HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-07-27, Page 7W -M
F1I um
tIT TURkU when May, June, July and August did not': eft t --a - fdtnhiqA- an HE
jME gog alp a3so greatly- wasted in the 4e- show the highest prim for pork. Keep beat which -is creat, v iu.]Feacu Free h &
watch'of this and see if you cannot turn
'ad Iby-.-tlie JhsvjO�frbmwater to -steam. xo,v� a few head of hogs lUindied Poblemn That to advantage during Fifty-Thrft Dead -and Mkmy
thatis-aix"awhl fe'audevenachtRean Briefly stat�d these month Let me quote t
f, was 8,
from a praotical stand. be sayedo it will I speakswith &I! t
See thei-if this wastage can SeiuV; experiments made teach the follow. The sheep book recently 'issued by the. re . afilt I L in . vastly oldeapepin r' the cost of� inir lemons dep�rtment of agriculture should be in the name, Rim Fiorer
I - -71,"' � 9 � eyed all nonsense, what i
o4ythf ich is in factured- by hands of all & r Thomas A. Edisob, wben,he*as 6' rat. anti, 1� Skim.&flk, togethey with com meals. ock masters. The reports ot 12*9 Absolutely
The Tgwu 0 poweroyt YOU Cant give a ba
ulated upon his forty-sixth birthday de- 'a meat, de tment are steadily gro t4rfe or SJ fiiovier. In fact, it will vistli g 'Ir, ea i laran, g1ii4ii ', fe6l, he par wiag in AwflL Swtlt From ,be Fac or the F ing it a ch ill ; and
obedP4*,0eeost-of%l1 the necessaries and value. F rt clared that.he did not tire hia;J, maize f4d, etaij have proved healthy -And. -from 0 DOM 9, OWS:" anct I suppose the..reaults pibfitabW A Perfect- apple triae is of may give a baby a
yeara, but by achievements or by camp US, lVxuries-o e, foods for the productign of pork such formthat- I ., ; I &-town of 900 inhabitante In: (by letting a draug
la,� b&'df Mightier influente upon iviliz- every branch I acticaly destroyed and he then confessed that he had ed. WO if6ro4i mArkets. can expose its leaves fully to POMOOY a th 40 8, ation 'than th It' development of the steam.. the unlight. holin - county, -was. pr U being washed, fo
ahead many campaigns,. an II., Wit--skim-ihilk- reckoned at L8 oentt� The Only way. you can have -1 . Between 50
engine and electricity heive been. such a on - t last ing by a Cyclone its whole body.. the
forward to no period of rest, lie i g . % per gaik: gluten feed from $21. 00 to e is o prune it steadil with the eve' cly Xio
f t, do �y Mons were J�,ifted.aud nm without giving it f
at least, the iest in se away with stemwerigines and *23. 01 por Q- 007to thumb while it is young. - t0ad-100 �ei that for him, ton and corn meal at 821 tired I will die.
life is a life of work. In -a a g a m use of steam power .524. 00 -*r ton,16, these experiments diessed . Commercial fertilizers are' ["r of -the.: 1113 Pend upon this, th,
good in their iniWel N - ollowed the adivent Mr. Edison said: I as much Of a tradition as the stage-coaph pr -k- h&i. been produced At from 4.0 cents -Plam- 'But it in not their place to wholly Thi-Utmofli co�fualon f to its I ungs, and ti
of his campaigns to oots -f-th�Sf0iin,_"d it was severathoursbefore its skin, a.) much LI
do not regard myself as a pare scientist, now I& Per pound. The net cost -of Supplement the use of f&rm manures. The of affirs wss'knowu_ A re- to
cold and chill."
as so many persons have insisted that "It would enable an ocean steam9hij�-:_pf`_. a', - itTork produced (obtained by deduct-. man who undertakes to have-thern do this the cblk� soon as possible Val he meature produced) was 18 getting a wrong Let me here r5trol
f twenty thousand horse Power to cross - i* of hold upon the- fertilizer lief tiafli weis sent 00 as phy- I am. I do not search for the laws o ecean faster I than any of the crackk v - e a f, 3 -per paqpd., problem. over the Illinois 0 entral r4i(tipad wi foolish fashion of h
nature and have made no --great dis- 0 and 3.8, cents The town was ow do and require the bumini'of Only- The whey of milk when faAaldne is not sicians, tenter 4111d oupplies. Ing baby, coverina
coverips of such law& I do not study n Farmers haviog a quantity of skim. re filled and muscle In total darkness and the streets we the risk of stiff -Faraday two hundred and fifty tons of coa instead it their disposal, can utilize it profit- ing I
science as Newton and Kepler and very valuable. The strength ,Wreck of - homes and business and Henry studied it, simply for the pur- of three thousand which are now required ;. ablrby feeding, it to growing PigL If this or t n elementihavebeen-aliminated. Feed with the Covs and bds in
pos I am only a profee. so that, of course, the charges for -in . ilk can be L sold, however, at one cent, per it in co binatipn� with wheat bran Or oat- houses. The seense were appalfing' as incurtained, or net
e of learning truth. and passenger L fares Would be greatly meal and it will d6 some good. man with hinteirns went. about in the most as well lay t
sional inventor. My studies and experiments quart' or Ore - fam!
iteduced. It would enormously less L s more, it would, undoubtedly bi some -ingibsums en shelf of a clothespi
have been conducted' entirelv with the ob- On. more p*rofitsble to sell t than to useAt in Not.much-is gained by 'growing special dtbr!L 111 4 the inangled remains and of traffic. It, tbe produ crops of honey Pl&11tL The gain very ilies were -Wiped odi -a pack in g case, as I
ject of inventing that which will have the cost of manufacturing otion of pork,, Better locate boinj fo"d -in the faini. of their homes. round. An authf
commercial utility. I suppose I might be would develop the electric IV. Experiments made at this station rarely equals the expense. trending
from coal, so that the cost of steafi�-on' _U_ a:1 a %piary in A section where there is a The cries of the injured- .*ere bear ed by well -constituted ch
hod gi, 0 h ve proven that it�is not profitable to food youri ea][14&L a so onfugion was inereas minutes from a cor
from, a meche nical ugh really- a after they reach the weight of 180 to go inventor, altho a&"boilem would -be elirnJnatQ4,- 'J, ho* ed native growt1a of bloom. Then. the and the general c ivors whq were sep-
-Mfi the wailing of 'the sury
thought of is pro em. to] ey can use.
beeswill select such as th there is no distinction." pounds, excepting perhaps when pork elatives tation. bordering
ad y my theory of the experiments -40 iirds an exceptionally high price. Fed . An advantage fromLearly maturity isthait &rated from friends Or tvho, had r perfect health, ow
a was asked. about his have alre, mm
When Mr. Ediso ' beydiid thii weight, . the food consumed there is less danger of loss from accident or in the wreck. The work of rescue was Sion a'
,safy- - in. of fresh air i
whi eik tray be necer
6mpaigns and those achievements by which or some of them ca 4 in the develop this direct use of all the power7t train -load of help made little
t . h& L creases- and the percentage of gain in live disease. Nomatter how carefully stock is Slow and the. nursery.
he measured his life, he said thal tb- t; handled- there is always some chance of this. headway. Th A thermometer
a we,ght steadily decreases, so that the daily see to care for, the
papt there bad been first the stock ticker is stored'in coat I can only say new,,' e south Ulf of the town was
and th telephone, upon the latter of which the coal woqld be put into a recedtacle, the' cost -6f- food consumed is Feed them well and get them off your hands razed. There was no PI ust outside room, and shouli
more than the
icreasein weight." This 9
agencies then applied Which would develop value of the daily if IL carly as you can, and so be on the safe injured,and's church which was J overheating bein
he worked very hard. Bat he regarded the turned into an
greatest of his achievements, in the early I gave -Wall, andhii�gh this fact has since been confirmed other Side. the track of the btorm, was reverse.
. d6a - So, desired The surgeons. worzed there by Nervous irritati,
part of his career, as the invention of the energy diectric powee of. any r stations. Cut out the weak stalks of corn if you hospitaL Those with could be furnished. Yes, it c;Zn be done; want aperfoct stand. In an overcrowded hill, the aid of 1--liehis &Udlamps acteristic of iufan
phonograph. 11 Th%t," said - he, 11 was an in the Pews, in I am suke of that. Some�- of the etails1 there will'always be some that will not pro- broken house Were stretched upc found to act as on,
vention pure andimple. No suggestion t, Dairy Matters. duce a good ear, and they will rob the others while others -who'zieeded surgical attention been made; have already mastered-, I think ; at leas I I nervous sedatives
of it, so far as I know, had ever le compelled to
y accident, I am sure that I know the way .,to go to Mining milk thorouafilv and econom. of some needed, nourishment. for lesit severe injuries wer ofachild. Wtiau
and it was a discovery made b -master them. I believe that I shall Cre. ' * - I I or lie upon. the floor and &wait their purity of the atmc
while experimenting upon anAher inven- work to icaly ab home is gettini, tj be a . a-erious The printing press is one of our best agri. staU, the ground tion, that, led to the development of the make this, my next campaign -'It may be question. cultural implements. There are some farm. turn. The dead were laid upon emoved; proper
years before it -is finished, and it may, not ers who have not yet learned its value but in a vacant lot at the edge of the devastated linert, etc. The a
phonograph. A -stiff bm1h..an4 a Spring curryooMb, are narrow aisles left i_ ih a the gr6wing c -perfectly fresh ; e
be a very long time. between these are becoming less. -a ir. district. Through the My second campaign was -that which It e natare of connecting links the dead bodies the survivors
Mr. Edison looks farther ahead thau'this ottlation -of good agricultural journals amply between ware of tired &it
resulted in the invention of rho incandes- owner axid co in! the way.6f confidetiebi. lost ones. In. the con- proves. looking for campaign, for he said: ,I thin,kitr lquite passed, ay nursery, jutt'
cent lamp. Of course, an incandescent E I ry dairyman should at ll times class The amount that vou receive for a crop fusion it wss impossible to secure a Hot of
likely that I msy try to developa, pl of vel time; chimneys sh
already indent of the 'industry, and is not always 'the foits,litieffd lamp had'been suggested before. There martue signallingg: I have the idea himself as a t i sure itiAication. of its profit. -clothes turned ba(
had been abortiVe attempts to make.them, L lated in'bW mind- Mo -sh' d 'note- fine h1i You must find out the cost first. No crop pritty well formu 11IAbuld re than this, _hp oul on LATRIL AWFUL DETAIrAL As soon as the chil�
t tele- to books and even before I knew anything abou use the well-known principle. that water -h :should leave the farm until you have found Fifty-three dead, seventy-tive fatally in- A room fif teen I
graphing. The work which I did was- to Thelreal testaud'trPiMforao*rth_' of the a more perfect medium for carrying vibra- DW;, what the -cost of producing it has been. with broken limbs, Buts and
up .which- ured and 150 high, affords ampl
wao .U. for profitable work are found in the amoun hem well
make an incandescent lai t
tions. than air,, and should develop instr Keep the crops clean au�a feed t bruises more or Lena severe- This is what 'nurse and two c!
commeraially valuable, and the courts �have _�g of butter fat she can deposit in her milk ments which May be carried upon sea -got and'they will have more strength to resist the tornado f lost night ccomplished in -careful manageme
recently sustained my claim to priority vessels, by which they can tratisinit I -or red froM efood supply; appearance's do not disease and insect from of
of invention of this lamp. I worked about enemies. Do this the matter -of casualty. The town two other childn
ceive, through in international code of sig.. lways indicate this. thestart, insteadof waitim, until the trouble Pomeroy is -one comp, zoom of this siz4
Ithree years upon that. Some of the,ex. a lete wreck., There is nals, re ort within a radius of say ten :The handsome cow, and she with the hascome. scarcely a house left standing. . About 15 e�ments were very delicate and very mile )I P health� No uselt
ular form, often proves' to be at Poor goads and low rices usually go P amost pop P acres of debris constitute now what was. d cult ; some of them needed help which Mr. Edison beliaves'thit Chicago is to inferior animal for business nor does large together. This is just as true in agriculture yeaterda*athriving village, and splinters drapery were a
3 I dressing room an(
was very costly. That so far has been, I . city to yield Milk, of its 1 , mean prof- as in anything else. If you are not getting are all that remain. Ponieroy is pirt and, hand; care was ta
become the London of America early in the cap% ef
suppose, my chief- achievement. It cer- prices for- your products see if this is 6reel of the death-dedling: next century, while New York will be it's its for the butt , er dairyman. top Pa. prairie, the xoom pure; no o
tainly was the first one which made n�e Liverpool and he is -of opiuion that t, d having left it barren and desolate. to remain; the do
ery not the reason.
-D ouch butter with your. hand& .independent,- and left me free to begin Goodrealestate that is productive is Win other likely a ship canal may connect Chicago Theyre not " builts' 'for that busbiess. a Scarcely a tree remains. Piles of broken, mitted light and i
campaigns without the necessity of good investment. If you have a good far 11 itself become What hand workiri DUMMY feel intimbers and o -fnrniture
with tide water, salthat it wi 9 Y, called, Pieces bf two windows wer
calling for otaide capital, or of finding my a great seaport. dle.- and are wise YOU will hold on to it even M- a' upon to do, do by pressing with a 1% re all that can be found of what were once n
invention abjected to the mysteries - of Xgbts, and the fir�
Th6re, is a common impression that Mr. Creamery butter is rolled to press out the thoaigh prices bf farm products should. suffer the largest buddings in the place. - Two Ifore bedtime in th
Wall Street manipulation."
-nostic, but he denies it; and the a temporary decline. Edison is an a, surplus moisture. Never * Pat with hundred and fifty houses were in all destroy seven to nine or U
The hint contained in Mr. Edison's refer he said, in clo;ing the conversation, " I tell hands, nor grind it to death, nor muss it up .Good grass is the foundation for profitable ed, and the money loss on these and their Separat bedroo,
Once to Wall Street, and the mysteries of you that no person can be brought into close stock. farming. Look to year pastures and in any way. contents is placed at SM,000. Every- eparate dormitor
financiering which prevail there, led natur- t t with the mysteries of nature, or of meadows. a
to -day were dead con ac where about Pomeroy Space fOdrteen or
ison' It is of no'nae to wash your sheep before
ally enough to a question -as to r. M a make a study of chemistry, without- being It is one of the unpardonable sins c , men were 4ig- nine feet wide, pi
to capi dairy to have rank cream and rank but- and dying people. A dozen
future purpose with regard -convinced tbA behind it all there is supre'Me shearing unless you do it, so that you get ..ter. Vhe mithols of revefitiou are . no ging gravesin ohe- burying grQuud on the wide to be placed
and he said Intelligence. I am convinced of that, ind the dift out. Some men do LLot'-seem, to hill just north of the village'and we t secret. Good sweetfood for the co Wall, and a fireplad
0 "In my -future campaigns I expect my- I Lhink that. I could, perhaps I may 86me understand this. eat, pure water for them to drink, clean THE HEARSE WAS KEPT BUSY be beyond the fool
self to control absolutely such inventions as time, demonstrate t1fe4kistence of sach-in- it is easier to prevent diseases than to an(I comfortable surroundings and cleanly bedded room Ehck
1 make. I am now fortunate One, telligence thr6hglt the operation f these cure.them. This is equally true of both carrying the victims of the storm tQ their ugh to milkers will furnish milk from which there feet square, and no
have capital of my own, and' that I sha3l mystoriops -laws with the -obrtainty of a animals -and- plants. last resting place. Doctors from aozenor need be no failura 9. ut a fireplace.
mathematics.". You are not doing. your whole duty by more placealturried thr�ugh thetreets, and use In these campaigns. The most intilor- demoustra, on In the W haive, during the past winter, warm taut of the campaigns I have in -mind a one work horses when you merely feed and in their wake followed squads of oldiers The room door t
water- them thie from all ed the wAer far three' late Jersey'ealves gag e timies a day. A little carrying coffins6 Special trains and there will mos
in which I have now been eAg ed for sev A law One For Work's, Fair ViRitOrs- at he rate W oiling water _toWA$Lbrought-thousands -w andthen Would-doas much surroun4ing -from the dressing -1
er,al years. I have long been satisfied that of t o quarts o,fb he
grooming now III or our' -fifths- cold -
min' goodl as an extra feed of oats. were ready to take part in the work of The doors must 1*
it was r-ossib][a to invent an ore -concentrator 11 That's to a ten on Itse mine I" and wounded. ly open they will s
which ;�otdd vastly simpli -1 i well water, artlt"hilinuier* favorably of the Fa�t producing foods are not required for cariug far- thedead lotbing, fy. the prevailing an _meth6dxof extracting iron from earth and The two ir en � spoke simultaneously and result. Said calves. were tied to the Stan- ing anim I foo:l and medicines were shipped in by the ldireat the current
f4ick, and which w6uld do it so much cheap. reached at about the same instant for a chions with chains in same manner an the ing of such s the cause of so many ton. Soon order was brought out of chaos, The windows in
Or than those processes as to command crumpled pieep of green paper on. thel, aid e-, older ones, in arm. leanto and not turned wea voting$ ra. relief corps were organi�ed, and thiligs were a little open at th4
Phomy of food with our gQing along -.Iik loose f%- the *inuer. - Although,they were
the market, Of course I refer to magnetic walk. 0 study the eco inal'businew e way. provided with shu
Some of 'flioy -all' lgtagge animals, why not do the same in the house -
iron ore. the New J -The man.with the-, purple necktie was a healthy a6d 1eiirty,: red
Last night in Pomeroy is one that will
eraey monw ;f tl� draught and to s
W tW from lack of exercise when loose for the hold? How many people think about the never be forgotten by those who were here. -shade -the � quicker o 0. ]Elis, hani
tains -contain practically inexhaustible when this may I
stores of this etic ore, but it has'been closed over the paper just in time to.be first time, and- while frolicking would even real *&Inc of the food that they put upon Darkness followed quickly. in. the wake of
materially in lei
to -the fall down. their tables, in comparison with its cost.. the tornado, and those who escaped death
clutched itself in the grasp of other xpensi" to mine. I'was able to seen -cold weather alwi
pilgrim carry m!i�ii options upon nearlJr all these prop" man, &Austy, travel -stained Thrie is money upon the farm if it is any and injury -were compelled to grope their
windows. A stoi
ottleaf and then I began the. campaign of iing a vilise. Rep"ahm'&, Roads. where -in the world. - Don't use dull tools, way among the ruined homes, guided along makes a good pr
�,.,Op"lppbganort.coneentiiit4itwhichwould- There was -a- momentary struggle, but ihi nor a horse that can't do a full day's work. by theory of some poor unfortunate who for the winter.
e retained pos- -The keeping a road in. repair is fully as 1 , oat's more than it comes to. undbr the fallin timbers.
deposits ProfitablY available. man with the purple neckti importi�at. as building a new one and needs t, c was pinned objectionable in a
It session of the prize. We recently saw a bunch of two-year-old Almost every light of any description what- 11 ei const&.nt attenti I absorb moisture, a
on. , It it is ddeidei. to red' tak a uroduce one I saw that first I's exclaimed the travel- Btiers seld, the verage weight of which soever was d( the people from as four ton of the ore to, much �stroyed and suspended in it or
shape the road with a' road machine
to of p�tre iron, and Yet I sa�i, scone yet%re let. was but 800 pounda.L The owner said that Fort Dodge and the surrounding places who leeiling of the root,
th -fi better work can be. done by ploughing the k if Sortie meii ad of extracting this
d If you saw it first -my firiend," replie cattle ftising did not pay. Of - course not were the first to reach the scene failed to sides of t roadthe faU before-4nd letting at1hat rated A steer, to give any profit, bring lanterns with the rm The search for bear rubbing ove
the other, why didn't you pick it up?" e devised and the minies Oro Could L *on the sods decay and suften. The ditches or cream eplor th
YOU Jumpe -fleet too much ligi
Idin ahead of me." the victims, therefore, was necessarily slow
troW, an enormously profitable bus
should be carefully watche should weigh 800 at one year. '"hat 'hty may Where therd is's good market for hay, until morning came. -It was. not tll the
would be developed,. and yet a cheaper iron w it as soon as you did, if not sooner. the children
be kept clean and lre4 'from bu -A ire�aheap o —would be I was making for it when you stooped -e the soil well'adapted to its first streak of light appeared the east Or in its first cost I Tass-cavered ditch- will'i water and whet is in"I was neirest to it! I bad the be - 9 ,arry Qff --.th6 crops that the enormit better painted in i
at production, there are few staple y of the disaster dawned If t
put upon the market. I worked very hard is, I . if the r"ad is kbot the, 'right shae f color. he
t is Or6blem, and in one sense sue. -b t Ul
I demand 0 rain right to it! that pay e ter then this. Many farmers pon the people. They looked where once should be varitis]
'th center.to bottom of ditch,.but it -for I have been able- by my Softly,- my dear air," said the man wi hould on won,
COO d find it to their interest to grow more a city stood and aiw nothing but a timber no account be allovedt6 gdt fillied so - as to must have no
a extribb this magnetic ore at. the Purple neck In :tie, retreating, as the other gKass and less grain. Wedonotoften hear strewn prairie. Every residence to the hold, the water -;�sud the pattern -spots, al
Possession is nine points of the calvelU should
small costs. and deliver from advanced.- comparatively be watched tw see off the of an: overproduction of hay. south of the railroad tricks had disappear. contain arsenic-
-have -to make'is M-Y.Milk iron bricklets. Yet I law, and,the point you're trying Recent �exoeriments seem to prove that ed -and the spires of seven churches in the
IDUre - fre peted all over cerl
water Sly a
bbori ii ed with the methods ; a not. well taken. I think I saw it first and I of nd no punt should a reros n th&t only a few hours before ishot up.
satisfi an W41e L e 'e oil will kill black knot of the plum, place
stream _ b:n to -'in the if -is better to
roing to keep and'it
Imunio- months ago I decided to abandon the certainly got it first. I am 9 I applied when the trouble first appears. ward in the skies were nowhere to be seen.
�41d_mdthods and to undertake to do this it unless�hvllo !" he exclaimed as he Open. driveway. ana left bare roun
If further test bear, this out it will prove an Dead horses, cows, oats, dogs, and chickins A good ay to keep. a road in petfeat for our fruit grow- were scattered ovsr -the ground -'"p, ools -of
top edge of the a
a f green.paper and.looked an tutirely no* sysiterrid I h d. ed out the iep important discovery
repair is to leave a small pile of fi rounded off in all
ne crush.
ome ten. -important details t6 bill ers.. human blood mingled witli the mu'd at every . bedframes shoul
ter be. atiti llit'ka$20 inried, gravel'at. 004venient stonpior screo it.% a bloody shame and turn showing where some victim of the
distAnces, an W1 could get a perfect - machine, 'and -I Slips of soft M
_el` I-ady m tered eight of d have a mafi with a wheel�A them. old on I Thisis a bigg4r find'than T Grap Vines. tornado had been tosse4.: iiv AM, I . , barrow keep the� roa -smooth and- even by a Y. tw -solved and see— _0 Xpebt6d. I thought it was* -S. fiver. I an. the bed, &ad from
* remain'' to be_ aver the
�t. filling, any ruts or bales tha-hiijbf bi made looking after in July b ou. Isn't the Give vines wani if not all o
te, I a an toAiid this work is comple 6 t with y way is: 6 ieav 6 -should- be used freely.-- It A WORAN MURDERED. I th - fair Wye, ? lault-that a little more' than fairl" The usual a 4 fi,01 or rui un- and the hoe sufficient. -[Sirs.
ink, a plant and rain- -every weed 6, moment. til it gets large enough to r good should be remembered that
equire ivel
trank the ine -W egw wilich will ou The dusty tra Ler refiectid*.. W
__g pri de of attentiron and a considerable expenses drawn moisture out of the soil, while stir B
ft a y Ttiat Angs id, I guess that 8 aquaTe to Mitaid the Deeft ent lamp as a, commercial venture,. cer. Wells," he sa when a shovel or. two of, gravel -or fine ring the soil enables the dews and moistures The Ui
the Ripper.
a $10 bill v' Jae]k 'Od'St-puj at cost to, pene
far as I am myself conoeig6d. enoUgh. Got Physicians are crUsh ha;ve trate it. Whenever it is possible, a 'in -the. end. good mulching of barnyard manure, or any Ipper Myself '11 wait here a minute I'll itavir the profits ares I. shall' bio, -but if you The foul crimes of Jack the Ri
and saved �afrge P.&W, -them, as I hae taken capiijajits' take this into a cigar shop round the corner e. refuse that is -free from were aga misd in 1oudo� the
no in called to
. . h A man on the road Auring k., shower or in kind -of vegetabl
a.cheine." and got it clian,,ed poultices. The tj
me m this other night bys murder that was commit, the spri th a few mo, read over th Ilig may, wi ments' work weed seeds, ought to be sp e Mingtd, fen wAter into whole surfa v
You needni do that, I think kWs idea as to the ct
shovel of hoe, tam the Iwas askedif he was wi witha ted in RotherhitheL suburb a short die. : Phich will assist in keeping
-washing of a, the moist and promote the vig Yor Of t�7e 1ance to the south-east of London. The
0 Q _plicit, -respecting this inventio -so . me alacrity- he draw a IeRthel? the ditches and prevent the SOW In general, poq
�6 be, further than tO.,oayi-- -gully in the road. With body Df a woman belonging tio'the unfor. 0t,11-declinedt � te A sthall'ouitlay in this ines. wallet from his pocket, opened it, extrae Way he threat out e ne as expect me cro ry is do would save a good deal in the, end and Do not let, the growt beco wded. tunate class was found with t zero of infi.Lmmati
bill, and handed it, over, receiving. the the wounds abLowing that the knife had' and stimulating t:
elop it, it will be capable of handling render' the roa Nip out the side laterals on the young canes
0 do uniformly good.
d from l6f(to rights. as-ivas ecase are brou,,ht dir
a exchange. I
tons v$ment iw-pur. of ore'& day with two, 00a greak improrg -roads d each. Those been use
awn to the lowest leaf up,3n
fir�ft_ f fi in & shift. laters with a fierce gl
eam Two houri rders committed by the Ripper fact that Lbeir va
_.menj ve
would be' Aoption Of broad grape fluous in all the mu That is to say, the general a- growers who remove super
his eye and a hickory club in his hand, h in the Whitech-apel 41dr-mi of Loj ad beat and moistur
A"rkmen working1wen ty he ALroadL.0 Sheets a;Ud Short nL' f Z 03-0 k9 _uz!s a day tifes for work.teado; all much 3 I in rait branches early aph -a purple nedk- the thezet;siues is was huntin for a man vi Persons in th' �^wffl,bea,ble -kept im qpnditioit � ith broad- hi the sawn, will we the advantage in
to take this 9 e streets at. the, late It more easily w heir application
narrow reduce the ir6ii to emen to -
t -like tire ller, thiA� the ture 0 state that they tie.
promising fruit and thathick, solid tex which the murder wag"don _rfe,t, -two ,or three timei. -from rhe $20 bill was a coun In tead Of le 6 s .to aves
a 'this to where he&t'afid n
tbe'rook and tire h out, into ad-1VOrmant of the leaves. a hidden from heard a woman screamm They ran in the direcCiomf from whioh the indiz&ted as nece
-pure iron, and Board of Agriculture -the light aid
tobricklits of too common
the sun by tbLe-
A 'Oman lyingL e d found t)afW. Take, for exan
I'ill Jhxioaa !dV4:TrZ!Ze4d overcro, rded growth, -,they are elaborating sounds came, avement, with the blod t _y ed wound and a I
to h _s re"Ung _Ody is, I_4eptjited from and. c6nceptraing t
A gruesome z, crude juices frcin the t e P
-throat. She im'speaking of this mampag-gu, incen iz' h' -& was It is ma
p toots, an ciibp Ing t e precious fluid from It awful gash in her strain.
-Rio Mi&ico V' Saar scious when found, andied we not parallel., I
oftesotion but in i -0eett1i" -'Cb litt ow ;J Ad thus-6rining sitgar andAromatic uncon few as praeticalljr -do, a- -Y'cu -M ward. The R3 tion of heat is in
a an Of good ,t s though it w I Lit 'lot�
an, -it was evident in the _mL '00 A. -they ih4f6fte - flavt, int thb- conver- poor -eve Matinees;/ fill OVe' wl Wh. y -berries; and -solid buds and minutel POP �e were to-& It -'M-- cedes Owgx ready bismund ya, the daughOr er"-bt .e*JorAgiAg.,
ew -willt7�nbt get )1"" Woody Jibra'fqr next year's develapmentd promptly on the7sepne,. ing been attract,; In the, case of,
;a by the sereaming, but thelriurd have the presena
". f t1i 6sRhiest 66. in Mexico. fotv� inseles. fo ever liaa the timsues. Thi
0 Ong 0 0 w ing not the-4ilightest,
te diSa effeq d his escape, leav 'Man
an Cond] . .
co lete. -ve ood Mated- -ade& tion, which by r and pp d of the young mari's Her iithor wo, g ... tie" COM . - ' 1; h - . _. clue to his identity. Thiegi attentions, tA hiliv - b" - -h anit subaidin abia- daughter, and fdrbede 'bleegOd- "ATh "k we tends to spread a
rov� mi'am," OfRotherhitht are wo XW_ _the- _ I �fiej b Og a- It the The d :on the ba6k that has befallen.one of mum e house- The'lztter� pkidlSenor-Cautays, ever so mud c - dace a poultice i
JOS _W4 1 2 t6L� d 84oh n" are nty wan erer I --un f p rob nb to it a fre:
lung T Or-,Ahe not -tit IO -11 m -e__ i ort *oice,, - far a little bodV of the dead woman W4a"j*..mTa t
ki pliintivre, 0 pte -his f6rfiffie Jack thi F- she we Fve I ing numerous
-6ia watuals 'd _iat." _ " A - in the disgua ing man ,ibmised - t6t would. n the'
Mg- visit, an F, -not immediately
d, i v u po walked --r" t 1OrAafV&rAht Ized did shrilly interrupt- the crimes of bi rjL 0 ore- d6nddk .tb Ate beidi - over the thought that the asiasilu.-_� whose busin4ps i!
tl 9 "ge are, invaj. tha� beffm or h tii _aqijpg 0
fa -zbu& 6d e elder Y t6 red-faced W fo So antaki of he� per ed in0 *h6 fW VincefiiO that, no uA f .4oreign matter w
theh-Uvef-aR46odWg thiri ef' th Mat. kind would.everLt4ke place; te away by the flk#�_L "-said the -steps in contact, and
On Wbue, M!Pmacget then will be eforeL he'h, Don't, co no names, Ma SM3, vi '7 e 81, _th4M of. S1bePgeLd_ h0side, Ilk - "'and don't you proper means of 4
ce Ab 1 _W Ing. -per IThe o dusty� plaWfln a,. the direckeonirM of -the fire&aIt"M re -killing Or on ad . r , -hi& . - le ge, -.draWM-g'r& ievol Maki " -- I e kV.ft dr - b -I hav )is loven devolopMon tr of kinusele an flk P
e a bad iso Me edes, fr of g
el % ed tissues under
�aggemkswmw or oter washiu' day _'gp X4 d ir to S oft . W - -ecou tiered up in coad, ,so - AM spot. He then blow. t his own The oxcellent 1 __V I comes the poison
the' murderer, oa rainmaker. atild, Wiff- -waste Rr 'do fW me y ition 'of tj s In the cue of ather hand, we,
Without waste 11 -Jack- +h -i that Per and wtiat we nee
thT� P, To utilike Off#r World- a largo, tp, bhd I to t&O a g it and-- S Is -the- f-; perif, IS67 generails, Operations again b is now -so paAhetic it due to jeMIOUg #,in. truth, derived trout to enough he
f it aturer and, rich Or poor, 'he w 48114: tween t eya-o ol rO6 no matter I e,�v ,never -be friendless ieor� she ryotblenld to _V into tow