The Gazette, 1893-06-29, Page 7AN ESSEX CO. IIIIIACLE. WIGGINS' LAST WAIL. ,
The Joyous Result of Taking
Timely Advice.
The Story of Sir. Win. Prendergast's Suffer-
ing and Restoration—Given up by Doe --
tors and Believed to be laying he Fin-
ally Reeovers Perfect Heath.
From the Comber Herald.
Mr. Wm. Prendergast, of the tewnship of
Rochester, a former residenvof this village,
is known to almost all in this section, and
is warmly esteemed by all hi a acquaintances.
It is well known that Mr. Prendergast
went through a terrible siege of suffering,
and that few of his friends had any hope of
his recovery. MT. Prendsrgast's trouble
was Chronic enteritis, (intestinal inflam-
mation) and what he suffered at times can
scarcely be described. Hundreds of dol-
lars were spent in medical treatment but
without avail. Sedatives, stimulants,
tonics and external applications, etc., were
successively tried with little or no result.
Brief temporary relief might ensue ; it was
always very brief when the dread tormentor
returned to smite him with fresh agony. In
this condition Mr. Prendergast continued
until last summer, when the physician
frankly told him that his case was incur-
able. The news came as a terrible shock
to his wife and children. Long before this,
after a manful struggle, he had been forced
to give up work on his farm, but there had
always been hcpes of his recovery to buoy
up his family and friends. But the state-
ment that his case was considered incurable
was like a stroke of impending doom, and
his friends constantly dreaded to hear that
he was no more.
Such was the condition of affairs at the
close of last summer and a little. later it
was understood that Mr. Prendergast was
getting better and on the way to recovery.
Lately one of his friends while in the
Herald sanctum remarked, " Prendergast
is on his feet again and as sound as a bell."
Inquiry naturally followed as to what had
produced this remarkable result and we
were informed that his recovery was solely
due to the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills
for Pale People. The Herald had published
the particulars of many remarkable cures
of this remedy, and while not by
any means sceptical, felt a strong desire
to verify s case in our locality,
and accordingly drove to Mr. Prender-
gast's. On reaching the house it was as-
certained that Mr. Prendergast was some
distance away in the field mending a fence.
Thither the scribe wended his way, meet-
ing with cordial welcome and an invitation
to come back to the house to dinner. After
dinner we urged him - to tell about the re-
markable change that had taken place in
his condition. At first he was inclined to
put us off, saying that he hated to think of
the old days of agony and misery. How
ever, at last he told us all he had underarm°,
his story bearing out what has been said
conceruing his condition.
After the doctors had given him up, his
wife, hoping against hope, had arged him
to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. He scout-
ed the idea at first, saying that these things
were all humbugs. At last, more to please
his wife than anything else, he sent to Com-
ber for some of the Pink Pills. He had net
taken them many days when he found they
were giving him' relief. The pain lessened,
his appetite began to return, and so did
hope and confidence. He procured another
supply and found himself growing daily
stronger. He felt that he could walk
through the fields without the fear of being
ttricken down by a sudden pain. Later he
resumed work on his farm and found to his
r.mazement that he could do a hard day's
work without fatigue. In a word that he
had completely recovered. He had taken
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at the outset with-
out hope of benefit, and merely to please his
wife; now he finds them a life boat and an
ark of safety.
De. ,Williams: Pink Pills for Pale People
are manufactured by the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., of Brockville, Ont., and
Schenectady, N. Y., a firm of unquestioned
reliability. Pink Pills are not looked upon
as a patent medicine, but rather a preecrip-
tion. An analysis of their properties shows
that they contain, in a condensed form,
all the elements necessary to give new life
and richness to the blood and restore shat-
tered nerves. They are an unfailing speci-
fic for such diseases as locomotor ataxia,
partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, gaieties,
neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache,
the after effecta.of la grippe, palpitation of
the heart, and the tired feeling resulting
from nervous prostration ; all diseases de-
pending upon vital humors in the blood,
such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc.
As a remedy for building. anew the blood,
enabling the system to successfully resist,
disease, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills sands far
in advance of any other remedy known to
medical science. Pink Pills are a specific
for the troubles peculiar to .the female sys-
tem, giving a rosy, healthy glow,to pale or
sallow complexions. In the of men
they effect a. radical cure in all eases arising
from mental worry, overwork, or excesses
of any nature.
Dr. Williams' Pills are sold only in boxes
bearing the firm's trade mark and wrapper,
(printed in red ink). Bear in mind that
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are never sold in
bulk, or by the dozen or hundred, and any
dealer that offera substitutes in this form is
trying to defraud you and should be avoil-
ed. .i'he public are also ca,utionerl against
other so-called blood builders and' nerve
tonics, put up in similar form intended to
deceive. They are all imitations whose
makers hope to reap a pecuniary advantage
from the wonderful reputation achieved' by
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. • Ask your dealer cell,
for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People,
• (MATS wizEt E FELoNs,
and refuse all imitations) and substitutes.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be had of all
druggists or 'direct by mail from Dr. Will-
iams' Medicine Company from either ad-
dress at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 84-
50. The price at which these pills are sold
makes a course of treatment comparatively
inexpensive as compared with other reme-
dies or medical treatment.
Re Decries a Thankless World And De-
nounces the Barometer and Weather
Some New Theories—Squaring the Circle.
Professor Wiggins was interviewed by a
correspondent the other day as to why he
retired from predicting storms, cyclones,
earthquakes, etc. He said he did so for
several reasons. He could not afford to
pursue the subject further, there being no
financial reward. He had spent all lite
spare time during the past fifteen years in
studying the relation of the planets to at-
mospheric phenomena on the earth. The
press bas persisted in its refusal to :acknowl-
edge his predictions as based on science by
their attacks upon him and sarcasm, in the
face of the clearest fulfiiment of his predic-
tions. This was also shown in its continu-
ally dubbing him as a " weather prophet,"
as if he made his weather and seismic warn-
ings by consulting a mysterious oracle,
when, as is well ktown, he has a horror of
superstition or belief in anything incapable
of scientific proof. Asked if he believed in
the great cataclysms recorded in Genesis,
like the flood and the fall of man, he said
yes,because they can be proved by memin-
ology, a new science he has discovered and
is about to publish. He pronounced the
barometer the greatest scientific fraud
of the century and contends that
it constantly delays ships by failing
when there is no storm approaching,
and not falling when a storm is at
band, and thus causes shipwrecks. He
says since he began his weather predictions
till last year when he ceased making them,
the loss of shipping both in America and in
Europe decreased twentyper cent., but will
increase on his retirement, for no one living
except himaeli can predict the coming of a
great storm , and all a weather bureau ca,n.
do is to telegraph ahead of it. His scienti-
fic discoveries are the new theory of the
solar system, making the sun an electric'
body which hurls the comets through space
by its positive and negative forces, first pub-
lished in his architecture of the heavens in
1964, and it is nova accepted by astroro-iners
-that there is no light in space but only in,
the atmosphere of the planets ; that the.
nearer a planet is to the sun the. lower its
temperature, as witness the snow -caps -oh
the poles of ars compared with_theseTsonl.
the earth ; that the earth posthites ariecorisr.
but dark satellite whielanclipsed the sun,
May 16, 1884, which was witnessed. at the: -
same moment by persons living in,Miehigair:
and British Columbia that there Usteit
gulf strewn in the atmosphere over North
America, constantly running eastward and:
which would always Canes weep winds but
for the transverse surface currents beneath
it; that telegraph wires cause drought and
that the atmosphere -cannot absorb moisture
unless charged wit'h elaetriCity, because there
would be no farce to prevent the aqueous'
particles enclosed from forming drops and.
beingpreeipitated. Hesays electricity exists
only on- the surface of bodies ;- that on_ a
prolate spheroid, like an egg, it will collect
at -the longer axis or poles and in an oblate.
spheroid, like the earth, at the equator,
hence the constant rain within the tropics.
If, however,- there are elevated spots on a
sphere it will collector these, and, therefore,.
on the eart continents. Should these spots
or continents be connected by wires it.may. ers-has twenty-two retail agencies where
accumulate in each alternately. .This his shoes.purChased of them are shined free of
happened this , year, and -America bas cost, as often as the wearer desire.
all -the -electric energy and '.Eurape - The' "foot ccradt," which is .beconiing
it, so that our continent is flooded and. popular in 'Paris, enables the wearer to
17.nrope is burnt up with drought. A thun- readily crowd a number four foot Mtn a
number der clonal that should water the country -
bthree shoe. Only fools wear them.
from Philadelphia th New York -on ceasing. •
telegraph.wires hail its electric energy One Minute tire for Toothache.
perset. and it precipitates hail or flood by Toothache, the most Common- and one of
the cloud becoming a vacuum. Bury all tge the.nnist Painful affections, is instantly
wires, and cyclones and thought, except in cured by the application of, Poison's Nevi -
rare instances will disappear from our con- line. Poison's Nerviline is a combination of.
Asked'why he did not publish his powerful anodynes, and its strikes, at once
mathematical problem for squaring thecircle to the nerves, Soothingthem and affording
hesaidhe had heard -for years that Eerie inr one -minute total relief from pain.
peen governments and universities had of- Mothers try it for your children's toothache.
fered valuable prizes for the solution and he Neviline ie 10 and 25 cent bottles by
was waiting to learn the truth or false- all druggists.
hood of these reperts. he published it -
now five hundred persons- would rise up and An elderly bride was recently married ha
claire: they had drawn the same figure fifty Grimsby, England. Bei name is _Mary
years ago. Benion, and her age is 102 years: .
'him. He said : -..";;!‘If a manlkilliTlibe wife, • $I0 _Worth for -30- Cents44e
probably in a drunken Would notiang something upsnal, but it Seems that isevlial
hint—I-would give him twelve y ra' penal every one gets; who puich,a2e*Mrs. E. IL
iversary Jones" famous. book, "Dairying for -Profit,•.
or the Man's Cow," A leading farmer
writes, q have book on Dairying,
price $1O; practically, Mrs. Jones' book it
worth more Mrs. Jones is known all
over the U.S. and. Ca,nada.7. Her lierd-hait
made a magnificent Sueeess, winning let
prize everywhere for years, also 26 large
medals, gold silver and.bronze e solid silver
cup (value $300) won at Kellogg's New
York sale, bee:ail:11 Silver Tea r.:et, given
by the Farmer's Advocate, for three best
dairy cows of any -breed, also hundreds of
other. prizes, -diplomas, and' Sivedpstakes.
Her butter brings far the highest price in
Canada for her whole os„tput, 6,000 lbs a year.
Any one can makethe same,piefit if they
read, and follow -her plain common sense
methods. Her book tells the whole story,
and can be got by sending 30 oelets to
Robert Brown, agent, box 32I -Brockville,
Ontario, Canada.' -
Frank Austin,. of Eelterly. Ind,, had a
collie dog that was very fond of him. He
was oin on a journey the other day, and
servitude and every yearen the
of the crime, I would tie him up and
with the cat kid to keep the memories of
his crime green. Nothing appeals to these
people like a bit of the belt -thinker. In
this the criminal -has always something
to look forward to." This is how a hang-
man jokes. lir. Berry says it never was
worth more than E5 a week and it killed my
father, my mother and my brother with
shame, and my wife, whose hair was black
as the_ raven before I became an eXecutioner,
is now whiteheaded, all through it. If I
could only undo what I have done I -would
give my riglic hand from off my body. If
the Queen herself would give me the Kohi-
noor or go down on her bended knee I
would not go back to the scaffold again.
Believe me, I never got a good night's sleep
all the tone—unless, indeed, I had some
good Scotch whiskey in me; Nearly all our
hangmen have taken to drink. I never
could hang anybody :unless I had about half a
gill of brandy in me, and then, why I could
have hanged the governor hirself.'
Berry has a very poor opinion of jurymen,
and says " they Etat very stupidly on most
occasions, convicting men and causing them
to be put to death when no such thing
should be done. ,I wonder why we keep on
sending our missionaries and our money
abroad when first-rate fields lie open at our
own doors for the conversion of -jurymen."
There's a good deal of guarantee business
in the store keeping of to -day. It's too
excessive. Or too reluctant. Half the
time it means nothing: Words—only
words. =
This offer to raft:Ad-the money, or to pay
a reward, is made under the hope that you
won't want your money back, and that you
won't claim. theereward. Of course.
So, whoever is honest in making it, and
works—not on his own reputation alone,
but through the lona dealer, whom you
know, must have something he has faithin
back of the guarantae. The business
wouldn't stand. a year w shout it.
What is lackingis 'confidence. Back of
that, what islacking is that clear honesty
which is above the "average "practice." -•
Dr. Pierce's medicinesi are -guaranteed to
accomplish what they are intended to do,
said their -makers give the money back if
"result isn't apparent.
LD'oesti't it strike you that a medicine,
which the makers have SQ much confidence
in, is the medicine for Vim ?
The Soap He Wanted.
The guest at a hotel in the next town,
• foundia the morning that the soap which
helms expected to use possessed several of
the characteristics of the geologil name-
sake of the town, and inade kink.
• "Here;" he said to the boy who respond-
ed:AC the "1 want some soap I can
the dog wanted to accompany him. Austm
drove hingfrom the train, and the dog
so dejected that he lay before the engine,
and the train passed over him.
Dr. Harvey's Souihern Red Pine for
coughs and colds is the most reliable and
perfect cough medicine in the market. For
sale everywhere.
Rose—"Does Mr. Verydull know any-
thing r Lillian—"Know anything ! He
doesn't anything."
even -
A. P. 661
..k.,---e--.-0,,-- -.A.—E----...„ .-
VY er
I -had been troubled five months
with Dyspepsia. The doctors told
- me it was chronic. I had a fullness
after eating and a heavy load in the
pit of my stoms.-h. I suffered fre-
quently from. a Water Brash of clear
matter. Sometimes a deathly Sick-
ness at the Stomach would overtake
me. Then again I would have the
terrible pains of Wind Colic. At
such times I would try to belch and
,could not. I was working then for
Thomas McHenry, Druggist, Cor.
Irwin and Western Ave., Allegheny
City, Pa., in whose employ I had
been for seven years. Finally I used
August Flower, and after using just
one bottle for two weeks, was en-
tirely relieved of all the trouble. I
can now eat things 1 dared not touch
before. I would like to refer you to
Mr. McHenry, for whom I worked,
who knows all about my condition,
and from whom I bought the medi-
cine. I live with my wife and family
at 39 James St., Allegheny City,Pa.
Signed, Joint D. Cox. 0
G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer,
Woodbury, New Jersey, U.
"-What's the matter withwhat you've
gott" enquired the boy.
It's na good."
" It Might to be. -It's the best casteel
soap." - •
" Oh is it ?" sneered tbe guest. " Well,
you take it away and bring me some of the
best castiron soap. Maybe I can handle it
-more satisfactorily.7 =
A New England firm of shoe manufectur-
Cures Consumpllon, Coughs, Croup, Sore
-Throat. Sold by all Druggitts on a Guarantee.
For a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous
Plaster will give great satisfaction. --as cents.
James Berry 'Tells IllExperience in a
When Mr. James Berry, ex -hangman, as
he , styles himself, - delivered two of his
lectures in- Glasgow recently he drew con-
siderable audiences. Learning from a hand-
bill that :this amiable Briton had assisted
at MO executions,, and* lila -hanged 193,
people with -his own hands', the writer took
the place of the timid yet curious citizen
and paid the:penitent finisher of the law a
visit on the first evening. The reason he
gives for his public app
is that
" his experiences lead him to advocate the
abolition of capital punishment:" The en -
hangman is about 49 years of age. Mr.
Berry, who speaks with a strong Yorkshire
intonation, wisely prefaced his remarks ai
follows :
" The position in which I appear before
you requires a little explanation, because
it is the first time an executioner ever ap-
peared before the public to advocate the
abolition of capital punishment." Iu the
course of a somewhat discursive and con-
versational lecture he ran over in detail
many of the seems in connection with re-
cent executions in various parts of the
United Kingdom, scenes in the condemned
A earn on the foot of A. C. Mhthews, of
Manayunk, Pa.,
was carelessly pared, gan-
grene resulted, and is is feared he will have
to lose his leg.
Dante Experience.
Has convinced ma ny that to use any of the
sabstitutes offered for the only sire -pop and
painless corn euro is attended with danger.
-Get alwa.r use none other than Pet= - _
nam's Painless Corn Extraetor, at drug - away with, and if erithinith were censultedr, ooret. pm‘s gamut be it every pm_
gis tfils it juataoluestioa if their would Agree witu tc, _eine cheat. Onqe used. alwairs Preferroa.
bringing out strongly the fact that a man
who had once suffered tha horrors of penal
servitude n,ever fails to express himself at
being thankful he was sentenced to be
hanged rather than to be sent back to the
hulks. Few criminals, he avers, would
prefer a second, term of penal Servitude if
they hasithe choice of tbe gallows. This
fact, coupled with the experience that-capi
1 unishrnent is no deterrent Ur -crime—
, •
Airs. Afaty B. CPFailon
of Piqua, 0., says the Phy-
sicians are Astonished,
and look at : iike one
Have you Catarrh ? This Remedy will relieve
and„Cure you. Price 50ets. This Injector for
its successful treatment, free. Remember
Shiloh's Remedies are sold on a guarantee
Raised from the Bead
Long and Terrible Illness
from Blood Poisoning
Com,pletely Cured by IIoocl'C
Sarsaparilla. '
Mrs. Mary E. 0!Fallon, a very intelligent
Lady of-l'igua, Ohio, was poisoned while as-
sisting physicians at an autopsy 5 years ago,
and soon terrible ulcers broke out on he -
bead. arms, tongue and throat Her hair 41'
came out. She weighed but 78 lbs., and saw
no prospect cf help. At last she began to
is oftentimes absolutely
cured in its earliest stages
by the use of that won-
Food Medicine,
which is now in high
repute the world over.
..CALITTION.19-Beware of substitutes
-Genuine pre red by Scott k Bovine,
Belleville. Sold by all druggists.
50c. and $1.00.
Now ready and mailed free to all applicants.
Carefully selected Farm and Garden Seedsrand
Seed Grain, choice Flower Seeds, clean Grass
and Clover Seeds. Special attention paid to
Corn for Ensilage.
WM; EWING & CO°, 141:10Trge
Gives a Night's
Sweet Sleep and
ASTHMAso that you need nob
sit up all night gasping
for breath for fear o
Dr.TAFTBitos.M.Emcmff REE
of name and P.O.Address
will mail TRIAL BOTTLE
Co., Rochester, N.Y.
Canadian Office, 186 Adelaide Street West,
Best in the World!
Get the Genuine !
Sold Everywhere
WP.1:7- 33 IT
a Boot or Shoe that does
not fit. Why punish your
self in attomping to form
your foot to a boot orshoer
We make out
Boots and Shoes
from two to six dif
EACHERS WANTED to canvass for our
new books. Price low, terms liberal,
S'end for circulars, So. WILLIAM BRIGGS,
Publisher, Toronto.
Electrical Supplies, Bell Outfits, fte. Re-
pairs prompt and reasonable. School and
Experimenters' Supplies and Books.
35 & 37 Adelaide St. W.; Toronto.
Agents everywhere.
Ask for the J. P. King Sc Co.,Ltd., perfect,
ing goods, and be happy.
A well-known Ber-
lin physician states:
"A healtny stomach is
cholera -proof,' K.D.C.
will restore your atom
«ch to healthy action,
end fortify y ou against
holera. Free sample
mailed to any address
Mention this paper.
, -
St. Leon Mineral Water
any Sneerer. Give Express and Post Office address. T . A.
Val table treatise and two bottles ofmedithre sent Free
SLOCUM & CO.. DM West Adelaide Street. Toronto, Ont.
unprecedented facilities for acquiring
thorough knowledge Of Cutti g , in all its
branches; also agents for the McDowell Draft-
ing Machine. Write f or circular, 123 Yonge St.
_U -Successor to Ontario Canoe -Co., (Ltd,
Makers of Peterborough Canoes for Hunting
Fishing, Shooting Skiffs, Sail Boats,' - Steam
Launches. Send 3 cent stamp for Catalogue.
Valuable treatise and bottle of naddictue sent Free to any
Sufferer. Give Express and Post Office address. H. G.
R)OT, Id. C.,180 West Adelaide Street. Toronto, Ont
WANTED --Ladies or young men to take
light, pleasant work at their own
homes. 51 to 53 per day canbo quietly, made..
Work sent by_ maiL No Canvassing. Address
Standard Manufacturing Company, Lock -Box
107, South Framiagham, Mass. Enclose
That;peopre would have been regularly using
our Toilet Soaps since 1815 (forl.y-seven long
years) if they had not been GOOD The public
are not fools and do riot continue to buy good
unless they are satisfactory.
IEEE .AStroNetir.sMo
e 'being: 'now- More murders in _the, -talce-Hood!§ BarsaPOilla; pnCe leas--
proved; could soon get out of bed and. walk.
country than ever—has mainly influenced
a prop! of this statement a
published Visa of persons executed since the
letirI,6i�,tiid _when. --the eke -nu -Opus - for
vilia4 are Aoviii4eAY:91kunes aye,eliminatediti. 18-
.sepri,:that. the ratieoLeapitali;offenees
has 'teen Jarg6ly on Jhe -foofase.
Berry, hosireveriAnot anabolitiOnist only,
-for whatte'vauld de
She says; "1 beeafee _ectly cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
endue -now a welr-woman. I weigh 128 lbs.
_ . .
eatWell .anet`claitieZrorli ter a,iarge ,fainily
My case seems a wonderful recovery and
physicians look at- me in astonishment, as
almostlike one raine.d from the deasi.))
• • •
on IRON FENCING, _or Ornarttental Iron
Works.- Send for",.Catalogrua Toronto
Feicu-and:-Ornamentat:Iron_ Work -4.-- 73, Ade-
laide St. West. _Jos. lati.Manager.
- The Leavill Dehorning blip
perawill take them off with less
Send for circular giving -price,
tt_reosuabmieo_manaud , leetoss. pain than-
'sraY. -
Se S. KIMBALL; - -
sr: Craig Street, Montreak
has met with unraral.
leled success. Endorsed.
by the medical profes-
sion, recommended by
thousands of relieved
sufferers, and appreci-
ated by all who use it,
cannot fail to continue
a success. Besides it
ie", contains all the ele-
ments as a medicinal
water to make it a
success. Write for
Hotel opens 15th June,
31, A. THOMAS,
Hot, 1 Manager
A11 druggists, grocer
an hotels.
Head Office, Ring St, W, Toronto
Dur Perfection Spraying Outfit is just
- what you are Looking or.
-- —
... 6 Go
a co
1- a) 3,
.00 E.... Cr
o = er
Li.- f... g
sa. —r —
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" 't he -only -effective rucans of deQlroTing—the
Aphis. Cankerwerui, Api, le _ arco lio ..ind other
Insects th4 are so injurr .4us to Oren:trds an.
Gardelas, " -
We manufacture the Most complete line of
RUMPS AND WINDMILLS, .both:for pump -
ink water and driving machinery, of any firm,
in -Canada:, It will pay -you -to send for large
illustrated Catalogue before purchasing else -
Mention this paper- Throat% &eta
- - ;