HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-09-14, Page 4[AL. Cut and kinds, Fav )r 1 -are. No we have ,rst-class ense line of ors. Diality asame SES RIE, Iaoes• red work. Peri 0 Is, ' Ul Lor ONT.. n Farm Se+ west Rate st. counted. n given to q CING BOK) ie Post Office, FORD W 10E4 aaa rp MILL- FACTORY. CO, meter Planing Mill ughout and are now Iirad� Fnrniehings. MATCHING �PT.LY. work turned. F ®i. IIS F A PERILOUS TRIP. Two Chicago Vouny Men Have an Exciting Voyage Across Toronto Bay on the Stays of a Steamer—Their Boat Crash- ed Under the Paddle Wheel. A Toronto special says.—Two young men, W. and B. Wilson, of Chicago, Friday afternoon had an experience which they will not forget for some time. Early in the day they went to the lifeboat station, and taking a small boat crossed the bay to Hanlan's point, where they intended to spend the day. About 2 p.m. they were rowing about the Island wharves. The steamer Mayflower had just arrived and discharged her passengers, when the young men came along. Not thinking that the steamer would start as soon as it did, they rowed about between the wharf and the boat, when to their SURPRLS121 AND HORROR the huge paddle -wheels of the steamer began turning and the boat to approach. There was no time to hesitate. The boys tried to row, but the steamer had so hemmed them in that there was not room enough to allow the oars to be used. Without further hesita- tion the elder of the two reached up and caught hold of one of the cross -bars imme- diately in front of the paddle -wheel, and bracing his feet in the center of the small boat managed with great difficulty to keep his craft, in which was seated his brother, from being sucked into what would have been certain death. In this position they stayed, for they feared the least move would send them to their doom. The younger Wilson, in the bottom of the small boat DARED NOT MOVE for fear his brother should lose control of the boat. It also appeared that with the increase in the speed of the steamer all con- trol of the boat would in a short time be lost. Half the distance across the bay was accomplished in this position but when the steamer increased her speed, and made a sharp turn so as to come into the Yonge street wharf, the scene changed, and for a moment it was a hard one to witness. The passengers and crew had no idea that what has been related was occurring. Al- though the boys say they called for help, no one seems to have heard any unusual sound. As the steamer turned, Wilson lost control of the boat, which was RAPIDLY SUCKED UNDER the huge paddle wheels. When he saw the position his brother was in he called to him to clutch the first bar he came to. " With great -effort he did so, and thus saved himself from a horrible death. His feet and body dragged in the water in front of the wheel for some time, until he finally drew himself up on the cross bar. After the boat arrived at the wharf a rope was thrown to the lads. They could not catch it, how- ever, and the lifeboat had to be lowered to get them out. This was done none too soon, for both WERE ABOUT EXHAUSTED. They were safely landed, and Mr. Easton, of the Ferry Company, took them in charge. They were taken to the life saving station, where their wet clothes were removed. When the Mayflower came upon them they had their boots and stockings off. These were lost along with the boat, which was crushed into splinters. One of the boys lost his ccat. In this garment was $7, all the money they had. Mr. Easton gave them a supply of boots and stockings, and they proceeded to see what the Ferry Company would do for them, as they blamed the com- pany for all the loss that took place to them. The crushed boat was picked up by the Lifeboat crew. W. Wilson, the elder of the two, stated to a reporter that he and his brother came in from Chicago on Wednesday evening,and spent the night at the Metropole. They had seen the Chicago Fair, and had come to Toronto to see what Canada could do in the shape of an exhibition. Domestic Servants in Brazil. The consequences of the scarcity of do- mestic servants in Brazil, owing to the abolition of slavery, are described in the last British consular report from Rio Grande de Sal. It appears that not 1 per cent of the male and female servants will sleep- in their master's house. They insist on leav- ing at the latest by seven o'clock in the evening, and will not return before seven or eight in the morning. For this reason some houses have a pane of glass in one of the windows taken out, through which the baker and milkman pass their goods on their early morning rounds without troubling a member of the family to get up and open the door. It is said to be quite common for a good cook to insist on the family din- ing not later than five o'clock in order that she may be able to put the kitchen in order and go home early. If these or any other demands are not granted the servant leaves without any notice, there being apparently no law of master and servant in Brazil. The wages average £2 to £3 a month with food, and the servants, as a rule, purloin enough every night to provide a supper at home. These servants are all negroes or mulattos, and are nearly all freed slaves ; but in spite of all their drawbacks they are generally preferred to white servants, who in Brazil have nearly all worse failings than the blacks. Some of the Italian immigrants and German colonists are in domestic service, but they are even more indepen- dent than the blacks. One reason for the scarcity of domestic servants is the number of factories which have lately sprung up, in which fair needlewomen or handy work- ers can get treble the wages of a domestic servant with shorter hours of labour. now to Walk- It would seem sometimes that the art of graceful walking might be numbered among the lost sciences, so few women master the accomplishment, or even acquire any ap- proach to perfection in this exercise, which is the foundation of all others. Everyone succeeds in propelling themselves along by means of their feet, but that is not true walking.. An. English authority says "The body should be held erect, the shoulders down, chest extended, and the leg moved from the hip, the whole figure above being Immoyabie.:The movement from the knee is said " to be the. secret of bad wanting, eoiribined with the discomfort -of tight shoes'and high heels, which turn the figure in a most ungraceful manner: A_ short, brisk walk is beneficial, while a tramp far- miles osmiles results in utter weariness." When - meeting a friend, the 'Chinaman ahak,g8 bietown band instead of_ -his friend's. A bEItYliN 8PORYj A Prominent Minister Relates His .Re- markable Experience With the Grippe. Ilow Ile Was Affected And Flow Ile Was Cured. An Article That Every one Should Read and Remember. (From the Philadelphia Items) Rev. Thomas L. Lewis, who resides at 2549 Neff street, and is pastor of the Rich- mond Baptist church, relates a very inter- esting account of his experience with La Grippe and how he secured relief by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Mr. Lewis is thirty-nine years old and is recognized as one of the most popular preachers of Philadelphia. He is an alumnus of Bucknell College at Lewisburg, Pa., where he attained the de- gree of Master of Arts. With his other work he edits and publishes The Richmond Baptist, a monthly journal devoted to the interests of the church. He Iooks upon the practical side of life, both preaching and publishing, the impertance of good health, and when asked to tell What Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills had done for him, he went before Eugene Ziegler, a Notary Public at 2738 Neff street, and cheerfully made affidavit to the following narrative :— " I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People two weeks ago this Sunday. I had the grippe for more than two weeks. I had great trouble during that time with my eyes and head. The disease also affected my appetite and my stomach. It required great determination and effort on my part to do my work as pastor, and I did it when I should have been in bed. " In a week's time the effects of the grippe were completely removed. I then continued the remedyon account of my stomach dif- ficulty, being confident that it would remove that. I want to recommend the use of Pink Pills to all those who are affected as I have been. I believe they will build up "grippe patients. - " As for myself, 1 cannot say too much for thein. I went on the scales two weeks ago to see what I weighed, and again to- day, wearing the same clothing. I found I had gained two pounds—a pound a week. " On account of the sedentary habits natural to my occupation, and to some in- ternal injuries sustained years ago, I have had a severe stomach affection, and have been troubled, besides,a great deal, with in- digestion. Since taking the Pink Pills my appetite has improved, my digestion is bet- ter, and my stomach has been relieved of its pain. "I was struck accidentally in the stomach by an iron bar and.once I was kicked by a mule in the same place. It was 20 years ago when I was hurt first. Since that time I suffered much from stomach difficulties. I was treated frequently, but not cured. I feel better now than at any time since 1 was hurt, I am so pleased with my improvement that I am glad to let the public know of my bettered condition. I have heard of other cures effected by the Pink Pills, but I prefer to speak only of my own case. THos. L. LEWIS. Sworn and subscribed before me this 29th day of April, A.D., 1893. EUGENE ZIEGLER, [seal.] Notary Public. The discoverer of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People certainly deserves the highest tribute that pen can frame. His medicine bas done more to alleviate the sufferings of humanity than any medicine known to science, and his name should be handed down to future generations as the greatest servant of the present age. An analysis proves that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain in a condensed form all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood, and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neu- ralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, that tired feeling resulting from nervous pros- tration-; all diseases depending upon vitiat- ed humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysiplas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females. such as suppression, irregularities, and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they effect .a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excess of whatever nature. Although prepared in quantity. and handled in the drug trade as a proprietary article, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not a patent medicine in the sense that name im- plies. They were first compounded as a prescription and used as such in general practice. So great was their efficacy that it was deemed wise to place them within the reach of all, at a"price which anyone could afford tc pay. They are now manu- factured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., and Schenec- tady, N. Y., and are sold in boxes(never in loose form by the dozen or hundred, and the public are cautioned against numerous imitations sold in this shape)at50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company from either address. The price at which these pills are sold makes a course of treatment inexpensive as compared with other reme- dies or medical treatment. Lice on Oattle. An old agricultural writer says that some twelve years ago he noticed his bull was free from lice when the rest of his cattle were not. Thinking the matter over he came to the conclusion that the bull's habit of throwing dirt over himself must have some- thing to do with his freedom from lice. So he tried dry earth on the rest of his cattle with good results. "Since then 1 have used dry earth and have frequently put it on cattle having lice and have found it perfectly efficacious,both as a preventive and a cure. If. in winter I think it needed and cannot get it otherwise, I go into my cellar and got a few quarts. There is no danger in using too much. Dry it on the stove,then sprinkle it over the back from head to tail, and working in and through the hair it soon destroys all lice. I believe the earth to be just as eftica- cious,less dangerous and less expensive than tobacco or any of the acids recommended." A common remedy for treating cattle lice is cocculus indicus, of which use one-half pound for each animal, pulverizing it and mixing with two quarts of vinegar, allow- ing it to simmer one hour on the stove. This should be applied thoroughly by rub- bing it well into the hair over the infested parts. A kerosene emulsion made of two gallons of kerosene and one-fourth pound of whale -oil soap in a gallon of water is also very effective. The solution of soap should be heated before adding the kerosene and the mixture c burned for five or ten minutes to make the emulsion. This should be dil- uted with eight parts of water and applied thoroughly. Massacre of a Ship's Orew A report which has been. received from Sydney states that a vessel engaged in the recruiting of labourers on the coast of Ma- layta—one of the Solomon Islands— was attacked by the natives of that place and the crew was massacred, the vessel being burned to the water's edge. It is rumoured that the ship was discovered by a Dllalayti chief, who promised to obtain for the cap- tain a large number of recruits, to an anchorage which -favored an attack. The treachery of the chieftain was rendered still more revolting by his having sent on board a number of natives as pledges of his good faith. Nevertheless, the Ship had no soon- er cast anchor than she was surrounded by perfidious natives fully armed, who storme'd. the deck, spearing every man on board. An Important Scientific) Discovery. Nerviline, the latest discovered pain remedy, may safely challenge the world for a substitute that will as speedily and promptly check inflammatory action. The highly penetrating properties of Nerviline make it never failing in all cases of rheuma- tism, neuralgia, cramps, pains in the back and side, headache, lumbago, etc. It pos- sesses marked stimulating and counter irritant properties, and at once subdues all inflammatory action. Ormand & Walsh, druggists, Peterboro', write : " Our cus- tomers speak well of Nerviline." Large bottles 25 cents. Try Nerviline, the great internal and external pain cure. Sold by all druggists and country. dealers. "Have you a good ear for music " he in - quired of the young man who is both matter-of-fact and absent-minded. "I don't know," was the reply; "I never tried to play on it." NoDisappointment Can arise from the use of the great sure -pop corn eure—Pntnam's Painless Corn Extrac- tor, Putnam's Extractor. removes cornsZ'Ile J. D. KING CO. Ltd , painlessly in a few days. Take no subati- tute. At druggists. 79 RING EAST. 1 Had Goitre Or swellings in the neck since I was 10 years old; am now 52. I used Hood's Sarsaparilla re- cently and the swelling has entirely disappeared It has been very trouble- some. When I began I was feeling so discour- aged with the goitre and rheumatism I felt that Mrs. Sutherland. I would as soon be dead as alive. Whenever I caught cold I could not walk two blocks without fainting. Now I am free from it all and I can truly recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla. I received a letter from Mrs. Jennie Bigc'ow, now of Fremont, Mich., behalf of Hood's asking if my testimonial in Sarsaparilla was true; I replied it was, and sent particulars. I have another letter from her thanking me very much for recommending Hood's Sarsaparilla and stating that she also has been cured." MRS. ANNA SUTHERLAND, Kalamazoo, Mich. HOOD'S PILLS are the best after-dinner ?ills. They assist digestion and cure headache. TART A FACTORY IN YOUR TOWN Ordinary genius required. Particulars free. M. Thornber, Keokuk, Iowa. U.S.A. TEACHERS and older Scholars =can make money canvassing for "Farmers' Friend and Account Book." Send for circulars, WIL. LIAM BRIGGS. Publisher, Toronto. O TRONTO CUTTING SCHOOL OFFERS TORONTO facilities for acquiring a thorough. knowledge of Cutting in all its branches; also agents for the McDowell Draft ng Machine. Write for circulars, 123 Yonge treat. DO YOU IMAGINE That people would have been regularly using our Toilet Soaps since 1845 (forty-seven long years) if they had not been GOOD! The public are not fools and do not continue to buy goods unless they are satisfactory. If3EAt-3MLM. 2 BAY ST., "Peter Piper Picked a Peek of Pickled Peppers," was a line of alliterative nonsense, that the children used to say. Nowadays they can practice on the Perfect, Painless, Powerful Properties of Pierce's Pleasant Pargative Pellets. It will impress a fact which will be useful to know. These Pel- lets cure sick headache, bilious attacks, indigestion, constipation and all stomach, liver and bowel troubles. They are tiny, sugar-coated pills, easy to take, and, as a laxative, one is sufficient for a dose. No more groans and gripes from the old drastic remedies ! Pierce's Purgative Pellets ate as painless as they are perfect in their ef- fects. During the late high water on the Grand River, in Missouri, a fence post of an in- undated farm bore this truthful legend : "° This place for sail." - Dr. Harvey's Southern Red Pine for coughs and colds is the moat reliable and perfect coagh medicine in the market. For sale everywhere. Peaches, called Persian apples, were known in Europe before the Christian era Edison has invented a method for repro- ducing phonograms that is said to be very satisfactory. A.P. 5'7 =1 IS THE GREATEST OF ALL EARTHLY POSSESSIONS FOR YOUR DRINK Royal Dandelion Coffee ASK YOUR GROCER. ELLIS & KEIGHLE Y, SOLE MANUFACTURERS, '1101R,01•1"110. AS}CYOUR SEWING MACHINE AGENT FOR IT, OR SEND A SCENT STAMP FOR PARTICULARS.PRICE LIST, SAM PLES, COTTON YARN. &c. At, the Bank. li This is to notify you that your ac- count at the bank of health is over - erne drawn; at this rate you will soon bankrupt, unless you take SCOTT' 8 MULSION Of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and I-lypophosphites to build you up. It will STOP A COUGH, CURE A COLD, and check CONSUMPTION and all forms of 'WASTING DISEASES.Al- most as palatable as Milk. Prepared by Scott & Bowne, Belleville. For sale by all druggists. NEW PROCESS Rubber Stamps Queen City Rubber Stamp Works, Toronto. ass TINCLEY & STEWART M'F'C CO. MANUFACTLTRERS OF RUBBER, AND METAL STAMPS, Lodge Seals, School Seals, Office and Bank Stamps, Stamps of every description. 10 King Street West, Toronto. Write for circulars. The High Speed Family Knitter Will knit 10 pairs socks per { day. WA1 do all work any EST>iiiN11IJ�r plain circular knitting machine will do, from homespun or fac- tory yarn. The most practical family knitter on the market. A child can operate it. Strom, Dnrable, Simple, Rapid. We .•, pp, v 3q guarantee eery machine to do % .` good work. Beware of imitations. O. N y Agents wanted. Write for par titulars. Dundas Knitting Machine Co., Dundas, Ontario. i pin ACe ES OF LAND �9 fi for sale bythe SAINT PAtL & DULUTH ft, AIL ROAL :ouuP:ii:Y in Minnesota. Send for Maps and Circe. ars. They will be sent to you Address H OPEWELL CLARKE, c4.-Paul.',1iin, FRAZER, AXLE Best in the World! Get ,the Genuine! Sold Everywhere! ASE CHAMPION Fire and Burglar-Proo In use all over the Do- minion. We sell directto the user, thus giving the buyer the discount usual- ly paid in Jommissions. Catalogue on appiication. S. S. KIMBALL, 577 Craig St.,Montreal, JVWSIC! erman Syrup Croup. 99 We have selected two or three lines from letters freshly received from pa- rents who have given German Syrup to their children in the emergennC S of Croup. You will credit tzhese, because they come from good, sub- stantial people, happy in finding what so many families lack—a med- icine containing noevil drug, which mother can administer with con- fidence to the little ones in their most critical hours, safe and sure that it will carry them through. ED. L. WILLIT5, of Mrs. JS.W. KIRK, Alma, Neb. I give it Daughters' Col4ege, to my clfildren when Harrodsbttrg,.Ky. I troubled with Croup have depended upon and never saw any it in attacks of Cr preparation act like with my little dam it. It is simply mi- ter, and find It an in- raculous. valuable 'remedy. - Fully one-half of our custtilners ale mothers who use Boschee's Get- roan Syrup among their childrefl. A medicine to be successful with the little folks must be a treatment for the sudden and terrible foes of child- hood, whooping cough, croup, diph- theria and the dangerous inflamma- tions of delicate throats and :sings. 6p lasuannioniseeromeme Every Music Teacher inCa- nada should know where they cart get their Music cheapest. Write us for Catalogues; also sample copy of the CANADIAN MUSICIAN, a live monthly jour- nal with $1.00 worth of music in each issue. $3 to 86 per day madeby canvassers. See prem- ium list. We carry everything in the Music line. WHALEY, ROYCE & CO. 158 YONCE FT. TCRONTO,ONT. IF YOU WOULD SAVE TIME AND MONEY BUY A NEW WILLIAIIS SEWING IIMACIIINE Agents everywhere. 0 I -THIS-IS GOOD, FOR -$2°O SEND TO REE OMAN J3ROS, t rs • G EQRGETOW N, ONS: IT IS A GREAT MISTAKE To think that you must wear wide, ill -looking shoes to have comfort. Our shoes are both easy and elegant nice to look at and comfortable while in wear. ALBERT COLLEGE BELLEVILLE, ONT., Grants Diplomas in Commercial Science, Music, Fine Arts, Elocution and collegiate courses. Candidates prepared for Matriculation and for every grade of Teachers' Certificates. Will reopen TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH, 1893 Send for Calendar: Address PRINCIPAL DYER, M.A., B.Sc Your machinery with the tandardana reliable Peerless Machine Oil i Don't wait till spring is past before trying K D. C. It cleanses and heals the stomach,. in vigorates and tones the system. No other tonic needed. Take it now. K.D.C. COMPANY (LIMITED) NEW GLASGOW, N. S., CANADA, or 127 STATE ST., BOSTON, MASS. Mention this paper. Free sample mailed to any address. A PleasantSense e use Of Health, Strength and Comfort follows the free use of ST. LEON Mineral Water It acts in perfect hat- h" mony with nature in removing all obstruc tions and impurities. It never irritates, never disappoints,and never produces reaction. Hotel opens 15 June, M. A. THOMAS, Hotel Manager. All Druggists, Grocers and hotels. ST. LEON MINERAL WATER CO., LTD Head Office, King St. W., Toronto. BRANCH, 419 YONGE STREET We will give a substantial reward toe anyone bringing us proof of Other Oil being sold as our Peerless Machine Oil. None genui ne except from packages bearing full brand, and our dnaame,LLand sold only by -re- liable and regular Sole Manufacturers, SAHEL ROOEERS &Co TORONTO. GET ,S TRUSS !IMPROVED THE LAST 20 YEARS NOTHING SETTER UNDER THE SUN PTURE SEND FOB QUESTION SHEET. ON RECEIPT OF ANSWERS, LET ME SELECT WHAT IS REQUIRED. WILL SEND YOU PRICE. GOODS ARE BENT 16Y MAIL, REGISTERED, CORRECT ANO CHEAP. — _ Send Stamp for Illustrated Book CS- - - 4103CaT7T3EMEI SURGICAL MACHINIST, 134 KING STREET W, TMRONTI) HARVEST EXCURSIONS From all Sta tions in Estevan Deloraine Moosomin Binscarth Reston Regina Moosejaw YorCalktgary yn Prince Albert } $35 00• Edmonton $40 00._ TO LEAVE ALL POINTS IN THE PRO, VINCE OF ONTARIO, ON AUG. 15, return until OCT. 15 AUG. 22. OCT. 22 SEPT. 5, " " NOV. 5 Ontario, return rates $28 00. $30 00. Parties ticketing from other points should arrange to arrive at Toronto in time tWson. - nect with thin 10:155 p.m. train on above 1, dates. -- 5