HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-09-28, Page 1t rote to -Cite Interests of Vast kittroia and mast 131,10e. Vol. 2. MILDI AY, ONT., THURSDAY., SEPTEMBER,.. 28th, 1893. No. 41, CHURCH DIRECTORY. *IGLISH.—Services at Fordwich, 10:30 a. m.; at Gorrie, 2:30 p. m.; at Wroxeter, 4:30 p. m. ev. Mr. Brownlee, Incumbent. Sunday School, one hour and a quarter before each service. rvrETHODIST.—Service .m., and 11:30 p. m. Orange Hill, at 2: m. Rev. Mr. Greece, pastor. Sabbath School at 8:30 p. iia. S, Bean Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN. -Services at Fordwicii at 14 a.m.; at Gerrie, 2:30 p. m.: Bible Class a Fordwich in the evening. Sabbath School a Gor.ie 1:15 p.m. Jas. McLaughlin, Superintenden iT E THODIST—Services in the Fordwich Metho dist Church, t. ; 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. Pray Ir -meeting on Thursday evenings at 1:30. ` Rev. Mr. Edmunds pastor. N. McLAUGHLIN, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. witnesses required. Office:—At the Drug Store, GORRIE. No J. A. TUCK, M. D. ,rEMBER of College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Ont. GORRIE, ONT. R. E. CLAPP, M.D. IP yslicif r nutMurgaon. RADUdTE, Toron to University and member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Residence, Absalom St., -nearly opposite the Liv- ery stable. Office in the Drug Store. next door to Carrick Banking Co. Mtr. natAY: J. A. WILSON,.M.D. HONOR Graduate - of Toronto University Medical College. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office— Next door to Wendt's Jewellery store. MILDMLY. W. H. HUCK, V. S. Mildmay. Ont. 'RADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered member of Ontario Medical Association. Also Honorary Fellowship of. the Veterinary Medical Society. Calls promptly attended to night and day. JAMES ARMSTRONG, Veterinary Surgeon G44WAARTret Cid 4 said ter*ed m�if io Peter ABBesBesicla once - Next terMethodist Parsonage, ALBERT STREET, G&&a,IE f%iT. �ron�n�ercial J�otBl, Corner Elora and Absalom sts. Mildmay. THIS fine Stone Hotel is fitted up in first-class style, with large and convenient ,;maple rooms, spacious parlors and chambers and every facility for . the entertainment of the traveling public. The' bar is supplied with the choicest liquors amid cigars. Free 'Bus to and from all trains. - God Stabling and attentive .hustlers. F. X. GUITTARD, MANAGER. wM1N(UAL co, GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DON$.. Drafts Issued on all parts of Canada and the United States. _ Loans made on - C000 SECURITY. Good Notes Discounted. Interest allowed on Deposits. eferenees.:. Canadian Bank of Commerce. Bank of Buffalo. r .. SOHUR 1-ty� ER, President, .. C ISB LER, Caiwr. NOTICE. P1CK.is herebyven, thett a court will be. bell pursuant to- VOTRS' LST ACT, honor -the judge o tthe County court' :.of teDonnty of Bruce, at the Town Hall, Hlildniay t.Y the -*th day of pot. 42 o'clock p.m:so hear and deter-. everal-eonmplaints of errors and orals. Voters' List of the flfiunicipality Of FIs of CAaick. • one having business at the Court _ are gtt-end at the said trine and place. dmesii this-eist days of Sept...i�, CHAS. SCMUI,TtER.:. . Clerk o Carte. JOHN J. BRADLEY FASHIONABLE - - - T.ILOR WR®.25EIV 'ER HAS just commenced business in Vogt's Block fcxmerly occupied by Mr. Martin's shoestore. Being a practical and experienced workman, I am able to guarantee first-class work in the lat est styles. i John J. Bradley, WROXETER. Scientific Atfericaa - Agency far c@ATS, TRADE .6IAP i�S�, DESIGN OA_ TENTS, COPYRICIII.TS, etc. For information and free Handbook wnteto MUNN .t CO.. 361 Bno.AnwAY,-/tary Yot,g Oldest bureau for securing petentss- in America Every patent taken out by us i$ $ rought:before the public by a notice given freee .~harge inthe 'ci ntiftr Largest circulation of any sseeiienti3bpaper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. xr. a..a +n ... . GEO• E. It-IESEMER opposite the. woolen mill, a couple of months ago. The matter was arnica • bly settled without recourse to law. The Leading Blacksmith This is the place whereyon can. get -your Horse Shoeing and all kinds of _General Blaek- smithing done right.. Cheap and Bleat. Always a full stock of Wgoris, Buggies, and Carriages of all kindtakelt't on band. I have a number of _ FIRST CLASS Ii81iircrwasi. wh I win' sell CHEAP. If your Want one, now. the time to.6uy. Also a few second hand Baggies and Wagons. GEO. E.T1tF,SEMER. ST. LEON, Nature's Healing 'Wafter. Life's Nourisher of Blood, , Health's Restorer. - The Greatest Mineral Water Town. Pleasant to the taste. Healing to the system 0 ---0 By to glass okha quantities, at -Grocery. and Ice Cream Parlors, Gar-rijh man should be without it. Address N N- @(► year; -x1.50 aro months. Address _ 6t PUBLIsnnn , 361 Broadway, NOW Ott. ARMO }ma�yy In And Around Corrie., S. Dr. Williams, formerlyof this p -e, CASH and PRODUCE 'STORE, was in town over Sunday. Elora St.. Mildmay.- Nies Filar"Coimyn of Winghan iavieit inn a t Mrs.Rev. Brownlee'si . Highest market price paid foy;nntier and Egge- Miss L. Roe spent, unSda ; in Tar+ and all kinds of Far arrroduce.y • Come on and get the cashfor your -- duce and don't rob the :store=keepper' by taking from them' More than your eggs are with. - Live and Let live. Come on and sive thelives anit reputation . of your storekeeper who offers l.3! more ,for eggs than they are tin ham. Mr. Tate spent Sunday in Listowel:. Mr. I?eachman, of Orange grid, Occu- pied the Methodist pulpit here on bath last Tere acceptably. Rev. -Mr.- and Mrs: Green left. last. Friday to attAxl the World's Fair,. illi. Jae,•i"et-rkine and 13,43 daughter, i -return from the World's -Par, On- itteeliter..,r :JEW ....:-�.� .: Mrs. Alex. car sou will also,be home on Wednesday. : bliss.B. Hemley, of Teeswater is visit- ing with Ii1rs._ Brownlee. Mr. Geo: Walker returned home. from London on Saturday last. Mr. W.Greer attended the services in Wingham, by Dr. Potts on Sunday. Last Wednesday night the "Black Knight" Rev. Mr. Hector, delivered a ver powerful lecture in the town hall. 7 !'i 1 ZililliaktrWar• -' avelig had a Ions experience at the business.. I feel eonnaent of being able to giv+s first - > ° class Satisfaction. Repairing Promptly Done. it poi are in want of a, good' rig give mea call A. F. M ISSERE; Absalom St. - Mildmay: We have just received A grand assortment of -Lamp Goods, Stoves and Silverware, which can be bought at MODERATE PRICES.' 'Also HARDWARE of all kinds, Tinware AND Sewing Machines Constantlykept on hand. Remember the Stand The Corner Hardware. Store. c. I, le seuier JOHNSTON'S CAsyr —AND— Produce Store. A fulletock of Tweeds, Woreteds, Cottonades, Shirtings, Ladies Wear, 2 Men's furnishing; Linens, Honey Corm Quilts, Satin Quilts,` Lace Curtains, Flannelettes, Prints and; Gi ngham s, Fresh Groceries, Boots and Shoes Highest.market price paid for Butter and Eggs - Oas-i or Trade •Call and see goods and prices. Jas Johnston, $10,000, Private Funds to loan on Farne_property at low rates. bseer Df -Aeanlage-L eenses. Mr. Sutherland, of Wingham, was visiting his brother here last week. Mr. Orr is making some _grand im- provements on the Albion by rebuilding and slicking up in general. - Messrs. D. Sanderson and Banker Keine lefts. to -day to hear Hon. John Thompson in Clinton. Mrs: dna—Perkins .. returned home from London on Tuesday night. If you have not yet paid your sub- scription to the GAZETTE, kindly do SO at once. We have been at considerable expense the past few months and the dollars and dollars which are owed up on subscription are now badly needed. .Wroxeter. The excursionists have all arrived home from Chicago where they immensely enjoyed their visit to the Worlds Fair.. The expense of this trip is note nearly. so great as the public appear to think. Some of our excursionists report that the average cost to the party was about $$3 per day while away, inclad ing rail- way fare, or about what it would cost to put up for 10 days at .a first-class Tor- onito-hotel. - - Mr. Thos. Miller is unwe l this week. We hope to learn of his speedy recovery. Mr. Atm Brock, of Owen Sound was visiting his many friends here for a few days last week. Mrs. Halliday, who has been an invalid for several years past astonished her friends, so we are informed, by rising from her bed the other evening and walking across the floor. Oar inform- ant says she is steadily improving -and ascribes the recovery as a faith cure. Mr. Wm; Leckie got $75 from the vit. la a Venreell for the loss; of 'his horse wiaich site drowned in the null pond, With good weather it is expected that our Fall Show, next Monday and Tuesday will be the best ever held here. Rev. Mr. Davidson is quite Mat pres- ent with inflammation. Mr.R. Graham is on the sick list this week. If you have not yet paid your—sub- scription our -sub- scription to the GAZETTE, kindly do so at°once: - we have been at considerable expense the past few moutll and the dollars- and dollars which are owed us en subscription are now badly needed. The bricklayers have about . fiaished their work on the Gofton housef,and the fine structure will soon have iti roof on. Fordwich. Our Foot Ball Team has had another victory, this time beating the F.B. team of Mildmay. The matchtook-place at Midway last Saturday and resulted in the score of 2 to 1 in favor of our team. The following: are the names of the players: W. Johnston, D. Mahood, T. Hicks, W. Mahood, W. R. Cook, R. L. _Cook, F. Young, R. Mc Murchie, L. G. Hooey,Ed. Bricker and O. Groff. Mr. F. Bricker refereed the game- to the •satisfaction of all concerned. The boys expressed themselves highly pleased with the reception of the Mildmay team �. and should'they come to our t Wn as is likely they will, they may depend on a warm reception. ' We al.e= fry to learn that Mr. J. C. Bell was on the sick list last,' geek. Mr. " :Wallace Johnston, .con. 9, in- tends going to Toronto on _Friday to resume his studies there. The R. T. of T. Lodge intend paying a fraternal visit to the Listowel lodge next Monday evening,. .i. Sitehist Moleswo has ex-. change3;tterty with 11fr.. W. Bierns of this place and has taken up his abode here in charge of the "Arlington House". Quite a large number from this sec- tion attended' the Harriston Fall Fair held there on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Reeve Cook and Mr. Jas. Sanderson are absent at Chicago taking in the World's Fair. If you have not _yet paid- your sub- scription to the GAZETTE, kindly do so at once. We have been at cousiderable expense the last few months and the dollars and;dollars which are owed us on subscription are now badly needed. •••.1.. Belmore. D.N. McDcnald left for the world's Fair last. Friday. Mr. Lourie and family are leaving for Listowel where Mr. Louree has secured a lucrative position as miller. Mr.A.D. Harmeston has been getting necessary tile on hand previous to commencing operation on the new drain. - -Mr. David weir has his new engine to work and a good -one it is. If you have not yet paid your sub- scription to the GAZETTE, kindly do so at .once. We haveibeen at considerable expense the past few months and the dollars and dollars which are owed us on subscription are now badly needed. The Belinore cider mill will be in running order on ....onday and Thursday afternoons of each week. Kettles for the making of apple butter may be had as usual. The Belmore chopping mill which is in course of erection will be ready for work sometime next week. . Save your Ammonia Soap wrappers. When you have 25Ammonia or10 Puritan Soap wrappers, send them to us and a 3 cent stamp for postage and we will mail you free a, handsome picturefor framing. A. list of Pictures around each bar. Ammonia Soap has no equal—eve recom- mend it. Write your name plainly on the outside of the wrapper and address: W .A. BRADSHAW & Co., 48&50 Lombard St., Toronto, Ont. Sold by all general merchants and grocers. Give it a trial. -Dalton McCarthy is about to start on a pel tical tour - NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. What our exchanges are talking about. Teeswater show was a great suecess, A great rush of settlers into the A1. berta District, N.W.T., is expected next spring. The reoeipts of the Toronto Exhi- bition were $63$n advance of the pre- vious year. Mr. Leys, ex -M. P. P., of Toronto,has left the country on account of financial difficulties. Wiarton now has 50 telephones al-- though l-though the service has not yet been in that town two years. Jennie Wonch was tried at Barrie last week for the murder of her mother and child. She was acquitted. The temperance people of North Grey have held a convention and nominated Reeve Stark, (Grit) of Derby, for the Coni mons, and Deputy -Reeve Reid (Tory) of St. Vincent, for the Local Legislature. Port Barwell, Ont., Sept. 22.—The Rev. Clarence W. Bafl;D., rector of Trinity church, this p ace, suddenly died last night of apoplexy.. He was found about midnight_in his carriage in front of his residence unconscious, and only lived a few minutes. It has been rumored—and denied— that Hon. G. W. Ross was to be ap- pointed to the vacant registrarship of Middlesex. If there's no boodling in- tended why notand over this office to the present VI -efficient Deputy -Regis- trar,- ' Tar. W.' 1e; who has virtually managed the office for years past. There are in: the world 224,562 Sun- day Schools, with 2,237,738 -teachers, and 20,268,923 scholars. United States leads, in point of numbers with 123,173 schools, and Greece comes last with Only 4. Canada comes third on the list with 086 schools. It will thus be seen that out of the 1,400 -millions of us en the globe only some 22 millions 'httend Sunday S.cnools,-but as it is only 100 years since the first Sunday School was held the growth may be considered phenomenal. - - Mr. .E. Holmes, the first man to walk across the continent of America thro ugh Canada arrived at his journey's end Saturday evening. , Holmes started from Montreal at 4 o'clock on the 2nd of May, arriving in Vancouver,-B.C., at 7 p.m. on August 26, making the trip in 117 days, and 20days ahead' of the time specified in the wager. His average rate of speed was 3} miles an hour, or 32 miles per day. The distance was 2,906 miles, being covered in 2,700 hours, thus beating the world's record of 1,000 miles in 1,000 hours. Holmes' previous walks have been across Cen- tral America, and across .both islands of Japan. He is 28 years old, and weighs 155 pounds. A shocking tragedy is reported from near Palmerston. A boy named Albert Thomas, who is about 16 years of age and was sent out from- the Home, was taken by a farmer- named Martin some time ago. The lad got along very poor- ly with the farmer's mother, and on Sunday- of last week, while Martin was away from home Thomas, (as he after- wards confessed) shot the old lady, set fire to the house and then ran away. Mrs. Martin's body was burned to a cin= der in the presence of those who weee at the fire, the creat heat preventing them from rescuing it. The boy was shortly afterwards captured and is now in jail. Discovery of the fact that the ac- counts of some of the dopes:tore in the post office branch savings bank Luck - now, were less than they should be was what led to enquiry and the presence of Post Office Inspector H.G. 1lopkirk, of his district. It has been foa;i.i that by forged withdrawal applications the fol- lowing sums have been wrongfully drawn from the accounts of the parties named: NorLn is N.oa.i1.; $15;?; Mal colm Nicholson, $150; Alexander Nichol- son, $200; :Hiss MacDona:d, $100. Ali the passbooks of the depositors have been called in for examination, and it is thought ell the losses have beep dis- covered. - - . - - t1 = 3.T _ y:� y