HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1893-03-23, Page 2Iladed at every -burn. -The colonel ''POET J4 f 6. b-lood, v�as fed on -at was That ors e ensine TA.VM MW EUPH&M., toward me with uplifted trunk and fierce THE OLD COLONEL F[LLk fee easier and had about,-concluded.the ..wheeL spa a -Beech bad trumpetings. I had no time to spa-ee to take forgiven him. Btave Jack Chiddy? Now don'tyou sneer XOvel Slethod or Capturinghe Animals 'good aim, and so I fired into the open in r
A country of magnificent distances! outh At the name which I own is but har6h to the of the beast. The tremendous recoil Y A Rooky Mountain St017 of the 0. baw'led EIL "Where- is there --the equal of Sorrow. in Indo;Uhlua. of m ir,? Everything is on thelame grand scale, -But 9. naine is a sound -nothing more, deeds Dr. C.W. Rosset, the traveller anl ex- gun throw me to -the ground, and at the Count meh affliction, whether light or grave. are best; same moment I heard my servant fire twice. and man's handiwork here is in keeping God's messenger sent down to thee; do thou s breast. plorer, who is well known for his contrib- BeIna a Truthful Becor4 of the Dowurall th that of the creator. (Applause.) Look With courlte.,;y receive him; rise and bow; nd Jack had thp soul of. a man in hi tirns to ethnography, is now iri.this country. I quickly raised myself, but was un- W. S. Cain, 1',
of a Man with an - inflamed I-agfua' W' And, ere his shadow pass thy threshold, crave able on account of the smoke of my mtlow-He Waxed.,Fat at the Expense or at that stupendous work, the 0. P. RA Permission firthis heavenly feet to lave. He was long in the service of Gen. Gordon see the elephant. Then I suddenfyullf�lot Abel mn.de the a(
a Tax ned,irom (Cheers.)_ No where on this earth is there Them lay before him all thou hmt; anew SAVED BY ABLAZER, in the E gytian Soadan, and of late years he turbaum
niz, Fellow* Uutit He Wa ts wed cheem) Amonc, No cloud of passion -to usurp thy brow, has been exploring in the virgin field be- something graze my face, and I was hurled
ror of IM WaYs. hospitality no wave 4 -
the F , , Or mar thy a distance ot several yards, and lost con. Mrs. Langtry 1
human undertakings I say it stands first, Of mortal tumult to obh- AGaullyTeunls Jacket Awes Belligeren, �ween Annam and the great Mekong River, -
ght- . tdrate sciousness. When I recovered the Cambo. rose have joined
Old Colonel Hendqrson lased to be a Ii ThaVs so$" from the colonel, who was The soul's marmoreal. calmness; grief should Cannibals. where he has brought to light four tribes tearted wayfarer, but he has experienced a grow"u whose existence was barely known beFore dians stood around me. They bad thought Crinoline League
rentbusiastia. be changeof hart, and to -day he takes life Ve Vtbing in connection with that Likejoy, majestic, equable. sedate; E. J. Glave, the African traveller, writes : he rpade them a study. Dr. Rosset con- that I was dead. My clothes were sprinkled *ver 11,000 merr,
Confilruting, cleansing, raising, making free; -In 1886, when leaving England for a three tribute, this account of wild elephant catch- with blood, and a pain in my upper jaw Gvney, wh
most, seriously. H9 is not a military man, roa is on the -same maanificent scale. Strong, to consume small troubles to com- years'jou-nev in Africa, I had. among in convinced me that there was something Attorney Genera,
having re�eived his title from an admiring Consider the rung of some of the conduct. mend Y ing as practised by one of these tribes in,
public by reason of his erect figure and- his ors for instanm (Applause,) Now from Great thoughts, grave thoughts, thoughts extensive ouifit a flannel jacket, gaudily Ind,.Ohina Wrong. I found that several teeth had been over 200 pound
lasting to the end. knocked out, The elphant had knocked genial personality. All along the division he�rle to Medicine Hat, the other end of the colored in bold yellow and black - stripes, The Benongs live about midway be- 'road,
them out with her trunk, and had disap. several rail V known division to the east is -a'h-is-let me see- two inches wide. I packed this away in tween the Mekong River d the Annamite
over which he runs he is universaR an have been worth
eared. Three balls had notkilled her, A
and esteemed. No conductor in th; e4loy is-. The Mother'a Prayer. the bottom of a trunk, deciding to reserve coast in mountaino as, wooded regions. They Seadly wound can only be given when the David 11, Sn
larger stock of iniagina- And here the colonel fell. it for the far inberioi� feeling certain that hunt the elephant to obtain ivory and also ball riter. through tha temple or the eye. prophet, Joseph
of the C. P.R. has a BY THEODORE TMTON., tive yarns, or a in . ore numerous clientele on "Three hundred and sixty-four miles, A mother's holy arm caressed my dusky friends there would be deeply to capture and tame the young animals. A it of the rs1lam for
impressed by'the dazzling garment. As the elephant has keen ftent and
whom to exercise his talents. At all times he prompted in a loud voice, feeling it A babe that laughed upon her breast. great deal has been written about elephant
and sawasons he has, whenever opportunity Then thus to heaven she crica in prayer: A few months later I was journeying 1a1a hearing, a European needs long experience seventeen y(lars.
would be wrong to keep silent when a in hunting But nothing, I believe, about the before he can hunt the animal Buccessfully and has written seemed an "Now even as his face is fair, small steamer on the upper waters of the m,tb,x*of the Benongs, among whom I was The native, who creeps noiselessly in his psalms, the latte
offered, and when circumstances he had so wronged was in deep distress. For Oh, Yjord!'keep Thou his soul within Congo River, visiting all the native settle- the� first European to live for any consider -
propitious, advanced his highly interesting, the first time the lecturer took notice of the As free from any spot of sin." ments on my way. Upon nearing the large Annamite costume, has, in spit of his Queen Tict,ori,�
but withal, grossly untruthful tales and colonel; and walking as near to him as the able time. On March 30, 1891. 1 was in the Princess Beatric
theories on whoever would listen. The From heaven the Lord an answer made: Populous Village of Lulungti I resolved to Benong villaLe of Pumpia, making etlino- inferior weapons, a better chance of success
young Ontario farmer, fresh from his native platform would permit, pointing along bony Behold! I grant as thou bast prayed." render my landing as imposing as Possible logical collections and treating many sick than a European with his creaking boots least one original
finger at him, he transfixed him with a stony Within the door the darkness crept by weariug my brightly striped jacket. I native,. About that time a Cambodian and breceli-loader. TheBenongg kill ele. on's exhibition a
And babe and mother sweetly slept. Oueen's contr4�'Ua
heath, was a favorite victim, but the colonel stare and said in an aggrieved tone: had imagined that m brfliant appearance mandarin arrIved for elephant hunting Al. phants with poisoned arrows, which, al.
suave enough and nervy enough to en- -The belfry rang the midnight bell, y .
was . "Now, look bere, you, I dont know who The watchman answered "All is well.'* would create a great deal of interest, but I the " Leaves:� al
deavor to enlighten in his own w,%y the man though the natives protestd that the �rcs- *bough they cannot penetrate the thick i J
n air of you are, and I don't want to, but I wish had not expected to fascinate the whole ence of a Christian might render the hunt skin, may inflict a deadly wound in ofter her ajesty Q, id
who, dressed in broadcloth and a you to understand that you can't come here A k! at the cradle side tribe into a state of bewilderment. MY masuccessful, the 0anabodian, influenced no parts, as the trunk. In such places the wa ul
The motter knew the babe had died.
ennui, reposed in the parlor car. For a Rudyard Kipll
and disturb my meeting. If you wish to 1h an ild arrival arrested all occupation in the village, doubt by som. poisonous substance, prepared from extracts opinion that oncl
the boys s M. If you e presents I made him, at last
!ong t "v a. e of her bs, acts so violently that the animal bis son L�,s done
gr of tad poemd hem bl child
time, ay, the colonel escaped lecture, come up on the platfor She , 1 h et w street and hut were deserted, and an admir- consented to my participating in the hunt. ust deserts. But his time came at don't, keep quiet. While I'm up here I'll 'ug I la. last s Own r ing crowd scurried to the beach and grouped cc en minutes." ly phetographic i
j h
do the talking. I've been keeping my eye 0 on a stone. and completely tamed ele
TT_ti h _ 1 her slt 'I
lasL Was broken, be, in themselves around me in a, huddled mass. Ten aged "City of Dread
Eli Perkins was on a trip out west, on phant were loaded with the implements for on you for some time, and I'll have you Oh God 1" she cried in her despair, Some of them, spellbound, stared and gaped night, says Kip
capturing their wild relations and with way to Japan, over the C. P. R., and it understand thar, you can't act here as you Why bast Thou mocked a mother's prayer?" at -me without saying a word; others more ba was bef ore Eli that the colonel fell. N1 r. please. Now, keep quiet or I'll have you Then answered he: " As I have willed kets of provisions. An adequate number The Highest Railroad in the World. fearful place in
bold expressed their wonderment in stutter. is hell with the
Perkins was telling of a religious experi- Thy prayez, Oh woman, is fulfilled. of men were got together. We then st3,rted The highest point attained by a railroad
put oub. - I don't wish to have to warn you whispers; neither fiery comet nor noon- remain,
ance, when Mr. Henderson opened the car If on the earth his soul for a region -Where wild elephants are uu- in the United States is in the Rocky Houn Emperor Wi- door and swayed down the aisle. He had again.,' His soul shall sather many a stain." da% eclipse could have held this savage 0 - phoo raphs to an merous. Our animals moved along in Indian tains, 9,027 feet above the sea. Trains on I �l
Is it necessary to tell more ? The colonel ience more thoroughly bewitched; beard- ru,�r yg�
s usual air of just hav- does hot know how he lived through the At thy behest I reach my hand file, and the finest of the lot, on which the the Callao-Oroya line in Peru are now as.
the old smile, and hi inister c
Im. To lift him to the heavenly land." ed warriors with arms and chests scarred by
ing been left a large fortune clung to hi lecture, and the frat thing he remembers. The mother heard and bowed her head, Many a stubborn fight ; women clutching mandarin and I were seated, brought up the cending to a height as far above this great scribed "Nemo r
Pleasant day, gentlemen," said he to afterwards was taking a drink With the Man And laid her,cheek against the dead- their startled babies, and a host (if children
rear. The other elephants had to clear thb elevation as the total height of Mount man wounds me
as, as he punched our tickets. "We're from the east. To -day, air haileen. intima- And cried, " Oh God! -1 dare not pray- watching my every movement. AsImoved way for us, which they did by breaking off Washington. In other words, when a train be may not be a -
not doing much of a business to -day. " There ted, he's a changed man. Thou answerest in so strange a way!" toward the village the dusky crowd follow- the branches of trees with their trunks. On on the Oroya line enters the Galera tunnel land. It also rec
were but a few passengers on the train. rn shadow of a taper's light, cd,� and bore me company everywhere I we went over hill and dale and rivers until to cross from the western to the eastern the rich. tobaccor
Eli and the conductor smiled at each we found a fresh elephant trail, recognizable slope of the Cordilleras it is more than a his carriafe: She sat and moaned the livelong night, went. C
other pleasantly as the were introduced. TROUBLEIN BOOTH AFRIOA- But when the morning brought the sun, by the recent breaking off of branches and mile higher above the sea than the 31oftiest 'The Italian Pri
She prayed, " Thy will, Oh God, be done!" THE INSIGINIA OF. GREATNESS.
Shake hands with Mr. Jothan Beech, of the trodddn herbage. bit of railroad track in this country. Some Lorillard N'pence
An Attempt to Override British Author- Price's Corners, Ontario, Col. Henderson,"' In support of the respect and homage "A halt was made. The animals were stretches of track in Mexico are also higher ago received a Ic
saidI. Eli was dressed like a hayseedout Ity. thus voluntarily extended to me I informe'd unsaddled and the baggage was taken off than any railroad in the United States. cerne, �-,'v-itzerlai
To Those Who Fail.
and left in charge of a nnmber of men. The At present th,- Galera tunnel is the high. were not
-that in the white man's
on a holidAy, and he will probably never A Zanzibar despatch says :-Aibin Said,, the chief " Ngoi" depoEii
lose that indefinable air of the farm which Sultan of Zanzibar, is dead. As soon as his Courage, brave heart, nor in thy purpose fal- land (Mputu) none but the biggest of chiefs rost of us were then ready for the hunt eat elevation attained by any railroad in the fixed time her i
ter Therewas nothing left on the elephants ex- world. Somemonthsago it was reported handed the leuel
characterizes him. As the colonel surveyed death was known his son Kalid gained ad- Go and'win the fight at any cost. were permitted to wear such gorgeous
bispaper collar, waging eternal war with mittance to the palace by a back entrance, Though sick and weary after heavy conflict, attire; with all the dignity and importance cept a came about the thickness of a finger, that this wonderful Oroya railrord bad at pretending to C
his coat in an endeavor to be uppermost, evidently with the intention of claiming the Rejoice to knowhe battle is not lost. which 1 could summon to my aid I en- which was wound round their bodies to give last crossed the Andes. It was on Sept. cau-ht I he w t par- and noted his travelling store clothes thrbne in defiance of British authority. the riders some hold during the violent and 28 last that the first train frorn Callao pass- t I �'e w
The field is open still to tbo3e brave spirits deavored to convince him that the true sign irregular motions of the animals. It was ed through the tunnel to the eastern ride mittled th i
chased to eave better, his bosom heaved, Kalid caused the portals of the palace to.be Who nobly struggle till the strife is done, of officc of presidents and crowned heads by his intense d
and it could be seen the old passion Was on barred and made. preparations to defend Through sun and storm, with courage all un- was such a yellow and black tennis coat. only with difficulty that I could prevail upon of the mountains. Twenty years elapsed fair at -'hicago. him. himself in the stracture, which, besides daunted, The chief of Lulungu responded to the the mandarin to allow me to take with me after the line was started at the sea before Working and waiting till the battle's won. my elephant rifles. Wrapped up in ex the Cordilleras were conquered; and trains
Remarkable county, this,Mr. Beech," being- the finest residence in Zanzibar, is aho ho -nor of my visit by bringing to me presents Ge
he remarked hospitably, as he sidled down very strongly built for defence. Gen. M,%t- The fairest pearls are found in deepest waters, of goats, fowls eggs, pine -apples and hides, these rifles were fastened to the ele- have scarcelv a foot of level grade for 106 The Banjaras ol
into the seat. thews, acting in the absence - of Sir The brightest jewels in the a arkest mine-, bananas, and in'retnrn I gave him some pliant I rode. miles until they pull in to the Galera, tunnel, I through the vory -blackest hour of mid- 41 it was, we bel,
It is that, sir," returned Eli with a G. A. Portal, now on his-- way to Aw cotton cloth,, ads, brass wire, and me 0 Each elephant was ridden by two men. 15,638 feet above the sea, and emerge upon
night be tal gave rise to the
)us farmerish bob of the head. Uganda as British comini Th ne who was called the cap vigor( ssioner to ex. e star of hope doth ever brightly shine. trinkets. turer, rode or the eastern face of the Andes. The stor
At night groups of dancers, young and Etood on itsback. The other mma was the y comes TherWs nothing like it around the Cor- aanine the situation in that country, took a If this were not the loftiest tunnel in the
different parts o1j
prompt and vigorous course. Pr eedingto Press on' Press on! The path is steep and old, loudly sang the praises of the dis. guide, aAd he sat right behind the neick of world it would still be conspicuous as a ner cc rugged, identical, thong
"No, Jothan," continued the colonel, in the palace with a strong forceof troopshe U S Orin e
IOU 8 light tinguished visitor with the colored coat. theanimal. Thecapturerhada longbam- me en of railroad construction. It was A d t d almost hide hopoE boo stick which rebched to the ground, and ri eim is how it ruLs an ingratiating, wbole-hearted way, and as demanded that -the gate he opened, as other- froiniew The natives in this part of the world are ve, through the rock a distance of 3,855 14
to t e Once upon a he slapped Eli's knee he added outhusiasti. wise the place would b6 carried by storm if But u can pag; where other feet have trod- exceedingly fond of bright colored -cloth, h lower end of which was attached a feet. If a train happens to stop in the tun- ',dea- loop made of twisted coco fibre. This loop nel, passengers can hear water from the lar e sum of mo
cally, "and by heavens, man, there's more necessary. Kalid was dismayed by'tbe A but in those early days of the Con go ex.
ore steps may bring you safely could pay nothin
to be seer. right on my run than anywhere resolute attitude of the British, who were througb. ploration such fabric was scarce, anJ` these was attached to a long line made of hide, vaulted roof pattering on the car tops. The else in America." supported by the native authorities general- people had to be content with the color and held by the capturer at about the melting snow that crowns the mountain his property, b The -colonel's "run" was -from Medicine ly, and he *�aw no prospect of success if he The battle o'er, a victor crowned with honors; without the texture; so they smearod their middle and by the gaide at its other summit above it filters through to the ex. a dog. ' Ea
By patient toil each difficulty past, have nothing else]
-,ee these days of bitter fail,,,' bodies with " ngula," a mixture of red pow- cavation. Two channels are cut in the rock will help to watel
Hat, out on the plains, in what is known -as should challenge a conflict. Many of the You th en may end.
the banaum belt," ta Donald, B. C., up in natives symp2thized with Kalid on account But sparred you on to greater deeds at last. der and oil. The daubing of this over any. "We advanced with all speed on the to carry the water out of the tunnel. One
trail. Every moment I was in man took a tendei
the Rocky Mountains, a distance of 364- of British opposition. to uhe slave trade -[Chmbors'Jurnal. thing tends to beautify accordin- to their danger of of them leads to the head stream of an ed friend, with m.
being hurled to the ground by the branches Amazon tributary and the Atlantic ; the his new mas' r fa�
miles. His statement regarding the sights and or other reasons, but they,'did not ideas of decoration. With such 'notions of
e 0
on his division was true, for more diversi- dare to come out openly in defiance of the good form they had no hesitancy abbut of trees. The capturers, the guides, and other to the-Rimac River and th Pa.ific. tempt to run 110n]
fled and grander scenery was not to be found British. Kalid and those who had acted the mandarin knew how to keep out of the It is doubtful if any other railroad for
Jaek Ohiddy- jostling around me and smudging my dog got to his nev
anywhere. -%ith him concluded to yield, and the doors precious coat till its attractive way of danger. Often I saw our guide lie general traffic will ever be carried to so
Brave Jack Chiddy-oh, well you may sneer, stripes down flat behind the meek o the house and ti
We weie-pulling along the,Foot hills and of the palace were thres n open and the For the name isn't one that sounds nice In the threatened to become lost beneath the oily f his animal, great an elevation. The surveys for the
admitted. Kalid was then removed ear; ngula. n a the mountains rose in awe-inspiring grand- troops -American Railroad do ot thus f r in i. could, yet the Bp
and the capturer take hold of its tail and Pan
eur before us. There were peaks and ra. from the palace under a guard of soldi But a name is a sound -nothing more -deeds I remained at Lulangu only one night ride on the haunches of the elephant so as cate elevations at all approaching that of
era are best. and so, ueeing t
vinesi snow capped summits,,and stretches and Hamid, who his been designated heir And Jack had the soul of a man in his breast. the next morniugg I steamed away up not to be scraped ofE I expected every the Oroya line. It will be necessary here
of smiling plain to be seen from ear car win. to the throne, and recognized as such by the stream ; my s trip�d coat had proved a brill- moment to be knocked to the ground. I d there to pass from one valley to another with tticir booty,
Abw. And at that particular polab,-where British�, Was proclaimed by the British Now, I heard you say that you're fond of a ian t passport to the best society of Lulungu managed to keep my seat, however, and at separated by mountain ranges, but the them bidiug their
the wondering easterner is'laipres�ed into authorities as Sultan, and at once� installed tale, and 'had been the means of establishing a last we reached an open, where we found highest points along the line will not be the dry bed of a n
If it bears upon railway -men and the rail.' about twenty and never stopped
silencehis, mind ready to receive -the most in authority under th Briti r et rate. fine friendship with the natives. , My ar wild elephants, young and over 'i,000 feet above the sea, if the results sh -F Ot`e 0 Well. here is one that will suit you, I know, woke up. The I
highly colored mountain stories, the'd6lon. Hamid Brin Thwain is a son of a deceaa- -Though it happened a good many years ago. rival in that gorgeous garments.1 have n eld, which gave vent to their surprise and of re 0 -the p liminary surveys hold good. fright by violent trumpetings. Son h on discoverit
erg greatest triumplad had -been idn ed brother of the late Sultan and was hS!r doubt, is still fresh in the minds of the t America will -always beat the rest
Ali, air," said he ic, Eai,� - I ZrT.-'You to the throne according to Mohammedan Jack Chiddy-there. you are smiling again "We rode with the utmost speed right to wreek his veng
At the name whi villagers, who, having no written language of the world in elevated railroads. The
your sensations. Thlimagnificent scenery law as recognized in Zanzibar, and the plain- ch I own is both common and into the herd. The guides, in order to South Peruvian line from Mollendo to Lake tracted by his str
I store in their memories such events and ima speed, Titicaca attains a height of 14,641 feet, only
is an o4stori-to m ej -but I ell eff,6rt of Kal-id to seize the throne was, Jack 0hiddy,-1 say, wrought along w spur their an Is to the utnio mined to watch hi
can w relmem. ith his i hand them . down from generation
mates to knocked upon their skulls with irosnt -once led the wa-v
ber the impressidn thi'firob sight ofthe therefore, an attempt at usurpation. Gen generationas tribal history. spikes 997 feet lower than tl!e Galera tunnel. The i Year in and year out, on a section of plates. which drew blood. The purpose was to remarkable Chilean Railroad, scratching at the
Rockies made on me. But � would you be. Matthews remains president of the counci I felt very sorry that my stylish garment now nearing
eparate one of the young elephants from t 0 stolen wealth wm
lieve it, Mr. Beech, wonderful a the under Hamid, being the same -place he held simple enough was the work, with no change
was so beameared, for I dreaded the shrinkm completion, which, starting a Ant fagasta,
the herd. I wish to say here that wild el lawful owner. Tl
mountains are, there are places and things under the late Sultan Ali. But to see that both lines were in gauge and ing consequences of washing it ; however, I e- runs hundreds of miles northeast into Boli-
handed- it over to my native servant, phants in fighting with time ones are no via, has its highest point at Carcoto, 12,008 covering his prop
in them fully as interesting to the new Peace has been maintained without a Fas ran e; tena key there, and tighten a bolt, cowards, but they behave wi wrote on a paper
V; I th the greatest feet above the sea ; and it is a noteworthy
comer! break through the prompt and vigorous ac- All to keep fast trains from giving a jolt. Ipambi, with instructions to scrub ofi the debt,'and fastenil
caution, because they seem to be aware of coincidence that -the Trans -South American he bae him retui
If it wouldn't be to -o much trouble, s;r tioiroftheBritisb. The British, it appears, dried it
pasty rigual. When cleaned and
began the other. The colonel wanted were waiting for the Sultan's death, Strange when one thinks where a hero may looked as good as new, except, as I had sus. the superiority of opponents guided by line from Buenos Ayres to Valparaiso is also
rise, human beings. We soon succeeded in said to be just 12,008 feet above the Sea at, fnl dog, f
the iaith
e ted, it was greatly diminished in size to be pressed. Forthwithe was Mr. Per- -as they anticipated trouble, and im- Say at times in a moment betore our eyes, bard as he could g
p king'. mediately upon the Sultan breathing his Or right from our side ere we know it, and the sleeves now. fitted my arm likeasilken Pushing to one, side a young animal and its itshighest point. These results have been
hmppened, just a
D'Ye see tfiat peak over there?" and last, at 10 miKutes before 3 o'clock in the do mother, and immediately several of our obtained by triangulation, but for ordinary
cover on an umbrella, and reached just be.
The work of a giant, and pass from our view. long for a eight of
Mr. Hendersow�of&ted to a distant mount. morning, marines were lande'd from Her low the elbows ; the pockets tame elephants tried to separate them purposes it may be as well to lop off the ex.
had climbed
11 beh'Ind that, Mr. Beech, I have a Maijesty's ship of war Philomel and seized by pushing in between them. The mother tra feet above 12,000, just as some geog- to go and see how L
eBlitthe story,-Yousay;. Well rin coming to up near the collar, and the waist clung half on his journe,
tried to defend herself by blows with her raphers do in 0- caseof Mt. Ev grizzly bear f%rm-raise them for the mar. the entrances to the palace and compelled that tightly around my chest -but it atill.had it erest. They
e Though fwander a little -now where was trunk, which, however, ourmen knew how say toward him..,111e
ket-regularaide-line of mine -sounds queert Kalid to yield to British authority., Th attractive colors. I folded the preolous that the fii,,,are 20,004 feet given, as the at? ed his app h,
-the 0
to avoid. At last we succeeded in separat- height of this loftiest of mountains, implies
doesn't it? Sorry we do not touch ait, the native police, under commAd Let me see. Can yoR catch shining round and garment carefully, and at od it away, to be little whimper o
Of -officers, kept order in the native clear, produced again only' when some ev ing the two animals. a refinement of accuracy in measurement t#
place as I'd like t3 show you through. British ent of
The capturers, who stood uprighton the which it is n' caress him, he cu
The month -of the Brealifigton tunnel fro "Jest herd them like y'do cattle eh,),, quarter and prevented any display of in- in sufficient importance should demand it. of entitled.
J labordination. here I backs of their elephants, now tried to drag sword, crying ont
exclaimed Eli in well feigned wonderment. 5 SAVED BY THE GORG00198 GARMENT. the loops on the bamboos along the ground Pay the penalty
You see it I Well- right on the bank.at the Yes, air, and -right back of there I have thp, Very soon after this I had command of so that the feet of the young animal, which EALOUSY AMONG SAVAGES. Then too late he s�
a raztIesnake farm. I raise the critters for TRE GARDEN 017 EDEN. When qtacking some blocks, all at oace, down an expedition up the Oubangi, a riv ning about in a frightened manner his dead friend's n
their il-d'ye see, and I find it a mostprofit- the slope, er peo. was run How an. African king Seeki to Preserve
ocated in A huge slab of stone from the rest shoved it, pled by caurfibals savage and warlike, and should be entangled. One of the capturers such remorse that
able business. Carious thing about that The pradle or the Human Bace L His Family Honer. and died, The m.
way, during this journey I was stubbornly at. succeeded. The right hind leg of the young.
anakeplace is its climate. Y'see, it's so Alt Sorts of Old World Places. ,
And fell d own on the up line of metalsand tacked. Alonster war canoes, loaded to ster was caught. The line was tightly held The green-eyed monstr has a very firm one grave, and aii3
-onthemotintainathatth6relanodmu. The true site of the Garden of lay. high up Eden has by both the captrrer and the guide. The hold upon the king of Mossi. Capt. Bin- arabad may still s�
the gunwale with stalwart warriors, shot
gerfromthem. They smy frozen stiff about been the subject of almost endless
contro- one sharp cry of terror burst forth from us out from the river bank and wheelel aroand Young elephant felt his danger and tried to ger, who has recently seen him, says that side.
11 mcinths out of tht year, and so cost very versy and conjecture. The three continents all, little -for keeping. I colusider the p of t9e Old World have been gone over by As we saw the hugem my slow-moving little stern -wheeler in flee. While the greater part of the men this peculiar African prince is perpetually A Cam
as topple over and fall We stood as if 'bound, to the spot dumb ;i threatening force'; spears were -brandished tried to keep the herd in check, the rest do- unhappy over the thought that one or an -
well located. Well pan within a couple the theologians and antiquarians- in a vain speech, and bow -strings tightened, and a fight voted themselves to completely securing other of his wives may deceive him. Un- I must let him Of miles -of the place; and just before we search for its most probable location. From Reading hoiToi And doubt in the faces of each. the, captured beast. The fettered captive
seemed un%voidable rn� crew crouched low fortunately he is not able in his hut$ of He says :-I nei�
come to the� farm we'll round the turnedest Chin' to the Canary Islands and from the on his ele' straw to sequestrate the ladies of his house- hook, and when 11
wkth loaied rifles, ready with a deadly re. followed by the lucky capturer
rour.life. Wh Then one of our miteR snat cursions I was ol
turn you ever saw -in _y, sir�" Mountains'Of the Moon to the co ast of the ched a glance at to the challenging spear fight. We phant, plunged to the right and left. The
his watch sponse n hold so -effectively as is done in oriental
audth Colonel' threw out his chest and Baltic, each country has* been the subject thatmadeeach of us were surrounded by ovo 'about in a� circle until it seraglios, and he has therefore resorted to dress. On my hod,
Gave a start ;�;d a look 3rwheblaing numbers it was hiinted
shavedhiscap bauk, "I remember on my of-wAreful search. Every spot in Europe, catch. pressing unpleasantly close on all sides of broke down quite exhausted. The servants extraordinary measures to preserve the fair
on my head a bra
second trip over thi& division my engineer, Asia, and Africa -that could possibly be the At our breath, then a that thrlll'd our
hearts throughw- us. Derisive laughter an boastful threats surrounded it, jumped to the ground, and name of his family. three big glass eye
who was not used to the run, stopped -;place designated in'the fitat chapter of the I The ,Flying Dutchman'is overdue! f and ore cautiously creeping from underneath their Capt. Bingf r says that this gallant poten-
den shoes. fh�
dik up at that place because�- he a of eating mysel w answered all my lea
aw the Genesis has be6i examined and Yet no place essions of peace. I held als, fettered with hide thongs attached tate shaves the heads of his wives, tattoos of lead on my che
red light of his own trrin rigbt in front of has beeii found thaveorreiponds we could expr up cptton anim
even in the Hark! Straight from over the hills
hear stuff and beads and metal ornaments and to their capturing implements the leg of their faces af tei a fasb ion that is not pop- This is what is ca
aral, account A dull, dead sound coming. falat to the ear, promised to change those things for ivory th6 broken-down creature,and made the ular in -his land, and the more repulsive he fish for pea oys
Then a sh trees, so that can make them appear to others the better helmet is screwq
hiWandhe nought it was another string o of the first abode of the progenitoin of the ort. t sharp whistle1hat told 'with its Cars. f slightest degree with the script 1-1 t.
9f - -and provisions, and I told them with all t1i ugs last to the trunks r,
B kam, I shiiuld say'that was a tqrn," human race. . One of the most ancient opin. blast -ht tho c.pti,
y e e could no longer budge. he likes them. His methods seem well cal.
the emphasis at my command that I -Soug through this is p
Dutchir an exe ad Eli, whose open-Mouthe and ions- Tha the was intothetunnel at that giVen.b
-y Josephus, is that,it was last. - - . I . ,peace and not war, but that if they com-P The animal was -kept in that- position culated to saire away unprincipled persons time to keep me al
wik1:4yed -astonishment hugely delighted in, the country which lies between- the need the attack 1 should fire -on them. forseveraldays. The first day it had noth. who otherwise might aspire to steal the af - a rope is tied, call!
r&Way man. mass the I Ganges and the Nile. This vie invigines And there. on'the'raA 1�,y that huge of
stone. However,,my demonstration thi far did ing to eat or drink. The second day it re. fections of the royal ladies. We may well to pull me up out I
JiLdbe -ti Eden as being a very widelv extended coun. And the Dutch Omi4g.thunder- not impres's them, and it suddenly occurred ceiverl some water. ),Y a few believe Capt. Binger when he says that the
-left as, tfic
me he On the third di
man!i behind 0
bille(Fto iing nedf- Donald, wheie Eli was tryj enabricing -41L t"t vast tord ory-whi,ch coat as an mo ed up in this fiaer'
is un -less to me to try my bright colored. raels of food were given to it, and it be. princesses of Motsi are the ugliest women side ; splash, the ii&t&6tulght. �-Beiingthe`endof ded'-on" -the-eas I t 1i Indus and on In a minute or -he would c the. Z. t e- dasb, ome with a .ntroduction into their gan to become docile. Then it allowed it. in the land. see it jetting greei
good graces. I gypt -grea.wa e- -60 and hialhome, lie -s'tef#'pe4 off 46 r urae. �# -And a hundred lives be lost in the crash. hastily dived down into my trunk. and self to be led by its tame companions, -which
Less than twenty miles east of te Paua- feet touch the bt
train- to for Wh;ars'164* e "I 047rden. is IsMid to have been 11-tohe 1 th 0 ace v
-a resh stock of mountain - s in Josephas. places it def� "Now for your life, Jack!" for �Cbl ba tried to console it by caressing it with their ma, railroad, along the Gulf of San Bias,
I ddy snatched up,the -garment, and proceeded t mystrious P1
trunks. On the eighth day of its captivity live a tribe of -Indians who seem to be as in.
d squeeze myself into - it. - The effect was the meraiaids live�
that right.ve-saw-, In valley of �2 V4u flown wn -the bank.and -three -leaps brought him nk; en
iDo as so far tamed that smv sanely jealons as the ruler of Mossi. The o interesting. T
ite icil. A roarof astonishm t greeted the youngster W
wir and- his 'faiiff- - alk m*far ri y 41ek -seh6lai, plac&-� clas% to the stone4 -attire, and the w captain of the port of Colon has recently re -
I eapons, point-,
my changed one could approach it
'AWsharly time;'-sifa -the, em,- I in, i� -ot6is Notfor his wn life, for, wife and child's k a tropical region, p" t sa 0. ed in* ai From thfir description it -might agpear ported to the Colombian minister of finance
-hat ao*�, iterL- igelr-li�aeeohd before, werelower6&
th a Thou ke, bitt the hundredt-t ma 19' do each other in Eap i6s and tho� an& a that the eleph&ut of Indo -Ch a bactw' that -these Indkns will not permit any for-
a tokens of, peace. Ai It is quite c-3mmq
0010M*1 WAS - simply- du oat my' ii& WiMird; cpiofbfind stu, is is n azzlijig garmiall; wow the ��A, il hooits. less animal. Th 6tt� case. When eigner to sleep in. th, e than six inchi
Pt d eir-villages, and it is mor
agrigumarQ nd, dent of E47te t, -1rieF -ah rwas the work.0ta omen -With terrible
r4 , iqui es4 %slibored.for I was,invited. forthwith to. put into the irritated by a wound it becomes -very dan. one of their laws that should ihey be attack- tinctly with ever�
te Ediniin�Ii- South of the- strengt the chi specially to white men. While the ed and in danger of losing their land I caught one onc� 'beach and visit lef, N4isL h of the shoulder,, the alabv
1h This old gerous, e! they
In kebib x4ouiitalwi Bittibalt"Pits-uAow fadvod -wha ppeni aro -in a sort And &heave !y my coa
fellow was much affected b elephant of India takes to flight at the first must kill all their women to prevent them blue eyes, red ba�
11,1t - -1 �4, �ijk nei X - �. -a- 0 at Magi ther deplored- its s�mt- shout, if its wound is not mortal, the Indo from falling into the hands of the- enemy; fins, a black sEripel
way e� 19M -&-when, half-rauffled b6lh U -a. 'd Snp�ed clear of the V tbbugh be at first ra
Id nt -
di Bub li,-Vqu - riev" -hunter.. and the captain adds that they probably ed proportions inese animal at once attacks the
hi smoke, but I explained as wells �1 spots an its tail,
r - " 1p C - - - M -om the � n
ere. 16 fouth of the al the "Dutch- -c Id C�st the tiitui which it W I had an adventure of this sort right after would resort to this extreme measure if &R,
N9 O-Pq - IP tunn on -"y - ii- - 'd eF #Y& charict6rastoad. t
a.! . - olniAhdcl Wey on'--- *hil - , ' i - I . . e odt of as shark follow me ro,
Rev brdl&� -- -
W:Ta�we, he hunt I have described. attempt were made to seize their territory.
mad67 was 61, os was only about ni
4 this - Greeks jlAce'"i tAtBA I wanted to show the Cambodians what Neither miassionmries nor reformers of
There was one sharp oar d a. -mit of terial being e be f--ared. It wo,
tjmw� - whistlej a an no unnecessary ma, M.
he, emioomt ,-on., PAY - played; He was while 1 was out of ]to shmost anxious to.possess a --MR MAX F tory ia bei g- ear on. - ra;j
European hunter can do, and I ttierefore any sort have yet invaded these dark and
d 0 -W of. Wheels, ringin .01 the ialcl a this- garment, and after a great deal of bag
requested the mandarin to allowmeto neglected places. -t are-sk, a shot at the wild herd, which meantime flash go down wit a me I ed u gli4 I sold- it to -him for a task of ivory,
QtTaing smoke -and a �ifittkri jad gleam 7_ -then dowu -f6m.-the aud.never a prouder chief strutted, about an had- retired into the forest. Only after my
f Fleigh O -on and ft , "e, ., - -. - Marley- 'I don't see much in M! IN W(FOU - -- I'— . -. 1:W1--.,; _,- ,�-; repeated assurances, that I should not hold bat,, 'd t c6aa �kiAiaw sto, -blank African h' ot her
village thandidold Ndisidressed him respon . sible for the consequences the to admire." Marie-" Well its n in.0e gaudy. tennis coat. hbr that with dismay, fault.. She has shown ymx all Patterns in chal
-4 -- � - - , - - - m
Of andarin gave
�Aa till ug, g upitar Sagas.
his consent. I took my ri He she dares a -try to o, Small slippers SO]
I w.mv neighbor,!�
and some ammunition, got ready for firing,
Gus de Smith-', I assm you, Mand ordered my Cambodian servant to fol- as he gazed disconsolately --out'in- low me a a distance with my reserve doable and
W"W"w ROMPA., Nmen W.&AWeve-. h ia, Mookizis ale losing fayd
t Fanny, that Cupid's darts have never I -haps you wear Miss barrelled die. Entedug the foresti I saw L white, and
penetrated my heart.
0�wllas to.&." corsets, Mr. de Sn
for h three elephants standing in front of me. WUh evening dress
�b bi a ldt� 16if is h i -he was A litdo boy was asked IaAt mo" Slack satin slipp
h a looked round for my servant, but
text -gro
where to be seen.- A fuR -wa female t
mwq�pl U � [afg i2tre
no y Iry 9 me I A%, gM!"W!q1e-fGOt,
-by,& young �or% rushed eleph ant, followed of* rushed but ew -WQ
Awd -Aid
f guise;
17 Mll-ftL