HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1893-03-30, Page 4,tt,c7
111131101011T 1E011.
Charles Shipman Committed to
Jail by the Coroner.
Joles States That Her Father Sent
for the Gun to a House Half a Mile
Artv—When Her Brother Refused the
Old Man Took the Gun and Fired Twice.
4ANANOQUIt, March 27.—Dr. Shaw,
coroner of Lansdowne, and a jury were
occupied most of the time Saturday in
holding ai inquest on the body of John
Fitzsimmons, who was shot Friday, and
particulars of which were published. The
verdict was that the said John Fitzsire-
mime came to his death by reason of a
wound catsed by the discharge of a gun
in tbe hands of Charles Shipman. Ship-
man .remained here all day in custody of
the chief constable. He has been sent to
jail at Brookville. Mrs. Joles says that
when the row commenced her father sent
Thomas to a house half a mile away for
the gun, and, when he returned with it, he
we. told by the father to shoot, bat re-
fused. Shipniati then took the gun him-
self and fired twice, once through a win-
dow and again through a door.
Claims Toronto Land.
Rocnesree, N.Y., March 27.—An action
is about to be commenced by MoNab &
Cuniniings, of this city, in behalf of the
heirs Williana Lloyd, against the own-
ers of property situated on York street,
near the corner of -King street, Toronto,
and 11 the claim is established the present
occuPatita of the property will have to
liquidate to the amount of several 'mil-
lions of dollars. William Lloyd was a
pensioner in the English serVice, ,and
assigned back to the ' Goyerntileht h03
elaim to a pension in exchange for a letter
fronethe War Department entitling him to
100 acres of land on the Government
pension reserves in Canada. He left Eng-
, Ismer. in 1832, sailing with his wife and
several children on the ship Manchester,
which landed thein at Bosten. They Im-
mediately proceeded to the village of
Little 'York, Which -was situated on the
presenteite- of the city of Toronto. Some
of the pension reserve lands were situated
In an around Little York, and extended
as far as Lake Simeoe. Lloyd settled in
the village and determined to locate his
100 acres grant on that reserve. His
letter from the English War office was
presented to the Ontario Parliament and
the grant, confirmed. The 100 acres were
located on York street, commencing at the
corner of King, which at present is in the
very Centre of Toronto, and located upon
it arathe,Government buildings, the Grand
Trunleltelreed,headquarters and several
largeAtieinas corporations, and is now
worth'eeieral millions of dollars.
Notes from Niagara.
at the CanitaLG-orrie.
Montreal House,
A. Digest of the Dolnaio of Our slators
°wawa, March 22.—Mr. Casey, of
West Elgin, brought _up Clarke
Wallace's Kingston speech,claim-
ing that if the Controllw of Cus-
toms had been correctly- reported
he had advocated treason and what else
was Riel hanged for? Mr. Wallace re-
plied that he was correctly reported, he
repadiated the charge of disloyalty and
had nothing to take back. Dawson, of
Addington moved that Mr. Wallace in
advocating resistance and using the lan-
guage he did merited the severest cen-
sure of the House. Hon. -Mr. Foster
treated the motion as one of want of con-
fidence in the government at the same
time declaring that the government
should not be held responsible for the
outside utterances of Mr. Wallace. Mr.
IlicMerney supported the resolution be-
cause Mr. Wallace advocated armed re -
miistance to British authority. Hon.
John Costigan, Secretary of State, took
similar ground. He held Wallace solely
responsible and would vote to censure
him for using the language he did. As
a loyal subject of great Britain he could
not do otherwise. He did not look upon
the motiets as one of want ef confidence.
Hon. J. .4. Curran, Solicitor General, a
well known Home Ruler, followed in
the same strain. Messrs. Hughes,
Sproule and McLean held that Mr. Wal-
lace should- not be censured by the House
for opinions uttered out of it, upon a
matter with which Parliamens had real-
ly nothing to do. Sir Richard Cart-
wright supported the motion and Dr.
Bergin intimated that he would vote for
it although he took • his Political life in
his hands. Mr. N. F. Davin, in a some-
what sensational speech supported the
motion and severely criticised the Fin-
ance Minister's leadership in the House.
On a diVision at midnight the motion
apeteeited by a Majority of 31, twelve
goVettirnent supportersevoting with the
NIAGARA FALLS, March O.—Edward
and James Kingston, of Buffalo, the two
brothers who smuggled phenacetine and
anti-pyrine from Canada, were arraigned
Ikturday afternoon and pleatled guilty.
Edward was fined $350 and James $100.
Jame Fitzgere,ld, a well.to-do retired
citizen of St. Catharines, is missing. It is
thought; that he came to the Falls and
contused suicide by jumping into the
Tet.„ _
• ,
The C.P.R. and New York.
Moteram, March 27.—President Van
Mine, et the C.P,R., denies that his line
has *inked an independent entrance to
New 'Wok. slie also states that the C.P.R.
has not acquired the Duluth, South Shore
Kicked to Death by a Horse.
Winieson, March 27.—Solomon Quick, a
well-todo farmer of Mersea, was kicked
on the 'head Saturday by a, horse and fatal-
ly initred.
Mancia 23.—Hon. Mx. Costigan mov-
ed the second reading of his bill to
amend the Civil Service Act but strong
opposition being offered he withdrew
his motion. After recess Mr. Edgar
ister's conduct in connection with the
based his charges upon evidance taken
broughtATdemolipsheeo unaptaCaron,t hrailway-chargespostmaster coma niagainst Sirax general.d
His speech occupied two hours. He
by the Royal mmissioner of the min -
Parliament to the Lake St John and
disposition of the subsidies voted -by
declared that this evidence was most
damaging to the reputation of Sir Caron.
He claims that public money' had been
diverted from its legitimate object to
serve political ends. He concluded by
moving a resolution declaring that a
state of facts had been disclosed which
should have prevented the subsequent
appointment of Sir Adolphe Caron to be
an advisor of the Crown, and which
rendered it highly improper that he
should continue to hold such an office.
Hon. Mr. Curran, 'solicitor general, re-
plied in a speech of equal length. He
quoted voluminously from the evidence
to prove the innocence of his fellow -
minister. Every dollar, he asserted, of
the subsidies voted had been legitimately
expended in the construction of the rail-
ways, and Sir Adolphe had been guilty
of no corrupt acts. He urged the House
to reject the resolution. Mr. Davies
moved the adjournment of the debate.
MARCH 24.—The debate on the Caron
charges was continued by Mr. Davies
who analysed the evidence adduced by
the commission and pleaded strongly in
favor of the amendment proposed by Mr.
Edgar. Sir Richard Cartwright in ft,^
ironical vein begged to introduce a.. e.,t
for the purer and more equal administra-
tion of justice to all classes. It propos-
ed that when a member of Parliament
was accused of an offence he should
have the privilege of selecting bis own
judge and jury and mode of trial. Mr.
McCarthy in a brief speech said he would
vote for Mr. Edgar's motion because the
ostmaster general had received $25,000
We are in the Field with a Fully Assorted. Stock of spv.,Liga- QOODS in
every department.
The all say that our Spring Prints beat anything they have ever seen in -
Our New DRESS GOODS are unsurpassed in quality, design and price. Our lines of Imported and Canadian Tweeds, Surges, Worsted Coatings and
Pantings, will be found the best value in the trade. We invite special attention to a job lins of Scotch Tweeds that we can sell at leas than wholesale prices. We
,ave just opened up a large consignment of GENTLEMEN'S SPRING HATS in all the newest shapes, including Christy Stiffs, Fedoras, Knock-abonts, etc.
READY-MADE CLOTHING.—A new stock of Youths' and Boys' Ready -Made Clothing just received and marked down to the bottom notch.
and with the finest stock of Goods
over of old bat and bonnet shapes.
records, Come early and secure
ENDORSE HOME RULE. from the railway contractors for the pur-
pose of promoting his election and the
huh dinerieans Cable the G. 0. M. Pledgm election of his party in the province of
Ing Their Vigorous Support. Quebec. Said he "there are few of us
who have not been guilty in some way
NRW YORK, March 27.—A message was of contravening the Election Act; but
eabIed to Hon. Wm. E. Gladstone last was it possible that this House would
night.; by the National Federation of refuse to take notice of a gentleman ac-
' Ainerfoe, pledging him their most vigor- eased holding the high position of a
tillfri sitPport in his efforts to carry through Minister of the Crown, if so it was an
. the Home Rule Bill, and expressing alike outrage on the constitution." Mr. Ives
the sentiments of the thousands who had turned the laugh on Sir Richer& Cart:
gathered at the Academy of Music to wright by suggesting an amendment to
endorse this action, and the tens of his Act taking away from the judges all
thousands of Irishmen throughout America 50. per cent.
power to unseat more than
who areloyal to their motherland. of the Liberals in election protests and
The message was as follows:— not to disqualify more than half those
We, the citizens of New York. in mass unseated. A division was then taken
meeting assembled, beg to tender you our when Mr. Edgar's motion wasnegatived
heartfelt sympathy in your efforts to by fifty. Messrs. McCarthy, O'Brien,
achieve for Ireland the long -sought -for Weldon and Calvin voted for the motion.
measnre of justice which we trust God will The balance of the day was spent in sup-
. enable you to speedily carry to a successful ply and considerable discussion was in -
termination, and we pledge you our vigor- dulged in over the expenditure on Ri-
ms and continued support through the dean Hall. A grant of $1,000 foe the
struggle. . TEOMA8 ADDIS EMNETL • • National Art Gallery was passed, and a
MORGAN J. O'BRIEN, vote of $14,000 to Picton postoffice was
a, s . JOHN BYRNE. - carried after aprolouged discussion.
Thisi weinthe keynote of the great gath-
ering of Irishmen at the Academy of MARCH 25.—Mr. Wood introduced a
Hilda last , evening. The people listened bill respecting the inspection of petro-
leum and Mr. Daly's hill to amend the
act respecting land in the Territories
was also read a first time. On Mr. Cur-
ran moving the second reading of the
amendments made to the criminal code
Mr. Charlton moved that the clause
permitting a jury to return a verdict on
Sunday be repeated. utner Members
L,L1N E RY.4!
414 •311. %iii` All
IA* 74f7
the first choice.
Spring has come, and with it our Spring Stock of Millinery Goods, and Miss KiNsier is en hand,
we have ever exhibited in this department. We have added to this Department the making
orders entrusted to Miss Kinsey will be faithfully executed. We expect this season to beat all
We are Headquarters for Choice Family Groceries.
We keep notIhng but the Purest and Choicest Goods obtainable, and will sell them as low as the cheap, adulterated goods are generally *old for.
Our Specialty is TEA. We make this a study. We can and will do better for you than can generally be ebtained elsewhere. Try a sample poem! M
5c. or 35c Uncolored Japan.
Highest Price always paid for Farm Produce.
We desire the correct address of every
intelligent housewife. We would like to
arrange with one person in each town to,
compile a list of such names for us.
For this service we will give a year's
subscription to WOMAN'S WORE for each
thousand inhabitants, according to last
census. If your town has a population
of 2,000, a list of names for it will
entitle you to receive WOMAN'S Worm
for two years, or will entitle yourself and
some friend to receive it ono year each.
If your town has 5,000 inhabitants you
will be entitled to receive WOMAN'S
WORK for five years, or yourself and
four friends to receive it for one year
each. Never a better chance to make
presents. We have speeialblanks pre-
pared for this work, and these must be
sod in every case. They will he sent,
with two sample copies of WOMAN'S
WORK, on receipt of ten cents in stamps.
We can arrange with only one person
in each town or city, and first appli-
cants will always have preference.
Address at onee,
WOMAN'S WORK, Athens, Georgia..
Call on Vanstone Bros., and see the
elegant designs in granite monuments.
William's Royal Crown Remedy
greatest cure on earth. Guaran-
teed to cure general nervous debility,
rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis. For
sale by N. McLaughlin, druggist,
to patriotic airs lay the Sixty -Ninth Reign
anent band, and cheered enthusiastically
when Jtidlea tiorgan. J. 0 Brien, the pre-
siding officer. and Congressman- Bourke
coehran came on the platform, followed
by a number of other prominent men.
• Flom the Governors of almost every State
ils-tlaa.lJnion came messages of sympathy , disagreed with Mr. Charlton claiming it
with the movement for the freedom of was contrary to a Christian spirit to say
eland. ---‘--it would be Sabbath observance to lock
Governor Flower, in a letter enclosing aup a jury when they were ready to rat-
' ' °heck for WA said: "My sympathies der a verdict. Mr. 'Charlton's amend -
with the. cense of 'Tome Rule have often meet was lost. Mr. McMullen moved
• been 'expressed. * that the verdict be received but no judi-
Mayor Gilroy, who was unable to be dal proceedings take place. This was
meant; Was among those who sent the also lost, a judge being a liberty to di's-
• warmest messages of faith in Ireland. charge a prisoner should the jury find
Arhhhishop Corrigan, also unable to be him not guilty. Hon. Mr. Foster moved
present, expressed through Manager Far- a resolution for the payment of two hon -
the -heartfelt advocacy of the priici- oral"' commissioners to represent Can:
for the promulgation of which the
- plea-
rifeeting' had been called.
The hall was comparatively bare of de-
tiona„ A banner surrounded hy Irish
American flap, however, bearing the
" ."11`ow or never, now and forever," trary to the spirit of the independence
oraeiTzin-alpiopriate background to the of parliament act. After discussion the
matter was compromised by an agree-
., Fatah to President Emmett from meat that no salary' was to bhpaid but
,McCarthy availed enthusiasm. it the commissioners are to be rerathersed
ada at the World's -Fair, who might be
members of parliament. Messrs. Laur-
ier, Davies, Mills, McCarthy and Hazen
o sed on the ground that it was eon.
all expenses. The House wentiltia eoni-
ase_lolt_ '" We learn with gratitude
thittee on - the A.etto -amend the Ulm-
'4..ttarts of yotitself - and the Faders- I ince AM -Which Mr'. -Fos* ,analaMetli
ion t
Lance.at the goer
• jaeontm
-help forward the Irish movement. was to preaent any one ,yeirsenn
al electi.on. stock or sharea--tif, Ahiti.'genitlx0271;4- Ther;
Can Get
Up a
We want Young People to work
lor us. Write early. It
Will Pay You.
WEEKLY GLOBE, balance 1892 FREE
We are going to
Co., Michigan, near Sault
Ste Marie.
Well, we have five boys,
we have sold the farm for $5,
000. We can buy. 640
acres between Pick-
ford and the Railway
station at Rudyard,
and have a good farm
for each of the boys
and have money left.
What can a renter do there?
He can 1 uy a farm on five years time
and pay for it with one-fourth of the
money he would pay for rents in that
time, and own his own home.
Is it good land ?
As good as any in
Huron Co., Excellent
tor Oats, Peas, Wheat
Clover, Timothy, Po -
toes and all kinds of
roots. Prices are as good as any on the
lakes, owing to the nearness of the
mines and lumber woods to the west-
What class of people live there ?
They are nearly all from Huron Co.
You meet there so many old neighbors
that you can hardly believe you have
left hotue.
I want to see that land. Who has it
for sale ? Inquire of
Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.
For Maps, Circulars and full par
- -
. . r
e ArNI. _ _ irk iv
• Ter,la 1.-;!1(a 61=9"
ecial Announcement.
-Having purchased a first-class full plate glass Hearse I am in a better position
caothe undertaking of this community -than before, and owing to reductions in
hewholesale prices of our goods I am in a position to give the use of this mag
nificent Hearse free, that is to say toy charges will be no more and some
ess than before.
Furnitt re Dealer and Undertaker
—Ate the work you did- by t holding a predominating 'of ,.-ivieinber of Ontario Schoo;of Embalm'ine.
&vim! eSitniid.e1000i)PpO*19.ii,be- - - • '
Et Rule hill will pass the pr
fk:-02ITY-4*iliA 'm7°1°14114 came- the-dust:mange srr
nunalies had not
° Zhe 041141- - =
gewoue._ Itionm -
:41441' arty. The....r PCt - '-aetase.eosestaittlallt4'..
Altair • ,
' QPnettntity',0tOFF- let
snd4kleittlif4,46teatt-eseanneseataesett-' - " having -aa.. web nieans tbat the 1»11 is
East jlurol Gazette
Home News,
District News.
Th. Beat Advertising /tedium is this -
Have You Renewed
Your Subscription.
for 1893 ?
The $ will be welcome
With the Latest Faces of Type. Most
Modern Conveniences, Rapid Presses
and every facility' for burning out
first-class work on the short-
est notice and M the low-
est prices.
A. Complete
/site Randy
Readers of 0
SIX bombs
Thursday, an
arrests have b
The police o
belief that th
was the result
The pope tee
of Wales, prin
and prince
Queen Vic
The Texas 1
raring the
ate coaches for
LegisA bliallturhase in
the Delaware
thThe e j:ry. honed
at KneTpntrfille
further adjour
The Fortin i
ed in a verdict
wastion sonsf pethneteti
husband, has b
The Brantfor
to endorse the D
asking the On
ftoermvpoet tempera
Kansas, are fig
with much vi
were arrested
Llewelling and
and the town is
The great co
has been settled
Chicago bile
demand ten ho
woended in an un
The Big
ring the Toledo
Trov, N.Y., is
of smallpox.
Rome, N.Y.,
epidemic of mea
The Spanish
reached Malaga
case of Cholera o
The grip is spr
Brooklyn and Je
peat four days th
deaths from the
Winnipeg can
canoe club, with
donald, M.P., as
_ _ The Winnipeg
gaged a professio
He is on his way
Wolf's Crag wo
.eolnslaire handiea
Marcion third.
and carried light
Stanbury has
from Teenier to
Oxford defeat
university boat ra
on record.
John J. Ryan
champion of Ain e
the diamond scull
The second depo
?made in the Ge
Thursday and Ori
the place of the ra
Canadian horses
the West Indies.
Much alarm is
men at Omaha on a
blizzard which is
Nebraska and Kai
entirely unprotect
United States
issued a circular in
ation of animals f
which modifies the
by snaking them i
The troopship
Bermuda Thursda
new regiment for
A new plot aga
lmantgyte andat innasfabeeyornof
The Chinese go
patched 15,000 rep
troops on the wes
vicinity of the Pam
The cloth cuirais
the small calibre b
eessfully experimen
man war departmen
church, Windsor, h.f
fan:: John stGEnraiGy
&Church in Kalamaz
Rot) But ya,e1AT church.y. by
late Jay #Gould in
The Toronto Sa
opsed a refuge, fou
and Victoria street.
Rev. E. Cockburr
ba n appointed
The14*:ilitteurnatto n Reicl
01 the World's oar
nontiec,tion with the
*sou _council on
rhil'ig-7netilvratitsetttedil alt
It 18 xted fron
Mjourn unti
Itve •
• s- sesssessess