HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-08-24, Page 4• CiasgW' : JfouSe Store to the Front. Ali'summer goods at cost No old stock must be allowed to accumulate. 12c, prints at 10c. 10c, prints as low as 6c. 10c• Straw hats at 5. Big Reductions —In— Veit Hcat� Y during August and September. Come along and get Your Jag. before the snaps are all gone. — In Men's-,— Suits en's; Suits and Furnishings we lead them all We have Sr•TAPi9 and Bargains Inevery too numerous to enumerate. Bring + along your Produce and get a trial lot and Judge for your- self. Also be sure and bring your Picture Tickets, and get your Cards Punched. If you don't come you .will disappoint us. McLAUGHLIN & Co GORRIE. JOHNSTON'S ,SASH AND Produce Store. A fall stock of ' Tweeds, Worsteds, Cottonades, Shirtings, Ladies Wear, Men's furnishing, Linens, Honey Comb Quilts, Satin Quilts, Lace Curtains, Flannelettes, Prints and Oiaghams, Fresh Groceries% Boots and Shoes Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs Cash or Tra.e Call and see goods andsprices. Jas. ; Johnston, S-10,00N-Piivate=Fundstt loan on Farms: tsiolierty atlow rates. Isane Licenses. ST. LEONs Nature's Healing Water: Life's Nourisher of Blood, Health's Restorer. The Greatest Mineral Water Known. Pleasant to the taste. Healing to the system. 0 ---o By the glass or in quantities, et .A.3TS01\''S Grocery and Ice Cream Parlors, Gorrie. GEO E. LIESEMV-R The Leading Blackunithe his is the place -Ashore you can get your Horse • Shoeing and . all kinds of .General Black- sutithing. dons right Cheap and Neat. Mildmay. FIRST ARRIVALS of FALL GOODS.! I buy in large lots for. Spot Cash et Lowest Cuts and large Dis�ounts, And sell many lines below USUAL PRICES -Just To Hand 380 Pairs T`3.r, Ate. 'Wool SHIRE`S and MitACTATIVBES at BOcts= CASH, usually sold at 75 to 85c. No family within Ten Miles should pass by this bargain. Also a line of underwear at 25c.,Special. SMOKED MEAT For Sale ! Butter,, Eggs, Etc. ,Wanted at highest price. MOYEOE CLEAR,TNC� SAFE Off' SUMMMIR) 0-OO]DS AT The balance of our summer stook to be sold at Caveat reat ± e l.e sonB. 12%o. Dress goods tor 8 as., 45c. Wool Delaines for 33c., 14 cts Prints for 8pts,175 pairs Ladies' Tafetta gloves worth 35 cts for 20 its, boys' and men's Straw Rats at = . half Price. Remember_ we take no second.place we are first" with low prices and: STYLISH Goods. We give highest price for IR`ARM PRODUCE: .stock of GROCERIES always on hand. J. General Merchant, • MILDMAY. lay. Drug Complete stock of Drugs, Patent Medicines and Druggists Sundries. In Perfumes tore.. • We have Lubin's, Ri;hsecher's, Woodworth's, Seeley's, etc. We also have Sachet powder, a delightful and lasting perfume. DIAMOND DYES. All the different shades and colors kept constantly on hand. TRUSSES: We have a very large assortment—New York Elastic, with either Water, Spiral 'Spring or Enam- elled pads. Hard Rubber Trusses and several other kinds. If in need of a Truss call at the Drug Store. Clapp; M: D. Proprietor J RERGO CO P&inn' 47; nelAckin, 1Ydii�a rez Manufacturers of THRESHING MACHINES,_ ENGINES NEWMODEL: MOWERS , GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAP CUTTERS, FT qtes•p o Threshing maiihines a Specialty All lands of Plow points kept constantly on hand. Castings made to order. We have the Finest Micliiirery and Most Skilful ;Workmen 4,nd are prepared give the best of sa1'*a.:ion to sr customers. The lines of goods we out on during August MEN'S SUITS. To Order Anything in a .summer suiting will be quoted at a Liberal Discount. Boys' Spring and Summer Suits Also . Quoted At Reduced Prices Stray fIr The °rids of what we have' lit in Men's . or Boys' Strati Kits, stilet very hear half the regulir price. mkt/A/ BUGGIES, CAR2q, au - >i rsine% Oer WAGONS. Always a full stick wagons, Buggis, and Come and See Thein or write Carriages of all lthadsliept en hand. eve a n'nnibei;of ' for PRic s before: 'buying.. ;FIRST CLASS Hsrrost'ert'i, whish i. will sell Chile .. If you want one, .now is . the time to buy. a s: few second hend'B ggies and Wagene; MX iiXESEXEIL Elsewhere, Every -Rig RAN= The GAzETTg Is fitted out with New Typein the latest . designs, all on the "point" system, and with a splendid, rapid job press. and we are prepared to compete with the . eitiea r fancy printing. 'DoITT 8d your' JOB WORK Parasols We have stiff a good set tion of parasol's, , pct a kw too 3 : many. In order o reduce the ber we will sell : : you a cheap. one for very little miXtey,sot g •one: for the price of a cheap one. or • away, unto you sec our Samples and -I'3ices. C HURCIIE Sabbath School Ekt p. eity tvenhig at 7:30. Young 'Tuesday evening at 7:30. Cho' evening at 8 o'clock. B,ev, Mr. o'clock. ReV. B, C-allaghe P C. CHURCH, Sacred Hea alternatively 'at 8:30 a.m. and every other Sunday. J--" vices the last three Sunda, at 2:30 p.m. Sunday School at METHODIST.—Services 10:30 a•"- Sabbath School 2:30p.m. NV. B. Danarcl, Pastor, SOCIETLE • evening of tbe second day. in each month, hall the second and last T 7.410fitb. Visitors always welco DEVOTED TO TEE INTERESTS OF Oth ADVERTISING Rat une One column sso Half column Quarter column Eighth column 1.0 Legal noiices, Sc. per line fo line for each subsequent inserti Local business notices 5c. pe Contract advertising payable Grand Trunk Time Trains leave Mildmay lows : GOING SorTFI. Mail 11.55 " 5.20p.m Ezpr School began in Mildix day. Quite a number from If the Niagara eicarsion las sie„ best 5c. cigars, at Miss Clara Hanley, c spent a short time in Mil the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Arms Gerrie, were the gu ests this village hat Friday. Mrs. Wm. McG. Lambe Iskand, is visiting at Milt parents, Mr. and Mrs. P Messrs. Chas. Schurte der and Father Wey are Fair. Mr. Jos. Teskey, of Mo in Math:nay at present, sp day week with his parent: here, Herz Rittinger, of tli °Glocke, passed through terday morning on his wal to take in the World's Fan Mr. W. H. Parsille, Michigan, spent several may last week, visiting If his way home from the W Mr. Jno. Ross, who has relatives here for the pa returned to his home in day mo ning. A load of hay containin hauled down Absalom St. by one team. It was which is now being ship quantities from Mildmay We were error, last wee the subscription price of T day Night at $1.50, Th per year—and the paper it. Maslen got up in his slee about the house until he c guarded stairway, down injuring himself severely. "The Ladies' Home September, Curtis Pub. phia, has reached as. It best but has the largest sey journal of its kind in t The apple crop in this not, by any means, be a s year. Although of cour like last year's phenomen yet many orchards presen spectable appearance. , Mr. Philip Weishar, spending holidays in part of Carrick, near Beim maistation last Friday f ville, just east of Hamilto is engaged in teaching sch has figured prominently in ball matches while in this _log with the Bib:acme team