The East Huron Gazette, 1893-03-23, Page 1• GORRIE ONT., THURSDAY, MAACH23rd, 1893. J. A. TUCK, M. D. M EMBER of College of Physicians and Sur - 1 -v". geons, Ont. GonniE, ONT. JAMES ARMSTRONG, Veterinary Surgeon r_RADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College, %--1 and registered member of Ontario Veterin- a.ry Association. Residence Next to Methodist Parsonage, ALBERT STREET, GORRIE, ONT, N. McLAUGHLIN, 1 SSIIER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. witnesses required. Office:—At the Drug Store, GORRIE. No DENTISTRY. jS. JEROME, L. D. S., Wingham, will visit • Gerrie, the 1st and 3rd Monday of eaeh month. Teeth extracted without pain. All work warranted. CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESICN PATENTS, COPYRICHTS, etc. )or information and free Handbook write to MUNN a CO.. 361 BROADWAY, .NEW YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the eftintifir Parka'', Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man shotild be without it. Weekly, $3.00 a year; $1.50 six months. Address MUNN Puaxjsnnns, 301 Broadway, New York llpouReceipt p'..1"card with your name and address, we will forward you Agents' Outfit and OurGreat Premiu • EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THIS LIST OF HANDSOME PRIZES, WHICH ARE GIVEN IN MANY OASES BELOW COST . . WeWant Agents IN EVERY LOCALITY. WRITE EARLY. This is a chance for the Young Folk. THE QLOBE,Toronto. weEKLy OLOBE, balance aSea FRB& City Grocary, !...1 AWING bought out the stock of MR. JAMES kp,ELang I will endeavor to keep up tne reputation for High -Class GiNtO C RIES, Contectionery, —Staple and Fancy— Crockery, Silverware and Fancy Goods, that my predecessor has so well merited for the last 12 years. —SELTHE ELEGANT— R. H. FORTUNE. VsTEnvanv SURGEON AND DENTIST, WROXETER, ONT. Will visit Fordwich every 7,1.9J:day from 1 ;30 to 4 p. m., at Brown's Hotel. All diseases of domestiretet animals treated after the latest and most scientific teachings of the Veterinary Act. Calls proinptiy attended to. No charge for examining horses. Dentistry a Specia:ty. Just Received by Vanstone‘ Eros., at the • WHITMAN! Breakfast Sets, Dinner Sets, Tea Sets. Everything Fresh and Guaranteed of the Finest Quality. No use to enumerate prices, but call and see for yourself. I will sell as Cheap as the Cheapest. Marble & Stone WORKS A fine Asssrtmeut of Granite Monuments T. F. MILLER, NOV Et 0710EOIM . 'CHURCH DIRECTORY. NGLISIL—Services at Fordwich, 10:30 a. m.; at Gorrie, 2:30 p. m.; at Wroxeter, 4:30 p. m. Rev. Mr. Brownlee, Incumbent. Sunday School, one hour and a quarter before each service. M ETHODIST,Services at 10:30 a.m., and 6:30 p. m. Orange Bill, at 2430 p. in. Rev. Mr. G eene, pastor. Sabbath School at 230 p. m. J. R. Williams, Superintendent. of every style. Also a large amount of the BEST NEW YORK. MARBLE, Vre are therefore paepared to furnish Ointment* and Headstones at GREA T. 'MED Prices. DRESBYTERLAN.--Services at Fordwich at 11 ELM.; at Gorrie, 2:30 R. m.: Bible Class at Fordwich in the evening. Sabbath School at Gerrie 1:15 p.M. J as. McLaughlin, Superintendent. PtAPTIST.—Services in Gorrie at 3 o'clock, -1-' p. m. and at the church on the tInd cups - Sion of Howie& at 10:30 a. tn., and 7 V, in. 1te41, 3 A. Osborne, pastor. ETHODT ST—Servic es in the Fordwich Metho dist Church, at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer -meeting on Thursday evenings at 7:30. Rev. Mr. Edmunds pastor The Lion Store .§1..z consign- ment of Fur Goods and Winter Goods a - 0 Re .11.eidumped over ti$ 1 C0C1 Co worth of IV %Nr poriiri kg Eery faroc,c1 in front of huge Store, Lakelet, Yoe other day, and lots Mora coming forward, ^ , "What are you going to do with all the goods?' everybody aiks. But when prices are quoted they say "His head is level; they'll go quick enough!" The Now PRINTS are exquisite. AT COST PRICE. • To Clear. Lama. Stores, Wo2me)tom1r J. W. Sanderson. In DRRISS GOODS we have a greeter variety hen usual, with trimmings to match. Two job lines of BLACK SURRAH Dress Silk at 51.15 and $1.55, regular price $1.50, Real IRISH POPLINS in beautiful colorings- STAPLES at closest figures. Store full in all departments. We lead them Au in TEA. Try Otir Dried Apples tea Tallow wanted, -willpay yau to CI1I haf ore placing STONE I,stick my head out of a car windpw and they say to me Mr. Alf Williams has been absent in Teeswater visiting this week. _ Miss Winnie McDermitt is absent in Wingham on a two weeks visit. Mr. J. L. Davis, of the Dundalk Her- ald, is now on the GAZETTE staff. A postal card to Vanstone Eros. Wing. hain, will bring you, promptly, _any in- 0 LOOK OUT !" when all the time they mean No.- 16. Mr. Tuck, of Mt. Forest, paid his brother, •Dr. Tuck of this place, a visit :en Tuesday last. Mrs. Jas. Wreen and children re- turned last F----aatirone a sevq weeks' visit in Clinton. Mr. Geo. Knowlton is opening a gen- eral store in Gorrie. - The bulk of his desire with regard goods arrived last night. formation you may Go to J. H. TAMAN'S Tailorshop for a nob— by Spring Suit and Overcoat FOR/ SALM. to monuments. McLaughlin & Co. are giving away a beautifully framed 18x24 in. chrome, with every $30 worth of cash trade. Read their ad. Mr. Fred Edgar had his hand badly crushed, while hauling wood from his father's bush on Monday last. Two of the fingers were much lacerated. Since the late soft weather there has bean another freeze-up which has made the roads fairly good, and as a conse- quence considerable) badly -needed wood has been delivered in town. Miss Nettie McIntyre, of Seafortb, who has been visiting in Mt. Forest re- ceatly, was the guest of her sister, Miss Maggie McIntyre, at the post -office here for a few days this week, returning home on Tuesday. Mr. Thos. Young, son of the late Wm. Young, of Orange Hill, has returned from Hamilton Business College, where he passed a very successful busbies s ex- am. He inteuds to go to Duluthshort- ly to take a situation. A Neat and Comfortable Country Homestead, CONSISTING of three acres of Choice land, bo mg part of let 1. con. 7, in the township o Turnberry. Two acres now under grass and balance in orchard and garden. There is a good six -roomed frame house on the premises, also stables. For further particulars apply to JOHN W. GREEN, Box 10, Wroxcter, Out MISS FLORA JAMES, (Graduate of Niagara Falls Academy of Musie.) 'EACHES PIANO, ORGAN AND HARMONY. J- Theory Explained. Gounro. "This is to certify that Miss James, having completed in a creditable manner the gonna re- quired for a certificate,is duly qualified fey pianoforte teaching, mid is hereby reeommended to those who require thorough instruction in that branch," RROE. A. HIUDBARD. Niagara Falls, April 21st, 1892. Eggs For Hatching. %XI kite and Brown Legborn_Eggs, $1 per set- " ting. Birds are pure bred and finely marked. First come, first served. JNO. BRETHOUR Insurance Agent, Wroxeter, On another page we give a report of the Grange meeting held in Gorrie last week together with the full text of Grand Master Hefinstall's address, de- livered before the Grand Lodge in To- ronto recently. It is an able document and well worthy of perusal. Mr. W. Doig, jeweler, has been laid up the early part of this week. While attending to one of his horses • not long aeo he had his hand scratched by the teeth of the animal. S aturday he in- jured member swelled and became very painful when it was found that blood - poisoning had set in. Under the skill of Dr,,. Tuck, be is now about recovered Ad again ablate attend to his business. Mi. Walter Vanstone, junior member of Vanston Bros, marble dealers, Wing - ham, made us a pleasant call on Mon - slay. This firm is developing a large business in this section, and, as will be noticed by their new advertisement iiz another column, they are laying in heavy stocks of granite and marble • so that their customers may have a large gelection from which to make a choice. Mr. Geo. F. Emerson, of Clinton, agent for the sale of musical instru- ments, bicyotes, ete., was in town yes- terday. While here he sold a beautiful 'Comet" pneumatic wheel of the lat- est design to Dr. Tuck. Mr. E. proposes to work in thig section shortly in the interests of his business, and he certainly carries with him the tact and genial suavity which presages access. Mr. J. R. Williams has just purchased a plant of machinery for the manufac- ture of "Excelsior" packing, and will have it in operation in Gorrie as soon as possible. This will call for the con - sumption of large quantities of bass- wood which would otherwise be almost unsaleable. Mr. Williams already has posters out announcing his intentieu to buy any quantity of basswood, and 'par- ties who have any of this class of tim- ber to sell would do well to communi- cate with him, The Bruce Herald comes to hand greatly altered and improved in appear- ance. It is now a six -column octavo and gotten up in a newsy and neat form. Rev. Mr. Youmans, of Wiarton, occu- pied the Presbyterian pulpit, here and in Fordwich, on last Sabbath, and will officiate again on Sabbath next. He is a good speaker and a pleasant manner- ed gentleman, totally out of harmony with the- "character" accorded to him by some newspapers in connection with that flag episode last summer. Don't neglect tile GAZETTE advertise ments; there's always-soroething inter- esting, useful and isro4table for- you there. This week McLaughlin & Co, have a change; W. S. Bean makes some important additions to his, Van - stone Bros.; the Winghara marble men, Local Affairs. Have You? What? Why, paid your subscription to the GAZETTE JOT 1893. William's Royal Crown. Remedy greatest cure on earth. Guaran- teed to- cure general nervous debility, rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis. For sale by N. McLaughlin, druggist, Gorrie. Barnwell's Sure Corn Cure will cure any wart, bunion or mole. For sale by N. MeLaughlin, druggist, Gorrie. Mr. Howell's latest novel, "The Coast of Bohemia," now running throngh the pages of The Ladies Home eTnurtua, was written in four 'different States. Mr. Howells began the novel at his father's • home in Ohio last May ; continued in Boston in June; took it to the moun- tains of New Hampshire during the simmer and worked at it; brought it to NewYork and wrote a number a chap- ters there in October; took it , back again to Ohio in November, and finally finished it in New York last Deceenber. A.nd-yet, despite all these changes of -places of writing, the novel terns out -.really to be brightest piece of work that Howells has-dene for a long time. WANTED—A good strong girl to do housework, - Apply at thigi offine. The sale at Mit. S. Howard's last Thursday drew out a large ere -yid and the articles sold brought good prices. U you reqUire a monuu ent or head- stone, Vanstone Bros., Wingham, can give you the neatest thing at the lowest price. The magic lantern exhibition on Tuesday night drew together but a very small audience, Those present spoke highly of the lotertainnaent. Rev. Mr. Greene delivered an Mils- trated temperrnice lecture on Sunday evening last, to a large audience. In- teresting revival meetings are being con- ducted this week. -; The Howick- and Turnberry public are invited to call at our showrooms and see oar great display of monuments and headstones. The finest ever shown here. VANSTONE BROS, Winghara. Mr. Geo. Horton has be en appointed deputy -warden, for Ontario, to act dur- ing the pleasure of the Ontario Board of Game and Fisk Commissioners to en-, force the game and fishery laws of this Province - ing the family with him. He has lived here from boyhood until recently, and 7;1 took a prominent place in the earlier days of base ball here, -The best wishes of all go with the family in their new home. • The old Presbyterian church building has been sold to a syndicate of promie nent men here and. will be altered and fitted up as a concert hall. -This a good move, and Wroxeter will liave a long - felt want supplied, while the building has fallen into the hands of gentlemen who will exclude the baser element of entertainments. Lakelet. Everything is boarning here. The saw -mill is repaired, and it is ex- pected that there will be.no more-inter- uptions henceforth. bulmage is selling extensively and the sleigh -loads must be gathering into a small corner. Carl- ton is having an increase in his patrons performing work of the most intricate nature a sample of his genius being put into execution at the mill last week. Cook is building buggies, making win- dow sashes by the score, and all' those who patronize him, find him genial and prompt. Hailaday's sale is attracting people from the adjacent townships, and some go away with an armful of boots and two three, and in some eases eigh't tickets for the concert on Thursday night. The Patrons had a right royal day here on Saturday. The weather was all that could be desired, and most of the Patrons in the Township took ad- vantage of it and by ten o'clock, they had a very fair crowd to transact their private business. , In the afternoon the doors were thrown open and many in around our burg non -Patrons were pres- ent. The Hall was well filled by an at- tentive audience that listened to en- thusiastic addresses by a number pres- ent. Having the misfortune to be ale- '- sent, we cannot go into details but from information from some of those present we hear that Messrs. Pritchard, Winters Johnson, Montgomery, Mitchell and Woods gave rousing addresses. No dqubt after the success attending this their firsttowuship meeting, and the in- formation and better light on the ques- tion, the Lakelet band, which is at pres- ent rather tyeak, will have many more added -fa their ranks. NOTES.—Mr. Southren moved awaf from the place purchased by Mr. -Wil- son, and to -day Mr. Geo. Scott moved into the vacated house.— The black- anith who we were,told made the pre- liminary arrangemeas-te some here de- cided, and we think wisely, not to put The school concert on Friday evening his intentions into force, ,and will try Miss Kinsey returned last week from Toronto, Where she was, attending the millinery openings, and making pur- chases for W. S. Bean, who is this spring making 41, special feature of mil- linery in connection with his general business. Little Clara Clutterham, the seven- year-old grand -daughter of Mr. James McGill, formerly of Gorrie, has won a place in the World's Fair bi her bright intelligence. The family now reside in Chicago and little Clara is a pupil of Harvard Scheel. There was a geogra- phy composition contest in Clara's class the production to be exhibited at the 'fr. World's Fair; Here is what the little _ Canadian girl wrote and it has been de- ected as the best :—"Ralph is going to /have a party,:ittfter schooL We walk north on Hal401 St. one-half block to 75t1i St. We turn West on 75th st.: and -go tWo blocks to Eggleston Ave. Then ., -turn north and walk one-third of a block. Ralph lives on the west side of Eggles- ton Ave." The handwriting is said to be marvelously pretty for one so young. have profi.tebl& news to tell ; Mr. J. Brethour, of Wroxeter, has something interesting to poultry fanciers, and there is a new ad. giving information concerning lands in the northern parts of Michigan. Readers of the -GAZETTE could do a friendly turn to the editor, and at the same tine give • encourage- ment to the business man, by us*, the expression "I sawyour ad; in the GI-- ztrrn,'t when yon go in to deal with him. ' Try it; - • Wroxeter. last drew out a large audience, and the program proved to be of the most enter- taining kind. The children performed their difficult parts with great skill, while the older performers were equally pleasing. Some of the numbers were of a superior order while the tableau was simply superb. A good sum was netted. The carnival last Thursday evening was well attended and a pleasant time was enjoyed. The following prizes were awarded;—Best dressed lady, Miss Newton Gibson ; best dressed gent, Mr. Walter Green ; best dressed boy, Mas- ters Rae and Miller; best comics cos- tume, boy, Masters H. Brown, and A. Rae. The mite race was very exciting, Mr. Jos. Barnard winning, with Mr. Jas, Thompson a close second. The exhi- bition of faney skating, given by Mr. J. J. Sanders, proved a rare treat to those who saw it. There is talk of buying a bell for the village school. We hope it may cul- minate in a purchase. Mr. Jno, Martin who has been ill for some months past is not improving as well as his friends could wiah, and of late he has become somewhat weaker. After the initiation of several mem- bers last Monday evening the Brethren of Montana 1.0,0.F, enjoyed a pleasant oyster supper. The Wroxeter Spring Show will pro- bably be held about the 11th April, al- though, we understand, the date is not officially fixed, A .good prize list will be presented and it is to be hoped there will be good weather and a large crowd. Mr. Jno. Brethour has some fine bred -White and Brown Leghorn fowls, from which he advertises settiugs of eggs for sale in a,nother column, Mr. McKelvie willshortly take a trip to the Eastern Provinces On business connected with 010 Wroxeter Woolen. Mint which he has mently purchased. Mr, Thos, Brock, who has been visit- ing here for -several weeks -past, will some other place wherein to eke out a living....Having supplied all the old wo- men in the township of Minto, with first,class eye -glasses, one of your vil- lagers paid our burg a visit to -day. Judging from appearance, we should think there is quite a commission on the pecks—Mr. Rose, general shoe -maker Las been in town for some weeks put- ting up at Mr. Geo. Horton's.,..The LO. G.T. meetings are well attended now.. We trust its prophesied downfall may prove groundless,...„Mr. and Mrs. Cook were to see relatives in Turnhezry en Sunday..„Mr. Sutherland, Insuraitee agent of the Gorrie company, was in the hamlet to -day, Mr. S. does quite a business around Lakelet....Geo. McEl- wain, who spent- three months round here left for Manitoba on Saturday,- Redgrave. Mrs. John Lavery was visitingfriends in this vicinity on Monday of this week: Mr. Samuel Clark, one of the oldest settlers in this vicinity is moving to Harriston this week, where he is going to live retired, We are sorry to record this week the death of M s, Joshua Morreill after a very short illness. She was attended by two physicians but. she was beyond their skill. Mr?Morreill has the sym- pathy of this neighborhood in his sad affliction. Rev. G. L. _Kiernan, pastor of the Church, has moved to Fordwich. Mr. Samuel Johnston purchased from Mr. Andrew Gammie a span of hand- some colts, eoming three years old, for whieh he paid a large sum. , The material for Mr. Scuff's new boos is being laid on the ground. Abram Bacon was down to Listo- wel on business this week. The 1. 0. G. T. intends holding a box social on Friday evening, March 25th, at the residence of Mr. Abram Bacon* start iilgia;t4y-- City, Miuh., taki.,941004„