HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-09-21, Page 1n . Iter position eductions iII sf this mag e and some Undertaker { • • • 3 • b • • 13eNroted . to tiler. fliterests of - East i rola past Er•tioe. Vol. 2. MILDMAY, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2lst, 1893. No. 4o• CHURCH DIRECTORY. •'t-- GLISH.Services at Fordwich, 10:30 a. m.; E at Gorrie, 2:30 p. m.; at Wroxeter, 4:30 p. m. ev. Mr. Brownlee, Incumbent. Sunday School, one hour and a quarter before each service. AirETHODIST.—Services at 10:30 a.m., and 6:30 p. m. Orange Hill, at 2:30 p. m. Rev. Mr. Greeny, psstor. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. W. S. Bean Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN.—Services at Fordwich at 1t a.m.; at Gorrie, 2:30 p. nz.: Bible Class a Fordwich in the evening. Sabbath School a Gorrie las p.m. Jas. McLaughlin, Superintenden ETHODIST—Services in the Fordwich 3fetho dist Church, , ; 10:30 a. in. and 7 p. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. in. Pray lr-meeting on Thursday evenings at 7:30. Rev. Mr. Edmunds pastor. N. MLLAUGHLIN, 1 SnUER OP MARRIAGE LICENSES. No witnesses req aired. O`fhce:—At the Drug Store, GoitnxE. J. A. TUCK, M. D. 1\,1 EMBER of College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Ont. GORRIE, ONT. R. E. CLAPP, M,D. 1=2•2arlsioiaga andi�un ®c rte. GRADIYATE, Toron to University and member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Residence, Absalom St., nearly opposite the Liv- ery stable. Office in the. Drug Store. next door to Carrick Banking Co. MILDMAY. J. A. WILSON, M.D. HONOR Graduate of Toronto University Medical College. Member of College` of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. O11ce— Nest door to Wendt's Jewellery store. - MILD5iAY. - W1 H. HUCK, t1, S. Mildmay, Ont. GRADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered member of Ontario -Medical Association. Also Honorary Feliowship of the -Veterinary Medical Society. Call€ promptly attended to night and day. JAMES ARMSTRONG, Veterinary Surgeon GRADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered member of Ontario Veterin- 3ry Associntion. . P Residence _ Next to Methodist Parsonage, ALBERT STREET, GOREIE, ONT. Conirierc?al J�otel Corner Elora and Absalom sts. Mildmay. '`HIS fine Stone Hotel is fitted up in first-class style, with large and convenient sample rooms, spacious parlors and chambers and every facility for the entertainment of the traveling public. The bar is supplied with the choicest liquors and cigars. Free 'Bus to and from all trains. Good Stabling and attentive hostlers. F. X. GUITTARD, MANAGER. Practical Tailor First-class work Guaranteed. -Clothing Cut to Order. Corner of Absalom and Adam Ste. Mildmay. paafic PIRA K;J h GENERAL BANE -DIG BUSINESS DONS. - Drafts --Issued on . all parts ai c anac a, and the United States. Loahe made on 'CoOD SECUAITy. Good Notes Discounted. Interest allowed on -Deposits. References: Canadian Bank of Con mer. Bank of Buffalo. HURT -R, Isresd� JOHN J. BRADLEY FASHIONABLE - TAILOR HAS just commenced business in Vogt's Mock formerly occupied by Mr. Martin's shoestore. Beix.g a practical and experienced workman, I am able to guarantee first -Blass work in the lot est styles. - John J. Bradley, WROXETER. W. las .A.TE, Represents J. 1 "..tf e.€TII TV 4► . CI.1§'igt' Keeping stock the far famed Fleury Plow and gang Plow Harrow, Scuftier, Iioot Cutter and Pulper, Grain Crusher end Cutting Box, Also agent for Coulthurd Scot & Co. Oshawa, In Seeders, sells the Charnpien Combined Spring Tooth, Champion Runner Press. Drill and the Lion Disk Harrow. Also sells the Chatham wagon, and agent for the Ontario Pump Co. in Force Pumps and 'Wind Mills. Full stock of repairs for all the leading plows. W. H. TATE, " Gorrie. $cientige American Agency for cAVf EATS. TRADE NM ram, DEsICiil PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etc. Por information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO.. 361 Buo,DwaY, NRw YORE. Oldest bureau for securing p..ttents in America Every patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the infiii Atherirau Largest circulation of any scientiSe paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weeks 63.00 a ypear; $L50 -six months. Address i,i Weekly, & CG., Pu3iam:mu , 361 Broadway, NewT' ork City. W. ARIVQT,T,R CASH andantoDuoz STORE, - Elora St., Mildmay, Highest market price paid for Buffer and Eggs and all kinds of Farm Produce. Come on and get the eash for your Pro- duce and don't rob the store -keeper by taking frem them more than your eggs are worth. Live and Let live. Come on and save the lives and reputation of your_storekeeper who offers 33% more for eggs than they are worth. A. '. ISSE E, Wagon -Maker, Adii1c msEx3.r. aving had a long experience at the business I feel -confident of being able to give first class Satisfactiol. Repairing Promptly Done. If you are in want of a good rig give me a call . F. M I.SSERE, Absalom St. Mildmay. We have just received A grand assortment of Lamp Goods, Stoves and Silverware, which can be bought at MODERATE: PRICES. Also -HARDWARE of all kinds, Tinware A>SD Sewing:Mac .roes Constantly kept'on hand.. Remember the Stand The Corner Hardware Store. . C. I..ie re r, MEAT MARKET. The Choicest REEF, PORK, GIOTTO , SAUSAGES, Mil K% ALL KINGS -OF F?ESly RATS_ T CON- STANTLY Gk RASO. Also a full supply' of SALT...ATEA? 'Highest Price paid for`€lrstclass, fat a, ,mals-aod poultry. Goods delivered -!'-REE: to ` all parts -the GEO. E. LIESEMER The Leading Blacksmith. "This is the place where you can get your Horse Shoeing and all kinds of General Black- smithing done right Cheap and -Neat. Always a full stock of Wagons, Buggies, and Carriages of all kinds kept on hand. I have a number of FIRST CLASS iroviiireg, which I will sell CHEAP. If you want one, now is the time to buy. Also a few second hand Buggies and Wagons, GEO. E. LIESEMER. ST. LEON, Nature's Healing Water. Life's Nonrisher of Blood, Health's Restorer., The Greatest Mineral Water Known. Pleasant to the -taste. Healing to the system. 0 0 By the glass or in quantities, at Grocery and Ice Cream Parlors, - Gorrie. JOHNSTON'S —AND— Produce Store A full stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, Cottonades, Shirtings, Ladies Wear, Men's furnishing, Linens, Honey Comb Quilts, Satin Quilts, Lace Curtains, Flannelettes, Prints and Gingham s, Fresh - Groceries, Boots _and Shoes Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs act . or Tr01c.€ Call and see goods and prices. Jas. Johnston, $10,000, Private Funds to loan on Farm property , at low rates. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. In And Around Gorrie. Miss Davis, of Rochester, N. Y., who has been visiting friends in town fon some time past started for home on Tuesday. ,The Brass Band has concluded ar- rangements for a concert on the even - int; of the Bewick Agricultural Society's Fall Show, which is to be held here on Saturday, Oct. 7th. Excellent talent has been secured and a splendid enter- tainment may - be looked for. Mr. Orr's 'bus now meets every train. This is an accommodation which has long been wanted here and all are pleased at the enterprise of our new hotel -keeper in putting it on. Mrs. Jno. Perkins is absent attending the Western Fair at London. Messrs. D. - Sanderson, W. A. Irwin and Alf Williams represented Gorrie at the "Laurier demonstration in Walker- ton on Tuesday. They drove to Mild- may -and. joined the railway excursion from that place. Miss Jennie Donley returned to her s ituation-in London last Tuesday after a pleasant visit with relatives here.. The marriage of -Mr. Harry Thomp- son, of :Minnedosa, lean., a former Gor- rie, boy, and. Miss Mattie Wynn, niece of Mi. R. Ross, of this village, occurred at the home of the bride's parents, in Waterloo county, last week. The happy young couple have hosts of friends here who wish them Ood:speed in their journey down the stream of time. The young man who. assaulted 1'Lss' Etta McGrath on the evening of the tournament .proved-- to be A. Lang, of Winghani, . and •not one of the Harris -ton 1rozsse °players, as was reported. in the agl I Wit- week. _ .He irss traced to To. aonto and arrested just he was entering the house of a relative there. He was brought back to Gorrie and plead guilty the complaint having been, changed to one of comunon assault, and was fined $8 and costs. Messrs. James and T. L, McLaugh- lin attended the Laurier meeting in Arthur last Saturday. Mrs. W. D. Williams and son left Gorrie last Tuesday for Rochester, N.Y. where she will visit with --her brother for a few weeks. She was accompanied on the trip by Mx. Harry. Toung, a younger brother. The death of Mr. Henry Fallah ay oc- -curred on Friday last after: a somewhat prolonged illness. The funeral on Sun- day, was attended by a very large con- course. Mr. Fallahay had been among the first settlers of Gorrie and has re- sided here for nearly thirty years past. Mr. Ed. Phair has rented his farm; just east of the village, to Mr. Jno. Arm- strong, who will shortly take possession. Messrs Will and Abe Strong, Mr. Jas P skins and Miss Annie, Mr. Wm, Evans, and others, will' shortly be able to tell the wonderful story of the World's Fair, having started last week to visit it. It is likely that the return game of foot ball between the Gorrie and Mild- may clubs will be played here on the afternoon of the Howick Fair Day. We understand negotiations to that effect are pending. -- The Brass Band d is making arrange- ments to attend a garden party at the fine residence of Mr. Leathorne, Turn - berry, on Friday evening. •-•..�.. Lakelet, NOTES.—The rain is corning down in torrents these days. g peasing balm to the turnip crop. Pstnre too will be freshened and it is to be haZeed, I, ngth- ened as out door feed is very. scarce.:.. Mrs. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Greenly returned last Tuesday from their east- ern trip -.,Messrs Dulmage & Halladay of our burg; May and M. Gregg and Mr. and Mrs: Jno. Gregg, of Springbauk, were at the exhibition in Toronto last week. The sight seeing they say was in advance of that of previous years. Chicago is not the only place of interest after all...F.ive of Mr. Fritz's men have been at work for three days at the boil- er...Monday was a day of revelry in our hamlet. Who were they ? Where did they all come from ? Of course we know what they were after—Wellington Hal- laday is home for the autumn and is taking an active part in the mill work... Mr. Burnett, J.P. had a cas3 of assault here Tuesday afternoon.. The plaintiff Mrs..hesang laid complaint against a man who frequents the smaller villages and within a radius of 10 miles and whose unbecoming behaviour is- his only recommend. To throw down and kick sal inoffensive woman is an act becom- ing only to an outlaw and it is the fer- vent wish of all here that stringent jus- tice will be meted out to him...On Sat- urday Mr. Myles Scott arrived home having spent a week at Chicago. For the past 4enonths he was employed in- a factory at Mineral Point. Michigan There, as here, milk is scarce, hence the early closing of the factories...Last Thursday while out shooting, Mr. Mc- Connell, of this place, inet with a severe and painful . accident. Waffle loading the gun it accidentally went off badly' aa ,tearing the thufnb;and breaking the first finger. Our local Mr. Hamilton dressed the wound but the pain is in no way subsiding...The chopping mill has once More started. It took all day Monday to finish the stuff taken here on Satur- day...Mr. Matthew Hamilton, of St. Marys spent a few days here visiting his mother, brothers and sisters...Do not be in any way dubious about our blacksmith. He says he is here to stay and.the most favorable comments about his work are . the expressions of all... Harriston show is going to take the crowd from around here; very many are going.:. Mr. Lanrler's address. at Walkerton, was listened to bya few from here and nodoubt some will be -'present on the 27th .Mr. Jas. Hamilton loft fors Chord on Monday evening where he will be engaged for some days sawing -- with Mr. Smith...The Monday evening mail brought in the Allan family, five in number. They stayed a good long week in Toronto...Mr, E. Mahood leaves on Wednesday for some place near Chi- cago, when he .will resume his studies: _ West Wellingthn Fall Show: Don't 'fail to attend the West Wel- lington Fall Show to be held in the town of Harriston, or !Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 27th and 28,_;l. This exhibition has now become one of the' most prosperous aitd successful shows: between the lakes. This attar the' grounds have been greatly enlarged, a first-class 4 mile track ]las 't;een built . and now the society can boast of hav- ing the very best accommodation for all show purposes. - The .many new at- tractions introduced\ this year must prove a drawing card. Speedi r..g in the ring by single and double roadsters, sad- dle horses acd hack horses for which large special prizes aro care 1. Tilt- ing at the ring, while .on L.arsuback,will prove most interesting. The competi- tion in paintings, crayon drawings and works of art will this year far surpass: any previous exhibition. - A fine Or- chestra will be in the hal. The L.O.L. brass band ins attendance. Reduced rates on all railroads. Go to Harriston and have a good time. Ivie�xsNotes. The revolution preserA. in progress in --Brazil bids fair to be successful, Rio Janiero has bee• bombai' dei. and the President has moved his c i ,o!Luther inland. The revolution is spreading, two more large states having , - led the revolting army, it is generaile thought that if the insurgents succeed the mon- archy will again be rest- r :n. under which that country enjoyed peace and prosperity for Inany yeas. To give an idea of.be hanger' which exists- in the United States, we publish the following dispatch concern- ing the rush into a _1ev; piece of terri- tory, called the, C er kee strip, which was opened up for settlor., 'r :t Satur- day exactly at neon ; "TI3e -u- L for lo- cations in the Cuero „__ has com- menced. A_ tatf hundref, __ -_orae, beat the first train into Perry. y and secured fine corner lots, and before u_l i'_e cars had peen unloaded the horsemen were passing in thick and fast. ' efore the second train arrivedmost of the best Iota had been ta} en, some by half a doien • claimants, and by 2 s'_oc+; ail the ad- - jacent quarters were =:`:.ko_.:t off. L; r town lots and the foundations la._;a innum- erable contests and law sa.is. As it was in Perry, so it was in a;l . other- towns. The registration brotlis at Or- lando was robbed of certifier. -Los and the official stamp last night, and ` , oasands 1"'' of forged certificate are on the :_arket. Four "sooners" . rare shot ;.;y soldiers north of Stillwater, Jnstice Craig, of Indiana, was accidentally s:; i:: camp' and Tom Jameson, colored; ,v s burned to death in a prairie flee. One soldier was shot by a cowbo -,, . near - Kildare." War affairs in Euiepe pr-; a really pitiable a_ peararce at pr•c`.; _Lt. Russia and France on the one hand, and Prus- sia, Austria rind Italy on the other, are just now engaged making , .eat mil- itary di£:plar s with a, iew el giving a grand irspresadien of their w . _ strength. In a few days Austria will Loll a dem- onstration in which ab t,t _.. ��00 sol- diers and 250 eeuron_ will take part. The German .i''raperor s ai'ong the guests, and the presen^t, c;fthe Duke of Connaught is being used to its utmost - as a means of trying, to 1'1�.i. _e people believe that Great Lvitaiu has joined the triple alliance. 3 w-: is; and France are each preparing for grand military and naval reviews which will, of course, eclipse the one now in pr grey ,. Gf.ati- the nations iii - Europe, Britain alone is calm, and loois on the seething polities of the continent with imperturbability, knowing that she holds the key of the situation and cannot be f=armed by the war -storm which has lowered over Eur- ope for so long and which- is liable t burst at any tii�5" c, - - . u