HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-08-17, Page 5r. _--,--.--:- ,s o unt s S at 00et&. ass by this t LF DE cts, 175 pairs Hats at low prices jCE. tit, MILDMAY. Is we agust • • in a summer be quoted oral Discount we have,left i. r Hats, sells at, ular price. in fact a few tooh number we will sell oney, or a good one. • • - •.c.t."! • • CHURCI;IES. 'PVANGELICAL.-Services 10 am. and 7 p.m. Sabbath -School at 2 p.m. C. Liesemer, Stsporintendent. Cottageprayermeeting Wednes- day evening- at rem Telma People's meeting Tuesday evening at 730 Ciioir practice Friday evening at S o -"clock. Rev. Mr. Heist, Pastor. pRESBYTERIAN.-Servieel I0-33 Sab- bath School -9;30 ism.- J. H. Mbore, Superin- tendent. Prayerreseting, Wednesday evening at o'clock. Rev. R. W. Gallagher, Pastor. R.C. CHURCH., Sakred Heart of Jest. -Rev. " Father. Wey, P. P. Services every Sunday, alternatively at 8:30 S.M. and 10 a.m. Vespers -every other Sunday at 3 p.m. Sunday School at tee p.m. every otherSunday. T UTHERAN.-Rev. Dr. Willer, pastor. Ser- ViCeS thelast three Sundays of every month at 230p.. Sunday School at 1:80 p.m. lk/f ETHODIST.;--Services 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m 41'4 Sabbath School 210p.m. OE Curls, Superin- tendent. Prayermeeting,Thariday 8p.m. Rev. W. B.. Danard, Pastor. SOCIETIES. M.B.A.!, No. 70 -meets in their hall on the ‘--'• evening of the second arid fourth Thurs- days in each month. E. WELLER, See. GEO. HERRINGER, Pres. r 0.F. -Court Mildmay, No. 186, meets in, their ‘--• • hall the second and last Thursdays in each month. Visitors always welcome. E. N. BuTcHART, C. R. JAS. JOHNSTON, R. S. THE MILDMAY GAZETTE, DEVOTED TO THB INTERESTS OR EAST REECE AND EAST HURON. Terms :-41 per year in advance; Otherwise11.25. ADVERTISING RATES. One Six Three Year. months. months. One column $50 $30 $18 Half column 30 18 10 Quarter column.- 18 10 6 Eighth column ' 10 6 4 Legal notices, 8e. per line for first and 4c. per line for each subsequent insertion. Local business notices Sc. per line each inser- tion. Contract advertising payable quarterly. J. W. GRBEN. Grand Trunk Time Table. Trains leave Mildmay station as fol- lows : • GOING SMYTH. 00ING NORTH Express ...... 7.15 a. m. Mixed ...........1035 ft,ra Mail 11.55 " Mail 2.52 p.m Mixed.. 5.20pan Express.... ..... 945 p.m Miss Marie Butchart, left on Friday last on a visit to friends near Paisley. Mr. J He ssanauer and family spent Sunday last with friends at Port Elgin. Mrs. MeFadden, and daughter, of Paisley, are visiting at A. Moyer's this week. Aliso Della Keeley, of Arthur, is the guest of Postmaster Herringer's family here, at presentT. Miss Lula Huck returned home last Saturday from an extended visit with friends in Huron county. Schwitzer Bros, have about decided to rebuild their saw mill, which was burned down last week. - -Minks Mena and, Susan Lauman, of Ayton, were the gnosis at Mr. J. Hess- anauer's a few days this week. Next week we will publish another Ater from the pen of Father Brohman, deacriptive of the World's Fair. Misses 4/141lIA Moyer and Charlotte • Berry are at present absent on a two week's visit with friends in Berlin.: • Miss .Mary Lenahan, who- has been visiting her parents here fora 'Couple of weeks past, has returned to Duitam.= kr. W. Armour and family went to Be/grave 'eat week on a visit to relatives. 1r. A. returned on Friday but the fainily is still absent.. Mrs. R. Whiting returned on Tuesday evening, from Wiikerton, where she had been for a creek or so visiting with her sister Mrs. McCarter. Several teams are engaged in hauling fax to the Mildmay mill. The crop is legood one this year and Roseneau la Voigt expect, a large output Mr.- Wm. ...Se -:aand7:Missere--Olatilt. Kcehruste.dt and Toni..gclineidare of Mildmay, and Mr.k Frank Koamstedt, of Deemerton; left b.ere on.,Tuesday on a 60 -day excursion trip through 'Dakota. Mr. Ed. Berry staretd on a trip :to Man- itoba the same day. - It is -likely a foot -ball match will be played tiete,ihe latter part of this_ week, between the Gerrie and Illiklmay` sen- iors. Arrangements are now in pro- gress, and if it comes off the game will be a good one as several 'of the-famoue Howick Rangers will be on. the, G-orrie team, while the home team is a very strong one. Miss Williams, evangelist,- passed through Mildmay on Monday, on her way to the family home to be present at the celebration of her parents' golden wedding. While working in Paisley this lady was seriously injured by being Mtu over while returning from one of her meetings, but her friends here will be pleased to learn that she is quite re- covered. The following, are the names of the pupils from Mildmay school. who passed their entrance examination at Walker ton, together with the number of marks they obtained : Sarah Moore 429; Her- bert Whiting, 410; -Archibald Reddon, 408 ; Charles Johnston, 884: Also the following from Carrick: Albert Redden, (S.S. No. 7) 494; Agnes Scott, (No. 8) 887, and Catherine 'Messner, -(Formosa) 382. At the Harriston _ examinations- Daretta Herringer, ofAildiney Separate School, succeeded in coming 4th on the list with 488 marks, and Frances Warn- er, of the same school, passed with 402: The- Council of Culross their-liSt saeeting passed resolutions of -respeet-to _the memory of their treasurer, the late Mei Sand ' Kirkland, who died a ,short time agO. •- Tim drain. on Elora, St..; from In'eae- - HYMENEAL.. CAMERO N---SCIINSIDE R. A brilliant scene was presented at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schnei- der,. Absalom St., on Wednesday morn- ing last, the occasion being the Mar- riage of: their daughter, Mies Lydia, to, Mr. W. J. Cameron, merchant, of Port Elgin., The ceremony was perforreed, in the presence of a number of invited guests, by Rev. Mr. Gourley', of Port Elgin, at 9 o'clock, Mies Bose Ilerringer rendering Mendelsohn'aWedding March, on the piano. The bride was attired -in white -.silk crepon, trimnied With silk lace, and carried a bouquet of white roses. The bridesmaid, her sister, Miss Carrie, was dressed in cream Bedford ord- trimmed with lacer end with a boquet of pink roses. - fr*• groom was supported by his. brother,Mr. Colin Cameron. At the concision of the ceremony, and after congratulations had been extended, theguest sat down to a sumptuous wedding breakfast, and shortly afterwards the happy couple were driven to the station where they took the 11.55 train, amid a shower of rice, on a wedding -trip through var- ious points in the esatern part of the Province. The bride was among the most popular and accomplished young ladies in the village, and While all join in Wishing her- every jof in her new life _ and home, yet there remains -a tinge of regret at her removal from the associa tions with'which her presence had long ss Rebecca diar.k, of Windsor, is the guest of friends here -this week. She intends to start for British Colum . . - bia, :shortly to join litir mother and, brother: Mr. E. Bitehareand family started yesterday, hr.:buggy, On a trip. to friends invarious-pills of Waterloo and 'Went- woTth coueisies. • They will be absent a couple ofWeeke.• ••, Public; school -begins in this village next/Monday. Seine of the: children wish Miklmay- was an incorporated, village so that their hOtift-yirWOU1.4. tend over another montli.l. The first new wheat of -the season was marketed at 'Schneider's -mill-last week by Mr. Henry, Benninger, from near Formisa. Ib was a .good, hard sample and weighed 62 pounds to the bnahel. Mildmay Market Report Carefully corrected every week for theGazerra Fall wheat per lon. •$ 55 to $ 58 68 -to 60 Oat a 83 to 84 Peas 53 to 55 .13arley 88 to 40 45 to 50 spring 311 41 and pleasantly been identified here. The wedding presents` made a costly Potatoes Smoked meat per lb... ..... 10 to 12f Eggs per doz•• 9.to 12 Butter per lb...... 15 to • 16 Wool " ... 17 to 20 Hay, per ton - 7 00 to 7 00 Wood_per cord... . .. 1 25 to 1 50 and ,beautiful tribute to the esteem in Which she --wae: held. Among them were the follewieg:— Frem the groons, it handsome Plucked Otter sal' f groom,- dinner set„ 112 pietis. - laskii --- -' k4ry-ii='. • Ttleti.grnt:00In: marble clock. ,, ,cliver cake lia" sill"' ma Cameron, Misses; ,Lily__Anci • Kate 31fetzmiVary; Sirver'iCe-- meter a. --=- Retiring trom Busi- ne,ss Lakelet. HAVING sold my bIacksmithing business to Mr. Wm. Rivera, I wish to thank the Pablic for the liberal patronage I have received while here. All accounts owed to me most be settled, by cash or note, by the 1st Sept. next. • - T. B. CARLETON. Lakelet, Aug. 1st, 1663. To the Public. I HAVE just purchased Mr. Carleton's GENERAL BLACKSMITIIIITG BUSINESS - Iw LAKBLET. , ' and am' "carry. ing on business in the -old stolid. I have had a long practical experience and andom prepared to give perfect satisfac• tion in all work entftsted to me. Horaeshoeinpospeoially attended to ix. a careful Manner. Re-, pairiefg of - all kinds- promptly done. • . Rfvees. Lakelet, Aug. 1, 1893. - jai sant-14411. - ;, silver_ Icher; -Schneider, q ;Iv d ,kMstintiMa'fo. rks. eheck‘ • 11' Efax sonieller, , ti Greer, handere 11 lo:hittek, fl ind cia_oP;f0eY • d Idr Milu' -- weelicor"r to,he Site,7Ins b•enA n•r:11-'" ver nitddi-1 dah -CEO-paha • and *laid -:tseith !1•,2,! This w%perinit thorvei 44i141.4 of .T444iii;vase. erty whirl!, it ass The work noir. 407)fr.r* 41,Ig0 "of Depu!trper,,, cellars and iMprovethe ?rep, wlians‘per,tisieelseys is set., nier, and ..aiiitsp-.41144ealef. Addie ilayir.• sitier - , uterton, Ver, htiirpin - FOR/ SALM. A Neat and Comfortable Country Hornestead, E Mit IC11E01EC JP MI the Best Selection and Largest-Stocili in Town of Boots AND Shoes Be buyelromthe.best Houses, buys large quanti ties; pays the spot cash for them, so gets them cheap, and SELLS TIEN FROM...im To siver%4ER BENT RHEAPER THEN OTHER HOUSES. Come to the -Store and see -if this is not so. ASTE416.1•1 3311.TOISENTEfefSi. If you want Cheap -Good -Neat Comfort- able -Staunch Foot -wear, Call on me. Every attention given • to Ordered Work. and Repairing at Join? - • Next to Commercial Hotel. Elora St. Mildmay. PRODUCE TAKEN. Mildmay Jewelry Store. • Chas. Wendt Takes the liberty to draw the attention of the Public to the following i*.A.cPrei4 That we are selling Goods CHEAPER than any - other House in the Dominion. Compare our Prices with others and eee if we dont. Watches at half the Regular Price. Our eight day Walnut and Oak half hour gong strike Clocks knoOr the old styles out complete, both in Workmanship and Price. Otir stock of Fine GOLD Bunny from Oe. up will ettrioriee you, In SPECTACLES we can give you the -FINEST LINES as well as the CHEAPER, • ones BS low as 1.e. We also keep a large stock af Fancy Goods Purses, -Bill Books, Pipes Mouth Organs,rHairpins Combs, Albums, Fancy Novelties in Glassware, Rolled Plate Chains, Charms, Lockets, Brooches, . at Rock Bottom Prices. • All gciods Warranted as represented. Repairing Watches; Clocks and Jewelry a . - Specialty and satisfaction guaranteed. Ri3member the place: Cu.&s. WENDT, Mildmay rONSISTING of three acres of choice land, be `•-• ing part of lot 1, con. -7, in the -township o Turnberry. Tem acres now -under gTass and - balance in orchard and garden. There is a good six -roomed frame house on the premises, also Forfurther particulars apply to JOHN W. GREEN, Bon 10. Wroxeter, Ont. ]E:urrt.it-tutre ttrat curies so immense stock of - Ilou.se Furniture Elegant Parlor Suites All kinds of Bedroom Sets Choicest Hall Furniture. Stylish Dioingroom Sots. Lounges, Rockers, Chairs, and every. thing in this line. . Prices Lower than -ever for Cash. Full tine of Self-acting Window Shades - Picture Framing Done to order. Under aking carry &full Ittock of Coffins, - Caskets, Robes, etc, A First -las Hearse in connection.. Rates Moderate. 012 of Statuteilehor and gratia MISS ...EareiRliAr4,, , - Ci.ggi3Of, • - . 11?werne,sket.i. • • closed hiSbusinese 'lass Joi;usie;a, sat and pepper • • . n erhas re urn with case, 7-2siir - t ed DVionekelli Blehfhenn g014332.5t fruit spoc Mk. W. 11 S h Rid affairs theme apd its maw devoting ins -,uH Era &dn. Hanover, silver butter,dish. •A. 3),11.u.rat, Elora st, Mildmay. NorrioE. VQ0len 410 FPI iits. GEO. E. LIESEMER ,The- Leading Blacksmith. rights is the place where you ean get your Horse • 1 Shoeing- and all kinds of General Black- smithing done right Cheap and Neat. Always a full stock of: Wagons, Buggies, and. Carriages of all kinds kept on hand. I have a number of FIRST CLASS 1E-XetworcralarNa, which 1 will sell CHEAP. If you want one, now is the time to buy. Also a. few second hand Buggies and Wagons. GEO: E. LIESEMER. HARNESS 0.1 SHOP, be k thqnsetter, Proprietor. Opportuuity!: Do not 1st it paw - You can buy goods at Oliver Stiegler's For about half of what they will cost; you elsewhere. We buy • VOW. CAI and give you the benefit of it. A comparison or. 0-0 We tarry s first-class line of Harness, Saddle, Whips, Mountings, etc. A full stock of Ladies' and Gents' Trunks and Valises. WIN We make a specialty of The Trimming of Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs. Harness made to order and Repairing done in First-class Style. We carry a large stock in all lines and • are prepared to give perfect satis- faction in Styles, Prices and Promptness. Coal 'Arad (Sterseot L. A. Hinsperger. Our STYLES and PRICES will convince you -that you should tra0e with us. Tlf!eszOtteshreCrReIlalleit,hoodcitrestr_ct ree y44:42101; " • iokffeerpedurc-fuoirisesalcfe.,;Taidenpdrcellervliwi1134rni-tikre:ege;p7dfor .; 1893, by the u-ii4ersigned: the purchase money to Pti• Cintigr40 winatt;teinglye,o1,--olige_$uso; forshingthe-baahibm4?vceoasitiinortt ncitea. " - For further partictilars apply to - 2 Go : Cram- , ' Sec. of TrtnitBoard. attention lo,putting tye Atildmay roller•rat•e, rrorIgne,rarMstelnoltrinfit eije millin first class cendition. - The,r94,191 °PC: Vry Blenheim,- hand _paintsti cream been sea Away and re:groaned Caford, silver Pope, and ealt, d-pitehei and sugar bowl. 06*1, 11.0W einaineg overtiine-' case. _ w iherthx.i. a....'...tray cloth d. J Virilion,,sfiver exeisllerit'fienr.rainufactiire /ass L Bruce, a - steam Wasp up with the dereamit for mgeld-line& sieeiibomer ire,ton work.) • yH- Rohn:ie.:mit:Pert Mee. silver breakfai iss Carrie Snyder, chino5 otolctchtea set: - Bliss Uughes2Walkerton, Mexican embroidery,- • Mr. A. E. Bradwin, representing To- cruet, iont� in s. in town '= . chimuile gahcrdat 41::16114°sta-wa that' 1C)- Ur- 8 C"BciPlies c 'and Sri, e Cur .7git frame 011 table eentr§ Plece!'- er waterita44', uo--- • the, later - - - • • in ffinc • sattuao - " - rnOtt ...cover • , wee minor bibeilet...• 11,4 Ofth0-4W14 and . D 33titehert .!aFT11:4 14-44)-- •-• 1i)Oalinien•reeentee,:titv ular :an : • t Mr IAA Neostadt, ver and WhIt• TV ot l the a Mise Pvitenat, award. wv 41i5Qne tilt"u Mist Gig na!ei d banners. dish. b tht0 that B. Taylor, frao er sewmaeri u owes, its success.. 01-50 Per fait fluen = miss 14-. kilmemoe, champ: Ifite**432g:* t Entan-retsiaiset%IiietwoYetchfrpieertsdh.);ia.re in si for subscription may be 4ktahis CAN "NM 411_14-JASP Flour an0Feecl btOre, cipmf.sircortain4inorri want in STEINifiltIEFk-n9. B*-44-1113--ateliretook. TIE:- POILEi fAlf9 ICE CitEA:WPARL tr..* Becalioo- 414'tar edA-1).-ttreatartor -tow'an4esr orOH . • c WeIGOIDe • - Good BARBER SHOP in conneopio*,_ F.ci AS PE Pilfti shiner:all:44e. owse, ix' spoon - Blort st. - GISSLIB • • Breacuietor, New Fall Goods, are arriving daily. We have just t received a shipment of Dress Goods, AND. Mantle Cloths that would de credit to any pili • STOCK consisting as they do of Tweeds,Blanketsand • all kinds of wool- en goods manufactured; All the latest and most stylish things. Hopsacking, Whipcords, Diagonals,, Costume cloths, A: large_ and 'complete stock alwaysOri WOOL WANTED tch th-p. AND , Tweed effbcts- We are in a position to sell them very close, being imported dir- ect and paying spot cash for them. It is an acknowledged fact that we lead them all in these lines 1)" § Headquarters for § Readvriacle Clothing- etiraci ' Mixitssi badeto Order., Always on hand a full line of AND- ihps..4 Iji orcier!noise more room we will offer cm. - - ' entire stack of xmirsr-eiressg Melte eo irs_46 , 41Et,1., ea Arl- iss Kira. es Er• _ IL-Ag"lita litC • at and -below cost. Prints -former; price 120 now 80. FrencSateens " 30 • 24 All wool Delaines ". 40, " 30 nnelettes " 9. " 6 Muslies and Victoria Leer's 10, 121, 15 ad 20, new, 8, 10, 11, 16, and other , goeds in, proportion. • \ . pliver Stiegler, ai ' '4" .c.• . - -