HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-08-03, Page 6- Lf • ora.s. >, 175 pairs at 7 prices .4DMAIre Lines! IMP.P.••••••••••••••••••,•••••11.111.,...la o S, NEW MODEL "ERS ETC. mils of Now 1 tod are prepared to rL Store. es. such as 4F er ces etc. nt eau at the • lir.11 sum roprietor paiiRoot - TrigaerMSir UM • _ ,. - icyalE4IP_Ilit - , Do net let it pass. the Best-Seleotionand Largest Stock in Town of VANGELloitae-Services-10,-A.M. pm. -1--• Sabbath &hoot et 2 Rae. C. Liesenier. Fuperialtendent. Cottageprayertneereng Wednea- see If my large stock donialtontain what day eeesting at ?SO. Young People's meeting you want, try & 113088Ure. lnlarie sireTuesday evening at I:80. Choir practice Fridaiy „,„ „ „ - evening at El &clock. Rev. Mr. Heist, Pastor. 110 SU1Tr. - W mummy, shoemaker, Lakelet. pRESBYTERIAN.—Services 10:80 sum. 80.13 - hath School 930 a.xa. J. FL. Ife.ore,_Superin- enameled cabinet Phot- tendant. Prayerrase -idng, Wednesday eveningat atir DeSb o'clock. Rev. IL W. Gallagher, Pastor. ographs for a dozen, dtiring, the Month of August, remember this sad- tell your • Father Weg, P. P. Services every Sunday, _ alternatively at 830 slid 10 a.m. Vespers A- friends to call at_the Pales* Studio.— ovess other Sunday at 3 pan. Sunday School at 9:30 Ilan. every other Sunday. TYTHERAN.—Rev. Dr. Miller, paitor. Ser- ---4 vices the last three Sundays oi every month at 2:30 p.m. Sunday School at 1:s0 p.m. C. CHURCH, Snored Heart of jab-ea—Rev. METHODIST,Serviees 10:80 a.m. and 7 pqn IT -1 Sabbath School 230 p,m. G. Curl, Superin- tendent. Prayermeeting, Thursday 8 p.m. REM W. B. Danard, Pastor. SOCIETIES. cM.B.A., No. 70—moets in their hall on the • eveniug of the second and fourth Thurs- days in each inonth. K. Willarki Sec. GEo.ltrunTsura, Pres. 4-• C.F.—Court MRdmay, No. 186, meets in their ‘•-• • hall the second and last Thursdays in each mointh. Visitors always welcome. E. N. BUTCHART, C. R. JAS. JOHNSTON, R. S. cammairaromagemennee, THE M I LDMAY GAZETTE, _ DEVOTEE TO THE INTERESTS ()? EAST BRUCE AlqD EAST HURON. Terms: -41 per year in advance; . Otherwise $1.25. A..IIVEIITISING RATES. One Six Three Year. ruonths. :months. One column - -$50 830 $18 Half column 80 18 10 Quarter column.- 10 10 6 Eighth eoluinn 10 6 4 Legal notices, Se. per lirtafor first and 4e. per line for each subsequent insertion. . Local business notices 5e. per line each loser - doe. Contract advertising payable quarterly. J. W. GREEN. Grand Trunk Time Table. Trains leave Mildmay station as fol- lows : GOING SCUM GOING NORTH Express T.15 a. m. Mixed 10.55 Mail . 11.55 '• Mail 2.62 p.m Mixed 5.20p.in EsPress Miss Minnie Johnston, of Teeswater is the guest of friends in Mildruay at present. Miss. Lula Huck has been the guest of r. -Wilson's family, in Whigham, the past week or so. "Mr. Armour, of Mildmay, was in town last week baying up ati the butter be could get."—Clifford Express. Miss Elsie Butchart, of Cfiffitrd, is visiting with her cousin, Miss -Marie Butchart in this village at present. Miss Eva Croll, of Galt, is enjoying a holiday visit with ber sister, Birt. J. W. Green, in Mildmay, at present. Mrs. A. Teskey and herdanhter, Miss Adds., itarted-yestorday for a. week or so's visit with friends in Wine:slurs Dr. Wilson has purchased a fine -new Brantford bicycle front W. Armour, the agent this week. When the Mildmay wheelmen get out together they make a grand display. Mr. Montag, of theRoyal hotel, in this village, has generonaly offered to en- gage the Formosa Brass Band at his own expense to play at the Xildmay Fall Show on Sept. 21st. A written notice was posted hi ape or two prominent places around town the ether day warning the public to "Be- ware of Plokpockets." Some "of the boys say it was kind of -the party to give them notice beforehand—a thing pic.k- pockets don't usually do.- - Mr. Adam Darling raised a fine bank barn, 45x66 ft, on his farm, B line, Car- rick, last Saturday. The captains were Jahn Renwick, of Howick, and J: D. Kinzie, of Carrick. Altere. keen race the Howie* man Who' by tito %vv, has never been beaten) won hy two- rafters. A meeting of the Agrioultural Society was held in the town ban, Madmay, last Monday, ,at whit* lime the prize -list was revised, judges appointed and neat preps.rations arranged for .fat Show, which to went en Thziradey, Sept. 21st. This season lute -been an exceptionally good one, both tort:ere* fruita and roots.. gond there le every Tea- . son to believe -the- Show thia yam wilt surpass any of its predecessers: Mrs. Bci, wire a Nr. Christian Rich, ex -councillor, - met with e dangerous aooident at her home, near Formoaa, on Mozinay morning : last: While clirsnhing intenk hayeno7:_in the barn, the -ladder _Upon viliink he was leating *WA au OS fell to the floor. One of heals% -beadle anti/bead is the germane tbelafider in etch asae- two sato Whither feet so that tha Saab was broken - the drain -said both. home badly fractured at theaultie joint the larger -bone wound. Atealiealyte iwatonce prtr wail itui to as a0071 lierniiet 'tweak IP Gno. RAWE, 8 Durham St., Walkerton. One of the latest and best additions to Canadian journalism isthe Canadian Advertiser, published in Toronto. It is full of pointers for the keen business man and is a nut well worth cracking Monthly. 14 months for $100, including your choice ole business electrotype. Dr. J. J. 'Williams, and J. krinstrong, V.S.,.of Garrie, called. on Dr. Wilson and. other trioxideinMildmay yesterday afteroaon. The forma is a brother of ,Miss Williams, the evangelist, who, un- fortunately had .talien the train for Stratford a few houis before he arrived. Miss. M. T. Kelly, of Guelph, has leasedthe store 'on Elora St., next to Montag's betel,- and is opening out a stock of millinery and fancy -goods. A mantle and dressmaking department in connection with this business will be presided over by hersister,MissKdlly, sister; Miss Kelly, of Detroit, who will arrive -in a few days. Father Brohiran, of Formosa, started from Mildmay on Wednesday of last week, for a visit to the World's Fair it Chicao, leaving his parish in charge of Rev. Dr. Elena, formerly pastor of that Church. The GAZETTE expects to be able to give Asreaders aninteresting pen picture of the great exhibition as he saw it, on his return. • The Tara Leader says: "350 tons of hay are stacked in the township hall at Mildinay and in the flax -mill." True Mildmay has the largestand finest town halkin the county, but it has not been converted into a hay -loft. The Leader Hall must have been filled with some- thing, more ethereal, than hay when be wrote that item. The- revival servirass conducted by Miss Williams in the • Methodist church, here during the paa4. couple of 'weeks, closed on Tuesday -ironing last. The meetings have been productive of much good and a dozen or so conversions are recorded. Miss Williarasis reSting with friends in Stratford this week and will commence a series of meetings at Eden Grove next Sunday. Mr. Englert, ot Berlin, who was here tan his Wheel a couple of weeks ago, con- tested in the Guelph races last week. He was well up to the front at the finish but had some of Canada's fastest flyers to compete with so failed to get a place. Ho will start in the Waterloo races next week where we hope better luck will at- teud him. On his return borne from Mildmay he made the run to Berlin in 54 hours. The hay -press arrived last week and eight hands are now employed in presto - lug and delivering theliay atthe station. Owing to the blockade at the sea -board much difficulty is experienced in getting ors. About six weeks will he occupied hi finishing the work here. The hay isOf a fine quality, the farmers of Oda section taking good are that theirexope are kept clean and free from weeds, while: it containikten the right propor- tion:of clover to-- eortimand-the lughest prices in the foreign roarkets. The Mildut&y bay will form part of a 65 -ear - earl Order which Ur. McKenzie is now filling. He wishes us to express his thanks to the Agricultural Society for allowing him the free use of their grounds upon ,which -to store the hay, end also to the flax:will ownere for veratestesexteuded to hits. Neigliborhood Notes. About three weeks age Miss McLellan, of the township of Arthni -was thrown from a rig at Clifford and her aria Vbs. broken. 'While _suffering a great deal of paha be did not Wok e fracture had Gemmed and 1id not oon- suit a doctor till laat 'week when she o'elock .Monday morning Mr. 14 livery Irsat4 J Armstrong, was ,totidly AtistroYed -by fireandbeforethe fire could be got under control. four .other - buildings were de strayed. The sufferers are as follows:— Thos. -Reid, loss on building, $1.400: insgrance for $600. theses Armstrong lost all his sleighs andcutters and has - teas, but 'saved his horses and buggies. The next' building to g was Dr. John - stores stable; loss, $304; insured for $500. Then Archibald MeConnelPs ag. ricultural implement storerooin, owned by M. A. Walliday, loss $501; no insur- ance, contents saved. Joseph Thomp- son's stable was destroyed and his dwelling badly damaged by fire and water. D. Lillico's agricultural imple- ment storehouse, owned by Edward Whyte, of Great Falls, Montana,was partly destroyed;.contents saved. The - fire was caused by a coal oil lamp ex- ploding • in Mr. Armstrong's livery stable. Mildmay -14:arket Report Carefully corrected every week for, the GAZETTE : Fall wheat per ba, 158 to 4 60 Spring " " .. .. 58 to 60 Oats Peas Barley Potatoes - Smoked meat per lb... ..... Eggs pew doz.........--.. Butter per lb Wool " Hay, per ton Boots AND Shoes He buys from the best Houses, buys large quanti ties; pays the spot cash for them, em, so gets themesears CENT SELLS " Come to the Store and see if this is not So. x ranisaaw 3311TONIIIVIMOS46. If you want Cheap-Good-Neat-Comfort- a.ble-Stauncli Foot -wear, Cali on me. Every attention given to Ordered_Work. and Repairing at Joh flegn2ktus4 33 to 84 -55 to 58 88 to 40 45 -to 50 10. to 124: 9 to 11 .15- to 16 . 17 to 20 OD to 7 00 Wood mama . 1 25 to I 50 Raspberries per Ib......... t•-• 04 to 05 Retiring trom Busi- ness in Lakelet. j_l'AVING sold rny blacksmithing business to ,A Mr. Wm. Rivers, I wish to tbank the public for the liberal patronage I have received while here. AU accounts owed to me must be wattled, by cash or note, by the Sept. next. T.13. CARLETON. Lakelet, Aug. 14.18611. To. the Public. -I HAVE just purchased Mr. Carleton's GENERAL Butcnsawrimas BUILINERS LATIUM?. and am carrying on *twine* in the old stand. I have had a long practical experience and and am prepared to give perfect satisfac- tion in all wor k entrusted to me. Horseshoeing espeoially attended to IL a careful manner. Re- pairing or all kinds promptly done. WM. RIVERS. Lakelet, Aug. 1, 1893. NOTICE. TLITE Otter Creek Iltethodist church andlird. 4. near the Red Mil/. Otter Creek, is now offered for sale. Tenders w01 be received for the purchase ot said property, up to Sept. 15th, 1893. by the undersigned. TERMS. ---One-third of the purehase money to nobeten.paid at time of sale ; for the balance a short time will be given en furnishing approved loint For further particulars apply to Ono. Cuuur Sae. of Trust Board. • POR/ SALM. •11•=•• • A Neat and Comfortable Country Homestead, ressnixtzeGot three sores of choice land, be '6 131g part of lot 1, eon. 7, in the township o 'Turaberry. Two acres no -w under grass and balance in orchard and garden. There is agood six -roomed frame house on the premises, also Forfurther particulars apply to JOHN W. GREEN. Box 10, Wroxeter. Out. riumntilttiret, ttrat castle/Jan burnouse stook at House Furniture team Pada? suites An Muds of Bedroom Sets Crete, est Hall Furniture. fityliala Dial -ewe= Sete. Louugea, Rockers, Clorirs, and every- thing in this line. Prices Lower than ever tor -Cash. Full Line of Self-acting Window Shades Picture Framing Done to order. Undertaking, I...7 a fultateakof Coffin; - Caskets, Robes, etc, A First-class Hearse in connection. Rates Moderate. A. Murat, Elora st, Mildmay. Next to Commercial Hotel. Elora St. Mildmay. PRODUCE TAKEIC, You can buy goods at IVIlldrilay Jewelry Store. - Chas. Wendt Takes the liberty to draw the attention of the Public to the following P'..A.CIEIR That we are selling Goods CHEAPER than any other House in the Dominion. Compare our Prices with others and see if we dont. Watches at half the Regular Price. Our eight day Walnut and Oak half hour gong strike Melts knock the old styles out complete, both - in Workmanship and Price. Our stook of Fine Goan ItiNGs from 90c. up will surprise you, In SPECTACLES we can give you the FINE0SnTesLaINEs loSwaasswiters11 aes. the Cup:Apex We also keep a large stook af Fancy Goods Purses, Bill Books, Pipes Mouth Organs,llairpins Combs. Albums, Fancy Novelties in Glassware, Rolled Plate Chains, Charms, Lockets, Brooches, ete., at Rock Bottom Prices. .All goods Warranted as represented. Repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry a Specialty and satisfaction guaranteed. Remember the plane: CRAB. WENDT, Mildmay. GEO. E. LIESEMER Ths •Lialing Blacksmith. 9 rrhis is the place where you can get your Horse 1 Shoeing and all kinds of General Black- amithiug done right Cheap and Neat. Always a full stock of Wagons. Buggies and Carriages of all kinds kept on hand. Take notice of my Farm Garden. end Orebard One Horse Cultivator. The time for killing weeds is here and I have the very thing todo so. All kinds of Tooth Attach- ments for (flitting weeds sod Beep down your Weeds with the wars culti- vator the col of its kind in Canada. 11 you don't think so. Try it, and you will know it. GEO. R. LIESEME.11.- Mildmaw HARNESS N SHOP, Fi. tiirt=sseAee) Proprietor. 0_ 0 We wiry first-class line of Harness, Saddlet,, Whips, Mountings, etc. A full stock of Ladies' and Gents' Trunks and Valises. Mill We make a specialty of The Trimming of Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs. Harness made to order and Repairing done in First-class Style. We carry a large stock in all lines and are prepared to give perfect satis- 'bailee in Styles, Price and Prinsiptness. CCM GRIM eiEtel, L. A. Hinsperger. Carriou Woolen •Milt Gisshs`g Propiletor. Tweeds, Blankets and all kinds of wool- en goods manufactured. A large and complete stock always on hand. irOOL ViTANTED for which the__ hest Price- WIU be paid. had to undergo tha Painful oPoratio4 of Call at JASPER'S baling the aria re -broken and seta ja said that a eartatufarmer of 00a. Flour and Feed Store. owlet tosolship has stored hi his barns comegeoFarelnYthilrasem 1"1"b' the accumulatious of nearly fovea yeaft ranatet Ammo inkranitra. whoa* og9p, which be lies hold from grampus ne- irrEurtnnazdes Flour to year witlithe xpectation_ 01sk tissinOaelt- Fot soine this fgaa4IE he.iwgferectover bushel: -if he FMORITE bOB Y rats. sbrIl*, and laat 13.42, at in. nesse* L wooaable-no eatimate -grbitt-4 Jim IOTA itaas* • • w.-iabs was 8ast taidloff Ina laws* *lour Inereastag c""21 'to and — wedkoursuirdel""oith e000nazanasson - nieaoserese. /Ore ,al!Iltrtografi. /to her goon was a room it there is not the sb --prospect thot that Tnitflent ameneer will not be "Al ever teaks A-11fith •rioe- for - whatkamolokkau1, Oliver Stiegler's For about half of what they will cost you elsewhere. we buy ]P"OliE and give you the benefit of it. A comparison of Our STYLES and PRICES will convince you that you should tratle with us. New Fall Goods, •I• are arriving daily. We have just received a sluipment of Dress Goods AND Mantle Cloths that would do ore/ it to any grry STOCK eansistiag as they do of Ail the latest and most stylish things. Hopsacking, Whipcords, Diagonals Costume cloths, AND Tweed eacts We are in a position to sell them very close, being imported dir- ect and paying spot cash for them. It is aur acknowledged fact that we lead them all in these lines. Headquarters for ; Read-nade I 18 Clothing car-ct, ea 'Alt pa Meille to Order. • Always on hand a fnl/ line of 00.11 AND 1 order to make mere ronm we will offer our entire stoeit of rriwatea. State 1014011.• ralX111619 116411.31 mos itaiesawa ae, 4atteii at and below east. Prints former price 12io noir Ee. - French Sateens 80 " All wool Delaiues " 40 - Flannelettes " 9 " - /Justine and Vichiria Lawns 10, 19,-I9 and 90, noir 8,10, 11, 16, and oilier - - _ - goods in, protertion;. Oliver &- Sti MIL