HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-08-31, Page 5ounts, t 003ts. by tbis ice. 'romosr.eusx...0mearzse,—..r.:017s.sm ns. 175 pairs s at prices MAY. summer e quoted iscount ve left in ,sells at rice. ct a few too we will sell r a good one • CHURCHES. VANGELICAL.—Servicee 10 SOH. Slid Teem. la' Sabbath School at 2 p.m, C: Lieseraer, Seperintendent, Cottage prayermeeting Wednes- day evening at 7:30. ' Young People's meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30. Choir practice Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Heist, Pastor. 1DRESBYTERIAN.—Services 1030 a,m. Sab- i bath School 330 a.m. J. H. Moore, Superin- tendent. Prayeareeetieg, 'Wednesday evening at o'clock. Rey. R. W. Gallagher, Pastor. -D C. CHURCH, Sacred Heart of Jesus.—Ree. • Father Wey, P. P. Servicesevery Sundae', eliereatively at 8:30 aan. au1 10 a.m. Vespers cv,lry other Sunday at 3 p.ra. Sunday School at 2:30 pea. every other Sunday. T UTITERAN.—Rev. Dr. Miller; pastor. Ser- e- vices the last three Sundays of every month at 2:30 p.m. Sunday School at 1:80 p.m. ETHODIST.—Services 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m Sabbath School 2:30 p.m. G. Curie, Superin- tendent. Prayermeeting, Thundery 8 pose. Rev. W. B. Dollard, Pastor. SOCIETIES. M.B.A., No. 70—meets in their hall on the • evening of the second and fourth Thurs— days in eachmontli. K. WEILER, Sec. GEO. HERRINGEB, Preis; C.F.—Court Mildmay, No. 186, meets in their N-•• • hall the second and last Thursdays in each month. Visitors always welcome. E. N. BUTOHAR,T, CA R. JAS. JOHNSTON, R. S. ' 'THE M ILDMAY GAZETTE, bevoren TO THE INTERESTS OF EAST BRUCE AND EAST HURON. Terms :—$1 per year in advance ; Otherwise $1.25. ADVERTISING RATES. One Six Three Year. months. mouths. One column itte $50 $30 $18 Half column. 30 18 10 Quarter column. 18 10 Eighth column. 10 8 4 Legal notices, 8c. per line for first and 4c. per line for each subsequent insertion. Local business notices 5e. per line each inser- tion. Cdutract advertising payable quarterly. J. W. GREEN. Grand Trunk Time Table. Trains leave Mildmay station as fole lows : GOING sorrel. GOING NORTH Express ...... 7.15 a, m. Mixed 10.55 ft, Mail............11.55 •• Mail 2.52 p.m Mixed.. ...... 5.20p.m Express......... 9.35 p.m Mr. Frank Jasper has had the front of his store neatly re -painted lately, much improving its appearance. Mr. John Boyle, of the Advocate of- fice, Paisley, was the guest of Dr. Huck's family over Sunday last. Messrs Armour and R. Berry started yesterday on a bicycle trip to Port Elgin and Owen Sound, intending to return home this evening. Mr, Tony Fortney, a former Mildmay boy, but uow of Hespeler, is spending a short holiday visit here among his many friends in this vitinity. Mrs. Bauer and niece, who have been guests at the Mildmay convent for the past six weeks, started this week on their return to their home in St. Louis, Mo. The sidewalk .on Absalom St. has received some inuch-needed attention at the hands of the pathmaster of late. New planks have been laid and guards erected in dangerous places. M. John Schefter, who has been a clerk in Herringer & Schefter's store for the past four .years, concluded his engagement last week, the terns of his apprenticeship having expired. Mr. Win. Schcenau was absent at Buffalo last week visiting his son. He tells of a very pleasant misadventure which befel him on the way. Along with about 15 others he decided to go on to Grimsby instead of waiting tao hours at Hamilton for his train. On reaching there they found that the through train did not stop at Grimsby and they would be compelled to wait till late at night. He had passed Grimsby score's of times before and from the view he got at the -station he expected to put in a very dismal, lonely day, but in strolhng around he came to the Park gates and meeting the Preshleut of the Cainp Grounds Company, wilt=- he found a genial and affable gentleman, he was shown through a Park of verit- elle enchantment. Beautiful and costly cottages and tents greeted the eye everywhere under the grove trees, while driveways extended in every direction, and the beautifel bay was dotted with boating parties, bathers and steamers. He ass treated courteously and kindly on every hand. When the time came for his departure it wa,s with genuine re- grets that he did so. It is hisintention to spend a part of next season at that delightful spot, accompanied by his wife. Mr. Mckenzie is pushing the work of pressing hay, and has teams constantly Rev,: Messrs,- Weikirti-Belmora slid Gallagher,IVICalmy, iiikeintaged-pulpits 'last, Sunday. A pleasant party _occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jasper, in this village last Tuesday evening, in honor of that lady's birthday. Mr. Cameron, of Invermay, has been -eselected, out of a large number of appli- Lnts, to teach the .Mildmay Public School, commencing October lst. Father Brohman has furnished us with another good letter on the World's Fair, which we are unable to get into type for this issue owing to illness on on the GAZETTE force. It will appear next week. We publish this week the balance of the prize list of the Mildmay Fall Show which is to be held on Sept. 21st. The prize list is a long one—much improved from last year and shouldattract a large ompetition. It is rumored that some fine herds of cattle from a distance will be shown here this year. Court Mildmay, No. 188, C.O:F. held its anniversary services in the English Methodist church on Sunday afternoon. The march, although a little late in starting, was a very imposing affair, there being about fifty brethren in line, including visitors from Clifford, Tees - water, Behnore, Walkerton and other places. The church was crowded to the doors. the Foresters occupying the front center seats, and Rev. Bro, J. J. Noble, of Greenock, preeched an °i� - vent sermon which will be long re- membered by those present. He took for his text, Matt. vii, 20: "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." He was glad to know that the Forest- ers, as a Society, recognized and wor- shiped God. There was a time in his life when he strongly opposed secret so- cieties, believing them to be an injury to the community, but he had had his eyes opened and now sew by their fruits the great benefit accruing. from them. Christ very often taught by object les- sons from things which came under his observation in everyday life, to show that moral character is the fruit by which we shall be tried and known, Men will often try to hide their evil character by outwarddeeds of goodness, but they cannot preveut their tree fruit from cropping out and exposing them at times. Moral character is the only measure of man's real worth, and it is _all that man takes with him into the futuxe life. Man 'May strive for riches, and get them, but he leaves every dol- lar behind him at (Teeth. There is no loftier way to judge the C.O.F. than by its fruits. It is based upon God and has for its motto "Liberty, Benevolence, Concord." It rose out of the feuds of life in which the stronger crushes the weaker, and throws its protecting arm of help over the bereaeed families of its members, while its benevolence is felt in every community where it exists. The C.O.F. a dozen years ago was but a handful of men with about $2,000 sur- plus, but to -day there are 18,000 men in the ranks, with over $250,000 in the treasury. Within the past few years 1175,009 has been paid out into bereaved homes, and as much more has gone out to relieve families where sickness had entered. Are not those fruits which are pleasing in the eyes of our Judge ? He urged the Brethren not to forget that the _fruits of the Order is not religion, and eloquently enjoined them not to neglect the forming of Christian charac- ter, without which their lives would be a ruinous failure. He closeo. his oration with an earnest prayer for the conver- sion of Foresters. A liherei collection was then taken up, after which the Brethren reformed and marched back to their hall where a lunch was served to these who had come from a distance to attend the anniversary services. Belmore. Several of the Brethren from here at- tended the Foresters' anniversary ser- vices in Mildmay last Sunday. Mr. D. N. McDonald was at Listowel this week attending the cheese fair now in progress there. A pleasant pic-nic at Riversdale at- tracted a few Behnoreites one day this week. engaged hauling it to the station. In Mr. Jas. Kirby ha e bought a house this occupation Schwalm Brothers' big from Mr. LateonbY, e,nd is moving it team are gaining quite a -reputation, to the -rear of his new brick residence, where it will be used as a kitchen. •mr, R. Lane is making arrangements for starting up a chopper here, and pa -et of the mechinery is already on--1,1ag ground. • • The cider mill -is in Order for the first -apples which come en. r. John Hartley, late teacher at "NO. -011 has taken a second at Her - hauling almost five tons at a load. The Fair Grounds will soon he cleared of hay. Mr. John, Durkin, who_ has__ been the: guest of: Mr. R. Hauck, in _ this village for a few Weeks: Pest left yesterday to epend the bidance of -sacafion with his -pare- ntsmit.London.He _made many Men& 'white hare iwa- hir skill- on the foot -ban- nom brought him a wide circle Hater, High School, and has now gone et actuaktanoes.- book &0 t fox a 4xst• Hunt.ineeld. S01:08 of our young men talk of taking advantage of the eheap excursion to Manitoba which starts next Tuesday. The trustees should see that our school ground is fenced in at onee. It has been the summer resort for sheep and cattle long enough.and the children should get a chance to play there -with- out the danger of getting covered with filth. The Board recently claimed to have $.100 on hand ; here is a good chance to judiciously spend some of it. Mildmay Market Report. Carefully corrected every week the GAZETTE : " ,g i $ Spring Fall wheat per bu 55to 55 to Oats2828 to Peas 50 to Barley 38 to Potatoes...... 4 Smoked meat per lb... 105 to o o Eggs per doz...... 10 to Butter per lb 17 to Onions, per bu... 75 to 7 0 Hay, per ton Wood per cord... ... .. 1 20o 5 to for $ 58 57 32 50 40 50 13 11 18 90 7 00 10 1•TCYTIOM. Tenders Wanted. NTOTICE is hereby given that / shall receive J• I sealed tenders, so much in the 3, For the Book Accounts of 11.N. Schmidt, I Up to 12 o'clock, nnosoonl,voetri 9T,1893. Statement of the accounts can be seen at the of- fice of C. SCHURTER.Mildmay. FRED FELSINGER, Mildmay, Aug. 31, 189'. Assignee. Retiring trom Busi- ness in Lakelet. FPVING sold my blacksmithing business to Mr. Wm. Riyera. I wish to thank the public for the liberal patronage I have received while here. All accounts owed to me must be settled, by cash or note, by the let Sept. next. T. B. CARLETON. Lakelet, Aug. 1st, 1863. To the Public. I HAVE just purchased Mr. Carleton's GENERAL BLACKSMITH/NG BVEINES8 IN LAKELET. • and am carrying On business in the old stand. I have had it long practical experience and and am prepared to give perfect satisfac- tion in all work entrusted to me. Horseshoeing espeoially attended to if. a careful manner, Re- pairing a all kinds promptly done. - WM. RIVERS, Lakelet, Ang. 1, 1893. POIR) A Neat and Conifortable Country Homestead, r ONUS TING of three acres of choiee land, be e•-• ing part of lot 1, con. 7, in the township o Turnberry. Two acres now under grass and balance in orchard ad garden. There is a good six -roomed frame house on the premises, also ForfUrther particulars apply to JOHN W. GREEN, Box 10, Wroxetor, Out, INiriiiittire Deltirat Carries an immonse stook of House Furniture Elegant Parlor Suites All kinds of Bedroom Sete Choicest Hall Furniture. Stylish Dinineroom Sets.' Lounge, Rockers, Chairs, and every- thing in this line. . Prices Lower than ever for_Cash. Full Line of Self-acting Window Shades Picture Framing Done to order. Undertaking, I carry a full stock of Coffins, Caskets, _ Robes, etc, A First-class Hearse in connection. Rates Moderate. A. Murat, Elora. st, Mildmay. NOTICE. THE Otter_Creek Methodist church and Lot, near the Red Mill, Otter Creek, is 1101V offered for sale. Tenders will be received for the purchase.of said property, up to.Sept. 15th, 1893, by the undersigeed. TERMS.—One-third of the pnrehase money to be paid at tithe of sale; for thehalance a short time will be given on furnishiug approved joint notes. For further particulars apply to GRO. CURLE, Mildmay, Sec. of Trust Board. Call at- JASPER'S Flour and Feed Store • For anything you want in Vcsx-x.f naaneeti lEr•ruktig., SCHNEIDER'S and STEINMilLLER'S Flotir always in Stock. THE PEOPLE'S FAVORITE ICE CREAK PARLOR, .r_ileostise we make the Best Ice Cr69,111 iU tuwn,and our:wirielettiesilitshle gots_ proles it. flood BARBER SHOP in conneetion, ciRSPER _ idera.86._ _ JNO. HESSENAUER FerClIZ IP'M the Best Selection and Largest Stock in Town of Boots AND Shoes He buys from the best Houses, buys large quanti ties;. pays the spot cash for them, so gets them cheap, and SELLS THEM FROM 1115 Igt4rg PER CENT SHAPER THAN OTHER HOUSES. Come to the. Store aed see if this is not so. If you want cheap -Good -Neat Com.fort- able-Stannoh Foot -wear, Call on,)ne. Every attention given to rOrdered Work. and Repairing at Johq flesqn4Lqr7,s Next to Commercial Hotel. Elora Si. Mildmay. PRODUCE TAKEN. Mildmay Jewelry Store. Chas. Wendt Takes the liberty to draw the attention of the Public to the following Ve.eaae'rtg,s That we are selling Goods CHEAPER than any other House in the Dominion. Compare our Prices with others and see if we dont. Watches at half the Regular Price. Our eight day Walnut and Oak half hour gong strike Clocks knock the old styles out complete, both in Workmanship and Price. Our stock of Fine GOLD RINGS from feeCee. up will surprise you, In SPECTACLES we can give you the FINEST LINES as well as the CHEAPER ones as low as 1e. We also keep a large- stock af Fancy Goods Purses, Bill Books, Pipes Mouth OrgarisaHairpins Combs, Albums, Fancy Novelties in Glassware, Rolled Plate Chains, °henna, Lockets, Brooches, etc., at Rock Bottom Prices. Ail goods Warranted as represented. Repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry a Specialty and satisfaction guaranteed. Remember the place: CHAS. WENDT, Mildmay. Come with the crowd to J. L. TITMUS'S the cheapest eiseeer. and /memos e ey house in town, Full lines of. and II`tat,sass, and Cigigetva• FLOUR and FEED always on hand. Fruits of all kinds in their season. He keeps the best ICE CREAM PARLOR in town. Everybody welcomed. Elora et. . Mildma,y. milavitiow HARNESS ki.4 SHOP, 7A3 Proprietor. 0 0 We earTy a ftrst-class line of Harness, Saddle: -2, Whips, Mountings, etc. A full stock of Ladies' and Gents' ;Trunks and Valises: We make a specialty of The Trimming of Buggie.s, Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs. Harness Made to order and Repairing done in First-class Style. We carry a large stock in all lines and are prepared to give perfect satis- faction in Styles, Prices and Promptness. cii 4a3te, ,L. A. Hinsperger. C.:,`Euerielm Woolen 7-6? Prop ietor. Tweeds, Blankets and ail of wool - ea gods manufactured. A large and complete stock always on hand. - WOOL WANTED for which the , Highest Price - *rill be paid. ran Opportuuityt - De not let it pass. - You can buy goods at or :tie lor's For about half of what they will cos, you elsewhere. We buy C ANAS and give you the benefit of it. A comparison o Our STYLES and PRiCIS will convince you that you should trade with us. New Fall Goods, are arriving daily. We have just received a shipment of Dress Goods AND Mantle Cloths that would do credit to any CITY STOCK consisting as they do et All the latest and most stylish things. - Hopsacking, Whipcords, Diagonals Costume cloths, AND Tweed effects - We are in a position to sellthem: very close, being ect and paying them. It is an imported dir- spot cash for acknowledged. fact that we lead them all in these lines § 'Headquarters- for Read-rp,ade s r• 1 Claming Made to Order: Always on hand a full Bile of ‘BOC)f AND beq,s., In order to make more to"rn u Will'offer entire Mock of • W,es.te_._ i -a Ss • at and below cost. Print' former price 12:he now Se French Sateens 30 "' 2 All wool Delaines 40 ". 30 Flannelettes Muslims and Victoria Lavins 10, In, 15 and 20, now 8, 10, 11, - 18, and other goods in proportion. Oliver & Stieglery MILDMAY. •