HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-06-29, Page 8t o-Publia 9 -weare —AND— Mist CHN"ER than any JAW" Wireroc4n Furniture our Prices with -Vthers, and -me if we at bW.the RegalarPrice. O#X 'Walnut and Oakhaf-hol& gong strike 0 —AND— styles out eomplete, both -the did'i hi Workmanship and Price. a 0 Owitov&;- or -me 0ozo Anwo, from *)010c.pp wW myrue on, we can.give am we as the 0="= Prodiim -.fquore. F, GORRIE. 6wu as low as'l..ek. 3f&nufaetwars of and Dealers in Good . I -BM Bod1w, Pipesuc We also. Wp a large stock a Sash, Doors, Lumbe nr--and PH kinds of RolladMte-Clialne Oharmx, Lockets, Brooche% etc, at i�(a Bottom PriO-A._ lummer - Is Herea AU goods Warranted as repreanted.- Wtches; 'Clocks and Jewelr planing and Sawing done to Wder- CABE P%ld Groceries, Dry BoOts f And Summer U412P many needs In., the-malat and satisfaetioU guarantee for all kinds of saw lors. Books and 'Dress Goods, and ShQes, Remember me -Plate.- CHA& Wzmn, b�Mdimey C14 fflolm CONTRACTS for - Buildin to&en. Specirlpations, wid estiniatm Hosie%�G Stationery. VD-V_.WCIAL G At JASPE 0-0 Lace Mitts, -A large and well assorted Stock Of Parasols ate. -I am not selling at or i-oiow cost, nor Flour and Feed Store. I iving.back presents worth 20 am gi or per cent. of what you Purchase, cm --get an�rthing you want in that line VALUBS RNITURE Tou, to consisting of but I claim 6nve you the �Summer - suit, Straw Hat, Also tuhHuesof'Confeetions- Nutsand.Fruits, bei4t value possible for Parlor Sniteg. your money on. lee Cream Parlor open daY and evening. Bedroom Srdtf,,s, erwear or an - ng The Famous roller, process four from Summer Und everythi Hall, Schneider's mill, Hildnia,yj -and Stei=iller'E.' -overshirt an- d many other that I,-- otterA preek, raways.in stock. BOYS and YOUTHS Dining room and Kitchen Come- nua see -for yourselves. things too U=srouo to Monti= Furniture, B&rberShopin connection. Havinghad 0, long experience in Shaving ad Hair -dressing, I READY-MADE Office Furniture We have them an am ins position.to give good satidsetidii of all Jas. Johnstonj to an who patronize Ine. Fasy chairs, etc. etr'. Latest Styles, Prices Away Down. and 6"jit" -conveyancer dASPERI It,s worth your while to giv6 us a call. Best Makes, General mer issuer.of eElora St. Milftay.- G. & N-. Schwalm T. LEON IL Pxices- always' Right ng.. Water., INXEA T. eali T WARKE -Rook Those in need of -a Life's NoufMer of ODS Store. The choicest. MmIth's RestirVr. BEEF, PORK, BOTTOM, SAUSAGESs FISH ND r AT LoW'EST PRIC—ES. -The Greitea Mineral Water Known- ALL KINDS O FRESH MEATS KEPT OON_ dly fail to bu ey Pl"S&Utt-04h"aite- Borderings, etc. in the lat- Healing to th6 SYStOm- Also a full Supply of SALT MEA. T -see the goo . ds and get our STANTLY_ I ON HAND. Wall and'Ceiling Papers, will har y when th TAILORING est designs. A large raugL still rices. Highest- Price paid for first-class fat left. Likewise in all other lines. -7By the. glass or in qu&ntitisl. at animals and poultry. QUARTMENT Be sure to Isorz. 's 60ois-deliverecl FREE - to'WA, parts, of 13: L. Call -and get quotations Cho, e lines of Ladies' and Gentlemen's W Grocery andloe, Cream Parlbrof. the village. .0 018 00 Canadian Tweed suits $10 00 to Defor spending a dollarelsewher-ei Gorrie. GRO 14 00 to 18 00 4, HERRINICE& Scotch Tweed Suits S Suit& 1100 Writing Material. You will be repaid for your erge- J. L.; TITIVIU. -trouble. AaAeWoisted suits $17, $18, $20,02 VL ;-THE NEW GROCER hen the blo onis All have blowed -wben the tramp'goes -up the road. Fancy. Goods, TOYS, b -when the, spring chiek thinks he's -old enough pAndj�sfch a of Groceries, its and the B ole"in Novelties, Base and to crow r Foot Balls. f16 and feZ 0 hum eb� -!:best of: ---- -,,,,2 rt1b. ind an 106 Lh�n t =s tt -will Come Fruits of all k a in their season. Also th -To the firm that has the koods and sells th Cream )?arlor done up in CAY stYle. low.- , Took- School Books, Office Books, Hymn au(I v4rdn -ion teed Prayer BooKs of every descripi Ice,oresm, Stiswberries said Crem, Lewonade -M I tit and Cigars. iDLAUGHLIN& 000 Telephone Exchange. a cram Parlor open day and evening. URTER cause ow. _r , . -, PoPulaw "i * prices jibre lu'Weiler's block, Mil(,may. k t' Twee&,�Bl LIESEMER, HENRY 8.11. ki s, of, W-0 st Trade in This has _b!60t -be StTing M ave ever h s' 'had, r WALL R_ �that but erchant - - - manufactu ITailor ever. bef6rje.- I LaV6 --,50M15 rs left w6 I will sell at arga�in ptices.: -C6me and get� sme of them. 'A la complete- sto rge and -Carries 'kh finest lines in n always. on ha' d and* Cana dian. -T-W, 0 -NT_ ANTI� is OL �W_ eeds, Broad loths etc -0 for hich the aran Prepamed 6rn out the choicest axticl,' ill only 30cts. v%er: pound. ric s Pants, Ve ts,. Coats or Suits. teed pure English Green. 1;;ivilffbe paid. __:'ar ken first Cutting 'Done by the Latest Processes, T "M -:p Pure' W- bite, for Grubs. J. Vom bom-E F"M and every Suit'is a Fit. HELwmjB0 I y 'A Neat -anazoomfort T FMST� Cjj0jCE.: Buttery Eggsy Wool and _TT OR _ of choice luud� C014SI&TOG of t 7YT __ . ing part -of lot 1; ciDn.--% in tho'Vownshi Pork taken in exchange. Turnbm T --now under, Wo ber". inalance or -an -th'- 4' CALL AND SEE Premises, so ftftb6r. Imitieu%ft A to Fox TOMT- V!.PjiEBN Druggist and ftationOT9 Bolvwwrolwter, 0 emery tt. Lies Absalom St. GO MILD paid for "d; V _AG Carric;,--k llFARM PRODUCE- W ite, e wall, P r at ffie The crowd R the F .r - y PmqmNid BUSINESS DONM. 'D, A' on all parts of Ou : .-MOntrealL House, Is Daf Issued L -Our dOc 0t k Ve are clearing �4 rmabidbr Ot G_X nd -the United Ste,3s. the GORM. Canada a S e -Loa e&Fr eft G 'T n made on 000 SECURITY0 Be;_jUte� "d Ve a G g� roe ti kinds 0 Good Notes Discounted. ' 4-itT 7- interest allowed on Deposiis ' fj ou �w4xem d References: kfl -4 --- - -- ommerce. g Canafflan Bank of X _Y, th Bwal of -Buffal. P IFURTER 'VI . . . . . . . . . . At G __W 7 7 ;;?grew J, A, T F. 0 a ,i G A, W ON 0-11 C! Next door to W. ay, G RADv,7A—,F, a u d r atteuded to �igLt 8-12a CaY. Gr 6r, C., re. --erz ;_ry Jul c Comer T h e F. CT -1 U L C A11 J0 rTI 0 I -OR F,�F A.I,, the are Regist-r SA' Lot S1, Eorgi For H EGGS from brecding hen SPAN, BLACK SPAXISTI &Ud S DOT-,r,Es, Thes� birds were b_-st bree-ders in Cans;d$. Ls.agshan.—Liseic Wyandottes.—MYerk:' SpazWh.—V-rigbt'E straln. Eggs $1 per sett irg 01 13, .TC