HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-09-28, Page 9-r w Est St!-C-1iessful Exhibition ition Ever Held 'Here. - every Department Well Represented'. and a Very Large Attendance. The- Fall Show annually held n'Mild _may has always enjoyed a good repu- cation, but this year the anticipations .of the' Directors have been . greatly ex-, ceeded-alai in every respect the Exhibi- • °tion basgone away beyond what the most sanguine hoped, In some departments, it is true, the articles exhibited have been •. a little behind some other years in ,point merit, but this is an off year- for :fruit while the scarcity of grazing would naturally have its effect upon stock, but the show of fruit was nevertheless an t exceptionally fine and fill one and mush --admired ,by the crowds, while the near- : ly 100 head of cattle shown would have done credit to any year. The horse ring was, of course, the main outside �attractionr, but the cattle, sheep, swine, Band poultry came in for a large share of well-earned admiration, never having ;been previously excelled in exhibitions 'here. . The,coinpetition was very keen 'throughout and. the judges in. many :instances had much difficulty in decide ing the awards. In the implement department there was :a wide range of exhibits, which would have appeared to better advantage had they been kept close together instead of being spread over so much space on the grounds. The poultry Show was superb, em- bracing almost every variety of bipeds,. many of which were of a very high wlas3. In the prize •3ist those marked with ^an asterisk (thus *) .are still in doubt. The following is the_ - PR A K LIST : HORSES, -Heavy Draught.—Spin, 1st Robert :.Francis ; 2nd Chas _. Dickison. . Brood :inare,1 Robt.Arrnstrong ; 2Wm.Long; 3 _HenryMontag, 3 year old geldingar-filly John Bilzer,2-R.Fraacis, 3J --Thomson. year old gelding or filly,1 Jas. FA,ines, .2 Simon Breig, a -Wen, Long; yearling :gelding or filly, .1 Geo. Straps, 2 Andrew ;Schmidt ; Foal, B,. Armstrong, 2 Wm. Long, 3 Wm. < Lucas Colt, (special, • `•Pride of Nelson") Wm. Metcalf*. Foal t(.epecial, "Gay. Lad") Jos.. Sehmidt ; -Fslly ("Pride of Nelson") V, 2 Jno. Fischer: General Purpose.--Span,1 John Vol lick, 2 -Jas. Haines, &H. Montag;: Brood inare,1 D. CCulllitou,"2 $.:Armstrong,:.3- iVm,Metcalf; 8 =Tear. oldgeldingorf illy, 1 drew .Sato,;dt -,3 F. Wilton, . Japer : 2 'ear -old gelding or fill; 71kfi jasper,W reneh.3 D:Culiiton; yeah: ling gelding or filly,eF -J. Wiltoon; 2 Jno Wilton, 3 Wm., Trench; Foal; 1 A : Forts ;gay; ort- :z*ey; 2 Thos. Parker, 3` Lorenz,Koehms tedt. - Carriage: Span, 1 H. Wilson, 2 Geo. Z ew 3 A. -Feeteley ; Single horse, 1 `Wer: aBaernr. Trench, 3 Levi 3liller. Roadster.—Span JR. -Duffy, 2 J. C: Henry,, 3 Chas. Yaudt-brood.mare, 'I P Duffy; single driver, 1 Drs Dickison, _IL Chittick, 3 W. H. Huck, V.S. ; 2 year anId gelding or filly, I Jno: Wilton, 2 Jno Schnurr, 3 Peter Pletseh ; 3 year old .;skiing or filly,'Jno Hasldna2 A. Goetz 4 .r. D. Rineie ; yearling geldingor f'iliy 1 Jno. Bilger, 2. Geo. Newton, 8-7- J. • chnurr; foal, I R. Armstrong, 2 P. eareree. >' Durham..—Aged bull, 1 Moses Bilger; `2-yeareold bull, 1 J M Fischer ; yearling uli; I Jas-Thontson, : 2 Jas- Scott, 8'W €; Redden; bull calf,, L and 2 Wm:Dick- ison, 8—jos—Schemed"; aged cow, 1, 2 and Win Dickison ; cow 3 years old, I Jos :Schmidt ; heifer .2 : years old,1 and 3 Jas Thomson, 2 W Diokis'n : yearling - lh ;iter, Jos Schmidt; heifer calf, 1 and 3 t"Vin1Dickison, 2 Jas Thomson; bull any s ge (special) J M Fischer* ; bull many a ,e, .I . M Fischer • (diploma) ; cow any ;a_ae.Wm Diekison* (special) ; herd; Win _Dickison (diploma) ; 5 females, Wm 1}icktson (diploma,.) Grades.—Yoke steers 2 years old, 1 .Jho Wilton, 2 & 3 Jos Schividt; -yoke yearling steers, -: 1 _M Bilger, 2 Jos Schmidt, 3 F Wilton ; yearling steers, (special) Jos Schnsicit.; sow any age; 1 M Bilger; 2.Jacob Biter, 8 Wm Dial - son ; cow, where Only one is liept,1 Dickison; W' II" Huc1 pillow .sham, P Duffy, G Reinhart ; sofa pillrw, Diiiican Fletcher. IMPLEMENTS. Lumber " wagon, A Brohman, Jos Schuett ;, buggy, Jos. Knnkle; cutter, 1 and 2*, Dos Schuett ; iron harrows, B: Goetz 1 .and 2 7: plow, Martin & Gi3l-ies. twin `plows,Martin & Gillies ; straw cut- ter, Martin :di Gillies; horse:_shoes. B. Goetz 1, 2 and 3; pump 1, 2 and -3 silo Diebel TOffeinTA W ifolsgn, sew over. 'ysar, _Wilton, Pat Duffy I- Parr g F Wiltsn, W H Reddon, Jos -Schmidt. Chester White. =Boar .under: -I. year, 1 and 2 G Strauss; sow 1 year or over, 1 and 2 Geo Strauss, F X Rein gessner sew.under-f>year,1 and.2 Geo- -Strauss, F X Beings sszier_; pair spring . gigs, G- Lan:diert ; best boar, any age or - breed, Pesemei<, (diploma). - - Xorkshite.—Sow, J D Kinzie. GRAIN. - White fall wheat, " A. Schmidt, T. H Jasper, J M Fischer; red -fall- wheat, T H Jasper, - Jos Schmidt; spring- wheat, Jos Schmidt, Geo Newton, _Jno Hammes ; white oats, B Walter, P Pletsch Geo Newton; black oats, Jos Burho, W Metcalf, B W alter ; 6 rowed barley, J M Fischer; Pat Duffy, Jos Schmidt; 2 rowedbailey, P Liesemer larg- peas Geo Newton ; small peas, J D Kinzie, B. Walter, Jno I Schill a Timothy seed, J .1 Schill; Jno Schmidt, Geo Newtou. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. Potatoes. --White star, Jos Schmidt, Geo Reinhart; Rose, A Schmidt; Jos Schmidt, A Fortney ; beauty of Hebron, 3 M Fischer, Wm Ammacher ; Elephant, A. Schmidt, P Pletsch, lobs Vollick;; Dakota red, P Pletsch; any. variety, J Haines, P Pletsch, Wm Ammacher; Turnips, purple top, A Fortney, P Duffy, Jos Schmidt ; green top turnips, J M Fischer, 4 -Schmidt, J D Kinzie ; grey - stone turnips, P Pletsch, J Schmidt; B Walter mangolds, A Schmidt, L Miller Jos Schmidt ; : field carrots, G Reinhart, A Schmidt, Jim Schmidt ; 'table carrots, G Klein, J M Fischer, Jos Schnurr ; blood 1beets, G Klein, Jos Schmidt, Geo Curie;'Winingstadt cabbage, J M Fischer, B Goetz,' A ' Schmidt ; Drum- head cabbages ' Jos = Schnurr, Jno. Schmidt, J M- Fischer; Flat Dutch cab- bage ; abbage; Jos- Schnurr, Jno Schmidt, Jos Schmidt ; cauliflower, G Reinhart, Jno Schmidt, -A Schmidt white celery, 1 and " 2 Geo Klein, M Hoefiing-; red onions, Jos Schnurr, Mrs Vollick ; yel- low onions, S Breig, J M Fischer., Geo Reinhart ; potato onions, P Pletsch, G Reinhart; Jos Borho ; red tomatoes; Jno Haines, .Dos' Schnurr ; 'yellow tomatoes, Jos Schnurr, Duo Schmidt ; white beaus, Geo Reinhart, A Schmidt ;2. su:mnier radish; *; winter radish, ,Jos Schmidt; Indian corn, Jas Haines,. Jos Schmidt ; sweet_ corn, ass Schnurr, Jno Schmidt ; squash, Jno-;Sclidt, Jos 'Schnurr ; pumpkin; G G irle,ano Schmidt ; Musk- melons, A Schmidt, -B Walter ; Water= melons, 1 and ° A: Schtaidt; citron, Mrs • Vollick. -, DAIRY..",.. Roll butter, dairy, Jas., nes. A Sclunidtand Haines creek biitter',:(sp. Farm. Inst.) Jas Haines, Mrs Vollick, a 31 -Fischer ; tub dairy. butter, Jno Haines, tub creamery butter. 1, 2 and 3 James Johnston.; cheese home 3nade(sp Farm Inst.) 1 and 2J M Fischer-; maple sugar Jos Burho, as Haines;- maple syrup;: Jas - Haines,_':F-. Wilton, . 0 -Reinhart ,• • home -`made sal ,..0 'aait,..P Liese-. mer, Geo Reinhart; -home made bread, stone -flour;' ?Iekisr� i; � _D Iii ie, P Lie -sinner hondy a-xtr ted, Jas sines d F X.Deingessie, D Kuntz; WQOLEL DMAN urecauRLFS Collection efr clothe A Gissler ; wool blankets, 1 &,2 A.. Gissler; union blank- ets, A Gissler wool flannel, _A Gissler, 2 * ; -union fianuel, * ; rag carpet, Geo Reinhart; weolyarn, : A Gissler, Jos. Burho ; wool mitts,- . ano Schmidt, -A Fortney wool socks, G Reinhart, Geo Curie wool • stockings, ano Zinn, Geo. Curia.; suit_ clothes, 1 & 2..fly_E Liese. mer... HAAY$ss. Set team harness, L- A Hinsperger pair scotch collars, 1 and 2 L A Hina' perger; set single harness, L A Hias- perger. ' ' _ _ LADIES WORE. _ Hooked mai, P Pletsch, *. .patched quilt, a Sieiing,' Wm Lucas; knitted quilt, 1 and 2 alto- Serling.';;log cabin quilt, Wm Dickison, Jno D 'Kuntz; Feather wreath; P Pletsch, A Brohman; Embroidery -'.iii e3tton; : W. Dickison; darned- ner, W-1 Huck, ano Haines drawn -thread `work,1 and 2W. ;d= Ruck; crochet in oettog,Jne » :Il`fintee . W H Hack; crock in wool, ,A Brohman; croi tet-ln silk, Wm Diekison ;: side- board scarf, Darr : Ha ine s Win-Dickison; braiding in- cotton; F= T Wilton•, D.uncaii Tletclier ; Ascarf, _GS.obtirter; -.toilet mat, W `H H D ,Fletcher; -Berlin. wool. nota -raised,, ani- `laskn, Jno D Kuntz ;Berlin wool -xaised, is Reinhart,. JOB Schnurr ,--ainting_on velvet,Dunean' Fletcher -fa -IMP -Kuntz;. painting on -silk or. 'satin,. W ickison, F _; J ; Wilton,; crazy patchwork, anti Haines, F Wil: ton a appligne'work, W- Dickison ; arra setae . work, - F :Wilton, W Dickison ; crewel work, 1' Wilton; tatting, W Soyer ; cow 3 years old, 1 Jacob Bilger, 2 W .. Dicldson, 3 Jno Wilton ; heifer 2 years -old, 1 J Bilger. 2 Chas -Schumer, 3 W 1)ickisont ;, ?earlin g beif sr, 1& 3 .las Thomson, 2 -John Wilton ; heifer celf,..1 Wrn Dickison* 2 Jas Thomson ti females, 1 '- Bilger (diploma) ; best :fatted anin al 1 Jos Schmidt, SHEEP. Oxford Do_wn's.—Aged ram, W Dicki- son; shearling- rain, 1 & 2 Peter Pletsch; ram lamb, 1, 2 Jc:3 W-DiQkison: aged ewe, 1, 2 -and 3 W Dickison shearling ewer 1, .2 and 3 W Dickison ; ewe lamb, d L 2, and 3 W Dickison; pen - of sheep, W Dickison (diploma). " Leceister. Aged ram, Jas Thomson, ltcrbt Armstrong, John Wilton ; shear- :ling:ram, It Armstrong,- Jas Thomson; rani Iamb, F Wilton, Joint Wilton,- Jas Thornton.; aged ewes, Robt,_Hast ngs,.J Wilto Wilton; shearlin ewes, f & 2 ; Holm -Wilton,. = Robt ..Hastings, ewe sabs, 'l _ and .3-.491111. Wilton, ;2 Wil twa ,- .pen of sheep, o)rn WV li-(dip } Berkshires. -•-Borg whiz e digieed) over 1 1 Jue SeWid4;7boar POULTRY. -Light brahiiia, G Curie, A E Truax; - partridge cochius, A. E Truax,-* a - Netts Spanish, G Curie; A: E Truax ; ham== burgs, A E. Truax, B Walter ; white:leg horns, A E Truax 1' and 2 ; brown leg:._ horn; A E -Truax, P Duffy; wyandottes, Jno'Wilton, FJ R4ilton; plymouth,,'rock A. E TTruax, P Pletsch ; turkeys, Jas Haines, G_New•ton ; geese, P-Pletsch, A E Truax-; ducks, A E Truax, P Duffy. FEVIT Amies--_- DncheBs of ' Olddenbt ,` F- J- WBton, A ,iScl tt Snow, Dos Burho C iandt;k:Ate i BInsh, o - Wilton, t Lrin. A Sc..hdt. • I:It a; ,Jnr ilsou; s fit iu Seek-eurtber, :J 3t -r iseher j D - XIn zie American Golden Russets." a k -Mohler, -D Kinzie ; . Roxbury Russets, Jos Schmidt, Geo Newton ; Northern Spies, Jno Zinn, ano I Schill:;._ 20 oz Pippin, 0 Dickison, a M "Fischer : King of Tompkins County, . cos Burho; A Schmidt; Baldwins, .Jos Burho, Dos Sehhm t;;- R I Greening,- H Montag, F d W'iltonTBenDavis,Jos Schmidt, J D Kin- zie; Taman Sweets,F wilton,Jos Burho; Faliwater-Jos Burho, P Plea ch ; any other variety, Kabishaw; Geo Newton J `Burho; (Mori Mundi, Jos Burho. crabs, C Dickison w Ammacher;Flemish Beauty Pears, las Haines, Jno Wilton, Bart- lette Pears, J Fischer, Geo. Newton, any variety of Pears, Jos Schmidt, 1 & r2 Plums, Lombards, D Fletcher, Jno Bur - he.; Green- Gage, Jno Schmidt ; Yellow Egg, Jos -Burho, ano M Fischer Blue, Jos Burho,' Jno Diebel-; Red Egg, dos Burho ; Peaches, Jos Burho. ARTS. Landscape Painting -in Oil, Albert Goetz, Jos Schuett ; Portrait painting - in oil, Albert Goetz. If you have not yet paid your sub- scription to the GAZETTE, kindly do so at once. we havebeen at considerable expense the `:past few months and the dollars and doilars which are owed us on subscription are now badly needed. -Fall Fairs.._ Wroxeter, Oct. . 3-4. East Huron, at Brussels, Oct. 5-6. Howick, Gorrie, Oct. 7." Hensel, .- Hensall, Cot. 7-8. Morris, at Blyth, Oct. 10-11. Dungannon,at Dungannon, Oct. 21-13 *10 Reward. will pay the above reward for information 4. that will convict the party -or parties who stele my stonehbat from the frott of my carriage works, Ifildutay, on Saturday' night, Sept. 23rd. - SOS. SCEUETT. Mildmay, Sept.=27th,1863. lasgoid J'Tousc. -tore to the Front. . All summer ;odds at c t - No old stock must be allowed to aacem date. Sl 12jp ,p ia1sat _ 0c. - lac..pr uiteatlosteas 8c. 100. Stralsrhataa't6, . ' Big Reductions —Iu— `alt E-at�1 during August and September; Come along . ,ndget. Your -"Jag.. before the snaps"are all gone. In. Men's - u -its and -Furnishings we lead them all We have oliK . and Bargains In ever too numerous to enumerate. Bring , along` - your Produce= andget trial' lot and Judge for your= self. , Aiseebe sure and bring your Picture 'Tickets, and get your Cards Pt ached - - if you do't tome you wnil= disappoint us.- LIN - 1 s.1 • • MOM Drugs, Books, and Stationery, t 4• Druggist and Stationer, 5 _ GORR1E, ONT. " ARBveOIit, nom , and COMIC Srli0V=S. Stove Furniture, Tinware etc., in -every style and at lowest prices. A fine" line of now lines cow ties, etc. Don't go past us if you want a good deal. [u- ter 6st Henry's, Doy ou�ish : t� save money? - Do yo u vish to' save labor`? De _ f3'� wish to beautify -your bur holrtes ? :Do Do you wish to make your fellow mortals happy ? All" of which can be accomplished by examining and buy- ing your Wall- 'apers, Borderin s, etc. - 7 The Fordwich Hardware Men. —:::AT TER �aRflWien 1)RuSoRE. We have opened out a large and well selected stock of light and dark grounds with beautiful patterns, suitable for ceilings, bedr000ms, hags and par.. lors, with bbrderings to match of the best American inauufactur-es- dee ohr Gold apd SilVer desigris. Our:cheap papers are marvels. We carry a full line .of . Grain, Clover, and , garden -seeds, all of -which will be old cheap for cash s ial Announooment. Having purchased' a first-class full plate glass Hearse l am _ in -a better position to do: the undertaking of this community than betore, and owing. fo _reduct iiia in the wholesale ices of our goodsi am in a position to give -the use of this; nim nificent Hearse' free, that is to say my charges will be ' ne more -'and same less than before. :D�eml>e ©f ntario School of- Emig. • urnitore Dealer and t :ate try ti Vol. 2. CHURCH D ENGLISH. -Services at at Gorrie, 2:.x,0 p. m.; a ev. Mr. Brownlee. Incum" cue hour and a quarter be f ETHODIST,—Services p. m. Orange Hill. Greene, pastor. Sabbath W. S. Boaz Superint.eude 'PRTISBYTERIAN.--Berri a.m.; at Gorrie, 2:30 Fordwich in the eve -lin Gorrie 1:15 p.m. Sas. McLa 14'1 ETHODIST—Services dist Church,; : 10• Sabbath School at 2:30 p. Thursday evenings at 1:3•x. pastor. N. McLAU T S:mER OF 1MI::P.Ii1 ' witnesses require i. Oftce:—At the Drug St 1. A. TUC 1.-E5i13ER of Collega 0 1. getras, Ont. R. E. CLA 1'L�rS�c?itia2 a! � " ItADUATE, Moron to S College Physicians Residence, Absalom St., n e y stable. O e in the to Carrick Banking Co. 1, A, VvilLS HONOR Graduate of Aleuical College. 1' PhySiCiails and S':rl eo Nest door to Wendt's Jeu W. H. HU • ,i_ DULTE of Oatari 8n,_ registered mem Association. Also Donor Veterinary Medical £o attended to night and' da JAMES AR;, r Vethrin a. y (_RADUA r of Ontari and •,.-,-;tereu Dry Association. tzie Residence Next to Metllou AL11J1:T STREET, Gommerca Corner Elora and Abs Tiffs ene Stone Hotel is style, with large ani rooms, spa^ious parlors every facility for the traveling public. The bar is supplied wit and cigars. Free 'Bus to and from al Good Stabling and atteo F. X. GU Car MANcl GENERAL BANKING Drafts issued Canada and the Loans- mad COOD Good Notes Interest allowed on References: Canadian Ba Bank of B C. SCH A. G-ISSL NOTICE is hereby gi held pursuant to T by Ids honor the j udge toe County of Bruce, at on WEDNESDAY the .2 84. 1893, at 2 o'clock mine the several compia .ions in the Voters' List the Township of Carrick All persons having bus aired to attend at tl Dated at Mndmay, ttu