HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1893-03-09, Page 5VEWS TOPICS OF A WEEK grin:g ta. pnrehase- a -passenger stearef en the United -States to put on the rentA between Clevelaand Port Stanley. 4MPORTANT EVENTS IN FEW WORDS evue ibenare The fire company; of North. Bay- has FOR BUSY READERS. been reorganized: - Kingston' i rate of assessment this year sA Complete Record of the Busy Worlds . will be 171 mills on the dollar: - Ilappenimps Carefully Compiled and Put Toronto Public School Board ask the city council to furnish the sum of $430; into Haudyand Attractive Shape for the 000 for carrying-ontheschools next year: Readers .9f,ORr parer. The reeves and deputy reeves of Dur - finer county met at Bdwmanville and CASUALTIES. passed a resolution in favor of separat- e -Charles Emon was killed while at- ing from the county of Northumberland. -tempting to open a can of dynamite at The cost of the new court house of Ox- 1asx1, Wis. ford county is $109,949.77. A. J. Brown, Fireman .Lee and Brakemen Walker contractor, of Toronto, has put in a bill and Donnelly were fatally injured in for $16,368 for extras, over which there Cinc'inna i :hy atcollision. is a dispute. Tyro men were killed and two prob- At a special meeting of the. Toronto ably fatally injured by the explosion of council Friday, Dr. Allen the medical oa lecomotive at McKinnes, Pa. health officer, was dismissed from his office by a vote of 14 to 9, on the ground that his conduct of the department had not been in the interests of the city. John .elaspie, a millionaire lumber- man and horse owner of Stillwater, inn.. was killed in a railway accident. The 2 -year-old son - of H. I. Kenny, Conlenge, Que., was choked to death, by a saeall•screw nail which lodged in bra thrpast. In a mill near Amherst, N.S., Thurs- day, Andrew Olsen became entangled in a belt and received injuries from which he died in four "hours. The family of Alexander Kennedy, ;Kemptville, were poisoned by porridge of which they partook Saturday morn- ing. Mr. Kennedy died and the others _are in a critical condition. The ground under the town of Sand - gate, county, of Kent. England, sank several feet Saturday and great terror was caused among the inhabitat Many houses were -destroyed or badly damaged, but nobody was killed. A very destructive cyclone visited various parts of Georgiaand Mississippi on Saturday. Nine bodies had been re - .covered ,from `-the r- ins in Mississippi ". .up to last night, and eighteen dead and pinny us ed are epq_;°ted.in.Georgia. Thomas -White of Toronto killed him - „Self Sunday night by taking carbolic acid. Mr. John Dingle, a well-known resi- - „dent of Oshawa; comm itted suicide yes- enrday by gauging, At Sheet Harbor, N.S., Capt Fred. Henry committed - suicide by hanging himself with a'skate strap. MARITIME MATTERS. The overdue steamship Neronic has not yet beenreported.. The steamship City of Paris hereafter sails under the United States flag, and will be known as the "Paris. A vessel called the Cacique was sunk in a_collision-in the English- channel on Thursday_ night. It is thought thirteen lives were lost. A new company has been formed , of Toronto and American capitalists to run four steamers between Toronto -and Montreal during the coming season. News has reached San Francisco of the loss of the barque Lady Sampson, bound from Sydney, 117.S. JP., to Hono- lulu with coal. The captain, his wife and part of the crew reached Honolulu by a small boat, and were almost starved to death. The balance of the crew are supposed to be lost. - TARIFF TOPICS. At the meeting of the Patrons of In- dustry in Toronto a resolution in favor of the removal of duties on British goods.. was introduced and adopted. The government has made a concession to the binder twine combine by reducing the duty on rove, - their raw material, from 20 per cent. to 10 per cent. The U. S. Judiciary committee has re, commended that the duty on imported liquors be reduced from $2.59ta $1 per gallon, and -that - thetariff on all goods A man giving the name of Frank La be reduced whenever it is found that Page shot himself through the head at they are influenced by atrust or combin- Niagara Falls, Ont., Sunday and died in ation. Admit time. - A Paris despatch says that the Gov. Augusta Erricson, a Swedish servant, ernment commission appointed to in - 25 years old, threw herself before an en- -quire into the matter has discovered that - gine on the elevatedroad at Third enema since the high tariff' cameinto- effect, sand Twenty-thirdtreet, New York, about a year ago,over four million francs had was instantly killed. worth of Swiss : watches have been A young private -who had been strucksmuggled into France. , .several times by -a corporal on the par- - MISCELLANEOUS. -- ode ground jumped from a high rock at The Lingham gold mine in Belmont, r Ebrenbreitstein, and was dashed to pieces Nastings county, is proving highly ,on the enormous boulders below. profitable. The 7 -year-old sonof Mr. Henry Cook, ,The divorce application of Mr. James ,of East Selkirk, Man., - playing with a Balfour, of Hamilton, has passed the -b: -o h :r, twisted around his neck a rope Senate Committee. ° :