The Gazette, 1893-09-28, Page 6riety Ltl cloths order yes, etc. ed and .he latest re, echer',, y'sg etc,. tful and: >hades kinds.• 0 2: a LF a D 0 1• 1 S F 33 C $ 7. u a 0 0 I t e P1 la st 8: month. Half Quarter Lighth zne tion. sillinery, with e oto , " `t ' - - .; vA.tai€�rI°IE+��gces3fi ; s.�s soil 7.nm. Sabbath scheoi at s_ .It . C -Liesemer, vperinte�.eat. �3'ottage=p;alre� meeting evemug =81 :Yth Y - evY eve a e 0 p Boas Friday vening at 8 o clock. -Rev Mr. Haist, Pastor. •)RESBYTERIAN.--Services 10:30 a.m." sab- bath School 930 a.m. J. H. Moore, Superin- indent. 1'rayermEeting, C4ednesday evening at o'elocl� Rev. R. W. Gallagher, Pastor. Is } teaifl will go to E i©r1e- tt `plaay':lle ietgrn � match (al-, Saturday of''nett -week-the 1."11. -....'"..� gess".. day of,tThe �owiek Fall_":h.a°y7sli-- er, theMildoe man, has epidently resolved that it shall not be his fault if there is -a1i -sickness y arottnd here from catching; ' colds this fall. The > the visitors -goal a inure' g . HES 'AU tires wlii&rez3 dined, and once or' twice _ _, :' - same within 'a -fraction 'of n}n'tiei �' � - refer 'swhi tl@ �* but -the ee s , _ ' e score. the }E8t S let:triiln rid ,aYg� Bt tock ill time finally relieved the strain `and the Town of visitors were declared the winners by 2 �. to` 1. The -verybest of ' feeling -goals Bo�'1117 AND Shoes prevailed and there was a totaI�absence ,LL Corrlo itsay \A?!1 tT)! 01a X91 i ? a GISSLIS • C. t 1iu1tCH; saw, -ea heart of assns. -Rev, • Father at 8: P- P. Services every Vesper , lternatively at 8:30 ann. and 10 a.m. vespersthemcashcheap, very other Sunday -at 3 p.m. Sunday School at so p m every oth• er Si7nday.�•... other. day we noticed' a whole dray' ' mad of new boots anshoes un- y �, loaded at his store for the fall trade. of the quarrels and disputes which $Q buys #tom the best Houses, buys large quanti sometimes mar the leaatire of • Chert ties; pays the spot cash for them, so gets PPro and g e pi ietor. p UTHERAN.-lien. Dr- Millet pastor. Ser- vices the last three Sundays or every month t 3:30 p.m. Sunday School at 1:s0 p.m. ETHODIST.-Services 10:30 a.m. and 7 p•m rall SaSabbath rmeetin ,Th G. l mnpR ev. J • B. Danard, pastor. SOCIETIES.- ' M.B.A., No. 70 -meets in their hail on the The visit of Sir John Thompson and other members of the Cabinet to -Walk- erten yterF?ay was the occasion of ari immense gathering. After visiting the Fair the Premier and his parte `arrived at the drill shed about four o'clock,. when speeches were delivered by the SELL; }�Ep�� School `Report. �F Come The"following' is the standing of the pupils of the Mildmay Public School. >< 1%IEA2# for September• The' armies are given If yon want in order of merit. able -Staunch swam DEP TMENT. F-gq Z M..FB THAN OTHER to the Store and is not so. adeno Cheap -Good Foot` -wear, 0 �� R CENT HOQSES. see if this oils• -Neat Comfort= Call on me. Tweeds Blankets anal kinds of wool •• en goods manufactured. s • evening of the second and fourth Thurs aye in each month. premier, Hon. Geo. Foster, Hon. .Mr. Haggart Junior III.-Adeline:Miller, Sarah Di e1, Geo • Schwalm and Mary Wendt, equal, .Mattie Tee- Ever attention yen Y A large and complete stock ZvPTT•FA see. G$o. Hrxcmx, Pres. ' O.F.-Court Mildmay, No. ash, meets in their ° halt the second and last Thursdays m each Visitors always welcome. E.N. BIITCHART, O. R. JAS. JOHNSTON, R. S. and others. The gathering was verb enthusiastic and the speeches aero fre uentl interrupted bythe q y p cheerio of the audience g - A key, (leo. Ziegler, F. W. ThoniaB. Intermediate IIF. Mand Edmjlnson, :Alfie Curie, Henry Schwalm. , Senior III. -Nina Seddon and=.Viola Moyer-, equal, Henry Eifert, Peter _Liesemer,- Annie to Ordered and Work. Repairing at p g \ i always on -hand. BOOL •`�zANTED `THE I r ILDMAY LjAZETTE, ;;VOTED TO THE INTERESTS nB EAST BREOE AND EAST HURON. 'erms :—$1 per year in advance ; Otherwise $1.25. ADVERTISING RATES, When choosing flowers to send to an invalid .select those that have a very delicate perfume, and that are as dug- gestive of life and health as possible. - White flowers, although most beautiful,- lend neither color nor brightness to the Ming. wm. Pletseh, Ed.schwalm. • Fourth Class. -Carrie Murat, Clara Pletsch, David Berry. - - INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. seniorolass.-Christian Eckel, Willie Armour Able Hooey, Ida Rosenean, Dottie Diehe Intermediate Class.—Johnny Berry, Tillie Elora O Next to Bt. PRODUCE e �p a Commercial Hotel. . Mildmay. TAKEN. 1• for which the • Highest Price--. will be paid: ear. Six Three Year. months, months. sick -room and tea mind weakened -by. Liesemer, Addie Peiker, Louisa Moyer, Nelson Holtzman, Albert Ziegler. - - _.__ J l Store. ne column $50 3o $18 column30 18 10 column...... 18 10 S sickness are apt to be suggestive of death; while those of a bright' crimson Junior Class, Emma Schwalm, Eddie Berry,_ Maggie Pletsch, May Clubine, Whittle Curie •.Mildmay ewe ry Chas: Wendt • 3 1.1cIt lia.azT column 10' 6 4 Legal notices, 8e. per line for first and 4e. per for each subsequent insertion. Local business notices 5c. per line each inset- Contract advertising payable quarterly. J. W. GREEN. —�^ Ora dee allow will almost always p y y_ lease and gratify the convalescent. p y When ordering the flowers .ask our y - florist to send long-stemmed ones, they- JUNIOR DEPARTMENT. First Class,-MaryWarner, Annie Eifert, Mil- ton Schweitzer and Tillie Welsch, equal. Second Masa-Harvey Jasper, Adeline Diebe 1, Katie Wicke. Third Class. -John McGann, Willie Schwalm Takes the liberty to draw the attention of the Public to the following FACT'S s That we are selling Goods CHEAPER than. other House in the Dominion. • any Compare our Prices with others and see if we dont. Watches at half the Regular Price. Our eight day walnut and Oak half hour gong strike HARNESS L j M - 1 ���'^`11 SHOP f Y e ,/' arran a so much morethan g prettily and Maggie Pletsch, equal, Willie Persehbaeher. Clocks knock the old styles out complete, both J. t • • b 1 Grand Trunk Time Table. others.—Ladies Home journal. Fourth' Class. -Ben Maslen, -Lily Miller, Bella McCulloch. in Workmanship and Price. Our stock of Fine GOLD-RINGs-from Soc. up :will surprise you, In SPECTACLES we can give • ) Proprietor. Trains leave Mildmay_�station as fol- • Mr, Thbnias has severed: his connec- Fifth Class. --Edwin Moyer, Katie Blackwell. Laura Liesemer and Addie Land, edual1 you the FINEST LINES sawed as the CHEAPER ones as as x�c. • )WS : Gess sou'�'sf. GOING NORTH,0.55ririil xpress ...... 7.15 a. m. Mixed 10.55 a,m [ail . -.........-11.55 ” -bail . 2.52 p.m fixed.. ...... 5.20p.m Express ...... ... asp p.m tion with the Mildmay public schooland commence his duties in the Baden school on Mondaynext: The retirin'-.1.- g� teacher hasproven himself a capable, P Sixth Class. -Reuben;, 'Wendt, Tilhe, ez� - Webster Cale. • - __ ` . SEPARATE -SCHOOL. , .`- The following are the names of chid We also f•epaelarge stock of Fancy Goods Purses, Bill B4oke, Pipes Mouth Organs„Hairpins Cenibs, Albums, Fancy Novelties in Glassware, ,Roiled. Plate Chains, Charms,:- Locket@, Brooches, etc., at Rock Bottom Prices. All Dods Warranted as represented. Repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry a 0 0 We oarry a first-class line of Harness,dl s Sad e , Whips, �.?t" Mountings., s etG. g s., New Advertisements. earnest, successful man ;and the public generally regret that he lias. decided toRemember ren who have attained the. highest standing in their respective classes dur-leave specialty and satisfaction guarantees. the Place : CHAS. WENDT, Mildmay.0 A full stock of Ladies' and Gents' ;oyes and Hardware -Hunter & Henry, Dry Goods, etc. -Oliver do Stiegler. arm to Rent -Mrs. Newall. Dots and Shoes -.Too. Hessanauer. 10 Reward -Jos. Schuett. apefouud at Walkerton Fair -This office, us. Yesterday morning the scholars held very interesting_ and ins-. pressive parting exercises in the school in the presence of quite a number of vis- -itors. A nice etc. °was ren. lag the month -of September.:- - a Senior Fourth. ---,Mary .Boehmer, Joseph Kra- -me., Lizzie May Herringer, Frances Warner, Leander Her ott. - - g Junior Fourth. -Della Herringer, , Charles Come with the crowd to - ' T ' •�G ..eJ : L. TITMiTS S %}lp and the cheapest BISCUITCONFECTIONTRY house in. town, Trunk`s and Valises.,. /Mill . We make a specialty of p - .. f program ,,. ..Schultheis, Cecilia Scbefter: The Trimming o� Buggies, Mrs. Dr. Clapp is visiting relations in oTathampton this week. Mr. Geo. Curl sr., 1s ill atpresent Carle, a mild form of typhoid fever. The new St Paul's (English.) church to be formally opened' in Wingham ext Sunday.Rett A fine Men's shoe- at Hessenauer'slor 1.15. and if you pay the cash he gives dared by the pupils, consisting of sing ing, recitations etc. The sin n of "The Maple Leaf" was- very well done.._ The entertainment cloud by the-singir g of "God be with you till we meet again." A pleasant feature of the occasion . z, ws p > • the presentation of a touching address to Mr.. Thomas by the pupils. - The finest foot -ball match- played that which, wear- Senior . Third: -Isidore • Hinsperger, Emilie Scliurter, Emmy l exgott. Junior-Thod.-George Boehmer, Lidwina Lob- singer, •Lcuis I,a France, Lizzie Boehmer. = Senior Seeona.—Edward Schefter, Isabella Beechey, George Hinsperger, Mandie Schuett. Junior Second. --Anthony Missere, Mar Heseh, y � Albert Hinslierger; Sarah Keehn. Senior First. -,--Anastasia Dietrich; Anthony- ,ge •Mary Besaw, Eddie"I,obsinger: x, .Junior First.=tlegrge Ruetz, Tillie Dietrich, Maggie Bauer, - Frill lines of moo gyres, -•rig®,. Iroleao., . o©ts and 4C;sgai 2.LpUR and FEED always on hand. -r, irli/ffirn— -- Fruits of all kinds in their season. He kee s the best in Town. p ICE CREAM fAllLOR Everybody welcomed. Elora .st.. _ - Mu_dmay. Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs. Harness made to order and. Repairing done in First-class Style... We carry' a large stock in all lines and are prepared . to give perfect- sa-tis- faction in Styles, Prices and y Promptness. Cali �iZcL X988• L.' A. Hl perger. here this season was on lOc• bads. = red on Saturday afternoon between the - ~`teams R Mildmay Market sport. - .'°- ,8 , Mr. Ross has moved to Michigan and �- ' ^ , _ - -- Fordwic --anc 1cTlll as :. on •= , r corrected every ' weep nor � .�tk Cr. Mulholland has moved his family_ the vacated premises. ' rison 8 -field The, game. *as not -lire sothe attendance was .ih® GazE k : GAZE Fall wheat pet- buu $ 58 to $ 60 : Aces 1 1 '�L'�t F%=`:;' -.%ir eA • t- • Our Lakelet letter has gone astray lis week. It was regularly mailed on e egu yand':p perly advertised sm*.but those, present enjoyed a=keen `_ `leasantl played- contest. Our y p -y Spring `. `-` -- 59 tn•,�U Oats • - 28 toe - 9a . 51 to 62 - T T '`J '� i - .7� � ire FAY . ,T. ,: �.�'ti 'et °°` londay last but has not yet reached bops -were, unfortunately , without the s. s - services of two or three of their players, FOUND.—On Wednesday, 27th, loot., and considerably out of practise, yet t Walkerton Fair, alight brown cape they made a good showing against •the ith brown satin collar: Apply at this: doughty visitors from the "Town Plat". eas Barley - 35' to 42- Potatoes. ' ......... 45 to ' 50 Smoked meat per ib8 to. 10 Eggs per doz 11 t Butter per ib 17 to 20 • The lines of goods we - • cut on during August flee. The teams lined up in the following :, - -- -N'S- - SUITS� Messrs. C; st and order: -: e„gr,- rang, - Dem, hers from Q ou rid passed through Mild= $riol a back a• � W. e a'lic is _,. iNtr�1lt11 • tay yesterday, on their way to the Con- DMahood- •Tohnston (halt :rvative demonstration at • Walkerton. W Mahood 7 Young lbacks The Walkerton Fair drew a goodly -Hicks. enter goy I right f timber of visitors from Mildmay and Groff y 1 left ]3nssie Cook J1 ` a2rick this week >4at;0p1131on bfcMnrehie...... ; l • * insf , as to be that^the w Is oat tip to Ths first half .time -resulted ;her yeaYs. thing, n@ither side being On Tuesday last Messrs. Connell and`thrcligh the other's backs. [alladay shipped 150head ofcattle from was fast, though, and tlrere_zvere [ildmap station for the old country -al dangerous struggles iarket. These gentlemen went -with goals. -.After ,taking a few to cattle personally to accompany the players changed 'ends' ism on their long journey. down -to , . pure business. -worked the ball up well If you have not paid your subsarip•- _ ion to the GAZETTE, kindl do ao. at `turned -it and the visitors' threatened:- A scrlinmage Borst � - Borscht .Lenahan Sachs Messner. ,�..W Liesemer Schurter' ,�...� Carla in_no able to get The play :-sever- in front of both minutes rest and settled Fordwioh but . Sachs re- g Cal was fell owes ; - .{ �• ..' -M .ot 1 a. t • Ceirriee an immense stock o[ xouwse Furniture slegant Parlor Auites - i11 kirids of Bedroom Sets -Choicest Hall Furniture. Stylish Diningroom Sets. . Lounges, Rockers, ' Chairs, and every thing in.this line. Prices Lower than ever- for Cash. . Full Line of Self-acting Window Shades - Picture Framing_Done to order. . TO Order ng nyth'n , in a ` neer A hi,summer suiting will be. quoted •yam at_ a Liberal Discount„ at, "r • f Boys . Spring and • - Summer Suits_ , Also Quoted At Reduced Prices nee. We havebeen atcconsiderablees- -- - - ` • . ` . - .. which- Will Liesemer came Out a +head suss the ast few months and the dol- _ _ p ' ' •and neatly. -tipped the ball trough ;for .. , - .. �- -_.,_.. .rs and dollars which al�x.o9pgd npi ort; • Mildmay after abant" burse := ibscri tion ar , Wit .n eiI k . - ' ; P '� ^ ... _ play. Our bays were elated at tl�elr It is understood that the tours of Hon. success: bat there was a badok• > n the F. Laurier antl Bir -John Thompson are eyes. of thy. "Sodomites" whv'-were fear lord to be followed Dalton Mme- . y folly, in- ea hest 1-ien, th@b iti4_agaln arthy. By -the time tke prohibition- _ #aced of% Time after. .tome �tll@ir for- is and, the_ Patrons make; a simile.. •wards brought the.ball, only i bay it Lund the voters Wills -be pretty _ well : y a fns sent -back, by Weiler, :who wad pl Y o jaded far.the_. c oming fray But there w+a -only.; one _ _ t, y - s Undertakingf . 1 carry a lull steak of ' :` o1 i151 7 aSketsj. - _ _ Robes,, etc, A •First Class es,rse in.connect ©n. .., Rates Moderate ;. ' S t a fi6-1" The lorices e1 S or° Boys, r year 7 -- of what_ we, -have, left -,flit straw Hats, sells at ai#'the regular- r _e. - _- p-_ _ : how -0.", d game. On the d ttf• is nay 5 the visiiiors were Murat, - ; - an' o ta,si a rush; as file :, . �ra�als _ - _ - isitors weree i ugh their praises o f . - making and finally an easy one came sty mannerin�whio&t,-the,villaga er-lira ta 4- Li-• who- unfortunately site - had theit windQ e, Ekat ~ dove, he striking it -rook and e st Mildmay. _ y _ - , .e 1 3 '11 d selection r . ' - of rasols, Win' aft a . few. #Da sents : e4 $a ;vas , - - ,:te eats dressed. the was incee>d ' P sigt �alixall gentry thmlxgh•. sc@r�. r pretty one and _ c the ,spirit-ofwith __ 12 : minutes to play.. FordWiPt n'te Tice whish ; : -. ss: - -: swift ^ toad_. the -'hall ea.known ' amen' ti .mere : of = '--Time _ - - - caws bacl t i• - may ast B c+e aii� asst Mares. =after tllm aur' backs relieved, tdlr. ff, nertook-4,- stand - a d l Ussie- "Cook wer plaj g Sot»e'z - = T. is :: v :.s es.herewanes nit ratfrom._ #ro _a c is w -sod. p. ' can c, .jAk' ; ,. ,- -, 4 ` = ,ou anc `P C� btor ;.:. .For sari want in 1148 u:sa -_ . - ----,AT-.a t a ,r.__,., EI ana ST '•y. g'3our- ,ty lweys' � - -_ -- .. .st1 a goo p mar}reduce the number we: will;_sell In order—to„ .. •_ . • • �o :-a cheap: one for very l ittle money, ora good (Inc. h ice . . .. �. for. the pr . of:a -cheap . one. , - - n r __ live e 4 �{�{ •� may{" *g �} ki.�,(�. �� �=�� �(- ., yam, ..p- _.� " Y {{ - , a 1� _ -, 7 - r. wan a : S x 7 s 4 . li- :.RP;=.. _F: ... -.:-um-:_r'._ `;:aCf• .._ .... _ .f'- - "- -.K� .moi -._s . ..a _. _+ a t= __. -1 - .Y ._.: K .. i -e �}.+Y.,-'a-at,%"- _ Liv` - r. :- 1.;. -•r e _ F vim- r-. }- - -. - j.,.. ir -_ . :. a t - 1 . _ `_ �'. - � 8 _>. 4.,. �%s^f =ef' - .: ,� f 4, e- ttnade V �. � 3 1$eCdp88'.. W9 .ln8�k8 tj%A _ tQWB :iIIaG1iF 78Y7r�($SIng �l $liar.:, r� �_.,f-� _Best �8 -(.'�rElam •.+: @ POY84 it. �n CD aJ1 /tri cams s - .. .f``` :;-� _ ., - _ f - - '� ' _Vald..z