HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-08-03, Page 2a , .
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uw i5 � I I euce-W - - I . I
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when need�b6�he never spares,
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- -pointers. I -
I � I . .
I Protical .
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� 'lor the man. "who- wants
N, ow is the time�
. 1. I - -
ors_ --_#t, V- iojorad'o Talk
r! I ery le�Mt I
'Somethin. of the Career of P&08 George-
thus when he upon them to put forth
I . - .
By keeping the land covered in - th6 win--
�o breed trotters CO make a start by secur-
� �
I - I � � "
I of an, APPeAl tO Arm- .
� -
-, �.
-all their powers, they always cheerfully re-
spond n a-�- way -'-that British - bluqjackets-
- .1
ter -You. � may prevent the -waste of much
I- � I - . �
-nitrogen. -- This is `true if inuch
ing a well-bred mare, and mating her with
' a- good --;4alIiolj!, �Good,,�-well�bred mares
� '. . - ,�; 4.1
I . Z� r Y �, - - , 4.y4 �-, ,,k-p!�. ,,
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His Early Emtrance info the Navy -Apt-_
alone can do. More than one of his cap-
� � . y
- manure has been recently applied. Sow
and fillies are now selling cheap; and service
�� - -
T , he, �7 Governor of the .State Greeted -with
' - -"'
ness as a Learner and a First-class
Seaman -His Career as commander of
tains has remarked thg.t they never felt
more secure, or could turn in with less con-
, .
.some grain crop for this purpose. Rye will
fe--,s are lower than ever before. Begin with
a few, andthose. have -good.,
-- 4�trnnairi-x- -of APPIA!13 , as me si3�eakA
wading T'llrOugh Bl#od' 1 .
a Torpedo lloat�Appointmen t to the
cern at night, than when�Priifce George Nvas
.SuBwer, and will also be of same service as.
. � �
a fodder crop *nd to turn under f or the
. � I -
' Suppose that every W�11-developed horse
- - �
si SSYS:Antony's address
Gunboat Thrush -An ]Efficient and
Popular Officer.
officer of the watch. . I - - . I
� " In every single duty that has been bith-
'further -enfichment -of the land. I.,
I in thie-country- urider,;- say-, &-dozen, years.of
be two
A Denver pecial -
. tif)b,*Wer-ii.ot--t-pil-cumstp,,nee,
I tdwegftail- that raged for two
. The New York Tribune has the following
erto intrasted to him he has acquitted him-
self with ability, and discharged it -zealously
- If you want a lar crop of corn from the
ge I
field which is in clover this year, manure
age, could trained to trot a6mile in
I . -
minutes -what of it'? Wouild the human
� excitement , - -
to the intense . - h14 1;
hoiirs the other daY at t e ,4tate Silver �
I 11
sketch of Prince G ,eorge of Wales: Hither-
to Dukes of York have been proverbially
and to the saiisfiction of all concerned,
- BeyonL4
well after the second cutting. This, :in con.
nectionwhlit-bedelCayi n I V 8
erroot which
I race be any happier or nobler for it? It
I wouldn't beworth I thousanth part!Ls mudh,
t th old
Convention. The leaders a las e g
4ons'piracy �a -6e,gast . rialeaa' f6rth invac,
either unpopular or unfortunate. There is
succession of English figuring
whether superiors or subordinates. .
the regulation attendance at public func.
will be turned under, will so store the soil
as if every healthy 66 w' should - a � dd a quarit
her daily hen
tive.9 - c- -and, � 6pen rebellious
overt- threats, - When -a calmer -
' �
no princes
less creditably in history. A blrillizt ex.
tions, the opening of buildings, laying of
foundation stones,and making short speeches
with plant food that it will ta,ke very un-
toward conditions indeed to prevent an ex.-
of milk to yield, or every
-lay one motebgg,-a week than now.
and Be ious sentences.
minded man attempted to counsel caution
ception to the rule, however, bids fair to be
found in thiz Prince, who was bora at
at charity dinners, his part for the next few
ceedingly large crop next season.
You who may have a I 'skeery" horse that
and cool deliberation he ,w" promptly
. . I , mpulsion.
of C
Marlborough house in 1865. From his early
years will be chiefly to stand by, to observe,
to study attentively irom. every
Ordinarily, hoed crops must alternate
trembles in the face- -of unreal,
danger, teach him first to have faith in you,
howled down amid threats
When, Gov; Waibe�, the white-haired Foau,
. childhood he has presented a striking con-
trast to his elder brother, the laW Duke of
point of view, all questions relating to the
with grass, clover and cattle in order to
make a permanent success of the farm. In
,ad then in time of trouble stand between
him he fears. When he
list Executive, read a care worded ad-
, as it would be
Clarence. The latter was pale, pensive,
Government and prosperity of these realms,
a nd the social well-being of their
such a way only can the requisite fertility
and thething sees
you there, cool. kind and un -alarmed, a
dress asnearly revolutionary
possible to make #j the anthusiasm,Of the
retiring, but with a singular grace of man-
- ner and deportment that never afterward
in order that he may thereby fit himself to
maintained. About the only exception
to this is where so little land is cultivated,
great proportion of his fear will vanish,-
him be immeasur-
mob Convention. knew no bounds. This wag
, ke tenor by W. J.
by a speech of Ii
forsook him ; the other was ruddy of coun.
dischar&e hereafter the office of head of the
British Commenwealth. As he
as in market gardening, that the entire
.%nd vour control of will
ably easier. If yoa can't inspire your hor se
followed I I
of Pueblo.
tenance, full of brightness and brusque
vivacity. The features of the elder were
will natur-
ally be brought into direct personal coatact
amount can be manured heavily every ye?.r.
' �
Economy on the farm may be observed in
with confidence in you, you had better sell...
� the excitement reached its height when
Denver, ascen
finely cut, in close resemblance to those of
his father at the same early a ge. Prince
with all the leading men of each party in the
State, he will have unique opportunities for
many ways which are generally neglected.
One of these is in the study of the shape of
Take good care of the colt. The dam
Jay Cooky Jr., of
platform and sought to counsel -moderation
the mass Con -
George, on the other hand, bears a striking
so qualifying himself. His acquaintance
&16, so that they may be cultivated with
should not be worked until tile colt is ten
� in the official expression not have it,and
The crowd would
likeness to -the Princess of Wales' sister,
with all portions of the British Empire is
already very wide. India is the only por,
the least expenditure of time and labor. A
days old, then if you should workher do.
not let the colt wear itself outfollowing her,
for an hour the C,hairmaa bat tied with the
the Prir,3ess Dagmar, the present Empress
of RussiA, not only in the general form and
tion of the Queen's -territories that he has
6eld of regular shape, in the form of a par-
ellelogram, is the one which can be culti-
but keep it in the stable. Until the colt is
hooting, jeering hundreds to maintain the
he had. -finished his
cast of countenance, but also in detail of
, .not yet seen. His experience of men and of
human character, both asbore and afloat,
vated with the greatest economy.
three weeks old the mare should be taken
to the. stable once between morning and
floor I;r Cook until I
speech. For a time 9, crowd clustered about
feature and expression.
Throughout their boyhood the two were
has been already very varied, and he has
When wheat is to follow corn, potatoes
or beans, the breaking may often be
noon and between noon and niaht. Lot the
. the stage, threatening to throw the speaker
',he ,t length he retired, and
constant companions. An extraordinary
intimacy and sympathy between
used it well.
"The undoubted brain power that he
dispensed with, provided the soil is in good
dam cool off before the colt sucks. Teach
,he colt to ea,t as soon as possible. Feed it
from room. .A
471ov. Waite's speech, W& 9 endorsed by a
them, and each exerted a marked influence
PQssesses is inherited, perhaps, from the
condition. A disk harrow will cut from
four to six inches deep and make a fine
a little bran and oats, beginning with a very
mighty shout, and with the accompaniment
three rousing cheers*.
over the other. Together they entered the
Consort as well as from the Queen of
Denmark. He is known to be a great
: loose soil, which may be then easily com-
small quantity and graltially increa,sing it.
E. Holden, -the fiery, impetuous miner
navy as cadets, on June 5, 1877. Prince
I George had only reached the required age
reader, of active habits of mind and body,
pacted by the roller. This will reduce the
cost of preparation very .materially, and
who Itas openly declared for a Western em.
threw the first fire brand into the
two days before, and was perhaps the
youngest cadet ever admitted to service.
punctual in the discharge of the smallest
appointments, warm and constant in -his
sometimes save many valuable days.
He Killed His Employer, His Wife,
meeting in the -in * when he declared
opping .
' were in the hall
For two years they vrere on the training-
friendship, endowed with a large share of
common sense, simple in his
Perhaps the clover did not make a gaod
catch and are thinking of ploughing it
Four Childran -Arrested In3latiltoba.
I hat some Rion owtalfists
and he wanted them excluded. He was
ship Dartinouth,the younger winning a repu"-
. tation for athletic prowess unusual for his
tastes, and like his Is te brother, singularly
under and putting Win some other crop. If
better let it
A despatch from Cando, N. D., says;-
choked off, but the-,�iiaohiefhs,A been done
the temper,of the Conventi on was Bach
age. Then, ou July 15, 1879, they set out
on their famous three
free from any trace of self-esteem or con-
ceit, most considerate for the feelings of
you really nee& the clover,
stand and see what yon can do toward im-
This community was paralys d on Friday by
the arrival of., Miss Anna Kreider, whose
as not to brook any differenceof view&
years' voyage in the
Bacchante. They visited the West Indies,
others, willing to learn from all, generous
proving it. If you will manure immediate-
fattier resided on a farin'one and a half miles
Ch,& ' irman Thomas said that1his Conven-
tion recognizes no I*rty or creed, but has
� South America, the Cape, Australia, Fiji,
and open handed, yi-.t careful and frugal on
ly after the first cutting you will that
from this place, but partially dressed and
face that has few parallels in
Japan, Chinai Singapore and Ce ylon. The
his own account, for his private allowance
has uD to now been moderate. His fellow
it will Ptool out very much and cover most
of the waste places, unless the bare spots
almost frantic, with the startling announce.
'men t that her father's family had beenbutch-
met to a crisis
the history of the nation -to face a ' *
was then ordered throuah the
0 and a
Suez canal'into the Mediterranean,
counirymen may patiently await andwatch
are very large. In that case better sprinkle
ered by the hired man. Citizens who
V against the libj',-r - ty and freedoin of the
a -c - OL' eat
has dish n
� consi&rable period of time was spent by
the further development of such a character
on a little more seed where it is bire.
hurried to the homestead found an awful
citizens. The nation a
dollar, and it is the gold dollar of Lombard
the Princes in Egypt, the Holy Land and
with strong faith and with large hope." .
The harrow is one of the most valuable
spectacle of wholesale batchery. The fa.
Wall streets. There iaLao outstanding
Greece during the spring of 1882. Afterre-
turning to England Prince George went
� - --
of all farm implements, butmanyfarmers
never find its'f all worth. It is a common
ther lying in his bed, the mother in th,
kitchen, where she had been. preparing
obligation of tha GovernineA tha�t cannot
with e r to Switzerland. They re-
Some Peculiarities Life In the Great
mistake when preparing the ground, not to
breakfast ; three girls, -aged respectively 13,
be Jawfally paid in silver, and the officials
refusing to do so violate their obligations.
sided at Lausanne for six months. Then,
harrow deep enough. The clods justbelow
ll,and 9 years, and one seven-year,old
While the Committee Resolutions were
on May 1, 1883, Prince George was appoint.
East Indian Island.
the -surface often do more.harm. than those
boy were lying stiff and, stark where they
I ,on
out the incendiary speechmaking began. &
ed midshipman to ti -e Canada, which was
then commissioned for service on the North
So little is known of the state of Sarawak
that Charle� Hose .explains to the readem
above. as they prevent the moisture from
rising. A disk harrow is the beat for cut-
had fallen from the wounds inflicted by a
'doublebarrelled shot&:un in the hands of Al -
Holden hinted darkly that.he was through I
American and West Indian stations. Pe.
of the Geographical Journal that it lies in
ting these unseen clods, throwing them out,
bert Bomberger, a farm' hand, Bomberger
With taik. He now proposes to act, and he
his fist in manner to evoke aboati
aides visiting many other places in the Do.
the northwestern part.of Borneo and covers
sifting the finer earth between them so as
was a distant relative of the family who had
shook a
of applause.
. minion and North America, he ascended
the St. Lawrence in her as far as Montreal.
some 100,000 square miles. The rajah is an
Englishman and British influence along the
to make a compact bottom. Such a solid
bed is especially necessary for wheat, par.
been in Kreider's emp!oy about nine
months. The father was the first victim,
' '
"If this crisis continues," he said, "ar.
I During the ensuing winter the Canada
coast is strong. PIt is hard to believe that
.ularly in a dry season. Use the harrow
then the motherand the children in the
institutions west of the Mississippi River
will fall, and when men become hungry
cruiied among the West Indian islands, and
visited Demerara British Guiana.
there are magnificent shops and ware-
houses in any town of Borneo, although it
order named. Miss Anna, by piteous sup-
I plicationsi induced the fiend to spire
they became insensible to reason. Then I
Shortly after .this Prince George became
. ip.
18 the capital of a, rajahsh There is,
In a very great measure the farmer stakes
the result of the season's work upon the
her life and those of her three re.
am ready to act." .
Gov. Waite opened his speech with the
the senior midshipman in the service and
,waiting '
however, plenty of jungle on the island, as
Mr. Hose learned in steaming up to the
seed he plants and sows. He emu not, in
maining litt'e brothers. At the muz-
zle of his he compelled her to
words - Wflid,dernoridtization' -aat of 187S
was till his age allowed him to pre-
sent himself for his examination as sub -lieu.
sources of the Baram. Even then be did not
any circumstances, afford to use poor nor
doubtful seed. Any effort or expense is
gun pre-
pare his breakfast with the corpse of
was secret and' fraudlilent. Thecondactof
tenant. This he did on the earliest day
escape the customs of civilization. The
had scarcely reached the heart of the
justified which is necessary to obtain the
her mother lying at her feet. He ate
leisurely, then criminally assaulted the
the masses will be open and violenL" Af tet
talking in th.%t strain f6 r some time, he
possible, namely, his 19th birthday, June
3, 1884. when he obtained a first class in
islaind before it came upon a musicale.
very best. It would be a good idea to keep
this in mind when selecting 'the wheat seed
girl, and tying her in tne barn to prevent
I "
. used ,these words: � " .
"If it is true that'V441hited States it
!eamanship. On returning home he at once
joined, as all sub4icatenants have to do,
Forty persons were listening to the notes
of a flute. The musician blew not through
this fall, and to remember that our best cul-
tivators, say that it will 1�ven pay to select
her escape, he saddled her favourite pony
and deliberately rode away northward. By
unable to carry out its economic and
I the Naval Coll ege at Greenwich for further
his mouth, but througn his nose, and, when
. 0
the seed by hand, using only the largest
the aid of one of her brothers Miss Kreider
I .
mental policy under our own - Constitution
and laws the direction or '
instruction, and subsequently went on the
� ship Excellent at Portsmouth. Here he
the air escaped'too rapidly, tore out the
lining of a pocket and blocked the offending
and heaviest grains.
succeeded in free ing"herself and making her
way to town, leaving her little brothers
without con-
sent of foreign powers,if we are only a prov-
� went through the course exactly like any.
bod else E.- s 1,I., - #. L
nostril. The time-honored excuse of sing-
ere was made : I 'I haves cold," said the
Every season we have some inquiry as to
the value of sawdust for fertilizing. We
alone with their d.ead parents. As soon as I
tha alarm was- eiven a dozen or more of
ince of European monarchies, then we need,
another revolution, another appe,-I to arms
-� J . JV - - eu nan as W
.1 - �, usss five examinations, one each in sea-
. .
flutist. "When my nose is in good condi-
can only answer, as we have done before,
Cando's citizens started northward in pur
and to the God oflio-sts; and when we have
. - I
� I I I -
w, I I.. , manship, in navigation, in torpedo, in wun-
tion I sometimes move my hearers to tears."
that it has so little value for this that it
suit. They struck the trail ofBomberger,
won that battld,, as -we will if war is for-ecl
I .
.I- , 14 -� I nery and in pilotage. In four of these
Another' bane or blessing of civilized life
will not pay for the hauling, .but as an ab-
who was evidently making for the boundary
upon us, we will- send to' Halif%X a far
F�- - - -
a--- , �
M- -
" -
- Prince George achieved the unusual dis.
- -
v!hich is found on all sides in Borneo is the
- --.
sorbent the stables it can be, used to the
line, distant forty miles. He was heard of
greater army of B ritish Tories, according
��:-, S,p;�
%� - � -.- , I tinction of obtainina a first class and thus
�-- 71" - �, . -, 0
cigarette. The very Panas, "a race of
very greatest advantage, as it will take up
at several places. The whole northern part
to- our population, than oar fathers sent,
�j- - - - � 1
,� , ,'- , wqn his promotion to lieutenant's rank on
people which live.in the jungle, more like
and retain the liquids, which would other -
of the country is alive with men looking for
there after the Revolutionary war.
�,- - , - - � --
`,'�,�-.� - -: - October 8, 1885.
- �L�` � .,-.' . , .
,�� , --, .5r� - - � . I
animals than human beings," roll tobacco
deftly. The Borneans appropriately cover
w ise be wasted, better than almost any
other material which is available. If you
him, and it is co, nfidently expected that he
will be captured arid lynched. ' Bomberger
Who is G -rover Cleveland ? and who is
Benjamin Harrison ? and who are their sup-
I I - - I A UAUWk2%K YOUNG SEAMAN. the coffins of their relatives with cigarettes, have an opportunity to put away a good seems to have been.ellafing under some im- porters in W I street or in Denver, that
F �-4��---- -, - -
� - -1 Early in the following year he was as. which, they say, the dead take away as supply for winter use in this way we advise agined want of attention from Mrs. Kreider in this, nineteenth century they dare - t�6
I .
� . .
F1---,-�1---`-t,--,�,- -1 . -
". d to service on the Thunderer, in the
. - - - . pa.ssports to the lower regions. The young you to.do it, but do not waste time and wlio was apparently not satisfied with his aa8umeto drive into poverty and exilea,
� � -- -�. � I =rranean, and then to the Dread. ladies wear odd necklaces; in fact, they money in applying it directly to the land as work, but from all that can be learned he half million of - American
-� .-- I I I freemen? No
, I � . .
- � I I . naught, on which latter ship he became lieu. � have a habit of thrusting their heads a fertilizer. banker, no broker, no usurer, and, least
, . - had no stronger motive for the crime than
,.� � ,� ;: I
;- - I - �.-- . I I tenant on. August 25,1886. There he serv. through thtir ears. Me. Hose says: Why not plant some timber trees, espe- innate depravity. When he left he robbed of all, no peddlin., politician has it in his, �
, - � -
- ,- power to colf,pronlise this t 8 a.
�', � - - ed until April 20, 1888, when be was trans. The lobe of the ear is pierced when the cially if you have an jacre or so of gro�nd th6 house of all the money he could find, . remendou i
17��'.�` , - .
-- ,- 11 �� - I ferred to the flagship Alexandra, on which child is about 8 months old and earrings which is not very well adapted for cultiva. about $50, and some other valuables. sue.
�- .
.� -
%; - I . � his uncle, the Duke of Edinburgh, was weighing about two or three ounces apiece tion ? Asa permanent investment for old A special from Deloraine, a town in Mani. " The war has begun.
� , - , � It is the same
I - I
�-- ..,
��- , � - 1, �- Admiral. Thus he completed three sucess. are hung in the ear. The weight gradually age. or as a nest agg for your childre toba near the' -boundary line, says :-A war which must always be raised against
� . it, . .
': �,- - -
-.--,,- '- - - I In] years of service in the Mediterranean drags down the, lobe to a great length, and, nothing could well exceed in value the Bomberger was arrestf,d here to -night for oppression to preserve the liberties of the
- 1. -F - �
� �J, -1, I I and' then returned to England for another by adding weights yearly as the child grows, planting of a large patch of the best timber the murder of D. S. Kreider, his- wife, and I mani. Our weapons are argument and the
. .
� - - U �' -
1, �:�Z,,-- course of training in gunnery.at Portsmouth, by the time she- has come to mat' rity the suited to your I caliti. By the time your their fourchildren at Cando, Cando county, I ballot, a free ballot and a fair count, and if
,�",�- � . 1.
� -�,-., I , , --,., ., His next appointment at sea was on Febru. ears will reach to her breasts. " children ;rn grown it will have acquired a North Dakota. He criminally assaulted the the money power shall attempt to sustain
I �1� I
� ': �,.�, � -, - , -- � i its insurpation by the
- I I - - - -- ,- -1 1 U7 1, 1889, on the Northumberland, flag- Oace on waking after passing - the night very great commercial value; in fact, this eldest daughter, aged fourteen, who after- 'Btrong hand,' we
i I , -'�, ,- � - - ship of the channel squadron. He took part' in the hut of a chief Mr. Hose noticed for is tW-very best kind of life insurance for a wards dro�e to Cando and gave the alarm. i will meet that issue - when it is forced upon
k � . - "
- -, '11�` ` . .
- ,, I 1. I I I in the naval manceuvres of that year, as the first time at the head of his bed a large farmer, as he keeps, tb us. For it is bettet that blood should flow
� - -.-I. .� 1� I I I e premiums in his Posses set out and tracked the murderer '
- I
-. -... i . 1� � commander of a torpedo boat. In the box which was found to' contain th4 re- own hands, and is sure of the final return if across the lines. Sheriff McCune and posse to the horses' bridles rather than oar na.
. .
- - - - I
I , ,- � - .
"I �-� � � � course of the manceuvres another torpedo mains of the chief's wife. The -raveller 11 ' -aine shortly after the arrival tional liberties should he destroyed. "
- -, -
'. , �
�, -- -`!' ;. ��---� t e only attends to his trees. An examina. came to Delor
- � I * 11-1 "I boat disabled her screw off the coast of describes a toad which measures fourteen tion of the forestry exhibit at the Colambi Col. Platt tried to calm the spirit of the
", - Z -
- -- '. ,4__- A-1
I . . - , , an of the murderer on Kreider's pony. He was - I
, - --,.: `�'7�-�--� � � .
- � �- - � -, 1reland, and was ia danger of drifting on and one-half inches around the b - mob. .-He even: told them that Senator
-j -- ' �-- i, ody and Expositionwillt' d and is willing to waive ex
� --, - 7-- - -1� . each some good lessons upon easily =e '
� I . - , � ce i Sherman had said he ought to be hanged.
� ,�,, , I I -I'- - to a lee shore. The sea was running high, roars like -a tiger, but he modestly makes this matter. traditi ed ngs, and will probably go
I - - .
- , ,
- '1- � , '-,.
��,-�! . . . . . . �'�,':� , . I.- ��. ' � � and there was a stiff breeze blowing. - He asked if the Sherman act is repealed,
, 1.
- I 2 , - ,
. ,� 4 - ", . I'll, ,-�,�,., - � � no mention of the more interesting discov Some wonderful results have been back to -morrow. The feeling is high in what will be the -
. �,� , � �
. �,�
. �,�,
. �,�, -
. . . . . . . . . . . . . �, � tance.
��� � �, . -- - -�;�.�,F 'I 'Prince George was sent to her assis ery which was this- Mr. Hose's expedition ,consequence � 7 Somebody
, -
Z t
, �- Z�.�,, 4, �� ��il� - I . ob-
kl ��,,- --- � " - tained in potato culture in France, which Cando, and"lynching is feared. '.
,,, �� - -1 -
I . �
7 .
- .
7 . I
. ,
. --- - . .11 .� - The task was a most difficult one, owing to proved na of the mountains of are worth noticing as showing what in- ,
---- , - . �
- 7 �
, - - -
� --- 1117, - ... . - 7�z � that the fau' shouted:
.11", - 1, - 1�1
, , ... - -... --- , " -the 11 We W111wring their damned ne'::Bks "
- - -,
-'� ---- � 1-.1 ,- -- 1�
r 11, . .. I - - . '` ,-I �- I , delicate construction of such boats: Borneo is Himslayan. - I TheYinkee's Ideal of Labor. I - –
, , - -, - �
,,,,", , � . I -
" *
� nnn�.. *- �- � � - . - tensive cultivation can accomplish. The
. - 4 �T
�,- . .1, -1 Hesboved, however, such skill, judgment Another speaker said: " We want Paul
� 11 --- �, .1 --1 - � -
" , � ,� .1 11 � :-_,,- I -- grower, who is also a chemist, has been The Yankee's antipathy to work has Revere to preach liberty throughout the
� -� .� . I -
�� , 'a- e in approaching, securing with TROUBLR ppreciated. He
�� - - - - - - - - - � --- -51.4--1 - -, � .. - am nerv,
, , -,
, �� with potatoes never yet been adequately a
,�- 'M 1� . SIAR . experimenting for a long time '
I .I: ,I .1 .
I ��
�M-1 - �� aer after several hours' effort and �
.. I - -, - � 11� .
I - .14 `
�r�� - --- -11 :Z, 71- -mire. aw
--, -1 - '... -, .I. . . -11 - - tual iasurrection against
-�-� - - -1 , - with the remarkable resul that he has at is in a at -ate of perpe �
� III �1 , , ,
I �-�5 h laudi and there
� I-- - - , , ! is,�Always one recourse
� -- - - -1 �-� -,- ': -,u - t
� - � , � ... I -
- 11 --- A I - I �.,- , Itimately towing the disabled craft into England Wilt Probably E.Wt blish a Pr open to freemen." . -
- I - I
-�,C- .- -�a7; � . I the primal curse. He feels that he was
-- - ; I
- '. ,, - ,
, �
- - --
11 , ,,,
- , �
� o� . . . . . , �
-- � � .
� ,�
--t ,� - I - I" safety, as won him high I -two tons an acre.
, ----l- I -�,:.`- , . praise. tectorate Over Th'tt Couatry-A Ger last grown a crop ot forty
- - - ,-7� - I -_ - � -1- - - The plan he follows is to carefully select b rn to sit on the fence and whittle in the I
-1 I 1: �-- � � I - 0 1
� 7 1 :,- - I., ,-,, I The� Admiralty ordered the Prince on man Warship Ordered to Bangkok. the seed and to use only the best and sunshine, and he is against every app,re,t
� -- � I
� -- -- - - ,- 11 " I � . May 6, 189% to the command of the I�rge A Victoria- B. C., despatch saya:--A soundest tubers. The groand i � a dug or necessity that would compel him to forego ' , Serious Rioting, at Ra uggoolt.
t I � - -a , �', , . . -i"t, J ' �
i - � --'�% ," , , P, a Thrush, on the North American Singapore paper --brought by the steamer The Mahomme
11 - `,�W' -, -: ' z d the serene pleasures of a purely contempla- dan Festival opened at
.- - I .1 � - �-- , .a plowed to a great epth and well manuied. .
�, � -X)t - .� &W t Indian stations. In that capacity Victoria s--ys :-French encroachments will Before planting the seed potatoes they are tive existence He recognizes, to be sure, 1 Rangoon on Sunday with�serious disturbaric.
I I ;�- - " L
- I '��r -_-_' - "
-* '
I _ _;,�7j� � ' -
I I ",t"56%, I .
- ��- - , An
I �i�,`, , hjq� successfully accomplished the difficalt
I - , - iW precipitate what the English es. For the previous two days the popu.
�, : - - ,- 7 --,;" -----7'� '�� - , - - soilied for about twenty-fofir hours in a that work has got, to be done. No one has ,
R, , 0 bo ac as
, NK,` , - - Wk of towing a torped' at to the prophets have long forseen the establishment mixture composed of saltpeter and sulphate a more vivid realization of that. But the ! lation had been .in a state of ferment, and
- :��,R�K - L
- - , :, --1 �- ,
--- -�;,�- - Atlantic� -He also visited Canada and the . .
� � .p:---� � , of a British protectorate over - Siam. .It am a I the streets were held by the civil and mili-
-Z"Z:'R-R'-,�-� tliin�
- ��
i-1 .11, L�-, -
- - -j�� . " � monia, six pounds ofeach salt to twenty. couselousriess of the need of getting '
- -11 .
�11�- - " - : 'IMnted'States, arid acted as the Qr,een's- re- remains to he seen how France will receive r I tary police. In spite of all premutions,
* -1 ZIML&. -.�, L-�., - - fivegallons of water. After this soakinLy at ofl
I 'i done does not impel him to take his co
I `a�--:�- ,-- presentative in opening the industrial ex- applications for a British protectorate over the tubers e I howuver, a serious riot bro
- �-
- ,�M; .'.��
I I , ke out on Sunday
, -
I- I I -�=�5%-, -, --- �, - _ I ,
, --�-.��- '- - are allowed to dry, and then thei and do them, so much as to contrive som .
-"-�W�.- -i�� -Sibi - Kinaston, Jamaica. I I
L , -MZ� ,-��3;� � ion at Returning Siam, We have an uneasy -feeling that if stand for twenty-four hours longer, in order 3lishing ends without working. ;I morning near the principal mosque, situated
11 I ±� , - , �
- -� t�,�. V', " - -
� -� - "" - way of accoml
I - , � -1 d. hi; was promoted to the rank England were to addreis�'a- -'pleat way of doing that is I
- -0-0- ,., g u
--- S
,::,71i;&c-l-g,. - . �� U la I
, , , "'. , '-r -;�� general remon- that the eyes miy have time to swell before The crudest, aim I
- - �� 0, �
- , � - : I � I , - in the heart of the town, owing to the re -
, -
I �
I ��,, Mz A co
"I Mt -V
- A - I , ---
�. - I ,-; - .� , -ramander on August 27, 189L In the strance to France for her conduct in Siam, putting them in the ground. Of course', to get rich enough to hire labor. Accord
, -�', , I I I
f � A, ,-.,-. - . - I fusal of a magistrate to allow the Moalems
,�,�.,;l ��� � - - - , -- I � . I I I to slaaghter a- cow in t
- - -1, li� � -;�&"*dtu k-ul;oUthat year he went to visit 'his and ask for explanations, France would such methods as these are expensive, espe- - - lie vicinity of the
- � , �� -�43 , -4,
.Zit; I
.. �L-ZA ,-
- - M -
- X- w'-- - �', ` e -
1% -, .- I
1- " - - , 'm , - - . ingly, the Yankee do -s try to get ric
V11 -,�� I - . --. � -b.W th Duke of Clarence, at Dublin. w .. :h, I Hinfloo Temple. All -the p
� '� I � ,� �W:� .
-, 11 -;p - - - .
R -t
- - ut,
�---,;� , e3i" , � , I 1. J, � ithdraw all qbjection. to British occupa- cially the very deep on tivation of the and does not try in vain. I� is not that he I officials
-, .--- : I - -he :contracted typhoid fever, and, tion -of Egypt if England would allow France. ground, but with such a yield there can b � loves money so much, and desires to possess 1 were on the spot, but their
, -M _ : J "' - r noil a,
v ,_ , W R in � I
,- _� _
IS_ - - �L, ` INIM eiffort's to quiet
- "E , e .
�,.��!! ---
�-MNOV - , - But to the mob were Of n
- � -
, -` - ,� '--" �� ti- ?,�X,�� I - � . lost -his life. But his robust constitu- a, free hand � in. -the far East� including the little doubt that the extra labor is well re. it as that he loves labor so little. . 0%vail I
" - 1- -- - , I-, - .
> I -- . I . � - J I -
-P, 111�1� W out and he recovered his health- oceupation-jof Siam. .
. -, I -1 � I - -
- -
-, S,�- .- and stoned
. ; -- . eventually furiously charged
" 1 �-� �
��, - .7��. � I - paid. � It is to methods of this sort that we
W��' �- ��-n�:'��, �:: time -W st4nd by the deathbed of his Berlin, July 12. -The Navy Department - also fired - upon them from
� ��", - get rich is only an ilidirect way of . beating
. ;:��i"T,�;J
..... ., ��
�, �n .
.f---�--�-.,-�2�, ,�
- ..7.- -, ,� I— must t. The Yankee would rather abol the police, an"
�' _,�� �-� - ,look for � that vastly greater yield an the I
.1 . -!�� - har�-,wholrad fallen-avictim, tckPllell- has sent a despatch to the German China I I the mosque and the a,djo,
-,Z � �,, ,, , ,., ---- I � ish- than elude it. If he can get it inning houses 'with
- . I -1 ` -- �� -
4' t' �� --- , .� - rz-Ok., � I � - =
- --- 1 ,3 ., I � acre, with all our crops, which is to be a
.-, -�, ,K, - - -�,,-_� -- - -1 �3�- .
� � - � " I - - , fatal effect, one MOUnte'd -policeman being
I ..... I
- - �
;� � , - 1-1 . I . I - .- . -Iture of the futi - thi-
, -,
!�---. 7,-�,-�- -,� ,!�, - � -�r"',-*--, -- - I station, or&ri th warship Wolf to Pro- feature' ire. clone without human intervention at all, he .
� - : -- ", -- -
, - �- �', �' . of the agriou
- -
� .1 , ��- - -, :-�_`- �. - , � - �M ; , I
- �� �,� - I
- ��;�, -;., . ceed .at once to angkok to protect Germaril � I : " ; I
��, -.t��,� � - ." ` I - ,
� , -, - � ;..-- . --,� r � -1 I I � - . . likes that beat ;' and if he cannot wholly I mortally wounded' whileWr. Flerriihg, &
I , !_,,,��I:-- ---;Iz-� , ., - - � I � I
,-- -,� - -11.-- � -� � .: sts iii -the 8iamese capital �-"! I I I - I magistrate, and several ottip,r-peraons were
- - . . . . . . . . J - - lit's earliest days at as%,." says a subjects arid intere , " � -
� ...... �.F I .
, �T, -
� �� �- - �� � � , M.- - 1 2 -eliminat6 humamL..interveution, he ivants to I
-1 I I'll - - - -T --Z' .., � f - . . . . - -. -thire4pon
� - 11 -- . � I., - in the event, of an outbreak o hostilities - injure The police ,
I'll, - -1- 1�� - 4ter, *in The Euglish Illustrated re .
- I -- - I duce it tcrIts 16weitpossible limit., When
I ---- � I , �-!---- Horse V otes. d.
, , ,:.,! ,.- , - - � I . . _, acting
� �
- - .. �,:��-, - , I --- � , - ,.. . - - '. - I
.�, � �� ,11 I——
� I aQW, .1
-qP � -- - - Si - �
7-.�,F , F�4 - � P1 v� has, th - under the orders of Mr. A gnew, tho Re '-
- - ., I .41' rinoe.Geor ever been a bet*egn the Ereteh and t a ameie. - -Buf for ,the, bicycle salk3� not, a record, he gets matters- fixed so that tbe work is
. �-- .,- - I I - - cord-
,,��,o,�a- - -,-. - - � . I I
�� �i �V - � - - . I .
�� ,� -, �-- . - . I -
- 1-1 - -
�F - - -, - - . , , . ,� �v -
-� -.11 �- --%`i�---..., .. -eiffialleni and Alio i most po 0 - - , ' done with- ittle intermeddling he is er of Rangoon, &at, fired upon
, 1 4,.1111 -- "I
,.1 ,-
- � 11 - . .,;- . W6 0 1 er I _
. �
- � � �
�� ,
- - - -- -- -- pular uld have been Y" r
- � 11 � - y I 11 ''I �
�. - - �,' --- br ken In I 892. , - I anti then
� � I , - -
. � I -1 . . . . . ��, ., �� - h vi -his corn � FJ - -1 � . � . -1 6 si f'by and -supervise' , d - -,
I - -0 The Sultana xt apnoe. - , the, process. charge the rioters, killin 6f ,
� , , � - ,�#- ,-V - _g -20 -th
'n - I - I -
I ', I �� -� IV I th � willing t
1. -- - ' - . . I rades in the rav 't is only -a few years ago that a very large r`t�e�jj; - A�a,�
- -.� - % - � � I . eir
� � I
. � I I I 1�--&A '-: 1 - - . -
.-.,-,- I � I , - -�-% -2;--t, - ---N - I , Sultarf"61! Turkey '-is� "the: most 1, ex.;- majorit f -harsemen,were -tiotally. ignomat
, � - ,-,71 -, I -- I - ' ' - ' - I if -80, -e -',t -4
I I I -111M- oii � , t - MoAt Much `complaint, however, this did riot �Iiffi J
� � � )f , 4 , ; s4r�d-� So The tiv-hous6kee-per in the worldi -.'- - Ai.e � - ----.4.-
- " 'k 4 , -
- --�-, - -IV "iii, butils&-wiffi'lift a , _ --;will pull, -
� ��,) I Ito �&Ieverl and turn a cock how number, and woun4ing.rfiany, e,
-N -0
2-Z�, �z � -W - � - travaga c `61 e,- -eiie ' : -,veterinary dentistry, bu
�`11 `
. - 2 - �,,� 19- 210 , ii ha - II&A , 4 hefi w 9 1-6 1,due the- -
�- -,'�I� - I -, t [- mob the Norfolk Re 'lled -
- I 111111., -�
- - "I luffit-- 1z ittI& -gut,
-1, -� ,-.-� - I be that -he can raraina e and *h,i E is t -
. — I ; -i. ... � — 'T a-*904to--do - � 1`1 to-- - 3t -estimil'-� hia-4otheatid' � *t�* ,� - -1 - gim it, � -, -- " i - , -, -
I , --I. - "---- -a- -recel -e I on, 1 4 t - �PUQ "iza
- - , - --' - '. -- - -- -I- I ' ,V,' ' MR J- - ZZZZ - - ,11 , nind:,0616sa 6ii aad the men promptly dleated'a "-'
- - ,cr ' - - -- "'i e.'..� , I
I I I �, � - & i '' th 'i; --i I - V
. , T �* , -.-,�,�,�,.- ��-- -- � - - -,
-_ ,� �-�--_- " � � 11Wb"'t, - _ _ " �` ' - ' 0 ' f-ir ei rgy-;, 6;bd- p'erge--�, ,
. - k .
.1 ;,� ,_ - . I - I - . - 't el o , � seq,w d
- � , Z is e O� verance. .1 .. - " i i streets. In c6fi - * - he
- I I 11 � � Wtif - - ,4 ' -k' " th i "' ' ' - �k - � b
, " ��CW-1; - . _ - Pv� -%*fte runss na.- �� tea , n 1 oi - horses � Rift'l : - &aj e -
. ,,, .`:�,k 9" Ow- - - " - Mi ' ii,�ie 1 rnitu , 'I .11, " �aa�m -
- � . iiia w il , 1�4,� ZZ - ;�K-. tYt main i Y�gfjxe
� I � 't - I - - - i4�- , 0�
. - - ., 11h. 1i hment� -
I -r - , - -:�T, - fo��'�t' !- - 41iiiier f6irthweantornstioacoomp a "o . -
I ... ;� -.Z 1. -- .- � L e�, ,e - bdal & , *1 �Meqg ,; -T - '. - _ ,.�.ngs wor -
-1 . 'I - - 'MA'a --D 44t4il4 q; geW isiko �� -nee oFt
I I - �",�� � � - �t - �� I I �.. �?...� _,.t, _ �jqw pi et -�'L - uea , q6� , - tft.'. - �A�iW - 1,-I..,evepts-of th& Aiayi-WP, -betwe.
- , 7M -
1- �7 ita�,Lmix ... �,� ---L��-2. �--�'. i- ---- , �
�. e
4---- I
1L'VW0J -, --�-�f--�, -� ,-- �--_, , --�,!�
- - �� , - , .- -�,:, ,,�'s
, " , '. �-
- AV - ,k - - - - , - - �. �,l
�*4, f.,:-� -��. ,*: - - - I . � --4.,aU
I -
-:1 : 14� - , � � ,
�1- zt " , " , : -
, _--, - -, - � �,-��
bilii�ki ,�-�17--111'-.---17�
� - . ,&,b6i, �� 06 - 1. - � I I . - � - I &
, " , -, - � ".U,u".;.*-#",.$W.-,.�-%,�-----�--!,"�.t'--l-l�----"-,---- MW--�-,f--31-'tivellie-at4sail�,w�e.it-�ait-��,4y w- -V - -- % -9
., - . 1. lk�. - I T-� i - -r
.1 t �U& 03 a
- -Iffiv 0 ,
I . ,� I ----- .. �', T -0 1,
e"Iriel Wisi _ - , _ I- an - jewe e V - : - t;�, - 11 � � '. , ,kw V, , , - �N%� -%t, "'Ir, and in M-tid1P34ffii--'Wf4rther rfo-fius
� & N , --a, " .- , -- -, . --- � �Aaul �, =% 'I .: - ja-,- i� ; thw two taoO,oAjk-,-44�t�F,�80-jad�"--fis highest,
. 4
�� % 4 rtw
-, � I . -P ;1
ridive-Wa ----- , ., 11 - ry,--;e2, . - - . - -04,414 k -I ij -,,w
a �j ItRokkM mletifie -1�a,i il� d a 4 - f I �2
7 ?I I -op View - -
a okt 4x-tiavigauces, of 92ifflo"c6cr M -N M I Fe , 1. - . *e . ,
, 01 v i - � � ,
ow , g- V - , ,�, � eav MA -Mc �R"w
, ia I a ' I . j� NR . , - - -, - � -i '-W n �
timn � I 6f, Inam ng';s in' ,.&,;,A iig,�yolu'teershave�be�eii�tklllpd-.bilt
-Mse"ve nea-i,'S�'d-,�-&f "itti��,,�for�-the�,-SitItLin.pers6iiall: - �- �' y'riall4r'-- I I I . I .. �;W,�%n e.
i - - 9--t'--tba V th' 11 I -
[4 I I a - - 1. � I � - ,� - .
- ". � Y" - A ' a � -;:-,��,'�', �, � , , � � ,� - . . I
- - - - &W��4' � , I I 'I" dral 'M � - 1. I I - - horse . - � - 1`w�-- - �- ,� ,:��7". _"' I -, , �, I � iii - .
� .- � I I - _ I - I - .
� - , , iekandqj.4 � - I - - . � - � . � . , � I --
W-fil'their- -- I , . � . . - I . I - I
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V,� I .- ,
�- *.'�-L- How the Fier� I
;��-` bya Stron� I
� in M, pat�.
i I � The mormng
. The sun ro�e arl
1, yet touched wit
but here and
Inerry Z-OP2, t)eto
, -
ol the sprinztirr.
each huic �z�oun
L� , I
Ile I-,a:m&7 ' ion G1
caMe a scene (
tc-ams were wer,
labor, 8,)t3ie near
where fariners, c
tinZ lu the see(
Not a breath o-' �
sound broke upo
tiie ra-t'7n�- wag
" � �
scrcnadILL on a ,
na,3s of twl,�11('IrAl
haze bel.ai-llc vlsl
tile ta!�, O'CaLl Di
in the �reeze :
crlugiit u.p ti -,e dr
I . .. . : '
. whiriiE, Ligh i r, t
the dir', 1'�az-, na.<
fined co � ! -.;,I! n of �
,ward, ar,i
The busv farnier
wife &� horne cw
. I .
1�ien towa-d' the
wc,ildcrirg if it
dan,-er tlieir li�
the wind is be
much-dreadei fi.,
canyons to the r
will cease. Some
someone is fic-ht�
look to hi is OWL
works away, fm
8,alks as ti�e W -a
Chat will soon 1�
But, look ! Th�
to the north. arl<
ed. The dense ,
the canvon and
wards �he divid(
and faster t'he f
must be proteel
leaves the field.
horse back is a
Efnoke, Pioughs
and furrow.s ar
crisp b,offalo g
t�ink4nw to chec
it is too IaLe; t
fire comes roar
How it crackie!
as the dry bunc
ed. Now it h;
the fla.rnes leap'
miles around.
creeps along,
thick, shor, gra.
whip it out m il
For a time the3
of wind thwarto
jumps the guar(
and hay land in
bome. &acks,
must be saved.
and horsemen.
the plough is d
does alt that h,
round and dash(
an instant, anc .
sinzed legs aud
have borne thei
ready blackene
tently watchini
and husband, b
tance ahead ol
hands every ot
carry a buncii
rag I
that go amiss 1�
- iny, the laslc re!
In an incredib! '
is burned betw�
workers pause I
of quails and
that, in compai
ahead o� the fir
stricken by the
the fire itself
rushing on. I
divides, encircl
ings and passes
other homes A
can be controlll
no one h&s thoi
the excitement,
refreshment an
upon a differen
� it rose. The n
morning has di
prairie, corn ai
. visible, formini
dreary and gl�
down with tile
the distance a I
and there a- ers
minders that tl
- has breathed hi
upon the land.1
. I
A F�
Amelia, hai pi�
From hum .
red ;
she's a boll on 1
But in other rei.
And pa has dp
I I He is prone to,
- swell,
. But in other r
And ma I L
� That a'I of o u r
She wakes ev
But in other rf
. There is no
one bear the
this family vi
I - supply of Dr.
eovery. It ,
. blood, cure 1p�
- cough. The'
I - by its acti
� tem. of iml " J
boils, scrotia i
11 -� all kinds of s4
11 , - guaranteed b]
�,- Lagartijo,
I 1�
�1- . eently made I
1, � at Madrid, at
I ... , I 14,OWTeople
Lx� I
� ..
. -1
�� �, � .�', savage bulls.
�, � �
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