Gregg, Jno Kaine; crochet quilt, Geo Gregg, W Dane sr ; coverlid, Geo Gregg; crochet in wool, W Dane, sr ; crochet in cotton, W Dane, sr, Jno Kaine; embroidery in cotton, Miss Julia Strong, W Dane, sr ; embroidery in muelin, W Dane sr ; embroidery in silk, G Gregg, W Dane, sr ; Berlin wool raised. W H McCracken, Jno Kaine; Berlin wool flat, J Kaine, Miss Julia Strong ;- Berlin wool flowers, 1 & 2 Jno Kaine; drawn work, W Dane, sr ; cone work, J Kaine; arrasene work, W Dane,sr, G Gregg ; cretonne, G Gregg ; straw work, Jno Kaine; sofa pillow crazy work, R Harding, Jno Kaine; sofa cushion G Gregg ; mosaic patchwork, R Harding ; macrame bracket, E Sperling; fancy knitting in cotton, Jno Kaine; rag car- pet, W Dane, sr, Miss Julia Strong ; toilet mat, W Dane, sr, G Gregg ; shell work, Jno Kaine; cardboard mottoes, W Dane, sr ; tissue work, W Dane, sr., Jno Kaine. IlavicIsories0-0 eblielsotits, Jas San- dersoiee whitebeaile, Win Strong e flour, W 14nesr ; timothy seert-- Jas -Sander son ; yellow ear corn, Rspgar. W- 11 McCracken. - DATritY, ETC. Tub butter, R Edgar ; roll butter, R Harding' Jas Sanderson ; home made bread, Mrs Wm Stinson, Miss Julia Strong e comb honey, C Mitchell ; strained hpusy, ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. Early rose potatoes; S Greer, Wm Strong; elephant potatoes, N "Hallman, S Greer; any other kind potatoes, 1 and -2 C Mitchell ; Swede turnips, S John- ston, Wm Evans ; any other kind tur- nips, W H McCrecken, P McEwan; red mangolds, .W II McCracken, eno Stew- art ; yellow mangolds, 1 and 2 W Mc Cracken ; garden carrots, R Harding, Wm Strong ; field carrots, W II 'Mc- Cracken, J Sanderson ; potato onions, 1 and 2 W H McCracken ; seed onions, FINE ARTS. Pearl painting, G Gregg, Jno Kaine; oil painting, , G Gregg ; painting- , on silk or velvet, Miss Julia Strong, G Gregg; ainting on satin, G Gregg; pencil draiving, Miss Julia Strong ; pen- manship, W McCracken. ; Painting on pottery, W 11 McCracken, Gregg : painting cal wood, Jno Kaine, G Gregg. Lakeiet. • , Two crows with one shot is the lat- est. Myles says he did it. Took aim at no particular one but two fell victims to his random shot. The ducks, though not left unmolested appear to get off easily. We have not heard of one be- ing shot though there are ten or twelve daily in search of the133...Mr.Dulmage's shingle machine is going ahead. Some ono of• the many threshers who are around here are going to get the job with his engine...Clifford and Gorrie had their share of representatives from this vicinity, Friday and Saturday. Nearly all -got a drenching coming home on Friday evening, and the weather il2 the afternoon was of such an unfavor- able nature as to render everything rather unpleasant. Messrs. Jas. Wright and W. Wallace with a two year old colt and roasdster, respectively, had the red tickets in their possession while go- ing home on Friday. At Gorrie on Sat- urday Mr. Wallace again took first there being 11 driven, and Mr. Wright first and second for his colts...Mr. Con- nell, formerly of Clifford,. is moving in hore this week. He is at work at Mrs. Hallad.ay's to -day and the family will be here by the end of the week...John Scott has the finest potatoes in Howick. He is taking them up these days and they are greatly admired by the passers bye:Mrs. Beattie, of this place, left with her two nephews for Clinton last Thurs- day where she will stay for some time keeping house for her brother John who was bereft of his wifelast spring...Mr. Webber had rather hard hick with his sheep et Clifford. Owing to the way they were graded he had to show against all classes, the result was that others which were larger got the prize. At Gorrie he was more successied tak- ing six firsts and four seconds...The mill is to be started some day this weele There are logs enough for a week' 3 Work in the Yard...Mr. and Mrs. niverQ of Teeswater, and Mr. and Miss Under- wood, of Turnberry, were visiting rela- tives here on Sunday.:.:Ars. Smith., daughter of Mrs. Rose, and of -Mrs. Dulmage, is spending these disys in our burg. .R, cKinney is getting on_nicely these days. He was taken to his mother's home on Saturday. •Maiden's Blush, a , Durham.—l3till under 3 years old, Ridley; snow, A Littlejohn, Thos Man - Graham Bros; bull, under 2, A. Holt, S derson. Johnston; aged cow, Jas Hunter, Gra- Plums, W H McCracken; pears, Alex ham Bros; cow under 4 Years, J L Wil- Littlejohn. son ; -heifer 2 years old, 5 Johnston, J • LADIES' DEPARTMENT. L Wilsan; yearling heifer, 1 and 2 Johnston, bull calf, J L Wilson, W Evans;. heifer calf, Wm Evans,J L Wil - eon; herd, J L Wilson, 8 JohnstonDuiham . Grades,—Aged cow,4 L Wil- made socks, J H Johnston, W Dane, -sr, Johnston;jq,S-tow under years, $ machine made socks,W McGracken;hand Save your Ammonia Soap wrappers. When you have MADiEnoilia, or10 Puritan Soap wrappers, send them to us and a 3 cent stamp for postage and we Will mail you free a handsome picture for tramiug. A list of Pictures around each bar. Home made yarn, Jno Johnston, Jas Bell ;, hand -made stockings, J II John- Ammonia Soap has no equal--ee e recom- mend it. Write your name plainly on ston, Jas McEsvan ; machine tuade • the outside of the wrapper and aanresv • StOckings, 1 & 2W H McCracken ; hand W .A. B SHAW & (.o., 48&50 Lonlbar'd St., Toronto, Ont. Sold by -all gel DiAchants and grocers. Give it a trial, •- . 14 • esse-eeeeee--