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The Gazette, 1893-08-10, Page 4
4"6 - AT last the Interc olon being made to pay The last animal report, just out, annOnn:.es_uef earnings to the =Milt of a little over $20,000.: -The deficits of this : road have been in the ne*ghborhood of - hall a million : an- nually for some years past. A DIAMOND twice the size of the fa- mous Rohinoor was last week found in a deserted mine in Africa,. WAa in `Buenos Ayres, war in Siam; 3 ear in Samoa—three (laces -when:: turbulence was not expected or of much= consequence to the. world -is reported, but in Europe where every- country is: an arsenal, every man a soldier:; every ed,nuon loaded to the muzzle and the • overshadowed with a war - continent The balance of our summer stock to be sold atreat ; is or 8 Cts, 175 pairs cts for 10 c , boys''s Straw Hats at Ladies' Ts;fetta gloves worth 35 half Price. 1 14-c�'r�n 45c.Wool Delaines for 33c.,cts -Yuen /c. Dress goods :tor 8 cts.,is a lace • we are first with low prices ke no second p STYLISH Goods. We give highest price for FARM IntODUCE. and STS Full stock of GROCERIES always on hand. cloud thick. with gore, all is peaceful "gip emember we to and serene. _ �� A SPECIAL session of the United States congress is now being held, and there is every probability that the great silver question will be settled. THE World's Fair . Board of Lady Managers le1d a session the other day at which they wrangled in genuine man fashion. One called another an "arro gent. malicious, ungenerous, vindicitive - woman," whereupon the fascinating gathering jumped onto the benches and in dulcet tones screamed "Take that back i" "put her out i" etc. She with- A 1 ' -_ drew theexpletive "malicious"- andhar- mony was restored. Slowly but surely - the wonted avocations of man are being appropriated by the other sex and soon nothing will be left but razor clippings to indicate that; there is a -sterner, sex. - J . 17 . Huntingfield. Mr. Jas. Ramsay and children, of :London, are spending a short holiday visit with her father, Mr. Geo. Vogan, and other relatives and -friends ;n this . vicinity. - t, Mrs. Donald Sutherland and her mother-, of Toronto, are just now visit- ing at Mr. Geo. Harkness.' The plum crop, which at first promis -ed well; will be a small one this year, .owing to the. fruit - dropping from the trees before it ripened. Apples are a - practical failure this year. : Jno. Renwick's new barn _is: rapidly. nearing completion. It is already half - filled with this season's crop. _ The ground for the new church sherds has leen purchased from Mr. Alex i General:ereliant, MILDMAY. "Y"' s time Wiest Grocods Always the Cheapest Store "Bargains s in ;All Lines! 1\110-YE,Fi, :M:ilcirnay ' Drug Store. Pure Drugs and Chemicals• - nett, and we understand work -will be begun as soon as harvesting is over. The sheds are much needed and will add' to the convenience and appearance- -of, the place. %ills.Lizzie Wallace is confined to her room at present by illness, Ali the-. children have been ailing of late bet are now' on the mend. - Mrs. McIntosh injured her arm fast Friday y a severe fall while returi%g from Copost ,office. She is now ire - 'proving} t h ?u$ yet : 4le. to', » .� ' • � W. A�irMC)�R � to out. Spring eropsiaalse opened too fast, CAsn and PRODUCE STORE, ,owing to the issig igmin at ,the proper - Mildmay. time, and it is 44,104 there Wig he a lack Flora St- All the STANDARD PATENT rodrectioirs ea, And a fine stock of Druggists Sundries, such as Brushes - Combs Toilet Soaps Sponges Trusses Shoulder Braces etc._ A complete stock of Diamond Dyes alwayton hand. Buy your Hellebore Drug Store. We guarantee both. Clapp, M. D Proprietor A quality on this account.. l"•ormosa• -..�,��••--- — Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs and all kinds of Farm;Produre.- _ , . Come on and get the cash for your Pro - Mr. Andrew Schnurr has ,sold this duce and don't rob the store -keeper by taking from thein more than your eggs are worth. . Live and 9.et.live. *O fid; iii: woing anew house for Come on and save ` thelives and reputation of Attie - sellingor _ tlttg, your stern keeper who o'fers 38% more for j -..6e eggs -than they.** worth. demand in Formosa, every - _ ib>ii1 ,Qoeupied, an4 many inquiries . ?season 14Q els ef cherries from his or - &bar *k.n,s orchandsdc not pay.: Mr- Ifi,91i tititaliser, the tailor at :the for Vis. r. A Woilgr,the tailor at the South, . C M has bought a house and -lot, beside the mill -pond of Mr.,enrs:=1 lricl `.' $e in- tends putting up -a `eforksh�c p on: the `}3 «d' "Twine, premises.. He is in need of- au amen - sive shop as he is employing a number : Harvest Tools, orf -hands, does an- extensivebusiness and _.makes a first- class : fitting snit. Shovels, Tinware, Sewing irix *p er ..Headgdertersfor. Oive hip a trial. fir._ -Ignatz Bch: -Intends - to do a iargc bu iness. in :boots., and shoes.. Ile hasPadded _awe additional space.tc show , moil`and will keep- a -large st°op.... lin hand Altura, Machines and General Hardware: The nem=brewery =lain course of con- struction. It will be erented rn aka planawhere the (Ad b n stood` t 11 be muck impros �'• -.' built" of .s..a _s#eer, $?owgiar, iS;�t. pdest`bu ness= man it re to wnsb1 '_ ate . -4. iii doingbus uesB `or 1€,sa #uF,xrwe vierTuger, Bt. Mary's c iuckytghi ire a< 10104c142,1. A F. 1VIISSERE, Wagon -Maker, lali1c1iY - Y . FOR. l3UGUST —Having had a long experience at the business Heel confident of being able to give first class Satisfaction. The Choicest BEEF, PORK, MU TON, SMISABES, F1SN AND: ill-iCINDS-OV RSSR,.REA S?KEP C€1ti ST I;TLY R41 -:i11 -7.11:y1:9 --121: t • liked a � iuik ec€p1�S, of ,� LT MEAT 3' est Price pa for first, class `fat annuals and oultry aQ ndol vend FREE; to all )t r ring:. dug ft., Eige‘' nig arta.o Repairing. Promptly Done, If you are in want of A, F. a good rig give me a oal M -I SSERE, Absalom St. Mildmay. The GAZETTE • WAA f�: ?;4 t5t It12aL�� The lines of goods we cut on during August MEN'S SUITE To Order Is fitted outwith New Type in the latest designs, all on the "point" system,: and with a splendid, rapid job press. and we are prepared to compete with the cities for fancy printing. - DON'T send.. your Anything:. in a summer suiting will be quoted at .a Liberal Discount. Boys' Spring and Summer Suits - Also Quo -ted At Reduced Prices 17 S tea �st ; The -prices of what we have left in Men's or Boys' Straw Hats, sells at very near half the regular price. -. JOB WORK away, until you see our Samples and Prices. rohrr e,n *$C GoeYz. BUGGIES, CARTS and WAGONS IN STOCK • _ C 011ie and See Them or write , for P :icEs before buying. Elsewhere, Every P Rig NTEED. Parasol i We have still a good selection of parasols, . in fact a few too - - • : many. In order to reduce, the number we will sell" • • you a cheap one for very little money, or a good ons . : for the price of a cheap one. • erri er & Schef der; Mildmay. HERGOTT & CO. .PoZIntiy 4r?; trAtizr. G MAO'HWNES, -ENGINES, NEW MOVEIf Manufacturers ofTHRESHING MOWERS. GRAIN CRUSH BS, GlI f TEES .:R STRAW U Repairing of Threshing machines a Specialty. All kinds of Plow - P points kept-constenily on hand. Castings ma o Order._ We have the Finest Machinery auk** Skil( Wo en 4nd Ran ,T reearet VANGELIC Sabbath 1 Finperintendes day evening Tuesday eveni evoking at 6 0` DIiESB YTE bath Sch teudent. Pra o'clock. Be TZ c. CHtR • Fati,r:r' eve.7- S• 2;& p.m. ever: T Yiceb th at -2.30 p.m. NTETHODI Sabbat tendent. P1 W. B. Danar r'•M.B.A., eve_ in days in each K. R EILER, O.F.--Co hall th mquth. Via T H ? D1 V0TE i3 -J Terms:— One column. Half COIti1L1' Quarter col Eighth cel ' Legal not line for each Local bus Von. Co:,tract Gra Trains lows : GOING S Express .... Mail......... Mixed.. .... Deput_ Walkert yesterda Mrs. at her con., an in this ?Miss iig her for a f Her ma h me parries next a which be tran Mr. a of Chic ing a vi tance n tives in. Mr. are sha ing hi when fig rapi racks The fished al again c of stop cast ©l Lenair La dealer livers Mr. Jo cently manuf cellen Mr, is rap beau the ap Hin 3 • Chur Mr. work next Mr. their Me • Mr Hub= dang wbi' Alon; was side deal You the step fea his the In nia Mil the wad •