HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-09-14, Page 6FALL! FORE! TERN s, Flannels o give us a call a summer I be quoted 1 Discount. ave left in - r ts, sells at price. fact a few too r we will sell ora good one CHURCHES. VANGE LICAL.—Services 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sabbath School at 2 p.m. C Liesemer, Superintendent. Cottage prayermeeting Wednes- day evening at 7:30. Young People's meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30. Choir practice Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Heist, Pastor. DRESBYTERIAN.—Services 10:30 a.m. Sab- ▪ bath School 9:33 a.m. J. 13. Moore, Superin- tendent. Prayermeeting, Wednesday evening at o'clock. Rev. R. W. Gallagher, Pastor. p .C. CHURCH, Sacred Heart of Jesus. -Rev. Father le ey, P. P. Services every Sunday, alternatively at 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. Vespers every otie:r Sunday at 3 p.m. Sunday School at 2:30 p.m. every other Sunday. T UTHER AN.—Rev. Dr. Miller, pastor. Ser- • vices the last three Sundays of every month at 2:30 p.rn. Sunday School at 1:s0 p.m. 'ail; ETHODIST.--Services 10:30 a.rn. and 7 p.m ld1 Sabbath School 2:30p.m. G. Curie, Superin- tendent. Prayermeeting, Thursday 8 p.m. Rev. W. B. Danard, Pastor. SOCIETIES. C M.B.A., No. 70 --meets in their Mali on the evening of the second and fourth Thurs- days in each month. E. WEI ER, See. GEo. HERRII3GER, Pres. CO.F.—Court Mildmay, No. 165, meets in their , hall the second and last Thursdays in each month. Visitors always welcome. E. N. •BUTCHART, C. P.. JAS. JOIUNSTON, R. S. THE MILDMAY GAZETTE, DEVOTED TO TEE INTERESTS OF EAST BP.UCF. AND EAST HURON. Terms:—k1 per year in advance; Otherwise $1.25 ADVERTISING RATES. One Six Three Year. months. months. One column $50 $30__ . $18 Half column ,30 18 10 Quarter column18 10 6 -- Eighth Eighth column 10 6 4 Legal notices, Sc. per lino for fust and 4c. per line for each subsequent insertion. Local business notices 5c.. per line each inser- tion. Contract advertising payable quarterly. J. W. GREEN. Grand Trunk Time Table. Trains leave Mildmay station. as fol- lows : GOING SOT -7TH. GOING NOR.TE Express ...... 7.15 a, m. Mixed 10.55 a.m Mail 11.55 " cA53 p to Mixed. 5.30p.m Express ...... .-. 9.35 p.m .tea.. . Special reduction in all .lines—for Fair Day only—at C. Wendt's jewelry store; Mildmay. Miss Clara Guittard is in Durham at present enjoying a two weeks visit with Miss Lef,han of that village. Mr. John Schmidt has bought the • Jos. Deemert residence and lot in Neck- erville recently, paying e450 for the' property. Mr. Frank La France had a couple of fingers badly bruised while lifting a beam at the raising of Schweitzer Bros. sawmill yesterday afternoon. Mr. McKenzie has finished his work c:f pressing hay and has removed the plant. Over 350 tons of hay werebaled for shipment from Milclrnay station. We have. received a neatly printed complimentary ticket to the Bentick Agricultural Exhibition, which is to be held in Hanover. on Sept.l9th and 20th. The roof is now on Mr. Sehnett's new residence; Mr. Weiler`s is nearly ready for occupancy; and Mr. Hinsperger ex- pects shortly to .be able to. move into h s. ".fr. Henry Wolf, of Mildmay, is work- ing hard on his oonteaet at the Otter Creek bridge. He hopes to have it done in the specified time, and is making a good job of it. Oliver & Stiegler inviteladies attend- ing the fall Exhibition to visit their Millinery Rooms and have a look at their fine display of trimmed and nntrinln7ed The Mildmay Milumay Creaamery this week s11i2ped over 6,000 pounds of butter, be- ing the August make,` which was sold at 214c per pound. The cash will be rowdy for the patrons next week. A false rumor has lately been circul- ated to the effect that Kramer & Co. are not not buying grain . onathe Mild- may market. They are here as usual and- paying thee highest prices every day for grain of all kinds. Mr. Philip H. Houck, who has been spending his holidays with relatives and friends here and at Formosa, returned on Monday last to St. Jerome's College, Berlin, to resume `his studies. Kis hosts of friends wish hint every success. No neater paper comes to our ex- change table than the Hanover Post, which has lately been refitted Waimea - out with new - presses, type. etc, We congratulate Bre. Mitchell on the mc - cues he is -achieving as a member of the "Fourth Estate." Halve ; . • show The Huntingfield. p1aCe`r ► _ i r-_" a Fall Show, to be held in Mil • m y, on Thursday, Sept. 21st. If you have nothing to exhibit, why come and see what the others -have. Don't make any engagement whichwill keep you away. A large number from this village are visiting the Toronto Exhibition. On Tuesday morning the train had to wait au hour at the station here until an ex- tra engine arrived to help pull the im- mense train -load who had got on at 111249 ay and stations north. Tie old horse "Gyp" that has drawn the Commercial House 'bus to and from the Mildmay station for nearly 20 years past, has this week been replaced by a younger animal. "Gyp" is. nearly 30 years old and has well earned his final retirement from active duty. Connell Bros., whose large farm is situated a few miles west of Mildmay, have 150 head of young, fat cattle ready for sale. It is a rare occurrence for farmers in Canada tt. ...pare so large a herd of steers for sale at one time,but the "Connel Boys" are energetic men who don't stop. at trifles. The Caledonian' games at Lucknow lust Wednesday called out the largest -gatherilig ever held there, over 6,000 people being present. The best ath- letes, pipers and dancers on the con- tinent were present, big Archie Currie Of Parkhill, taking the lion's part of the shot -putting contests. There is nob, nor has there been for score tine p;u t, a -habitable unoccupied house in Mildray. Several parties who are anxious .to move here are prevented by this state of affairs. Here is a good chance for some enterprising capalist to erect tenement buildings which would soon find profitable tenants. Mildmay is actually as full of people as it will hold without erecting buildings, and as a business :lace it without a peer in the county. We doubt if there is a village of less than 2000 population within a radius of 50 miles which handles as much goods, sells as cheap or is visited by as many farmers as Mild- may with its population of 1200. Last Saturday the Formosa foot ball team wore over in Teeswater playing a friendly game of foot ball, and turned out victorious, beating Teeswater by 2 goals to 0. It took a long time . to get Teeswater boys to line up bat after an hour's time the game finally got started. At the beginning of -the play Philip (the Formosa goal -keeper) took off his coat expecting to do business, but before the game was over, he put on his coat again, being quite disappointed for not having the opportunity of Melting the ball once through the whole. play. Ile says he won't be goalkeeper any more. There was- quite a rot of kieking done, both with feet and mouth, by the home. team. But it was of no accountas they were "not in it -."•—Cox. The Hon. Wilfred Laurier, leader of the Reform Party in Canada, is to ad- dress the electors in Walkerton on Tues- day, 19th inst. We are informed by the secretary that processions are to be formed at Mildmay, Deemerton, Carts- ruhe, Ambleside, Feil -mesa and other places in the forenoon ofthatday, to go to Walkerton. Single fare tickets are to be issued on the railway, so there should be immense gathering from both parties to listen to the eloquence which has made the silver-tongued orator fam- ous. Sir John . Thompson,. Premier of the Doninicn, will also deliver a public address in Walkerton on Sept, 27th. East Bruce-- will thus be able to hear both.or the great leaders, but we doubt if either of them will impart much in- formation beyond_ what they think wi:l- strengthen their own particular party. By all means, - however, go and hear them both.-. - - An heroic case of losing hislifein sav- ing a comrade, it reported from Wing - hare. Two young men, named Mar- shall and Lever were cleaning out a well near that town on Sept, fur. Lever was in the well boring ata depth .of 45 feet, when he struck a veiifr of gas. . He signalled for a rope bukbefere the rope of to him he became insensible. Mar - Schweitzer B_os, ar busily engaged shall descended and_ fastened the rope lathe erection of their new sas+ziuili -&pt, J Lever's - body- but. he also was which was raised yesterday. The overcome with, the gas. Some of the structure will be nearly 30x80, two . neighbors, seeefecting that something sto es high- with detached engine room. was Lyng, went to the well and onea One of the-b.-rm. is alert iii Toronto -mad. ether rpla€ selecti a new boiler and n schuiery, Thi- Mill .FIJI be ready foe work-icec thn -ior this y is ble- u ' atenea ui Lever's body. After cansrdeeiable delay Marshall's body: mai brought to the surfac at life -had fled: Much -pa, .ior-.�g11's. friends. $e"man a.js g-nninaWed maaLaud<re- tea.:by` . everybody. His brave aa`l. endt's ` awe-seat-' of efforts to save his 'friend end; him hm LoWest price 1a Mr.N. Harris' family and Mrs. Mogan, we are glad to be able to report, are all recovering nicely from their neat "11. nesses. Threshing is the order of the day. There is considerable discussion as to whether horse power or steam is the best. The Patrons of Industry hold their quarterly meeting in No.1 School house on the last Saturday in Sept. See their advertisement in another column. Fall wheat seeding is about over. Some say the huckleberry crop is now much better than ever. Mrs. J, Johnston has returned lieme much better from the illness which attacked her while away. - BORN. In Wroxeter, on the 9th inst, the wife of Mr. Robt. Black, miller, of a daughter. In Wrox ter. on the 9th inst, the wife of Mr. W. Lee, merchant, of a son. MARRIED. Prriroet—Krrezmx.—At the Methodist" Parson- age, Wroxeter, by Rev. E. A. Shaw, on Sept. 12th,i893, Mr. Wm. Pelton, of Wawanosh, to Vibe third daughter of Mr. Jae. Kitchen, of • Mildmay Market Report. Carefully corrected every week for the GAZETTE : Fall wheat per bu 8 59 to 8 60 Spring " " 59 h 60 Oats 28 to - 80 Peas 51 to 62 Barley 38 to 42 Potatoes....: ..... ............ 40 to 45 Smoked meat per Ib........ 10 to 13 Eggs per doz -10 to 12 Butter per Ib 18 to 20 .LV Orio.LJ. Tenders Wanted. OTICE is hereby given that I shall receive sealed tenders, so much in the $, For the Book Accounts of H. N. Schmidt, Insolvent, • Up to 12 o'clock, noon, ON SEPT. 9TH, 1893. Statement of the aceounti can be seen at the of- fice of C. SCHURTER, ;tiiiIdmay. FRED FELSINGER, Mildmay, Aug. 31, 1853. Assignee. A Neat and Comfortable Country Homestead, ('ONSISTING of three acres of choice land, be mg part of lot 1, con. 7, in the township o Turnberry. Two acres now under grass and balance in orchard and garden. There is a good six -roomed frame house on the premises, also Forfurther particulars apply to JOHN W. GREEN. Box 10, Wroxeter, Ont. Ettrll I1ti Ire -- .�. IItra- Carries an immonse stock of House Furniture Elegant Parlor Suites Ail kinds of Bedroom Sets Choicest Hall Furniture. Stylish Diningroom Sets. Lounges, Rockers, Chairs, and every- thing in this line. Prices Lower than ever for Cash. Full Line of Self-acting Window Shades Picture Framing Done to order. Undertaking, I carry a full stock of Coffins, Caskets, Robes, etc, A First-class Hearse in connection. Rates Moderate. A. Murat,. Elora st, Mildmay. NOTICE. THE Otter Creek Methodist church and Lot, - near the Red Mill, Otter Creek, . is now offered for sale. Tenders weal be received for the purchase of said property, up to Sept. 15th, 1823, by the undersigae•.;. - - TERMS.. -One-third of the purchase money to be paid at time of sale; for the balance a short time will be given.on i :ruiebieg approved joint noses. . For farther particular apply to - Geo- C _mean, Mildmay, Sec: of Frust Board. Oali • at JASPER'S _ 1 'Flo ir and Feed Store For /myth im0 you -„ant in Calcaicjrn - i Lai sea sea 1 Y.' Eptaulteeie MUMMER'S S - and sTea — - 'S 'loan always in Stock - THE PEOPLE'S- FAVORITE ICE CRE AW1 PARLOR, Because we_ene a the Best Ice :Cream in town, and oar iaiereae-ing trade provesit. Welcome aft Good B� sHoe in connection. r:G.d-8.PER, - Mora st.. y JNO. HESSENAUER K1�7�P29 the Best Selection end Largest Stock in Town of Boots AND Shoes Ho buys from the best Houses, buys large quanti ties; pays the spot cash for them, so gets them cheap, and SELLS HHEAPER THAN OTHER HHOOOOSES. GENT Come to the Store and see if this is not so. Z 1KIlEA.2! Su�I2QLSt�3. If you want Cheap -Good -Neat •Comfort- able -Staunch Foot -wear, Call on me. Every attention given to Ordered Work. and Repairing at Joky? fIen&sr',s. Next to Commercial Hotel. Elora St. Mildmay. - PRODUCE TAKEN. Mildmay Jewelry Store. Chas. Wendt Takes the liberty to draw the attention of the Public to the following 1•AC'Ti5 t That we are selling Goods CHEAPER than any .other House in the Dominion. Compare our Prices with others and see if we dont. Watches at half the Regular ice. Our eight day Walnut and Oak half hour strike Clocks knock the old styles out com , both in Workmanship and Price, Our stock of Fine GOLD RINGS froom OOc. tip will surprise you, In SPECTACLES we can give you the FINEST LINES as well as the CHEAPER ones as low as 16c. We also keep a large stock of Fancy Goods Purses, Bill Books, Pipes Mouth Organs, Hairpins Combs, Albums, Fancy Novelties in Glassware, Rolled Plate Chains, Charms, Lockets, Brooches, etc., at Rock Bottom Prices.. All goods Warranted as represented. Repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry a Specialty and satisfaction guaranteed_ Remember the place : CHAs. WENDT,,Mildmay. Come with the crowd to J. L. TIT MUS'S the cheapest BISCUIT and CONFECTIONTCY house in town, Full lines of Greapoeraa: rCaa, "robao= c <tzeiee and C3ge:mra FLOUR and FEED always on hand. iliiiliilliII— Fruite of all kinds in their season. He keeps the best ICE CREAM PARLOR in town. Everybody welcomed. Elora st. Mildmay. ild,t ciiy HARNESS SHOP, A. irr55?2krAer', Proprietor. 0 0 We:earry a fist -class line of Harness, Saddles, Whips, Mountings, etc. A full stack of Ladies' and Gents' Trunks and Valises. 1111 ifs We make a specialty off- The Trimming of Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs. Harness made to order and Repairing done in First-class Style. We carry a large stock in all lines and are prepared to give perfect satis- faction in Styles, Prices and Promptness. - 40811 8z c1 L. A. Hinsperger. Ca -rio Woolen. -' G S LIE Prop; Later. Twe ds, Blankets and ,-a1.1- kinds of wool- en gpods manufactured. . A - targe and complete stock always on hand. INTOGL WANTED for which the Highest Price will be paid. A Grand Opportunity! Do not let it pass. You can bay gos__at. Oliver Stigler s For about half of what they will cos • you elsewhere. We buy i®r c..24 -SH - and give you the benefit of it. .1. comparison o Our STYLES and PRICES will convince you that you should trade with us. New Fall Goods, are arriving daily. We have just received a shininent of Dress Goods AND Mantle Cloths that would do credit to any may STOCK consisting as they do of All the latest and most stylish things. - Hopsacking, \Vhipcords, Diagonals, Costume cloths, AND Tweed effects We are in a position to sell them very close, being imported dir- ect and paying spot cash for them. It is an acknowledged fact that we lead them all in these lines ! Headquarters for Ready -fade clothing az=e3i��•.z,�g. l[ttie to Order: -. Always on hand a. full, line op' , 1B. czoPs AND In order t; make room we w• entire stock of9 - Mins, NIu.1II: , 40ixIg.' IrsE3 x333, eters. - at and. below cost_ € Prints termer price 12- -c now French Saeeens °: y 3;7 " -24 - All wool Betaines 40 r --30- -- 'Flannelettes offer our - " 9 " 6 Muslins .and Victoria Lawns 10, 121. 15 and. 20, now 8, 10, 11, 16, and other goods in proportion. Oliver & 1'