HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-09-14, Page 5News Notes. - Port Etggin public school costs the ratepayers $2,000 this year. Mics Frances E. Willard, the famous temperance lecturer, is quite ill in Eng- , land. A. McNeil, M.P. is holding a series of political meetings in the Bruce penin- sula. It cost a. Teeswater youth $20 to ring the fire alarm in that village "just for fan" the other day. Sir John Thompson,- Premier, and Zion. Geo. Foster,, - Minister of Finance, will speak in Walkerton on Wednesday, 27th Sept. Emin Pasha (Dr. Schweitzer) who - has been "governor" of the German pos- sessions in Central Africa. and to whose relief Stanley was sent when he made_ his memorable journey through the vast African woods, was recently massacred and eaten by one of the cannibal tribes of negroes by -which he was surrounded. Teeswater is excited over the question of selling the public square in that vil- lage. A public meeting has been held and considerable talk indulged in, but nothing definite has been done. That village must be very hard up to want to sell so beautiful a park site. Fence it up, neighbors, put walks and a band stand in it, plant trees and otherwise beautify it, then you'll wonder why you even thought of selling it. Plenty of villages would go wild with joy if they had so fine a piece of ground to turn to a public park. Fall Fairs. Western, at London, Sept. 14-21. Central at Guelph, Sept. 19-21. Bentick, Hanover, Sept. 19-20. Culross, at Teeswater, Sept. 19-20. Great Northwestern, at Goderich, Sept. 20-22, Carrick, Mildmay. Sept 21. Center Huron at Clinten, Sept. 26-27. North Oxford at Woodstoek,Sept.26-27 Mornington and Elise at Mily rton,. Sept. 26-27. Mitchell at Mitchell, Sept. 26-27: Wingham, at Wingham, Sept. 26-27. `entre Bruce, Paisley, Sept.. 26-27. N orthern, Walkerton, Sept. 26-28. North Waterloo, at Berlin, Sept.26-28 West Wellington, at Harriston, Sept. 27-28. North Bruce Unign, Port Elgin, Sept. 23-29. East Waw-1,nos,h, at Belgrave, Sept. 28.29. North Pel.--th, at Stratford, Sept. 28-29. Wroxeter, Oct. 3-4. East Huron, at Brussels, Oct. 5-6. Bewick, Gorrie, Oct. 7. Hensall, Get. 7-8._ Morris, at Blyth, Oct. 10-11, Dunnannon,at;Dungannon,Oct. 12-13. Save your : ` m91- .sSp.aA wrappers.. When -:'on have 25- 3f 'S • • • a or10 Puritan: Soap wrappers,$a :'_i- to_us and a 8 cent stamp for pc?t : ltd we will mail you free a han.dsNae-pt re for framing. A list of Pietj res around .each bar. Ammonia Soap has no equal—we recom- mend it, Write your name plainly on the out.ic1e of the wrapper and address: W, A. B ansnaw & Co., 48&50 Lombard St., Toronto, Wit, " Sold by all general more},ants and grocers:; Give it a trial. v „,a,provide for a large _, eacl those who have not yet �� ' tT,jr.'subscription for THE • 51e04d do so aeearly as posse. 5r..y_ ails of I -. _ _usir THE ;,,ar Quarterly Meting of the Patrons- of I.__n::pry of the Ti0 ,...v ., sr..aaa ('y:2 II<I'v7rtri0�!.. Will be in School Section No. 1, (lot 8, con. 17,) on Foreuoen Meeting, at 1Q o'clock a,m., Open to Patrons only. zt 2. o'clock, p.m. an Open Meeting will l -held when .-a`dhr-esses will .be g= r_en by -able speaker;.-; Evervbbody inv'tod. A-- .LACE, Soc.tROyaI Oak L:se MOTE Mildmay. worth of NEW GOODS For FALL! wow- moo13�w4skAaNT� Never so GHEAP BEFORE 1 t 2 per centoff for CAST -I HeiIo 9 or its EQUAL. COYER_ Hello 1 Hello - -.iller, �T ..9vo9 R MMIR)C A TS, Have received within the past week NINETEEN CASES of FAIT and WINTE,ei DER:17 GOODS, Consisting of the Latest NOVELTIES and PATTERNS. In Dress Goods, Dress Silks and Trimmings, Dress Patterns, Dress Meltons, Flannels and Tweeds. Prices so low .that will astonish you. We will not quote prices, but would ask you to give us a call and price our goods. - Full Stock of Fresh Groceries on hand. ,Schneider & 1L{Uer1. Mildmay Complete stock of Drugs, Patent Medicines and Druggists Sundries.. .Perfumes tore. We have Lubin's, Richsecher's, Woodworth's, Seeley's, etc. We also have Sachet powder, a delightful and lasting perfume. DIAMOND DYES. All the different shades and colors kept constantly on hand. TRUSSES:—We have a very large assortment—New York Elastic, with either Water, Spiral Spring or Enam- elled pads. Hard Rubber Trusses and several other kinds. If in need of a Truss call at the Drug Store. ±..;E,. Clapp, M.D. Proprietor. °611611X 41?; Milicirrick3r• manufacturers of THRESHING MACHINES, ENGINES - NEWMODEL,°A°.� MOWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERS, FT Repairing of Threshing machines a Specialty. All kinds -of Plow points kept constantly on hand. Castings made to order. We have the Finest Machinery and Most Skilful Workmen and are prepared to give the best of sat-A4Cesion- to .,ar customers. i.v ro I i 1 ? 6 n -dR' V V e l z. BUGGIES; CARTS and WAGONS IN STOCK Cotne.:and See Them -Or write for PRICES before buying Elsewhere. eery = . The GAZETTE Is fitted outwith New Type in the latest designs, .all on the "point" system, and . with a splendid, rapid job press. and we, are prepared to compete -with the ;cities for fancy printing. ASIUMNIUMMICINSIMIMI DON'T "fiend your- .. :away ;ant you see our F_ani 110 aizd Ps�es, F0±74. piucusT 117V- t.1 %J%i�C Aigi �♦t,ri+� iN The lines of goods we cut on during August MEN'S SUITS To Order Anythinz in a summer suiting will be quoted at a Liberal DisoLnuat. Boys} Spring and Summer Suits Also Quoted; At Reduced Prices q The prices -of what we have left in. en's or Boys' Straw Hats,: sells . at very near halfthe regular price. Parasols We liana -Mill a good selection of parasols,j,'U fact a few too , many. In order to :reduce the number . we will sell you a .cheap one for very.Iittle, Money, or a good one . ;fort the price of a. cheap sone. i Mxi CHU. EV "sliGELIcAL.—L.E Sabbath school Superintendent. Cottal day evening at 7:30. Tuesday ever-ing at 7:3 evening at n o'clock. 11 DRESPITFRII,—S bath Sch:•o: t :. a. tender. -.t. 1 ravEr1 c'c:oc. itey E. NV, C C. CFt CH, Fat er ".iey, i . I; alternati-,R.ly at h every c,': . - .11i,.a, at _2:3U p.u:. ever_ ctL ,r T CT7 E:i.yti:.—I:ev. ice: t' =- L -t t+n et 2:�: 1'.L?, Tk ir ET:: �� IST.-3ert,i vl tendert. i'ra errleeti W. B. Danard, Pastor. 1..5f.CC.A., eve -1 • - the W days iti ea r:i }�. W Eil ESec • ha:i month. Vis toil e'.wa5 T HE f\A =LDN zscoTED TO TIE" is ::r Terris per ye L YiEk'TIS One coinnl:i Half coin:1111 Quarter column...... Eighth coiuvin , Legal notices, be. pe line for each subs.?ques Local business uotic tion. Contrail a:'..mortising Grall:: Trunl Trail:-: leave Mi i( TCb . GGING Express ..... 7.1.7 a, i`1Iail -. ...... 1 i t3 M: Wer Special :ctiuc¢i? Fair Day only—at store; ;`i1;"In -. Miss Clara Gtntti present thioying a Miss Lenul_an at U. Mr. John SChini Jos. Deemeri retia. erviile recently, p property. Mr. Frank La Fr fingers badly :.ti` iii beam at the raf ug sawmill yesterday Mr. :iicKenzre ha t.f pressing hat ar plant. ,Over 350 to for shipment- from We have receivk complimentary tit Agricultural L.7,7hib held in Hanover, on The roof is now c residence; Mr. Wei for occupancy, and pests shortly to bE his. Mr. Henry Wolf, ing hard on his CS Creek bridge. He I in the specified tim good job of it. _ Oliver & Stiegler ing the fall Exhibi Millinery Rooms a: their fine diepis yI untrimmed Milli/1E11 The Mildmay C: si}ipped over 6,000 r g the August ma at 21i -c per pound. ready for the patrol A false rumor has ated to the effect t are not not baying may market. Tiley and paying the lbij :lay far grain of all Mr. Philip H. Ho' spending his holiday friends here and at. en Monday last to S Berlin, to resp m e hi of friends wish hsin No neater paper change table than which has lately be( out with new press congratulate Bro.�t eesses he is-aciievi' the "Fourth Estate. Schweitzer B:os. tu.the erection of which was raised structure will be r stories high with det+ One of the .firm is a b rather places selecting n achinery.- The- r work-in ample time `W 'r atchea from2 iu1 Xi .may. Also a fi *mks at lowest price