HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-07-06, Page 9tis ese JUStv WV. 'retrospect of the go vth"of of r ion will, be of l iterest. We:surely'have reason for the. pride we feel over our fair young country and for the hopes we cherish for future prosperity. Since the first Dominion Day'—July 1, 1867 -=Canada has increased in pop - illation a million and a half. Our Dominion contains the " choicest I .nds known in the world, and is rapidly. being settled by a healthy; moral class of immigrants from our own zone so that acclimatization is easy and the ground work of a strong christain nation is be- ing surely laid and our country's pros- ,perity assured. More satisfactory still has been the progress in material development. In 1867 all the real estate in Ontario was valued at $238,000,000; to-day`farm. lands alone are worth $810,000,000, while stock and implements add another $170,000,- -000 to the wealth possessed by the agri- culturists, of the Province. Tsventy- three years ago the number of horses in Ontario was only 877,000 and of cattle 1,014,000; now the figures ars 680,000 and 2,029,000 respectively. Turning to the Dominion at large there is a showing that is also cause for ;gratification. The foreign trade of the =country has increased $130,100,000 in `07 to nearly $250;000,000 in '93. The assets- of chartered banks in Canada !have increased in the same time from 178,000;000 to $303.000,000, and the da- p'ositsfrom $32,000,000 to $166,000,000. The amount of life insurance in force he 1569 was only $85,600,000; while now. ''it it3 W279,000,000. In the same period - the sum (received for fire insurance premiums has jumped from $1,785,000 a.year to $6,715,000. 'Lar railway interests in 1867 were insignificant, whereas now we have 15,- 000 miles in operation carrying over thirteen and a half million people every year, with annual earnings approaching $52,000,000. In '74 we only exportedi 63 head of cattle; last year we seat ver 100,000, and in the same period our cheese .ex- ports have increased 300 per cent, All :the figures show a growth that 12 -really phenomenal. And our people have improved morally even more rapidly than the country has developed materially. In this Province :he number of places in which liquor is sold has been reduced during the past twenty.one years from 5,450 to 3,347, and the committals for drunkenness -have been lowered from 8,888 in '76 to 2,736 in '92, Nor is this improvement confined to one province, as is shown by the fact that the number of offences against the person in all Canada was only 725 in '92 as against 920 in 1882,, and bythe further fact that murders in tlie:seme, period have fallen from 29 to 18.Ter annum. There isN no country in the world -where there is less of the evils resulting from extreme riches on the one hand and extreme poverty on the other; there is none where there is less suffering in - --eroportaion to population, from actual vaLt, and there is none where the people are so law-abiding; and industrious. Faith in ourselves, vigor in -the develop- ment of our boundless resources and the adoption of sounder fiscal methods now assured will cause the next quarter of a century to give the fulfilment of which the progress of the past, great as that progress undoubtedly has been, is but the promise, glaSgOld GQRRIE. 0 Ouse. Summer Is Here. Axid Summer brings many needs in the line of Dress Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Lace Mitts, Parasols etc, or perhaps a. Summer Suit, Straw -Hat, Summer. Underwear or an Overshi-rt and many other things too numerous to mention. Belmore. - A painful accident occurred in the saw -mill here last week. Mr. A. Flem- ing while at his work had the top part of his thumb taken off. We are pleased to learn he is improving. Miss Williams, the evangelist, iwhold- ing revival services in the Methodist Church this week. She preached twice on Sunday, 2nd, and gave grand dia.- -courses each time. We trust she win accomplish a good work here. On'r shingle mill was moved from the -saw-null here into the country about two Hailes and is malting a large amount of shingIes. There is going to be an exhibition of Uncle Tom's Cabin here on Saturday, fulyQ8, The bills are"out for a large sirens. fir. J. T. Hall left for Toronto on --Saturday last. We wishhima pleasant :trap. We hear heis going tothe World's {air. = --We came pretty near having a pugihs= encounter in our village last week cite a- number of : our - inhabitants. sant out to. the Picnic ala the 2nd, last eal'rc ey: ----sitiee R. Criteiide3n started carrying the on Saatetrday ss. F Vines, of Listowel,: aat.prss „2.44.8.. We have thein all Latest Styles, Best Makes, -AND-- Prices always Right Those in need of -a Surnmer Suit will hardly fail to buy when they - see the goods and get our prices. Likewise in all other lines. Be sure to Call and get quotations BeSfore spending a dollar elsewhere You will be repaid for your trouble. When the blossoms all have blowed When the tramp goo!! up the road. When the spring chiok thinks he's old enough to crow Then trade bogies to hum Then the business it will Come To the firm that has the goods and sells them low. McLAUGHLIN & Co. i ew _ z . as. Wen.v Takes the liberty to draw the attention of the Public to the following Izi`AetalUS That we are selling Goods CHEAPER than any other House in the Dominion. Compare our Prices with others and see if we dont. Watches at half the hegurar Price: Our —AND— eight day Walnut and Oak half hour gong strike Ctooks knock the old stylus out complete, both in Workmanship and Price. Pr08uc® vit Stere. Our stock of Fine Goan I eves from BOc. up will surprise gyo%t, In SPsCT�CLES we can give yon the i:+INTti7.' LIIN as .yell as the C aPrn General stook of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Books and Stationery. I am not selling at or Felow cost, nor am I giving hack presents worth 2-0 per cent. of what yon purchase, but I claim to give you the beat value possible for your money on everything that I sell. Come and see for yourselves. Jas. Johnston, General merchant, Conveyancer and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Elora St. ones as low as 1�c. We also keep a large stock of Fancy Goods Purses, Bill Books, Piles Mouth Organs; lairpins Combs, Albums, Fancy Novelties in Glassware, Rolled Plate Chains, Charms, TLockets, Brooches, etc., at Rock Bottom Prices, All goods Warranted as represented. Repairing Watches, -Clocks and Jewelry a Specialty and satisfaction guaranteed. Remember the place; Cries. Weiner, Mildmay. At _ JASPER'S Flour and Feed Store. Ton can get -anything -you taunt in that line Also f uli linos of Confections, Nuts and Fruits. Ice Cream Parlor open day and evening. The Famous roller process dour from Schneicier's mill, Mildmay, and SteinmilkE'r'e, Otter Creek, always in stock. Barber Shop in connection. Having had a long experience in Shavingand Rair-dressing, t am in a position to give good satisfaction to all who patronize me. F. O. JASPER, Mildmay, ST. -LEON, Nature's Healing 'Water. Life's Nourisher of Blood, Health's Restorer. The Greatest Mineral Water Known. Pleasant to the taste. Healing to the system. 0-----0 By the glass or in quantities, at A.J ail. 90 9 Grocery and Ice Cream Parleys, Gorrie. J. L. TITT4US 4 'TILE NEW GROCER Seeps always on hand a choice line of Groceries, Teas and all kinds of Biscuits, Confection- ery, flour and feed Fruits of a1Itkinds in their season. Also an Ice Cream Parlor done up in city style. Ice Cream, Strawberries and -Cream, Lemonade and Cigars. Ice Cream Parlor open day and evening. Popular prices because low. Store in Weiler's block. Mildmay. Elora St. This .-has been the best SlDring Trade in WALL PAPER -that I have ever had, but I have some good papers left which I will sell at bargain prices. Come and get some of them. F.A.R.IS 0 OR.ZEN only 3Octs9 per pound. Guaran- teed pure English Green. HELLEBORE, Pure wbite, for Grubs. N. lYicLAUG'rHLIN, Druggist and Stationer, OORRIE, ONT all Paper. Wall Paper. -The crowd at the World's Fair is not in it Compared with the crowd for Wall Paper AM' FOX'S We are clearing out the remainder of our stock at Greatly reduced Prices. Be sure and give us a call. Paris Green. uaranteed absolutely. pure at 3Oc. per pound. roxeter. Furniture .W are= ooms 0 0- v' o E . & ltSchWala Maauincturers of and Dealers i=n - Sash,cors, Lumber and an kind's of planingand Sawing done to order. Cas3 pail for all kinds of saw lops. CONTRACTS for Buildings taken. Pians, Specifications. and estimates furnished an applicatiore 0 0 A largo and well assorted stack of PURNITURE consisting of Parlor Suites. - Bedroom Suitos, Hall, Dining room and Kitchen Furniture, Office I` ernitnre of all kinds, Easy chairs, etc. etc. • Prices- Away Daigle, It's worthy our while to give us a call. -.& Schwalm, T?Fsa c) el e1 MEAT MARKET The Choicest BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, SAUSAGES, FISH AND ALL KINDS OF FRESH MEATS KEPT CON- STANTLY ON RANO. Also a full supply of SALT MEAT Highest Price paid for first-class fat - animals and poultry. Goods delivered FREE to all parts of the village. GEO. HERRINGER. car- ric1 Wooler? Glso- Proprietor. Tweeds, Blankets and all kinds of wool- en -goods manufactured. A large and complete stock always on hand. 'BOOL WANTED for which the Highest Price will be paid. FOR SAI -M. A Neat and Comfortable Country Homestead, CONSISTING of three acres of choice land, be ing part of lot 1, con. 7, in the township o Turnberry. Two acres now under grass and balance in orchard and garden. There is a good six -roomed frame house on the premises, also Farfurthor particulars ly to JOHN W..pGREEN, Box 10; Wroxeter, Ont, 'B-rohronn & Goe `z. BUGGIES, .CARTS and WAGONS IN STOCIC Come and See Them or write for PRICES before buying Elsewhere. Every Rig GUARANTEED. GEO. E. LIESEMER The Leading Blacksmith. - is the place where you can get y our Horse medn�of Black- thdone right Cheapnd Na Always a fall: stock of Wagons, Buggies, and Carriages of all kinds kept on hand. X11 ook Store. Wall and Ceiling- Papers, Borderings, etc, in the lat- est designs. A large range, still loft. Take notice of my Farm Garden, and Orchard One Horse Cultivator. The time for killing weeds is here and I have the very thing to do so ;All kinds of Tooth Attach- ments fo;r cutting weeds and Eiihng, Reel) downour Weeds F ith the,(117ErN Culti- vator the lest 7bol of its kind in Canada.If you: don't think so, Try it, and you will know if. 0 -EO, l . LIESEMER- • Choice lines of Ladies' and Gentlemen's WritingMaterial- Fancy Goods, Toys, Novelties, Base and Foot Balls. School Books, Office Books, Hymn and Prayer Boors of every description. Telephone Exchange. C. SCHURTER, iIilcEmay. HENRY LIESEMER, Merchant - - - - Tailor Carries the finest lines in Scotch and Canadian Tweed% road' clot= j etc.9 and is prepared tarn out the choicest article in Pants, Vests, Coats or Suits. Cutting Done by tiie Latest Processes, and every Snit is a Fit. Butters Eggs, Wool and Pork taken in e3change. 3g CALL FJ''.� SS Gu �a Lies mer,.. Abselona St. MILOisi 1Y. Crriek IIPANcIAL cP, GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DONE. Drafts Issued on all parts of Canada and the United States. Loans made on COOD SECURITY. Good Notes Discounted. Interest allowed on Deposits. References: Canadian Bank of Commerce. Bank of Bu al ). O. SCHURTER, President, A. GISSLE:R, Caehier. 5