HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1893-03-16, Page 4• AMERICA* e, _P.UI t r MONTHLY, ",I7VOMAN'S WORK,' 'FREE.. e desire the ¢orreet address of every ; ntelligent housewife. We would like to arrange lavue Pers ni fn each town to compile a last of such names for as; For this service we - will give a year's agbscr,iption to WoprAN's titi oEx for each. :thousand 'inhabitants, acco'ding to last genses: -If your town has a population Di 2,00k a'llist of names for it will entitle you to receive WOMAN'S WORK for two years, or will entitle yourself and sorlsefiend to receive it one year 'each. If leer town has 5,000 inhabitants ,you w he entitled to receive Wom,AN's Wens for five years; or yourself and four friends .to receive it for one year each. Never a better chance to make presents. We have specialblanks pre- pared for this work, and these must be nett in every case. They will b@sent, tviila 'two sample copies of WOMAN'S Woes, on receipt of ten cents in stamps. We can arrange with only one person fn each, town or cites_ and first appi- cants will always have ,preference. Address at once, Woli4 es WORK, Athens, Georgia. •-••••••••-• if' Fresh oysters at Allison's. mortgage sale OF Planing Mill and Sash and Door Factory. UNDER and by virtue of powers of sale con- tained in a certain mortgage from L. C. Dicks to Benjamin S. Cook, which,willbe pro- duced at the time of sale, there will be sold by public auction at the premises described, by W. H. Newton, auci n-eer, on Tuesday,the 28th day of March, '93 at.2 o'clock, p. in., the following valuable lands and property, viz.: Lots 'umbers seven and los numbers seven ht on the south and eight e of On the north.side of Albert street, in the said village of Fordwich, containing two acres of land, more dr less, save and except a certain portion sold to one Adam Hutchinson. Upon the premises is erected a three-storey frame saw and planing mill and sash and door factory, with one storey brick,engiue and boiler house annexed. There will also be sold,;at,the same time and place, in connection with the said ,factory, by virtue of the sald mortgage and of certain lien or conditional sale agreements made between the said Levi C. Dicks and Cowan $ Co. and .as- ssigns to the said Benjamin S. Cook, all the ma- chinery, shafting, belting and tools in connection. with the said mill, including among other things - an engine, boiler, gig -saw, band -saw, moulder, shaper, mortice machine, blind machine and pane] door raiser and all the other accessories of such a mill. The property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS of &IEWS4'Tb iropialTlitint. on the day of sale and thelbal®nce•'ili^and month thereafter without:interest. Arrsngeitments may be made with the vendor to leave a portion of the pur- cliase'money upon mortgage upon the premises. For further particultirs and conditions of sale apply to B. S. COOK, ' Or to Fordwich. gEvEEa & DICKENSON, Wingham, Vendor's Solicitors. l .reh 6th,1893. - Bargiq Da Vis, CHURCH DIRECTORY. p NGLISH.—Services at Fordwich,. 10:30 a. m.; at Gorrie,=2:30 p. m.; at Wroxeter, 4:30,p. m. Rev. Mr. Brownlee, Incumbent. Sunday School, One hour and 'a quarter before each service. METHODIST. ---Services at 10:30 a.m., and 6:30 p. m. Orange Hill, at 2:30 p. m. Rev. Mr. Greene, pastor. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. J. R. Williams, Superintendent. HESBYTERTAN.--Services at Fordwich at 11 a.m.; at Gorrie, 2:30 p. m.: Bible Class at Fordwich in the evening. Sabbath School at Eforrie11:15p.m.Jas. McLaughlin, Superintendent. BAP/INT.—Services in Gorrie at 3 o'clock, p. m. and at the church on the 2nd conces- sion of Howick at 10:30 a. m., and 7 p. m. Rev. J A. Osborne, pastor. M ETHODIST—Services in the Fordwich Metho dist Church, at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer -meeting on Thursday evenings at 9:30. Rev. Mr. Edmunds pastor. O NO. B R E T t -i O U R FIRE AND STOCK i • S dumped a Re - ss l ei -1 o 4; ment consign - of over M1,000 worth of MsErw i9prir3Z EISV3t Good in front of hlinage's InsuranceAgent N2i171dC1X1i L E1Z. REPRESENTS: " Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. ,Waterloo Mutual Fire Insuranee Co. Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Economical Mutual Fire Insurance Co. . Mercantile Insurance Co. Etna Insurance Co. dive John A Call. Store, Lakelet, the other day, and lots more coming forward. "What are you going to do with all the goods?' everybody asks. But when prices are quoted they say "His head is level; they'll go quick enough!" I have de Tided to give thirty bargain days of nay whole stock of and. SO A..fr ?o -e h 'c its' equivalent. Profit not to be considered in this sale. quote no prices; neither do I mark goods away" up to double price and then make sweeping reductions (on paper). COME and See My Stock, And Get Pees. H. BRAVER. Auction Sale .—OF VALUABLE— The New PRINTS are exquisite. In DRESS GOODS we have a greater variety than usual, with trimmings to match. Two job lines of BLACK SURRAH Dress Silk at $1,15 and $1.25, regular price $1.50. Real IRISH POPLINS in beautiful colorings. Fred onaghy Regent House, Fordwieh, Is Showing a Grand Stock of General Merchandize for the Christmas trade. And in Order to Catch the Crowd, Prices have been Marked down to cost, for the next Thirty days. A Specially Fine Line of Glassware in stock. Dry Goods in every style, the Choicest Lines and the Lowest prices, Boot and Shoes to suit this season. Full Lines -of Rub- ber goods. Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings in Large Varieties, splen- did Furs. Complete stock of Seasonable and fresh Groceries always on Hand. y Bargains- Every Day - Come and Get them, :Freehold Property, Situate in the Township of Howick in the County of Huron. THERE will be offered for sale by Public Auc- tionby the undersigned At the Albion Hotel, in the Village of Forchoich, in the county of Huron, ON TUESCAY,THE 21ST day of MARCH, 1893, atthe hour of one o'clock.: in the afternoon, all t at valuable property commonly known as the hMcLean property," containing about 3.4 acres, more or less, and which may be moreparticular- ly described as follows : All and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and being Park Lots Numbers Ten and Eleven, also Seven, Twelve, Twenty-five, Twenty-six, Thirty-one and Thirty-two, together with lots. Numbers,Thirteen and, Fourteen, on. the south side of Louisa. Street, all in the town of Fordwich, in the comity of Huron, save and except such portions as have been sold to the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Company and half an acre sold to one Hutchinson, containing thirty-four and a half acres, more or less. The said property is laid out in town lots and is ellso suitable for farming and gardening pur- poses. The property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS OF SALE :—Twenty per cent. on the day of sale, and the balance within twenty days, without interest. Further terms and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale, or in the meantime upon application to B. S. COOK, WM. H. NEWTON, Fordwich. Fordwich. P, 0, Auctioneer. CD 0 VI CD 42 A -I 0 4) 0 • r a� rD M CI -1 0 Pi a a) ca 0 4 w.o E., u, .i. ,i, Or -�- . CC C) g-4 b44 catts ro- CD Pi A4' STAPLE! at closest figures. Store full in all departments. We lead them au in TEA. Try our 12ie. Dried Apples and Tallow wanted. Lakelet. Hunter - &ry!:. Hardware 4,1 S€ore, Pordwjh ooien Sroeg. AVING bought the woolen mill stock from J. W. Water- house and moved it into my Furniture Warerooms, I will sell the same very cheap for cash to make room for Spring stock, some o which has already been put in, and more coming, and I am prepared to furnish good woolen mill goods such as �. B. Allison, • Yarns, Tweeds, Flannels, Druggits, Blankets, Shirtings, Sheetings, Underwear, Fulled Cloth, Dress Goods, Ete� Etc., Eto, DEALER IN Groceries, Confections, Canned Goods. Pastry. Toys, Notions-,. which we will sell cheap for cash; or we y411 E 4t11k op d :on 4001 season's wool to good men at cash prices tfr • . Our motto is "Good Goods ' and Fair Deal- ing with Everybody" aoj q3'=itis sba -.0,„ J. R. WIL,IAMS, p , S.—My Spring Stook' & window shades and window poles is now on Exhi- a a4 a theme. oyster s, ? ri..:. f:r .,ti Biscuits, Notions, Etc. t6, traw, a4) : • "E 30 lost. :s,