HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-08-24, Page 1s happy ? and buy - ark grounds s and par- factures. a better position to reductions in se of this Drag more and- some �Yf `fS • • T.Myroted. to the is irlioe. Vol. 2. MAY, 0l41T-:, THURSDAY. AUGUST 24th, 1898. No. -36e- CIIITRCH DIRFATORY.' A-, wLIsH.—service..at Fordw1eh, 10:30 i. stn.; at Gerrie, 4:30 p:1n.; at Wroxeter, 430 m ev. Mr. Brownige, Incumbent. Sunday S�, one hour and quarter before each service. VeRTHODIST.---Services at 1020 a.m., and 660 gi. m. Orange Hill, at 5;30 p. m. Rev. Mr. jean, pastor. Sabbath School at 430 P• m. iW • S. Bean Superintendent. p BSBYTERIAN.—.Services at Fordwlch &t it a.m.; at Gerrie, 2:30 p. in.: Bible Class a k"ordwich in the evening. Sabbath School a tlarrie 1:15 p.m. Jas. McLaughlin, Superintenden ETHODIST—Services in the Fordwieh Metho diet Chutah. 46 10:30 e, m. and T p. m. Sabbath School at 4:30 p. m. Pray Ir -meeting on Thursday evenings at 130. Rev. Mr. Edmunds pastor. N. McLAUGHLIN, t MUM OF MARRILGR LICENSEE. witnesses required. Office:—At the Drug Store, Gowan. Xe A. TUCK, M. D. MEMBER of College of Physicians and Sar- geons, Ont. cos: oxer. R. E. CLACl''S. f. taliyesaitostdtra s a Et xr eons GRADUATE' Toren to g?.fr r!Pity and mfniber College Physicians �tnd. Surgeons, Reaidence, Absalom St., nearly oppoa cry stable. Office in the Drug Store. next door to Carrick Banking Co. M!;• .1. A. -WILSON, M.D. , HONOR Graduate of Toronto University Medical College. Member of College- of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. ©61ce-- Neat door to Wendt's Jewellery stoliftrAntAre. W. H. HUCK, V. S. Mildmay, Ont. ("•BADUATB of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered member of Ontario Medical Association. , Also Honorary FelioQvehiP 01 the. Veterinary Medical Socie'iy. Valls promptly attended to night and day. JOHN J. B EASHIONAB `:- - ttimo • HAS just commenced business ief_ s.Welt - fcrmerly occupied by Mr 11[iuCt Behar a practical and ezperietA ' ,4 em able to guarantee first-class Afelkluthe sat est styles. John J. Br WROX JAMES ARMSTRONG, Veterinary Surgeon r_RADUATE of Ontario- Veteripary College, and registered member of Ontario Veteran. Ary -Association. ya" Residenc@. '. Next to Methodist P - xtp. Ail= --408011, Golf, ONT • eon COi er Elora and Absalom lets. 'VMS fine Stone Hotel is fitted up hi first-class style. with large and conTepient . sample teems. spacious parlors and sham t�c every facility for the enter h trav<eliag lie- .ittiSititil- eters The bexhrisupplisit with the end Free 'Bap to and from all trsW. , Good Stabling and attentive hos *t. r - F. X. GU1TT FARM FOR y OTs is and iii, Con. 8, Howl As Preston farm,) containing >ris Or leas. There are about 120 acres " pkv tion` the balance being hard sftta-_cede bush.. The farm is situated 2i n and the same.. distance frown th, and is well odaT for grain and at g-. Welt supplied With buildings, water farm is under the very beat cu s°.s—ry one of the finest in the townshi particulars ea the pre . FRAN$:Il, F• `• I;i Eggs For Hate olommoon WI* and Brown' . lfwUn-,Birds tre furs bred and fide come, nut served. Jx0• B e Ali/MOVES, CASH aid PRODUCE STORE, Elora St.. Mi•ldmay+ Highest market price -paid for Butter and Eggs and all kinds of Farm Prodnre. Come on and get the cash for your Pro - dues and don't rob the store -keeper by taking fromthem more than your eggs are worth. Live and Let live. Come on and save Outlives and reputation of your storekeeper who offers 33% more for eggs than they axe woM. ILISSERE,. Wagon= aker,. Andiras-. Having had along etzperience at the business Class Sit' 'on. I feel' Confident ofdg able to give first itopairing Promptly Done. men are in waiter. agood rig give mea es% A. F. ,M ISSERE, Absalom St. - Mildmay. 'Hotel. _ Our Henry feelevery lonely now since he has been left alone. Messrs. Jas. Ritchie and D. N. c Donald intend going to theWorld's Fair next month. Our leading undertaker buried -a fine horse the other day, valved at Oita J. B. and Mrs. Hemmings, of the Oth liue of Turnl'erry, were visiting Mts. John Lamonby Friday last. Biel looks well. - Fordwich. Xiieseme re.- Headquarters for Binder Twine, Harvest Tools, Shovels, Tinware, Sewing It's enough to give a f to see the` way some sui —:BUT:, I do not run my bush.. ps Machines and General GIRLS -al —i eat ars? Hardware. 'Than Modal MEAT . MARKET. �..2 =r.. Tabor s work Guaranteed. _ , Clothing-CutttO,Order. Owner of Abaatol rand *V*. , • and oagabik of overseE ng ;my bnsinea 'so bring along your CLOW.either MancluNk8.- or Fasiniss. It dont matter to me where yon buy your CLOTH. I,P$ all DIY 100u My piucne are the most itoottAnr,U. -1willmase your clothes in the ftf fel wage. FOS. d. f cl30:-COn-s: Howiist: Ibis: kali was bred bye..' O, Apestiee�l ▪ Mihir =Boboand_.;anctQww.sslred the; fw ��i+Eoe tali. His dam, ' .' :1 I t ty♦k•w{ n Id. se st Nortbein - 'asliaw. After= bees twicekan e a won the cup fe!itale>n the Show a't the same Sass :31! n, � and gupe4 at local shown: $d each -ter • tadie Oalfwal be TON- SONS. r $�•: ; Pe.yab1a 1891 All _ the fa li Remember my !lama is 'f he jeliable GORRIE. • Beereients J. 7s`LiCLyRY da P4�TtAe: eephag d{oek the- ler famed Fleury Flow and gang 10 Harrow, Bcnffier. Bodt Cutter and aper. SfraikOrusher end Cutting Box; Also agent fo oPlt.hurd Scot & Co. Oshawa, In Seeders, sells -the Champion Combined Spring Tooth, Champion Runner Press Drill and the Lion Disk Harrow. Also sells the Chatham wagon, and agent for • the Ontario Pump Co. Wind Mills. Full stockof repairs -for all the leading plows. n, W, .l. TATE, Gorrie. in Force Pumps and b,;;sRtiflc Amelicav iigeiicy for t-: --11110Veiligh �Daehedil3n o,br ►> r oroughbred'drk$sbirellow- ' AI the &bove lie:',213grasitexeC and.Tedleteefiand batt `Pon Howie CA- SAT$, TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, et For infdrinatton and free Handbook write to MUNN ds CO.. 361 BROADWAY; NSW Tong. -Oldest bin for securing p3tenm in America., litrypL taken out by es parte before notice Quo free of charge is this .�� -vitiator rnnican: Say seieiltise fn tea ►.�.. , g leadidiF iIIaatsat@d-` No PaPerintelligent should be without It. wee 3. 0 a Slip sit months. Ad York &q. 3611 ffioadwar. New 'tfowl" and no "flies ;" having gnaged the matiimonisA "curve" and made a "safe hit," may -he never "get off hit Vie" and have to "steal home," but by careful "coaching" and "good running" nnake a successful "tally" in the world. Some of the boys wanted to insert a clause "Scoring" the captain for arraug- ing a "match without consulting the -teem but it was voted down this being his faint offence, and 4tot a "base" one at that, and besides,is was not an gilt-- 44. propriate time for-ickers." The resolute wit ee unanimously adopted. Public school opened here fertile fall term last Monday. The new ' teacher. has already °made a favorable t ilpres- sion . Threshing to make barn roe) is the order of the . day. Wheat proves to be full and hard and the yield hF -to the average: If the price woeld only squeeze up a little higher fermate' ' would have a very profitable year. Mr. W. Watters is attending Normal school at Ottawa. In a prix& letter he statee:that he is the only putt there fromwest of Toronto. We prise that he will keep up the reputatkilt of the "peninsula" at the -school. The Choieest "pax, BDTTON, SAUSAGES, FISH AND. ANDS ;Af-IRE'Atl UREAS KEPT Coo- . o a 'full supply of BALT MEAT Highest Price paid for -first-class fat animals and poultry. Goal delivered FREE' wsu parts of 300 saoa�'1a6 �+a eiDAV Jae qty. . t,ts ar••• _57D Ass - eassAe, sant X1.1 least°'o+ . eiefee =rlssq_!a !s!'� e��°� the villages - KE GER - ; In And -Around -pie. Brick Agricultural Society's ?a11 Show_ is to be held in Gorrie, on Satiii;day- Oct. 7th : The prize lists are now bWeirculated amongst the farm- ers. The Beason has been a very good one and; except perhaps, in , fruit, the Show this year should be: even superior -to WO' Several from this vicinity - took in the Niagara Falls excursion via. G.T.R. last Saturday. Our foot ball team had an invitation to play in- Mildmay` last week, but the -boys failed to get out. We understand an effort is bang. -dada to have these two clubs meet'•=on Saturday of- this week. The oat crop is -now- about harvested. in this section and the threshers are heard on every side. Mr and Mrs. W. a.:Bean have re- turned -from : their tip up- the lakes, :where they enjoyed a pleasant time. 'WORLD'S FAIR Another Letter From Father Brohman. Mr. Ediitor,--I have now, I think Visited every building . on the Columbia Exhibition grounds, and could indeed if time and circumstances would permit give yon an elaborate account of each. I must however add that in spite of the. great and wonderful at fineries I am now tired and will leave fcr Milwaukee to- morrow. The agricultural building is perhaps one of the most interesting to our farm- ers, as they will find one of the greatest displays of grain and farm products they have ever seen. The Canadian exhibition is beautifully arrayed and presents I think the finest appearance of its kind in the wonderful - building. They have indeed spared no time nor opportunity to show the world at large that Canada is one of the finest coun- tries of the - world for grain. Many Americans, yes even those of foreign powers, make no secret of the fact that they have obtained much light from the enormous exhibit Canada has sent to Chicago. Again and again you hear people expressing their astonishment when marching down the great:Hall aid behold on each side the beautiful wheat fields of the Nile and far East Indies searching to threw in shadow those of the Mississippi and their fat and,famous cousins in the world. But when they, approach the -beautiful and -ar- rayed - arches;all covered with the fine wheat, barley, and oat stalks of its 'Can- adian exhibition they stand quite in amazement to see something they have thus far not seem before. In this great Columbian - Exhibi, is brought together the best of all tbla yield in God's broad garden for the good of each. And by this bringing the world will have been made richer and be enabled to take grander strides than ever towards the higher improvements of all the advantages which have been placed in the unwritten catalogue of men's boundless possibilities. , ..• REV. Geo. Bros aN. Lakelet The crop is "being . speedily harvested in this vicinity.: The heavy rain on Saturday afternoon, though not gen- eral, came here .in tot rents doing ung limited good to roots and pastures. It caused a hill in the hauling for the fore part of Monday but towards evening the barn doors were:thrown open. and every one is at it. Late oats suffer considerably from rust but on the whole there is very little scope for grumblers.. We were pleased to see among the names of the successbi _candidates in district No. 5 thoseoU Bites Etta Scott and Bert Dulmage, both cif, whom re- ceived second class standing, As they are both rather young to attend the Model school, it is Bert's intention at least, to attend the, lta risten _ gh School to take up first` class work. TheY have been industrious students up to this date and a continuation of the same is sure to result beneficially. Halladay's mill is going up in a hurry He, Jas. Hamilton and Jno. Allan are putting the agricultural tools in force aud each morning sees some work be- gin, each evening sees it finished. All the machinery is on the ground and the - mill will be ready for work before snow comes. School re -opened on Monday with an attendance of 33. The painted building and blackboard ; the new pump and doors and other minor improvements are sufficient evidence to pupils and teacher that during their absence the trustees tried to make the surroundings. maiepleasant. Mr. Carlton ex -blacksmith of burg has decided to try Clifford. He has gone into partnership with Mr. Johnston of that place and no doubt the combined exertions of two such practical and experienced men will build up one of the strongest firms in Wellington Co. Mr. Carlton's family moves to Clifford next week. Belmore. Rev. D. Rodgers, of Dungannon, oc- cupied- the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday last. Miss Lizzie McLeod is visiting friends in and around Belmore this week. The Epworth League held an open meeting on Tuesday 22nd, last and had a very enjoyable time. Miss Bata Fryfogle, who has been visiting her parents, returned to Wing - ham on Thursaay last. Mr. Jno. Fitch, sold his two-year-old driver for the sum of $100. Mr. D. H. marshall, left for Manitoba on Tuesday Iasi where he is gouty to re - aide for a time. He will be' Sreatly aimed by iiia manyfriends, lied es- patly"by the -members of_the of which he was a member. Bias lines is visiting at ` the Royal • Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Walker have re- turned to Brockville after a very pleas- ant holiday visit with friends here. Mr. Jno. G. Gibson left last Saturday for the 4th con., Carrick, where h3 has charge of a large school. The Misses Fleming, who have been visiting here for a few weeks past hake returned to their home in Galt. The marriage, in Scotland, of Mc. J. W. Sanderson, of this village, and Miss Mary Mitchell, is announced. The ac- quaintance of the happy young couple commenced a few years ago on the oc- casion of her visit with the family of W. Wilson in this place. The famous base ball club of which "Jack" was the catcher and captain are said to have met other evening and passed the fol- lowing. : "Whereas our skilful and_ respected captain -has thrown off his "mask" and. "gathered in a daisy," therefore bo it Resolved, that this club send its con- gratulations. May the new "Union" be as prolific in victories as the old ; may his "home plate" always have plenty of • Looking Forward. We do not need an Edward Bellamy to look - backward from the serene heights of 2000 A.D., to tell us that the time is coming when themoneyless wife of a rich man will be unworthy of oar civilization—and people will then treat as a myth the story of the wife asking for a dollar and - oeing met -with ': Why, Mary, what can you want with a dollar —don't you have all you need ?" In that happy day no woman will confess to another : "My husband is generosity itself—he spends everything I wish on the house and tries to give me all the pleasure he can—but, oh dear, I never can get any money for myself—any little sum for the many things my child- ren and I need—without a positive fight," writes Annie R. Ramsay in an article on "The Question of Allowances" in the September Laches' Home Journal. Nor will be heard the answer, as too often now : "Oh my husband is just the same, but I take it out of the market purse and put it down to `sundaies.' He never knows, or if he does notice and scold I have things alfyhow." Fina tranung in honor, this 1 s. •N�' The death of (Ieo. Lewis, at tre=ad- - '- yawed age of 93 years, at his biome near Otter Creek, has just occurred. He was one of the early settlers of Carrick tawnship. The funeral will occur en - .Friday (tomorrow)at2 p. to. Ray. Father Brohman, of Formosa retied home from the World's Fair on Tuesday. He is looking well; frg