HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-08-24, Page 2nee Just- ..Received by stoneBras at the WINCHAM =ale & ..Stone WORKS A fine Assortineut of Granite Monuments of every style. Also a large amoii)nt of the BEST NEW YORK MARBLE. We are earefore prepared to furnish Monuments and Head'&tones at GREAT. IN REDUCED Prices. It will pay you to call: before placing, your order. VANSTONE BROS. WHAT YOU DON'T SEE, ASA FOR ; Stair Carpet. +- . . . Window Carpet.. •.` Window Holland. '' ,C- Lace Curtains, 40e. tS, $,6 per sat. CP Art Muslin, bleached aid X colored. Tabling. sr] Cretonnes. - C Salisbury Cloth. . y Verona Cords. to . Printed Challies. Wool Delaines. „Id Cd Pink and cream Cashmere and every other shade .... Nuns' VPilings. ct Net Veilings. le Navy and bl'k DressSerges N t.' Lawn Victories. WO Lawn cheeks. Blouse stripes. Flanneiettae-17 patterns.- 4.) atterns. • ~ Shaker Flannels. Carpet warp. Weavingwarp. 4.-, . C Black ens Silk. 0ts and v1 VVeBlack P Plashes. vValises. o Holland. rti ICI Lunch Baskets. Churns. Fii , Butter Trays and Ladles. II ock Washtubs. O CGlass are. Hardware. Patent Medicines. T Onions 'v. Onions. C'S b Dutch sets. ss. cit Garden Seeds ,� Brushes, all kinds. r,,,, Washing Soda. aQ lH hoz 4p, by the lb. =tine. - true Crocks. Enrthenware Crocks. �.;Milk P Ten Hattles. m Diab Pans. do copper. Rt 4" Felt Hata, just to hand. ©'s V 'Straw fiats for 500 heads. ~-, Lace FtjtinSs. ng p. Tics anrCollars. v' "d Top Shirts. CDress Shirts. iss• cd cd KKnives and Forks. En 1 ts. Cainied Goods. platy Lines. a Bed Cords. Marbles. Wire Clotheslines. %-+ Baby Carriages. © Croquet. Spices. HEA M' Food in Disease 1. Nourishing food is a,great desidera- tum. 2. Digestibility is also a great desidera- tum,. -'Concentrates foods should he allowed in quantity not much in excess of the re- quirements of the system. ,. 4. Foods possessing high nutritive power, should be associated with toods of very low 'ntritive power, the latter to be the bulk of the diet. 5. Concentrated foode canoe constipation and irregular action of the excretive func- tions.. 6. Bulky foods, of low nutritive power exert a marked salubrious tendency toward keeping the bowels regular and enhancing the health of the patient. Fruits and vegetables, as a rule, are ac- ceptable to most patients. They are not very nourishing (comparatively), since they contain so much water and fibre ; still they are very useful in the " make up" of a regimen for the invalid. What portion of them that is digestible is digested, and the remainder (with some few exceptions) passes on, without irritating, to swell the volume of excreta, thereby giving the testines some- thing material to work upon, and forcing a passage. It is not the quantity retained in the lower intestipal tract, but the length of time it remains there, which favors the putrefactive changes taking place in the feces of the constipated: This process of ultimate decomposition renders the con- dition constipation, so inimical to the pa- tient's health, or progress toward health. s-1 to �>J CD X11 �. O le0.I fCni 0 r tteO see a.� C �w tl p CD lv• • O' Or t CHEAP. WE KEEP EVERYTHING, AND SELL 64013. A 1 D ABITM. '!fie Present ii i mina* "-G Hairs In Chulalangkorn, the name of the present King, means " royal hairpin," or " royal topknot." The King's head has to be shaved in the :presence of the nobility. When a personage of high rank, dies the King helps bathe the body and prepares it for cremation, and finally lights the funeral pyre. The removal of the topknot .of_a prince, which indicates that he has, reached man- hood, is accompanied by imposing ceremon- ies which last several days. The governors of all the provinces are expected to be pre- sent with gifts. The highest recorded temperature is 97.5 degrees Fahrenheit, the lowest, 54 de- grees. Diphtheria, pneumonia, yellow and scar- let fever are unknown in Chulalangkorn's kingdom. Besides the native slaves, there are, ac- cording to one authority, 1,200,000 prison- ers of war and descendants of such prison- ers are held in captivity, to serve three months every year. 'Menem, the name by which the river flowing through 'Bangkok is generally known, is applied by the Siamese to all ivers, " me," meaning " mother," and "nam," "waters," i.e., "mother of waters." The so-called Menem.River'fs called by the natives Menam Chow Payah. The grounds about theenost costly homes are paved, no grass being allowed to grow. Flowers are grown in pots. `; Royal Some fruits or vegetables are agreeable to one patient and the reverse to another. Find the one that suits and eliminate the. other. Personally I believe that a well baked apple at each meal, or even two, if the patient's appetite permits,. is about the roper thing, suitable, as it is, to the great majority. Don't forever be dosing your poor patient witl;,physic; rather,:choose some food which will answer the purpose. The -ideal diet, then, in my estimation, is a variety, containing a small portion of highly nutritious food and a larger propor- tion of food possessing easy digestibility hut low nutritive ' power.—[Dr. Frank S. Hough. Palpitation of the Heart. By palpitation of -the heart is meant the sensation either of 'irregularity in heart -action or rapidity of heart beats. The per- son who experiences it is usually alarmed by the symptom, and calls in the doctor. Rut in most cases of this sort which are brought to his attention, the physician finds nothing out of the way with the heart, and hence of danger t o the individual. The cause of the sensation is elsewhere. In the major- ity of instances she real trouble is indiges- tion. In almost all cases of actual heart ease no intimation ofit is transmitted tohe patient by any irregularity or like sensati4r As a symptom, palpitation is valuable to' the physician, in that it directs the attention of the patient to the heart. An unusual eensation.in this region usually leads one to consult his physician at once. Symptoms felt in other parts of the •body usually wait for " the more convenient season." DoctorrAustin Flint was once summoned to attend a young lady dying of heart dis- ease. The family informed _ him that his. presence was wantecienerely - to satisfy the lady's friends, sinon they a Ikunderstood the fatal nature pf her malady:ne . en-- which The patient lay ii; a zrocinnee might B t, ryt'hing ti: t crier dNO.`BRETNOUR, FIRE AND STOCK Insurance Agent Vi.TROXE'rER. RnPREsnNTe : Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurar-ee Co. Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Economical Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Mercantile Insurance Co. Etna -Insurance Co: Give John A Call. of heart rhythm. not only light, bu't'", lead to the slightest' woos exeitenien. was excluded. It was s este4 h dtted that an examination 0 he the he , , and that all communation with the pagent . should take place thrieugh a friend, lest the exertion should result in immediate dissolu- tion. To this the doctor objected. When ad- mitted to her presence, • he found that she answered his questions in whispered mono- tones. Examination of the chest showed that there was no disease, and consequently no danger. The story was told to illustrate the importance of thorough examination before deciding on an opinion. Palpitation does, however, undoubtedly occur in cases of real disease, -and whenever it occurs its cease should be found out and remedied. Among the common causes of palpitation are to be numbered the excessive use of tobacco, tea, coffee, alcohol, or of certain drugs, hysteria, excessive exertion, hunger, privation, fatigue, fright or loss of sleep, and excesses of any kind. How to Get SIeep- That delicious fruit, the mangosteen, has been called Siam's peculiar glory. It grows only in Siam and a few neighboring locali- ties. The milk of cows is not considered- good for food by the Siamese. The milk in the cocoanut, however, is -much, usedee Cattle are raised for beef. Buffalo take the place of horses in ing on farm work. Among the articles of diet relished by thenatives are snails, crocodile eggs, ants, silk worms and horse beef. The banks of the common people are pots buried in the ground. Banekok has had telephone and electric lights for ten years. A considerable number of Siamese wo- men are engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, and make handsome articles- of beaten gold. A woman of the royal harem who once ventured to flirt with a young nobleman, was condemned to wear chains and cut grass for the royal elephants the rest of her life. The first telegraph line reached Siam in 1883 by way of Saigon. It was establish- ed by the French. The Portuguese were the pioneer foreign settlers in Siam. They first visited the country early in the sixteenth century and enjoyed exclusive commercial privileges for one hundred years. The Dutch came next and after them the French. The first silver coins were made in 1862 and bore the design of an elephant on one side and of royal umbrellas on the other. The present coil.- have a portrait of the king on one side. In former times shells were ed as money. The king must have been a Budbist priest, and to become a priest one must renounce all worldly honors. Hence, after Chula- langkorn had once been crowned, he re- nounced his office and became a priest for twenty-one days, after which he was again crowned. Chulalangkorn sent a block of native marble to be placed in the Washington Monument. The Siamese language somewhat resembles the Chinese. It is mostly monosyllabic and has five tones by which each word may be given five different significations, : with further, primitive derivative and figurative carry- YIATERIAL. ss. CIT As Paints, oils, Glass, Putty _Wrought, Out and ',Vire Nails, Spikes, Tools of all kinds, in great Profusion at Sleep rules have an addition. It is to place the right hand on the forehead and the left at the back of the neck, while counting forty-nine. The rationale of this process is thus explained by Dr. Salisbury. The palm of the right hand and the fore part of the body are both plus (or positive) magnetic poles. The left palm and the back part of the body are minus (or nega- tive) poles. Like poles repel, and by thus placing the "palms of the ,hands over the various centres of plexuses, a vital current is directed back into the body, its normal circuit is thus re-established, and its ener- gies are guided and evenly distributed among the organs situated along its course. The physical and mental systems will become passive, contented and comfortable, all parts working together for the common good. The result will he composure and recuperation. All distracting, harassing, melancholy imaginings and gloomy forebod- ings .will have passed away; the stomach PETER "HEPIN TALLel and trowels and all their glandular append- Fordwic-h.-ages will renew their healthy functions, while digestion and assimilation, previous- ly ata standstill will go on normally. Over General Insurance work and improper food are atthebottom Agency. Call and get your Will made. Or call and get Dr. Wilford HaII's Hygienic pamphlet : ' Mier., nelous Triumph Over Disease-WithoutMedi eine," at half former cost. - Or ANY INSUP.ANCE, either on village Or farms farm property. Or any writing you require. Q a loan on real estate at the lowest rates. LLL ANYwdv HEPINSTALL. of our sleeplessness. Abuse is often of service. 'there is noth- ing so dangerous to an - author as silence. meanings for each. The first Government document ever is- sued from a printing press in Siam was an edict of .the king in 1839 prohibiting the 40 er enry's Fordwith Mardware go Store, full stock ¢of all kinds of Hardware. No sed to go to" the "big towns, for we have verything. Come and deal ata first-class house, where goods are way down cheat . Immense line of ALABASTINE for the walls,' in ail colors. Tinsmithing and Repairing a Speciality An elegant stock of 0011S AND saO1-]S P. H. SHAVER'S GORRIE Something choice in Gents' Walking Shoes, Lady Lace Boots, Boys' and Girls' Boots and Shoes. II have the choicest leather in stock and make a speciality of ordered work. feet fits guaranteed. IREPA(RING PROMPTLY DONE. P. MAVHi--r Per importation of opium. A_Siamese law says " If any thief. strip `0. Michigan, :near Sault a�`Buddhist image of its gold - let him be n ARE Ali YOU OPTING TO ? We re -...going to -1 I IP E 'N" A His name' :like- the shuttlecock, must -'be beat backward and forward, or it falls to the ground: >• Prince-Bisinarek was ' waited upon Friedricher-uhe on' Friday by a deputation p from Brunswick. The Prince made along political speech, in which he pointed out perils which were threatening the integrity of the Empire. taken -.toe public square sled ay ed -hot iron rubbed' over him until he is stripped of his skin'as he stripped the image of its gold." The SSiainese, in saluting,kiss each other's noses and then, sniffing, remark, " Very fragrant, very fragrant !" Much jewelry is worn by the natives and young wo.nen often discard an upper gar- ment that the gold chains worn over their shoulders may not be hidden. The second king is often consulted by the first king, but has not co-ordinate authority nor right of succession. He is supposed to control one-third -of the finances and to be commander of the army. A kind of lizard which grows to be seven feet in length is found in Siam. It is known as the "he -ah," and its gall is highly prized as medicine. Among the curious animals in Siam is a species of cat which is without a tail and has blue eyes. When General Grant visited Siam he was accorded greater honors than had ever been shown a foreigner from any country. Cremation of the dead is general. Those who die a usual death may be cremated at once. Those who die of cholera, commit suicide or die by accident, must first be buried. Victims of capital punishment are thrown to dogs and vultures. CURRENT SOIENOE- A well is being sunk at Wheeling W. Va.,which has already reached a depth of three-quarters of a mile, but what is caus- ing wonder to geologists is that nowater is yet struck, although the boring is through horizontal parts. -From measurement made by Dr. C. Scovel, of Terre Haute, it is now known that Dr. _Mendenhall was mistaken wh en he. pronounced Mt. St. Elias the highest -mountain. ifi- North America. The h. nor belongs -to Mt. Qrizi ba in Mexico. - A recent experiment station bulletin gives startling statistics concerning the seeds or weeds Accorling to the document`referr- Ste Marie. WHY:: DO YOU GO THF,RE ? Well, we . have five boys, 1we have sold the farm for $5, coo. We can buy 640 acres between Pick- ford and the Railwav station at: Rudyard, fid have goodtfarmy for and have.-ney left. What can center do there? He can i'uy a fa_m ou five years time Viand pay for it with one-fourth of the money he would pay for rents in that time, and own hisownhome. Anol Ftozd'� & Itom AGrx'r, FORDWICH, ONT. Is it good land ? As good as any in Huron Co.Excellent or Oats, Peas, Wheat Clover, Timothy, Po - toes and all kinds of scoots. Prices are as _good as any on the lakes, owing to the nearness of the mines and lumber woods to . the west - Ward. - What class of people live there ? They are nearly all from Huron Co. /You meet there so many old neighbors tthat you can hardly believe you have left home. I want to see that land. Who has it ed to the purslane may have as : many as ' for sale ? Inquire of 358,000 seeds to the single plant ; the thistle 95,366, and the plaintain close to 50,000. A Russian physician has been making some curious experiments to find out how far animals can count. $e declares that' the crew pan count up to ten and is hereby superior in •ar thmetieto-certain Polynesian tribes of mea, who cannot get beyond five or six: Sag. DAVIDSON, Mich. ,Jno. e' : o EY.. l;l)-IC1# Ont. ee For - Mips, Circulars and full par. Money to Loan on Farm Se, curity at the Lowest Rate' of 0 Good Notes discounted. 0-0 Special Attention given r to CONVEYANCING s. cooK, North of the Post Office, FORDWICIL WOETPE'n .-PLANING MILL-, - AND -_ SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. H. S. SMITH & CO. HAVE fitted up the Wroxeter Planing Mill with new machinery throughout and are now prepared to furnish ►�a�Yl, Doors, I31ind;9 and all kinds of House Furnishings. PLANING AND MATCHING DONE PROMPTLY. Only first-class work turned ;' out. 0 ... Plans made on application. Estimates Furnished. A fiAILOR "J A S. One of the the stormy pe 'aig storms, ti the sneil-f which are brc tempest. The Carey's chick. much favor, companions o rough weath sees petrels a they do not When the bir it seems to Tv - seamen seamen of o apostle Peter the bird petr " Little Peters So far from as to the cap the Cape pigs white color, pigeon, I hay occasionally recreation du attitudes the thousands. is peculiar. to the end of trailed aster] water. .this thread as th� side astern, the thread v sistance is er when the ti wing and the this manner in a day. On one oc passengers t hundreds, at chance, sure petrel. Now the turalist, ant as a " land - first voyage specimen to tions to skis a deputation gray -haired quest that t ing that ott would surel surprised, i his enthuai� the superst sailors had to his cells known for doctor was the crew f In the cc ored in the dinner, the There w round the the doctor ed, by th slaughter St. Nichol Three Me t Theodo belonging schooner from Yok of India. the spIin he did th uniortuni changed off the pc the morn panions- who was somewhs roost, ar who leap toria—le They sv and befc lost thei and tri< Anders rection tinued mornin our ves ward f for our same p the of course fearin for t waite first s a nort trace 1 morni tion, then our b any 1 _ and p We - boat, secur shark skins with our a sized start impo coul do, t fourt for t behi he was the or n beli ap size ori t op wor Was .and diti Ian nig w on she wit th wh in ne