The Gazette, 1893-09-28, Page 7s_- , `_ gam' r a =. - - f r s- _ "& a = >�� fi '.�� - i -- r- , ?F 4 Y '1 - -- d 9 �- s �g c� Y r' r a e - _-b .� ---a T. s - . ..r - Win...--. _ _.. .. ., x i ':. -. -.:..- - >¢�' .... -s.: -.. �.' �P, - � - ,1�. -Yi: { T: ^.'i - - - �.. _ - _ .rte - Y _ _ .-. •' _ -• d L - v ;' Y =:' . - _ - i:- - y—r - - - fir•-. Y, z , - ... -_ . I , _-- ..: 11 142 11 4 . _ . _ - .� - BUILDING , Z?RI"i�NG Arg$• ejected into sold water. and atiowed tore :' kK -it'. Snst Rsceived by mala :forty-eight hours to dissolve, after A-j�{,� I I-- ahsch, by the ordinary mode of crystallin- ,= ! Ara Iaeident o[ the seg ing, it may be obtained from the'solution. V'r, ii 1'1 Q BT O _At midnight on the night of the 28th of _ STEEL vs. T11aBE>; SLt,EPERs.. , Y -W. O n O { ugust, .1568, the order was passed along The nae of steel sleepers is now strongly SUC1 �� . the -decks ,of the ship•to '.stand ready to advocated for tropical countries, where the �T �, 1 heave her to. We were midway. between ,use of timber sleepers is open to many objet- I'alnts, Oils Glass, Putty �vV �'Qujj�� mut and a at the 'the, islaiid of St, Paul and the Cape of Good tions•• 'In theoflicisl reporIt- t on the'project- - �f all kinds } ', Hope, ra�eing for the cape. 'For eight hours ed Mombasa -Victoria ' Lake Railway for `VPire Nails, Spikes, Tools ��f W I H C H A we had been driving on like a wild locomo• opening.up communication with the interior , r -tive, followed by the mighty waves.of the of Africa it is recommended that general . • great Pr ��'-�-S i On a't i great Indian Ocean, but the ship could no use be made of steer sleepers rather than 4 longer outrun- them, though driven by the creosoted fir or pingado. wood for- the fol' . 0 . Vm,riaie , & Ston•6 power of a hurricane: She. must be brought lowing reasons : A permanent'way of thisE to E 9 n Am ' A • head to the.sea to save her. I)Sring-the construction is practically indestructible to WV l I next ten minutes the chances •against her natives with such few _mechanical ap•; �Y O R KS • . were'as twenty -to one,. arid, at the critical pliances as are to be met with in East 0 moment her decks were so deluged that the Africa. The custom of firing the grass at, - Afine Assortment of great fabric seemed to be aettlin own under our feet. Alen cried oLt, snot hen certain periods.of the year,axtd the tempts- GGranite Monuments tfon to .nae the timber sleepers for fuei'or y Shut their eyes. and ceased to breathe. It hutting purposes would: • expose a ling laid seemed an a e before she swung around to � 1 of every style. Also a large amount 0# g g with timber sleepers to many risks.. �V bite tG meet th waves head on, and the wheel was ry, � Fordw:lch �vb@ ants are numerous in the count ,and tom %q� the - lashed- to keep her on the port tack,•bnt .mit great ravages. • The steel sleeper has _ when that had been dome human hands also -no tendency to '.float and be carried BEST NEW YORK MARBLE.' could ago no more. awe b flood water, which is the ease with v� -�©7-t� � MY 9, t(Dro, _ Runnin o:f before the ale we had not ,• _, Y' , . Ham _rd W CI. e; i2�-� g g ainl*er. further, in India it has been ret- . felt its full force, but, now it was enough ounized that the initial- cost of laying, and We are ilierefore prepared to furnish oto appal the stoutest heart. - The roar, of the subsequent cost of maintenance, is full Stock of all kinds of Hardware. No Niagara would have bees drowned a bun- greater on a roars laid -with timber than on 6G 99 ?Monuments and Headstones at GREAT. Bred times over. The"re was such a shriek one laid with steel sleepers. There •wouldee� tQ',Q • �;Q the bl , tQ�%r] s, for �e �a'q� . ing and from up aloft 'that one be a saving of about $150 to $250 per mile eYer�t13111g Come axed deaf at d, hrSt-e1aS` Ly REDUCED Prices. became cowardly in spite - of himself, and of permanentway-byusingcreosoted timber V It will a you to call •before_placings the- motion of, the ship obliged every man instead of steel -sleepers, but this small sav- ilOuse,: where goods are way down chea,f. immense line O pay y to lash himself where he stood. It was the does not connterbalance the liability to . your order. brightest of moons and the clearest of skies" destruction aqd •the increased cost -of main- • ALABASTINE for the walls, iri all colors.VANSTONE BROS.: and yet that hurricane .came out of the tenance.• Generally jt -has been thought .west as if driven by -all the.,steam power of ,iDg advisable to provide a permanent way of y, a continent. Now the ship a:most ; . ood exceptional streut*th far the gauge, partly Tina llt�llll�;' and Repairing a Speciality on her head as she went. climbing -up the on account of the gradients making heavy - slope of a wave which seemed -to roll- engines desirable, partly because such ac . higher than our mastheads ; now she went road offers in such a country adva>btages in - An elegant Stock• of ,.. racing down on the other aide, with rail- maintenance, and partly because' the cost b DUIM& 9 0road -speed;. and, it seemed as if the abyss of permanent; . way materials and their - . no was a thousand feet deep and that she must .transport is note so low as to make the Te - find bottom.- From 12:30 to daylight it. auction of its weight of less imp ortance than ANDS ® s . I seemed simply a question of how -quick the •it was some years ago. - . �0Orr _ . end would. come. - - ' THE TELEPHONE ABROAD. . As the sun came up the -winds dropped a . WHAT YOtI DON'T SEE, ASK FOR g little, but the spgctacIe Was one , which L'Economiiste Francais; in commenting =_�•r_s . many of the men refused to look:. `L'kie great upon the. opening of the long•distance tele �� ocean was a bed of froth; and rising out of phone Bite between New York and Chicago, j ���.,� �� , Carpets, o--4 the froth, were regular walls of green'water remarks that its length -is double -that of the P O Stair Carpet. Window Carpet. crested with foam,`which reared themselves line- between Paris and Marseilles, hitherto • window Holland.• tn� to a -height of forty -or fifty feet 'and raced• the longest, and proceeds to review she t � Lace Curtains, 4oc. to b into.the eastern horizon at a speed of a mile astonishing progress of tl�e art. since 1876. • Something choice in per set. �' Art Muslin, bleached and ''C3" a.minute: Sunrise found 'us lashed -where .That progress may be said to have been colored. - `"j we wire at midni ht and noon had come confined to this country until" about 1553;, . Tabling. CT? � t before an man -dared move about., The 'when the Europeans fairly -awoke to the im- Omits' Walking Shoes, Cretonnes. y V f Walking . Nsalisbury Cloth. .gale had broken.aacl the spoondrift was no pDrtance of, the Invention. From that time Verona Corrie. " _ {logger flung over us like fresh snow;. but it Switzerland and Belgium ,were especially. •`.a? Printed Challisa. �'` (.would be'hours before, we could get the actsve-.in.telephonic development, the Hain- ' • LiLdIeS' Lace Boots, b, - wool Dalaines. O cd Pinksi<tderpamCashntare ship on her courae..� The men werenibbiing -bar of subscribers in. Switzerland being 1' 'tj and every other sada- . v'; { at the only food•to be got at when the look per -125 inhaliitanta; and in Belgium 1 ger PQ�js� andirls! 345 basin the computation upon the. o u• . •„ t•, Nuns' Veili>±gs. A out gave an alarm. On our starboard bow, , g . p P POP _ Net veninggs. � driftin ",the same rate as we were and 'lation ¢f towns where telephones are nsed.< Boots and' Shoes• and b1'k DressSerges ts. g >� s0• ` i a;a victories. p O now hidden by froth andnoai heaved clearly In the Italian -cities the proportion is as 1 - Lawn checks., _ ! roto view, was' a man lashed, to a , hatch to -343. The Government n,onopaly of the plouse stripes. d "I � I cover. ' He•was nct'above fifty - feet away, telegraph in England for a long time, re- Flanneletts-17 patterns. "� pressed, the development of the telephone, have the choicest leather in stock and make a speciality of ordered work. , Pe>~+ N Shaker Flannels. (n, and as. we gathered at the rail he- waved his p ' ,C rn . �arpetwarp. �i• ' hand to us. Somewhere'to the west of us and private companies are obliged to'pay 'a fact fits guaranteed. +' W •weaving warp. G ' his shi bad foundered during the night, , heavy royalty to the Government, so that Black Dress Bilk. O C1 1- P n p'.a Black Sateens. '� ' I As we had the wind and .sea in our favor, the proportion of to population, ^.' n p p 0 A� P�' �Y D V N E. CA ', Velvets and Flashes. �' w.. we tried to 80.tt him out -a buoy. It would t London -i but 1 ft 1133, little more than IR E; PR I R I, -1 O I I ` 1' 1 !., - Brown Holland. m i almost reach -him and then whirlaway astern, that shown. in the cities of lovely so ' ha W rn valises• t'*' ' as if carried by some. current cieaxed by the Austria said France are relatively somewhat - Ltiuch_ Baskets. ,� � Churns. � � � `huli:of the ship: 'If. be -shouted, we could backward, but -upon the whole the use of t. _ • $utter Trays and Ladles. - O not hear him, • bui "each time we pulled the the telephone appears ta•be fai'more generalS H s %t on VPashtubs. p.:>� buo back to make .a fresh -trial.he encour- . 'than;would . e supposed. Eil;�lv *H� I Crockery. Y •- - O Glassware. n m • aged Its with . gesture. - We made a dozen - . Hardware. fir M+ attempts before we gave it up, and -then we Sharks iia the English Ghanneb ti__ . Patent 111edicineq. of out the signal gun and tried to fine -a' Top Anions: J g - 0 "I K , `d 'd Potato onions. o. - line over him.' l gun. a ordinary sea run Writing from blevagissey to the Times, Cd 0- Dutch sets. _ d nin his chances would- have been good. If "Long -Liner" says ;-since the _yachting Sv g- season is now at its Height and the presentMM VV W., . 8 . cd lard€u Seeds �. !. W Brtrshes, a,li kinds. �-•� •too rough far : a boat, we could nava got e "L washing Soda. O I Buoy to hIm' br 'sent a line: by the gull. tropical weather rnayinduce. both the own- us O Whiting• ' X", fie' With the gale still piping and the waves ers and crews of. these vessels to indulge in -'154 R B Oil. p running so' tremendously high we could. a dip overboard when hove to, or' durtag a �1*W �yQ' a• do nothlxt as it ought to be done. Twice. calm I sial desirous to avert a catastrophe �e,41 g a�f� & 1j 0�qEj : Tu' entire. -Cf . ` g s'' 1 00� >n� Castor oil, by the Ib. m ."t3 I the line fell fairly over his float. once it by making known through the' medium of bA Btone Crocks. rt p; Was just as the foam- smothered' him, and, your columns, that the watexa of the .,thtf �� ®� ,pj�?�i�'I', > thenware Crocks._ yi he could neither see nor, act," and again ' he ern portion' of the English Channel at, this Pans.OV PO1�DICI, ONT. '� I}EilhPails. got hold of itwsth his right hand, Uut could moment abound with sharks of such size as . �� tip wash Boilers. not stand the attain Of pulling and had to to render them dangerous to human life, �� G a L i , Tea liottlea. ", let o It vias a horribiething to stand and Botil professional and 'amateur sea fisher- 1 o . a) do copper. + g resence of U) Dish Pans. � watch that. man and- imagine his' fellings, men can bear, to. the p: eel U Felt Hats, just to hand. {': A hundred feet from him was certain sal- 'these unweiconie viastora. As I write the Milne t0 Loan On Farm SGS fitraw Hays for 500 heads. quay p� � W e are going to Y '� Lase Frillings, vation,'but he could not reach us, and we pilchard drivers oti the ua era re airtn curlty at the Lowest Rate the by sharks' biting away. the d C., Nies aid Collars. cotiid.nbts reach him. of Interest. 1'o Shirts. A� ' ,after lie' Iet o of the line -he seemed to • meslied fish together with the net that held •� �i . `. m 'd Dress Shirts. t ! realize. that it n*as -a useless fight; dud he: thein. Last week three out of four linea that . ' O G f;sisgors . c3 ge Knives and Forks. - .O ' waved bis hands to us _ as if to say that we i .had down f or .whiting were carried away, 'm s Dols. need made no furthEr efforts but we tried but_I caught the depredator and recovered CO.; Michigan, near Sault o sago's. - both buoy and cannon again. `Phe sea was the gear -s shark 5tt Iong. - One pilchard Ste Merle. j'' ed' Goods. `>� pow Linos. . i tboa determined to'have his life, and after boat alone caught six of. these fish, an- ,Good Notes dihcoUnted. .1 Bed Cords. - • O 1,1 two -hours' work the mate signalledtohim other four, and all .suffered by damage to HY DO YOU CTO THEME 2 blq,rbles. � that' we'could do.tlo more untii'the 'sea went nets and gear. Two of the sharks hauled _ 0-0 - Wire Clotheslines. ' dov«n: Oust then some mysterious action ,up alongside exceeded 9ft in length, •and a W Bab Carriages. ' - y •"'Nell, we have five boys, 0 Croquet. : ' of wind 'and wave began to inerease• his dig larger fish carried awe in fathoms of hose Special . Attention given tri 1. Spices. ilk lance from us. Re noticed it as, as'we All this happened within two_milea of the , d and; inak'in .:a gesture which meant' coast. (laving lived for yeaxson'theshorra� "iV� have sold the ,farm for �5� � CONVEYANCING til , g !000• WO Cal h. 64O 1�E KEEP EVERYTHING, AND SELL. -CHEAP. I' "Good-bye," he turned his face away from of. a shark infested sea, and knowing ns anti was soon nut of sight!; drifting away monsters of this size are dangerous to life. ores • between- Pick- _____�� into an expanse whose nearer' shore was and limb, I trouble yotrwith this letter in fiordna ¢he �aila� - 1�1the coast of Africa. order that bathers=between_Plymotiig and i1LL t� t� ' �' 'j Pogr"man'!" sighed .the spate when lie Falmouth at. least -'nay take warning andtat�Qt a �u�ald'' , could no longer make ottt an avoid -a very real and serious risk. �]. Qod i;�;rnl •" Poor roan 1" ' sigbe . every one , else .- _ - - . t have a aboard when it was known that he had dig• pe'ath ofan Affiazon in England• , �, .1 Iappeared,-0111d that. another sunriss would Burgh, one of the company of Amazonsor E.ac�l thy. �CiS North of. the Post Office, ®one left. FORDWICI$i . witness a'. _,corpse lashed to 'the wreckage nowexhibitingattheCrystalPalaee,London,- E,nd have � y . and tuni�iling about on the angry, ocean. has died at the Norwood Cottage Hospital.ihat: can a renter do there? - I Burgh;. it appears, was taken. ill at the W�O�ET Palace 'vrith• an affection of the lunge', and He_ can hny a farm ou five years time Q, B R E `r o v. �, S�IENOE ; AND IND�STRY: was removed'_ to the Cottage Hospital. ' Burgh, upon being admitted to the ward, and pay'for It with one fourth of the . t - A-USLFUL HIN T FOR NATURALISTS. refusetl•to lie on toe bed,• and, persisted in money he would pay mor rents in that - . FIRE AND STS30g •-PLANIN=G MILL.* Until recent years alcohol was generally. 1ping upon the floor. The nurse placed the time, and .&Wn h13 Oven home• �used-. for preserving ."specim•ens _ of fishes by mattress upon the floor; and 'after being in � . r 13 h d hand ? NU . Perth Mutual Fire Fire Insurance Ca. ,excellent. became less hopefuly'and she roverheard the �•��yy c T mom• p ` - A,PTGUL7AR ItlROBE. nurse say `` Burah is weaker," and the tO�a' and all kinds .of I3.. -'17. tJ1Y111 i3 LXX � _ � �, Economical Mutual Fire Insurance Co. g'$ingular phenomenon has: been' discov ' black. patient quickly answered, Yes, I'se iii connection wit( the waters. of 'the' foots:' Prices.aregood as any oil the Avlti fitted nil the �Proxeter Planing til# mercantile Tnsurancse Ca ered weaker," and looking very earnestly fn the with new machinery throughout anti are not► �� - Biach'Sea. It has, long been known 'that` face`of tine nurse, Burah held up Iter hands takes; owing to the nearness of the to furnish : - Etna lnsurance,Co. - . " these waters ata depth Of�- more than 100 and drew the nurse's attention to her finger egg and lumber woods to the west- 1 y� � . fathoms contain so much_ sulphuretted llt'y nails, which were of .a. pure' white. Le• +ash, Gave. Jo x� A:. all. dragen as to"he unfit for the support of. ceased said, "My nails are sick.. I die,. %ward• of eo le live there 2 - . - fishes. A recent observer has traged the I die," and the big tears • rolled down her- QG'hat class p P 3 noxious as to a microbe which is found in cheeks. Burgh gradually got worse, and he .are nearly all from Iinron 'Co. �r � InY �TL` ,HEP TwTALI� 'the oozra of -the bottom. Ft is able to de- passed away, mach to the' regret; of the T y so man old neighbor's _ __2 - - y nurses :and medical 'staff, who were moat ��t3ta deet there y Y I 11 - �'OC iSifi r_ ompose mineral sulphates and he received � _ 1.the name of bac1llus hydrosulturicus pont"- anxious to save her. Although she had Ethat you can hardly believe you have - only been in-thetospital: two days, she had I home. and all kinds of House Fnrnxrigs, .. x -, '- CttB, IN BORAx PROI)CrOTION _ b titnde and leasantmanner; made + = w- _ �ner �, usurauce- - InaPaovEMn�rr . y hergra p - d. Who has it . Jam' F the katest method of producing, borax all the staff very much attached to their_ ! o see that len _ _ = In 1 f I- watt t PLAI`1ING AND . 11IA'T' I _ :. Ed-'to;.the.,aetioa o ured alien': ' of - e` W� s,sub eel "colo .P 12 In4nire may , s It ti, e. a .J " CO uf6on. 0� a c r . NE_ P OMPA' r . �t' g �- .d f su erliea efi - DO R L3�' - t a �Fae." sad; aide y ' _ P - x .. dude _ boric; F:? - _.Y +'. ,� Y ._ e z _: ., sedge ,._ y,.: __,_ "arefitll 'mi _3 .- -,r _ _-" ..; ..�, nil acid.: e v - Y _ �y -m :. , z . _ alt n the 'who' ole •� t7� - et. ,_. :. >. ,'; ,; ^.steam ...;. p �Tt q� } '., _.n .. - , ; , .- e l 1c . What good. on earth gang. y { . B11 Y l JJ _ _ x r __, _ ;.,z1 � y.., . ,g_. heat end h dna ;a G'. Onl first -cls S wo : , 5- _ _ , 'a�: re&; ., - v .fit I -f H W. • _ . is>s1 .a, fi . + ex. e, t e nth o b _ �. r , _:� - fK' .. d let the lou o a y _ fir# ilk- ; _ <`_.. adnncoI Xltea„ an r_ at- i ttz# agog'., _ _ g ie Mich. � � €'£i .ata s r A_. �,_�_ ctd _ _ te. _�, a _ S - _ salt _ .: sad to ad. I _ - =,<- �- �._ ,.r F �,' .r_reasea� a th lid-exa geration - �� _ " _ u y , -., „ stn „� . ?#' . F,, ulnen -:..15 e, �. iyy.�re is no g g •• `•�a0i.,*.`°' + -..., ,.. •,�-. �.^:_> .Y• ->.:. •... :- ply - - 1: - r+'Y...-..a...-. !+. - f 3_. _�._.,,.,-... .�.' - Y ... ,� - ,.� - _ --' - - -.......,_ .. - - • >r: - - '•:rte y k -. she d b bein ex- :. - -_ N _ - {' e t to eoite _ `truth. xa' weak�ne y 2; T G AN_.: .9 ._. even tine !:::u .. - , • E Era- -� :. _. �. ; _ _.. of a r , f rr , . _ n i : Ont. es ed foo tro -, __ N : it `y s g p DWIOIi - OiI s o- F n __.. _ _ �_ . ,. ._ a o :a _ t w Pr .I'"lanst scar._: >:.._. � , ,- ', :� �r>.,. d of "the re ar'%,. � s mem- � I'� ry � �� :_ .::._;: = se ns�are like old men full' ' -par. _. : r >._ill, s h .. _. Uld men y- ircniax:a and•?. - .. t st #or than s -a. ion 'br Pot p -_ 4 1�1ni_ #f pries ; they are. et_onge B g }Q 1� ill •� - Lit.- _ '- 'n - Ys _ �'-. �.�.gr��e;f _ -ju� OX0, of ' - 3 ,.. Y _ _ '� ^ .'`i: ,b; -. _ I. -2`r i .na-'.e..zi'�'F -� y t n v .,l .:. s .. --.-.._.: - - %sn ail R ms's - - - y `- <- M,'�' >.�� 0 - - wx'• A _ ice' - •• f' _ • � itk,_--..a , _ .`,,_ .'_ _ ' ,f _ g7. ,"P, z ,�. _ - 'ma k-' 3-3 3• - .i.�:_ `}¢ - }y$�}k ter. - d f 3 - _. - :. - _ - � - Y SR` x �� of - #� y '4.c.J ,Y C - _ �_- "11 2 Y-�S -err Y ., _ v< - . _` I h v� S- a ` x - RESOURCE -_ _ T1iE IRON The Wonderful Wealth oilmen', -Some Fora Have Hindered the Iron Industry. The Province of Onta P richest mineral countries whole northern p3rtion li I the most valuable ores and civilization. Yet u •date few people, unless such as Sir William I. the possession of these Latterly, however, a been established in Onta Report this year furnisi of information and exhi with iron especially a such as was hardly Brea average citizen. It is s Address presented by Council to Sir Oliver \l was well within its bout "Iron mining on,the n Superior will p1aF as i the industries of Canad in the States of hlichig Minnesota, The smelt• the fostering care of ou undoubtedly soon foll should make Port Art -hi be the Pittsburg of Ca So far back a.c 189, . wrote a report in whit probability that the b river and its tributaries the St. Lawrence, were stores of iron ore. Refs Of these mineral riches, don Exhibition of 185 British miner, accustoii ore containing 3 ) or 4U urally regarded with s of the precious metal set. of metallic iron. Canadian iron is ver Sweden, which is favor . ers for steel, Sir Willia it only remained to sh be obtained in paying make Canadian min There now seems littl cheaper transportati railways have made thousand directions. In the Canadian N' gist not long sin, -e estimate of the ca the districts in the Billings, for many the Geological Survey thought, touched a the country for many probably 250,000, Of the Crosby mine he was very optimists .. to contain 500,000,00( which would take the Britain and the StatA to exhaust, In Sout of a bed 60 feet in thic 000,000 tons of pure which the Marmora supplied might be es" - 100,000,000 tons -en 1,000 toss a day f yet, as he very prolm . deposits were only a wealth of the Pro`vin . Billinga' estimates tioned, it is hard;to - _ j five -rte ' -'-when iron on thelin could be mined, I:A Ston and tre lsferreci and Oswego at V-25 for many years was $5 per ton. Even al is a fair profit. Lai - confidence in fiscal1 . the necessary energy factors. North of Kingstni . large deposits are irk, - fax Back as 1623 a V in Marmora tower Addington, Frontet possess iron ore, and Bedford township w, . years. In order to c districts the Kingst; way has been const - ° was spent upon the way. Mr. Ledyar, mine at Belmont j - American Company operation, and the are building a ra mines with the Mid . in Algoma are beyy the front. That tH connected with iro' unimpotrant is ail table which we tak jug Bureau report, census of 1551 : Industries Agricultural int- plements . - • • - - • • - Blacksntitbina , . • • Boiler works... , , • Car and locomo- tive works... ••. • . Cutlery ............. Edged tool works Engine works.....- Fire pr o o f safe work ............. Fittings and foun- dry work in iron, brasc, lead. etc... Foundry and ma- chine works.. • • • • Gun making ........ Lock making ....... Nail and tack fa-c- tories............. a p.ollingmilll�.. • • Saw and file cut- ting.---•• fa Scale ctorie - , - • Screw fa.ctorie,.-• Sewing machine facto ries .... • . ' ' • Spring and axle factories... Steel slaking........ ,Steel barb fence factories ... , • • • . Tin and sheet -iron work. ••••• -Wire work . • • . -. Total............ Many of these in all 4,927 and at $9,5&3,4`20, ha past ten years. Space will not j great Lake Sup .,94mce it to say t Minnesota ex they teem with led in the State Conmee, M. P, P a contract to shj from these sec•tic fang a year, to A 9 fig or e-,ber perp'' - - in.M�.Jan.�'V 6C7�' ,- �zR©���,� "naturalists, but otTier things are now taking'. its place. Tine bestr.of these appears to be . the hospital twenty four ,hours. urs aP' geared to revive wonderfully, and in asking IS It 00 •• .. - .. A ., - fed as an In -DOOR FACTORY. SASH AND - _, - - - a solution of acetate of soda which is spread fish nurse for' the doci'or' she said " i4ledicin. . 'and', nurse's own _ As g Excell. ail RErREsuNTs: oYz the fish li.ge'salt,.eaeh layer of the' m an good,"- to. use the. g ,Q., Iluron1. - wellington AdnLual Fire Irisurauce Co, being ,covered ,with it in turn. Prince Orleans this: preservative our• words, Burgh bore her acute suffering with the greatest of patience, and wa`s an example .L3 Ol`�,ts� P�vas, Yv t� eat+ ' :...:....:.. .,.,,.. .. - Waterloo Mutual Fire insurance Co. Henr.I ci used inB •his travels in -Indo-China and' found> it to many . Eiiglish people. .Later her case Olo��r -n. mothy9 I'o- . Perth Mutual Fire Fire Insurance Ca. ,excellent. became less hopefuly'and she roverheard the �•��yy c T mom• p ` - A,PTGUL7AR ItlROBE. nurse say `` Burah is weaker," and the tO�a' and all kinds .of I3.. -'17. tJ1Y111 i3 LXX � _ � �, Economical Mutual Fire Insurance Co. g'$ingular phenomenon has: been' discov ' black. patient quickly answered, Yes, I'se iii connection wit( the waters. of 'the' foots:' Prices.aregood as any oil the Avlti fitted nil the �Proxeter Planing til# mercantile Tnsurancse Ca ered weaker," and looking very earnestly fn the with new machinery throughout anti are not► �� - Biach'Sea. It has, long been known 'that` face`of tine nurse, Burah held up Iter hands takes; owing to the nearness of the to furnish : - Etna lnsurance,Co. - . " these waters ata depth Of�- more than 100 and drew the nurse's attention to her finger egg and lumber woods to the west- 1 y� � . fathoms contain so much_ sulphuretted llt'y nails, which were of .a. pure' white. Le• +ash, Gave. Jo x� A:. all. dragen as to"he unfit for the support of. ceased said, "My nails are sick.. I die,. %ward• of eo le live there 2 - . - fishes. A recent observer has traged the I die," and the big tears • rolled down her- QG'hat class p P 3 noxious as to a microbe which is found in cheeks. Burgh gradually got worse, and he .are nearly all from Iinron 'Co. �r � InY �TL` ,HEP TwTALI� 'the oozra of -the bottom. Ft is able to de- passed away, mach to the' regret; of the T y so man old neighbor's _ __2 - - y nurses :and medical 'staff, who were moat ��t3ta deet there y Y I 11 - �'OC iSifi r_ ompose mineral sulphates and he received � _ 1.the name of bac1llus hydrosulturicus pont"- anxious to save her. Although she had Ethat you can hardly believe you have - only been in-thetospital: two days, she had I home. and all kinds of House Fnrnxrigs, .. x -, '- CttB, IN BORAx PROI)CrOTION _ b titnde and leasantmanner; made + = w- _ �ner �, usurauce- - InaPaovEMn�rr . y hergra p - d. Who has it . Jam' F the katest method of producing, borax all the staff very much attached to their_ ! o see that len _ _ = In 1 f I- watt t PLAI`1ING AND . 11IA'T' I _ :. Ed-'to;.the.,aetioa o ured alien': ' of - e` W� s,sub eel "colo .P 12 In4nire may , s It ti, e. a .J " CO uf6on. 0� a c r . NE_ P OMPA' r . �t' g �- .d f su erliea efi - DO R L3�' - t a �Fae." sad; aide y ' _ P - x .. dude _ boric; F:? - _.Y +'. ,� Y ._ e z _: ., sedge ,._ y,.: __,_ "arefitll 'mi _3 .- -,r _ _-" ..; ..�, nil acid.: e v - Y _ �y -m :. , z . _ alt n the 'who' ole •� t7� - et. ,_. :. >. ,'; ,; ^.steam ...;. p �Tt q� } '., _.n .. - , ; , .- e l 1c . What good. on earth gang. y { . B11 Y l JJ _ _ x r __, _ ;.,z1 � y.., . ,g_. heat end h dna ;a G'. Onl first -cls S wo : , 5- _ _ , 'a�: re&; ., - v .fit I -f H W. • _ . is>s1 .a, fi . + ex. e, t e nth o b _ �. r , _:� - fK' .. d let the lou o a y _ fir# ilk- ; _ <`_.. adnncoI Xltea„ an r_ at- i ttz# agog'., _ _ g ie Mich. � � €'£i .ata s r A_. �,_�_ ctd _ _ te. _�, a _ S - _ salt _ .: sad to ad. I _ - =,<- �- �._ ,.r F �,' .r_reasea� a th lid-exa geration - �� _ " _ u y , -., „ stn „� . ?#' . F,, ulnen -:..15 e, �. iyy.�re is no g g •• `•�a0i.,*.`°' + -..., ,.. •,�-. �.^:_> .Y• ->.:. •... :- ply - - 1: - r+'Y...-..a...-. !+. - f 3_. _�._.,,.,-... .�.' - Y ... ,� - ,.� - _ --' - - -.......,_ .. - - • >r: - - '•:rte y k -. she d b bein ex- :. - -_ N _ - {' e t to eoite _ `truth. xa' weak�ne y 2; T G AN_.: .9 ._. even tine !:::u .. - , • E Era- -� :. _. �. ; _ _.. of a r , f rr , . _ n i : Ont. es ed foo tro -, __ N : it `y s g p DWIOIi - OiI s o- F n __.. _ _ �_ . ,. ._ a o :a _ t w Pr .I'"lanst scar._: >:.._. � , ,- ', :� �r>.,. d of "the re ar'%,. � s mem- � I'� ry � �� :_ .::._;: = se ns�are like old men full' ' -par. _. : r >._ill, s h .. _. Uld men y- ircniax:a and•?. - .. t st #or than s -a. ion 'br Pot p -_ 4 1�1ni_ #f pries ; they are. et_onge B g }Q 1� ill •� - Lit.- _ '- 'n - Ys _ �'-. �.�.gr��e;f _ -ju� OX0, of ' - 3 ,.. Y _ _ '� ^ .'`i: ,b; -. _ I. -2`r i .na-'.e..zi'�'F -� y t n v .,l .:. s .. --.-.._.: - - %sn ail R ms's - - - y `- <- M,'�' >.�� 0 - - wx'• A _ ice' - •• f' _ • � itk,_--..a , _ .`,,_ .'_ _ ' ,f _ g7. ,"P, z ,�. _ - 'ma k-' 3-3 3• - .i.�:_ `}¢ - }y$�}k ter. - d f 3 - _. - :. - _ - � - Y SR` x �� of - #� y '4.c.J ,Y C - _ �_- "11 2 Y-�S -err Y ., _ v< - . _` I h v� S- a ` x - RESOURCE -_ _ T1iE IRON The Wonderful Wealth oilmen', -Some Fora Have Hindered the Iron Industry. The Province of Onta P richest mineral countries whole northern p3rtion li I the most valuable ores and civilization. Yet u •date few people, unless such as Sir William I. the possession of these Latterly, however, a been established in Onta Report this year furnisi of information and exhi with iron especially a such as was hardly Brea average citizen. It is s Address presented by Council to Sir Oliver \l was well within its bout "Iron mining on,the n Superior will p1aF as i the industries of Canad in the States of hlichig Minnesota, The smelt• the fostering care of ou undoubtedly soon foll should make Port Art -hi be the Pittsburg of Ca So far back a.c 189, . wrote a report in whit probability that the b river and its tributaries the St. Lawrence, were stores of iron ore. Refs Of these mineral riches, don Exhibition of 185 British miner, accustoii ore containing 3 ) or 4U urally regarded with s of the precious metal set. of metallic iron. Canadian iron is ver Sweden, which is favor . ers for steel, Sir Willia it only remained to sh be obtained in paying make Canadian min There now seems littl cheaper transportati railways have made thousand directions. In the Canadian N' gist not long sin, -e estimate of the ca the districts in the Billings, for many the Geological Survey thought, touched a the country for many probably 250,000, Of the Crosby mine he was very optimists .. to contain 500,000,00( which would take the Britain and the StatA to exhaust, In Sout of a bed 60 feet in thic 000,000 tons of pure which the Marmora supplied might be es" - 100,000,000 tons -en 1,000 toss a day f yet, as he very prolm . deposits were only a wealth of the Pro`vin . Billinga' estimates tioned, it is hard;to - _ j five -rte ' -'-when iron on thelin could be mined, I:A Ston and tre lsferreci and Oswego at V-25 for many years was $5 per ton. Even al is a fair profit. Lai - confidence in fiscal1 . the necessary energy factors. North of Kingstni . large deposits are irk, - fax Back as 1623 a V in Marmora tower Addington, Frontet possess iron ore, and Bedford township w, . years. In order to c districts the Kingst; way has been const - ° was spent upon the way. Mr. Ledyar, mine at Belmont j - American Company operation, and the are building a ra mines with the Mid . in Algoma are beyy the front. That tH connected with iro' unimpotrant is ail table which we tak jug Bureau report, census of 1551 : Industries Agricultural int- plements . - • • - - • • - Blacksntitbina , . • • Boiler works... , , • Car and locomo- tive works... ••. • . Cutlery ............. Edged tool works Engine works.....- Fire pr o o f safe work ............. Fittings and foun- dry work in iron, brasc, lead. etc... Foundry and ma- chine works.. • • • • Gun making ........ Lock making ....... Nail and tack fa-c- tories............. a p.ollingmilll�.. • • Saw and file cut- ting.---•• fa Scale ctorie - , - • Screw fa.ctorie,.-• Sewing machine facto ries .... • . ' ' • Spring and axle factories... Steel slaking........ ,Steel barb fence factories ... , • • • . Tin and sheet -iron work. ••••• -Wire work . • • . -. Total............ Many of these in all 4,927 and at $9,5&3,4`20, ha past ten years. Space will not j great Lake Sup .,94mce it to say t Minnesota ex they teem with led in the State Conmee, M. P, P a contract to shj from these sec•tic fang a year, to A 9 fig or e-,ber perp''