The Gazette, 1893-08-31, Page 1r es, ate --•-esee • sa" 134eNrotedi to th.fe Iriterests 0f Es9Lat IFIviroort ixid East IESrtioei• Vol. 2. MILDMAY, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 31st, 1893. No. 37, CHURCH DIRECTORY. , vNGtirsEr.—Servicos stt Fordwich, 10:30 a. rna A-- at Gorrie, 2:30 p. m.; at Wroxeter, 4:30 p. m. ev. Mr. Brownlee, Incumbent. Sunday School, one hour and a querter before each service. mETHODIST.-Servipes at 10:30 a.m., and 6:30 p. m. Orange Hill, at 9:30 p. m. Rev. Mr. Greene, pastor. Sabbath School at 930 p. m. W. S. Bean Superintendent. pnESBYTHRIAN.--Servicesat Fordwich at It a.m.; at Gorrie, 2:30 p. me Bible Class e. Fordwich in the evening. Sabbath School a Gorrie 1:15 p.m. Jas.McLattghlin, Superintenden -L-ETHODIST-Services in the Fordwichlifetho Addist Cherchnn 10:30 sem. and 7 p. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. Pray 'r -meeting on Thursday evenings at f:30. Rev. Mr. Edmunds pastor. N. McLAUGHLIN, JOHN J. BRADLEY FASHIONABLE - - - ..... TAILOR NNTEcoiKE,-,,,:rm HAs just commenced business in Vogt's Block fc rinerly occupied by Mr. Martin's shoestore. Bell g a practical and experienced workman, I am able to guarantee first-class work in the lat est styles. John J. Bradley, WROXETER. FARM FOR SALE. LOTS 15 and 16, Con. 8, Howiek, (known as the 7 SF3UL'R OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. No Preston farm,) containing 150 acres, more or 4 witnesses required. less.. There are about 120 acres under cultiva- 000.ce:-At the Drug Store, Gowan. tion' the balance being hardwood and ceder bush: The fermis situated ei miles from Gory ie. , -and the sa,tne distance front Fordwich, And is well adapted for grain and stock -raising. Well• A TUCK, M. D. . snpPliedwith baildings, water and fences, This farm ire under the very best cultivation and is IkKEMBER of College of Physiciansur and S- one otthe fineet.in the township. For further l''''S' geons, Ont. particulars apply on the premises to FRANK DAVIDSON. Fordwich P.O. GORRIE-, ONT: R. E. CLAPP, M.D. IF•1--a3rts..lentletrant-a. andegil...1.2./XleCP-72-1Le GADUATE, Toron to University and member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Residence, Absalom St., nearly opposite the Liv- ery stable. Office 1,n the Drug Store. next door to Carrick Banking CO. MILDMAY. J. A. WILSON, M.D. HON'ORGraduate of Toronto University Medical College. Member of College of Physicians a,nd Surgeons of Ontario. Office - Next door to Wendt's Jewellery store. AITLEMAY. W. H. HUCK, V, S. Mildmay, Ont. 1-• RADII T ATE of Ontario Veterinary College, %. and registered member of Ontario Medical. Association. Also Honorary Fellowship of the Veterinary Medical Society. Calle promptly attended to night and day. JAMES -ARMSTRONG, itetermary Surgeon reRADUATE of Ontario Veterinary Oalieg_e, and seffsteted mamba- of Ontario Vi3teringe ary Association. f Residence ' •Next to Methodigt Parsonage, ALBERT STREET, GORRIE, ONT.. Corliriercial Jiotel, Corner Elora and Absalom sts. Mildmay. 'T'HIS fine Stone Hotel is fitted up in first-class style,, with large and convenient' Sample, rooms, spacious parlors and chamber& and every faeility for the entertainment of the traveling public. __ The bar is supplied with, the choicest livers and. cigars. Free 'Brie Ve and froth all trains. Good Stabling and attentive hostlers. F. X. GUITTARD, mANAGER. 7416 1-113.VIVEIZ Practical r7 a il o r First-class work Guaranteed. Clothing Cut to Order. Corner of Absalom and Adam Ste. Mildmay. IMPORTED ariotTnoux FOR SERVICE. ON Lot 3G, con: 9, Howiek. This bull was bred 1)y S. Carrapbell, Aberdeen- ., --• _ehixe, Scotland, and was sired by the famous Cruatehaults _bal. His dam, Roselinty, won 1st. gin 11•0:0Pstbrt-it"., erei Society's show, Aber- . , '1.4!tWi, anti sileetiso, won the eep aath&best female in the show at the sattio,.-Society's meet beei•oe'lstprizensantteepsatlocashows. TERMS:-Pecligreed -cows, $5 -each; Grade oows, $2, each. Payable not :later than May lst, 1$94. All caws that fail to' he With calf will be charged 61. . JOHN.51'0N & SONS. To Stook Raisers. pOlt SERVICE.- s Aa• Thoroughbred turban _ Thorougnered Large Imported English .xorlt, - shire Boar. - - ,Vtoroughbred Berkshire Boar. ' Al the -above are Regietered and Pedigreed Stoex. 'Poona roe se riwor..eattli. - Letil;coin B, _ TDERS-ONt '- . • • - Eggs For 1-latc131rig. . _ EGGS from breeding hens- of BreecE AN, BK BranTiii.1014 SnitrthirAczb WI4134 • 130-01944; ThOSW. 134.48„iweret- probured fro= 'the twat breeders -in -0antrida. • ZiangebalLeeEisiiWatekiii.. _ jeriazigottes.,--Xeers' ideate -8Patiek-'4w.giebt4etVaini, . =-1161P-11440240.4Wit of 13. ' IMAWARD,- Eggs For Hatching. \' 011ie and Brown Leghorn Eggs, 6,1 per i3et- v• ting. Birds are pure bred and finely marked. First come, first served. JNO. BRETHOUR Insurance Agent, Wroxeter It's enough to give a fellow the -Mumps to see the way some, suits are made do not -run my business by GIRLS and„ GAS. AM teal-i=e Experienced Workman, - and capable of overseeing my business, so bring along your CLOTH, either Manciaterra, or Feneeens. It don't matter to me where you buy your OLOTH, I GUARANTEE all my work. My ritions are the most REASONABLE. I will make your clothes tn the STYLE YGU WANT• - Ramember my name is a TAMAN , The Reliable Tailor, GORRIE. w. 11.6 '1'2111.1M Represents e 36".7-elM7Lt.telit 450 ait(D0W. e Keeping stock the far famed Fleury Plow and gang Plow Harrow, Sou -fuer, Reef; Cutter, and Pulver, Grain Crusher end Cutting Box, • _ Also agent. foe .Coulthurd Scot & Co. Oshaws., In ',Seeders, sells the Champion Combined Spring Tooth, Champion Runner _Press .Drill and .the Lion Disk Harrow. • Also sells the Chatham( wagon, and agent for the Ontario Pump Co. in Peres Pumps and Wind Mills. Full sck cof repairs for all the toleading plows. W. 11. TATE, _Gorrie. Scientific Arian AgnSy for -CAVEATS!, TRA DE . ARKS. DESPOR PATENTS, oats -YR WRITS, ate For information and free Handbook write to - MUNN Ss CO.. 361 BROAD:WAY, NEw•Yottke Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us is brought -before the public by a.ncitice given free of charge in the 4it-ittifi 1'4 teritaU Largest-eireulation of -any Scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. wee_eiy.se,00 a veer; *L60 six,mouths. AddresieMUNN CO. l'enittlesiBnai 3ai Breads's.% Neir,iark rete. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. - - A specific mosithly tnedielne forladies restbraend mandate theemensee acing free, healthy and pain*, - No whet. or pains on ,ap• - ow used Waver "000.isidiet. -1,115.4ritionrin==- W. ARMOUR'S, CASH and PRODUCE 'STORE, Elora St.. Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs and all kinds of Farm Produre. Come on and get the cash for your Pro- duce and don't rob the store -keeper by taking from them more than your eggs are worth. Live and Let live. Come on and save the lives and reputation of your storekeeper who offers 33% more for eggs than they are worth. A. P. MISSERE, Wagon -Maker, zeit1ctra-aie3e. p'aving had a long experience at the .business " I feel confident of being able to give firs t • , class Satisfaction. Repairing Promptly Done. If yOu are in want ef a good rig give rae a caN R.ff M ISSERE7 Absalom St. Mildmay. 0. reifeeitiriexa, Headquarters for Binder Twine, Harvest Tools, Shovels, Tinware, Sewing Machines and General Hardware. Mcoeleal. MEAT MARKET. . The Choitiest BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, SAUSAGES, FISH AND ALL KINDS OF FRESH MEATS KEPT CON- STANTLY GB HAND. Also a full supply of SAL T MEAT Highest Price paid for first-class fat animalsand poultry. Goods delivered FREE to all parts of the -village. GEO. HERRING -ER. 1.111MANGMEINIXAM.12....7MYSIM.W.WW.:13.12.M.G. In And Around Gorrie. • Arrangements are being made frr a tournament to be held in Gorrie on Fri - :day of next week—Sept. 8th. We un- derstand there will be some fine la- crosse,. foot and base ball matches played. We have not, as yet, learned the particulars. Mr. Fallahay, sen., is quite ill at present. _ Rev. and Mrs. Greene are visiting in Lucknow this week. A dozen or so Gorrieites took in the lacrosse match at Harriston on Tuesday between Fergus and Orangeville. It was the best exhibition of the Canadian game ever given in this section. Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Days, of Luck - now, spent Sunday last with relatives here. Mr. W. S. Bean has been somewhat ill for a few days _past, but we are gad to learn -that his indisposition is not of a serions -nature. Miss Bland Green, of Arthur, wag via- iting her grandparents in Gorrie last week. Miss Green secured a certificate at the late Departmental examinations. Tile llowick Fall Show is to be held in Gorrie on Oct. 1th—remember that. There are good prizes and everything points to a large attendance,- should the weather be fine. Paste the date—Sat- urday, Oct. 7th—in your hat and make beginning to find it ont. There is al - no ,engagoinents which would interfere with your being here that day. ways .someone to find fault with every Rev. W. Casson will degier his cele- . brated lecture on "The Bah Empire." Tea served from 5 to 7.3b p. m. Ad- MiSSieri 25. Andrew Sutherland left.tin Friday for the home of his parents in Carleton Place. Miss Minnie Stephensis holidaying in the city of Toronto., -- Mr. -Geo. Perkins is, finking a few days visit at his parents l*me here. Rev. and Mrs. Brownled are enjoying a trip on Georgian bay. Mr. Jas. Roe, who took ;4:a car -load of horses to Manitoba- last week, has reached his destination, initiafety. Mr. John Moore has bonght the John- stone property, opposite the old post office. W. II. Tate -took a tile Shelbourne this week. Rev. W. W. Leech, 4and httwife, of • Londesboro, paid endsp. town "a visit last week., Miss Minnie Markis renewing acquaintances. in OsliOne The base ball fever- Amex this village • and among its victimre our physician and our druggist. IOsi said that the bachelors are recovering somewhat from the attack, owing to ;, dose of "medi- cine" which was almost administered to them the other day. The married and single men met on the diamond, in the presence of a large audience, and played an exciting game which.eereated much enjoyment. The teams were composed of : Benedicts. Position. Bachelors. G Nash catcher R Sperling N McLaughlin.........pitcher A Williams W Irwin 1st base Dr Tuck J Hutchinson 2nd base... ...... D Fallahay W Williams-- 3rd base W Mitchell A McIntosh short stop • R Perkins H Sanderson left held W J Perkins ccenter field__ ...W Taman • D Sanderson right field ' .Jos Taman There was some good Playing on both - sides, and some playing -eras not quite , . so good, Yet -Ple•447of-fun abounded throughout. At the -end of the fifth inning the score was a tie -5 runs each. The married men were anxious to play another innings to decide on a victor but their opponents had evidently had enough and refused to go on, so the game resulted in a draw. It is said an effort will soon be made to get on a match between the married and single men of the villages of Gorrie and Wrox. eter when "Jack" comes back. Fordwich. Mr. :R., L. and W. R. Cook arrived home from Listowel last Saturday -after spending their holidays. with friends in that town. Mr. S. A. Seaman has moved into the Presbyterian manse and his place at the station has been taken by a Mr. Pinker- ton. Mr. Seaman has made many friends during his short term. as agent and the regret at his removal is general. ' The death of Miss Bella Williamston occurred at the. residence of Mr. John Donaghay, in this village, last Thursday evening .after a long illness the result of a pulmonary difficulty. The remains were interred in the new ceraetry ou Saturday iia the presence of a large nun• ber.. - WroxeterRoyal Templars of Temper- ance -visited our lodge last Friday even- ing about 55 strong- and all enjoyed an excellent, time, part of which consisted in disposing of -a tasty lunch which was served by the ladies. Mr. R. Harrocks, of Drayton, Dakota, is the guest ofeWilson Brothers here, at _preSent in Oshawa. Lakelet. We are pleased to see the new black- smith, Mr. Rivers, so well patronized and so favorably commented on. He has struck a good place by thi3 and is Mr. R. C. Sparliug, who has been ab- sent at Bossevain, Man., the past year or so, is home on a visit. • Miss Ellen Perkins is making a three weeks visit in the town of Perth and Lanark county, with her bruther and honcLit employer, lent where is the place that offers more encouragement to a blacksmith than this hamlet surrounded by some of the most upright thrifty and well-to-do farmers in the Province. The mill is going right ahead. Some half dozen of the young men in the vi - other friends, becinity are employed shingling. Others Harvest Home Fc_stival will .beld the MethediSt Church, (iorriee. on are hauling 'brick and sand in which to encase the boiler and everything is go - :Wednesday, Se$; 6th, at win,* the I lug like A marriage bell zwderthe super- s" - vision of the genial proprietor, Mr, Hailaday. We were sorry our boys could not re- spond to the invitation sent by your Secretary, to play a match there ori Saturday afternoon. Our poor fellews are all doubled up from over exertion in the harvest field, but in a few weeks when they get straightened up out if Mr. Chester's men eannot annihilate the Mildmay boys, we will. After meeting and going through a few preliminaries on Saturday night all the members of our lodge repaired to the residence of Mr. Carlton, who has been an honest and consistent member since coming here. A very pleasant evening was spent in songs, recitations, games and the partaking of au excellent -lunch which the ladies generously brought forth. After all expressing their sorrow at parting with Mr. Carlton but wishing hint unbounded success in his new home at Clifford. The mem- bers after having a merry-go-round on. the lawn left for home just in time not to desecrate the Sabbath. ThsasoNara---Mr. Jas. Wright, con. 17, took advantage of the cheap excursion eastward and is visiting relatives in the county of Leeds. Mr. and Mrs. John Greenly did likewise and are now with their relatives in Perth...Mesers. John- ston, of Redgrave, spent Saturday night with the i.O.G.T. members and stayed for church OLISunday. Rev. Mr. Young of Clifford will occupy the pulpit here on Sunday in the absence of R-tv, Mr. Potter, at the World's Fair...Mies Lottie Hooey leaves 011 Friday, for Chicago where she is to meet her sister Alice and after a week's sight-seeing, both intend returning...Mrs. J. W. Robertson and family of Montreal who have been stay- ing with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Cook, of this place, leave for home ou Thurs- day....Mr. Rivers and wife were visiting friends in Teeswater, on Saturday and Sunday...Miss Etta„ Scott goes to Mt. Forest Model school this week, and Bert Dulmage to Harriston High School. SHORT BUT TEUE THINGS.—Much grain is yet exposed to the element. Too bad, ae the rain of these days must be injurious...Milk is getting so scarce that Mr. Bunston, who hauls the cream to your creamery, is threatening to give up...The canopy erected over our mail man's wagon not only add to its ap- pearance but to its comfort...Mr. Scott and Greenly who each own a threshing machine are at work round the burg these days...Mr. Carlton's family leave on Wednesday. Wroxeter, At a meeting of the village council, held the other evening, the rate, of tax - at ion was struck at 12 mills in the $ for all purposes. Five mills of this is for the support of Or school. There are larger towns in the county who hive a higher ro.:tc.,, than ours and to show for it. The new hotel is making rapid strides towards completion. Mr. I. Elliott,late station agent here, left for Toronto last week. Bo has pre- sided over the c.P.n. at this station for manyyears past, and deep rejet is ex- pressed in the community Ono pany's action in removing The Unions are practe;eg for the tournament in Gorrie next Hunting,f.,eld. Several mentors of Mr. N. Harris' family are ill with cholefa morbus. They are doing well under the skillful care of Dr. Tuck. Mrs. S. gau is also down with what appears to be a km or the same disease: Miss Martha Johnston ha -i returned from a, lenghtened visit in Go., Mich. She was accompanied on her re - tarn, by Miss Chrysler, who will be the guest of friends here for a short time. Harvesting has been delayed a few days by the dull, heavy weather of the past week. Mr. G. Vogan, 2nd con., Carrick, lost a valuable mare last week from a stom- ach trOuble. Mr. C. Wilkie and wife will start for Chicago on Friday to visit the World's Fair.. Several others from this neighbor- hood also talk -of goin "".•-• -e•-es tetea-e- a