The Gazette, 1893-08-17, Page 3Fa
's bill to the mini-
•' aa,,e the dollars
he land and cream
s had experience in
,ei1 me it they have
the peas on sod
round that is quite
,ts of plowing one
and then sowing
1 covering by the
the peas will not
,arrowed the peas
,ower came, about
cop of the ground.
its on Grain•
supposed that those
cud must be fed
of corn fodder in
,lth of the animal,
of coarse material
al in order that its
ded and in a con -
healthy digestion.
ew York, reported
cows grain alone,
r, and perhaps more
This feeling began
d when later a two -
'u exclusively upon
time experiments at
I successfully tried
hat for the cows or
to necessity of pro -
lase oI its scarcity,
experiments go to
be made an exclus-
ger to the animal.
al College Experi-
ucted some experi-
ing, and we give a
llows :—
be successfully fed
ong periods.
fed on grain alone
hon as few or less
ags will.
grain, drink but lit-
,tio of it as urine and
it it by lungs than
oarse food.
sheep and cattle
>n grain ; the first
i of sheep and cattle
do not fill up, nor
animals practically
fed grain alone.
t a steer slaughtered
Iv from those of cat -
red, especially so in
weighed more, and
ngs which weighed
table instance in the
rimenter of the va-
food to the develop -
should receive the
ysiologists, notably
to human health.
lent from the above
is exerted upon the
od consumed, which
wide field of inquiry
e nutrition of stock
should also be treat -
1 aspect. There are
y of the coarser food
applied only at con -
extra expense; now
can be employed to
scarcity, and instead
to animal really cause
e change, much good
It is in such fields
atest good comes.
,h considerable truth
all manure is wasted.
ser which collects on
an to eaves and drip
manure heap, and as
ha and runs away it
ble part of the man -
water fall upon it in
P, and the loss is tre-
o valuable now that
e of carrying away
arn. Take it to some
compactly in a solid
kn about the impor-
asible preventing the
From what has been
ancerning the barrier
h Nature has placed
goes without saying
Ild not be ruthlessly
'y be safely assumed
are lurking almost
come in contact with
cruise or cut in the
worse than a rough
fungus as a. lodgment
tte spores of various
Ludes, it at once fur-
cdnditione for molds
cruised is a fruit for
terms are specially in -
a specimen is placed
fruit it soon becomes
E. its neighbors on all
tten apple found in a
hers near by it being
A rotten apple is not
.editions favor or re -
3 decay fungi. If the
eezing they are com-
out when the room is
uit cannot be expect -
ad storage naturally
as ideal apple has no
Ind no bruises. If it
, dry, cool room free
onght to keep indefin-
ehange rains it as an
. have been born to
er of Cold Spring, N.
to less than ten years,
as had three sets of
'r twins, and two sing-
e York wedding was a
Ding the Hudson, be -
bride's country seat
'was " Sir Roger de
rere six bridesmaids,
and white Empire
Two thousand varieties of apples are
raised in the United States.
Rats avoid a house wherein a guinea-pig
is permitted to roam at will.
A net to catch whales has been patented
in Auckland, and it is said to be a great
Most of the centenarians in England have
been lean people, small eaters, and very
moderate drinkers.
A Connecticut paper has an advertise-
ment of "a cottage to let, containing six
rooms and an acre of land."
London physicians assert that a new
form ot throat disease is caused by the
wooden pavements of that city.
A -recent invention converts waste paper
into kegs, barrels, and vessels of various
kinds. Even racing boats are made from
A monkey that died in Butte City, Mon -
Una, was such a pet that his owner induced
an irreverent wretch to preach a sermon
over the animal's remains.
George Hogan, a bee -keeper, at Lynch's
Station, Va., while attending his hives,
was attacked by a swarm of bees, and in a
few hours died of his wounds.
Suicides are becoming so frequent In Den-
mark that it is proposed to check them by
a law turning over the body of every sui-
cide to a dissecting -room.
The telephone has been adjusted to divers'
suits, so that, when under water, they can
converse with persons above the surface,
and. report what they see.
The closing -week of the life of John E.
Collins, of Rimini, Montana, was quite out
of the common. Within seven days he was
married, divorced, and had committed
An artesian well at Pierre, S. D., spouts
a combination of water and gas at the rate
of 400 gallons a minute. The water blazes
for a time when the light is applied to it.
A horse belonging to Tom Roe, of Waco,
Texas, while grazing, became suddenly ex-
cited, and madly rushed at his owner. Tom
struck him on the neck with his fist and
animal dropped dead.
Scorpions are so numerous in Durango,
Mexico, that there is a bounty of sixty
cents a hundred for them. The persons
who are legalized to hunt for them are
authorized to enter and search private
The lines on no two human hands are
exactly alike. This fact is utilized in China
in an interesting way. When a traveller
desires a passport, the palm of his hand is
covered with fine oil, paint and an impres-
sion is taken on .thin, damp paper. This
paper, officially signed, is his passport. -
While riding in her buggy, near Iron
Mountain, Cal., Mrs. Kamene saw what
she thought to be three little dogs playing
in the road. She stopped to admire their
antics, when a mountain lioness sprang
from the brush, and planted two paws on
the buggy. She struck the animal on the
head with her whip, lashed her horse, and
escaped., The " little dogs" were young
European railroads have no grade
Artificial ivory
skim milk.
Iron steamships were
Britain in 1943.
Paper has been made of almost everything,
not excepting iron.
The United States consumes more paper
than any other. nation.
Great Britain received 10,057,600, letters
front America last year.
Nearly 300,000 pounds of aluminum:were
produced last year.
Silver dollars are shipped direct to China
from Mexico by Chinese merchants.
Mulhall estimates that the civilizednae
tions annually pay $13,700,000,000 for food.
cross -
is made from condensed
first built in Great
now Two Snfferers 8
Health and Strength.
11r. and Mrs. Jas. Laws on Tell the Story of
Their Renewed Health and Strength—
They Find health After Many Reme-
dies Had Failed.
From the Woodville Independent.
The Independent has published a
number of - well authenticated cases of
most remarkable cures by the use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People.
Many of these cures have occurred in
our own province, and all of them have
been vouched for by newspapers ot well
known standing, whose disinterestedness
leaves no room to doubt the accuracy of
the statements made. But if anything
were needed to convince the skeptical
among our readers (if any there be) and
bring into greater prominence the sur-
passing remedy, it is found in the fact that
the Independent has been able to give
the particulars of several remarkable
cures in our own neighborhood, every
detail of which can be easily verified by
any interested in so doing. A short
time ago we gave the particulars of the re-
covery of little George Veal, which has at-
tracted so much notice and added to the
fame of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in this lo-
cality. A few days ago this case was the
topic of cenversation in one of our local stores,
when a gentleman present said he knew
of a case in town even more surprising. The
Independent, alert for anything that would
interest its readers, asked for some further
particulars, and was informed that the per-
son referred to was Mrs. James Lawson,
an esteemed resident of Woodville, who
had been utterly helpless for a time, her re-
covery despaired of and who is now, through
the almost magical virtues of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, recovered and able to be about
once more. A few days after this, meeting
Mr. Lawson on the street, TheIndependent
inquired if it were true, as stated, that his
wife owed her recovery to the use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. Yes, replied Mr.
L„ and not only my wife but I was cured
by them also. If you will call at the house
you can have the full particulars if you
want them. Mr. Lawson has been a resi-
dent of Woodville for over twenty years,
and is well known and highly respected by
all. On calling at his house we tound both
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson at home, and quite
willing to give the desired information.
They are an intelligent couple and those
acquainted with them will have no hesita-
tion in giving implicit confidence to their
statements. Mr. Lawson stated that he
had been ailing for years ; his appetite fail-
ed ; he became weak aiad unable to work.
He received medical assistance, but found
it of no avail, and at last he was confined
to the house with little prospect of recovery
as was thought. He had read of the
wonderful cures effected by Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills and determined to give them a
trial. He soon found benefit from them and
continuing their use entirely recovered, and
is now enjoying better health than he has
previously done for years and is quite as
able as formerly to do a day's work.
Mrs. Lawson also told of her terrible
sufferings. For three years she had been
unable to do housework, at or nine months
was confined to bed, being s helpless" that
she had to be lifted like a child. She had
consulted doctors in Toronto and taken
their prescriptions but found no relief. Her
nervous system was wholly unstrung and she
suffered from disease of the spine. The
doctors told her it would be necessary to
perform an operation on her spine, other-
wise she could not get relief. She refused
to have the operation performed, knowing
that it would make her a cripple for life,
and she considered that condition as bad as
her then state of suffering. At last she be-
gan the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and
had not been taking them long when she
found their good effects. She found herself
getting stronger, and was able to leave her
bed. . At first she had to use crutches, but
continuing the use of Pink Pills she was able
to throw away first one and then the other
of the crutches and is now not only able to
walk freely, but to attend to her household
duties as for merly. In fact she says that she
is now stronger than she has been for many
years. Her appetite has returned, her nerve
and spine troubles have disappeared, and
slie rejoices in complete recovery which
she attributes solely to the use of Dr. Will-
iams' Pink Pills, and which she recom-
mends to those troubled with nervous pros-
tration, diseases of the spine or general de-
bility. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lawson attri-
bute their recovery under Providence to
the use of this marvellous medicine which
has been such a blessing in our land, and
they are willing that all others should en-
joy the knowledge of their wonderful vir-
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a perfect
blood builder and nerve restorer, curing
such diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, par-
tial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus'
dance, nervous headache, nervous prostra-
tion and the tired feeling therefrom, the after
effects of la grippe, influenza and severe
colds, diseases depending on humors in the
blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas,
etc. Pink Pills give a healthy glow to pale
and sallow complexions, and are a specific
for the troubles peculiar to the female sys-
tem, and in the case of men they effect a
radical cure, in all cases arising from men-
tal worry, overwork or excesses of any
These Pills are manufactured by the Dr.
Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville,
Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold
only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark
and wrapper, at 50c a box, or six boxes for
$2.50. Bear in mind that Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the
dozen or hundred, and any dealer who of-
fers substitutes in this form is trying to de-
fraud you and should be avoided: The
public are also cautioned against all other
so-called blood builders and nerve tonics no
matter\vhat name be given them. They
are all imitations whose makers hope to
reap a pecuniary advantage from the wond-
erful reputation - achieved by Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. Ask your dealer for Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People and refuse
all imitations and substitutes.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills maybe had of
all druggists or direct by mail from the
Dr. Williams' Medicine Company from
either address. The price at which these
pills are sold makes a course of treatment
comparatively inexpensive as compared
with other remedies or medical treatment.
Philadelphia locomotives are used in
India ink is made in Japan from the soot
obtained by burning the shells of an oily
The crop area of Europe and America in
1840 was 492,000,000 acres ; in 1888 it was
80'7,000,000 acres.
The United States' acreage in grain . is
greater than the entire area of the German
. A hive of 5,010 bees should produce fifty
pounds of honey every year and multiply
tenfold in five years. -
All German workmen in Russian Poland
have been ordered to learn the Russian lan-
guage by January, 1894.
Thirty thousand tons, or 2,000 carloads,
of " staff " material were used in the walls
of the World's Fair buildings.
The maize crop of the United States cov-
ers an area greater than England, Scotland,
Wales, Ireland, and Denmark.
A new cigarette machine has been invent-
ed, that will feed, roll, paste, and make
10,000 perfect cigarettes in ten hours.
A million dollars in gold coin will weigh
3,685.8 pounds, and a million dollars in sil-
ver coin will weigh 58,920.9 pounds.
Testimony of One Who Knew.
Stranger—" This is a beautiful part of
the city. Property must be very high
Citizen—" No, sir. Property isn't worth
anything along here."
r` Not worth anything? Why, every
house in this row's a palace, and there's half
a mile of them !"
" That doesn't make any difference.
They are owned by men that are suffering
for the necessaries of life."
" I don't see any indications that the
owners wantto-sell out."
" They're too poor to be able even to. buy
'For Sale' cards to put in the windows."
" Have you got any property - alongthis
row ?"
" Haven't a foot of dirt within a mile of
"" Then ho* "do you know all this ?"
"I'm the--"
(Interrupting) " Why, - Great Scott, I
ought to have kneed it at once ! Shake !
an Assessor myself when I'm at
home." -[Chicago Tribune.
I3eavends a place of restless activity, the
abode of never -tiring though. -
Lightning Cookery.
Prince Bismarck's old chef, who is now
head cook in a big Berlin restaurant, recent-
ly won a novel bet, and gave a surprising
exhibition of his -mastery of the culinary
art. He bad wagered $50 tha' he eoald
kill, clean, cook and serve a chicken, all in
six minutes. The wager was decided at
night in the cafe of the restaurant, in the
presence of a big crowd. The cook appear-
ed at nine o'clock on an improvised plat-
form, upon which stood a gas cooking
stove. He held a live chicken high over
his head, and the fowl cackled loudly. One
blow of the keen carver severed the head
from the neck, and the cook began to pick
the feathers with great swiftness. It took
just one minute to get rid of every feather.
In Iess than another minute the expert had
opened and cleaned the fowl, and had
placed it upon a broiler on the gas stove.
The cook busied himself at the broiler,
seasoning the fowl as it cooked. It lacked
just a second of the sixth minute when he
stepped from the platform and served
the chicken to the nearest guest amid great
applause.—[London Figaro.
Have You Neuralgia?
If you are suffering the agonies of neural-
gia, and have failed to get a remedy that
will afford relief, we want you to try Pol-
son's Nerviline. No remedy in the market
has given anything like the same degree of
satisfaction. Its action on nerve pain is
simply marvelous, and as it put up in 25
cent bottles no great expense is involved in
giving it a trial. Poison's Nerviline is the
most pleasant, powerful, and certain pain
remedy in the world. Sold by druggists and
all dealers in medicine, 25 cents a bottle.
Each adult inhales a gallon of air a min-
ute and consumes thirty ounces of oxygen a
St. Thomas, Ont..
has the most successful School of Fine Ar
in Canada where all kinds of Drawing
Painting and Decorative Art work are
thoroughly taught. The Art Room is the
finest in the province and well equipped and
the record in the Government Examinations
is not equalled by any other school. A
Diploma in Fine Art from tit s College is
always and everywhere at a premium. Fine
Art graduates of Alma readily secure Col-
legiate appointments. For full announce-
ment address PRESIDENT AUSTIN, B. A.
To Raise More Corn
To the acre always use Putnam's Painless
Corn Extractor. Always safe and painless.
Beware of substitutes and imitations. Use
Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. At
"Common Sense" Brand.
We wish to draw special attention to the
adv. of M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. re
Binder Twine. The twine they handle is
the well known "Common Sense" Brand,
this being now the fourth season for it. It
has in that time established itself as being
by far the cheapest and most economical
twine of any in the market. Its length
per 1h. is equal to the Red Cap. It will
certainly pay all farmers to give it a triaL
One-half the population of Mexico are
full.blooded Indians.
Tommy—" I know now what the minis
ter means when he speaks of the lay mem-
bers." Mother—" Well, what does he
mean ?" Tommy-" I heard him tell pa
that there were a lot of tiresome old hens
in his congregation."
We'll write it down till everybody sees it
Till everybody is sick of seeing it
Till everybody knows it without seeing it—'
that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures the
worst cases of chronic catarrh in the head,
catarrhal headache, and " cold in the head."
In perfect faith, its, makers, the World's
Dispensary Medical Association of Buffalo,
N. Y., offers to pay $500 to any one suffer-
ing from chronic catarrh in the head whom
they cannot cure.
Now if thee conditions were reversed ---if
they ,asked you topay $500: fora positive
cure you mighthesitate. Here are reput-
able men, with years of honorable dealing ;
thousands of dollars and a great name back
of thein and they say—" We can cure you
because we've cured thousands of others
like you—if we can't we will pay yon $500
for the knowledge that there's one whom we
can't cure."
They believe in themselves. Isn't
worth a trial ? Isn't any trial preferable to
A noiseless omnibus runs through the
streets of Glasgow. It has pneumatic tires
Tissue Building Medicines
Are the best for all chronic diseases. Send
postal card for 192 page book (free) explaining
all particulars. Address DR. W. REAR,
Room 19, Gerrard Arcade, Toronto, Ont. Men
tion this paper when writing.
A politician weakly and amiably right is
no match for a politician tenaciously and
pugnaciously in the wrong.
Dr. Harvey's Southern Red • Pine for
coughs and colds is the most reliable and
perfect cough medicine in the market. For
sale everywhere.
A.P. 670
Thousands of Dollars
I spent trying to find a
cure for Salt Rheum,
which I had 13 years.
Physicians said they
never saw so severe a
case. My legs, back and
arms were covered by
the humor. I was unable
to lie down in bed, could
not walk without
crutches, and had to
Mr. S. G. Derry. have my arms, back and
legs bandaged twice a day. I began to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla and soon I could see a
change. The flesh became more healthy, the
sores soon healed, the scales fell off, I was
soon able to give up bandages and crutches,
and a happy man I was.- I had been taking.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
for seven months ; and since that time, 2 years,
I have worn no bandages whatever and my
legs and arms aro sound and well." S. G.
DERRY, 45 Bradford St., Providence, R. I.
)HOOD'S PILLS cure liver ills, constipation,
biliousness, jaundice, and sick headache. Trythem,
Diseases are often difficult to remedy.
will restore a lost appetite- lost flesh,
and check wasting diseases, especial-
ly in children, with wonderful rapidity.
Coughs and colds are easily killed by a
few doses of this remarkable remedy.
PALATABLE AS MILK. Be sure to get
the genuine, put up in salmon -colored
Prepared only by Scott & Bowne. Belleville.
Lodge Seals, School Seals, Office and Bank
Stamps, Stamps of every description.
10 King Street West, Toronto.
Write for circulars.
i,000,a0® ACRES OF LANDfor sale by the SAINT PAUL
CoMpariy in Minnesota. Send for Maps and Circu.
'ars. They will be sent to you
TEACHERS and older Scholars can make
money canvassing for "Farmers' Friend
and Account Book." Send for circulars, WIL-
LIAM BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto.
Land Commissioner, St. Paul, Minn.
unprecedented facilities for tacquiring tc
thorough knowledge of Cutting in all its
branches; also agents for the McDowell Draft
'ng Machine. Write for circulars, 123 Yonge
street. -
Agents "everywhere.
Rubber Stamps
Queen City Rubber. Stamp Works, Toronto. "
The Leavill Dehorning Clip
pars will take them off with less
trouble and less pain than any
other way.
Send for circular giving price
testimonials, etc.
77 Craig Street. Montreal.
a Boot or Shoe that does
not fit. Why punish your-
self in attempting to form
your foot to a boot or shoe.
We make our
Boots and Shoes
from two to six dif
" I inherit some tendency to Dys-
pepsia from my mother. I suffered
two years in this way ; - consulted a
number of doctors. They did me
no good. I then used
Relieved in your August Flower
and it was just' two
days when I felt great relief. I 'soon
got so that I could sleep and eat, and
I felt that I was well. That was
three years ago, and I am still first-
class. I am never
Two Days. without a bottle, and
if I feel constipated
the least particle a dose or two of
August Flower does the work. The
beauty of the medicine is, that you
can stop the use of it without any bad
effects on the system.
Constipation While I was sick I
fe 1 t everything it
seemed to me a man could feel. I
was of all men most miserable. lean
say, in conclusion, that I believe
August Flower will cure anyone of
indigestion, if taken
Life of Mi sery with judgment. A.
M. Weed, 229 He11e-
fontaine St.. Indianauolis, Ind." 41
That people would have been regularly using
our Toilet Soaps since 1845 (forty-seven long
years) if they had not been GOOD! The publio
are not fools and do not continue to buy goods
unless they are satisfactory.
13C30. k3EGL.M.
Ask forthe -J. D. King & Co.,Ltd., perfect fit
ting goods, and be happy.
Best in the World!
Get ,the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere !
K.D.C. is specially
prepared for the cure
of indigestion and dys-
pepsia. Cure guar-
anteed. Try it, and
be convinced of it/
Great Merits.
or 127 STATE er., BOSTON, ean2 S.
Mention this paper.
Free sample mailed to any address,
After five years
suffering from Dy-
spepsia my wife got
entirely cured in
one month by the
free use of
The happy transition
it brings is grand
and permanent. We
prize St. Leon so
highly we will take ,
pleasure in answer-
ing any inquiries.
349 Dovencourt Road
Hotel now open. M. A. THOMAS, Manager
Branch • - 449 Youge Street
Cheap and Easy to workFollows manila on all machines in good ord el:
without change of adjustment- Completely weather and rot proof. Be Sure
you get "COMMON SENSE' branded on bales, also on tag attached to each
I ain't as pretty as Manila, but I
get there just the same.
p Common Sense 'r
If you cannot purchase in your
vicinity, write for information to