HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-07-06, Page 6V.VANGELTrikt.-Servicse 10, a.m. isadTp.rn.
Eabbath School at 2 p.m. C. Liesenler.
*tiperintendent. Cottage prayermeeting Wednes-
day evening at 780. Young People's meethig
Tuesday evening at 730. Choir practien,Friday
evening est 8 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Heist, Paster.
pRES33YTERIAN.--Serviees 10:30 a.m. Sab-
bath School 3:30 a.m. J. H. Moore, in-
tendent. Prayerni setin g, Wednesday evenlig at
8 o'clock. Rev. P.. W. Gallagher, Pastor.
D 0. CHURCH, Sacred Heart of Jesrus.-Rov.
" • Father Wev, P. P. Services every Sunday,
aiternatively at -830 a.m.d 10 a.m. Vespers
every ether Sunday at 3 p.m. Sunday School at
230 p.m. every other Stunlay,
3- UTHERAN.-Rev. Dr. Miller, pater. Ser -
ice.; the last three Sun:lave of every month
at 1:33 p.m. Sunday School atTI:s0 p.m.
_•1" ETRODIST.-Serviees 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Saath School 2:30p.m. G. Curie, Superin-
tendent. Pray erm ee ting, Thursday 8 p.m. Rev.
De.narc'.., Pastor.
c No. 70 -meets in their hall on the
evsinug of the second and fourth Thurs-
lai in each month.
c.1.-VE.L..„1-n.t, See. Go. HERUINGEB, Pres.
r D.P.-Court Mildroay, No. 186, meets in their
hail the second and last Thursdays in each
Visitors always weICOMe.
Tertat I per year in advan.ce • •
One Six ' Three
Yee.r. nionths. menthe.
One column $50 $30 $18
Half c.iun,n 30 18 10
t4uartor celunan 18 10 6
Eighth column 10 6 4
Legal nol.ices, Sc. per line for first and 4c. per
:we for each subsequent insertion.
Local busilleSs notices 5c. per line each inser-
Contraot advertising payable quarterly. .
-Grand Trunk Time Table.
Trains leave Mil -drafty station as fol -
Express ......• 7.15 a. m. Mixed ....... -...10.55 a.m
Yai 11.55 •°- Mail 1.59 tarn
Mixed 5.20 p.m Express 9.35 p.m
Mr. J. McEwing spent Sunday at his
helve ie Palmerston.
Mr. A. MeCurdy returned. yesterday
from a visit to Kinloss.
Mr. McCarter and wife, of Walkerton,.
are spending a few days in town.
Several from this village took in the
Dorniniou Day sports at Wroxeter on
Mr. I. 13. Bricker, of Gorrie, delivered
a fine team to Mr. A, Runstedtier, horse
buyer, in this village on Tuesday.
Miss Rose Herringer der ted last Toes
day for Arthur where she will visit with
friends for a Week or two,.
Mrs. MoEwing, of PtAntars- ton, spent
Saturday last with her' brother, Mr..J.
H. Moore, station agent, of this plaee.
Rev. said Mre, E. Berry are visiting
town at present. Mr. Berry.wasformer-
it pastor of the Methodist Church here.
Mr. 'John Setling,_ lot 184 eoa.10,--w311
raise a large barn on his farm_ thia aftet-a'
noon. About 12.5 hands' belle been
invited. oat
The Mildmayttaniore wore defeated
in a foot ball match at_ Teakelet last
aturday, their opponents being a natjeh
heavier team.
The culvert on Absalom st., south of
t be railway4ds this week being renewed
with stone. The -contract for the work
was let to Mr. P. Lanahari for $50.
Mr. F. W. Thomas, Principal of the
Mildmay Public School, is in Walker-
ton this week, acting as- examiner in
the scheol certificate exams, now being -
held there.
Mrs. T. B. Brown, of Mount Forest,
is the guest of Mrs. .A. J. Land, in this
village at present. Those two 'ladies
spent the early part of the week with
relatives in Paisley.
in a -week - r so and &keit pesition 4110.-Etellefterverse'4-g-gra eili g
Evangelical Curch, milamat, hem a for operation at the flax ' It would' *-11-4s°111....aatagetwit,- -aott tttv
The Sabbath School of the German 13
this village yesterday afternoon.
s" Y
.stack than the one now in Mildmay
• • A Kleist, 400 feet -plea* • 5 Z.
I - FriziramE;4d13oeti-e"Y4e.r- .................. ......
_ _ .11
vary plegant pin • ; z• itru h- be hard to findtn
mu s s ,neaa argar li,Dietaitteide e laC'eealit "
. TruStees,Balaclalta Pitryi.ng grewid„plot
ertioyable time waa spent ir, swinging, Four horses -wereskillPd--/#-Iig144!ng. tratf?!grEtve ror of Dr. 1661`rison 1 75
tn. a field on lott8, con; 4. Carriat'a dur- truteiMi64;--Taci'u`klacier-lirgt :fSorNoti13!-Bdee H • 28.4 0064:
-et •
We have added to our stock this week
Seventy-five READY-MA.DE _SUITS, -consisting of
Boys' two piece suits at from $2.25 to $4.50. •
• Boys' three piece suits, short pants from - 3.00 to 5•50.
Youths' " " long pants from 3.50 to 7.-00.
Men's Suits 4.50 to 12.00.
These Men's cheap suits are just the 'Ulla* you want and save/your heavier one tor winter
wear. Remember we have them in all oualities at vrices that will sell
them at sight. -
We also carry afull line of Worsteds, Serg es
Tweeds, etc. in order work.
play was well rendered; some of the
characters being very well maintained -
The comedians of this conipany are very
funny so that this somewhat solemn
play is plentifully diveteilitid with laugh-
ter. The -intasic, both brats said string,
was excellent.
Miss Taylor is preparedtto° receive
pupils for instructions on the piano and
organ. Terms' made' knoilen ' on appli.
cation at the -leader= of B. WHITING,
Mildmay. -
Mr. J. L. Titraue, the newgrocer, has
always on band a choice line of grocer.
is biscuits, confectionery, fruits, flour
and feed. Also an Ice cream Parlor
carried on in city style. -
A little soli of Mr. Jute. Holtzman
had a narrow escape from being drowned
in Gissler's pond, in this -village, last
Saturday. _ The little fellow was - play-
ing, with. some other beye,--on a raft,
when an accidental pushzent that into
the water where it was Very -deep. Ift
Jae. Weiler fortunately-hiapened to be
near by at the -timeand isUrrted to the
scene, reaching the boy, who :Was sink,
ing forthe third time. Tfits parroir
escape should serve as a *Lai tkinft-to- the
lads who ars frequently -plait* his
Slangerotieviiiiity. -
.fivetyear.old n -_Mrt,
Jacob Schneider, Met With verytitin
fol accident tiiiondayttafterliotoilasta
He was riding on at:lead shinglee
whieh another boy -was-- the
yard when by some, means he fell off
the wagon .:- The beityy tItheels passed
over hira,, br-ealting his te;41C-bone and,
left arre,and badlybruisi*-hisehOulder.
Pr. Wilson Was at once 11e1 and did
everithing poseible for die little suer
er, who is -now -doing-
Mr. McKenzie hal deaided sip move
his hay -press :MildinsiSelfer the eu-
Couragement he received -frons the farm-
ess at the meeting -last week. On
Monday ',last the farmers - com-
menced hauling hay and on Wednesday
evening the amount delivaaed was tally
150 tons. It is expected that over 800
tens will be sold hero,as McKenzie
Carrick Council. .
Council met in the tttwnship hall,
Mildmay on July 4th, pursuant to ad-
joarnrcient. All the members present,
the reeve in the Chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and con-
Datiing-Fischer-That Mr. Woods
be instructedto examine the ditch at
_sideroad between 80 and 81, bout C,
near Elora road, and have the same re-
paired ifthe sees fit. -Carried.
Woods--Fischer--That the sum of
$25 be granted to gravel the townline bra
tweet' Carrick and Normanby along con.
kprovided Normanby supplements the
same, and that Mr. Moyer be instructed
t�attend to the dotting of the job.4:
• Woods--.Fischert-That the _som of
4,1 be granted to Fret' Beettger to open
up the -ditch along the front of Nos. 11
and -1,9con-10.-.-Carried.
Liesenaett-Fischer--Thtat the sum *1
_$80 be: granted to bun d sheds on- the
agrictilture,1 grounds, and $20 in aid of.
the Agricultural Society. -Carried.
Fischer -That the sum of
416 be granted to builda steno sidewalk
an Formosa. hill, provided thelownship
supeeraentat the smarm --
Carried: •- - • t. - -
Darliegt-Liesemer-That - the clerk
be -instructed to notify Jos. Easter, own-
er -of .pt. lot 20, cona8, to open up a'
ditch. or drain en hissaid land to take
offthe tater from the highway between
Lots 20 and 21 in saki_ con. 8. --Carried.
The road and bridge committee re:
ported the letting by them of several
contracts [as published in the.GAZETTE
last weeek}
By-law No. 12 Ao'ntake .better provis.
ion for the governineat Of pulalic moralsiu -the the townatilptregtilarly read, and
Darling-Lieserner-That the road
-and bridge committee examine the bill
at lot 28, COE. 8-9, 'and report- at tnext
• .
ildmay I:lrug Store.
Pure Drugs and 'Chemicals
All the STANDARD PATENT Pertactettareets,
• And a fine stook of Druggists Sundries, such as
Toilet Soaps
Sponges -
Braces etc:-.
A complete stock of
_Diamond Dyes ahNays on hand.
Buy your Hellebore and Paris Green at the
Drug Store. We guarantee both,
Pi. -Clapp;M.D.
bougb.t 4000 yards af a splendid
line of PDliziArr Fast Color and equal
in TAlity to any I.U1A c. print, which 1- am selling,
- -• at .!rc- arid,sc. About 1000 yds.
still „unsold. Will only last
•about -a week lon.ger.
'llePeatifttn Conli.tLiesemer and 15 900 Straw Hats from 5c-. to 25c
• others praying that -'a free pedlar's
Evers was laid over on- motion of
license be granted- to Joachim Fred
60 Pairs men's Fine Shoes.:
Messrs Woods and Fischer.
yvill take. all that is brought in. The •- The following accounts -were passed •t : at • $1 20 net • - ''
load is paid for as'fast as it is unloaded As. Becker, 100 y-asgrave a
- . ./ JO miler, erevenine- ' * . -46 eo 2.5•:
a goodly stureof money will -be putinto P iStrmteater 10 lb 'split& - 4'0'
eitealotep,, The -ragehin40 win be bete. Felititopabs:811oes-clikftwel. - ' ' a- ak
-.13• Klein 116 yd ..aav '-- -
Pelee Paid is $7 per ton, and as. each and ordered paid':
Mt, waiting laid ea ettt table the in -g the severe thunderstotatt erly osf: IiYirmeli,VgroglgtaAte;tTrot 1
other day throe strawberries of the Monda-Y1°°"113114'. 6f-t1:194-i*imala- -rOdk-tiferat4elingt ahtatmenraletoteenognOiaillese:P"
Heber variety which measOre;c1 each -five. bii°4ged-to 414"::1831cel' the tenant, aild The '-followitg accounts were laid_
Maath 500
inches in their largest eireumferenee and Dna to Me. Jas., -JahaitciatMaidinay, the
weighed. combined three ounces. They soptYnranerceof iiiipthe4 .l'alterth.threTe%eiort.32"./t440:"ahnorsion: rtkatBrameintratitntitak4igtettuit. vi)* 1.5,:50°Cf_
were as lusciou.s as they were large. eahwelio..lutaber acceuat: - 16 61
in the Attrac,* 1res. Co. On-. the same F Ivo* lcit 28, dap 8.2 - ' 5 00
On raotian coancil- adjourned to meet
Morning a cow belonging to-aMr.
wshatiriss:waas feal.soraikilleslewdestbyhtligGhuirtainoseg.towmill-.Acramitsit;:-
L Weaver, lot 19, conClerk
Bt had hjaiast.,
dence struck by lightning:lait SO*:
ars storm. :The hieys.cffl2ug8
and cornice shatter, but noneof
the inmates wertainjured. - The _loss itt
slight, ft4, covered by infitfrannOin:the
Royal. igoidayli storm= also caused a
lose to Mr. Bipsperger, of the 'station
17fildine.Y,' thebarn on -his fann
On the 4th atm. being striick. by - the
erectile Said and Considerably damaged.
The building• -is insnre•d- in >.,tlae
Marne: - ,• _
A very large excursion train passed
throrgh Mildinay last Saturday carrying
visitors to Port Elgin celebration. Quite
a numb er got on here, and by thetirse
it reached its destination the train was
eraercled to the doors, over 1000 people
being on hoard.
There is much talk on the streets co
holding a grand ciVip holiday demon-
stration in Mildmay this dimmer: No
thing definite has been done as yet but
the foaling is gen.eral that- such an oe-
easion would draw- together a large
crowd as nothing of the kind haa been
attempted here for years.
Burtch ts Uncle Tom's Cabin Coupany
gave an entertainment Tinaeit` their On -
canvas -on the Fair eromiar biro_ On'
Ttetda_ y evening to Et,.geoct ttolifiot
, - - -
.attunarnity, en. -ttfOinesaato ethy*offire.
et XX 3. Vi, Green • - •
Wagon -Maker,
Hing bad &Jong, expertence at the_business•.
I feel confident of beingable to gnr.s first-
• class Satisfaction.
Repairing, Proniptly_ Done. -'
yeir are iu want of a goodlig give nae a -call
& CO.
odn6ey 4n; Ad-Ling-
• Repairing of Threshing rnaeliines a Specialty.- All kitnds Of Plow.
• points kept.tonstantly on hand.-
CaSti no made to erder.,- .
Wehave the Finest Machinery Und Most Skilful Workmen aatelare prepared to
give he best of satisfacti n to,eur cask/Met& •
Elora St., •, Mildmay
' -FOR-- •
• Bring in your
DIARY BUTTER for 'which I will pay
A Cood Price
at present. This is what not every
-town has the privilege of. - •
aleni Stj W ARMOUR
- _
- .
:_ittott •