HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-06-29, Page 1© ®t ee t Iiate r tM of E BILNt lallurClork to na.mt i LDMAY9 ONT., THURSDA f9 JUNE 29tk9 1893 N o . CHURCH DIRECTORY. NG LI:SH.-Services at Fordwich, 10:30 a. m.; at Gorrie, 3:30 p. m.; at Wroxeter, 4:30 m. ev. Mr. Brownlee, Incumbent. Sunday Se ool, one hour anti a quarter before each service, HODIST Services at 10:30 a.m., and 6:30 r In. Orange, Hill, at 9:30 p. m. Rev. Mr. f.re:•::e, 12s,bbath School at 2:30 p. m. W S. beau S'-,.i;crintendent. TiR.ESBYTERIAN.- S'rvices at Fordwich at 1t a.,,: :,ri o. 2.,10 p. no: Bible Class a For'. ..c .hj e, -ening. Sa,bhath School a Gc:r. ..15; J:..;.': Laughlin, Siperiutendeu ASI E I-TODIST-Servicesinthe Fordwich Metho ,isr C? „rch,'. 10:30 a. m. and 9 p. r._. Sabo..-: i ;:0. 1 st 5:30 p. :o. Prayer -meeting on Thuri,lay veningz at 7:30. Rev. Mr. Edmunds i,a;t or N, MCLAUGHUIN, MARRIAGE LICENSEES. No w ltner,se r. jui c 1. -:1: to. _.: -.g' St3To, GORRLE. J, A, TUCK, M. DQ IE RE:ft r college of Physicians and Sur- GORBIE, ONT, R. E. CLAPP, M.D. 1 n csaeti VA. and €51.21.it'a4E5C14xni o ADU.A 1 , Toron to University and member Gorge=, ;'hvsicians and Surgeons, Ontario. .'1,can n St., nearly opposite the Liv- ery stable. Urtica in the Drug Store. next dour Carrick. BR'1`:ilnt; 0. MLLDMAY. i„A. WILSON, M.D. TA"UNOIJ ilraduate of Toronto University M-'i.,al C. lege. Member of College of Pit ,,r! as and Surgeons of Ontario. Office-- .esc to Wendt's Jewellery store. MLLDMAY. W, -, HUCK, V, S, Mildmay, Ont. PAUU iTE of Oetario Veterinary College, T 90.1 registered member of Ontario Medical ae,eel u. Also Honorary Fellowship of the eterieery Medical Society. Calls promptly _ocecded to night and day. JAMES ARMSTRONG, Veterinary Surgeon GEAD('ATE of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered member of Outario Veturin- .. y As�ociacio0. 1.,sidenee Next to Methodist Parsonage, .T1,13ERT STREET, GORRIE, ONT. Coruiercia Jotel, C'atner Elora and Absalom sts. Mildmay. neo Steno Hotel is fitted up in first-class style, with large and convenient sample -mils, spacious parlors and chambers and every facility for the entertainment of the traveling l:uhiic. The par is supplied with the choicest liquors and cigars. Free 'Pais to and from all trains. Good Stabling and attentive hostlera. F. X. GUITTARD, MANAGER. Lea 1-1Ur IVE1 Practical Tailor First-class work Guaranteed. Clothing Cut to Order. Corner of Absalom and Adam Sts. Mildmay. IItPORTED SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICE. N Lot 30, con. 9, Howick. This bull was bred by S. Campbell, Aberdeen- shire, Scotland, and was sired by the famous Cruikshanks bull. His dam, Roselinty, won 1st. prize at the Royal Northern Society's show, Aber- deen twice, And she also won the cup as the best female in the show at the same Society's meet ing, besides 1st prizes and cops at local shows. TERMS. -Pedigreed cows, $b each; Grade cows, $2 each. Payable not later than May 1st, 1894. All cows that fail to be with calf will be charged Si. S. JOHNSTON & SONS. To Stock Raisers, JOHN J. BRADLEY FASHIONABLE o °sego- TAILOR 'OR SERVICE.- Thorougbbred Durham Brill. Thoroughbred Large Imported English York- shire Boar. Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar. All the above are Registered and Pedigreed Stock. TERMS FORS _ RVICE.-$1 loch. M. SANDERSON. Lot 31, con. B, Howick. IRE iw rn1 p 4.S jest commenced business in Vogt's Block rmerly occupied by Mr. Martin's ahoestore. L'eir g a practical and experienced workman, I am able to guarantee first-c:lase work in the lat est styles. John J. Bradley, 1Yd ROXETERO FA L M FOR SALE. LOTS 13 and 16, Con. 8, Howiek, (known as the Preston farm,) containing 150 acres, more or less. There are about 120 acres under cultiva- tion` the balance being hardwood and cedar bush. The farm is situated et miles from Gorr -7s and the same distauce from Fordwich, an is well adapted for grain and stock -raising. \ all supplied with buildings, water and fences, This farm i., under the very beat cultivation and is one of the finest in the townshi€a For further particulars apply ou the premises to FRANK DAVIDSON. Fordwich F.O. Eggs For Hatching. EGGS from breeding hens of BLAOK LANo- SIIAN, BLACK SPANISH and SILVER LACED WYaN DOTzrr.s. These birds were procured from the best breeders in Canada. _ Langshan.-Eisele strain. V yaudottes.-Myers' strain. Spanish. -Fright's strain. Eggs 31 per setting of 1.3. JOHN BARNARD, Eggs For Hatching. ``7 pine and Brown Leghorn Eggs, f,1 per set - g. Bir.ls are pure bred and finely marked. First tomo, first served. JNO. BRETHOUR Insurance Agent, Wroxeter o illinery arlETs0 RS. STRATNY iS returned from Toronto and has opened out in her old stand with a choice variety of the very latest noveltias in §0 --Spring Which -- Which she will offer to the ladies of this section at the most reasonable prices. Having had a long experience lu the business she is able to gratify the most fastidious taste. Hats done over and trimmed to suit. The Ladies are cordially invited to call. P It's enough to give a fellow the Mumps to see the way some suits are made —:BUT:— do not run my business. by GIRLS and GAS. -I AM AN - Experienced Workman, and capable of overseeing my business, so bring along your CLOTH, either MERCHANTS, or FARMERS. It don't matter to me where you buy your CLOTH, I GUARANTEE all my work. My PRICES are the moat REASONABLE. I Will Snake Your clothes in the STYLE YOU WANT. Remember my name is J. H. TAMAN, The Reliable Tailor, GORRIE. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. ♦ app monthly medicine for ladles to restore and regulate the memos free, healthy and paraleas No aches or pains on ap. Now used fovea PASO ladies these organ&Bu math.� druggist ;y those with our signature across ot label. Avoid substiCntes, Sealed os ou1_r COMPP4SY. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etc.. For information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO.. 361 BROADWAY, Nisw YORE. EEvery patent taken out bybus �b broin ught befog thepy_ - the public by a nonce g,veII tree or charge in the efricutific Anterirau Largest circulation of any seientifle paper in the world. dnlendidly illustrated... No intelligent man shoriid be without it. Weeds S.00 a rear: -$L60 smoot es rMTall QM ». asp. W0,014, T AT THE LIN S Cas F or Trade. We have Paisley Fac- tory Goods on hand s usual. J. W. SANDERSON, Wroxeter. Rurtch's Pavilion Company. The Peterboro Review in speaking of Burtch's Uncle Tom's Cabin Show, which exhibit's in Mildmay, on Tuesday July 4th, commencing at S p.m. says :— "Burtch's Uncle Tom's Cabin Pavilion Theatre Company, appeared in Peter- boro last Saturday evening. The street parade at neon drew vast crowds, who :heard the music of the band with great pleasure. Tile equipment of this Com- pany is complete down to the last tent peg. Nothing has been left undone by the energetic manager, to insure the comfort of the pleasure loving public. The orchestra, is a firstclass musical or- ganization. The spacious pavilion was filled with an enthusiastic audience who by their frequent outbursts of applause showed that they were well pleased with the dramatic talent which brought out the stirring and pathetic points of this popular old play." In And Around Gorrie, St Leon water at Allison's. See adv. The volunteers are expected home on Friday evening. Miss Pentland, of Dungannon, is vis- iting at Capt. Kaine's at present. Mr. Jae. Leech has been confined to his house by illness the past week or so. Mrs. W. J. Perkins has returned from Goderich where she has been visiting of late. Mrs. Jas. Croskery, of Michigan, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jas. ' oiu:g, here, at present. A foot -ball match between the Har- riston and Gorrie juniors will occur here next Saturday. Mrs. Adams, of Drayton, is visiting hor daughter, Mrs. Roe, and other vela. tives here at present. Mr. Will Taman, accompanied by his three sisters, drove over from Blyth and enjoyed a pleasant -visit here a few days ago. The Methodist Sabbath School will picnic at the River Grove on Saturday afternoon next. A good time is ex- pected. Mr. Gilbert Jardine has quite ill late- ly, but has improved somewhat this week. The old gentleman is over 90 years of age. We are called upon to record the death of Mrs. Wm. Galbraith, which took place on Saturday, after a long ill- ness. Her funeral occurred on Monday last. The death of Mr. Thos. Pomeroy occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jas. Vittie, in this village, last Friday. The old gentleman was about 90 years of age and for the past few years has been an almost helpless invalid. He has resided in Gorrie for a long time and was held in . the highest re- peat by all, His funeral occurred on Sunday, the remains being interred in the English church cemetery, of which clrureh he was a consistent me tbera Mr. and Mrs. Stevens are the guests of relatives in Toronto at present. Frank and Abbie Williams are visit- ing in Bervie. The latter expects to stay for a few weeks. Miss Lizzie Boyd has returned to Harriston after visitingin the neighbor- hood for a few weeks. William's Royal Crown Remedy greatest cure on earth. Guaran- teed to cure general nervous debility ncc natism, neuralgia, paralysis. For sale at eicLaughlin's drug stare, 9� Fordwich, Mr. Fred Mcvloy, of Mile -erten, was here visiting among his many friends for a few days early in the week. Mr. L. Hunter spent Sunday last with friends- Wingham. Lakelet foot ball team cavae here last Saturday but our boys were unable to get a team out to oppose them. Sides were afterwards chosen up and short but pleasant game enjoyed. Mr. L. Koehler, who has resided in this village for some time past, has left for Brampton, where has seeurod a position in a shoe shop. Although a deaf mute, he made many friends here especially among the lovers of foot -ball at which he was an expert. Mr. A. C. Sotheran is about to make a large delivery of Massey -Harris farm implements which- he has lately sold to the farmers of this section. A car -load comes to Fordwich, while at Gorrie, Wroxeter and Clifford stations nearly a car -load each will be delivered. "Andy" handles splendid machinery and is a hustler. would excuse them, but when one was proven weak and groundless there was another formed. They sent for their men, but wheulliose arrived others had struck for Harriston, %'c admit wc took them rather unawares but they had time enough to get their men and face our boys for a little while. However they used us well while in the hamlet and perhaps the Forrdhe ieh !joys _will come here to play the return as ours are determined not to ;__ora again, Friday evening wes very favorable for the lawn social at yIr. Hooey's and went off nicely. There «urn a good many present, nutsidurs being in trio majority. More fit--rrouuids could not be chosen, and its 1 iuxiroitv to the lake enabled those who felt so inclined t,, have access to the boats, Tea was served from 5 to 9 and the Lakelet la dies sustained their reputation in tea line. The Clifford band was iu attend auce and the strains of music rendered was heartily appreciated by all. A tent was erected ou the ground in which was to lemonade candy, amounted to $23. Last winter when all other news wa scarce we could revert to tilt sari 1 i,l here which kept us iu munitic>n. Now we are cut Short. as lir. Lunn- bury with all his earthly possession— a wife and son—wvsterinnsly and nn expectedly struck for suite fc.rt-igu lana onThursday. He spout so n uch money in connection with this fraud of a mill and in other foolish ways that his lia bilities were away in excess of hie assets and knowing he never could -wee.' all his debts decided to leave ail. The hotel here is certainly better without him, as he ran it in an absurd way and it will be a relief to many to know he is out of it. Many of the logs which, were brought in last winter are lying; be found ice-cream. etc. 1 e cee l - The Patrons of Industry picnic was round.the mill and to -day we -:ee tho held just north of this village on Tues - farmers tasting there home. There are day afternoon. Although not very well advertised a large gatJ ' g. ,.7 1-erdri 6C:aateU, and a pleasant time was enjoyed. The festivities were somewhat interfered with by a rain towards evening. Reeve Cook was away with other members early in the week letting con- tracts on the Gorrie sideroad. Wroxeter. The celebration next Monday is the principal topic here just now. Foot ball, base ball and other games will be con- tested for liberal prizes, and there will also be other drawing attractions. Everybody conte. The marriage of Mr. Van Dickson and Miss Gibson occurred last week. The congratulations of the public gen- erally are extended to the happy young couple. Orange Hill, Mr. Jno. Gregg's new barn presents a fine appearance. Few in this section have as fine farm buildings as c.euncillor Gregg. The E. L. of C.E. meets in the Meth- odist church hero next Wednesday evening. The League is in a flourish- ing condition and interesting meetings are held. Quite a number from this neighbor- hood will be spread over the province for a few days on the Dominion Day excursions. The hay crop looks excellent and farmers will be at work upon it in a week or two. Lakelet many round here to vdioi i he owes quite a sum and it is thcngbt they v ill be minus. They drove to Harristori and took the train from there on Thurs day afternoon and: some think he struck for Muskoka or some of the other lum- ber districts. NOTES :—The Patrons held their pie nic down at Fordwich on Tuesday. Haskett will again be proprietor of the hotel here. fie was ,.way Mon day and got a housekeeper...Mr, W allacc of the lith, will raise his barn en Thursday...Six of the pupils from this school will write at entrance this week ...Mr. J. T. Cook, M.Ir. and Mrs. Under wood, Mr. and Mrs. Simmons were iu town on Sunday stein; their relatives the Cook family,Nearly all our burghers were at Mildmay at the meetings en Sunday. Mgr. A. Holladay bought the timber etc. in connection with the saw mill up on the boundary and is hauling it down to theburg. The Hanson Bros. brought down two large loads this evening. An excellent mechanic in the person of Mr. D. Sanders has been secured and the probabilities are that the timber will be put together, raised and the building complete in a very short time. The machinery from Otter Creek is all here save the boiler. After driving all the way to Fordwich on Saturday our boys had to return without playing their opponents. Had the Fordwich boys set forth one reason for their conduct and stuck to it, we Huntingfield. The finder of a child's overcoat which was lost on the 10th side -road, somewhere near Huntingfield, on the morning of the 20th June, will please leave it at the Huntingfield post other or at the GAZETTE office, Mildmay. Mr. Geo. Vegan left at the GAzETT#: office a striped purse containing a small sum of money which was found on the 10th sideroad at the 6th con., a week ago last Saturday. Crops in this section are looking ex cellent. Potatoes promise well if the bags are kept off. A lawn social held at some of the fine residences in this neighborhood, til proceeds to be applied towards repairing the church nheds, ought to be well pat ronized. Second Concescion Carrick. Mr. Wm. Gilmour had a barn raising last week. The sides were captained by Wm. Loth and C. Weak. The latter won after a keen contest a falling plat, retarding the losers just long enough t,' keep them late for supper. Mr. Breen ner, teacher, of Belmore, had one of Litt legs somewhat hurt by an acccident during the day. Mrs. Kidd has had a new kitchen added to her residence on the 4th con. Bricklayers, carpenters, tinsmiths, etc., were on hand, and the whole work was done in one day. nee • r 5...`. testel