The Gazette, 1893-07-06, Page 8A ! NTREAL rIIACLE. Frets Proved to be Stranger than Fiction. The Remarttable Care of a Long -Time Sof- ferer—Rheumatism of Ten Years' Stand- ing Permanently Cured—A. Story Fall of Interest to Other Sufferers. Sunday Morning News, Montreal. Impressed with the persistency with which the most astonishing accountoof cures effected tiarovgh the agency of Dr. Will- iams' Pink Pills for Pale People in almost all the newspapers of Canada and the Unit- ed States, a reporter for The Suuday Morn- ing News, to:satisfy. himself generally of the genuineness of these cures, determined to investigate a case for himself, which had recently been brought to his notice, where the cure was claimed to be due entirely to the efficacy of this medicine. Aware that Dr, Williams' Pink Pills had been tried in the case of a gentleman residing at 709 Sherbrooke street, in the City of Montreal, who had for years been afflicted periodically with rheumatism, the reporter set oat on a journey of inquiry to ascertain what the result had been. Arriving at the home of Mr. Granville, the gentleman referred to, he found him apparently enjoying perfect health. " You don't look as though you had been suffering a great deal lately, Mr.Graaville," said the reporter, accepting the invitation of his host to be seated. " Well, no, you would scarcely suppose from my present appearance and activity that I had jurat recovered from a most acute attack of chronic rheumatism, which kept me in bed for over two weeks. Yon eee," continued Mr. Granville, "I am an habitual sufferer from rheumatism, or at least I have been for ten years past,and although I have tried almost every remedy it has only been since recently that :I have found anything to do me good. It is now about ten years since I first became afflicted with this p.,in- ful disease, and when it began to come on, having never experienced it before, I was at a complete loss to understand what it was. It was in Chicago that I had my first attack, and I retneenber the circumstances very well. While walking on the street I was suddenly seized with a violent pain in my left knee, which contiaued to grow worse until I could walk no longer,and was compelled to call a cob and be driven home. Once there I took to my bed and did not leave it for ten days, being totally unalele to move my leg without experiencing the most excruciating pain, which nothing I could get seereed to relieve. "Did you not have a doctor ?" asked the reporter. " Oh, yes ; but he didn't seem to do me much good. He wrapped the litnb in flan- nels and gave me some decoction of salicy- lic acid to swallow. But it was of no avail. Each year as winter peaces into spring I have been seized with this painful disease and laid out for same weeks, nor have I been able until lately to obtain anything which would even kelp me a little. You would not believe it if I were to recount the various patent remedies which I have taken both e,eternally and internally dur- ing all that time in an endeavor to obtain relief. I must have tried a. hundred so- called cures, and never experienced any beneficial results until I came across Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I most frankly con- fess that at the outset I had no great faith in the pills. I had tried so many medi- cines, all to no purpose, but I was willing to give them a trial anyway, so I sent out to the drug store on the corner and got a supply. I followed the directions careful- ly and soon experienced relief, and before 1 had been taking the Piak Pills long I was able to get out of bed, and although I was still a, little stiff` the pain had almost completely disappeared. I am still taking the pills, and shall keep on taking them for some time, and furthermore I don't intend to be without them in the future. " Then you ascribe your relief entirely to the efficacy of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,' suggested the reporter. "I most certainly do, and Mr. Curtis, the druggist on Bleury street, will verify what I have said." The reporter next visited Mr. H. H. Curtis, the druggist referred to, whose place of business is at 191 Bleury street, and in- terrogated him with reference to the case. Mr. Curtis stated that he knew of Mr. Granville's ailment and that he had suffered tor years, and he had no doubt Pink Pills did all Mr. Granville said. He further said that Pink Pills had a very large sale, and gave universal satisfaction. The reporter then withdrew, quite satisfied with the re- sult of his investigation. The Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are manufactured ' by the Dr. 6Tb�i1lia�ris' Meditiae Co.'of Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., a firm of unquestioned reliability. Pink Pills are not locked tion as a patent medicine, but rather as a prescription. An analysis of their properties shows that these pills are an an/ailing specific for all diseases arising from sh impoverished con- dition of the blood, or from an impairment of the nervous system, such as loss of appe- tite, depression of spirits, aanemia,chlorosis or green sickness, general muscular weak- ness, dizziness, loss of memory, palpitation of the heart, nervous headache, lrocoaiotor ataxia, paralyeie, eciatima, rheumatism, St. Vitus' dance, the after effects of la grippe, all diseases detieading upon a vitiated con- dition of the blood,sech as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for the troubles peculiar to the female system, correcting irregularities, suppressions and all forms of female weakness, building anew the blood Mid restoring the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In the cssse of men they effect a nodical cure in all seises arising from mental worry, overw rJ , or excesses of any nature. These pills gunflint. a purgative medicine. They contain only life giving properties and nctt sing that could injure the most deiioatesysteen, They act directly on the blood, supplying its life- giving qusliti s, by aasistuag it to absorb oxygen, that great supporter of all organic life. In this way the blood, becoming "built up" and being supplied with its lacking constituents, becomes rich and red, nourishes the various organs, stimulating them to aeivity in the performance of their functions and thus eliminates disease from ie system. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold only in boxes hearing the firm's trade mark and lanapper, ( printed in red ink ). Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink :'ills are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer who offers suo- atitates ire this form is trying to defraud you and should be avoided. The public are also cautioned against all other so-ealled blood -builders and nerve tonics, put up in similar form intended to deoeive. They are all imitations whose makers hope to reap a pocuaiary advantage from the won- derful reputation achieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Ask your dealer for Dr. Will - jeans Punk P+ils far Pale People and refuse all imitations and substitutes. Dr. Williams' Pink Piiis may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. WilliamsMedicine Company from either address; at 50 cents a box, or six bones for $2.50. The price et which these pills are sold makes a course of treatment eomparar tively inexpensive as compared with oche• remedies or medical treatment. • SLEEPY MARSUAli BAZA.IN E. Overpowering Somnolence of the Man Who Gave Metz to the Germans. A curious and apparently original anec- dote about the latealarahal Bazaine is related to -day. It refers to the sleepy habits of the man who delivered ,Tietz to the Germans. The author of the anecdote is Lieutenant Eymard, who was permanent officer of the guard in the house at Versailles where the Marshal was ander arrest while awaiting his court-martial. One day Madame Bazaine, a Mexican by birth, Dame to M. Eymard and asked him to be good enough to receive Queen Isabella of Spain, who was escpeeted in the after- noon. Her Majesty intended, itappears,to pay a visit to the prisoner. At about a quarter past one o'clock, the Queen arrived,; accompanied by her son, afterwards Alfonso XII. and her two daughters. M. Eymard went to meet the royal party, and, as be says himself, not having been brought up in courts, but camps, he committed the awful offence of shaking the Queen's hand a 1'Anglaise, instead of kissing it respect- fully. The Queen uttered a cry of discon- tented astonishment, but she had another surprise in store tor her. The lieutenant of the guard .rent in to apprise Marshal Ba- zaine of the royal visit, eepecting to find him ready for it. The Marshal was how- ever, having his forty winks, and although violently shaken by the officer, still snored on heavily. • Eventually M. Eymard, being utterly usable to arease the sleeper, had to inform Queen Labelle of the semi -comatose con- dition of the Marshal. The Queen, evi- dently anaoyed, returned with her children to her carriage and departed. Almost immediately afterwards Mme. Bazaine en- tered. The officer told her about the fatal siesta: She did not express astonishment, but auger, and rushing to where her hus- band was, upbraidedhim as he awoke in the most withering temps. She told him that his soporiferous habits were deplorable and detestable, and that in order to mask them people had to be allowed to say unchecked that he drank. Mme. Bazaine thus scolded her husband for several moments within the hearing of the lieutenant, who went away wondering if the Marshal's extraor- dinary habit of suddenlyfalling asleep had not contriauted to bring about greater disasters than the disappointment of . her most Catholic Majesty and the anger of M me. Baraine. HE HAD THE " HORRORS." A Yankee Peddler Hangs Himself to a Bed Post in a Quebec Hotel. A Quebec speeial says :—A Yankee ped- dler, after a prolonged spree, was found in his bedroom at Lender's hotel with a hand- kerchief around his neck, hanging to the post at the foot of his bed. There was Mood around the floor, and the man's hands were crit. The coal oil lamp wes still burn - log and the room was full of smoke, the chisnney of the lamp having been smashed. W hen and how all this occurred is unknown. From papers found on him his name is sup- posed to be VSMainJ. Bailey, from Pitts- field, Maine. He is a man of about 30 years of age. He arrived at Bernier's hotel, Commercial street, on Thursday morning. He said he had been on a prolonged spree and wanted to continue drinking.. On Friday night it was evident the man was in the " horrors," and wanted a knife to stab some imaginary man who was pursuing him, and otherwise acted in a most outrageous manner. The demented man was ordered to keep quiet or leave the house. He left at 3 a.m. on Saturday and went to the police station, and was subse- quently taken to Lawler's hotel. He continu- allycraved for drink. Notappe.aringatnoon yesterday his room was forcibly entered, and the man found in the position above described, dead. The coroner was notified and ordered the body to he taken to the morgue, where an inquest will be held to- morrow morning. High Constable Gale is working up the case and has telegraphed the mayor of Pittsfield to notify the inan's friends if he has any there. The U.S. con- sul here was also notified. Some $3 in cash and a silver watch were found on the body. Peary's Confession. Lieut. Peary's arrangements for his pros pectivo visit to the Arctic regions are being rapidly completed, his expectation being to set sail for Whale Sound on the 39th of June. In an interview which he makes public this morning that explorer himself gives expression to some opinions which completely bear out what the " unscienti- fic" ele.nent,as he would probably call it, has repeatedly said of the futility of such ex- plorations. After asserting that he intends to solve the problem of whether there is land, solid or only a toatin ice between rob- In- dependence Bay pole,P leen, by the w' for the solution of which humanity is neither suffering nor losing atop, he adds : " There is nothing in the voyage for me except glory if I succeed, and pity if I fail." Tills may be considered expert testiciony of the most skillful kind, and it will tend very strongly to confirm tate impression that the mosey to be spent on the voyage could be used with better results in the extinction of vice or the prevention of sickness in .the alums. The Summer Comes and brings with it aching corns. Putnam's Painless Corn Extractoranever fails to remove corns promptly, painlessly, and with absolute certainty. Tryt' Putnam's Corn Extractor. Sure, safe, pa Ina single county in Washington more than 230,000 squirrel sealps were received from bounty hunters in the month of May. Tragedy at a Military Parade. A great sensation was caused in Vienna on Monday evening by the announcement of an extraordinary tragedy which occurred on the parade ground of the chief barracks. During the morning Colonel Senzesanyi was instructing his regiment, the well- known German Hussar Regiment, one of the crank cavalry corps in the Austrian army; when, irritated by the alleged clumsi- ness of a non-coeamissiened officer, he slap- ped him in the face. The young man mad- dened by the indignity iaflieted in the pres- ence of his comrades and subordinates, immediately shot himself with his carbine, and died almost immediately. It is rumour- ed that by the Emperor's orders Colonel Senzesanyi hes been placed under arrest, pending an inquiry. Japanese doctors never present bills to their patients. They await the patient's inclination to pay, and then thankfully ac cept whatever sum is offered. Mrs. Million's Ride. When Mrs. Million goes to ride she travels forth in state, Her horses, full of fire and pride, go prancing from the gate; But all the beauties of the day she views with languid eye, Her flee* in weakness wastes away, her voice is but a, sigh . For Mrs. Million is in an advanced stage of catarrh, and all the luxuries that wealth can buy fail to give her comfort. She en- vies her rosy waiting -maid, mad would give all her rides for that young woolen's pure breath and blooming health. Now, if some true ani disinterested friend would advise Mrs. Million of the wonderful merits of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, Abe wodld learn that her case is not past help. $500 reward is offered by the manufacturers for a case of catarrh in the head which they cannot cure. , Tripletswere recently born to a mare belonging to Herman Colby, of Sanborn N. H. One colt win. of the usual size, and two were only as big as kittens. Tissue Building Medicines Are the best for an chronic diseases. Send postal card for 192 page book (free) explaining all particulars. Address DR. W. REAR, Room 19, Gerrard Arcade, Toronto, Ont. Men tion this paper when writing. A Veteran's Story Hr. Joseph Hem- merich, an old soldier, 529 E. 146th St., N. Y. City, writes us volun- i " : `y tarily. In 1862, at the battle of Fair Oaks, he was stricken with typhoid fewer, and after a long struggle in hospitals, lasting sev- eral everal years, was dis- charged as incurable w i th Coaostamption. Doctors said both lungs were affected and he could not live tong, but a comrade urged him to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Before he had finished one bottle his cough began to get loose, the choking sensation left, and night sweats 'grew cess and less. He is now in good health anti cordially recommends Jos. iemmerich. Hood's Sarsaparilla, as a general blood purifier and tonic maedi. cine, especially to his comrades in the G. A. R. HOOD'S PILLS are hand made, and are per- fect in composition, proportion and ^npearance. The Raw, Outtine, Winds Bring to the surface every latent pain. A change of even a few degrees marks the dif- ference between cotntort and pain to many persons. Happily disease now holds less sway. Scieace is continually bringing for- ward new remedies which successfully com- bat disease. Poison's Nerviliae—nerve pain cure—has proved the most successful pain relieving remedy known. Its application is wide, for it is equally efficient in all forms of pain whether internal or external. 25 cents a bottle, at druggists. One pound a day is the amount of bread allowed to a soldier. Dr. Harvey's Southern Red Pine for coughs and colds is the most reliable and perfect cough medicine in the market. For sale everywhere. A bride and groom recently wedded in St. John's, Mich., were aged, respectively, twelve and thirteen years. A.P. eG4 Caresecnsumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat. Sold by all Druggists -on a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous Plaster will give great satisfaction. -25 teats. HILOH'S CATARRH REh! um, Have son Catarrh? This Remedy will relieve and Care you. Price 50cts. This Injector for its successful treatment free. Remember, ilhiloh's .Remedies are sold on a guarantee. SEEDS CATALOGUE Now ready and mailed free to all appli- cants. Carefully selected Farm and Gar- den Seeds, and Seed rajn, Choice Flower Seeds, Clean Grass and Clover Seeds. Special attention paid to Corn for Ensilage. WM. EWING & Co., 14Monetreal.t., LADIES Dress and Mantle Cutting by this new and improved TAILORS' SQUARES. Satisfaction guaranteed to teach ladies the full art_9f ettting all garments worn by ladies and Children. PROF. SMITH,392.QUEEN ST, W. TORONTO Agents wanted. WHY .1E3lalr a Boot or Shoe that does not fit. Why punish your- self in attempting to form your foot to a boot or shoe. `Ve make our Bo 's and Shoes from .vo to six dif ferent widt's Askforthe J. D. King & Co.,Ltd., perfect fit ting goods, and bo happy. 1 ACUTE or CHRONIC, Can be cured by the use o SCOTT' S EMULSION of pure Cod Liver Oil, with the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. A feeble stomach takes kindly to it, and its continued use adds flesh, and makes one feel strong and well. - «'0 AUTION. "—Beware of substitutes. Genuine prepared by Scott & Bowne. Belleville. Sold by all druggists. 50c. and $L00. -IIMPROVED central Toronto Properties to exchange for farm lands. Money to loan. Beatty, Itiackstock, Nesbitt ct Chadwick, 58 Wellington Street E., Toronto. TEACHERS WANTED to canvass for our new books. Prices low, terms liberal. Send for circulars, &e. WILLIAM BIuaGS, Publisher, Toronto. T)ETEMBORVEGIt CANOE CO'f., (LTD.) Successor sto Ontario uanoe Co., (Ltd.) Makers of Peterborough Canoes for Hunting, Fishing, Shooting Skiffs, Sail floats, Steam Launches. Seed 3 cent stamp for Catalogue TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL OFFERS unprecedented facilities for acquiring a thorough knowledge of Cutting in all its branches: also agents for the McDowell Draft ng Machine. Write for circulars, 123 Yonge street. IF YOU WOULD SAYE TIME AND MONEY BUYA NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINE Agents everywhere. DO YOU IMAGINE That people would have been regularly using onr Toilet Soaps since 1845 (forty. even long years) if they had not been GOOD; The public are not foeis and do not continue to buy goods unless they are satisfactory. TINGLEY & STEWART M'F'G CO. MANUFACTURERS OF RUBBER AND FETAL STAMPS, Lodge Seals, School Seals, Office and Bank Stamps, Stamps of every description. 10 King Street West, Torento. Write for circulars. NEW PROCESS RUBBER STAMPS, BETTER, CHEAPER AND QUICKER Send a sample order and we will prove it. Queen City Rubber Stamp Works, 112 Yonge St met, Toronto. CHAMPION Fire and Burglar -Prop In use all over the Do- minion. We sell directto the user, thus giving the buyer the discount usual- ly paid in Jommissioss. Catalogue on application. S. S. KIMBALL, 577 Craig St.,Montreal. ERAZER AXLE Beet in the World! Get the Genuine! Sold Everywhere! EkSE Palpitation is one form of indigestion. K. D. C. .cures indigestion and the long train of ills -attending it. K.D.C. COMPANY (LIMITED) NEW GLASGOW, N.S., CANADA or 127 STATE STREET, BOSTON, MASS. Mention this paper. ACRE:, OF LAND for sale by the SAINT PAUL et DULUTH RAILROAD COMPANY in Minnesota. Send for Maps and Circu- `,ars. They will be sent to you PIM TIMM MI Address HOPEWELL CLARKE, Land Commissioner, St. Paul, Minn. "German. Syrup 99 ForThroat and Lungs " I have been ill for Hemorrhage " about five years, " have had best F; Five Years. " medical advicethe, " and I took the first " dose in some doubt. This result- " ed in a few hears easy sleep. There ` `war no ftirtherhemorrhEge till next " day, when I had a slight attack " which stopped almost immediate- " ly. By the third day all trace of " blood had disappeared and I had "recovered much strength. The "fourth day I sat up in bed and ate " my dinner, the first slid food for " ` two months. Since that time I "have gradually gotten better and " am now able to move about the " house. My death was daily ex- " petted and my recovery has been " a great surprise to my friends and ' the doctor. There can be no doubt "about the effect of German Syrup, as I had an attack just previous to ' its use. The only relief was after the first dose." J. R. LOU G HHEAD, delaide- Australia. ASTHMALENEI Contains no opium or other anodyne, but des- troys the SPECIFIC ASTHMA POISON IHTHE BLOOD AND LIVES A NICHT'S SWEET SLEEP ANO CURES so that you need not neglect your businessorsitup Asthma inl forflat gas h ing for breath for fear of suf- focation On re- ceipt of lame and P.O. address w e mail TRIAL 1R01TL. and prove to you. ta:at. ASTtill•IA saleb Crr ugg stn. A. For sale by Druggists. DR. TAFT BROS. MF EDICINE CO., (ROCHESTER, N.Y. CanadianOflce.15 Adelaide St. W., Toronto $o3E'M Don't give up Hope. If you have been carry- ' ing a burden of Dys- pepsia, Biliousness or Rheumatism around with you and have tried a dozen remedies without success, there is yet nope. Positively ST. LEON MINERAL WATER eradicates all these troubles. We have the testimony of hundreds to this effect. Get ajar at once Drink plenty of it and watch results Hotel opens 1Gt h June Ali Druggists, Grocers and Hotels. ST. LEON MINERAL WATER CO., LTD. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. FREE MUSICAL EDUCATION PRIZE PREMIUMS. THE CANADIAN MUSICIAN, issued monthly, $r per year, is the only musical periodical in Camila. Hereafter it will contain vocal and instrumental musicG z inwval which, bought in the course f ordinary year, sheed ett�muate sic form. To interest music teachers and students, young ladies and gentlemen, we make the following otters: One, two, three or four quarters' frce musical cdocat ion in either of the leading Conservatories or Colleges of Music in Toronto, Ottawa, Kingston and Halifax, or from specially preferred private teachers. The terms will depend upon the institution or teacher chosen ; but to illustrate, we give the following basis: Instruction in harmony, singing, piano,organ, or other musical instrument, highest grade teacher in, a Conservatory or College of Music, one scholastic year, free, in return for 30o paid subscriptions at $r each. Half or quarter year in proportion. From a ,nnefisrn grade teacher the terms will be half that of a highest grade. Persons failing to secure the requisite number of subscriptions will be allowed a cash commissicn of 25 per cent. on all subscriptions paid in. PIANO PREMIUM. For 400 paid subscriptions we will give one new, good upi ight piano. The plan proposed is very popular in England and America, one institution alone—in Boston—having 175 students who are enabled to pursue their studies as the result of similar work. Free sample copies of the new issue of THE CANADIAN MUSICIAN will be mailed to any address about June 3o. For further particulars call on or write to WHALEY, ROYCE & CO. 158 -Yonge St., Toronto. Endless Threshing Belts Rubber and Stitched Cotton in 110, 110 and 120 feet lengths. 6 inch 4 ply Vc ry low for cash. WATERO 118, BRANTFORD, CANADA. HIGH GRADE MACHIHERY Prices Reduced on Second Hand Repaired and Rebuilt PORTABLE MINES ES We have a large stock of upright, hori- oontal, plain and traction Engines of aur own and other makes. Write us before buying either a new or second hand engine.