HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-07-27, Page 3• _ .� -. .�_ . r Y- �L. y:: _ . « _ter - _ _ v _. - .... ,c _ - �r _ --,-. a'i -. _ _. .. - ..., :.' a 'C ---i`- 3-�`,•r+' fY _-� .: 14 F _- _ - _ s<. .. _ r . .. _ - - _ :1_ , r t _ ,, _. - a� , _ r_ _ N = 1 . - - _fi.. .. G_. , , _ .• . , �r - - :^Y .. .r�- r=sus., .. �. - ", -IX 1. r--'- ----- 1. . ank in the offer, but impressed good faith of them- ed up that 'n the safe, tired a large who had. . oua paid in is still is safe as any . etroit Free I ed. 1 your fronts ?" asked the But there's LI:j"g itfully 'tlisee 1dand ,: �== ia' Antu thy.- . :. .y•. .. 1. ': ' '3, �_ F x . _ - ..: � - -- . , � - �� , I> ­-­ --,-,-f � ­ � r r: erg' � -- - - 1� �, ; �� ­. ­ ,�­ - . I . I ` : :,��--� , . 1�­�o­.! - -- 11 - " , .. .,. ..- . . , � I - . , , - . , � - -, . - , , - � , , I 11 — - 11 - .%� ­ - .... ,-r­�­ -, -- - . ­ , : . - � - - I - . - I .1 - 1. � ­ - - - - , - , -­ " , .. .. �< ,. _ - - - - : .. _ s_ - - - . : _- - I �. - - ir0 �- Y�J...L,_ifii�J.VYL V _ , N _ _ '$ F � - - 1. ,. - Just Received - I '- �� - �� �' by Q�EE �i.ON. x1.• t Remi»iaeAL r. oi.the .t`rp cef ilii airy':That ,�Irssrs, tow and Latotr Nave .Test Left .BUILDING ' wv. �T � Bis Still in Etii9tetnee in ; neLert�.. RneLec: to be Gone Two Years. . ­-, `- ,- ='- Two rnemtbers of al'e Geological Survey of - r (�k tone 1 U ' The death of Francis llymoke, the Queen<. ►5��� �� of England's Champion, whieh oco urred at Canada have gust I- t-Qutwe on one of the forncasTie i' cent7y, has ren i4ideciLf-e world _longest, most iriaportant, and most perilous ' � r - ^I rind at tile �hatEven in"tlie mida't of ffie present' pro exp .or .atory survey ,ever undertaken, into. Paints, Oils, " -lass, Fu t �ro , civ and utilitarian age one knightly office, what Is popularly: suppoeed to be`the wilds klnd8 _ - - , � � -` ' '-0 =;� �. sn .�r;rttrK;d�ct the mhoapitable.territory rn the far north o. � x �e Nails, 5 e's.._ Fools of . a i_ , _ 11 - - assertion of Edmund Burke, that " the age eastern Canada, known as the Labrad.orpen great Pr Ansi o -at - - - � •': tiit,��ie iroidar" ai the insula. The expedition will be absent from , lice Was a Lincolnshire magistrate, an ianf 'civilization' for: nearly two years., and before I - "1 '-'11«r in il;� k,cal militia • the two previous -i a return to- Quebec hopes "to havesolved` .. _ - -- - - . • - U111.1141 �1� Stone ' ones were clergymen. `the enigmas of the extent bath of greatI 0 . - - i',.e ,#lice .gync:ti, as it has often been: Lake Mistassini and of "the cataract of -the = WORKS . V �. - stated, heredit$>y Lo�:the Tly,roke family, River, concerning .which such: 1 „ut is attached to the Lord of the manor of fabulous stories have been told. It expects . � d fine Assortment of - Scrivelsby, which is -held , by" thev ancient; : to travers ttte very interior of Labrador from I tenure k>l-own as grand sergeantry-i. e.,: south to. north as well as from west to east, .. r0 I Granite Monuments where one holds lands of the sovereign by and to visit alike Ungava Bay, in the ex- i service whigh:•he has to perform in persona north, and Ri olet and Hamilton Inlet, to 1 of Beery style. Akar d large amount of The service liy which Sciivelsby is held is, >tiie extreme east:., The expedition is led by yG Fordwicla �� i r, `that the lard thereof shall be the ging': Ao P. Low of the Geological Survey of W ._ I -1he Champion." Canada, and his ciiief assistant is D. I. V. BEST NEW YORK MARBLE. 1 lit; championship has no salary attached E6ton, Mr. Low.has already visited and �- -�• l to it, for, though the Dymoke family -surveyed 1VIi tass.ni Lake, declaring it to be �j. r - � d ware W St(D-re f IScrivelaby on the feudal tenure of=,pe , about a hundred miles in length. But his -�- �+- `C� ,n_ ins this duty, the have been opv- report has dean clispnte . by other Canadian �•� We are therefore prepared to -furnish that manor foe upward of five_ hundred surveyors, by the Indians who roam over �A, full stock of all kinds of Hardware. -1�1 o a Monuments and Headstones at C�$EAT• years, and they obtained it,`iitrt by royal.. tnterier of this countay,and principally by 1`� cc •�, - a grant or out of the public. purse,'but by 3l6.H. I.H. Murray of Burlington. So pas Peed to go .to the big towns, for we hai�8 -Ly REDUCED Prices. marriage with an heiress, the last of the the story of an English explorer, that he everything. Come and deal at a first-cilass proud line of Marmion, granddaughter of recently found on the Hamilton River gi- It will pay you to call before placing Phillip de Vlarmion a name which recalls, gantic falls over 2,000 feet high. ' house, where goods are way down cheat . Immense line Of z your order. memories ofchivalry and of the poetry. o€ These alleged features ct the great Lab- ALABASTINE for the walls, in all colors. Shakespeare and Sir `Vatter Scott. rador peninsula will no doubt be thoroughil - BROS. There is no record of the office under the ly examined by the expedition though the Saxon kings, but, according to the late Sir object of its mission is rather to report upon TinSmithi.ng and Repairing a Speciality . Bernard Burke, -its duties were --'appended -the course, condition, and'charaicter of two ✓' & Beni S am _ by William I., as an honor to- theold bar. - vast streams, the East"Maio River, -running . onial house of Marmyon, or MarinionI the west isltoJamesBay,andtheHainilton,rnn• A elegant stock Of ancient owners of the manor of Serivelsby. ping east,in the same latitude, into Hamilton 1111 This manor, .together with the castle of -alet, which it is proposed to makep�,rtions " Tamworth, had been conferred,- soon afte, the northern boundary of the .province of . the Norman conquest, on one Robert de- Quebec The charge suggested will give O Marmyon, Lord of Fontenov, iniQormaneiy, to_the province an additional strip of ter- 00rrs AND on condition of performing the office of ritory 250 miles in width at its "western; ex- i 11 Champion at the Kine coronation. - tremity, and including the whole. of .Lake WHAT YOU Q�tt'T SEE, ASK F®R; wErsg DESCENTaa Mistaesini and the fiupert River and- sur' =—A'r—= - - - rounding country.. The Fast Main River The name of Dymoke is Welsh. The 300 mile: from its mouth an'd in the centre t��� Carpets, H llymekea, or Dymocks—tor the name is of its course, is 1,100 feet in width. Near r, SHAVER S 111111ftift DaIM& 9 0 Stair Carpet. spelled both ways—claim a traditional de- the source of this river, and not very far ." N L' h.�� f ,:- :"''^ Window Carpet. scent from Tudor Tregor. Lord of'Tler-efvrd from that.. of the Hamilton, is ,Nichicoon ; > U, - Window- lRolland � Lace Curtains, 40c. to $5 Ute'; and XI'hittington, a'nd'"fuunder of`,the tribe Post, where Indian hunters chase assemble ell as Q+ per ret• 0. of the thatches. :Th -ciiief himself"' had with the produce of their -chase ;a$well as Something choice in 4 4�3 Art Muslin, bleached and "�' colored. three sone, the second of whom, marrying a from Hudson and Ungava bays as from the Tabling. daughter of the Prince of North `Vales, shores of Labrador and the St. Lawrence. m cretonnes: half a century before'theNorman conquest, No one white man hasyet made the jour- ►Gents' VV alki:ng Shoes, k' C ?, Salisbury Cloth. - d p ney mapped out for Messrs. Low and Eaton, ' 4., F -t , became the ancestor of one David a R4adoc, ve=ons cord. Ladies Lace Boots, tL �C who in the Welsh tongue, was eluted collo- and__ few,can imagine the 0ifficul.ties and *� . -•� Printed Challies: s . Wool Delaines. - quially Dai M;i roc, 'the -word Dat being lite dangers they must encounter in the"interior �; �d > Pink &ad cream Cashmere 0I short form of David. Hisaon anct heir waa •of Labrador, where the flies in summer are r V a every other shade O David ap I?ai �iadoc, or David Dai.Aladoc, ]urger pais horae flies and bury their larvae Boys' and Girls' Nuns' Veiliugs. Q , - cd Net V.in.gs: CLI and,by the-usaat abridgement Dai, Medoc, sleep in _the: iiesh of the reindeer, causing 11 V Navy and bl'kDressSerges .tn l came, in the course of time, to he rronoun- them to migrate from the woodlands to the . Boots and Shoes. r �+ Lawn Victorias. O L. ca e, Daimoc of Damoc the transition treeless, barren wastes every year.. The -•-� �' Lawnchecks., Blouse stripes. ;' d',�y.` from which to Dincos eft Diytno.,,a*md again; surveyors will wrote°r among the Eskimo,. 9 r.Fim"URdtts=l7p"� '1 from that to Dimoa or Dymoke, is -easy and probably at Fort Chime, on Ungava Bap, have the choicest leather in stook and make a speciality of ordered work. Pei+ IN IV m SbakerFlannels. `C Cul obvious. This certainly is the origin of the the most northerly fort of the Hudson Bay feet fits guaranteed. 4-' bL C%itirg �2rp. b G name of the Dymocka of Penley Hail, Flint- Company in eastern America, where in win- �, . Black Dress Sills. - O n i shire, and, most probably, the Ay. okes: of ter there is but four hours' daylight in - O Black Sateen`s..• ` , j Lincolnshire were of the same original twenty-four. Next year they will ascend A' ^" velvets and Plashes. j Koksoak River from the .fort into the inte- CR E PA I R I I 1 G P.R 0 M PT ICY DONE. m � Browic and to j stock,. - U� valises r+, I The first, then, of the Dymoke- fancily rior of the peninsula, and -then the ct Lunch Baskets. ►•a � , ; wire, fulfilled his office as Champion was Sir , milton.River to Hamilton'Inlet, whence �-V I - ; -Butner Trays and Ladles. j John Dymoke, kis ht' who mz tried Mar: they expect to find their shortest way home H ^ m washtubs: aret Ludlow'in the reign of: Edward III., by_ Hodson Bay Company steamer from:ED, L�,Js( - EH. - 1-{ Crockery. - - Ar. � and was present at the } oronation of Rich- Labrador coast to London, England and - He O Glassware. 0 I - ' • '' f7 m and I.I. Iiia claim was disputed by Baldwin thence across lice Atlantic again' to Quebec. '- Ct � Patent Uedicinea. M - . 1 de Freville, the• Lord of .Tamworth Castle Not only t. -La surmised- that the great Tap Oaictscs. • O but after deliberaLionit was found_-t5at<the -inland waters of"Labrador abound i. fresh= '8 8 L -- 'Ulm AM& rob Potato onions. "' right beienged:ta the .manor of Scrivelsvy, water_ fish. of •commerce, but the promoters . Cd G Duteh sets. p� d right; the caput lraronfe, or head of :the bargny ' of a proposed railway from Lake St.' rTohn " `— rd Garden Seeds • r ; Brushes, all kinds. � gf 1 o€ the Marmian:famiiy - s' d; as it appeared. to Mistasaini and tbence�to Hudson Bay are ''d '� =Wahs� soda. X- � ' that Lhe late King Edward 1II. and his son,- anxiously awaiting the report of the ex- , 64 c1dhaw Oil. - Edward, ' Prince of Wales ttnotvn as the pedition to judge of the feasibility of con- i ye: Black Prince,- .had often, been hearer to say nectino -the great bay by railway with �e,41&,Oa-re, �j i iO E ,t Turpenticllh. a`._ . lJ� i10fCastor O,il, by the lb. m that the office washeld by Sir John Dymoke, Quebec and bringing heee the product of the question was settled in =his favor, the northern whale fisheries, Stone Crocks. AGEIVIrg Ear%henware Crooks. P (D' The Gentlemen's Magazine for 1821 As an instance Af the extent of the Conn " Milk Pans: contains a picture of the thoval Champion, try to. be explored by Messrs. Low and �.�®� _'�' Milk Pails. - FORDWICH, ONT. tuD Wash Boilers. � + Henry Ilymoke, in the act of riding on his Eaton, it may: be mentioned that from oche '� Jr®�T�� T� white charger into �� estminster Hall, and Fort, on James Bay, is as MOVING tom •, • y , Tea Kettles.. P " g • —o--- 0) do copper. = I throwing down the glove or gauntlet of easterly point elf the Labrador coast as it is > m Dish Pans. - W defiance; suported.on either side by the from Washington. It is a terra incognita, I Cd '� Felt${>is, just to head. cv Mone to Loan on Farm S+ U -Straw"Hata Por Soo heads, p, Burse of `Vellington and the Marquis of as truly sous when it was in popular belief, we are going to y C) -4 i, Lace Frillings Anglesey; also on horseback, while lieu the home of pigmies, of dwarfs, of glance, of Curtly at the Lowest Rate Q, Ties and Collars. heralds stand by on font with tabards and headless men and semi -human me•isters. It Top Shirts. C H I P P �i � of Interest. w 'tf Dress Shirts. E. plumes. The performance of the Champion has always been, as it were, beyond the line scissors. - - � on this"odcasioa'i-s thus- deaeriWd'-by Sir '.of accarate knowledge. Jacques" Cartier, k; Walter Scott in a letter to one of his the discoverer of Canada, narrates that the (;o, Michigan, near Sault %Hives and Forks._ ; s ools. . ; Indian ging Donnocona told him that he o Cn H friends. - r- -4-' t cTeapots. n Clouds. ,�� "The champion's d ity: was performed,.as aw there men who did not eat, but lived on Ste Merle. Z Pow Lines. 0 of right, by -young llymoke, a fine -looping ll,quids , that in another region were men GOOCI Notes d1SCOtlntetl. .� Bed Cords. g Y WHY DO YOU GO THERE . i youth, but bearing, perhaps; a little'too who had but one lee and thigh, with a ver T e i�-F Marbles: � ; O—O wire Clotheslines F much of the:appearapee of a maideniiig'ht large foot, two hands on the same arm, the Well, we. have five boys, W Baby Carriages. P '. to be the challenger trf the world in the waist extremely square, the breast and11 W a B R B � . Croquet. slug's behalf. He threw down his gauxrtlet,. Bead flat, and a very small mouth, S Special Attention given t0 Spices. A''t however, with becoming ;;manhood, ;and In 1717 ayoung Eskimo girl was captor. we have sold the farm far �5, P ehowed as much horsemanship as . the en in Labrador and seen in Quebec in 1720 jD0o. - we can buy 640 CONVEYANCING' WE l(EEP E1fEltltTNiN6, AND BELL CHEAP. emwd of knights and .squires around by Father Charlevoix; to whom she said i him .would permit to be exhibited. His, that in. her country she had seen u+en of acresbetween Plck- g < armor was in good taste l but his monstrous size and others resembling those. shield was out of propriety, being a of whom Cartier wrote, whom she said were ford and the RallwaV , , �71- round rondache, or Highland target, amphibious and':could remain under water station at Rudyard, `Ba LJ o q ©� � � '1 F a defensive weapon which it would be im- three quarters of an hour at a time; so that nd have a go f �►rm - possible to use on horseback, instead of. "the Eskimo employed them to fish up the L&keletbean a three-corirered, or leather shield, fragiuents of snips wrecked on the coast. "or E;a,ch o the boys North of the Post E3>i�, ` r ®g FORi<i� which in the time of the tilt waa suspended She -also averred that around Ungava Bay and have ninney left. * - - round the, pees.. - Pardon this antiquarian was a people entirely black, with large lips, •" scruple, �vliieh you may believe occurred to a broad nose, and straight hair ;"that these What call a renter C�O there? ,,z few but myself- On the whole, this striking men were very wicked, and although badly W ® zpp g y He can buy a farm 'ou five years time a �__ rr Q p part e,3 the exhibition somewhat dila oint- armed Navin onl stone knives and ,axes j� V' 0. ! \ E T U. R, ed me,; for I_wouid Have had the champion f without any iron; they heel rendered them- slid for it with one fourth. of "the 1 t a I erubarraseed by ;his<asaistauts. and aG< selves a terror: .to the... Eskimo Nobody r p 3'-N . f iRE' �N13F4CK iibert to ut his 'horse on the" grand pea,' supposes that any of the people so deacriberi Money he world pay for rents in that a y p s y- time, and own his own home. PLANING' M L ..,k 1; — � ; and vet the young Lord of . crivelsby loot- will be , di yeovered b 141essra. Low and ' Eaton, but the result eftlieirexpioratiou is guest ra c� A � .t{ ed and beha*red`extreinely weI�. .. . 4 , ,-.The"last time the ceremony of lite .:dial= expsctpd-to cast an'interesting tight upon a IS It gUOd land ? AND " -" , - 1-4 F ... .. 'r _ s.. I�O�IE• Eg�E. lenge was carried out wa nt the corona,ion mysterious and entirely unknown countrySASH AND DOUR FACT <� �" _< 1= . Cpl _GeoY Imo, wheel Ienry Dymoke, the and the races of people inhabiting it. �,S good -as an In R. RESErrr� ,., .' - 4 :det�uty;ot ,i13_ rather,., eleigyman, threw Tluron Co., sect en � , I •wellin ,VntuslFire:InsuranceCp -d ti -und in �,�'Vestminster.'Hall" TS" wheat Y .. - 11� -- . ` oke"soan after Queen Vic- The First .nternational $gposition• boiro Oci,tS, Pea , ..... . , ���. � _' waterioa�Mutttlal Fid InmiraLce Cdt Tips Henry DYn _ `teMorias 0e The'f3rat:grea,t internaliona7 exposition ve , Tlm.othy, Po- ,_ f ' session v` er a>tdd' a knight,. as ar �• ~' � �� Perth hi#tual Fire Iv�tiraxcc Go reeoiti ease, it R! P for waiving his wag that field at London; in the Crystal kinds Of A. S. i IT �t � T _' P toes and all1­1 cgdiscnarg? tire�lties of pia office at Palace, in 1851. The"next similar under- j Eraaomicat=x t14, - ire, urancec _ ' taking was the exhibition of the industry foots, Prices are as good as any on the r 60" L-1111 zl­_° the Queens coronation. Sir Taenry was cc l AVE fitted up the Wroxeter " ' Mercantile Insurance co. site by his brother, the Rev. ,Toho + of all n.se,ICId aEw.I1�. fork Vin_ 18x3. +lakes owing to the nearness of tli® With now machinery throagtit a> -. A -- : - >. _ `' Dymoke, and he , y his son, Henry Lionel This washeld in I:rystal Palace, which was _ . prepared to famish , y _ _ - -�j Etna Insurance Co. �iy,noke, whom Francis Aman Dymoke, siterward des toyed by. fire,-, ,A simifar ex mines and lumber woods to the wes - ` sea ed stieceeded n'1'di5. The pies- ikiitliioa wasI-100-held :is' ubifn" lite same 1 _ � '` • lust d� , s h _ !Ward. ASY�, •-1-1-1 " othn ll nt Bim ion is him iiiii'y son,' also named ear. In 2$04 an exhibition utas held .-iu class of le live there ?= �-� G1�e p Y.. - - Francis Seaman Dymoke. 3 What PSP s Dior } s Munich,=vvhic?i:=was at &rst very successful, U'ut cholera' appeareti::and caused such a They are acearly all from Huron Co. PF I =.HEPINSTAT-41 ' ._ Tright ilial the enterprise ,was abandoned. i any old neighbors - �on meet there so m ----1. A"Great DifferBnCa• '1`iio filet gceatFarta%iiterrcationaloxposftion ; can hardl believe you have - ' •, � 4 - -a helikiq i8 T'.hesedon"d'English inter- Pthat you Y � --1 � � �,- � _ _ M ees 6& �et :did�y�d=er �noL-ks + — - i d anJndsof lioIIs�Y •;",� u` �'�• -tg : �� =?A WHO, _ sheldin Londenl$6 : home. an national eghibitioa lye, 3gft �_— '' _� . intent ono ',_ of just to "make a - i t _ c -F 4 ; nStlra- - _ - wise, e ha'8� IV ext in orde. we're tliosii held ; a Constar- that land as it me 9H , I. went to see �. PLANING A��_ r _ : , fell ©f _- - - - -' w .:c - tentionall in - B,yonn'^, n,: �. _ enc' ti. — :.Rl►y: I done il., i» Y+ olsZe isi IBfr I86?I Dubs �F• s .ruga ., r l? :. Colo ne, 0' rte, and Stocktiol n inOt sale 4 In4uire of M made. @ A- - o` ` -A,- , Wpt's,dept,• (natter wid yes�� g pe, O � ttilandg@t.p :,- cc.. _ ed.for.� - 18f.1.heurne,1866;Agra,-1$67. Then �," Shciton-. Well er . list; :`o E' - makea:�f-fin caiia tae great Paris exposition' of 1867, + , DAVI JJSON, O>' ciih and d do tt to �+' • C Onl firs 1 %�� -.,.- _ ; t:-: ' N". xlt�yatil= u"t,' - t i. r ones at various ! • y kms- � s ieme'mmphie d y sgyeral smalle f � Dr. ord IgaB's'Hy - , `a`llp no ma`n to bake a fflol ol$ fa to e - - _ - vse"Vivhoutl4i #4r �—et ' . :, - ; ., h:4vei3. L. ii ,� = rdrees, fiiitil I8r3, vii en a verb fine one was ! Sault Ste Marie, "Mich =, g `--'. _.. . - - �.. f -mer ... - +r- 2.. 2` _ - - '8- y .E:,c �- ;.z -, . a ,th Philadel hi Ce Q. ,.� - �° ; t3t�NY Ill ifs l e e , ,3, a �_�--. � -# riche$"is; that-tlte :plc :w. _,:::e P "� i1 :, - -. - ;eat. ltiltry . I ne, g .. „ - _ - nes Hien the ' - «iICH ©nt. ` _, � �, farmin Y , �� -- > ' _ .. d -ad. A is a aamiaer:o smaller o FORD L , , a n to-escapesci oiueh goo vteei :... Plans mo4i� D tom- �_� 3 �� ,_. _,- , _ : - �, ..� _ ena#ile:yo_- sition of 1889 and now , full ar. .. _._: ,ft Xk- �_..> � ��... Q you require. * : _ - --. e,a a aclriscng t1 ae ;:batt, great :Paris expo F M s, . Circulars -and P K. -, ' The_ rites ar , , licca For P _ ales.._4'orld`s Columbian. ositton In C g# elovrealr ; . r''.fretr3rn the:coni 'the D'xp :oats sir -Ah , , jefd,6&n -vo.,4 r _ . 3� .....r far a basis _ : , ". ize a __ _ _ :. _. t r8. ,>> -, a eateat of all. „_ , _ _ _ ei z .. - , ._ _ _ Y mss: �.._- _. e,w4k. �_ hind .� _ , <� _ - - �.. F. .- _. .�. _.:. _ _ . . _- , -x �� ,.. __ . .,_ . _ - ,. - f <_ �a -- �. 3r _. _ _ _ ._ .. ., - _. _ - , _.. _ . -.- x _ ,, ,.... , _ P __ r. - " �£ _ .+,.s. ,. ti, :. • -_ - - -<- - - - 'J•gv:?`e_ a h' 3s. - "S - .. -:: v< -_: _ _ _ _ -• n :•: u., _ _ .. - �_ r , _ r_ .,... s. f. . ,. x ,. i K., a - �.. -. _ _.. _ _, - . .r5_ ., .. ... __,_ .. - - ,. _ Y..g - _..., _ - .... .. _._ .. - s. x. . _ R. s. -Aa. .tet. ,. _ s. ... _..,._ _.-.._. ._... - ->-.. . .. .:: r..: - - - "- ,. a _ _.. •.. _ _ i _� _ _ ,.ter .. -... _.. �_ �:.. ..�. ....._ _.. F ... _._.,�, - - - ,. 9-1- _ 4"� r:.� - -�.. `- ..'" - ..cam .-t . -'- _ <. ,. - - < ..n .a u .,. •. .._:' -.;-. - r a - _,cam - , __ mm-_. 5 _. -a r: r, v _ r. 3 -a - - r ., �., F.. _ t _ C - Y I ii '1.., F 'fir -{- -:. -�•_ :� _ - . __._--_...-...s..:_..-..-.•�__.,.. ,..�,. _.rsz .�.�„. .,_ _.-._. �,,.-. _. _.a-...-�a_. _.'s3..,'r,.. '�-.,_ _-._-.. _ __-:_.-._..,'..,._cv:.n..:�_,:e a�:_.. _._z_. ai.. x:xi: i__r��af..,�,..., i