HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-08-31, Page 4131 isgoV Jfouse. Store to the Front: Ail summer goods at cost No old stock must be allowed to accumulate. 1210. prints at 10c. 10e. prints as law as 6c. 10e. Straw hats at 5: Mildmay. PIRST ARRIVA.I,S of BALL GOODS! I buy in large lots for Spot Cash Big Reductions get Lowest Guts and large Discounts, And sell many lines. below USUAL PRICES `-� alt i1nt� during August and September. Cite along and get - Your Jag. before the snaps are all gone. =In D,<en's,— Suits and Furnishings we Iead them all We have 1•7 Attz and Bargains In ever too numerous to enumerate. Bring along your Produce and get a trial lot and Judge for your- self. Also be sure and bring your Picture Tickets, and get your Cards Punched. Just To Hand 380 Pairs ig`itie, A wool Si -i1 '1s and TI 37)1EitACIAT3M3FeS at Ousts. CASA, usually sold at 75 to 85e. No family within Ten Miles should pass by this bargain. Also a line of underwear at 25c•, Special. SMOKED MEAT For Sale ! Butter, Eggs, Etc. ,Wanted at Highest price. A... MCD-YMIR.f. L�REAT CLEAR=NCx SALE �R SUMMER GOODS A.rr The balance of our summer stock to be sold at Great Hedu_ctions. 1 g%c. Dress goods for 8. cts., .45c. Wool Delaines for. 330., 14 cts Prints for 8 cts, 175 pairs Ladies' Tafetta gloves worth 35 Cts for 10 cts, boys' and men's Straw Hats at half Price. if you don't: ,Remember we tale no Second place we are first -with low prices come you will a disappoint res, and STYLISH Goods. We give. highest price for T ARM rRODUCE. Full stock of GROCERIES always on hand. McLAUGHLIN & Co. GORRIE. JOHNSTON'S CAS —AND— Produce *Store. A full stock of Tweeds, worsteds, Cottonades, Shirtings, Ladies Wear, Men's furnishing, Linens, Honey Comb Quilts, Satin Quilts, _Lace.Curtains, Flannelettes, Prints `and Ginghains, Fresh Groceries, Boots and Shoes . Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs Ciisb or rrroutle Call and see -goods and prices. Jas. Johnston, $10,000, Private Funds to loan on Farm_ property at low sates.. issrer. of_Marriage,Licenses ST: LEON Nature's Healing, Water.. Life's Nourisher of Blood,. Health's Storer.. The Greatest Mineral Water Known._ Pleasant to the taste. • Healing.to the.system. ce o= By the -glass orin.quantities, at; %coeeryr aad Ice Cream. Parlors, s Gerrie. GEO. E. LIESEI/IER Tka Leading Blacksmith. irrhiala t* a place where you can get your Horse Slinging and all kinds of General Black- ,smith ng done right (heap and Neat: 4.1ways .a fill 'stock of Wagons, Buggies, -and •. _ triages ofall kinds kept an hand. 1 hkve a ^umver of X3 5 Erarr CetaXtre3. which I ta You' want one, ; not 4.a ate tam 'cgnclr.I3and.B es an Wsg#ns4 .E LIES . J. MItibE General Merchant, MILDMAY. ildmay rug Store. Complete stock of Drugs, Patent Medicines. and Druggists Sundries. In Perfumes We have Lubin s, Rithsecher's, Woodworth's, Seeley's, etc. . . We_ also have Sachet powder, a delightful and lasting perfume DIAMOND DYES. All the different shades and colors kept constantly on hand.. TRUSSES: -We have a very large `assortment -New. York Elastic, with either Water, Spiral Spring.. or Enam- elled pads. Hard Rubber Trusses and several other kinds. If in need. of a Trusscall at the Drug Store. Clapp, M. D. Proprietor x�RGorT � Flotna6ey Aekine mliana 0:13re Manufacturers of THRESHING MACHINES, ENGINES NEW14 ODEL MOWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERS, FT Repairing of Threshing machines a Specialty. All kinds of Plow points kept constantly on hand. Castings made to order. We have the Finest Machinery and Most -Skilful Workmen and are preparedto give the best of sat - a. on to .oar custotners. I3YOhr?21n CIOera BUGGIES, CARTS , and WAGONS *triode Conic and. See Them or write ford PRICES ' before buying Elsewhere, The GAZETTE Is fitted out with New. Type in the latest designs, _ all on the _"point" system, and with a splendid, rapid job press. and we are prepared to -compete with ,the cities for fancy printing. - IIOi�"T sem your - Oal away; until you sae ourSamples and Prices. Fors _Ps_uGuar The lines of goods we cut on during August MEN'S SUITS To Order Anything in a summer suiting will be quoted at a Liberal Discount, Boys' Spring and Summer Suits 1g Also. Quoted. At Reduced Prices Strait fbr$s The prices of what we have left in. Men's or Boys' Straw Hats, sells at very near half the regular price. Parasols E. - We have still a good selection of parasols, in -fact --a few too- : many. In order to reduce the number we will sell - . you a cheap one for very little money, ora. good one : for the price of a cheap one. 1 Mil>. mays. CHURC .=VA1 G -Ig 1CkL. Sen'i Sabbath School at -Betperintendent. Cottage .y evening at 7:30. Yo, -' Tuesday evening at 7:30. evening at 8 o'clock. Re* DRESBYTERIAN.—Seri bath School 2:30 a.m. tendent. Pra_verre ctii:gj o'ciodk. Bev. R. W. Gal C. CHURCH, Sacred' C. Father Wey. P P. alternatively at 6:3:; every other Sunday at 230 p.m.. every other Sai:a r uTHEn N.—iter. Dir vices the last three S st 2:30 p.m. Sunday Sch � ETFHODIST.—Servic Sabbath School 2:3') tendent. Prayermeeti W. B. Danard, Pastor. SOCIE (' M.B.A., Na 70—mee, i.:• evening of the sec. days in each month. K. WEItEit, Sec. G3 O.F.—Court Mildma ;- • hall the second and month. Visitors always E. j f� 11 E I D M. iiEVOTLD T. ': zg " TERE Terms :—$1 per yea ADVERTISE One column Half column Quarter column Eighth column Legal notices, 8c. per line for each subsequent Local business notices Iden. Cdutract advertising p Grand Trunk Trains lea! Mil lows : GOING SOt)T1{. Express ...... 7.15 a, M. $hail...... 11.55 " Mixed.. 5.20p.m Mr. Frank Jasper his store neatly re - improving its appea Mr. John Boyle, o five, Paisley, was Pluck's fancily over Messrs Armour a yesterday on a bicyc and Owen Sound, home this evening. Mr, Tony Fortney boy, but now of Hes short holiday visit h friends in this vicini Mrs. Bauer and n' guests at the Miltm past six Weeks, sta their return to their Mo. The sidewalk on received some nsac at the hands of the New plauis have be erected in dangerou Mr. John Scheft a clerk in Uerringe for the past four ye engagement last we apprenticeship havi Mr. Wm. Seigneur Buffalo last week vi tells of a very plea which befel him o with about 15 other on to Grimsby instc hours at Hamilton reaching there the through train did u and they would be c late at night. He ll scores of tinges befcr he got at the station in a very dismal, strolling around he gates and meeting t Camp Grounds Co found a genial and be was shown thro b1e enchantment. B cottages and tents everywhere under th driveways extended and the beautiful ' boating parties, bat He was treated cour on every hand. Whe his departure it was grets that he did so. to spend a part of n delightful spot, acro Mr. McKenzie is p pressing hay, and h engaged hauling i this occupation Sen team are gaining e hauling almost five t Fair Grounds will hay. MrJohn Durkin, guest of Mr. P. Hau for a few weeks leas spend the balance of . his parer,ts. at. Londo - friends while here foot -ball field brough of aognaintances..