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The Gazette, 1893-08-17, Page 1
• • o.� r e sroted to . 'axe Interests of East IHFutrori. and East 13ruoe. VOL 2. MIL MAY, :ONT., : THURSDAY, AUGUST 17th, 1898. -No. 35, CHURCH DIRECTORY. 'Q(}LISH.—Services at Fordwieh, 1Q:30 a. m.; � at Gerrie, 2:30p. m.; at Wroxeter, 4:30 p. m. ev. Mr. Brownlee, Incumbent. SundaySchool, sae hour and a quarter before each service. METHODIST.—Services at lt.30 a.m., and e:30 ILA Greene, pastor. m. Orange bathaSchool at 8..30 p. m. W. S. Bean Superintendent. TIORESBYTERIAN.--Services at Fordwich at it L aim: at Gerrie, 2:30 p. m.: Bible Class a Ferdwieh in the evening. Sabbath School a Gorrie1:15p.maJaa.McLaughlin, Superintenden ETHODIST--Services in the FordKich Metho 444 diet Church, r "s 10:30 a: m. and f p. m. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. Pray 'r -meeting on Thursday evenings at 1:30. Rev. Mr. Edmunds pastor. N. McLAUGHLIN, • I MUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. witnesses required. Office At the Drug Store, G0a.RIE. Ito J. A. TUCK, M. D.' etenhtBER of College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Out. 0 GORRIii:, ONT. R. E. CLAPP, M.D. pY3yeloi in and li3urgaoirs. GRADUATE, Toron to University and member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Residence, Absalom St., nearly opposite the Liv- ery stable. Office in the Drug Store. next door to Carrick Banking Co. MILDtswY. J. A. WILSON, M.D. ONOR• Graduate of Toronto University Medical College. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office— Next door to Wendt's Jewellery store. MILDNAY. - W. H. H U C K, V. S. Mildmay, Ont. GitADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered member of Ontario Medical Association. Also Honorary Fellowship of the Veterinary Medical Society. Calls promptly attended to night and day. JAMES ARMSTRONG, Veterinary Surgeon GRADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered member of Ontario Veterin- ary Association. • • r� "Residence Nextto Methodist Parsonage, ALBERT STREET, GORRIE,. Gwr. Coniniercial Jiotel, Corner Elora and Absalom sts. Mildmay. Isfile fine Stone Hotel is fitted up in first-class style, with large and convenient sample rooms, spacious parlors and chambers and every facility for the entertainment of the traveling public The bar is supplied with the choicest liquors and cigars. Free 'Bus to and from all trellis. Good Stabling and attentive bostlers F. X. G U ITTARD, MANAGER. Tom. I-11113EW/lit Practical - Tailor Fllaet-class work Guaranteed. Clothing Cut to Order. Corner of Absalom and Adam Ste. Mildmay. IMPORTED SHORTHORN JOHN J. BRADLEY FASHIONABLE - at°. - - TAILOR VNrROXI8 t HAS just commenced businessit.Vogt's Block fcxmerly occupied by Mr�!5 ehoestore, Beirg a practical and experin ` -workman, I am able to guarantee first-class *k in the lat est styles. . John J. Br ley, WROXETER: FARM FOR -ALE. LOTS 15 and 16, Con. 8, Howiek, own as the Preston farm,) containing 250 Ores, more or less. There are about 120 acres rudercuitiva- tion` the balance being hardwood' and cedar bush. The fermis situated 2i miles Gerrie and the same distance from =fiord :rich, and is well adapted for grain and stogy r: isi ng. well supplied with buildings, water and fences; This farm is under the very best cultivation and is one of the finest in the township. Vol further particulars apply on the premises to FRANK DAVIDSON. Perdwich P.O. BULL FOR SERVICE. ON Lot 30,4con. 9, Hov-ick. This bull was bred by S. Campbell, Aberdeen- shire, Scotland, and was sired by the famous Cruikshanks bell. His data, Boselinty, won 1st. prize at the Royal 'Northern Society's show, Aber- deen twice, And she also won the cup as the best tensible in the show at the same Society's meet u, besides 1st prizes and cups at local shows. TERMS.—Pedigreed cows, $5 each' Grade cows. 82 each. Payable not later than May let, Ifigt. All cows that fail to be with calf will be charged $l- S. JOHNSTON & SONS. To Stock Raisers. FOR SERVICE.— _ Thoroughbred Durham Bull. 'Thoroughbred Large Imported-Bnglish Yotk- - aiiita Boar. —Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar. " -M the above are Registered and Pedigreed TIMM Fox b't nvics —S1 each. M. -SANDERSON. Lot 31, con. Br Howick. Eggs For Hatching. White and Brown Leghorn Eggs, $1 _per set- ting. Birds are pure- bred and finely marked. First come, first served. - JNO. BITHOUR Insureue Agent, ;Wroxeter ;Kgs " For Hatching. ▪ from breeding hens of Butes Lana- , $F,am SPANI873 and Slums Lamp WYAN .*FITZ& These birds were procured from tae ti breeders in Canada. Teuessesn.—Eisele stiain. I yes dotte&—Myers' ,train. —. right'estrain. g Visor getting of 1a, _ JOHN BARN , • It's enough to give afellow the Mumps to see the way some suits are made :BUT:--�- 1 do not run my business by GIRLS and CAS. —I Alf AN— per enc Workman, and capable of overseeing my business, -so bring along your CLOTH, either MERcHANTs, or FARRs. It don't matter to me where you buy your CLOTS, I ouAnAwTEE all my work. My PRIMO are the most REASONABLE. I will make your clothes in the STYLE YOU WANT. -Remember my name is J. H. TAMAN, The Reliable Tailor, GORRIE. W. _ ARMOUR'S, CASH and PRODUCE STORE, Elora St., Mildmay. Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs and all kinds of Farm Produre. Come on and .get 'the cash for your Pro- duce.and don't rob the store -keeper by taklg from them more than your eggs are worth.: Live and Let live. Come on and save the lives and reputation of ' your storekeeper who offers 33% more for eggs than they are worth. NV". XX. Represents J. FILI L'RY Ote 29®.1.WiE, Keeping stock the fax famed Fleury Plow and gang Plow Harrow, stuffier, Root Cutter and Pulper, Grain Crusher end Cutting Box, Also agent for Coulthurd Scot & Co. Oshawa, In Seeders, sells the Chaiupien, Combined Spring Tooth, :Champion Hunner Press Drill and the Lion,Disk Rarxow. Alsohsells the Pump Ce in Foaud agent for rce Pumps and Wind Mills. Full stock of repairs for all the leading plows. W. H. TATE, Gerrie. Aceney for CAVEATS, TRADE. MARKS,' DE$$OM _PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, -etc For information and free Bandbook write to. IfUNN I CO.. let BROADWAY, NEW Moes. Oldeetbureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by ns is brought before the public by¬ice given free of charge in the Ntiatifir American Largest in the - world. Splendidly intelligent, of any scientificn man sbouid be witha- Aa.Wa x83& 0 a year; SUN six menthe Puitu8$ • 361 Broadway. Not 1fea t Qts. .A.. F`. MISSERE, Wagon -Maker, 1 15iCtxazay. Having had a -long experience at the business I feel confident of being able to give first class Satisfaction. Repairing Promptly Done. If you are in want of a good rig give mea cal 1 M I SSERE, • A,bsalom St. Mildmay,, C. Ile e i e r, Headquarters for Binder Twine, Harvest Tools, Shovels, Tinware, Sewing -Machines and General Hardware. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. ematidy ladies to re sae�in nus using fres, LeatWy and painless leo seam or psinnoa app NassusadbrovarilVelladka ice— 'nate, Moa ell MEAT MARKET. ed his practise. Although -a was al - The Choicest ways a successful physician and ebelose B_LEF,. I*JUTTOH, &FUSASES, FISH _SND student he has profited muck by h #`.=fri _ Rom , ,. 4 - illi-a�eS-$�:-F�°��'�.v�,.s:-Yr.�'w�+----=-u�¢-- an---woA7en '4ets, jtt Mrs. Wm Evans, and Mrs. Gregg are absent in Parkhill at present, visiting at the home of Mrs. W. H. Taylor and with other friends near that town. Rev. D. Wright will preach (.V.) in the Gerrie Baptist church next Sabbath 20th .inst., at 3.30 o'clock. Subject: 'Will Christ -reign on earth Frith .his saints ?". - • Mr. ;and Mrs. Jas. McLaughfln, who have beensent on a visit to relatives near Paisleithe past weaker so, return- ed home on Tuesday. They made the trip by buggy. Miss Florence McKee has returned home from her trip to Manitoba, accom- panied by her brother-in-law, a intr. chant of Stonewall, who was on his' way to Toronto to purchase goods. Mr. Jas. Hutchinson, of the Toronto Medical College, is spending his vaca- ti©n- studying in Dr. Tuck's =office. Mr H. is a well known Howiek boy and his friends are pleased at the prospect for an extended visit with him. Mrs. W. Z. Watts, of Tilsonbnrg, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. Doig, here, at present. Mrs. W. was at one time a reident of Gerrie, ler husband being a business partnerofJ. R. Williams, and she still has many personal friends here who were acquaintances at .that time. Last week Mr. Dane sold the Albion hotel to Mr. Orr. of Wingham, getting the latter's hotel opposite the 'inghani park, in part pay. Mr. Orr will assume the management of the Albion in about a month. Mr. McIntosh has noj_aliocid- ed upon his future course 14 tsveral attractive offers . are held of ,e hila. "Archie" and h s=excellent_la4 411 be much missed should they Zea Borrie. Dr. Tuck has returned froml4,'w York, where he has been taking an advanced course in the hospitals, $1144i18.8 resun- STANT .Y ON HAND. Also a full supply .of SALT MEAT Highest Price paid for first-class fat animals and poultry. Goods delivered FREE- to all parts of; the village. GEO. HERRINGER. In And Around Gerrie. Win. Butch, of Morrisburg, is visiting here at present. Mr. A. Doan is away on his annual surveying outing in Algoma. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bean are absent this week on a trip up the lakes. A drunken man created considerable excitement in town on Saturday night. Miss Frost, of Owen Sound, who has been visiting here of late, extends her trip to Clinton. Mr. Jno. Switzer, whose mill was re- cently burned in Mildmay, was here on a business trip recently. Mr. Wm. Mines has sold his dwelling house and lot, near the saw mill in this village, to Mr. it. Clegg. Mrs. E. E. Day has been dangerously ill with inflamation of late, but is now, , we are pleased to learn, improving. Mrs. Montgomery and niece, Brant- ford, and her son Alf, of Chicago, are the guests of friends in town this week. Mr. Jas. Dixon is visiting at Mr. Campbell's at present prior to his dep- arture for Niagara to take his position in the High School. Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, who has been visiting at the old homestead, in Dar- lington township, for a few weeks past. returnee home this week. - Quite a few_ from -here -took in the railway excursion to Orangeville last Saturday. They report having en- joyed an excellent time. Ourfoot ball team has received an invitation to go to -Mildmay to play the team there -Soon, and likely they will accept. , Misses Robina and- Lucy Keine each_ succeeded in obtaining a second alaas teacher a certificates; at the recent examination.- We congratulate these tonal ladies upon their ides. will reap the • benefit. Dr. Williams, who took the practise while Dr. Tuck was away, lelt on Tuesday. During his shore -stay here hs made many friends and proved himself an excellent physi- c.an-with whom we part with much re- luctance. He will relieve the physician at Walton for a short time. Wroxeter. Belmore. Messrs. Hall and Bremner have re- turned from the World's Fair. Miss Clara Fortune and Jno. Hartley succeeded in securing second class cer- tificates atthe recent Departmental Exams. Mrs. Win. Marshall has gone to St. Joseph's Island to visit her mother who is dangerously ill. Mrs. Jno. Terriff is renewing ac- quaintances in and around this village. Mts. John- Johnston has gone to Pe- trolea, where she intends to reside in.' the future. Mr. and Mrs. McKail, of Wallace,, were visiting at Mr. Mulvery's last week. Mr. R. J. Barton, who has been spend- ing his holidays under the parental roof, returned to continue his duties as teacher in London township. Mrs. Jas. Lowrie, of Hamilton, is vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barton. Miss M. Troy, who teaches in Winni- peg, is spending her vacation at Mr.- Mulvery's. Mr. Jas. Kirby, our enterprising car- riage maker, is beautifying the appear- ance eif his cottage by having it veneered with brick. The plasterers are busily engaged on Messrs. McKee's and Hall's new brick residences. These, when finished will be the finest dwelling houses in the neighborhood. - The O.Y.B. have received their pic- tures which they had taken in Mt. For- est, on the 12th. They are elegant and reflect credit upon the artist, Mr. Chap- man. A number of the young people of our burg drove to Wingham on Sunday- evening last. On Sunday evening, July 301h, some party or parties entered the premises of Robt. McIntosh in quest of a feed of cherries. While they were at the cherries they broke a few small branches off the trees. The same evenin some bo ' s wereon Henr ' Dett- Inan's fame and frightened- him Poessid-- erably by throwing stones and other tricks. Accordingly the next day the above men, who have a personal spite against Mr. Merkley, hauled up his two youngest sons on suspicion of being the culprits. In the first case nothing could be proven against them, while in the Dettman case, although they had not been seen by any of the witnesses to throw stones or do any mischief yet because one witness had seen them -goo ing on the place they were fined $5 each and costs. That the Merkley boys are the wrong parties is very well known,. while many are indignant over the high fine. The old Gofton house is a thing of the past, the frame structure having been completely torn away. In its place will shortly stand a handsome brick building, fitted up in the latest style for a first-class hotel. The old bar -room stove has been preserved as a relic of "ye olden times." It was th c first iron stove brought into Wroxeter and has warmed the guests of the Lof- ton house for over thirty winters. The stone masons are busily engaged on the sub -structure of the new hotel and in a few weeks will be ready for the bricklayers. The sidewalk across the face of the mill -dam is now completed and a nc. ticeable improvement in that part of the town is effected. Those who have to travel to the north side will find the walk a great convenience, as they will no longer be compelled to wade through the mud at the risk of being run over by horses during the long uncomfort- able trip. Misses Mary and Bessie Fleming, of Galt, are guests at R. Fox's at present. Mr. Hugh Hutchinson brought the first now wheat to Wroxeter last week. It was of the "Michigan Amber" variety and tipped the scales, at Black's mills, at 64 pounds to the bushel. Mrs: John McIntyre returned to her home in Cleveland, accompanied by her sister, Miss Janet Allen, on Tuesday last. Mrs. Stewart, of St. Helens, is visit- ing at Mr. Jas. Fox's. A new water wheel has been placed in position at the Greenlaw mills and gives excellent satisfaction. Mr. Black also intends to put in another chopper this fall so as to be better prepared to do custom work promptly without inter- fering with his rapidly extending outside trate.' - Mrs. Jas. Ireland is spending a week visiting her brother, J. W. Gibson, in Toronto. Springbank. Mr. R. Akins returns this week ib Sherman, Texas, after a pleasant six, week's holiday visit with relatives here. He is employed as traveller for a South- ern wholesale home and is well pleased with that country. A little daughter of Mr. Leech, of Palmerston, is visiting at Thos. Akins' at present. Some from this section took in the ailway employers' excursion to Orange- ille last Saturday. The new school is now completed and will be opened next week. The build, ing cost about $15 )0 outside of the grat- is labor. We are now in an excellent condition in this respect, with the best building, the best teacher and the best school record in the Inspectorate. There were nine pupils from here wrote at the recent examinations—four for en- trance and five for leaving. All of them passed except one, who wrote for the latter. Mr. Geo. Spotton and Miss Ida Jacques, who were attending Harriston H.S. from here, have each been success, ful in obtaining third-class certificates. Special quarterly meeting services will be held in the Orange Rill church on Sabbath afternoon next at -,2.30 o'clock. The Springbank factory - cheese for the balance of July was sold at 98e. . mss•-. Halladay—Lskele`tr-boots and shoes —cheap—good—big Mech.—try and •ales BORN. On Aug 19th. the wife of Mr -Michael- Seitz jr. Formosa. of edauuiife. 7. t15